《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 26: Sheila's Heart
After two weeks since being separated they arrived in Obai.
“We will take care of things with the ship and see you all when he arrives.” Captain Reed let Micah know.
“Yes, I will be sure to get in contact with you then.” They went their separate ways and Micah’s group headed into town.
The buildings were mostly single or two story with rounded ceramic tiles on the roofs. Various beast-kin walked about in kimonos while either wearing sandals or going barefoot.
“What should we do big sister? Should we wait?” Ruby asked.
Her eyes were a bit red from crying, but she was now just anxious with Eric not being with them and safe.
“I think we should try to get things done with your mother’s family first. So that once he is here we can enjoy ourselves!”
Poor Luna was hanging off their shoulders.
“I’m sorry. Hurp!”
“It’s okay big sister Luna. Can we take her to the inn first?”
“Sure Ruby. Let’s go Luna, you can rest at the inn while I take care of Ruby’s situation.”
“Okay. Hurp!”
Luna looked and felt miserable, the storm had taken its toll on her. They got Luna to the inn and got her laid out. The two of them left her some food, water, and a bit of medicine for her. The two of them went into town and began asking around, trying to find out more information on Ruby’s mother. They went about for hours with no luck and stopped to grab a bit to eat.
“This is not working. No one seems to know her.”
“I’m sorry big sis.” Ruby’s ears began drooping.
A woman passing by stopped and did a double take on Ruby.
“Um, excuse me, miss. Do you know a woman by the name Sheila Whitehaven?”
“Hmm!” Ruby’s ears perked up.
“Do you know that person?” Micah asked the woman.
“Um, yes, she was the young miss of our household before she moved off to Merluka. We heard that her husband passed away and we got worried about her. The master sent a letter to her offering to pay for her return, he was incredibly worried about her.” The woman teared up.
“Well, this is Sheila’s daughter, Ruby.”
“Lady Ruby? It is a pleasure to meet you young miss. May I ask why you are here in Obai? Is Miss Sheila here?”
They shared the unfortunate news to the woman.
“I, sniff, understand. Please, come with me. The master of the house will want to hear about this.”
Micah and Ruby agreed and followed the woman cautiously.
They arrived at a large, walled in home. The woman approached the guard and informs him that the two of them had information on Ruby’s mother the master needed to hear.
“Miss Sheila’s daughter? She looks like her. Please enter.” The guard opened the door and let them inside.
The inside of the home was gaudily decorated with expensive looking furniture. They were led to something that looked like an office and seated. A short time later a portly man with rabbit ears burst into the room in a panic.
“Sheila!?” He looks around in a panic, sees Micah, and then locks onto Ruby.
“You, you look almost exactly like her when she was young.” The man teared up.
An elderly butler led the rabbit man to a seat.
“S-so, where is Sheila?” The man asked.
“I am sorry to inform you, she died protecting her daughter from slavers of Goun.” The man wailed out loud.
Something feels… Off. Why am I getting this feeling? Micah thought.
“Um, mister, I’m Ruby. Sheila was my mother.”
“T-truly. Oh, um, I still need to make sure. Ivan, the item please.”
The butler opened a box and pulled out a circular golden plate that had a number of different colored gems in it.
“What is that?” Micah asked.
“Oh, this is a genealogy tester. I have faith that you are indeed Sheila’s daughter, but sadly I have had people bring fakes here. Please understand.”
He poked his finger with a needle and smudged a bit of the blood on the large center gem. It glowed lightly.
“All you have to do is hold it. It will show whether or not you are related to me. The more gems that light up, the closer the relation.” He held the plate out to Ruby who took it.
In a few moments the gems on the plate began lighting up. Of the ten gems lining the edge of the plate, seven of the ten gems lit up.
“Oh, OH! You are my granddaughter! Oh happy days!” The man cheered happily.
“Please, I insist, you must stay while you are here!”
Before Micah could answer they had a room at the inn, Ruby answered.
“Okay.” She said flatly.
