《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 25: Loving Mountain in a Sea of Trouble
Two days later, everyone met up in the main courtyard. Buulgi and Wrinklebottom turned over his requested items.
“Please take care Master Phaestus. I know it is a long trip to get to Obai from Merluka by ship, but the person who Allen recommended is a good captain, loved by her crew.” Douglas said.
“I cannot wait to see you come flying back in that Airship. Have you thought of a name?” Ella asked.
“Not yet.” Phaestus said with a smile.
Ella handed him a letter. “This is a letter of introduction to my family in Obai. My sister is the current head of our family. She would be quite happy to help you, oh, could you also take this package too? She had been begging me to send some more seasonings and other gifts for some time.”
Allen held up a package for him that he stored away.
“Thank you Ella, I will be sure to contact her on our arrival.”
“My lord, here.” Minimoon, Wrinklebottom’s granddaughter handed him a few potions.
“It’s a nutrient supplement that you gave me the idea for, Mini had the idea of adding a little honey to it for children. Try it out during you trip and let us know when you get back.” Wrinklebottom said.
“I will.” He stored it away and patted Minimoon’s head in thanks, she smiled.
"Goodbye Lord Hephaestus!” “Have a safe trip!” “Return soon!” “Marry me!” “Good luck!” “Let’s play again Ruby!”
Many of the townspeople had come to see them off, shouting out their well wishes, though Phaestus noticed one oddball comment, but chose to ignore it.
“Farewell everyone! We will return soon enough! Take care of the place for me while I am gone!”
The townspeople cheered. With that, Rorroco, Ruby, Dite, and Luna gathered around him and he casted [Mass Teleport], taking them to their estate in Merluka.
“Welcome back Master Hephaestus.” A group of servants welcomed them as they appeared.
"Hello everyone. Have our passes already been purchased?”
“Yes sir, here they are.” A butler handed him an envelope with five passes for their trip to Obai.
“Thank you Liam.”
“Of course sir.”
Liam and the servants of the estate were the people who were freed by him during the slavers purge of Merluka. Many returned with him to Lenmos, but many who had family in Merluka decided to stay as his servants at his Merluka estate. Eric and Micah removed their masks and changed into regular clothes via Eric’s ability.
“Any issues?” Eric asked.
“None sir, though the palace did ask if you could join them for a small meal, they had some news about Obai and some updates on the kingdom.”
“Understood. I will head over soon. Anything you need?”
“No sir, though I would like to report that the efforts for the orphanage are going well.”
He thanked Liam and checked with the other servants for anything they might need. The cook asked if he could make some improvements to the kitchen, which he provided Liam with the funds to expand it before heading off to the palace via [Mass Teleport].
The royal family made a room specific for him to teleport to. The handmaid of the Queen was waiting and welcomed him before leading him to a nearby room. He sat and she left to get the young king and queen.
“Welcome back Lord Phaestus!” The young King said bursting into the room, his Queen mother following gracefully behind him.
“Hello your majesty, how are you feeling Lady Merluka?”
“Considerably better, though I do find myself getting tired.”
The two sat down at the table with him and the handmaid set out some snacks and drinks.
“How are things in the kingdom now?”
“Excellent! The people are really happy.” The Queen smiled at her son’s excitement.
“The people are quite happy with seeing their families returned and the end of corrupt nobility. I made sure to raise up the proper people in status. Things are still improving, though not much since you have been gone.” She laughed elegantly.
“Glad to hear.”
“So you will be leaving today to go to Obai right?”
“Yes. Though you will get quite the surprise on our return, and no I will speak of what it is.” He cut of the young king’s follow-up question short.
“Right, Obai, I wanted to forewarn you. It seems that some of the major houses might have become supporters of the church.”
Damn, that is not good news.
“Any ideas who?” He asked.
I guess I will have to rely on Ella’s sister.
“Thanks. I will check in with a friend’s family there.”
They enjoyed the snacks and said their goodbyes, and Eric returned to the estate.
The girls welcomed him back along with the head maid.
“Welcome back Master Eric.” She bowed her head.
“Thank you Ria. Is everything prepared Ruby?”
“Yup, I went to double check the departure with big sister Luna!” Ruby replied with an adorable salute.
Her nose is twitching! Micah definitely saw that… She is just smiling? Uh, nope, her brain shut down. I
t took a few minutes to bring her back and they departed for Merluka docks.
