《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 4 : Mortal Combat


Darkness covered the whole land, the forest was tranquil with only sound of wind and insects could be heard, i was still inside the forest slowly making my way to the way i entered the forest while checking my status screen. There listed all new things i got from absorbing the materials, i guessed the [Absorption] skill transform every materials i absorbed to be usable for me, I was curious about the new tentacles and abilities i got and itching to used it on an enemy but, i found no enemy around and so i left with dissatisfied feelings and yelled “ i want an enemy ! “ in my heart , so for now i thought of going back to the castle. but something fell infront of me instinctively i jumped two meters back, when i looked infront of me, i regretted ever yelling “ i want an enemy ! “ in my heart.

what i saw infront of me was a crowd of enemies consisted of three giant tarantula, with ten red eyes and muddy brown hairy body, five white eyes bat, like it’s name it was a bat with white eyes and red body, and the last one was covered by darkness, too dark for me to saw but i could saw the figure of a lone snake-like thing,

“ damn, you got to be kidding me....... “ (Kagero)

when the moonlight shone on it revealing it’s form, i could felt the color in my face draining to pale white just by the sight of monstrosity infront me, the black snake, it’s body was atleast two meter in length with black body and a pair of golden eyes on it’s face were looking straight at me, i didn’t cared about how big it’s body was or it’s glowing golden eyes, what scares me the most was it’s mouth. it wasn’t a snake’s mouth it was a lamprey eel’s mouth, a jawless mouth that looked like the octopus’s suction cups but with a numerous small teeth in it and all kinds of colored poison-like drool was dripping out of it’s mouth, the sight of black snake was enough to made the giant tarantulas infront of it looked like a cute stuffed toys.

I wanted to ran from the black snake, just the looked of it’s mouth was enough to made me shuddered the thought of got bitten by that mouth, but with my future battle in mind the more tentacle i had the better and i really wanted to saw a terror-filled face of people who dared tried to attacked me when i took out my tentacle after beat them up, with that said i needed a tentacle scary enough to induced terror and i’m sure the tentacle from the black snake would did the trick. With the determination to devoured the black snake in my heart, i brandished my scythe towards the monsters and took all of my tentacle out, the normal tentacle, Eater tentacle and Steel tentacle, two of each.

The Eater tentacle had the same body as the normal tentacle but at the head of the tentacle was a mouth filled with sharp teeth like that of a beast mouth and a long slender tongue reside inside it, anything bitten by this would went to one way trip to the world of pain was what i thought when i looked at the Eater tentacle. While the Eater tentacle was identical with normal tentacle if you ignore the mouth The Steel tentacle was a different tentacle altogether, the body was jagged and completely made out of steel, the head of the tentacle was sharp like a lance but it was still elastic like it was made of rubber, the Steel tentacle was just like a dragon’s tail strong, jagged, sharp but could move like a whip.


After sensing the danger from my tentacles the beasts were hesitated to attacked me, all but the black snake, with both me and the black snake eager to devoured each other, the black snake released a roar signaling the start of our fight. The first to moved were the tarantulas, they released webs from their mouths on the ground to restricted my movement, after releasing their webs the tarantulas charged at me following that the white eyed bats dived at me, jumping back now would only made it easier for them to captured me with webs in midair, so i launched an attack of my own.

i threw Eater tentacle towards the bats, the bats caught with my Eater tentacle were eaten there and then, after i ate the bats i heard the sound of new abilities acquired from my status, looked like the effect of [Absorption] became instantly if i ate materials with Eater tentacle, the other one of the bats was cut in two with a swing of my scythe, and the other two was caught with my normal tentacles. With the bats taken care of, i used my Steel tentacle and scythe to guarded the attack of the three tarantulas, who latches themself on my tentacles and scythe desperately trying to bite me.

“ Kah !!! “ (kagero)

when i about to use the Eater tentacle to bite the tarantulas, i felt a sharp pain as if something was being sucked out of my body, when i looked at where the origin of the pain, it were the bats, They bite my tentacles and drained my blood from it.

“ Damn...........it, i screwed.........up “ (Kagero)

i could felt my strength being drained from my body everytime they sucked my blood, the first to lost strength were my hands, with no strength in my hand one of the tarantulas break through my defense and bite my guts. The intense pain as my flesh torn apart by the tarantula’s bite course through my body, blood were flowing from where the tarantula bite me. The pain i felt almost made me fainted, but the pain from the bite of the bats and tarantula kept me from fainting, to freed myself from the pain, i ate the bats on my tentacles with Eater tentacles and threw the tarantulas at the trees two meters away from me with my Steel tentacles and impale the tarantula biting me with my bare hand.

I fall on one of my knees while pulling out the tarantula, which bite me, away and pressing the place where the tarantula bite to stopped the flowing blood out but it was useless, the blood was still flowing out of gaps in my fingers. ignoring the pain in my abdomen i looked infront of me, with the tarantulas were still recovering after i threw back and the black snake still not moving, i was able to ate the tarantula i killed with my hand and quickly checking what abilities i acquired after eating the tarantula and bats, hoping there was abilities i could used to stopped my bleeding.