“Hmm? Something wrong big sister?”
What was that? Ruby sounded off there for a moment.
“Um Ruby, we have the room at the inn, also we should check on Luna.”
“Oh please, if you need to look after a friend, Ruby can stay here for the night while you look after your friend. Please, I insist.”
“It’s okay big sister. Could you look after big sister Luna please? I want to know more about my mother.”
“Um, sure. Ruby are you sure you are okay?”
“I am fine big sis!” Ruby smiled brightly.
She seems okay. I should ask Luna, maybe she might know something.
“Oh, what a happy day! I’ll take you to Sheila’s room immediately and regal you with stories of her childhood! I insist!” The man said with a bright smile.
Ruby went with her grandfather while Micah was shown out by the butler, feeling odd about the whole thing.
“Oh, I never learned his name.”
“Hmm? Ah, my apologies for my master’s rudeness, he had been so worried over Miss Sheila and now is happy to be reunited with his granddaughter. He is Lord Albas Whitehaven. Head of the rabbit-kin and sitting member of the Obai council.”
“Thank you. Please look after Ruby.”
“Of course madam. May I ask who you are?”
“I am Micah.”
“Thank you Miss Micah. I hope your friend feels better. Please come by tomorrow once she is feeling better.”
“Thank you.” Micah headed out and back to the inn.
Micah explained the situation to Luna who found it a bit strange, but nothing seemed to be wrong. Micah was restless in her bed for the night wishing Eric would contact her.
She sat up, looking at the door only to see multiple men entering the room.
Micah pulled her sword out in time to block one of the attackers.
“Yah!” Luna slammed one of the men with her shield blowing three of them back.
Micah made quick work of the man before her and helped support Luna in taking down the rest. The inn keeper came up to see what had happened.
“Please call the guard, these men tried to attack us in our sleep.”
The inn keeper brought in the guards a few minutes later.
“What happened here?” The leader asked.
Micah explained the situation to them.
“Good thing they underestimated you. Any of them alive?”
“No sir, it seems they took poison.”
“What?! We don’t use poison!” Luna protested.
“Please don’t misunderstand. They had poison capsules in their mouths. To avoid interrogation, they would bite down on them to take their own lives. It is typical of assassins.”
The guards continued their investigation but were unable to turn up anything.
“Is there anyone in Obai you can trust? We can put you up at our station if needed.” The captain offered.
“Sorry, we don’t have the letter of introduction. My husband has it and has yet to arrive here.” Micah answered.
“Do you know the name?”
“I just know the name of the one who wrote it. She is Ella, wife of Douglas Ironwall.”
The guard tensed up. “E-Ella Bearclaw?! The Owlbear?! Is she a bear beast-kin?” The captain fired off multiple questions.
“Um, she is a bear beast-kin.”
“We will take you to them. Maybe they might know you.”
The inn keeper tried to return their money but Micah turned them down as the guards escorted them out.
Twenty minutes later, they found themselves standing before a multi-storied home that was walled in and the guard stopped them.
“How may we help you guardsmen?”
“These two were attacked by some assassins and mentioned that they know The Owlbear.”
The guard tensed, “You know her?”
“Um, is he talking about Ella? Yes? She works for Lord Hephaestus in Lenmos. My name is Micah, I work closely with them.”
The guard asked them to wait and notified someone on the other side of the gate. Shortly after a large bear beast-kin woman arrived.
“Guardsmen, you may leave now. If they are truly a friend, I will welcome them into my household.”
The town guard saluted and left.
“Now then, follow me.” She led them inside the walls and into a sitting room, just inside the large home.
Micah and Luna sat quickly.
T-This lady is really intimidating!
“Now then. You say your name is Micah. Do you go by another name, one that only she would know?” The woman’s eyes bored into Micah.
“She told you? How in the world did she work around the magic contract? Sigh. I am going to have to have a word with her later. The other name I go by is Aphrodite.”