Merluka was a coastal city, so a majority of the buildings were made from stone since moisture from the ocean caused wood to rot faster, unless it was coated in an expensive resin. A lot of dock workers were moving about, loading up departing ships.
“That’s the ship there Papa!” Ruby ran ahead and posed cutely in front of a large ship.
“This is a nice frigate.” He commented.
It was a large multi-sail ship where the sails were a dark wine red.
“Now there be the cute bunny I saw this morning.” A dark tanned beast-kin woman approached.
She had large dark red wings on her back and a long feathered tail.
“You must be my passengers for this trip.” She reached out and shook Eric’s hand.
“I be Captain Reed. I don’t know who ye be exactly, but I know ye be important. I will do my best to get us to Obai.”
“Thank you.”
“We are almost fully loaded and will be departing soon. Me men only need to secure the goods.”
He thanked her and they boarded the ship. Captain Reed’s cabin girl led them to their quarters.
Captain Reed did her last role call and made sure everything was good to depart.
“Alright! Raise anchor and get us movin’!”
“Yes Captain!” The sailors ran about to undo the mooring lines.
Six of them began casting [Control Water] to move the ship out and turn it toward the open sea.
“Drop sails!” They lowered the sails at Captain Reed’s orders, the wind caught the sails and they began moving out to sea.
“Well done! You beat your last record!” The sailors cheered and went about their tasks.
“You have quite the crew Captain Reed.”
“Aye I do. The way I see it, a happy crew means a happy voyage. I do my best to them, all I ask is that they do the same to me.”
Eric had joined her by the wheel.
“How long have you been sailing?”
“Sixteen years, I started as a cabin girl to the previous captain of this ship, me Auntie. She took me in when I lost me parents to an illness. Before you ask, yes, I do miss me parents, but I am thankful me Auntie took me in. The ocean be me home now.” She smiled happily.
She notified him that they would be having a communal meal at sundown, he thanked her and he headed back down to the cabin and shifted into the Haven. Micah and Rorroco were helping Ruby train. Rorroco was sitting on the grass while Micah went at it with Ruby.
“Oh, how were things on deck?” She asked.
“Good, she said the meal will be around sundown. How is she doing?”
“Ruby has an insane amount of stamina now. I mean, she kept up with me for most of the time, she petered out at the end. Micah has a lot more techniques when it comes to fighting while I, more of just smash things.” She laughed.
“Ah! Papa! Ouch!” Ruby let herself get distracted and she got bopped on the head by Micah.
“You need to pay attention Ruby. If you let yourself get that distracted, you will leave yourself open.”
“S-sorry big sister…” Her ears drooped sadly.
Micah patted Ruby’s head assuredly, which perked her up a bit.
“Now then, time for your training Eric.” Micah pointed her training blade toward him.
“Um, me?”
“Yup. You have been a bit sluggish lately.” She replied.
“And you gained a little weight.” Rorroco added.
“Oh, um, I uh, wait. Wait! WAIT! AHHHHH!” Eric began his two hours of hellish training.
“Are you okay Papa?” Ruby asked Eric as he was laying on his back on the grass, breathing heavily.
“Y-yeah, I’ll be fine Ruby. It hurts…”
Ruby petted his head.
“You did well Eric. I think this is a good start.” Micah said sauntering away.
“Did you mess up Eric?” Rorroco asked.
“I don’t think so. If anything, I think she felt like messing with me.”
Rorroco and Ruby looked over at Micah who turned, put a finger over her lips and winked. Ruby and Rorroco knew with that that she was just messing with him.
“If you want Eric, you could train with me.” Rorroco offered.
“Oh! Why not train with me Papa?”
“I think he would get hurt with you Ruby, you are still not good at controlling your strength.” Rorroco countered.
Rorroco mostly did strength training each day, so Eric felt it would be better to train with her.
“Need me to carry you?” Rorroco offered.
“Nah.” Eric changed their clothes to bathing robes, casted [Cleanse] on them, and shifted them into the hot spring. They relaxed for a bit until it was close to sundown and they headed up to join the crew for the meal.
“Oh! Welcome!” The cabin girl welcomed them on deck.
They were using a magic plate to heat the pot they had in the middle of the deck. Most of the crew members were about already eating.
“We have a communal stew. It has vegetables and bullet deer meat. It is really delicious.” The cabin girl said.
Each of them got a bowl and spoon of stew and joined the rest of the crew.
One of the crew members spoke up to Eric, “Hey matey, how do ye get so many lovelies travelin’ with ye?”
