《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 8 Subjugation Request and Advancement


It was time, nightfall had come, and tonight with no exceptions a reaper was to be born, it was the night of the new moon with visibility at absolute zero, this was supposed to be when adventurers who had night vision were in highest demand, that is, if there was any party crazy enough to come out to the forest. Flitting through the trees as if it was nothing was one such crazy youth, Eradin Silvermoon. Reincarnating into this very forest, he hadn't left yet. Tonight was to be the night that he would dye himeself in blood. With his Blood of the War Goddess boiling just waiting for a fight, Eradin was already lusting for battle, but tonight would be different. It would be a night of assassination and attunement. Eradin still had himself blindfolded and plugged his ears and nose. With his black cloak, scythe and black scale-like armor, he certainly looked the part of a reaper. Relying only on his sensory skills, even with a double experience requirement, he had no doubts they would all raise.

What shall be my first target? There! Perfect, a lone lizard beast at level thirteen. It was the only beast within Eradin's fifty meter circle of sensory vision and would make a prime first target. Eradin already used [Complete Aura Conealment] or he wouldn't have been flitting through the forest without a worry in the world, of course his detection skills played a big part allowing him to feel at ease. Slowly Eradin approached the lizard beast, from what he could sense through [Inner Body Perception] it had venom sacs behind its jaws, which could be harvested if he was careful enough, then its eyes seemed to be the weakest point as the rest of its body looked to be covered in a scale armor similar to his own. The claws were negligible as they were short and dull, the most dangerous part looked to be the tail which was like a blade and its fangs which could secrete venom.

Taking care create as little noise as possible, Eradin successfully approached the lizard beast and was in range with his Death Gods Scythe, taking no chances Eradin used [Cursed Slash] and drove the tip of the Death Gods Scythe right through the left eye and into the brain, until eventually it punctured out the back of its head.

[Souls Absorbed: 1 Soul Points: 4]

[Exp: 3%/100%]

Why didn't I get [Fused Body Exp] again? First it was the cow beast but now it is this? The last time I got anything was when I killed the Lord of the Forest. Perhaps after absorbing a soul that was in every way better than non elite souls, only those monsters can grant experience that is worthy. Or maybe the monsters tied to them count as well towards it. Further testing is required I guess. Then messages one after the other appeared but Eradin had little time to read them.

Quickly putting the dead body into his magic bag, Eradin moved on. Theres was no doubt, if he stopped moving for too long, even with his concealed prescence, he'd be found out and quickly disposed. Moving along, their were countless beasts to choose from that were within Eradin's ability to replicate such an attack, and that is exactly what he did. It was either he died or the beasts died, and after seeing just how many beasts were in the forest by the body of water, he knew that there was much work to be done as there were hundreds if not thousands of them, and to Eradin, it was just one large lump of souls and experience. Once he started moving, Eradin started to read the messages.


[Skill Gained: Shadow Steps]

[Description: As dark as a shadow, you move silently]

[Skill Gained: Eviscerating Strike]

[Description: Only usable on a target that is unaware of your prescence: Increase Initial damage of the attack by 15%]

[Title Gained: Shadow Assassin: Attacking when a target does not realize it will deal 10% Increased Damage and Critical Hit Chance increased by 5%]

[Equip Title: Y/N]

Looking at the messages, Eradin had a smile befitting an assassin as he selected yes, his confidence rose much higher as now he also could flit through the forest without the slightest sound and his killing ability from the shadows just rose enough where he now had a new addition to his fighting style. Eradin's only regrets, he might not have enough time to kill as much as he wanted before daylight and it seemed that he couldn't have more than one title equipped for now.

Country of Algon,City of Elren, Adventurers Guild

The Guildmaster was looking at the stacks of reports on his old and weathered oak desk. Almost all of the reports stated the same thing, although the beasts of Agralon Forest were typically reserved in attacking adventurers, it seems that from what the scryers have learned, the hierarchy is currently changing at the very same moment he was reading the report, due to this, hundreds, if not thousands of beasts and monsters that typically stayed deep in the forest are being forced out towards the border and fights between themselves are becoming more rampant, as well as citizens getting caught in the middle of it and escorts of merchant caravans or the caravans themselves were being dragged into the forest never to be seen again. It was too much for the city to send the army to clear it as tensions with the neighboring country of Brail were rising. As such, the City Lord made a personal request for the Adventurers Guild to send all able-bodied members to the Agralon forest and scout out the situation and either contain it by preventing attacks on the highways and citizens until such a time the army could dispose of the problems source or send in a well known adventurer party known for their ability to complete jobs to dispatch of the source of the problem. If the first suggestion was done 4000 gold coins would be granted to the guild, if the second was done, then 10000 would be granted to the guild and an additional 200 gold coins for each of the adventurers that participated in the subjugation of the problem source, no matter how little they actually did in the party as long as they solved the problem.

