《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 9 : what i lost and what i gained


..........I came here again, what I saw was the same empty darkness-filled place; the only difference was that this time I’m not chained, although I’m still left naked. I was walking aimlessly there for a while, but then I was reminded of Tsurai and started to think of a way to wake myself up. I tried to shout as loud as I can and ran all over the place but I still hadn’t waked up.

“Damn....What should I do!?“ (Kagero)

“Can.........hear......? My...............cor“ (???)

A voice suddenly answered my shout, the voice was covered by static noise making it hard to catch what was said, I looked around for people but there was no other person as far as I could see residing here besides me.

“So, is this the mysterious voice plot?“ (Kagero)

With my arm crossed, I looked up and said that with my usual poker face.

“What? Do you have something to say or warn me about?“ (Kagero)

I couldn’t say I am surprised about this, why? Because this was something I have seen in anime and light novel, a mysterious voice coming out of nowhere bringing warning and prophecy.

“You................surprised?“ (???)

“If you ask if I’m surprised or not, the answer is no. Just hurry up and say what you want. I need to wake up now. Also, fix your voice I can’t understand what you say.“ (Kagero)

“Is.........so ? Can’t be.............then let.............say............protect.............love..........kill............they are............................devour.............. .............weapons.............power..........and get..........legacy...........be careful ...........Nebiros...................“ (???)

“Like I said fix your voice ! I do not get what you said!“ (Kagero)

“ ...........................“ (???)

“Don’t ignore me!“ (Kagero)

After talking gibberish without saying anything useful the voice faded to darkness, damn it! Now I felt like an idiot for listening to it seriously! Suddenly another voice entered my ear.

“..........ero-sa.......“ (???)

“What now!?“ (Kagero)

I already had enough of mysterious voices today; I don’t want to hear it again!

“Ka...........-sama!“ (???)

“........wait, I know this voice.“ (Kagero)

“Ka...ro-sa.......“ (???)

“Tsurai!“ (Kagero)

“Kagero-sama! Wake up!“ (Tsurai)

With one shout from Tsurai I woke up, but no light entered my eyes because what I saw was a torturing room. The room was dim with only 4 small fired lamps at the corners lighting the whole room. I could see patterns made of blood on the walls and all kinds of torturing tools were lying all over the room. As I observed the room and became aware of my situation, just like in my dream before, my limbs were chained and I was lying on top of a blood patterns bed made out of rock. I tried to free myself but somehow I couldn’t muster any strength.

I didn’t know if it is because of the reconstructing or not but in any case, this was a bad situation for me. I couldn’t move and couldn’t even pull out my tentacles, I am completely immobilized and judging by my location it was pretty obvious i would be tortured or even killed. As I was thinking that Tsurai’s voice suddenly rang in my head.

“(Kagero-sama!)“ (Tsurai)

“Tsurai!? Is that you!? Where are you!?“ (Kagero)

“(All I know is that I am in a pure white empty room.)“ (Tsurai)

“White empty room? Where the hell?“ (Kagero)

Wait a second; didn’t I store Tsurai inside the shadow raiment before I fell unconscious? That means Tsurai was inside the shadow raiment, right? But if she was inside the shadow raiment, how could I talk with her? Damn, just like always, many question but no answers or information, I guess for now it’s better to wait and watch how this situation plays out, it’s not like I had energy to ran away anyway.


“Tsurai, I have general idea where you are and it’s a somewhat safe area, so don’t worry and just relax there, okay?“ (Kagero)

“(......okay)“ (Tsurai)

“By the way, how long have I been sleeping ?“ (Kagero)

“(I don’t know the exact time but at least 5 hours or so have passed since I came to this room)“ (Tsurai)

5 hours, huh? In that short time frame, all the damages on my body was already gone without a trace. Either my recovery speed was already far beyond a mere human or the damages was healed when the reconstructing began. Oh well either way was fine with me and I at least knew that Tsurai was okay. One problem done, next in the agenda was where am I and what would become of me? Oh, looks like the one who hold the answers to my questions had come, I saw three people walking towards my room. Because I saw them with [Echolocation] I was unable to verify their faces but I knew that the other two were knights by their silhouette and one of them was wearing a robe, somehow I got a bad feeling about him, after a while the three person reached my room and................damn it.

“Hello, Kagero-kun or should I say Bakemono-kun.“ (Jukes)

“.........hello to you too, Jukes-san.“ (Kagero)

(author note : Bakemono = Monster, -kun = similiar to -chan but usually used to call younger or close male friend)

The one who came was the high priest of the heroes’ church, Jukes. Of all people, why him? Although I had predicted that he was probably the one who would come first I really didn’t wanted to see his face. I mean he was the one who sent assassins to kill me on daily basis in this past couple of days. Although I did get many useful abilities from the assassins he sent, it was still a pain in the ass for me to take care of the assassins. As much as I dislike speaking to him, I still needed to know my situation so I guess I got to bite the bullet for now.