Eric laughed began spinning his tale, leaving out the details of him being a Hephaestus or a noble.
“I was an immigrant to Meerka nearly a year ago, where I met my wife here, Micah. After that we traveled to Alta and took part in the huge project to make crossbows.”
“You were a part of that?! Did you meet Hephaestus?!” The sailors asked.
“I did. He wore a mithril mask that obscured his face completely. No matter how many times I tried to make out his face, it would change the next moment ever so slightly.”
Micah chimed in next, “He had a bit of a haughty attitude, but he mostly directed it toward those who deserved it. He turned out to be a great and kind man.”
“Really now?” Captain Reed came to join the conversation.
“Yes. After that we ended up being a part of a team that was teleported to Dunlap. One of Lord Hephaestus’ companions could teleport a large number of people with little effort!” Eric said.
“Teleportation. I heard a rumor that Hephaestus can do it.”
“He can!” Ruby chimed in.
“Did you happen to see Aphrodite?”
“Lady Aphrodite? Yes, she is a lovely person, but she also wore a mask like Hephaestus, so it was hard to tell. She was very protective of him, I saw her pull a blade on a prince’s attendant who was disrespectful to her beloved husband.” Eric said.
“Which prince?”
“A prince of Meerka. That is all we can say.” Micah said slightly blushing.
“So, did you help with the Grand Forest Path project?”
“We did. We were there when the Basilisk Queen attacked. It was insane to see a single person cast a military class spell to kill the beast!” Micah commented.
“Which spell was is?”
“From what I heard, [Solaris Conflagra].” Rorroco added.
“Really?! I heard it takes six people to cast that!” One sailor commented.
“So the title of Lord of Fire is deserved.” Another sailor said.
They continued their story into how they are residents of Lenmos and often saw Lord Hephaestus and Lady Aphrodite checking on the city.
“Those sound like some good rulers. I would not mind living there, but too bad they don’t have an ocean there.” Captain Reed commented.
“Um, I heard that he was working on a flying ship.” Ruby added, which caused the entire conversation come to an immediate stop.
“What did you say lass?” Captain Reed looked at Ruby wide eyed.
“Allow me to explain.” Eric cut in quickly. “What she said is true. Lord Hephaestus is a very skilled craftsmen and we heard one of his dreams is to create a ship that flies through the sky.”
“Is he, looking for a crew?” Captain Reed cut in.
Wait, what about their ship here?
“But don’t you have a ship here?” Ruby asked.
“This ship belongs to the company we work for. Honestly speaking, we were planning on leaving the company. The higher ups changed and things have turned for the worst. The food here is out of my own pockets, then these stubborn lot also pooled their coin together to add a bit more.”
Hmm, if I added the twelve sailors here to crew the ship, I will have to expand the ship a bit. I do like these guys and Captain Reed seems to be a good person. Let’s ask ‘that’ questions.
“Did you guys know that Lord Hephaestus does not like the Church of Light?”
The group of sailors raised their ire.
“Hahahah, if Lord Hephaestus is an enemy of the church, we would be all the more honored to serve him. The crewmen here, every one of them have a lot of reasons to dislike that damnable church. Remember that disease I mentioned? The one that took my parents? Well, the church refused to help anyone unless they got a big favor from the government. The government chose not to accept, we don’t blame them either. The favor would have given the church itself a seat in the council in Obai. Doing so would have given them too much damn power. If it were coin, the council would have gladly paid it, even if they had to bankrupt themselves. I remember the council members sold so much of their own property to amass three-hundred royal coins.”
If I remember right, that would be three-hundred-thousand gold coins…
“With that amount, you could border line buy a country…” Micah was dumbfounded by the amount.
Those council members really cared for their people to sacrifice so much.
“That it could. If the church had accepted their offer, the council members would have been homeless with nothing to their names. They knew what would have happened if they allowed the church to become a permanent part of the council. It would have far worse for our people in that case. The church looks down on beast-kin, like we are beasts of burden.” Captain Reed’s voice was full of disdain.
“What happened with the disease?”
“A team of alchemists successfully created a remedy that cured it. It became a popular export of the country. After that, the people drove them completely out of Obai. But like a disease themselves, they’ve been creeping their way back in. The owner of the shipping company we work for is under one of them bastards.” Captain Reed finished her explanation.
Many of the other sailors, who were beast-kin themselves, voiced their own distaste for the church.
“Thank you all for telling us. We are actually on a mission from Lord Hephaestus. When we see him again, I will let him know about you and your crew.” Eric warmly said.
