《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 27: A Lot Can Happen Over a Year
The Sheila’s Heart cut through the sky on its’ way toward Merluka. Ruby was at the helm with Captain Reed, learning how to fly the ship. Some of the crew, wearing special harnesses, were in the midst of painting the metal wings a dark wine red color like the wings of Captain Reed. They were relatively safe due to a feature Eric imbued into the ship. A magic barrier acted as a windbreaker, surrounded the whole airship in a bubble. So the only thing that they felt was a light, cool breeze.
“Now, to change our altitude, you push forward to go down and pull back to go up.”
“Aye, aye, captain!” Ruby replied, trying the controls out.
Eric was relaxing nearby on a chair he finished making earlier. At the front of the ship, Rorroco and Micah were speaking quietly. Even though Eric told her that he got permission from Elder Oribaba, Luna was hiding below deck, hoping she wouldn’t get another lecture.
“So, that happened while you two were alone.”
“You did approve.”
“I know! I know I did, but I just can’t help but feel a bit bitter.”
“So then, how do you want to handle this?” Rorroco asked.
“Take turns?”
“No. I feel like we will get competitive if we do that….”
“Ahh, screw it. I have an idea. You and me, to the Haven, he will be banned from coming in for a bit until we… become closer.”
Rorroco didn’t quite understand but agreed if it meant them working things out. Eric sent them to the Haven, confused as ever, but just went back to relaxing.
“Papa, what did big sisters want?” Ruby hopped over to him.
“Don’t know. But your big sisters said that no one else was allowed inside for a couple of hours. Let me check on them.” He closed his eyes for a moment to look in the Haven.
His eyes shot open instantly, and his face turned red.
“Um, they uh, are doing, um, chores together.”
“Oh, do you think they would want my help?”
“NO! I, uh, I think they are doing it to get closer. As you know, Rorroco and I will be getting married too.”
“I remember! Yay! I am happy for big sister!”
Ruby was oblivious to what was really happening inside the Haven. Still, Captain Reed had a bit of a knowing smirk on her face.
I am thankful she won’t say anything here, but I feel she will tease me later about it…
Eric dressed up as Phaestus and teleported ahead of the airship to notify Merluka of its’ arrival so they would not attack it. He made sure to keep the young king in the dark to surprise him.
Lady Merluka put her hands on the young king’s shoulders to keep him relatively calm while The Sheila’s Heart came down for a landing in the castle training yard. Six metal legs extended from inside the ship to just below the keel, allowing the airship to land safely and remain level. A six-foot section of the railing was unlocked and swung open, and a metal ramp extended down to the ground to permit access.
“The ship can also land in water as well if needed. It is using some of the Magic Alternators of Alta to recharge the magic core circuit during flight. It allows for perpetual flight while moving at max speed. The normal shipping time from Merluka to Obai is one month. With this, we were able to cut it down to one week with it flying at max speed.”
“That is amazing, too bad it is so small.” Lady Merluka commented.
“If I built it to the size of a frigate, I would have needed six apex cores to power it. This one takes one apex core along with ten greater cores.”
“Oh! Is that the Basilisk Queen core?!” The young king asked.
“Ah, no. It is a newly acquired core.” Phaestus went into retelling the story.
“There they are, Phaestus!” Athena called out, using a spyglass.
She saw a human man and a giant woman on a small sand bar in the middle of the ocean.
“I see them!”
“Phaestus! The Kraken!”
The water bulged upward as the enormous squid broke through the surface of the water.
“KRAAAAAGHHHH!” The Kraken roared, reaching its’ massive tentacles toward the airship.
Phaestus turned the wheel to avoid the ship being grabbed.
“Athena! Take the wheel!” Athena ran to him and changed places with him, avoiding each of the attacks of the Kraken.
“Conjoin mine power, focus mine soul of fire, form together to bring forth a burning fragment of the sun. Blind all who look upon thy majesty. Leave nothing left, touch and scorch all before me, [SOLARIS CONFLAGRA]!” The mass of fire flew toward the Kraken, right into its open maw before exploding in its’ grandeur.
The tentacles of the Kraken fell with its’ glorious death. After rescuing the castaways, Eric and Rorroco, Phaestus retrieved the large, beach ball-sized monster core. He also noticed that the corpses of multiple greater squids were nearby as well. His spell had boiled the nearby water, killing many of them. It took him about an hour, but he and Athena retrieved all the cores and headed toward Obai.
“I was using the Basilisk Queen core before, but I would have needed to stop to recharge it. The Kraken core gives enough power for it while allowing the alternators to keep it charged.” Phaestus finished his slightly altered story.
He needed to alter it since many people of the castle present did not know the truth of his identity.
“That was an amazing story!” The young king cheered.