The woman let out a sigh of relief. “Very well, it is nice to meet you Lady Micah. I am Leelu, head of the bear-kin clan and sitting member of the Obai council. Is it just you two? Where is your husband? I heard that you two are near inseparable.”
Micah went on to explain their tale.
“A little more Rorroco!” Eric called out.
“Yes!” The wood bent inward toward him inside the frame of the ship.
“Right there! Join and merge in unison [Melding].” He ran his hand along the crease of the wood, causing it to merge together.
He finished up, “Alright Rorroco! You can let up now!”
She poked her face over the top edge of the frame. “We are making good progress! You’re not too tired are you?”
“N-no. I am good. I still have plenty of magic.”
“Heh.” She smiled brightly.
Sheesh, a few nights sharing a bed and she has a smile brighter than a [Solaris Conflagra].
“So is this deep enough for the cargo hold?” Rorroco asked.
The hold was twelve feet deep, causing Rorroco to have to stand on her tip toes to peak over the edge.
“This should be good Rorroco. The base frame is done, next we will flatten out the bottom of the hold. Could you use the large mithril stamp I prepared to start engraving the protection runes? Set them at three foot intervals.” He requested.
“Aye, aye captain!”
He smiled and began shifting wood boards into place along the floor. He also summoned the gift from the god Hephaestus, the god level tools. Taking a knife, he easily cut through the wood like cutting through soft butter, forming the edges of the boards to the ship frame, then used [Melding] to merge them together.
Rorroco was outside using a large magic stamp, he made using Hephaestus’ tools, to rapidly add the protection runes to the side of the ship.
“This tool is great Eric! But I think you would destroy the rune crafters job if you sold these.” She commented after finishing another set.
Thanks to Hephaestus’ tools, the stamp made the reagents completely unneeded.
“True, that is why I will likely melt that down once I am done. Though I guess I could sell it to the maritime guild, just the one, calling it an ancient artifact I discovered when I came here to rescue myself.” They shared a laugh.
“Oh, I should probably check in with Micah. I will head out of the Haven for a bit.”
“Okay!” She brightly smiled.
Well, she’s happy.
Back out on the sand bar he casted his [Call] spell.
“Hello, Micah? How are-.”
“Eric! You need to hurry! You have to get here as soon as you can!”
It took a bit for him to calm her down, he asked what was happening, and she caught him up to speed.
“What do you mean she won’t see us!?” Micah yelled at the guard’s face.
“I am sorry ma’am. But the young miss does not wish to see you.” The guard replied.
Micah and Luna were standing outside the Whitehaven residence.
“I don’t believe you! If I don’t hear it directly from her I will take this matter up with the council if I need to!” Micah threatened.
“Okay, I will send word in.” The guard gave up and had someone inform the head of household. After several minutes of the guard having to survive Micah’s death glare. Ruby came outside.
“Ruby! Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Did they threaten you? If they did anything to you, I know your Papa will obliterate this place!”
“Hmm? They did nothing like that Miss Micah.”
What? She sounds different.
“I am fine Miss Micah. I am very happy here. I decided I want to stay here. Grandfather found me a wonderful fiancé!”
What is going on?
Luna moved up to cast a spell but the guard got in the way.
Before Micah could draw her sword, the town guard showed up. They tried to argue that something was wrong with Ruby, that they did something to her. A couple of guards had spell detection and checked her, and found nothing.
“I am sorry ma’am, but it seems to be of her own violation. We can do nothing.”
“If that is all. Thank you guardsmen, and I am sorry your time was wasted. Goodbye Miss Micah. Never return here.” With that, Ruby disappeared inside.
Micah and Luna ran back as quick as they could back to the Bearclaw household.
“Oh, Lady Micah, is something the matter?” Leelu met them in her office on the third floor.
“Those bastards, they, they did something to Ruby!” She continued and explained what had happened and what was said.
“You truly feel something is wrong? I doubt the guards were bought. Each one of them must pass a rigorous test to be allowed the honor to be a town guard. If they did not detect any magic, what could it be?”