“To have recovered all that damage in short time as expected of Bakemono-kun, you really are hard to kill. How did you even managed to survive? “ (Jukes)

“Well, it’s all thanks to the get well “gifts” you sent me while I’m being bedridden, so thank you.“ (Kagero)

“To think sending all that assassins to you was only served to lengthen your life.“ (Jukes)

“(Assassins!? Wait a minute, Kagero-sama! What is this assassin you and Jukes-sama talking about!?)“ (Tsurai)

“Well no use crying over spilt milk, at least now you are at our mercy.“ (Jukes)

Jukes was looking at me while smiling as if looking down at me, I really wanted to punch him but it was impossible with me being chained down. Tsurai was yelling, asking me about the assassins but her voice was only audible to me, since Jukes and his guards behind him didn’t show any reaction when Tsurai raised her voice. I wonder if could I speak telepathically with her, well time to try.

“(Tsurai, I’ll tell you everything after this, about the assassins and my....tentacles. So please just stay quiet for now, okay?)“ (Kagero)

“(..........okay, but don’t forget to tell me everything… every detail!)“ (Tsurai)

“(Yeah, I promise.)“ (Kagero)

It’s a success, I could talk with Tsurai telepathically and fortunately not all what I think about was audible to Tsurai, it won’t be funny if what i thought about was audible to anyone I stored inside the shadow raiment. After a while of silence Jukes opened his mouth.


“...............what are you being silent all of a sudden? If you’re thinking about how to escape from here just give up.“ (Jukes)

“No, I am just surprised that you easily admitted that you were the one who sent the assassins. Do you really think you could hold me, the one who defeated the Twisted Beast? Well, we will never know without trying it for ourselves, right? “ (Kagero)

“Heh, there’s no point in hiding it, is there ? Spare me your bluff, I know that this chain wouldn’t be able to hold you down, if you still have energy that is. I’m pretty sure after a fight with the Twisted Beast has drained you of your energy. That’s why you haven’t free yourself from this chain. Well? Did I guess correctly, Bakemono-kun? “ (Jukes)

“...............“ (Kagero)

“I’ll take that as a yes.“ (Jukes)

Heh, I underestimated this old guy, to think that he figured out that it was a bluff just like that but this bluff of mine would only stay as bluff for a short time. The moment I regained even a portion of my energy, I’m going to bust my way out of here and I could still use magic.

“Just an advice, you better give up escaping even after you regain your energy or the people you care about, like Saya-sama for instance, would have an unfortunate.........“accident”. It would be.........undesirable, right?“ (Jukes)

I froze, what did he just say? An “accident”? The people I cared about? Saya?

“.......oi, what do you mean by that?“ (Kagero)

“I mean it just like that.“ (Jukes)

Damn it! To think that he would go that far! Now that I think about it, they wouldn’t go as far as saying that they would kill one of the member of the hero party just to make sure I couldn’t escape, right?................they wouldn’t, right ?

“That’s a bluff, isn’t it? You wouldn’t kill Saya just for that reason.“ (Kagero)

“Yes, that’s true. It is hard to do.“ (Jukes)

“Heh, as expected, it was a bluff.“ (Kagero)

“Well, we still have one more hostage.“ (Jukes)

“You better stop with your bluff, old man. I don’t care what happens to any other person and especially the hero party, excluding Saya. “

“Oh, you wouldn’t be able to ignore this one.“ (Jukes)

Jukes smiled at me and then he revealed the next hostage, someone who I haven’t met yet but couldn’t ignore.

“Tsurai, was it? The one you called your future wife, you monster really don’t care about gender, huh?“ (Jukes)

“Leave me and Tsurai alone, and for your information Tsurai is somewhere you can’t reach, so just give up.“ (Kagero)

“Oh no, the hostage i’m talking about is not him, it’s his..........mother.“ (Jukes)

“...............what?“ (Kagero)

“(My mother!?) “ (Tsurai)

Just like Jukes said i couldn’t ignore this, Tsurai’s mother or should I say my mother-in-law was taken hostage.

“If you don’t show any resistance to what we are about to do then I swear we won’t hurt that knight’s mother, but if you show any resistance then......you know what would happen.“ (Jukes)

“Do you think I could believe the words of the one who sent assassins to kill me!?“ (Kagero)

“It is up to you. Believe me or not but do know that we could kill her faster than you could escape from here. So what will you do?“ (Jukes)

“Damn you!“ (Kagero)

Now what? Letting Tsurai’s mother die was definitely a big no, I wouldn’t let anyone kill my mother-in-law, but I definitely don’t want to die either, I don’t want to be separated from Tsurai. Damn it! What do I have to do now!? I just couldn’t decide what to do. Suddenly Tsurai spoke.