“That is fantastic news Duke Hephaestus. The Maritime guild will be most happy to hear this news. I believe they have a reward for killing it, so long as you have proof, which I think the core would do nicely.”
He thanked the Queen for the information and would get in contact with them. After giving the young king a tour of the ship, he had to ask a question.
“Why is it so sparse?” The young king of Merluka asked.
The inside was primarily empty, except for the aft end, where a sizeable runic array was. In the center of the array was the Kraken core, surrounded by six additional cores the size of volleyballs. There were some loosely placed beds and supply crates about for the crew of the Sheila’s Heart.
“I had to rush the build, so it has yet to be finished. I worked on it during our trip back, but there is more work I plan on doing.”
“I hope to see the finished version. Do you plan to make another?!”
“It would be difficult, your majesty. As I said, I would need a Kraken-sized core to make one that works.”
The young king got a bit sad but changed gears quickly to ask for a ride. The Queen said she would like to join in for a short ride around the city. The servants from Phaestus’ estate also showed up with a group of children who were orphans. They all climbed aboard and did a thirty-minute flight around the city’s perimeter before dropping them all off back at the castle.
“Your majesty, one final thing I wanted to notify you of. Sheila’s Heart will be making frequent trips to Obai to transport Cure Disease potions to Lenmos. I will make sure that they stop here to sell a portion of the stock on their way to Lenmos. They will also stop here. If you have anything you need to priority ship to Obai, please let Liam of my estate know.”
“Thank you, Lord Phaestus. We hope to see you soon!”
With their farewells complete, the airship took to the air once more and headed back to Lenmos.
The story of Sheila’s Heart spread like wildfire through all the kingdoms. The fact that it would traverse long distances completely safe from monsters and fly above storms made it a highly desired item.
Representatives of Goun and The Church of Light both attempted friendly relations with Duke Hephaestus, but he turned them down, much like the last priest who tried to curse him. Because of its’ small size, it could not take large items. Still, it transported a considerable amount of spices, medicines, and potions throughout the allied kingdoms.
The two kingdoms attempted to coerce Captain Reed, who shot them down instantly. The crew of the ship gave the same answer. Eventually, they tried to steal the vessel, but were dealt with by a well-armed unit who wielded magic steel swords, highly protective armor, and a complex system that prevented anyone but those authorized by Duke Hephaestus himself from operating it. They even made an attempt on his family, only to be devastated by how powerful the family was.
At a certain point, Duke Hephaestus had the ship ride along the border between Goun and Dawn, where he dropped several [Solaris Conflagras] as a warning. After that point, all attempts to steal the ship ceased.
A month after his warning to Goun and Dawn, Eric was in his office working through his mountain of paperwork as usual until he reached his breaking point.
“AHH! Why is there so much of this?! It never ends!” Eric slumped onto his desk, miserable.
Douglas and Ella looked just as tired as him. “This is a cause of the airship Master Eric. Many people want to be able to do business with it. It is your property.” Douglas commented.
Eric sat up and asked how much of the paperwork was just about Sheila’s Heart. Ella responded by pointing out about seventy percent of it.
“Haaaaaaah. All for trading….” Eric sighed before something in his mind clicked. “All for trading.”
“Is something wrong, Master Eric?” Douglas asked.
“I need to go talk to some people!” Eric changed into Phaestus, chanted his [Fly] spell, shifted himself outside, and flew off into the town.
“What do you think he is up to?” Douglas asked.
“I think he may have found an answer for the airship.” Ella responded with a smile.
Phaestus landed just outside of Fizzy’s workshop and charged inside.
“Fizzy! You here?” He called out.
Charlie came out from the back. “Oh, Lord Phaestus, good to see you. Fizzy is not here right now. She went to the airship to work with her father on some of the upgrades Captain Reed requested.”
“Great! Thanks, Charlie!” Before Charlie could say more, Phaestus was back out of the shop and flying to the open field they were using at the airship landing zone.
“Hello brother, what brings you here is such a rush?” Buulgi welcomed Phaestus.
“Are Fizzy and Rexar on board?” He asked, which Buulgi nodded his reply. “Great! Don’t go anywhere. I want to talk to you too!”
Phaestus landed on the deck where the sailors of the Sheila’s Heart welcomed him. After asking where his targets were, he headed below deck to find Fizzy and Rexar staring at a cold storage unit Phaestus helped design.
“I think it be a bit off.” Rexar commented.
“I agree, but we moved it six times now, Da. We need to finish this.” Fizzy replied.
“You two are silly.” Captain Reed commented as she moved over to the unit and shifted it an inch.
“You got it!” The two dwarves cried out.
Sighing and shaking her head, the captain noticed Phaestus.
“Oh my lord, what brings you here?” She asked.
