《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 8 : Tentacle vs Twisted Beast


On top of the field of the training ground were carcasses of human and snakes alike lying around, forming a pool of blood around them. And in such field were two monsters of their own right, ready to fight for their own survival, one of the monsters was a scythe-wielding Tentacle monster in the form of a young man, whose hiding his real identity as a monster. his reason to fought the monstrosity infront of him which other humans normally ran away from was for his own and his loved one survival, nothing less nothing more, the Tentacle monster was me.

The other monster was the Twisted beast with cobra head and two other head as hands and stood five meters tall with its bright red and black stripes body with glowing golden eyes, the very sight of it was more than enough to instill fear to anyone who looked at it. And there i was looking straight at it with many peoples behind me cowering in fear.

Well, it’s not like i didn’t knew their fear because even i was taken back by how it’s looked, if it not for Tsurai, Saya and Alice were here i would never risked myself to helped them. i mean i was supposed to fought the monster infront of me without my tentacle only with my scythe, if this wasn’t recklessness i didn’t knew what to call it.

I reconsidered the choice to ran away as far as i could from here with Tsurai and co but if i did that it would make a chance for the Twisted beast to attack us and most importantly the fact that i ran away abandoning this people would put a big dent in my relationship with Tsurai. I didn’t cared if all this people died, but Tsurai wouldn’t let that the proof was that she tried to sacrifice herself to helped this people. With the abandoning choice impossible to be put into action, i was left with only choice left, that was to fight the monstrosity infront me, but of course i wouldn’t fight it with only scythe, i got something new to test on this sucker.


With a frightening roar the once unmoving twisted beast, which only observing me at first suddenly threw a fireball at me, all the people behind me show a horrified expression. without moving a muscle i looked at the fireball and said this in normal voice.

“ Earth wall “ (kagero)

And just like that a wall made from Earth with length 5 meters and height 1 meter with 30 cm in thickness rose infront of me, protecting me from the fireball. Yes, the new thing i was talking about was magic, the reason i holed up in the library this morning was not only to avoid Tsurai but also to learned how to use magic. ever since i got magic, i had always wanted to try using magic but since i didn’t knew how to used it i neglected it.

I only found out how to use magic after reading at least 20 books about magic, it took that much of research because the way i used magic was different from other people, All the people who had jobs that granted them magic had the same mechanism to used their magic. to used the magic they only needed to choose the magic they wanted to use at their mind, of course the magic they could use were only magic granted by their jobs as their leveled up, and inserted the amount of their magic power or Mana to the magic they wanted, this determined the size and strength of their magic.


In simple terms, you could thought of using magic as firing a gun that could change it’s caliber according to the bullet loaded to it and the user’s Mana was the bullet, and you did this all in a second. First, you picked the gun (magic) then in the same time you created the bullet’s (mana) with size and strength you desired. After you created the bullet (Mana), the gun (magic) would give the bullet (Mana) a casing (form and element) according to the magic you choose and fired it, But this was strictly for a one-use type magic like the fireball.

Now what made my magic mechanism different was that while i had magic it only served to gave my Mana an element and that’s it, i had complete control what my magic form would be like. With that i only needed to thought of which magic element i wanted then imagined the form, size and strength of my Mana in my mind and fired it, just like that i could use magic with any form in any element i wanted, as long as i got the magic, but for now i could only used earth magic and the best part was this wasn’t the only magic mechanism i learned.

Resuming to the battle, after the Earthwall i conjured absorbed all the damage and heat from the fireball it was reduced to a completely melted rock, before the twisted beast fired other fireball i dash towards it but the twisted beast was faster, it fired another fireball aimed at me in order to avoided the fireball i jumped as high as i can. I raised my scythe in the air and just like the time with black snake, i slashed the twisted beast with the force of my fall, my slash indeed found and struck it target but not a scratch was left at the twisted beast’s body and the feel when i slashed the twisted body was like slashing a thick steel wall.