“(Kagero-sama.)“ (Tsurai)

“(W-what is it, Tsurai?)“ (Kagero)

“(.......please don’t worry about my mother and escape the moment you regain your energy.)“ (Tsurai)

“(Wha...! Tsurai, do you know what will happen if I do that!?)“ (Kagero)

“(I know what will happen, but what choice do you have!? If you stay here you will be killed!)“ (Tsurai)

Tsurai was right, if I stay here I would definitely be killed but I still can’t let my future mother-in-law to be killed because of me, I had made my decision.

“..........Jukes.“ (Kagero)

“Have you made your decision?“ (Jukes)

“.......yes, I don’t care what you do to me and I won’t resist, so don’t touch Tsurai’s mother.“ (Kagero)

“(Wait! Kagero-sama!)“ (Tsurai)

“Is that so? Shall we start then? Don’t worry we won’t kill you, not yet at least.“ (Jukes)

“Well, isn’t that reassuring.“ (Kagero)

Jukes was showing a disgusting smile on his face which I returned with my own wry disgusted smile. My attention then turned to Tsurai who was calling my name while shouting.

“(Kagero-sama! What are you doing!? Didn’t I tell you to not worry about my mother and just escape!?)“ (Tsurai)

“(Yes, you did.)“ (Kagero)

“(Then why !?)“ (Tsurai)

“(Easy, I don’t want your mother to die in my place. And I couldn’t run even if I want to, I don’t have the energy for it.)“ (Kagero)

“(Then tell me how to get out of this place! Let me help you!)“ (Tsurai)

“(Tsurai, please shut up for now.)“ (Kagero)

“(What!?)“ (Tsurai)

With my unexpected words Tsurai was speechless. Let you out? What could you accomplish? I knew that Tsurai was strong, but if I let her out it would only end with the death of three individuals, me, Tsurai and her mother, and I definitely wouldn’t let that happened.

“(Like I said I don’t have the energy to escape and I don’t want your mother to die, and even if I let you out it would only slow down our inevitable death, so for now just respect my decision and cover your ears, I don’t want you to hear me screaming in pain.)“ (Kagero)

“(...............)“ (Tsurai)

Tsurai didn’t give me an answer and just stayed silent, after that the torture started and so did the orchestra of scream, the torturers were the two knight that came with Jukes, the tortured one was me and the spectator was Jukes and Tsurai.

The first thing the torturers did was breaking all the bones in my arms and legs by repeatedly striking my limbs with a hammer, blood spurting out like fireworks every time the hammer struck my limbs. I let out a scream every time the hammer struck. Normally a person would have died because of blood loss at this point, but I was alive because of [Health Regeneration (weak)] and Jukes, who continuously casting healing magic at me only to replace my lost blood not my flesh, to kept me alive and prolong my suffering.

Soon after, I had become completely silent. The bones in my limbs had completely turned to something unrecognizable. My skin, bones, nerves and blood had become one, forming a red lump of meat. Not satisfied by only crushing my limbs, they slowly cut my limbs piece-by-piece using a dull, jagged and rusty knife and they burned the wounds every time they are done cutting using fire magic. I began screaming again but I lost my voice and the energy to scream by the time they cut all the way to my elbow or at least what used to my elbow.

By the time the torture end, I was left limbless. My original arms and legs was only left 10cm below my shoulder. Also, my wounds and back was burned to crisp in order to seal my tentacles, although this was a really painful experience I still got new information about myself, two in fact. First was about the shadow raiment, looks liked it had the [Self-repair] system because when the torturers burned my back the shadow raiment got burned too, but just in a second the shadow raiment became just like new before it got burned.

The second was my mental strength, I was conscious throughout a torture that would make any person insane but my mind was unmistakeably sane and unchanged, I guess my mind was stronger than normal people. After they are done torturing me, they threw me inside a pitch-black prison.

“.......hey, Jukes. I’ve kept my end of the bargain, now it’s your turn. Don’t touch Tsurai’s mother.“ (Kagero)

“To think your still sane after all that, once again you have surprised me. And don’t worry, I may be cunning but breaking a promise is something I won’t do, even if it is a promise with a monster like you.“ (Jukes)

“Heh, yeah whatever, as long as you keep your end of the bargain.“ (Kagero)

“Well, then it’s time for me to go........oh yeah, before I forgot, you will stay in this prison for a week without food or water and after that you will be executed, that is if your still alive and not starved to death. Well, good bye.“ (Jukes)

With a smile on his face, Jukes left the premise of my prison. I started to looked around but as expected there was nothing here besides a deep hole for excrement in the corner of the prison, a week trapped in here and executed at the last day, huh? Losing myself in thought, I remembered about Tsurai and hurriedly took her out from Shadow Raiment. Looks like I could take out things from the shadow raiment without directly touching it.

