《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 7 : Twisted Beast


It was a tranquil, no sound other than the sound of wind blowing were heard. The landscape was painted in darkness with only the soft light of the moon and stars shining on the sky lighting the Surrounding, inside the darkness covered forest were two individuals, me, who was trying to made fire to warm us from the cold temperature of the forest and Tsurai, who was hugging her knees while sitting and hiding her face in her knees.

After trying for 5 minutes, the wood and leaf i gathered finally started to burn and turned to fire. Feeling satisfied i sat beside Tsurai, then i made a discovery, when Tsurai’s boobs burst out of her chest, it tears out her shirt so with how her position now i could saw her breast from beside her. It was a breathtaking scene, with everything around us covered in darkness, it made her boobs somehow glowed in the darkness, if there was underboobs then this was sideboobs !.

without me noticing, i was staring at Tsurai or more like her boobs, but then i realized that she was shaking. I guess, even with the fire it would still felt cold without a shirt to covered her body, i was thinking of giving her my jacket but if i did that Tsurai would felt bad, so only one thing left.

“ Tsurai, excuse me and sorry. “ (Kagero)

“ ......hm ?


.................. eeeehhhhh ?! “ (Tsurai)

I closed in to Tsurai and hugged her from behind, enveloping her body with my arms and jacket while placing her on top of my cross-sitted legs.

“ K-K-Kagero-sama ! w-what are you.... ?! “ (Tsurai)

“ it’s cold, right ? i’ll warm you with my body heat. “ (Kagero)

“ i-i-it’s okay ! i-i can handle this coldness ! “ (Tsurai)

“ no, you can’t. Just stay still, it’ll be bad if you catch a cold. “ (Kagero)

“ uuuuuhh........okay. “ (Tsurai)

At first Tsurai struggled to got out of my arms but she soon stood still meekly in my arms, although warming her was my first objective, now i simply wanted to savor Tsurai’s warmth and fragrance, so much that i even used “ catching a cold “ as an excuse to made Tsurai stayed still in my arms. After awhile the silence mood was still in the air, me and Tsurai just sat near the fire i made without exchanging words whatsoever, i had thousands of questions for Tsurai but i felt like it would be insensitive to asked in this kind of mood, but i decided to asked because if i didn’t asked now, nothing would change between me and Tsurai, this could even led to Tsurai distancing herself from me. So i asked Tsurai the most important question for me now.

“ Tsurai, if i may know, why do you disguise yourself as a man ? “ (Kagero)

The moment i asked that Tsurai twitch and paused a little before answering me without turning around.

“ .........i’m sorry, Kagero-sama....... i wanted to let you know but i just.....couldn’t....... “ (Tsurai)

And just like that, my question went unanswered but looking from the sound of her voice, it seems like a sensitive topic, i really wanted to knew but if Tsurai refused than i wouldn’t pry anymore.

“ Kagero-sama.....i know this is too much to ask but could you keep quite about me being a girl ? and if possible......could you forget this ever happened ?......i beg you. “ (Tsurai)

With Tsurai’s sudden request, i freeze. I didn’t mind to kept this a secret from everybody but to forgot about this and let Tsurai acted like a man infront of me again was something i won’t let happened even if it was Tsurai’s request, i rose and separated myself from Tsurai, gave her my jacket and crouch infront of her with one knee on the ground, like a knight infront of his queen. Then what i saw was Tsurai, whose holding her tears in her eyes, with that i learned just how grave this situation was for her.


Tsurai, the girl i love was there with tears in her eyes and still hugging her knees. I knew how to stopped her tears but in exchange i would never got Tsurai as a lover, no way ! i wouldn’t let this first love of mine ended with friendzone ending ! and with that i need a way to let Tsurai knew that i would never let anybody knew her secret while it was okay for me alone to knew. I knew just the way to did that, although it was a drastic method it was the only way i could thought of, so here i go !

“ Tsurai, i swear to you, i would never tell a soul about this.... “ (Kagero)

With just that sentence, a small smile formed at Tsurai’s face but it was soon turned void again.

“ .....however.......i can’t and won’t forget about the fact that you are a girl, i’m sorry. “ (Kagero)

For a second, Tsurai’s face showed a confusion but then she began to hugged her body and looked at me like i’m somekind of sick pervert, she seems to be misunderstanding my intention.