The twisted beast swung it’s hands at me, i back flipped as fast as i could and managed to dodge it’s strike, with my physical attack rendered ineffective i tried to hit the twisted beast with magic. i conjured spear made of Earth with my magic and i threw it at the twisted beast but it was ineffective too, because the spear was obliterated before it reached it’s target with one the twisted beast’s hand. My physical and magic attack were useless againts the twisted beast, i was frustrated with how easily the twisted beast thwarted my attacks.

As if confirming that i wasn’t a threat to it, the twisted beast face was showing a ridiculing smirk. The moment i looked at the twisted beast’s smirk i snapped and dashed towards the twisted beast again, the twisted beast thrust it hands at me which i dodge with paper-thin margin. I raised my scythe to strike the twisted beast, the twisted beast moved no muscle to guard itself even as i closed in to it, the twisted beast was convinced that no attack of mine would be able to damage it but it was proved wrong, with smile in my face i strike the twisted beast after activating my other magic.

“ take this ! Reinforce ! “ (Kagero)

The twisted beast’s face instantly distorted and groaned in pain because the strike it thought wouldn’t hurt it was able to carved a long slash mark on it’s body decorated in red by it’s own blood. All the people behind me, who saw the wound i inflicted on the twisted beast’s body was utterly shocked, even thought i was the one who did it i was surprised by the power of my newly discovered magic, Reinforce.


This magic was a magic i created after i read about the unique magic of the demi-humans, the demi-humans couldn’t turn their Mana into magic or maybe they just couldn’t use magic, either way the demi-humans couldn’t use magic but in exchange they used their Mana to strengthen their flesh. This got me thinking if the demi-humans could used their Mana like a powersuit to increased their stats then why couldn’t other races did the same or they just couldn’t ? in order to sate my curiosity i tried enveloping my body with Mana in the library.

The result was a success, the moment i enveloped my body in Mana i could feel my power increasing. At first i thought my body would glow if i enveloped it with Mana but there were no changes whatsoever on my body, although it was a bit disappointing it was better this way because this way no one would realize i was using demi-humans unique magic, but the question still remain why didn’t other races used this method to strengthen their body ?.

With no way to found out i stopped thinking about it and return to the battle between me and the twisted beast. Wounded for the first time the twisted beast was looking at me with fear in it’s eyes, i didn’t knew why but ever since the bully incident i couldn’t stop grinning if i saw something or somebody looking at me with fear in their eyes just like now. With smile in my face i engaged in a melee with the twisted beast.

Thanks to the wound the twisted beast movement was dulled, making it easier for me to dodge it’s attack and cornered it. I dodge all the twisted beast attacks while attacking the twisted beast myself, the second i attacked the twisted beast i was convinced once again that the reinforce magic i used was powerful, i wasn’t enveloping Mana only on my body but also in my scythe making it far sharper and studier.

With a barrage of my reinforced attack the twisted beast was unable to attack anymore, it could only defended itself from my attacks. before long the unscratchable steel body of the twisted beast was covered by countless shallow cuts from my scythe, damn, even with Reinforce the snake hands scales were unbelievably hard to cuts but it was enough to cornered the twisted beast.

I released strike after strike at the twisted beast, the twisted beast felt more cornered as the time goes on and finally it couldn’t took it anymore and started to wildly fired fireball all over the place. Because the twisted beast was firing wildly the fireballs were easy to dodge but then i looked one of the fireball was flying towards Tsurai, without thinking i was running frantically towards Tsurai to protect her. Even if i could conjure the Earthwall i could only conjure it five meters around me.

I ran towards Tsurai without caring about the twisted beast behind, i was focused on protecting Tsurai, the fireball kept getting closer to the Tsurai but strength had left her feet as she was still on her knees, she could only raised her shield towards the incoming fireball. in the second i reached around five meters from Tsurai i conjured an Earthwall infront of her, with that Tsurai was shielded from the fireball i was relieved but then Tsurai suddenly shouted.

“ Kagero-sama ! behind you ! “ (Tsurai)

Damn, because i was focused on protecting i wasn’t aware that the twisted beast was already behind me swinging it’s tail at me, even though i knew that the twisted beast was swinging it’s tail at me with [Echolocation] i was barely able to guard againts the attack with my scythe and Reinforce. Because of the force from the twisted beast tail swing i was sent flying all the way to the weapon shed in the training ground, while i was sent flying i could hear three different voice calling my name.