“I would like to see you three topside. I have a… proposition for you.” Phaestus chose his words carefully, not wanting them to know he wanted to offload a majority of his paperwork.
They followed him topside to find Al, Wrinklebottom, Mini, and a tied-up Wanda on the deck.
“Ah! I knew you were here, Grand Master! I am your present unwrap and-.” Wanda began before Al bonked her on the head.
“Enough of that, Miss Wanda, there is a child present.” Al chastised her.
Oh, she will hold back if Mini is around. I guess she doesn’t want to make Wrinklebottom mad.
“This is great that all of you are here. I can understand why most of you are here, but why are you two?” Phaestus asked, looking at the two gnomes.
“Ah, the nutrient supplements Mini created are fairly popular, so we get orders for the ship all the time. We came to make a delivery.” Wrinklebottom smiled widely, proud of his little granddaughter.
“That is great to hear. Well done, Mini.” Phaestus praised the little gnome, who got bashful and hid behind her grandfather.
Summoning several chairs from his Haven, Phaestus asked them all to take a seat.
“So I understand that you are the head of the Merchant Guild here, Rexar?” He asked.
“That’s right. Fizzy is doing a great job as the head of the Crafters.”
“So, I wanted to talk to you all about unifying most of the guilds here together to make a new one.”
“What are you thinking?” Wrinklebottom asked.
“A Trade Guild.”
Phaestus went into explaining that they could combine four of the guilds together. Rexar for the Merchants, Fizzy and Buulgi for the Crafters, Al and Wrinklebottom for the Casters, and lastly would be Captain Reed for the Maritime. He explained that they would be given administrative over Sheila’s Heart to determine her schedule as a unified guild. Phaestus would still maintain executive authority over the airship, its designs, and any changes regarding it.
“Hmm.” Rexar was in thought, which Fizzy asked his opinion.
“Well, it is a great deal, really. Right now, the schedule is kind of loose, but if we refine it, it could make us all a good deal of coin. Lord Phaestus, I have a proposal as well. I have been gettin’ questions on if we plan to expand the railroad to here. I’ve been meanin’ to ask ye about it.” Rexar said.
Hmm. The train would travel the Grand Forest Path. Expanding it would be quite a hassle, but I think there should be enough space for the train, leaving about two carts worth of room for those not using the train.
“That sounds good. Get in contact with Sanji and Manji. They should be able to help provide the raw ores to make the tracks.” Phaestus recommended.
“Thank ye, milord. I think we should include them on the Trade Guild council as well. We can use Sheila’s Heart to bring in the ores and move parts about. What say ye the rest of ya?” Rexar asked.
“Looks like we have our Trade Guild President.” Wrinklebottom said with a smile.
“I agree.” Al added.
Rexar sighed at the headache he got himself into but accepted the role.
After two weeks, Lenmos established its Trade Guild and began building a schedule for Sheila’s Heart and the new tracks. They worked it out with Dunlap that a new train would be made to travel from Dunlap to various major cities in their territory and ending in Lenmos. It was estimated the project would take longer than the one between Alta and Dunlap due to the dangers of the forest.
Phaestus entered his home, relieved that he finished turning over all the Sheila’s Heart management paperwork to the new Trade Guild.
“Welcome home, Master Phaestus.” Allen welcomed him.
“Thank you, Allen. How is Dite? Is she feeling any better than yesterday?” Phaestus asked.
Micah had been feeling a bit nauseated the last couple of days and mostly stayed at the estate.
“About that Master Phaestus, you will want to go see her right away. She needed to speak to you.” Allen replied.
“Thank you, Allen. I will go right away.” Phaestus said with a smile as he headed upstairs to her room.
“Papa!” Ruby hugged him as soon as he entered the room.
“Ruby? How is my little adventurer doing?” He asked her.
Ruby decided she wanted to gain more experience fighting, so she joined the Adventurers Guild and worked her way up the ranks steadily.
“Great! Look!” She showed him a Rank D card.
“Well done! I’m proud of you, just remember, what?” Eric began.
“Life and safety first, mission second.” She replied, getting a head pat from him.
“Micah, how are you feeling?” He moved over to her.
Micah turned to him with a blushing smile.
“The doctor came by today.” She said.
“What did he say?”
“I’m… pregnant.”
Huh? Wha-? WHAT!?
“Uh, could you say that one more time?” He asked, slightly shaking.
“Um, I’m pregnant.” She replied worriedly, only to be relieved the next moment.
“WOOHOO!” Eric jumped into the air with a massive smile on his face.
He picked up Ruby and spun the excited rabbit around in the air. “You’re going to have a little sibling!”
“Oh, Micah.” After putting Ruby down, he moved over and hugged her lovingly.