“A curse.” Luna added.
“A curse?”
“You’re right Luna! Lady Leelu, does the Whitehaven household support the Church of Light?”
“Yes, they are one of them. Is this something to do with those collars Ella wrote about?”
“Micah, when did you say she started acting odd?” Luna asked.
Micah could only think of one point. “That genealogy test plate.”
“The what?” Leelu asked, which Micah updated her what it looked like.
“I have never heard of such a thing. Hmm, this will be difficult to deal with. Now that she publically cut ties with you, the people would only see it as harassment and the town guard would have no choice but to drag you away. We would need someone of influence unrelated to us.”
“What about Eric?”
It was at that moment he chose to contact Micah via [Call].
In a sparse room, deep in the Whitehaven manor, Ruby was on the floor crying. The door unlocked and Lord Whitehaven entered, the meek and kind look of his face, completely gone, replaced by cruelty and a sneering smile.
“Crying again? Stupid brat. That damn woman was too sharp for her own good. My assassins may have failed to kill her and the blue haired one, but now they won’t be able to get in my way. Look at me, I insist!”
Ruby sat up and turned toward him looking at him, her eyes filled with tears.
“You little brat!” He yanked her by her ears, causing her to cry out in pain.
“You have no right to be sad! Your damn mother screwed me over when she ran off! All of my plans ruined! I would have been King of Obai if that bitch had just married the damn rat-kin! Our armies would have taken what should belong to me!” He threw her down after swinging her back and forth by her ears.
“But that changes, one week from now, you will marry the first son of the rat-kin household.” He grabbed her by her chin and lifted her to face him.
“I am glad, because I heard that he is an abusive bastard, who has broken many ladies. You deserve it after your bitch of a mother ruined everything, look forward to it.” He threw her down once more and kicked her.
He left the room and locked the door behind him.
“Papa, please save me. Big sisters… help me…” She broke down crying once more.
A week later, Micah, Luna, and Leelu with her personal guards stood outside the Whitehaven residence.
“You again?” The guard asked.
“Just call your master.” Micah glared at the guard.
“He is busy with the wedding today.”
“I know. I will be brief. I will not bother your household again after this.”
The guard looked skeptical.
“Just tell him that this is a request from myself.” Leelu bore into the guard who began quivering.
The guard headed in and a bit later, Lord Whitehaven came out.
“Lady Bearclaw, this is most inconvenient. I am very busy trying to make a happy wedding for my granddaughter.” He sneered.
“I understand. They need their form signed or else they cannot return.”
“Form?” Micah held up a folded paper.
“It is a receipt that shows that we brought her home and that she chose to stay here of her own free will.”
Lord Whitehaven tried to grab it but she kept it out of his reach.
“She needs to sign it. And I need to witness it.”
Lord Whitehaven clicked his tongue.
“Fine, but after this, if you show up at my door, I am having you arrested.”
“Deal.” Micah was escorted into the home to a room deep inside.
“Make it quick. Any funny business and I am claiming self-defense.”
Micah ignored his comment and entered. There were multiple maids getting Ruby dressed.
“Big sis-.” Ruby started but stopped when she saw Lord Whitehaven behind Micah.
“Ruby, I will respect your wishes to stay here if that is what you want. But I need you to sign something.” She unfolding the page and showed it to Lord Whitehaven first, who nodded after reading it.
“Here, you can sign it with that pen you like. You can keep it. Just be sure to blow on the page before you fold it again.”
Ruby wanted to scream for help, but got confused by what Micah was saying. She took the page and the pen over to a table nearby. The maids took a quick look but found it uninteresting and went back to what they were doing. Ruby blew on the page, re-read it, folded it, and handed it back to Micah, along with the pen.
“Please, give my regards to your husband.” Ruby said flatly.
“I will.” Micah turned and was led out of the manor.
In the main hall of the manor, it was a two story tall room, filled with chairs and various nobles. At the end of the hall, stood a man in robes of the Church of Light, along with a rat beast-kin man who looked to be in his forties.