“ Kagero-sama ! “ (???)

“ Kagero ! “ (???)

“ Kagero-san ! “ (???)


With a loud sound i crashed inside the weapon shed, i could felt blood inside my mouth and my body was in pain but i was alive, thanks to Reinforce i was able to avoid lethal wound and only retained medium damage that could be fix if i rest for awhile. But i didn’t had time to rest since the twisted beast was closing in towards Tsurai and co, i had to protect Tsurai but with the way i am now i wouldn’t be able to did anything.

The only thing i could think of that would enable me to slayed the twisted beast was my tentacle, but using my tentacle in this fight hold a heavy consequence for me, if my job as a tentacle was found out i would be hunted by every races especially humans and Tsurai would hated me if she found out. I was thinking hard whether i would use my tentacle or not but then i saw the twisted beast raising it’s left snake hand to killed Tsurai, at that moment i reached my decision. i didn’t cared about the fact i would be found out as tentacle since it was bound to happened and about Tsurai, even if she would hated me if she found out my secret as long as she was alive i could kept trying to won her love. And then the bell to signal the fight between monsters rang.

The twisted beast swung down it’s hand to pummeled Tsurai, but before the twisted beast’s hand reached Tsurai something pierced it’s hand and the thing that pierced it’s hand wasn’t just one, it was three jet black trident, The twisted beast let out a scream in pain.


Something flew out of the weapon shed with an explosive speed and before the twisted beast could even reacted to it.


The left hand of the twisted beast was cut down, blood was spurting out from the cleanly cut hand of the twisted beast and all the while screaming in pain, something kicked the twisted beast’s body and sending it a few meters back. At first Tsurai was smiling since she knew the only one that could come out of the weapon shed was me.

“ Kagero-sa.... !! “ (Tsurai)

Her smile vanished in an instant and changed to surprised and fear-filled face and the people behind her was showing the same face, why ? because what infront of them was a monster wielding a blood covered scythe with tentacles on his back that devouring the cut down snake head of the twisted beast, as you already knew that monster was ......me.

Ignoring the pain in my heart caused by Tsurai who looked at me with fear, i heard the sound of acquiring something.

[Arcane Eater Tentacle] Acquired

Although i acquired new tentacle i didn’t felt excited somehow, i kept looking at the twisted beast who looked back at me with hatred and fear, the damage i inflicted on the twisted beast was enough to killed any monster i knew but as expected it was not enough to killed a twisted beast Suddenly i saw something inside the twisted beast when i looked at it using [Pit Sight], it was an.........egg.

The twisted beast was carrying an egg, was that the reason for the twisted beast attack ? to acquire food for it’s future newborn child ? but the twisted beast luck was bad, for it to attack my future wife. But with this i couldn’t attack the twisted beast’s body anymore, call me naive but i won’t killed a child whether it’s monster’s or human’s no matter what, the newborn was pure and guiltless i won’t killed just because it’s mother tried to killed me and it was one of my dream to raised a monster. I would raise that egg in place of the twisted beast, with that i spoke to Tsurai in soft voice while looking at her over my shoulder.

“ ....Tsurai. “ (Kagero)

“ ...!!.... “ (Tsurai)

“ please, don’t be afraid of me. After this i would tell you everything.....but for now please escort everyone away from here. I couldn’t fight well with you guys here. “ (Kagero)

“ ........ “ (Tsurai)

“ ........Tsurai ? “ (Kagero)

“ Yes ! “ (Tsurai)

Was it just me or was Tsurai just smiled just now ? oh well, i prepared to dash towards the twisted beast but then i stopped because without me noticing Naoki and Reki were already woke up and took a stance to attacked me from behind, i turn my body and looked at them straight in the eye making them flinched a little.