Everyone else in the household entered the room to congratulate the two. Even Elder Oribaba and Senior Goddess came to congratulate them. Rorroco was happy for them too, but she did mumble that she would definitely be next.
A few months had passed since the joyful event. Micah spent much of her time in Eric’s Haven while their child grew in her belly. It was around this time that Phaestus was busier than ever. Keeping up with the building of their growing town, he was also in the midst of soon to be, second marriage.
Phaestus was working on paperwork at his desk, with Ella assisting him when he heard a call from his Haven.
“Eric! Could you come inside real quick? We have a question!” Micah called.
“Do they need you inside?” Ella asked, seeing the change in his expression.
“Yeah…” He responded tiredly.
“Don’t worry. We are all caught up now on paperwork. Douglas and I can get us a bit ahead. Go look after your family.” Ella said with a smile.
Smiling and nodding his thanks to the bear-kin, he shifted into his Haven.
Inside his Haven, Rorroco, Micah, Luna, and Ruby sat at a lovely stone table he created in the backyard.
“Welcome, brother!” Queen Delvirra was relaxing in the hot spring.
“Shouldn’t you be helping?” Eric asked as he changed his outfit to a more relaxed one.
When the Queen heard of their engagement, she insisted on helping with the wedding.
“I told her to take a break Eric, trust me, it is better this way.” Rorroco said, shaking her head.
They explained to him that she was being too whimsical with spending and would have burned up the whole budget they created on non-essential items.
“Sigh. I see. So what can I help with?” Eric asked, sitting down at the table next to Ruby, who cuddled up next to him.
“It’s about my parents Eric. They said they won’t be able to make it to the wedding. Some monsters have been causing issues with the railroad project, and they are needed to help the project stay on schedule. Though they said that they wanted to see us in Dunlap when we get a chance.” Rorroco explained.
“Do they need help?” He asked, to which she replied, saying that they have it handled.
Eric was a bit saddened to hear that as he heard from Rorroco that her parents were very loving.
“We will be sure to meet up with them as much as possible.” He assured her.
They continued going over costs, gifts, which people to invite or make it to the wedding, and where they would go for their honeymoon.
Queen Delvirra offered to have the wedding performed at Dunlap, but Rorroco and Eric said they wanted to have it at Lenmos. With its central location and most of their friends already living in Lenmos, it would be easier. Some additional questions were asked of whether they should have a platform built or not. They decided that they would have it on a raised platform so that the city’s many people could see the ceremony.
Eric took a moment to say a prayer to Elder Oribaba, asking her if she would be able to perform their marriage. A note with a smiley face and a big thumbs-up appeared on their table, giving her response.
After going through a few more questions, they wrapped up their planning and went about to get things in motion. In four days, Rorroco and Eric would be married.
Time flew by, and the preparations were complete. In the central plaza of the city of Lenmos, a massive gathering of people awaited the event. There were a few additional raised platforms built for dignitaries and nobles to watch from. Upon the central platform stood Phaestus in a formal-looking noble attire and his mask, along with Elder Oribaba and Senior Goddess in their priestess robes.
“The Bride-to-Be!” A caller announced.
In a wondrous white dress, Athena approached the platform, escorted by her sister, Queen Delvirra. The Queen volunteered due to their parent’s absence. As they came, a few people vanished from the crowd mysteriously, but no one really noticed because of the beauty of Athena.
After delivering Athena to Phaestus, he shifted the Queen to her seat next to her two daughters.
“Thank you, everyone, for coming to this joyous day.” Elder Oribaba began. “We are here to witness the joining of two souls in divine ascendance. To be one in this life and the next, to be each other’s strength and support. Let their fates be entwined even beyond the end of time. Duke Hephaestus Eric, do you wish to join in divine ascendance with Lady Athena Rorroco?”
Phaestus heard their real names in his mind like last time. “I do, now and forever.”
“And do you, Lady Athena Rorroco, wish to join in divine ascendance with Duke Hephaestus Eric?”
“I do, now and forever.” She answered with a bright smile.
“Then I, Elder Oribaba, recognize your eternal joining.” With the Elder Goddess’ words, a divine light shone down upon the two of them. Phaestus raised her veil, revealing an amusing smile on her face. She was happy to be married but was also embarrassed being in front of so many people. He chuckled and kissed her happily.
The whole plaza burst into cheers and congratulations. Dite, Ruby, and White joined them on the platform.
“I thank you all for coming today! We will be on our way for our honeymoon! Take care of Lenmos while we are gone!” Phaestus called out to the people, which garnered more cheers, assurances, and one particular voice calling out to be married too, which everyone ignored.