“Now entering! The bride-to-be!”
Ruby entered the hall and slowly walked up to the front where her fiancé stood. She arrived at the front and faced him.
“We are gathered here under the loving gaze of the God of Light, to witness the loving union of two lives.” The priest began.
He continued his sermon, praising the God of Light, speaking of how all should serve him and his most loyal, and he got to the final part.
“Now then, do you Darius Namtar, take Ruby Whitehaven to be your serving wife?”
“Yeah.” The rat-kin said, a dark look in his eyes.
“And do you, Ruby Whitehaven, become Darius Namtar’s loving and loyal wife?”
Ruby did not say anything.
“Ruby, I insist you accept.” Lord Whitehaven said.
“I cannot.” Was her reply.
“I insist you accept!”
“I cannot.” She replied once more, turning to him.
“What the hells do you mean you cannot?! I insist!”
“I am sorry Lord Whitehaven, but I cannot follow your command.”
“And why the hell not?! I insist you marry that man!”
A voice boomed from outside the hall, “MAYBE I CAN BE OF HELP!”
The door burst inward, breaking off their hinges. In walked a masked man in an extravagant black waistcoat that had a hood.
“Who the hell are you?!” Lord Whitehaven demanded.
“The name’s Hephaestus, housewares.”
The masked man began laughing.
“Apologies, none of you would get that joke.” He chuckled, shaking his head.
“I got it.” A similarly masked woman in a wine red waistcoat with a hood strolled up next to him.
“You are not the only one Dite.”
“Whatever Athena.”
Another woman walked up on the other side of him, wearing a similar mask and stone gray waistcoat with a hood.
“Greetings Lord Whitehaven. I am Duke Hephaestus of Lenmos, I understand that you are trying to marry off my daughter without my permission?”
“What the hell are you talking about?! Her father is dead!”
“I know her biological father is, but I adopted her through magic contract.”
“Bullshit! I know she had no contract before this!”
“How would you know that?”
“B-because she told me.”
“Really? Ruby, did you really forget that we had a parent child contract? Ruby, I invoke my one and only direct command!”
Ruby looked a bit discomforted but looked at him, her head slightly glowing.
“Ruby! You are not permitted to lie! Were you abused in the house of Whitehaven?”
“I was.”
“By who?”
“Lord Whitehaven.”
Many of the nobles attending starting buzzing.
“Ruby! Were you forced into this marriage?”
“By who and how?”
“Lord Whitehaven, he used an object to rob me of my will. His code phrase was ‘I insist’.”
“L-lies! These are lies!” Lord Whitehaven cried in a panic.
One of the nobles stood up.
“She is under a direct command of a magic contract with orders to not lie.” The noble said.
“Ruby! Do you know where he got said object?”
“The Church of Light.”
“Ruby! Do you know why Lord Whitehaven wanted to force you into this marriage?”
Lord Whitehaven paled and tried to get to her but a number of other nobles blocked him.
“He wanted to unite the two families to join their armies. Then he planned on using military force to take over Obai and establish himself has a king.”
An older rat beast-kin stood up. “That was not the deal Whitehaven!”
“Ruby! I end my direct command!”
The light around her head faded and she smiled at Phaestus.
“Now Ruby, my daughter, do you have a wish?”
“Yes, get me out of this and let me run wild!”
“As you wish.”
“Oh, I know that one too!” Dite chimed in as he waved his hand toward Ruby.
In an instant, she was out of her wedding dress and in her battle gear with the mithril leg protectors.
“I decline your marriage!” Ruby hopped up, compacted her body into a ball, and kicked her now ex-fiancé from the stage and through multiple walls.
The priest tried to escape but she dropped her heel down on his head knocking him out.
“DAMMIT! GUARDS! KILL THEM ALL!” Lord Whitehaven called out, but no guards came pouring in.
“If you’re looking for your guards, they are in the custody of the town guard right now.” Athena answered.
“HEY! Old man!” Lord Whitehaven turned to see Ruby crouched down on the stage.