“Sorry for being late, Tsurai.“ (Kagero)

“ ................“ (Tsurai)

“......Tsurai ?“ (Kagero)

Tsurai was silent. She didn’t even look at me as she turned her back to me, I knew there was something wrong but I just don’t know what. I wanted to say something but I simply don’t know what to say but her next word was something I never expected.

“...........you shouldn’t have come to this world.“ (Tsurai)

“What!? Wait a damn second! What do you mean by that!? Tsurai!“ (Tsurai)

“I mean it just like that.“ (Tsurai)

“.........Tsurai, you better had a good reason to say that or I wi-ohmf!“ (Kagero)

At first I was enraged by Tsurai’s word and was about to snap, but before I could finish my sentence, Tsurai jumped to my chest. I was speechless and couldn’t move because of Tsurai’s unexpected action, didn’t we just about to have a fight? Why a hug ? More importantly her soft breasts were touching me, why did she took off her armor?.

“Wait! Tsu-“ (Kagero)

I was in complete disarray but then I saw tears flowing down her cheeks and I could feel her hands were trembling.

“I-if you have not been.......summoned here...you wouldn’t have.......suffered like this!“ (Tsurai)

Tsurai was clinging to my chest and said that while crying. Ah, so that was why she said that. Damn, now I really regretted that I lost my arms because I really wanted to hug the hell out of Tsurai, I tried to use my tentacles but looks like I really couldn’t pull out my tentacle from my back, so I just changed the place I regenerated them, from my back to my sides. I regenerated two normal tentacles and hugged Tsurai with it, to my surprise Tsurai didn’t seem to be scared of my tentacle or my hug.

“I’m surprised, you’re not scared of my tentacles?“ (Kagero)

“......I’m a little afraid but.....I know you wouldn’t harm me.“ (Tsurai)

Kuuuuuh! What was this creature ?! so cute ! while thinking that my hug became tighter pulling Tsurai closer and closer to me, and just like that Tsurai’s face began to glowed red.

“A-ano, Kagero-sama!“ (Tsurai)

“Tsurai, you know? I have never regretted being summoned here, never have and never will.“ (Kagero)

“B-but you are tortured here! Even though you are the one who saved everyone’s life! That’s why it had been better if you haven’t been summoned here! “ (Tsurai)

“Yes, even though I gambled my life to save everyone’s life but no one appreciated me, all I got in return was this torture.“ (Kagero)

“That’s why........!“ (Tsurai)

Tsurai began to clench her fist so hard it started to bleed, I held her hand with my tentacle and smiled at her, Tsurai clenched hand slowly opened again.

“Even though all that I could still say that I have not regretted being summoned here because......I met you“ (Kagero)

“Kagero-sama.....“ (Tsurai)

“Losing my limbs was quite a hefty price but as long as your beside me, that’s all I need.“ (Kagero)

“Kagero-sama.....me too.....all I need is you, Kagero-sama.“ (Tsurai)

Tsurai and I began to look at each other’s eyes and slowly the distance between our faces and body closed up.

“Tsurai...“ (Kagero)

“Kagero-sama....“ (Tsurai)

Our lips slowly closes distance............but just like any romance comedy story, just when the mood between the MC and Heroine began to glow pink, there would always something or someone interrupting. The one interrupting the romantic scene was the egg from the twisted beast, as if waiting for the right moment to interrupt us, it came out of the shadow raiment all by itself and letting out light and sound.

[Suitable parent figure has been found !!]

[Deactivating Life Support Device !!]

[Commencing !!]

The egg glowed and suddenly split in two and something amazing came out of the egg. What came out of the egg was 140cm black haired girl, but it was not a normal girl because she has 4 ears, two normal sets of ears and 2 fox ears on top of her head, a black fox tail and the most unusual about this girl was that she got a double mountain on her chest and curves on her short stature. She was a girl of a certain genre that only exist on anime, light novels and R-18 doujin, yes, she was an oppai loli!

I and Tsurai were speechless in front of this bizarre occurrence but what happened after this made us more speechless, the moment the black-haired fox-eared naked oppai loli opened her eyes, she plunge herself to me while yelling.....

“PAAAPAAAA !!!” (???)

And with that, in exchange for my limbs I gained a daughter.


first, i'm sorry for the long update, i was busy with my midterm test and only able to made the new chapter recently. so many people have PM me asking " where the new chapter ? ", i am really happy that many people are interested in my fanfic, actually this chapter is still being proofread since 10 April but since many people are asking for the new chapter, i will upload the original text first then the proofread text later. so please enjoy chapter 9, oh and my oppai loli has finally make her debut ! Thanks pandashark!

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