With that done, the group teleported out. Phaestus took Dite, Ruby, and White to Lady Vannil’s estate in Meerka while turning over a few Church of Light fanatics he captured. Once their farewells were complete, he teleported them to Obai. Ella had mentioned that her family had a fine vacation villa at the southernmost edge of the island country. There the two would enjoy their private honeymoon for a week. They enjoyed their honeymoon quite a bit. But Eric ended up having to use healing magic on himself a few times to heal his pelvis when Rorroco forgot to control her strength…
It had been a month since the wedding. Ruby opened her eyes and blearily sat up in her bed, some of her white hair matted to her face. She groaned, contemplating just sleeping for five more minutes before hearing her father call for her.
“Ruby! Are you awake? I made you breakfast.” Eric said, knocking on her door.
“Huh? Okay. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” She replied.
After hearing her confirmation, Eric left to go to his workshop.
Ruby hopped out of bed and stretched her arms above her head, and moved her body about. After getting her blood flowing, she headed to the bathroom. Washing her face and brushing her teeth, she got changed into her adventuring gear and headed out to her father’s workshop after eating her breakfast.
“Papa!” Ruby hugged him from behind.
“Hey, Ruby. Sleep well?” He looked down at her lovingly.
“Mmm!” She smiled and nodded.
“You are going out for a mission, right? What is it for?” Eric asked.
“Um, it was a Ludra Deer. Supposedly they are really tasty.” Ruby replied.
“Where is it at?” He asked, finishing his maintenance on her leggings.
Ruby’s leggings acted as both armor and a weapon when combined with her powerful kicking ability. As she trained within the Haven, she was able to absorb some of the divine energy within it to help her become stronger as a Nephilim.
“It’s not deep in the forest, so I won’t be going to the forest path haven.” She answered him.
“Alright, just be careful, okay.” Eric patted his daughter’s head.
Papa always gives the best head pats!
Ruby smiled widely, and her father shifted her out into her room inside the Lenmos estate.
After greeting the various people in the estate, the white rabbit headed out and down the main street toward the Lenmos Adventurers’ Guild.
Upon entering, several gruff-looking people got up and gathered around her. For a moment, an on-looker would have thought they were ganging up to attack her, but they would have been shocked the next moment.
“RUBY!” The people happily greeted the cheerful rabbit-kin.
“Hello, everyone!” Ruby replied, her ears and fluffy tail flipping happily.
“Taking on a mission today, Ruby?” One of the gruff men asked.
“Yup! Ludra Deer! Hmm… Though I don’t see the party, I was supposed to go with.” Ruby looked around the main hall.
“I’m, right, here, Ruby!” A tall girl in armor was trying to squeeze through the wall of burliness.
“Nissa!” Ruby helped the girl through the group.
“Thanks, Ruby. The other three went to get some extra supplies before we head out. I told them we would meet them by the eastern gate.” Nissa replied.
After saying goodbye to the tough-looking group, they headed out to meet up with the others of their party.
The two girls headed through the town, various people stopping them to chat with Ruby and give the two a treat.
They met the rest of their team at the eastern gate. One was a merfolk boy who specialized in magic. An owl-kin girl who acted as their scout and archer. The last was a human boy who was their healer.
“Took you two long enough.” The healer complained.
“Come on, you know how much everyone loves Ruby. I am surprised we got here as soon as we did.” Nissa joked.
“Let’s go! I want to try and have this done before sundown!” The owl-kin complained.
After exchanging a few items, the team headed out into the forest.
The group was fighting a group of wild hounds that attacked them. Their teamwork was excellent, making sure to keep control of the fight. Ruby’s role was to help cover their blind spots as much as possible. With her nimbleness and attack power, she was perfect for keeping everyone safe if things went wrong. Within a few minutes, the party defeated all four of the hounds.
“Whew! Everyone okay?” Nissa called out, each replying that they were fine.
“Thanks, Ruby. I saw where the hound was, but I was stuck dealing with the one.” The owl-kin thanked her.
“No probs!” Ruby replied with a smile.
They were getting a bit frustrated. It had been four hours, and they had not found a single trace of their quarry. But it was then that both Ruby and the owl-kin girl tensed up.
“Everyone! Leave the bodies and run! Something big is coming!” The owl-kin called out.
The others followed her advice and began retreating in the direction she guided them in.
“Huh?” Ruby heard that what was coming for them. It stopped at where they were and begin pursuing them once more.
“What?! Why is it chasing us!?” The owl-kin cried.
“Could it be a man-eater?!” The healer asked in a panic.
Man-eater was a term the world's people used for monsters that develop a unique taste for humans in particular. They would ignore food before them if they picked up on the presence of humans.
“It has to be! Just keep running-!” Nissa called out, but a large shadow crossed over them, landing before them.
“A-a-a-a red tiger!” The mage called out.
