《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 6 : Hidden Heroine


It’s been three days since i was bedridden in my room because of the wound from my last battle, ever since the first day i was bedridden assassination have became one of my daily stuff. i was attacked by assassin day in and day out through out the day but with my tentacles and abilities i was able to kill every last one of the assassin coming for my life. and in the span of three days i was bedridden the number of assassin attacks totaled to 10 times.

The assassins were mostly knights and some nameless thugs, the time of the attacks mainly done at night and daybreak from the window but at the last day, they came in the middle of the day and from the door, no less. Well, maybe they grew desperate because all the assassination attempts at me were mysteriously failed with me still living and none of the assassin sent came back. and because of the relentless attacks of the assassin i had been used to killing humans without hesitation, but there was something that troubled me, that was the involvement of the order of the knights in my assassination attempt.

Every time the assassins came, i killed all of them except one for interrogation and every time i asked the assassins who sent them, they all answer the same, the person who sent them was the bald head priest, Jukes. At first, i thought maybe Jukes was the sole master mind of my assassination attempts but with the number of the knights sent to kill me were too much to ignored, with this number of knights to just suddenly went missing in a mission would be noticed by anyone, especially the head of the knights, Zerra.

But even after all the knights i killed, there were no rumors about the missing knights. Unless the knights i killed were fakes, there was someone who covered it up. Jukes with his power and influence as the head priest was indeed able to covered this whole “ missing knights “ case but no matter how he covered it without the help of head of knights, it would be impossible. That was why i thought that Zerra was involved in my assassination attempts because with him involved, it would made sending knights as assassins much easier for jukes or anyone aiming for my life.

Although it was easy for me to take care of any assassin they sent at me, in all honesty it was a pain in the ass. The fate of All the assassins sent to kill me were only to be killed and devoured by me without accomplishing anything, i didn’t want to be bothered by their useless attempts anymore, so i planned to went to the forest to test all the new abilities and skills i got from all the devoured knights and their equipment in this pass three days, the amount of the new abilities and skills were staggering.

[Armament Generation]

[Potion Generation]

[Antidote Generation]

[Mana Potion Generation]

[Gold Generation]

[Silver Generation]

[Copper Generation]

[Health Regeneration (Weak)]

[Mana Regeneration (Weak)]

..............I guess [Absorption] not just made the skills and abilities of the things i devoured to be mine but also made it so i could generate them, but although i’m grateful that i could generate gold, if anyone knew this it would made me chased down by anyone greedy. And there was a new tentacle i got but this tentacle was not something to use in battle and could only be use at night, yes it was...

[D Tentacle]

.......damn, finally i acquired tentacle that belong to the tentacle monster of hentai world, when i activated the D tentacle what came out was my own “ Lil bro “ which connected to a tentacle, it was kind of amazing to look at. The moment i saw the D tentacle, my mind flooded with all kinds of stuff i could do with this tentacle, of course in sexual meaning, but as soon as i thought of doing something Tsurai’s face appeared in my mind. I guess, i couldn’t did something like that before i found out about Tsurai’s true gender.


After i put out the D tentacle, i wore the black clothes i had and put my scythe on my back then walked toward the door, but when i opened the door i saw Tsurai with basket filled with all kinds of fruits in his hand. At first he smiled at me but his smile suddenly looked cold and his eyes became cold to just like an ice queen expression when he saw me all geared up with my scythe on my back, ready to went out.

“ ...............Kagero-sama, where do you think you’re going ? “ (Tsurai)

“ w-well, i thought of rehabilitating in the jungle, now that i feel better and all. “ (Kagero)

“ Kagero-sama, i admire your passion for adventure and training. “ (Tsurai)

Well, rather than passion, i was just running away from the assassin because it too troublesome thing to took care of.

“ but the wound you receive the other day was by no means a small wound, it took hours to heal even with Saya-sama’s healing magic. So please treat your body with more care and just rest now. “ (Tsurai)

So the one who healed me was Saya, huh ? the next time i met Saya i should thank her properly. But for now, i need a way to convinced Tsurai that i’m already fully healed, but just saying that probably wouldn’t convinced him. What to do ?, after thinking for awhile i thought of a way, even though i didn’t knew it would work or not, it was worth to try.