“ but rest assured, i have no intention to blackmail you or something along the line. I just.....don’t want you to revert back to being a man infront of me. “ (Kagero)

Confusion and disbelieve started to appear on Tsurai’s face. well, even i wouldn’t believe someone that knew my secret suddenly said he won’t use it to blackmail me, but i didn’t told a single lie. What kind of man would blackmail the girl he loved ? not me, that’s for sure. Now, with Tsurai’s in confusion, it was the best time for me to attack !.

“ the reason is i don’t want our relationship to stay just as friends, now that i know you are a girl, i want you to................become my wife. “ (Kagero)

“ eh ?...........




................eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh ?! “ (Tsurai)

The moment i said my proposal to Tsurai, i put out my clenched right hand infront of her and when i opened it, there was a pure gold ring in my palm, a ring i made using [Gold Generation]. With my words and the ring in my hand, now to proved it with action, i took Tsurai’s right hand and placed the ring on her ring finger, it was a perfect fit, the reason why it’s perfect fit was because i already knew Tsurai’s finger size when i gave her a hand massage the other day.

Tsurai was completely stunned because from the moment i propose to her and placed the ring at her ring finger, she was blushing red from ear to ear while gripping to my jacket and shouting “ eh ?! “ “ me ?! “ “ wait, kagero-sama ?! “ and other things over and over again, her blushing face was so cute, i almost pushed her down. But call me a coward, although i wanted to hear her reply immediately, i was scared she would refuse, so i thought of just returning now while she was still confused.

“ i know this is something that you can’t agree on the spot, so please take your time to consider this. But i just want you to know that i’m serious about marrying you. “ (Kagero)

“ eh ?! y-yes, i will. “ (Tsurai)

“ then, shall we return now ? the forest in the night is a dangerous place to stay. “ (Kagero)

“ y-yes ! “ (Tsurai)

After the proposal, Tsurai suddenly became meek. She followed me from behind just like a newborn chick and said yes to all what i said, this was dangerous, it almost made me said something amazing. But with my will power, i hold down my lust from going out of control, then without me noticing we arrived at the castle.


After saying good bye to each other we went separate ways, i slowly walked to my room and the first thing i did when i entered my room was dived right into the bed head first. All the tension i completely ignored when i proposed to Tsurai surged all at once to me, just like Tsurai i was blushing like some girl on top of my bed. after a session of blushing some part of me rose for attention when i recalled Tsurai’s blushing and teary eyed face. that night, with Tsurai as the fuel i “ take care “ of myself for the first time after summoned to this world.

It was morning, because of the proposing i did yesterday, it was awkward for me to met with Tsurai today, although it was me, who did it. I felt like i would went out of control if i met with Tsurai today and i’m sure Tsurai need a time alone after yesterday, so i decided to holed myself up in the library today.


Tsurai POV


The sun was shining bright, the training ground was filled noise. There were knights sparring with each other, the sound of metal clashing with metal could be heard from all around the training ground and from the outside of the training ground were maids and noble ladies who were shouting “ kyaa ! kyaa ! “ while looking the knights.

Although the scene where the knights sparring with each other with face gleaming with the sweat were drawing a lot of attention, it couldn’t be compared to the main show, the hero party vs the knights. In the middle of the field there were three different battle were fought, the first was the fight between five knights and Reki-sama, the knights were wearing a full armor and a claymore or spear as weapons while Reki-sama only wearing red gauntlet and black chainmail. The knights had the advantages of number and teamwork, they put up a good fight but it was not enough to best Reki-sama.

With nimble and fast footwork, Reki-sama beat all the knights easily and raised his hands in air as a victory pose while bathing in the cheers his surrounding, the second battle was between a mage and Shina-sama but just like Reki-sama battle, it was over in a flash when Shina-sama used a high-level spell to conjure forth a blaze. The third fight was the most attention drawing battle because it was the battle between the head of the order of the knights, Zerra-sama and the hero, Naoki-sama.

The two were exchanging blows gracefully like they were dancing, blows after blows were launched but none were touching each other, Zerra-sama and Naoki-sama were in stalemate. The two of them were dodging every strike from each other, at first it looked like that Zerra-sama had the same speed as Naoki-sama but Naoki-sama was clearly faster, after a while Naoki-sama managed to land a strike at Zerra-sama with enough power to made Zerra-sama fell to his knee, and just like that the match was over with Naoki-sama as the victor.

