《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 5 : Taste of Killing


........the first things i saw when i opened my eyes was darkness, i was inside a dark space with absolutely nothing in it,

“ ..................so i really did died, huh ? “ (Kagero)

that was the only thing i could thought to explain the situation i’m in. I was completely nude and my hand and legs were chained, rendering me unable to move in the dark space.

“ what is this ? some kind of S&M bondage play ? is this the fetish of this world's death god ? “ (Kagero)

I didn’t knew why but i just couldn’t take this situation seriously, looking back my life was a boring one atleast until i was summoned, ignoring the fact i was summoned by force and treated like somekind of hindrance, i was able to battle with monsters like in an anime, met many cute girls and the most important thing was that i able to met the woman(?) of my dream, Tsurai.

“ just when i finally free of the pitiful life in my original world, have a new life and meet Tsurai, i had to part with it so soon ? ..............don’t mess with me, bitch ! i don’t care if i had to fight a death god, i won’t die before i had a daughter and see her in a wedding dress ! “ (Kagero)

After declaring that with loud voice, i tried to free myself from the chains, as if my life depend on it, i tried to took out my tentacle but somehow no tentacle came out, i couldn’t even activated my skills or magic. I kept trying but it was all in vain, the chains didn’t even budge no matter what i did, when i started to gave up an angel descended upon me and gave light to the dark space i was in.

My sight was fixed on the angel, i even forgot to blinked, i couldn't saw the angel's face but her body was splendid, with a swing of the angel’s hand the chains which bind me were reduced to dust, after freeing me from the chains the angel hold out both of her hands, as if welcoming me to her bosom. My tired body began to float towards the angel and i was hugged by the angel.

“ .......so warm and smell good “ (Kagero)

The angel’s hug was filled with motherly warmness and there was a faint smell on her that made me relaxed, hmmmm ? this smell kinda familiar, but i ignored the familiarity i felt in her smell and reached out my hands towards the angel, my left hand was reaching out to her back and pushed her closer to me while my right hand was groping her ass, i didn’t knew why but i felt like i would regret it if i didn’t groped her ass now. with every motion my right hand made on her ass, the angel’s body was twitching like crazy, making me very .............excited, in many ways.

But the moment i pushed her closer to me i felt something very wrong about one part of the angel’s body, it was her breast. The angel only wore a thin and almost see-through cloth, which you saw at Rome paintings of angel, to cover her voluptuous body. Her body was like the combined and enhanced version of Saya’s and Alice’s body, a white, big, smooth and beautiful butt filled with fat that add a nice elasticity and texture, it was like touching a big pudding that won’t break no matter how hard you touched it but still retained it’s softness and elasticity, it was a heavenly feeling.


Like her butt, Her breasts were big with perfect shape and elasticity, which made it jiggle whenever her body moved a little, and those forbidden and ultimate man-alluring fruits were only covered by thin almost see-through cloth making them even more alluring. Just from the looks of it one could guess just how soft and wonderful feeling it was if one touched that forbidden fruits, but the moment i touched it i felt something amiss about her breasts. .......It was hard, yes, in contrast to her butt her breasts were hard, like it were covered by an invisible armor, but no matter how i looked at it, her breasts were only covered by cloth not armor, that was when i finally realized that this situation of mine was but a dream, an illusion created by my mind.


As if waiting for me to realized that it was a dream, i felt a blunt strike damage on my head, finally came back to the real world, i opened my eyes slowly and a disastrous scene was the first thing i saw. Why ? i was hugging Tsurai with my left hand, my head on his chest armor and my right hand was groping his ass with speed of light, if it was counted as combo it would already passed 100 combo, and to made matter worse many people were witnessing this disastrous scene and even though i was being watched, my right hand not even slowed down on groping Tsurai’s ass, guess i already lost control of my hands, because i couldn’t even moved my left hand, i guess i need to used one of my secret skill [Pretend to be still half asleep] to nullified the damage from this scene on my image.

With my eyes half opened i looked around, it was inside my room, There were 11 people inside the room, four knights, the hero party members, two maid, and the third princess. The four knights were Tsurai, who still detained in my arms and had his ass groped by me with both blushing red and surprised looks on his face but despite what i’m doing to him, he didn’t moved a muscle,while Zerra and two others were looking at me with disgust and step back a step, Shina and Reki were showing the same reaction as Zerra, only Naoki was still smiling, and the maids were looking at me and Tsurai with glittering eyes while covering their blushing faces with both their hands, .............i knew those eyes, i guess that genre also existed in this world.

All the while looking around my surrounding my hands still won’t released their grip on Tsurai, but suddenly i felt enormous bloodlust from my side, slowly my head turned around to my side and there i saw an executioner holding her weapon in hand. The executioner was wearing a white nun clothes with gold and black colour detail without the nun’s hat, in the executioner hand was a pure white wand with egg like silver gem on it’s head covered by feathers, it was the holy wand. yes, the executioner was a woman and also the cleric of the hero party, Saya, the reason i called Saya executioner was because the bloodlust and the scary smile Saya aimed at me.