“ then it’s okay if someone go with me, right ? to make sure i don’t do anything reckless and i stay safe. “ (Kagero)

“ well, if it’s like that... “ (Tsurai)

“ then, if it’s okay, Tsurai, would you like to come with me ? “ (Kagero)

Woah, did i just casually asked Tsurai to go with me ?! if he come wouldn’t this became a date ?! although i wouldn’t be able to test my new abilities, it would made me very happy if he came with me.

“ eh, me ? “ (Tsurai)

“ yes, if it’s you, the knight who protect the third princess and also the descendant of the previous member of the hero party, no less, would be able to protect me from anything, right ? or do you have other plan today ? “ (Kagero)

“ hmm, i don’t have any other plan today and Alice-sama is at that place today, so she shouldn’t need any guard. “ (Tsurai)

“ That place “ ?, just where was Alice today ?

“ then since i don’t have any other plan, Kagero-sama, please let me escort you today. “ (Tsurai)

“ i’m counting on you today, Tsurai. “ (Kagero)

“ Understood. “ (Tsurai)

Woah ! a date ! a date with Tsurai !, on the surface i was wearing a calm and smiling expression but underneath i was excited as fuck. After that i waited Tsurai infront of the castle’s Gate, all the people who passed the gate looked at me with suspicion in their eyes, maybe because of my get-up or my scythe or maybe both, i ignored them and just continue to stand there leaning to the gate’s wall waiting. And then i saw Tsurai, who was still wearing the silver Knight armor with a sword at his waist and a small shield in his back, running at me.

“ I’m sorry, did you wait long ? “ (Tsurai)

“ no, don’t worry. I didn’t wait at all. Then shall we go ? “ (Kagero)

“ yes. “ (Tsurai)

Damn, never thought i would be able to had a conversation like a couple who met up for their date. I was in the peak of my excitement, the excitement was enough to made me suddenly activated all my abilities and tentacles. After that i went to the plaza with Tsurai leading the way, Tsurai was showing me many great places, but through out the time i didn’t really cared for the places, at first i considered the possibility that Tsurai was also involved in my assassination attempts but when i saw the smile he aimed at me, i threw such thought out of my head and my sight became fixed on Tsurai’s smiling face.


After awhile, we went towards the forest, i need to cut Tsurai’s tour short because there were some disturbances, one of it was the previous bullies i encountered the first day, at first they were trying to bully Tsurai, although i knew Tsurai would be able to took care of them easily still a man who didn’t protect his woman(?) during the date was a trash. So when i was about to say something and walked beside Tsurai, the bullies started to sweat bullet when they saw me and ran away with great speed before i even said anything. And the other one was because i spotted someone following us with [Echolocation], i guess it was the new assassin sent to me from Jukes or Zerra.

As expected, the moment i entered the forest the assassin didn’t followed me and gave up. With that i returned to observing Tsurai’s face but still vigilant for monster attack, just a few moment we entered the forest we were attacked by atleast ten monster but all of them were disposed of single handedly by Tsurai, it was really an amazing scene where Tsurai used his sword to disposed of the monsters, from training with him i knew that his swordsmanship was beautiful, but his swordsmanship i saw right now was even more beautiful.

After only a minute or so, all the monsters attacking were already lying on the ground lifeless. And so we kept walking deeper inside the forest with me enduring the sight where Tsurai was wiping the sweat flowing down from his white nape hidden by his dark purple hair. My sight was focused on Tsurai but suddenly i saw something really bad ahead of us, it was a group of six black snakes that appeared out of nowhere.

“ what... the.... “ (Kagero)

although my sight was fixed on Tsurai, i wouldn’t missed something like a group of monster, especially a group of black snake. I was thinking how to deal with this and thought of just retreating without a fight, but it was too late. The black snakes already aware of us and started to head toward us, with no choice but to fight i brandished my scythe, seeing me holding my scythe Tsurai hold out his sword and shield while looking at where i’m looking.

“ Kagero-sama, did you see something ? “ (Tsurai)

“ yeah, and it’s really bad. “ (Kagero)

“ what is it ? “ (Tsurai)

“ Black snakes, six of them. “ (Kagero)

“ BLACK SNAKES !? “ (Tsurai)

The moment Tsurai yelled their name, one of the black came jumping out of the bushes with it’s mouth wide open aiming for Tsurai, but before it even reached Tsurai, i separated the head and it’s body with a swing of my scythe. The black snake were indeed strong because of their body were made of pure muscle like any other snake but the moment they are in midair, the strength of their muscle were useless and they reduced to just sitting target.

