《Tentacle Lord》Chapter 3 : Becoming an Adventure


It was a normal morning, other people were started their morning activities and so do i, i was in the library,reading while surrounded by books. Normally, there would be someone sitting beside me, teaching while reading a book herself but today i was alone. Yes, Alice, who was always in the library from morning to evening, was not in the library today. For the past two weeks, i always saw Alice in the library, so Alice wasn’t in the library was a rare occurrence, for me atleast. But when i thought about it, Alice was the third princess of Laturey there must be something she had to do, she couldn’t possibly be at the library at all time. in the end, the setting “ Alice will always be in the library “ was something i selfishly created and admitted. Reaching an end of my thought, my focus returned back to the books infront of me.

Browsing pages after pages, books after books, my research yielded to nothing. I was searching for the where about of the scythe of the previous demon lord, Noir, but All the books i had read so far only contained exaggerated information of the scythe power, being able to cleaved a mountain or killed thousands with one stroke. I didn’t need some nonsense information, gave me some information of the scythe location, damn it !.

the reason why i searched the demon lord’s scythe was simple, to battle the hero paty. In this world, my position is the same as the Twisted beasts, something that shouldn’t existed. just like the Twisted beast, if anyone ever found out my job as tentacle, i would be hunted and killed in the same manner as the Twisted beast. You could said that i’m scared, but rather than be prideful dead-man i would rather be coward and cautious but alive, with my job and skill with scythe i’m sure that i could handled most of the people aiming for my life but, i know that there would be someone far stronger than me. And the most threatening enemy i could thought of right now was, the hero party, except Saya.

If it were them, they would tried to killed me as soon as they knew what my real job was, well, killing me, a human, maybe impossible for them and Saya would probably stopped them but even if they could only caught me, that would spelled my doom, Naoki and the others maybe wouldn’t be able to killed me but the kingdom would sure to killed me, to hide the fact they summoned a monster. So in order to survive, i need to eliminated all possible cases that would lead to my death even the smallest one, to do that i need power.

The problem now was Naoki, he was the summoned hero and it was a given he would had some kind of cheat, as the hero and all, plus he would definitely had the holy sword and the best equipment. the same could be said to Reki, Shina and Saya, after all they were the hero party with the whole Laturey kingdom backing them up. A hero with cheat and holy sword, a martial artist and a mage with cheat of their own versus the scythe wielding Tentacle monster, the end of such battle was obvious, to even the odds i needed a strong weapon, a weapon that could rivaled the hero’s holy sword, with a weapon like that and my Tentacle, i could dealt with the hero party in even ground. And fortunately for me, there was such a weapon, the jet black scythe clad in red aura, the weapon of the previous demon lord, Noir, the real Death Scythe called..............Dryst.


But The only thing i found was the location of the demon lord’s castle and another exaggerated story of his power and the legend about his fight with the previous hero party. with my search lead to a dead end the only option left to me was to searched the demon lord’s castle for clue, distance wise it would take a year for me to reached the demon lord’s castle and with the castle located in the uncharted region, going there without preparation would be suicide, i needed more power and that where my [absorption] power came in, although i still didn’t know what power was this, it should proof to be useful, being one of my cheat and all. So, the time to experiment with my [absorption] skill and my skill with the scythe in combat had come. I couldn’t wait to head to my first battle, but haste make waste, first, i had things to take care of.

The kingdom of Laturey, the only way to described the scene on the kingdom’s plaza was bustling, all kinds of people gathered here, Normal folks, Merchants, knights, adventurers and nobles. not only the people even the buildings came with many types, many of them were normal shop and residence but there were also buildings like weapon shop, armor shop, inn and adventure guild. It was really game-like scene and i was one of the people gathered in the plaza wearing an all black get-up with a scythe on my back. All the people in my surrounding kept glancing on me and here i thought my get-up was normal in this world, but i guess a guy in all black clothes wielding a scythe would be suspicious in any world.

The reason why i’m wearing a get-up like this was to avoid being suspected of one of the hero party, since we separated in the first day we had been summoned here, i hadn’t saw Naoki and the rest there was high chance they were introduced to the people of the kingdom, like in Anime and Manga, they stood in the veranda of the castle looking straight to the people filled plaza replaying their “ we will save the word “ statement all the while still wearing their uniform. With how strange our uniform were people who saw it won’t forgot it soon. with that said if i went to the plaza with my uniform it would made the people thought that i’m an impostor of the hero, which could get me in a quite dangerous situation, talking about the hero, i wonder........how Saya had been doing ?, she’ll be okay, she was one of the member of the hero party,.............i hope.