Saya was sitting beside my bed and at her side was trembling Alice, probably Alice couldn’t expected that the cleric Saya was able to show such bloodlust and scary smile, Saya was there looking at me, who still groping tsurai’s ass, while smiling, but i could saw that her eyes weren’t smiling and there is nothing more scary than a silent angry smile.


“ Good morning, Kagero. “ (Saya)

“ g..g.g...g...Good morning, Saya. i..i.it’s a nice morning, huh ? “ (Kagero)

“ yes, it is a nice morning. But more importanly don’t you have enough of groping Tsurai-san bottom ? “ (Saya)

“ e..ee..eeehh oh ! when did my hand ?! “ (Kagero)

I unhand Tsurai and still trying to pretend of not aware what i’m doing to save myself from this pinch i created myself, but looks like my effort was in vain.

“ heeeeee, you don’t aware of it ? “ (Saya)

“ u...uu.un, i don’t .....aware of ..... what i’m ......doing. “ (Kagero)

“ hmmmmmmm. “ (Saya)

“ ................. “ (Kagero)

“ ...........Kagero. “ (Saya)

“ y..y...yes ? “ (Kagero)

“ ..........Kneel “ (Saya)

“ i’m so sorry. “ (Kagero)

With a flash i perform a splendid dogeza on top of my bed facing Saya, after that Saya was nagging at me mercilessly and stopped after an hour or so, fortunately Saya didn’t asked me why did i groped Tsurai’s ass. All the people in the room were surprised to saw how could Saya became so merciless and scary, except Tsurai who was still recovering from the shock of being groped by me, but they didn’t said anything, i guess they were too afraid to asked, then i changed the subject, i asked Saya what she and the rest of the hero party were doing in the past two weeks.

Saya began to told me all the event that happened to her starting from when we separated, then the hero’s feast, being introduced to the important figures of the kingdom and it’s people, and the days filled with training. It was a long story but looks like Saya had fun in this past two weeks because she was telling the story with a smile on her face, now that i looked at it, Naoki and the rest were wearing armor and the likes, Naoki was wearing a silver armor complete with a cape and the holy sword in his waist, Reki was wearing a black ninja-like chainmail and a red gauntlet, Shina was wearing a purple mage robe and mini skirt with a ominous black blue wand on her hand.

After that it was my turn to told Saya what i had been doing the past two weeks, i told her everything from Alice teaching me how to write, training with Tsurai and the mortal combat i had in the jungle, but of course i didn’t told her about my tentacle and anything about my cheats. The moment i end my story, Tsurai, who was done recovering, suddenly asked me in a big voice.

“ Kagero-sama, did you really battle with the black snake and win ?! “ (Tsurai)

“ eh y-yeah i did. Why ? “ (Kagero)

“ black snake was a dangerous monster with many poison and ability to command other monster, it said that it need 5 copper rank adventures to take down ! and you take it down yourself ! that’s amazing ! “ (Tsurai)

Tsurai was talking how amazing i was with vigor and Alice was looking at me with shining eyes that made me felt a little embarrassed but i was happy to receive praise from Tsurai, but the other two knights was unable to believe that i took down a black snake by myself, and began to said that i was lying. Well, it was strange for a lone iron rank adventure was able to took down a black snake, which need five copper rank adventures to took down but i was not a normal iron adventures. I wanted to proved that i really took down a black snake but with no proof i couldn’t, but Tsurai suddenly asked for my adventure card, when i asked for what he said that the card was not only used for identification, the card other uses was as a recording device that record all monster the card owner killed.

I wasted no time and gave Tsurai my adventure card and he showed my kill record to everyone on the room.

5 Goblins

2 Steel wolf

1 Earth Slime

3 Giant Tarantula

5 White eyes bat

1 Black Snake

Everyone inside the room were surprised when they saw my kill record except for Naoki, Reki, Shina and Saya, who didn’t knew just how dangerous the monsters were. After that the 2 knights were showing disbelieve expression, the maids were looking at me with admiration in their eyes and Zerra was expressionless but suddenly looking at Naoki and the other and said.

“ Naoki-sama and everyone, Kagero is still recovering and need rest. We should leave for now and let him rest. “ (Zerra)

With that said, Zerra led everyone outside my room, after saying goodbye Saya, Alice and Tsurai exit my room, in the end, why the hell did Naoki and the rest came to my room ?. except for Saya, Alice and Tsurai they didn’t came to visited me, they didn’t even said anything to me, but i guess it wasn’t important. And maybe no one realized it, the reason why Zerra suddenly led everyone out of my room. He was probably angry and frustrated with the fact that i could took down a monster that Naoki and the others couldn’t took down, i didn’t knew how strong Naoki and the other were but with Zerra reaction they probably still weren’t on the level of black Snake. Damn, now i couldn’t stop smiling, while still smiling i lied down and tried to rest since like Zerra said i was still recovering, i could still felt pain from the wounds i received on my last battle.