Before them was a blood-red tiger the size of a horse. Its lips were drawn back, baring its fangs. The tiger’s wild yellow eyes bore into them as it poised itself to attack.
The others could not move due to their fear, but Ruby was looking to find a way to get out of the situation.
Yup. I should be able to do this. Give me strength, Papa!
Ruby squatted down, driving as much of her strength to her legs as she could.
“Take cover!” Ruby cried as she rocketed forward, the ground where she was caving in.
Ruby came in low, surprising the wild beast. She kicked out, striking the tiger’s front left leg. A loud crunch could be heard just before the monster roared out in pain.
Now for my new technique! Hundred Bunny Bounce!
Ruby rapidly bounced from tree trunk to tree trunk, only using thicker ones as footholds. With each bounce, she gained speed, and with each bounce, she attacked the red tiger. Ruby eventually was moving so fast she could barely see what her kicks were doing to the beast. She could sense where it was and continued to pummel the beast with her vicious kicks. Eventually, her party members called out to her.
Ruby performed a few more bounces just to slow herself down enough to safely come to a stop. She turned to see her shocked party members staring at something behind her. Turning, she saw the damage she did.
All four legs were broken, its tail was missing, and the spine was broken in several spots. Nearly all of its ribs were shattered. The last thing Ruby saw was its head barely connected to the body.
“Oh… Um. Oops.” Ruby said, doing a goofy pose she saw in a show in Eric’s Haven.
“I think ‘oops’ is a severe understatement Ruby. But.” Nissa hugged the rabbit-kin. “You saved us.”
“She also got the deer too….” The owl-kin commented, looking off to the side. One of the tusks of the tiger that Ruby kicked off happened to take down a Ludra Deer that got too curious for its own good.
“Huh… Curiosity killed the deer.” Ruby said with a giggle.
The group was stunned by Ruby’s strength and luck but chalked it up to being the daughter of the legendary Duke Hephaestus.
The group made it back to the city to report what had happened with the red tiger and turn in their completed mission. They sat in the guild hall with Ruby fans all around them.
“She was bouncing around like crazy! Ruby kicked the thing to death! Nearly kicked its head clean off!” The owl-kin girl continued her retelling of the story.
“Well, we are all glad that all of you made it back safe and sound.” An older man commented.
“Thank you, Guild Master!” The group replied to him.
“Ruby. In light of your achievement, I decided that you will be moved up to B-Rank. There is no way I can leave someone as strong as you at C-Rank.” The guild master said.
“Oh, but what about the others?” Ruby asked.
“Ruby, we’re fine to stay at C-Rank for now. Don’t worry about us, we will catch up to you… your rank, in no time.” Nissa stopped and changed what she was saying, understanding that it might be impossible for anyone to catch up with Ruby’s growth.
After Ruby’s rank-up and a short celebration, Ruby headed back home.
Arriving at the estate, she was greeted by the house butler, Allen.
“Welcome home, Lady Ruby.” He said with a warm smile.
“Thank you, Mr. Allen! Do you know where Papa is?”
“He is at his desk, my lady.”
She thanked him and headed up to the second floor.
Bursting through the door, “Papa!”
Eric looked up from his paperwork, “Ruby. Welcome home. How did your mission go?”
“Hmm. There were some surprises, but we made it home safe and successful!” She proudly announced, sitting down next to his desk.
Allen brought in some drinks and snacks for them as she retold her day’s events.
Three more months pass and Phaestus and his family were invited to an anniversary banquet in Dunlap, celebrating the royal family. Phaestus ended up crafting a couple of gifts for the King and Queen for their anniversary, which they loved. They could not stay too long as Dite was almost due to give birth to their son. The family had just returned home to Lenmos from the celebration and were planning to relax the rest of the night in the Haven.
“Sheesh, I swear if my sister was not married to the king, you would be her toy.” Rorroco complained as Eric changed her banquet gown to comfortable pajamas.
Eric and Rorroco looked exhausted, while Micah looked amused. Luna seemed a bit inebriated while being helped along by Ruby.
“Come on, big sis Luna. Let’s get you some water.” Ruby said, helping the mortal goddess into the house.
“Urp. Thanks, Ruby. Normally this doesn’t happen….” Luna replied.
“Well, anyway, I am entirely up for going to bed. Being treated like a doll all night was draining.” Eric chuckled tiredly.
“I agree. Let’s get some-.” Micah stood up from her seat and froze in place.
“Micah?” Eric asked worriedly.
“Um… My water broke.” Micah replied.
At her comment, the two remaining adults present began panicking. After a couple of minutes of freaking out, Eric remembered to call for Elder and Senior goddess. The goddesses told him that when their baby was due to come, they would answer the call to help if they could, and if not, they would send someone to assist. Which in a flash of pink light, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty appeared before them.