The crew members smiled and thanked him. They enjoyed the rest of their meal, exchanging stories late into the night.
Around the half-way point into their trip the cabin girl came to get Eric and his group. They went above deck and up to the helm where Captain Reed awaited them. The skies were dark and she was looking into the distance with her spy glass.
“Ah, you’re here.” She lowered her spy glass.
“A big storm is coming, and this is not a good area to be in. Various monsters can show up in the next few days. With the storm we could sneak through unnoticed, but if one finds us, we would be put in a bad way.” Captain Reed explained.
“We can help. We all know how to fight and I can cast a number of spells.” Eric replied.
“I appreciate that. I hope that you will not be needed.”
They finished their conversation and headed forward, into the storm.
Thunder, lightning, waves, and strong winds ravaged them as they weathered it.
“Secure those lines! Now!” Captain Reed called out.
Eric and the others were on standby in the captain’s quarters in case of a monster attack. They had already been fighting with the storm for four hours. Sailors would come into the room and Eric would cast [Full Rest] on them to restore their strength.
"Uweeeehh.” Ruby was quite sea sick from the bad rocking and was laying down. It was then that the worst happened.
They charged out into the stormy deck, doing their best to not be thrown off the ship. One of the tentacles of the squid wrapped itself around the mast.
“Protect the mast! Hurry!” Micah charged forward and severed the tentacle in one clean sweep.
The sailors took note of what she did because they needed to focus on the main source.
“Icey Cold, hard as steel, point of a needle, barrage my target. [Ice Shotgun]!” A large number of pointed icicles formed and stabbed into the squid at Eric’s spell. It hurt it but did not stop it.
“ANOTHER ONE!” A second squid showed up and began attacking the ship.
“Shit, Rorroco!”
“Right! [Resize]!” She grew into her full size and pulled a ballista out of her [Closet].
She fired at the new one killing it instantly. The injured giant squid took notice of Rorroco and began grabbing at her.
“Ah! No! Let go!” Rorroco tried fighting it off but it had too many legs.
“Become a long and sharp lance of ice [Icey Lance]!”
A sizable ice spear formed and impaled the squid, killing it. Its tentacles struck in a number of places on the ship, breaking superficial things.
That was the last thing he heard before an explosive pain sent his mind into the black abyss.
Bleh. Cough, cough, cough.
“Oh thank the gods! Eric, please tell me you can hear me!”
Eric heaved up a bit more water out of his lungs.
“Eric, take it easy, you’re okay.”
He felt a hand on his back.
“Rorroco?” He opened his eyes to see her next to him.
He looked around them. They were on a small sandbar with nothing else in the area beyond a few others.
“Where are we? What happened?”
She retold the night’s events.
“ERIC!” Micah cried out as a piece of the railing that was broken off by the giant squid hit him in the back of the head.
His body went limp and slipped overboard.
“NO!” Micah moved grab him before he fell but just missed him.
“LEAVE IT TO ME!” Rorroco jumped off into the water.
She found him sinking in the water and was able to grab him. She swam with all her strength back to the surface. Breaking the surface she tried to find the ship, but because of the waves, she could not see it.
A small fireball flew into the sky a distance from her.
That has to be them!
She swam with all she had toward where it was, unable to see it. She saw another fireball, but it was much further than the last one.
No! I can’t keep up!
Rorroco kept swimming as hard as she could. She kept swimming in the direction for hours.
I lost sight of the fireball, I have to find them.
Rorroco continued swimming through the waves until they calmed, and the skies cleared. Looking around, she could not see the ship anywhere.
I lost them…
She had no choice but to keep going. She knew the direction she had to go and she would swim there if she needed to, but she had to take care of Eric before that. Thanks to a single tropical tree, she found a small sand bar. After shrinking down she started the technique Eric showed her.
What did he call it? See Pea Argh?
After doing some careful chest compressions and breathing air into his lungs.
“Bleh. Cough, cough, cough!”
“So we got seperated.” He stated.
“Yes. I’m sorry Eric, I tried to keep up with them.”
“Hold on, let me try something. Connect our thoughts and allow us to communicate across long distances [Call].”
“Captain, there be no signs of them.” Captain Reed’s first mate reported.
“Keep looking! A swimming giant should be easy to spot!” She responded angrily.
Micah was also looking about with a spy glass. They had escaped the storm and were desperately trying to spot them.
“What?!” Micah felt something connect to her mind.
“Micah, can you hear me?”