“This is for big sis Micah!” She rocketed forward driving her foot into his stomach.
“This is big sis Luna!” Standing on her hands she kicked him straight up into the air.
She then compacted her body to the ground and launched herself toward the ceiling, she hooked her feet on his back.
“This is for me!” She used him as a kickboard, sending him back to the ground and her to the ceiling.
“And this! THIS IS FOR MOM!” She came down like an artillery shell, straight into his groin, obliterating everything and creating a crater.
The various nobles looked on in horror and awe.
“The only grandparent I have is back in Meerka. Papa!” She hopped out of the crater and hugged onto Phaestus.
“Hey Ruby, sorry I’m late.”
“It’s okay. I’m happy.”
He could see her shaking, so he hugged her tightly.
“I promise to do better in protecting you Ruby. Now then, those of you who are not a part of the Namtar or Whitehaven households, I highly advise you leave. Now.” Phaestus had a pleasant smile on his face, but the black aura surrounding him was raging like a demonic storm.
Many of nobles began running away as quick as they could.
“Dite, Athena, go play.” Phaestus and Ruby vanished.
“With pleasure.” Dite’s eyes locked onto a certain guard who defecated himself.
Athena grew massive and began tearing through the residence like a hurricane, rage burning in her eyes.
“Um, Eric, are you sure I can’t join them?” Luna met him as soon as he appeared on the back patio with Ruby.
“Luna, you are technically still a goddess and I think that Elder Oribaba would get upset with you.”
Before she could protest, said goddess appeared.
“Hello Eric, I see no reason for her to let loose a little. Some mortals do deserve a right smiting.” Elder Oribaba said with a strained smile.
You want to go punish the mortals that hurt Ruby too huh?
Eric shrugged his shoulders as Luna changed into her white mask and hooded waistcoat. She donned her heavy armor, shield, and hammer. With a wave of his hand, White vanished.
“Now then, I will not take up much of your time. You have the plate?”
Eric nodded and handed the golden plate that took Ruby’s will away. After donning a set of white gloves, she picked it up and examined it.
“Yes, this contains the Curse of Tartarus as well. This one works specifically on lineages. The stronger the connection, the better chance it had to affecting the person. Thank you Eric, this will help in our research into breaking the curse.” With a bow of her head, Elder Oribaba vanished.
“Yes Ruby?”
“Can we take a bath together?”
He shifted them inside the house and changed their clothes to those of bathing robes. They washed each other’s hair and backs, then finished washing themselves. They were relaxing in the bathtub, Ruby leaning back against him, her head resting on his chest.
“Papa. Was that contract big sis brought to me your idea?”
“Yup. I had Micah use her [Molding] skill to apply parchment powder to the surface of the page. She ended the magic the moment she let go of it, allowing you to reveal the real page. I heard from her that a magic contract has to be read by both parties before it can be invoked.”
“I will thank big sis later.” She turned and faced him, looking into his eyes with her ruby red ones. “Thank you Papa.”
He could only smile and hug her.
“I am your father now. I will always do my best for your happiness.”
“How are big sisters doing?”
“Let’s see. Display before me a window of observation that transcends dimensions [Merlin’s Mirror].”
A small sixteen inch screen appeared before them showing fire, havoc, and people screaming. He swiped it away quickly.
“Um, Ruby, I need to go have a word with your big sis’, right now. Get changed and take a nap.”
With that, he shifted out of the tub, dried himself in a panic, changed into Phaestus and shifted out.
“Muwahahahah! Accept your punishment mortals! For I am-!” Phaestus punched White in the top of her head interrupting her.
“OW! Phaestus! Why’d you do-?”
“YOU. WENT. TOO. FAR!” He pointed out at the burning carnage.
“Um, b-b-but, what they did…” She shrunk away from him.
He pointed once more at the carnage.
“Someone wants to have a conversation with you.” He said angrily.
“Wah! No! Please! Not that! Not her! Noooo-!” White tried to run but vanished.