Finished skimming through the reports as they all basically said the same thing, the Guildmaster stood up, went over to his personal bar and poured some of his favorite brandy made by the Dwarves. After taking a larger than normal sip, the slightly balding and overweight Guildmaster connected to the [Thought Transmission Earring] on his right ear.

"Lydia, please send for the A-rank party Wisdoms Fallen, I request their prescence at once, it is a matter relating directly to the City Lord."

A monotone, but authoritve voice responded through the earring, "Right away Guildmaster, they should arrive in the next minute."

True to her word, in the next minute the Guild Master heard the scrambling of foot steps up to his office and also home on the third floor of the Adventurers Guild of Elren City. Hearing a knock on his door, he finished his Dwarven brandy in one long draft before shouting, "Come on in, no need for etiquette where your going anyways."


Entering into the room were four women, typically a party filled with only females wouldn't be found, however, these four were a special case, they were all from noble families trained since birth in etiquette, magic and the way of the sword, as for reasons unknown to the Guildmaster despite his connections, they were the ones that would succeed their parents in ruling their families instead of their brothers. So before that happened, the families all agreed to have them journey as adventurers and learn about the harder ways of life by having to earn their own keep without the reputations of their families or even their aid. All of them started off at the lowest rank with the most basic weapons and armor and worked their way up to what they were now without a single complaint which was what the Guildmaster liked the most about them.

Among the party of Wisdoms fallen, the Leader was an Elf with hair that was silver much like Eradins but her eyes were golden. Her figure was perfect in the eyes of humans or any other race and high class among even elves. Farah Elenwith, born in the Elven noble house of Elenwith was an [Elven Wind Dancer] with a Long and Short sword strapped to her hips. The second was a human girl with raven black hair and equally black eyes, Stella Ravencrest was a [Wizard] with extreme dark attribute affinity and equally destructive magic. All women of the Ravencrest family would inherit the raven colored eyes and hair. After her was the [Priestess], Mayra Falkren of the Fairy-Human Race, she was smaller than an average human but she had majestic glowing fairy wings growing from her back that suited her lavender colored hair and eyes. Lastly, but the most important for where they were headed was the [Ranger] Scarlet Bloodrain, who as her family name and name suggest, had scarlet hair and eyes despite being human, her arrows, known to rain down on the enemy and cause morale to plummet.

The Guildmaster was quite happy with this A-rank party and couldn't think of a better team than them to head to Agralon Forest to nip the source of the problem in the bud. He grabbed the reports and letter from the City Lord and gave it to Farah and letting her read it before saying, "So, do you accept?"

Farah couldn't understand why the City Lord was offering so much gold, she understood that tensions were rising with Brail, but there shouldn't be a need to pay that much. Looking up at the Guild master, she handed back the report, "We accept although why is he paying so much just to lower the population of stray beasts a bit. It should be nowhere near such a sum of money."

The Guildmaster looked at her, and then realized his mistake, hastily walking over to his desk he picked up the lone report that was by itself astray from the others and handed it to her with a smile on his face. "This is the real reason the City Lord is paying so much money."

Farah's eyes widened and grew grim, the report read that the scryers had a vision that two demi-gods would have a fight to the death in the forest but their levels were low enough that an A-rank party should be able to kill them both or possibly persuade one or both of them to join the nation of Algon with the rising tensions and possibility of war. After all, a single demi-god could change the situation of a war in a second and every nation had atleast one or possibly more hidden in the shadows so when war was a possibility, every country couldn't make even one mistake or they would lose immediately. They were second only to the gods and only in legends did one ever ascend to godhood, all the countries were waiting and hoping for the day their demigods would ascend allowing them to wreak havoc across the continent before they left the mortal plane.

Finally sighing, Farah and her party agreed, without any time to prepare they ran to their Wind Wyverns and flew towards Agralon Forest in the dead of night which was roughly a day travel riding the Wyverns.