“Eric! You’re alive!”
The others looked at the elated dark elf.
“Yeah, thanks to Rorroco, I survived. We are a little worse for wear. We are on some kind of sand bar, check with the captain to see if she knows of it.”
Micah turned to Captain Reed and explained the situation, but the captain’s face turned from one of hope to one of despair.
“Yes, I know of that place, there is not a single sea goer that doesn’t know of that place. It is a breeding ground of the Kraken. It is a massive squid and the parent of giant squids. That is the most dangerous location in all the oceans. Your friend was lucky to get there.”
“I heard. Hmm, Head to Obai.”
“What?! We can’t leave you behind!” Captain Reed cried out.
Micah realized then that the captain was in on the conversation too.
“You can, and you will. I have a confession to make captain. I am Hephaestus, and the flying ship is something I was planning on making during our time in Obai. But now the schedule just got moved up. I don’t know how long it will take me to build it, hmm? Oh, that is a good point Rorroco. If I have Rorroco helping me, we should be able to get it done quickly. I have the design and materials ready.”
Captain Reed’s eyes widened and she looked to Micah who confirmed what he said.
“But how will you crew it?”
“I may need to ask for help from a friend if need be, but I think we should be able to manage once I get her in the air.”
“Understood. We will head to Obai then. May your sails be strong.”
Captain Reed called out to her crew and updated them on things, changing the story slightly, saying the Lord Hephaestus was on his way to save their two lost people.
“Why did you not tell them?” Micah asked.
“I felt it would be more entertaining to see their faces later.” Captain Reed mischievously smiled.
My kind of friend. Micah thought as the captain turned the wheel toward Obai.
“Tell Rorroco. I approve.”
“Approve what?”
“She’ll understand.”
He confirmed and disconnected.
Sigh… I never thought I would, but I owe her so much now. Thank you Roro.
Micah looked off in the distance with a satisfied smile on her face.
Back on the sand bar, Eric explained the few parts Rorroco didn’t hear to her and shifted them into the Haven. Eric had a large area cleared out for his airship with all the materials nearby.
“Okay, let’s get…” He stumbled.
“Easy!” Rorroco caught him.
“You need to rest Eric. Let’s get you in the water first, it will help restore you.”
His mind was a bit foggy. “Oh, right, Micah told me to tell you that she approved. What does that mean?”
Rorroco’s back straightened in surprise. “Um, well, let’s talk about that once your head is clear.”
She’s a bit red. Is she okay?
His mind faded again as she picked him up in her giant form.
His mind was finally feeling clear.
Thank Luna my head is feeling better. I hope she is okay on the ship. She got sea sick right away and spent the whole time in the cabin below deck. Uwaaaah, I don’t think my bed has ever been this soft before… Or wet… Where am I?
He lifted his arm and pulled the cloth from his eyes.
“Oh, you’re awake? How is your head?” Rorroco asked.
“Ro-ro-ro-rroco!? Why are we like this?!”
She had his positioned on her chest, wedged in between her breasts.
“Well, I got worried you would slide under the water and drown if I left you on the shallow side, so I put you there so that I could keep you safe.” She replied casually.
“But. Why. Naked!?” He tried to escape but she wrapped her arms around her chest, tightening his heavenly prison.
“Eric. You asked me what Micah meant, remember?” She asked blushing.
“You remember your promise to consider if I got her approval?”
“Now please understand Eric, I don’t want you to feel like you owe me for saving your life. I want you to think of that as me wanting to save you, because, I love you.” He turned his head to look upon her face.
Heh, what kind of adorable face is that?
She was blushing a deep crimson, her mouth tensed up, and her eyes unable to look at him. Eric relaxed and stopped trying to escape.
“Okay Roro. You win. Sigh. I thought I could not love anyone else but Micah, but no matter how strong the winds blew, your mountain of feelings stood strong.”
That was an odd sound.
“Ah! Don’t look! Please don’t look!”
“Um, Roro, what’s wrong?”
“T-That line! Ah! My face must be so red!”
I really want to look! But last time I did something like that I got punished.
“U-um, that line, d-did my sister tell you that?”
“You mean the Queen? No. Is there something about that line that is special?”
“I-it’s a line from mountain giant marriage vows!”
Oh. I had no idea. Screw it, I will take the punishment!
Eric turned his head and saw the most adorable face he had ever seen, he knew at that point that he loved Rorroco just as much as Micah.
Sigh. I hope they get along better now…
- End2956 Chapters
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