Phaestus then turned to Athena and Dite. “And you two.”
The two of them stood straight at the anger in his voice.
“You could have stopped her, but you didn’t. You actually joined in! On your knees! NOW!”
The two of them sat down on their knees, and Athena shrunk down. Phaestus then began to lecture them for an hour about not drawing non-involved people into their battles, and the meaning of restraint.
“Papa. Can you hear me? Can you bring me out? I can’t sleep with big sister Luna’s crying.” Phaestus heard Ruby through the Haven.
He stopped his lecture of the two tearing up women and brought Ruby out next to him. She was dressed in her travel gear now.
“Thanks Papa.”
“You’re welcome.”
From the side of them, Leelu tentatively approached them.
“Um, Lord Hephaestus, may I request your assistance with the fire?”
Oh, yeah, I should probably help with that.
He faced the burning hell scape that White created,
“Become a downpour of water to cover the area [Rain Storm].” Dark clouds bellowed from his hands toward the area above the fire and formed a sizable rain cloud that began pouring out rain.
“Oh my, you can control weather?” Leelu said with surprise.
“Not really, just creating that took a lot of my magic. I can’t do more than that. Councilwoman Leelu, I apologize for my companions taking things too far.” He bowed his head to her.
“Ah, on behalf of the Obai council, we apologize for the cruel treatment of your daughter at the hands of one of our own.” She bowed her head before them.
They stood there, bowed for a minute, before they stood up laughing at the awkwardness of the situation.
“Please do not concern yourself with what happened with Ruby.”
“Very well, we of the Obai council will forgive their fury since the damage was limited to the offender’s properties.”
They smiled at each other and made plans to have Athena and Dite assist in the reconstruction efforts of areas White destroyed. White was also returned by Elder Oribaba to assist.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,…” She kept muttering she was sorry for the entire time she was helping.
Phaestus used earth magic to help flatten the land to make it available for building and even created another spell, [Grove], which covered plotted out areas in grass. Within a few days, they had the compounds of the Whitehaven and Namtar household leveled and turned into large lots of land for new homes to be built.
“Thank you for your help Duke.” Leelu thanked him.
“It is no problem, it was only right that we help. But since our business here is complete. We will be returning back to Lenmos soon. Though there is something I wanted to offer to your people.”
“What is that?”
“A new shipping lane, directly connected to Lenmos.” He pointed upwards.
They looked up to see a ship falling from the sky, some tensed up, ready to run, before they noticed it was slowing down. The ship had a low humming sound of active magic. It was the size of a galley with no sails, but had six metal wings attached at the sides, three on the port and the remaining on the starboard. The sound of magic was coming from the bottom of the wings where an intricate runic design shown a light green. The railing along the edges was built up to chest height for most adults, with grating in between the posts to prevent anyone from falling overboard. On the front of the ship, there seemed to be the starting of a figurehead of a rabbit-kin woman, but it was unfinished.
“You called my lord?” Captain Reed called out from the ship.
“A flying ship?!” The council members shouted.
“I understand that your people manufacturer the Cure Disease potion. I want to establish a fast and safe shipping lane for priority items. In exchange for Lenmos becoming the central distribution of the potion, your country will gain access to many products out of Lenmos. Now sadly, I only have the one airship with limited capacity.”
“That is fine! We accept! We accept!” All the council members shouted in unison.
“You heard them Captain Reed!”
“Aye I did my lord! The crew of The Sheila’s Heart will be at your service!”
“Sheila’s Heart?” Ruby asked.
“I felt it would be a nice gesture, to let your mother’s spirit fly through the heavens.”
Ruby began tearing up before crying, thanking Phaestus. He smiled warmly and hugged his daughter from behind.