With Naoki-sama victory, all the people were cheering at Naoki-sama even Zerra-sama who lost didn’t showed any displeasure in his face, only smile could be seen on his face. and at the north side of the training ground was where the king and his family clapping their hand to congratulate Naoki-sama victory. All the people there were smiling and in merry mood but there was one person who was standing there with black eyebags and tired face, it was me.

The king and his family was looking at the batlle from two side-by-side table, at the first table were the king and the queen and at the second table were the three princess and Saya-sama, who wasn’t fighting because of her job as cleric, I was standing beside Alice-sama as her guard, my tired face and eye bags were caused by Kagero-sama’s proposal last night, kagero-sama’s proposal was filling my heart with a cluster of emotion and because of that i was unable to get any sleep. At first i was afraid when Kagero-sama discovered my secret, i thought he would felt being lied to and started hating me, but Kagero-sama was still treating me without changed or maybe even nicer than before.

I was happy with Kagero-sama’s unchanging behaviour at me, but i still felt anxious because if my secret somehow became known, all the years i spent protecting my secret would be for naught and i would lost the one i treasured most in this world. With that i begged Kagero-sama to forgot about my secret and act normal to me again but Kagero-sama’s answer was more than i could ever expected, he promised to kept my secret but he didn’t wanted to forgot that i was a girl, i thought he would used my secret to blackmail me at first but then suddenly he..........proposed to me.

My face began to blushed again when i remember about the time Kagero-sama proposed to me, if i kept blushing like this i wouldn’t be able to guard Alice-sama ! shouthing in my mind i put aside the thought about the proposal and return to my duty as Alice-sama guard. The matches continued but the victor was already set in stone, the Hero party, the matches were arranged to pit the Hero party in five round battle againts different but same level knight, it’s already their fourth match but the member of the Hero party had not shed a single sweat and dominated all their matches.

Everyone who looked at the performance of the Hero party today was convinced once again that they were the one who would rescue them from their predicament, although i was one of them, i just couldn’t help but thought that Kagero-sama was stonger than the Hero party. I didn’t knew what my reason for thinking that, i just felt it that Kagero-sama was stronger, if it were 4 vs 1 situation Kagero-sama would definitely lost, but if it 1 on 1 Kagero-sama would win.

When i was thinking that, suddenly i felt a bad premonition, i looked around to looked if something was amiss and there it was. I looked up, there was something black in the sky and somehow it was descending upon the Training ground, before i could warned everyone the black object fell unto the Training ground with loud sound.


The black pillar-like object fell in the center of the Training ground while raising a sand cloud. No one could even react, they could only recognized that something fell in the middle of the Training ground, a minute had passed since the object fell then the king was the first one to spoke his bewilderment with just two incomplete words.

“ what....the..... “ (King)

The moment the king spoke something emerged from under the ground around the black object, it was snakes. Numerous of snakes were emerging from the ground Black Snakes, a green colored cobra with purple eyes and purple stomach skin called Green Cobra, and blood colored snake with sabre tooth called Blood Sabre.

With the sudden appearance of the numerous three types of snakes, the Knights and spectators were thrown in state of panic. The spectators began running for their life but the knights, hero party and royal family were frozen inside the training ground, without missing the chance to attack the snakes were starting to targeting the knights and spectator outside the fences after tearing down the fences. Just like that many scream could be heard from the knights and spectators who were fallen prey to the snakes.

Many knights beside me and few knights had never encountered a Black Snake or any monster equal in dangerousness as Black Snake and because of that many knights had fallen prey to the snakes, although some were fighting againts the snakes it was only a matter of time before the knights certain wiped out, since i already fought a Black Snake before i was able to killed any snakes that aiming for the royal family and Saya-sama was already get a hold of herself and cast a barrier around the vicinity of the training ground trapping both the snakes and knights in the training ground.

It was both good and bad move, the good part was that the damage won’t spread but the bad part was that there were no way out of this situation other than killing all the snakes which seemed impossible, the royal family was hysterically calling for help even the knights, suddenly in this scene from hell a shout rang out.

“ don’t give up ! if you give up we will all die ! don’t worry ! we, the hero party are here to save you ! behold the power of the hero and holy sword, Holy Slash ! “ (Naoki)

It was the Hero, Naoki-sama, who were slaying the snakes with a white sharp shockwave made from the slash of his sword. Looking at how easily Naoki-sama slayed snake after snake the knights morale was increasing and then another shouts rang out as if following Naoki-sama’s shout it were Reki-sama, Shina-sama and Zerra-sama.