“Hello, all! Aphrodite has arrived!” The goddess posed for them.
Will everything be okay with her helping?
“You just thought something very rude, Eric. I will have you know that I am a mother of seven! Not to mention that birth is something involved with love!”
But it was then that a golden flash of light appeared, and a new goddess appeared.
“W-W-What!? What are you doing here ********?!” Aphrodite cried, a bit of fear on her face.
“Why would I not be here? Elder ******* asked me to help.” The new goddess replied.
Her golden eyes held deep wisdom, her silky brown hair braided down the side of her head and down her modest chest had a golden tint to it. She had a highly regal air about her.
“Could you be… Hera?” Eric asked the new goddess in surprise.
She gave him a kind smile. “You would be correct. I am Elder Goddess Hera. I am typically quite busy in other worlds. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Eric. Elder Oribaba has told me much of you.”
Eric thanked Hera for her kindness.
“Hey, um, baby coming.” Micah complained.
A heavenly bed appeared with a wave of Hera’s hand, and Micah was levitated into it.
“This is of my own making. It makes childbirth quite easy, safe, and quick.” Hera commented, moving over to Micah, getting into a position to deliver their child.
Eric stood on one side, holding Micah’s hand, while Rorroco had the other.
“Uh, wow, it feels like my pelvis is popping out of place.” Micah said in surprise.
“Yes, this bed not only suppresses the pain of normal childbirth, but it makes the delivery as smooth as possible. Your body will return to its normal state once the child is born. Now would be a good time to push.” Hera commented.
With a rather anti-chaotic atmosphere, Eric and Micah’s son was born within minutes. He didn’t cry but was making noises like he was curious at the sound of his own voice and his surroundings.
“Well, what a strapping young boy.” Hera commented, using her power to clean and wrap the boy in a golden fleece.
“Wait, is that the legendary Golden Fleece?!” Eric asked, which got a dignified giggle from Hera.
“We have hundreds of them. Consider a gift from myself.” Hera replied with a smile.
“T-Thank you. Thank you so much, Hera!” Eric said, receiving his son from her.
“Have you thought of a name?” Hera asked.
“Well, yes. Micah felt that we might not have gotten into a relationship if she had not spoken to Aphrodite. So she wanted to either name our child after her if it was a girl. But when we heard it was going to be a boy, I thought we might name him with something similar to one of her children.” Eric said.
Aphrodite, who had been sulking nearby, perked up at what he said, turning to him and Micah, the two smiling at her.
“Leros.” The couple said to her.
Aphrodite was overcome with emotion and began to cry. She moved forward, hugged Micah, and thanked them both for the kind gesture.
“Sniffle. Oh, Heppy will be so happy to hear this. Eros will probably also be interested. I could ask him to give Leros a blessing.”
“NO!” Eric shouted, knowing the kind of god that Eros was supposedly, and was worried what kind of odd blessing might end up attached to his son.
Aphrodite assured him that her son was very responsible and would likely just do something to benefit Leros’ health. Hera also added that Eros was a very reliable god beyond what humans know of him in legends.
Micah only felt a bit weak and could not really walk, but other than that, the whole delivery was peaceful. She began feeding Leros while Eric thanked the Queen of the Greek Gods for her assistance. Hera informed him that they could hang on the bed until Micah was back to normal. She would just ask Elder Oribaba to retrieve after. After Hera and Aphrodite left, the family came together to warmly welcome their newest member, the silver-haired, brown-eyed Leros.
- In Serial118 Chapters
The Stained Tower
[A LitRPG hybrid for those looking for something unique, yet familiar.] Book 1 - 'The Tower's Prelude' - Synopsis: A story & LitRPG told through the eyes of a 16th-century woman. Live through her struggles to understand both herself and the ebbing alien world she now inhabits. Watch as she grows more adept at coping with her various limitations and monster-esque existence. And smile when her silliness and quirkiness bubble to the surface in contrast to her circumstances. Her journey is a chaotic roller coaster and her destination is an utter mystery, but like she did most of her life, she will find a way to make it. Book 1 Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Female Lead, LitRPG, Low Fantasy, Magic, Psychological, Non-Human lead, Reincarnation, Supernatural, & Urban Fantasy Book 2 - 'The Commoners Seek Strength' - Synopsis: A Tower sprouts and rises before the eyes of tens of thousands, and Constance Nightingale, a spiritual & material fusion known as a Kiln, takes her place as the Tower's Mistress. Some cheer, some scowl, and some pray that the Tower shall help them weather the coming hardships. Bear witness to the slow fall of the city that never sleeps and the rapid rise of something new. Book 2 Tags: Action, Adventure, Dungeon, Fantasy, Female Lead, LitRPG, Low Fantasy, Magic, Non-Human Lead, Ruling Class, Supernatural, & Urban Fantasy Author Notes: - This isn't a tower climber story.- LitRPG elements are introduced in Chapter 5. Start increasing Chapter 7/8. The majority of LitRPG fans that read up to Chapter 9 keep reading.- Dungeon stuff really doesn't kick off until Book 2.- It's written as a first-person narrative. Experience the world through the MC's eyes, thoughts, and viewpoint.- The MC speaks archaically, but it's simplified.- Book 1 & Book 2 covers were commissioned for use with this novel only. Artist (Possible NSFW Material) Any feedback, reviews, or support is appreciated. Join the Discord Support me on Patreon to read advanced chapters!