- In Serial39 Chapters
From the Final World
I have lived a long, long time. Longer than the universe knows; longer than any star has seen or traveling light records. My memories; that is all that is left that knows that length, and that which was seen within it. Then again, that is all that ever did. When I am gone, it will be forgotten, a truth and a history lost forever no matter who or what tries to find it. I think that is why I write this now. A record, or a lament, of the most significant being of all time. It is a prideful exaltation of endless triumph, or the dread condemnation of infinite evil. I don’t know which; I shall leave it for others to judge. I could explain further, of course. I could list the sins that have been committed, the deeds that have been done. Yet for now, I believe this is enough. Her story will speak for itself. About the good, and evil, in the heart of a single girl burdened with more than her fair share. And how she reacted to it. So, I will tell her story. Of gods and devils, mortals and monsters, of legends long forgotten and civilizations long turned to dust. And in the end, I hope she knows herself, whether it is salvation, or destruction, she should receive.
8 175 - In Serial53 Chapters
The Strays of Dachaigh Gual
This will be my attempt at a Lovecraftian story. TSODG is a story about a world in pre-modern times and how it is dragged into chaos when a scourge of beasts and madness sweeps the lands. Ayden and his mother must navigate a dark and twisted world as they uncover ancient mysteries and meet interesting people. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR POTENTIAL PATREONS: So, I plan on turning TSODG in a graphic novel at some point in the future. It will he interesting to see how my Dark eldritch concepts blend with my character driven narratives on a visual level. Click the support like to help me create what could be the definitive way to experience TSODG and its universe.
8 544 - In Serial52 Chapters
Inks of Heart
Just some words woven into lines making the fabric of a poem; sometimes prose.#1 poetry#1 book of poems#3 prose#7 poem{ Copyright © 2021, Anna Woods}
8 61 - In Serial18 Chapters
Misteri Tuala Wanita
Masalah yang sering dialami oleh wanita dalam menguruskan sebuah benda yang dipanggil 'pad' atau bahasa sopannya iaitu 'tuala wanita'. Agak sedikit kotor bila terbayang jenis cecair pekat berwarna merah yang harus dibasuh dan dilumatkan sampai bersih. Tapi, itulah wajib dilakukan untuk kaum hawa yang mengalaminya pada setiap bulan. Jika dibiarkan, maka benda yang lain akan berlaku. Betul ke?Sesuatu di luar jangkaan atau itu dianggap perkara biasa?Jadikan ia satu pengajaran, bukannya satu permainan.
8 173 - In Serial57 Chapters
For the Taking
Mates are gifts. Mates are two halves of a shared soul.Mates were created for each other.So then why was I cursed? Why am I unable to shift let alone find my mate?It's been nearly five years since the time I should have been able to shift. I have long given up on the fact that I was defective and broken. I had two werewolf parents, but it didn't matter, I was still human.Over the years I've kept myself in the shadows of my own pack. I was unwelcomed and didn't belong. I was the black sheep. No one wanted a weak link in the pack and I, to them, was a weak member, unable to pull their load. If I couldn't pull my load and I had nothing to really offer my own pack, they soon saw me as a nuisance. Just another mouth to feed. I was a shameful excuse for a werewolf. ~A mate is a target.A mate is easy prey.A mate is the quickest way to weaken an alpha.So, when I laid my eyes on her I wanted nothing more than to reject her, but I couldn't, not while he had his hand wrapped around her throat. I couldn't let him, or anyone know who she was to me. I had to take her with me where I could keep an eye on her from a distance. But I should have known that distance was subjective. She'd be the death of me.Updated: Weekly⚠️Mature Content⚠️
8 69 - In Serial34 Chapters
No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanfiction)
Banished from Berk for befriending a Night Fury, Hiccup and Toothless leaves Berk and they are never to return. They find civilisation on another village where dragons live amongst humans known as the Island of Edon.Two years later, Hiccup and Toothless grows accustomed to their new life and explores new lands they'd never come across before. When word spread about his good deeds, Hiccup is on the run when dragon hunters wants him and Toothless.A traitor is in the midst who plans to harm those who Hiccup cared about. Secrets about the island of Edon is revealed, including the truth of the Night Furies.Date created: November 2016
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