“ That’s right ! all of you, follow Naoki and we will win ! “ (Reki)

“ everyone please believe in us ! we will try our best to save you all ! “ (Shina)

“ fear nothing, all of you ! the hero party is here with us ! “ (Zerra)

After they shout, all three of them began to slayed snake after snake with their own way, with that the knights and me were filled with new vigor and with that vigor the knights were able to slayed the snakes, although none were able to slayed the snakes on their own other than me, Zerra-sama and the hero party. After awhile all the snakes in the barrier were wiped out instead of the knights.

The screams that were heard just awhile ago were changed to cheers of praise for the hero party from the knights and royal family. Everyone were offering their thanks and praises to the hero party and i was one of them, the long nightmare had passed and now was the time to celebrate our victory.........or it should be. The cheering was stopped when the sound of something breaking could be heard from the center of the training ground, it was the black object.


With a sound of glass shattering, the black object crumble to dust revealing what was inside it, it was a lamia but it was not a normal lamia. why ? because the height of it was atleast 5 meters with a Cobra head instead of human head, the body was in female human form, the legs was snake’s and the hands were not a human’s hand, the hands were snakes with giant fangs and bluish orb inside it’s mouth and one eye in the middle of it’s heads, the whole body was bright red in color with black stripes. It was obvious that it was no longer a normal monster from the looks of it, yes, it was a Twisted Beast.

All the one looking at it,including me and Saya-sama, knew that it was not something that they could defeat and they were only stood still, as if waiting for their imminent death to come. But there was individuals that were ignoring the heavy atmosphere around them and started to dash toward the Twisted beast, it were Naoki-sama, Reki-sama and Shina-sama.

“ it was slightly different from the monster before but no matter ! we will take it down ! let’s go Reki, Shina ! “ (Naoki)

“ sure thing, Naoki ! “ (Reki)

“ i will burn you, foul monster ! “ (Shina)

Naoki-sama and Reki-sama dashed toward the Twisted Beast while Shina-sama threw a large fireball towards the Twisted Beast with out moving. The fireball hit it’s target with loud sound and big explosive and smokes followed up by attacks from both sides by Naoki-sama and Reki-sama, they were certain that the Twisted Beast would be killed by their attacks but they were wrong, the moment the smokes let up they were surprised beyond words, the Twisted Beast was unscratched by their attacks, the fireball did nothing, Naoki-sama’s and Reki-sama’s double attack leave no scratch on the Twisted Beast’s body.

When they were surprised and stood still, the Twisted Beast hit them with one of it’s snake arm and the result was Naoki-sama and Reki-sama were thrown all the way to infront of the king and lay unconscious. The royal family and the Knights saw that the attacks by the hero party was ineffective to the Twisted Beast and just how easily the Twisted Beast took down the Hero and martial artist, then they became hopeless in a heart beat, they only stood there with blank stare like a corpse and Shina-sama was on her knees the moment she saw the thrown body of Naoki-sama and Reki-sama, only Saya-sama was the one who desperately healing Naoki-sama and Reki-sama.

I was unable to did anything and stood there looking at the Twisted Beast. The Twisted Beast only looked at us while stood still but then it aimed it’s right arm at us and it threw a fireball double the size of Shina-sama’s fireball, it was obvious that we would all be reduced to dust if that hit us and Saya-sama was healing Naoki-sama and Reki-sama so she couldn’t summon a barrier in time.

i ran infront of the fire and ready my shield to intercept it in order to reduced or completely absorb the damage, the moment before the fireball hit me felt like a long time and in that moment the memory from the night i was proposed was flashing in my mind and in that moment i realized my feelings for Kagero-sama and the answer for his proposal but it was too late since i would die here. I closed my eyes and waited for my demise while replaying my memories about Kagero-sama.









I’m alive ? although i felt the shockwave and loud sound from the fireball i didn’t felt any impact, i thought that maybe my death was so fast that i didn’t felt any impact but i still in the same position and i could felt my body and armor. I slowly opened my eyes and what i saw was a scythe-wielding figure infront of me and an earth wall infront of the figure. My eyes began to swelled up from the tears and my legs gave out and i fell to my knees.

“ Are you okay, Tsurai ? i’m sorry for being late. “ (Kagero)

Yes, the person who saved us from certain doom was Kagero-sama.

i have came back form the assignment hell and i bring a new chapter with more length, please enjoy !

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