It was already night when suddenly i detected a group of five people climbing the wall outside of my window with my [Echolocation], since my last battle with black snake i never turned off the [Echolocation] skill. From the looks of it, the range of my [Echolocation] skill was roughly ten meter and the group coming towards my room had decent armor, they were my first guess, i need to welcome them, preparing my welcome i pretended to still asleep. when they came in my room, they circled around my bed and took out their daggers, when they raised their daggers and ready to stab me, i raised from my bed but still in seated position, the assassins were bewildered, not letting them to react i raised both my hands to my sides and made a “ fuck you “ sign and said the magic words to made them freeze with a semi-loud voice and smile in my face.


I said that in English and just like that the assassins freeze and in that very moment five tentacles sprouted out from my back and landed on four of the assassins face while the last one was detained and gagged by normal tentacles, now that i got a good looked at them, they were wearing the armor of the knights of this kingdom, the four Knights struggled to release the tentacles on their faces but it was futile and their scream was inaudible from inside of the prey tentacle, the tentacles got a strong grip on their faces and won’t let go. The tentacle i used was not Eater tentacle, it was a new tentacle i got from devouring black snake, the [Prey Tentacles].

I got total three new power from the black snake, two abilities and one tentacle.

[Prey Tentacle]

[Pit Sight]

[Poison Generation]

The prey tentacle had mouth just like the black snake, a lamprey eel mouth, but there was additional 4 medium sized fang around the mouth, i guess it functioned as a hand, to made sure the caught prey couldn’t slipped out from the prey tentacle. And just like eater tentacle, prey tentacle had an automatic skill, if eater tentacle automatic skill was [Absorption] then i guess prey tentacle was [Blood Sucker], since the moment i used prey tentacle on the Knights, i could felt a warm liquid flowed to my body and the Knights body were showing a severe liquid loss.

I wonder, could i double the blood sucking strength of the prey tentacle ? then i tried activating [Blood Sucker] ability on one of the prey tentacle, the moment i activated the ability, in about just a few seconds the body of one of the Knight was deprived of all it’s blood and became just a skin and bones. The Knight detained by my normal tentacle saw just how fast the blood was deprived from the body and struggled even more, but she became completely motionless when she saw what happened to the face of the Knight, who got bitten by prey tentacle and deprived of all it’s blood, it was too gruesome even for me, the face were completely messed up with all small bite and scratch marks and looked nothing like a human face anymore with the mouth, nose and eyes torn apart.

The detained Knight was begging for mercy with her eyes overflowing with fears and tears, i looked at her and smile.

“ if you promise to answer my question and not yelling, i’ll let you live, understand ? “ (Kagero)

Damn, i felt like a villain, but it showed immediate result the Knight was nodding with much vigor, and with that i released the tentacle on her mouth and started interrogating her.

“ first, who send you ? “ (Kagero)

“ .......Jukes-sama “ (Knight)

“ hoho, that bald head, huh ? then second, tell me the details of your order “ (Kagero)

“ we .......were ordered to kill you and throw your remain outside the kingdom “ (Knight)

“ hmmm, quite the drastic order, tell me are the whole order of knights are involved in these ? “ (Kagero)

“ no......it were just us “ (Knight)

“ i see, you are not lying to me, are you ? “ (Kagero)

“ no ! i’m not ! please believe me ! “ (Knight)

Well even if she lies it won’t affect me whatsoever, but with this i really couldn’t wasted anymore time in this kingdom, i need to speed up my preparation, but first i need to deal with this Knight, she knew too much and she saw my tentacle, the other knights already bite the dust while i’m interrogating the detained one.

“ thank you, with your help i received many useful information. “ (Kagero)

“ then ....... you’ll release me, right ? “ (Knight)

“ Goodbye. “ (kagero)

“ ..............eh ? “ (Knight)

In a flash i covered her face with prey tentacle and overlapped it with [Blood Sucker] ability, leaving her body bloodless.

.........this doesn’t felt real, i just killed five people and somehow i didn’t felt anything, was it because they came to kill me or maybe i gradually becaming a monster ?. no used thinking about something that even i couldn’t be sure about, i’ll just accepted the fact that i killed people and live with it.

To make sure there were no evidences and traces left behind, i devoured the Knights bodies with my eater tentacle and afterwards i could hear a sound of acquiring new abilities, but i was not in the mood for it, so after i finished devouring the bodies, i went to sleep while trying to got my mind used to the felling of killing.

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