《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch.7 A Reaper Soon To Come


The morning finally arrived, the forest was full of mist and humid. For only being the beginning of the day it was quite hot already. Jumping down from the tree, Eradin remembered what happened last night. Night time in the forest was seriously no joke, with his sensory skills used to the limit, Eradin barely got any sleep that night due to the constant sounds of predator and prey alike through out the night. Multiple times, the wolf pack returned underneath the tree while chasing down prey twice the size of themselves, and at the moment, Eradin knew that he had no way of surviving if he encountered them, but they appeared to be nocturnal... for now.

Looking up at the sky, Eradin noticed countless black and gray clouds billowed, threatening to cause a down pour of rain and lightning. But that didn't deter him from his goals for today. Today is the day I stockpile food, water, and most importantly....exp thought Eradin. For that was his goal, after realizing just how weak and pitiful he was to the full might of the forest, this was his first goal, to conquer as many of the Lords of the Forest as he could, and if possible, while doing so, he might encounter other adventurers or even a merchant caravan if he stumbled onto a path and be able to leave the forest, but until then, aside from getting food and water, training and exp grinding was at the top of the list of priorities.

Summoning the Death Gods Scythe from his body, Eradin entered into his makeshift stance and began to hunt, although he could probably go for months without food or water due to his True God crafted body, Eradin was originally human and wanted to atleast have it in the event he needed it or someone else needed it, if they even were willing to talk with him that is. Ever so slowly Eradin looked at all the countless tracks left by the beasts that night and attempted to make light of them and follow the ones that looked like they were of animals the beasts would hunt.

More than half a day later... [Skill Gained: Tracking 1/10] you have learned a skill that belongs to [Ranger Class] ]

Eradin sucked in a cold breath of air, then he began to laugh at his ignorance, Eradin was so enthralled in his ignorance he began to speak to himself and anyone would find someone speaking to themselves loudly very eccentric, "So thats how it works, the trait only mentioned that because I am the Cursed Hero, I could gain experience from any sources other than killing monsters or crafting. But if I think about it in a complete different mind set, I can gain experience from any source meaning that source is a different class. So maybe all the skills I had learned until now were general skills and class specific skills and I am able to learn the skills of other classes. Which logically speaking a Hero is supposed to be a cheat that breaks the common sense of the world. Interesting, there is much to research in order to most efficiently gain the power to kill the corrupted Gods."

Once again following the tracks, Eradin found an open clearing, with the prey, the original track print looked like a disfigured hoof mark, and that was in line with what Eradin saw. Before him was what looked to be some type of mix between a cow, and a pig... possibly... it was hard to tell when he didn't have any sort of skill for appraisal, and the system just called it what ever he thought it was when it died so that was of no help. The level of the said beast was 8 so it wouldn't be a source of much experience for Eradin who was level six and needed double the experience a normal level 6 would need to level. Slowly Eradin crouched down to the ground. Using all his sensory skills, he searched the area for anything that might cause any problems with his attempt at killing what he would call the Hybrid Cow as it looked more like a cow than a pig. The pig-like parts, were that it had tusks and pigs tail. Other than that, it was a normal Cow-like animal.


Using [Inner Body Perception] Eradin first observed its movements, and looked at the outline of its body studying it, Eradin had done it without thinking until now but from contemplation he realized that he really wouldn't be able to use [Night Vision] because if he were to use [Inner Body Perception] at night, his eyes would be closed in order to see the outlines and fight with the outline as a guide of where to strike which was what he planned on doing here. Eradin used [Complete Aura Concealment] while approaching its blind spot, once it was in range of his weapon, Eradin quickly dispatched of the said beast by slashing its head in an over-head arc that quickly decapitated it. All of this was done with his eyes closed, the only problem is that Eradin had to remember where everything that wasn't a living entity was before he closed his eyes. Doing so was easy because of his curses but it increased the amount of pain he felt in his head.

[Souls Absorbed: 1 Soul Points: 3]

[Exp: 41%/100%)

With blood spewing out of the body Eradin realized he had a problem, he couldn't dismantle the beast with a giant ten foot tall scythe and he had no such experience in dismantling. With a split second decision Eradin, found a pointed rock that resembled the closest to a knife he could find and began to skin the beast to the best of his ability, but with no such luck, the hide was ruined from his attempt. It was all bloodied and full of holes or broke down into strips. It was worthless. The meat itself wasn't a problem to take out, and Eradin stored all of it in his magic bag.

Looking at the few strips, Eradin was enlightened. This may actually work in the end and not be wasted. If I can learn [Inner Body Perception] then why can't I switch the view I see from the inner body of an entity to the so called inner world as well. Grabbing multiple hide strips, Eradin stored them with the meat within his magic bag. He began walking through the forest again, his goal this time was to prepare for nightfall as he had a plan if he could develop the skill he sought. Walking aimlessly around the forest as always, Eradin casually stored kindling and wood for a fire in his magic bag. Luckily, or unluckily... no....definately unluckily he came upon a body of water which he didn't mind, but it was surrounded by countless beasts of every kind fighting for space around it. Most of the levels were 14 on average, and even the Wolf Lord of the Forest was their from what Eradin could tell. This was the most dangerous it had ever been during the day time in the forest.

Where...where is there a safe spot thought Eradin, and then off in the distance to the right, there was a small creek that was feeding into what could only be assumed was a lake from uphill into a mountain within the forest.

[Complete Aura Concealment] and every sensory skill Eradin had except for [Inner Body Perception] was channeled to its limits, as the path was to dangerous to walk with his eyes closed. It was filled with many steep drops down into the lake area of the beasts and frankly Eradin didn't want to enter into that place as it once again reminded him of how weak he was.