“ ......what do you want ? in case you haven’t realized i got prior business with the bitch back there. “ (Kagero)

“ shut up ! aren’t you the same with that monster ?! “ (reki)

“ i guess and your point is ? let me tell you that the one who had been fighting that monster who kick your asses without help while protecting all these people was me. “ (Kagero)

“ ...kh!... damn you ! “ (Reki)

Reki, You didn’t even had the right to talked back or getting mad since while i’m fighting you guys were sleeping while being healed by Saya. After Reki it was Naoki’s turn to spoke.

“ Kagero, i appreciate your help for protecting everyone while we were outcold but as a hero i couldn’t let a monster like you to roam free, so please surrender. I don’t want to hurt a classmate. “ (Naoki)

“ T-That’s right ! just quitely surrender, you monster ! “ (Reki)

“ or we will forced you to surrender ! “ (Shiina)

“ please wait ! Naoki-sama Reki-sama Shiina-sama ! “ (Tsurai)

“ wait a second ! Naoki Reki Shina ! “ (Saya)

Saya and Tsurai rose to defended me but Naoki and Reki were ignoring them and still insisted for me to surrender to them, and Shiina was suddenly stood beside Naoki and started to forced me too. Surrender, huh ? i didn’t cared if it because they were blinded by their pride as heroes or because they just couldn’t accept the fact that i was able to damaged a monster they couldn’t scratch, didn’t they realized just how dangerous our situation was ? they were bickering while ignoring the enemy infront of them although i too was bickering with them and did they really thought they could beat me as they were now ? don’t made me laugh.

Suddenly i felt something bad would happened if i didn’t looked at the twisted beast now, when i followed my feelings and turn my body to looked at the twisted beast, i realized just how grave of a mistake i did to turn my back towards the twisted beast just to bickered with the useless hero. What i saw was the twisted beast’s hand was collecting magic and ready to fired it’s strongest magic to end us once and for all, just from the looked of it i knew the fired magic would be really big and i won’t had time to moved all these people out of the way, and so i was left to gamble whether i could take the twisted magic or not with my life as the bet.

“ Saya ! “ (Kagero)

“ y-yes ! “ (Saya)

“ cast your strongest barrier around us ! “ (Kagero)

“ eh ? “ (Saya)

“ hurry ! “ (Kagero)

“ O-okay ! “ (Saya)

“ oi ! what’s with your attitude to Saya-san !? “ (Naoki)

“ shut up, useless hero ! Earthwall ! “ (Kagero)

Saya cast her barrier around us and i conjured the thickest and sturdiest Earthwall i could around us, Naoki and the other were unaware of what the twisted beast would did so they kept bickering and yelling telling me to surrender but they were all fell silent by the next moment when a laser made of blazing hot fire destroyed Saya’s barrier.



“ shit ! Arcane Eater ! “ (Kagero)

The laser of fire broke down Saya’s barrier and my Earthwall with ease, in the last moment before the laser hit me i pulled out arcane eater and just like it’s name the arcane eater devoured the laser but it couldn’t devoured all the damage of the continuous laser of fire magic. The laser lasted for atleast a minute or two but for me it was like being burned in hell for eternity, the damage and heat the arcane eater couldn’t devoured was engulfing my body like fire from hell slowly burning my body.

Before long the laser stopped and at that same moment i feel to my knees while my body was letting out smokes, my skin burned up, blood dried up and bone blackened because of the laser, i could only feel pain all over my body but the one who was at his knees wasn’t only me the twisted beast was left exhausted because of that laser attack. i summoned all my power and started running towards the twisted beast, i ignored all the pain i felt every time my body move and took out eaters and steel tentacle, i fired trident all over the twisted beast’s body to seal it’s movement.


The twisted beast roar in pain but i didn’t stopped there, i stood on top of the twisted beast and enlarged my eater tentacles while overlapping [Strong Bite] and [Blood Sucker] and just like that i devoured the twisted beast. All the people who looked at just how bloody the scene where my eater tentacles devouring the twisted beast was filled with fear once more but i ignored it and kept devouring the twisted beast except for it’s egg.

In just a second, the existence of the twisted beast was completely devoured by me and i could hear the sound of acquiring something like usual but then a foreign sound rang out in my head.


[The devoured power exceeded the user flesh limits !!]

[commencing the reconstructing of the user’s body!!]