8 225 - In Serial6 Chapters
David has always wanted to change his destiny and try again. Well, Destiny gives him the chance and he becomes a bloodsucking fiend who chooses to adventure in broad daylight with the humans and everyone else...Vampire in daylight? Yep, and he needs something to change his boredom and what better way than to slay monsters and meet women at the same time?Btw, this is going to be a fiction I'll do on the side. my other series Martial Morpher will still continue. cover graphic by tara, and background color/text by me
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Succubi's Gift Online
A Moon Succubus?... Heck yeah! The succubi queen has been tamed and now Lanak is the master of all the succubi and the demons that were previously under the queen. Do-nothing days are taking a toll on Lanak, but when a meteorite falls from the sky and destroys the tent he was supposed to be sleeping in, Lanak might have been wiser to be thankful for the do-nothing days. Now Lanak, his giant friend and his superhuman girl must travel all the way to the moon… succubi tamers do end up in space sometimes! Grab your copy today @ $0.99! Warning: Book contains over-the-action and pulpy adventure. Read at your own risk!
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Once upon a time there used to be a Strongest talent..Soon this talent became omniscient and Strongest in his multiverse but he couldn't fulfill his lifetime wish...BUT he didn't gave up.. Let's join on Rahu's adventure to become the real Strongest on his rebirth with a mysterious System.. The Strongest System: Do 1 billion push ups.. Rahu: Done, where is the reward? The Strongest System: Congrats, Host! Here is your reward for completing the task: Urban omnipotent talisman, xx Exp points..
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Blood & Honey #1
~A Wattys and Fiction Award winner*A lion does not need an invitation from a lamb. That is not the way of the predator. Predators take what they want, when they want it, however they please. And this belief that I am, that evil is, enslaved by the dark night is humorous to say the least. Why would any creator make their pupil inept of withstanding the lighted world when this planet is covered in daylight for half of its life span? No, our Maker did not instill such restrictions for, up here on these earthly lands, we are the gods of prey. ~ Tristan There is only one rule vampires must follow--Bite Hard. It is forbidden for humans to know vampires exist so you can imagine Tristan Darkos's surprise when he finds one that knows what he is. He can tell by the tremble of her body, the thump-thump of her pulse, and her dilated pupils. He's going to have to finish what some other vampire started. The problem is when Tristan gets close to this human his blood turns to fire and the thirst that burns in his throat that should spell her doom twists until he's consumed by another need--one that is evocative, primitive, and...wrong.If Tristan doesn't figure out the mystery that is Kinley Shea Rylan, it is certain whatever dark force her honey blood is summoning forth will be the end of him and, possibly, the end of the world as we know it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Author note: - This is an original work with my take on Vampires. Hope you enjoy it!***Available for a limited time *** ( ie. Whenever I finish this series or WP notices me) Blood and Honey Milestones: - Wattpad Featured story 9/20/17 - 2018 Watttys winner~ The Contemporaries - 2018 Fiction Awards winner in Vampire category
8 191 - In Serial98 Chapters
the unwanted twin
Emilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried.Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her since she was 5 causing her to grow cold and distant. Lexi was the favourite child, her mother and step father gave her everything she ever wanted, she was bubbly and made friends quick however she was used to the attention and never wanted anyone but her to have the attention.both girls had a strong dislike for each other, Emilia hated that Lexi let their parents abuse her whilst she stood by laughing , she hated how bitchy Lexi could be and how she bullied her. Lexi couldn't stand that she had a twin, especially how weird she thought Emilia to be.16 years ago was one of the happiest days of the Rosso family lives, their princesses were born but only two years later Alice Russo ran off with the twins, leaving behind her husband Alessandro and their 4 boys. Alessandro was heartbroken and being the Mafia boss, he spared no resources looking for his twin girls but Alice was good, she had help and managed to hide from mafia boss himself.As time went on, Alessandro and his sons gave up hope, until he received a call he never thought he would have.Book 1 completed
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