[Blood Sucker] acquired

[Echolocation] acquired

[Web Generation] acquired

[Night Sight] acquired

[Jumping Improvement] acquired

The moment i noticed [Web Generation] i activated it and web came flowing out of my Eater tentacle, i quickly used it as a bandage, covering where the bite was, although the flow of the blood wasn’t stopped i managed to slowed it, but i still low on blood, my sight began to blackened, my hands were completely devoid of strength, my breathing was a mess and my tentacles movement began to dulled but my head was clear, strangely clear. After awhile my breathing stabilize and i recovered a bit of my strength but still wasn’t enough to lift my hand while the tarantulas infront of me were almost recovered, with my sight rendered useless, i closed my eyes and activated my [Echolocation] and with that i was able to saw the world around me more detailed than with my eyes, although everything was colorless and i also use the Eater tentacle to ate the web on my surrounding, so i could moved.


The tarantulas were already fully recovered from being threw by me and closing in to me, ready to pounced at me, With no strength left in my hand i could only relied on my tentacles, i ready my Eater tentacle to intercepted the tarantulas. With one hissed from the black snake the tarantulas came charging and pounced at me, i was expecting the tarantulas to pounced at me, while their in mid airs i launched my Eater tentacles at them and caught them in the air while sinking the teeth of my Eater tentacles deeper in their abdomen, the tarantulas were struggling desperately trying to freed themself but with my Eater tentacles teeth sink even further to their flesh, green blood started to flow out of the tarantulas body, the moment the green blood flow out i activated my [Blood Sucker] ability and drained the tarantulas of their blood, the tarantulas struggled even more, but after a minute or so the tarantula’s body were already drained of all their blood and stopped moving, with all the blood i sucked i could felt my strength and sight came back, looked like [Blood Sucker] not only drained blood but made the drained blood my own and after that, i ate the rest of the tarantulas body and skin.

With strength surging in my body, i stood with my eyes opened, my sight became normal again, my tentacles regained their vigor back and my hands were able to raised and moved the scythe normally, i once again brandished my scythe towards the black snake. A second passed after i brandished my scythe, me and black snake came charging at each other, i was aiming for a melee, with this the final battle between me and the black snake started.

Within the few minutes in the melee me and black snake exchanged blows, i released a torrent of attacks with my scythe and tentacles but all of my attacks were blocked or evaded by the black snake’s flexible and hard body while i was barely able to evaded the body blow and tail whip launched by black snake. I knew it would be bad for me if i kept this, so i distanced myself from black snake, enticing it to pounced at me in order to make a chance for me to attack but as expected of the monster who could led other monster, it knew what i was up and decided to just watched at me from the distance waiting for me to attack it again.

I need to somehow stopped it’s movement but how ? and i remembered my [Steel Generation] skill, how about if i pinned it down with a stake ? thinking up a plan i activated [Steel Generation] skill with a stake form in mind and just like that, the stake from my imagination came out from the newly formed mouth of the Steel tentacle. It was a black trident with the three blades, each 35cm in length and 15cm in diameter, the main body of the trident was only 15cm in length and 20cm in diameter, with this i could pinned down the black snake body to the ground.

With the intent to finish off the black snake once and for all, i rushed towards the black snake but a sharp pain in my abdomen stopped and made me fall to my knees, blood start to flowed again from my abdomen.

“ damn.....why now ?! “ (Kagero)

Seeing the perfect chance to attacked me, the black snake pounced at me with it’s mouth wide open making the numerous little sharp teeth visible to me, looking at the red mouth aimed at me everything around me began to looked so slow and my whole life memories was being displayed in my mind, would i died here ? without having a lover ? with no one to mourn me ? after being summoned by force, would i died here ? ..............HELL NO !! i would live and survive ! i refused to died ! i would live and have a family ! i would LIVE !. ignoring the pain on my abdomen i jumped as hard as i could and barely avoided the black snake, in the air i shoot five tridents from Steel tentacle at the black snake, HIIISSSSSSSSS !! the black snake roared in pain as five tridents drilled through it’s body from the tail until 40cm before his head, the black snake started to indiscriminately shoot poisons from it’s mouth in pain.

“ don’t worry, i’ll end your pain now. “ (Kagero)

Like the grim reaper coming down from the dark night to reaped souls, i held up my scythe as i descend from my jump, aiming at the the black snake.


With one slash from the scythe i separated the head and body of the black snake, the head and body jerked at the first two minutes but it soon became motionless, without missing a beat i used Eater tentacle and [Blood Sucker] ability to devoured the black snake, after confirming the sound of acquiring abilities from my status i pulled the tentacles back into my body and dragged my feet and tired body with the support of my scythe towards the forest exit. But the moment i reached outside the forest my body finally hit it’s limit and i fell just like a puppet whose string had been cut, before my eyes became completely dark i saw a figure running toward me while shouting, and then my conciousness fell into the abyss.

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