After the sound faded out an outrageous amount of pain was invading my body, it was enough to made me suddenly scream.


My flesh was tearing apart, bone breaking, my organs felt like they would flew out of my mouth and blood was flying out of my mouth and skin but the pain only lasted for a minute, with the pain i felt when i struck by the laser and this was more than i could take. my body already gave up and left powerless but i refuse to let my consciousness went away, i used all my will power to stayed conscious, then the earlier voice rang out once again.

[body reconstructing finish!!]

[displaying the abilities and tentacle acquired!!]

[Magic Shooter Tentacle]

[Psychical Augmentation]

[Intimidation Eyes]

[Snake Scale Generation]

[Fire Magic]

[Shadow Raiment (Equipment) Ability : Dimensional Treasure Box (Can store living beings and item)]

[you have acquired the [Shadow Raiment], will you accept it ?]


Without thinking i choose yes and suddenly the burned jacket i was wearing changed to a jet black overcoat with feather on the collar and the bottom end of the coat was tattered, what the sound said about reconstructing my body was bothering me so i looked at the silver egg infront of me to substitute for a mirror. What i saw in the reflection was my face with slightly longer hair and deep red eyes, was this all it reconstructed ? was something i first thought but i stopped thinking about that in a second, because right now i had to deal with the hero, knights and peoples who surrounded me.

“ to think that a monster was so close to us..... hero-sama, we should quickly killed it before it killed us. “ (Zerra)

“ yes, and maybe he was the one who called the twisted beast here. In order to prevent any more casualty, we should killed it. “ (King)

Ungrateful fuckers ! who the hell saved you with his life on the line ?! i regretted for even protecting you ! the king and Zerra was urging the hero to killed me, if i could moved right now i would kill them myself but since i couldn’t i stayed silent but then three voice suddenly rang out.

“ wait Zerra-san and king ! what are you talking about !? Kagero is the one who saved us ! isn’t weird to killed him ?! even if it the king’s order i won’t let you killed him ! “ (Saya)

“ what saya-san said is right, please father rethink your decision ! i beg you ! “ (Alice)

“ Zerra-sama Lerres-sama, please hold you judgement ! i beg you ! “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai, Saya and Alice was protecting me but it was in vain, i knew they wouldn’t change their mind even if they couldn’t kill me they would probably made me rotted inside a jail, for me this was a dangerous situation but it was more dangerous for Tsurai. When someone defended a monster they would be suspected as the monster’s kin and killed with the monster and in this case the monster was me and the one who defended me were Tsurai, Saya and Alice.

Saya was the member of the hero party and Alice was a royalty, it would be almost impossible to condemn them as a monster’s kin but Tsurai was only a knight and not a royalty with how things were going, the situation would end with Tsurai dying, like i would let that kind of outcome !

I forced my body to stood up, the knights and heroes took up their stance when they saw me trying to stood up but the moment i stood up they froze and i knew what part of my body that been reconstructed, it was my height. I was atleast 190cm now although my body was still slender like before i could felt that my power output was far exceeded my limit before the reconstruction. I slowly walked towards Tsurai and hugged her from behind while whispering to her ear, Saya and Alice was shocked when they saw me hugging Tsurai.

“ Tsurai.....please rest for awhile inside me. “ (Kagero)

“ Eh ? “ (Tsurai)

In that moment i used Shadow Raiment to swallow Tsurai and the egg inside it, the people around me was surprise beyond words and started screaming.

“ y-y-you finally showed your true colour, you monster ! how dare you killed one of my knights ! “ (Zerra)

“ don’t...talk rubbish....like there’s .....anyone.....monster or not........would kill.....it’s own....future...wife..khh “ (Kagero)

With the last of my strength i uttered those word and then fell unconscious but before that i could saw Saya and Alice dejected face. at this point i was unaware that the next time i woke up i would lost something and had another painful memories.


author message : finally done ! here it is the fight between tentacle and twisted beast ! and anyone gifted with the talent to draw won’t you help this little Erogami to see his MC and Heroine drawn on top of paper ? if there is someone who would made my dream come true please send the pic at [email protected], thanks and enjoy !

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