After the first one down, the other five black snake came out of the bushes, baring their fangs at me and Tsurai. I was holding my scythe at them with calm demeanor but Tsurai was still surprised and on his knees from the first attack, i guess it was natural since this was his first time encountering the black snake and there were five of them.

“ Tsurai, just stay behind me. I’ll protect you “ (Kagero)

“ n-n-no, it’s o-okay. I can handle this. “ (Tsurai)

“ .............is that so ? just don’t forced yourself “ (Kagero)

“ y-yes, understood “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai was still shaking when said he was okay, i didn’t wanted to crush his pride so i just let him did what he wanted and secretly protecting him, and with that the fight between the five black snakes and me and Tsurai began.

Before Tsurai moved, i lunge head first toward the five black snake and with another swing of my scythe one of the black snake was disposed of, i battled three of the black snake while directing the smallest one of them toward Tsurai, and then Tsurai started to battle the black snake using his sword and shield. As expected, battling three black snake was not a walk in the park but it was easier because the last time i was already hurt, but now i was in my top form, i could even beat them without my tentacle.

While dodging the barrages of attacks and poison launched by the three black snakes, i closed in to one of the black snake and knee it right at the jaw sending it airborne, while it was in the midair because of my strike, i cut in half with my scythe. I threw the corpse towards other black snake, while it sight was blocked by the corpse, i dived right into it’s space and once again another black snake was cut in half with my scythe. The last black snake was trying to escape but without giving it the chance, i threw my scythe at it and......headshot, the scythe sink through it’s head, the last black snake then drew it’s last breath before lying motionless on the ground.

After i recovered my scythe, i looked at the battle between Tsurai and the black snake. It was a stalemate fight, the black snake launched a stream of attack at Tsurai but all of it was either parried or blocked by Tsurai but the same occurred to Tsurai’s attack, every slashes aimed at the black snake were completely dodge, it was a fight where either Tsurai and the black snake couldn’t hit each other.

But Tsurai was clearly in disadvantage, his face was showing just how exhausted he was, even his hands and feet were trembling but his eyes had not gave up yet. Seeing Tsurai’s condition the black snake made it’s last attack, it swing it’s tail toward Tsurai, Tsurai put up his shield to guard but the moment his shield received the impact, his hand gave out and just like that the shield was stripped off his hand. Following the attack the black snake jump at Tsurai, in mad dash i ran toward Tsurai to protect him, but it was too late the black snake collided with Tsurai and in the same moment i heard something crushed.

I thought of the worst case but i realized the thing that crushed from the collide was just his chest armor and Tsurai himself was unharmed. Using the momentum from the collide Tsurai stabbed the black snake’s head from under it with his sword, blood was spurting from the stab and the black snake was wriggling uncontrollably. In the next moment the black snake was motionless and Tsurai was panting infront of it, all the suppressed fear and fatigue came surging to him after the fight ended, leaving him out of breath.

After a few moments of rest, his breath finally stabilize and he stood up while looking at the corpse of the black snake infront of him. I pat his shoulder and he turned to me.

“ good job and congratulation, Tsurai “ (Kagero)

“ Kagero-sama, ........thank you. “ (Tsurai)

Although it was the smallest black snake, he was able to took it down by himself. It may not be so much of a achievement but it was still a good achievement and experience for him right now, since it was a monster that need 5 copper adventures to took down. But suddenly my ear picked up some subtle noise, it was like a sound cloth tearing apart, Then it happened. Something burst out From Tsurai armorless chest, the moment i laid my eyes on it, i knew what it was. It was the majestic twin mountains of women, it was boobs.


Tsurai fell to his knees while letting out a scream with maiden-like voice, hiding his boobs with his hand. Wait a second ? that was boobs, right ? although Tsurai was covering it with his hands i knew that what i saw was boobs. Wait, if Tsurai had boobs then that means..........

My head completely froze because of the sudden revelation, Tsurai, the one i love, the person whose gender i questioned, was actually...........a girl.

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