The stench of rotten flesh filled Eradins nose as he approached the creek and in every direction he could sense many beasts, this was most probably the very center of the forest or pretty damn close to it Eradin thought, there is no way with this density of beasts, that it isn't. Upon reaching the creek, Eradin should've almost puked, however due to the Spirit of the Death God, the body parts all over the place didn't affect him. Countless severed limbs of humans, and what appeared to be demi-humans as well as some races Eradin could only guess as to what they were, all over the place. Blood and equipment was falling into the creek dying it red and heading towards the lake. With a casual swipe of his hand, Eradin emotionlessly grabbed a helmet from the creek and stared into his own reflection, "I really am emotionless to such scenes aren't I." he muttered, then throwing it back into the creek he made his way to what looked like a pot and stored it into his magic bag.


This appeared to be a graveyard that all adventurers were taken to after they were dragged here and eaten alive, is that what would happen to me thought Eradin. Just another reason for me to stay on my guard. Slowly foraging around, any pots or accessories that seemed useful, were stored into the magic bag, but for the most part they weren't. In the end it was a rusty knife and shortsword as well as two pots perhaps for stew originally that were stored in the magic. Then Eradin began filling the pots with water that wasn't dyed red.

[Trait acquired: Disease Resistance: 1]

So it really is a graveyard for the dead if I acquired such a trait, how unsanitary. Eradin left leaving a simple emotionless prayer that they wouldn't meet the corrupt gods in death. After about half an hour of walking, Eradin still didn't feel at ease after seeing so many beasts, some of which he guessed were Lords of the Forest and some of which were at or above level 20. So the Ogre was probably the weakest of the Lords and ruled the outer region with those goblins is the most probable cause. Without a doubt they all need to die or I die, it is that simple.

There was roughly four hours of light left, and Eradin dumped all the twigs and kindling onto the ground from his magic bag. Making sure there weren't any beasts around he carved the stick and felt elated that it was so simple it couldn't even be counted as crafting. With it, Eradin laid the kindling onto the ground, and attempted to make a friction fire spining the stick rapidly and just to spite the Space/Time God, Eradin was happy that the extra gravity for the stick since he was holding gave more friction when it spun and allowed for a quick fire to be made. And with that fire lied Eradin's plan. He boiled both bots of water, and put the Hide strips into one of them to clean. Then he roasted the all the meat, fully aware of the [God of Crafts and Cookings Curse].

After all the meat was cooked, he stored most of it away and attempted to eat it. Eradin immediately vomited it out of his mouth. Holding his throat, he tried to drink the water he boiled and similarly spit it out. Gasping for air because the taste was stuck in his mouth Eradin once again forced the meat and water into his mouth. This time forcefully swallowing and holding them down.

[Trait Gained: Immortal Stomach]

[Descrption: To eat food that even the Gods would surely vomit, you can eat anything and everything without vomiting and gain experience from it and an extremely low chance of traits from what you ate. You are the depiction of a being that eats anything to survive.]

"Thanks alot you damned skill, I don't care about any of that, eating food that even shit would taste better than and water that smells and has to taste like gasoline is not worth it. Keep eating and drinking to a minimum in order to function is my new motto." Said Eradin once again to himself in depression.

Turning to the strips he boiled, it was now time to train, there was only three hours of light left to gain a skill Eradin wanted to create. He stored away any usable water and the pots. Then cut one layer of the hide strips into nose and ear plugs. Layering the last strips, Eradin created a headband tied it around his head so even if he opened his eyes it would be pitch black and then he plugged his ears and nose before pulling the hood of the Cloak of the Evil God over his head. After creating a headband, suspicion grew in Eradin, is there crafting professions in this world? If so that is most likely what the curse affects, probably there are classes like armorsmith and such that deal with it. Or maybe I am just so bad that it didn't even count as crafting.

Finally, Eradin tuned all of his sensory skills to the limit of his capabilities, which was roughly a 50 meter circle with him as the center. Now I have three hours, take it slow and easy. Within [Inner BodyPerception], Eradin looked at himself multiple times, and studied it, until finally he felt ready, feeling for a rock or anything around him, Eradin slowly tried to imagine an outline similar of the rock without a green light surrounding it that represented life. In an extreme state of concentration, Eradin, kept trying, until the point his body was drenched in sweat. It was virtually nightfall and the beasts were coming out to hunt when Eradin finally felt as if something broke within himself. He looked at his inner body only to see the outline of his eyes were surrounded by what looked like a violet flame. What does this mean? What does this represent thought Eradin? Then all at once he realized he succeeded as the outline of the forest was visible to him, it no longer was pitch black with only his inner body visible to him. Now that blackness was filled with white lines in the shapes of various cliffs and dead trees. At the edge of the 50 meter circle all was visible to Eradin, no living thing could hide from his sight and similarly he could now traverse the world with this inner vision without fear of falling down a cliff or tripping over every loose stone.

[Skill Gained: Inner World Vision]

[Description: You who can see entities for what they are has once again pioneered a new skill which is a first in the world. Outlines of non-living things can now be seen. Any thing that would be transformed to look like something else cannot escape your eye.]

[Bonus: Due to pioneering two techniques for the world that synergise and reveal all within your vision. Exp to next level has been granted. Trait: illusion resistance has been granted at level 9/10]

[You have reached level 7]

Seeing the messages, Eradin was happy, but the illusion resistance confused him, if he could see through any illusion, why is it that its only 9/10 complete. Perhaps it has something to due with [Inner Body Perception] and [Inner World Perception] being only 1/10 complete. Better not to think of it for now thought Eradin, instead it is time to polish all these sensory skills, and there was no better way than hunting at night. This night a reaper would be born.

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