Agralon Forest

Currently in Agralon Forest hours after the Wisdoms Fallen left the city, not knowing he was scryed, a youth was running through the forest covered in blood, it was none other than Eradin Silvermoon. There was only a few minutes left until daylight and he was the epitome of death to the point that monsters and beasts were running away in fear because they didn't even know what was killing all of them, it was to the point that even the Forest Lords were on high alert, hundreds of their kin were killed and their wasn't even a trace of the enemy. The Heart of the Evil God couldn't even help Eradin remain rational anymore, he was completely in a murderous state of mind. His only thought was Kill or Die. Survival of the fittest. It wasn't until he couldn't find anymore beasts or monsters, and dawn approached that Eradin calmed down. His entire message screen up until now had been, [Experience deferred until all enemies disposed]. This entire message was the reason he worked him self up into such a state of a battle frenzy trying to dispose of all his enemies. The entire forest had turned into an exp grinding zone for Eradin and he killed many beasts with relatively few injuries at all. Finally as dawn broke, Eradin simply waded into a river and washed all the blood off of himself. Once he came out of the cold water, he recieved numerous messages.

[Experience gained: 723%/100%]

[You have leveled up to 7]

[You have leveled up to 8]

[You have leveled up to 9]

[You have leveled up to 10]

[You have leveled up to 11]

[You have leveled up to 12]

[You have leveled up to 13]

[All detection skills leveled up 3]

[Scythe Mastery leveled up to 5/10]

[Tracking leveled up to 4/10]

[Complete Aura Concealmeant and Aura manipulation Leveled Up 3]

[Eviscerating strike has leveled up to 3]

[Cursed Slash has leveled up to 5]

[Regeneration leveled up 1]

[Skill Gained: Shadow Melding 5/10: You have become adept at melding into your surroundings to the point someone won't know you are there unless they actively stare at you long enough to see you or have strong enough detection skills or magic.]

[Souls Absorbed 734 Soul Points: 2569]

[ You have surpassed Level 10: You now have access to the Soul Shop]

[You have surpassed Level 10: Cursed Hero Ability Cursed Star Unlocked]

Eradin was upset that he could've leveled more if he didn't require double experience and wished the beasts weren't all around level 14 but rather than complain he jumped up into a random tree that was covered in enough leaves so he'd be hidden from sight, while keeping all of his sensory skills active, Eradin said "Status Open" when one final message appeared.

[You have surpassed level ten. Bodily pain from the curses increases from x1 to x10 and Gravity field weighing you down increases from x1 to x10]

Eradin immeditaely cried out in pain and the tree branch he was sitting on broke from the force of his weight and the x10 gravity. Eradin didn't want to give into the curses but his body was spasming and his consciousness was fading. With a final hate filled remark of, "I shall slaughter not only the ten corrupted gods, but any god that dares stand in my way!", Eradin fell unconscious on the ground hidden in the brush next to the tree, with an extremely weak sign of life.

[Name: Eradin Silvermoon] [Active Title: Shadow Assassin] [Race: (Unique) Child of the Sealed Gods] [Level: 13] [Souls Absorbed:734 Soul Points: 2569] [Classes: (Unique) Cursed Hero/(Unique) Inheritor of the Sealed Gods [Fused Body Exp: 10.5%/100%] [Exp: 23%/100%] [Titles] Solo Elite Slayer Shadow Assassin [Hp: 340] [Mana: 290] [Str:169] [Endurance:176] [Agi:168] [Int:176] [Luck:-10] [Def:171] [Skills] [Cursed Slash: 5/10] [Scythe Mastery: 5/10][Deathly Glare: 1/10] [Danger Perception: 4/10] [Bloodlust Detection: 4/10][Prescence Detection: 4/10] [Inner Body Perception: 4/10] [Complete Aura Concealment: 4/10] [Aura Manipulation: 4/10] [Tracking: 4/10] [Inner World Perception: 4/10] [Shadow Steps] [Eviscerating Strike: 3/10] [Shadow Melding:5/10] [Cursed Star: 1/10] [Magic] [Void Magic][Death Magic][Dark Magic] [Magic of the Five Elements] [Equipment] Death Gods Scythe Dragon Gods Pendant Cloak of the Evil God Armor of the War Goddess [Traits] [illusion Resistance: 9/10] [Disease Resistance: 1/10] [Mental Resistance: 1/10] [Physical Resistance 1/10] [Curse Resistance: 1/10] [Fire Resistance: 1/10] Cursed One: Max Draconic Body: Max [Godkiller Attribute: 1/?] [Regeneration: 2/?] [Immortal Stomach] [Blessings] Body of the Dragon God Heart of the Evil God Spirit of the Death God Blood of the War Goddess [Abnormal Statuses] Space/Time Gods Curse God of Crafts and Cookings Curse Curse of the Love Goddess Magic Goddesses Curse God of Lights Curse God of Fortunes Curse God of Crossroads and Destinies Curse Life Goddesses Curse God of Medicines Curse God of Literature, Music and Knowledges Curse

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