But as i expected, the thing that drew attention the most was The scythe on my back. If you put the weapon that no one in the whole human race used and a person who dress in all black get-up it would drew a lot of attention, but i couldn’t help it, it was not like i could make the scythe shrink, even this clothes were something borrowed from Tsurai’s subordinate. Oh yeah, at first Tsurai wanted to came with me when i went to him to borrowed the clothes for going outside of the kingdom to experience my first real battle, saying he wanted to showed the kingdom’s good places and help me. I was ecstatic and almost let out a scream, i mean it was basically a date, a date with Tsurai ! but with the purpose of this outing being to experiment with my [Absorption] skill means i’m going to used my tentacle, because of that i refuse to let Tsurai went with me while my heart screaming “ what a waste ! “. Hmm ? you wanted to know why i suddenly act like i’m in love with Tsurai ? it was just, i thought i had to be honest with my heart and desire, that’s all.


Well, with that said, here i am walking alone towards the adventure guild while ignoring the glances directed at me from my surrounding, when suddenly three people stood infront me as i walked towards the door of the adventure guild. The middle one was a man with big fat body like a pig covered with full armor but his face was fierce like a bear, the left one was a woman with a very sexy body and beauty face wearing a clothes with light armor and the right one was another man with slim build and cunning face wearing rogue-like clothes.

“ oi,oi, this is not a place for a pipsqueak like you ! go home to your mama ! “ (fat man)

“ that’s right ! or maybe you want to experience some pain first, huh ?! “ (slim man)

“ you better go home and leave behind everything you have, boy. While we still being kind “ (sexy woman)

“ ............... ” (Kagero)

“ look at him ! he’s so afraid he can’t even speak ! what a joke ! “ (slim man)

.......haaaaah, looked like every world had it own version of bullies, huh ?. and who the hell was afraid ? if it were me from before the summoning, you maybe scared me but the me here wasn’t someone you could take on. This was a good chance to made an example what would happened if someone messed with me and since their the one who made the first move at me, it should be fine if i retaliate........roughly.

“ oi, what’s that on your back ? let me see. “ (slim man)

The slim man tried to touch the scythe behind me, but before he even touch it, i grab the collar of his clothes and threw him to the side with my right arm. Without comprehending what happened he only let out “ eh ? “ and went flying for five meter before landing on the ground head first, and before the woman and fat man even moved or reacted to what happened i slapped the woman with my left and like the slim man, she went flying but because she was a woman i only sent her flying for two meters and she landed on her back.

“ Wha....what the hell ?! what the hell did you do ?! “ (Fat man)

The fat man and people around me were unable to comprehend what just happened, he only knew that his comrade suddenly sent flying by me but he couldn’t saw how i did it even though he was infront of me. He was bewildered and started to showed fear of me in his eyes, it was funny how he was so arrogant at first and now he was sweating bullet while alternately looking at me and his two downed comrades with fear in his eyes, it was so funny a smile floated in my face. looking at my smile was his breaking point, unable to took the incomprehensible reality before him, he threw a punch at me, ..........now to completely and utterly destroyed his pride i grabbed his punch with one hand and delivered a punch to his body, the moment my fist hit him, he let out “ goho ! “ sound and vomit blood a little.

The punch i threw was strong enough to sent him flying inside the guild and hit the guild counter desk, the people inside the guild were surprised by that. A person with pig-like body, who weights atleast a hundred kilograms or more, not to mention the full armor he wears which weight dozen kilograms was sent flying from the entrance of the guild to the counter desk which six meters in distance with a fist mark dent carved on the chest part of his armor. They only could imagine what kind of monster could sent this massive bag of flesh flying, but when i came in the people inside the guild just ignored me as somekind of newbie and thought that the monster who sent the pig man flying was still outside, That was until i gave them the second surprise of the day.

As i walked to the counter desk some of the adventures ignored me and some of them still looking at me with doubtful and underestimating eyes, as i stood infront of the counter desk, the fainted piglike man was in the way so i lifted him up and threw him behind me with one hand. That was when the entire guild went silent as if time has stopped, they were unable to believed a skinny man like me was able to lifted up the piglike man with one hand and threw him like he was weightless. Not minding them i called out to the girl behind the counter desk, who stood there with her mouth open.

“ oi. “ (Kagero)

“ ye....yes ! wha.....what can i help you ? “ (girl)

“ relax, i just want to register as an adventurer. “ (Kagero)

“ ye....yes, please filled out this form for your identification. “ (girl)

After the girl calmed down, she gave me somekind of application form that only asked for my name and age, after i filled it out i received my mark as adventurer : an iron card, the adventure grade only had five grade from the lowest to highest were iron, copper, silver, gold and black. With this my business in the adventure guild was done, for now i only planned to register as adventurer without accepting any quest i departed towards the kingdom exit and onwards to the nearby forest, leaving only three thugs unconcious in my trail,......for now.

The forest near the kingdom was like what i saw in games, an endless trees with numerous beast living in it, i was in the peak of my excitement. Hm ? what ? you have more question ? why i could lifted the piglike man ? okay, looked like i have to explain, it was something i came to knew recently. The number of cheats i received when i summoned here were three the first one was my [Tentacle], second was [Absorption] skill and last was [Stats Augmentation]. Like it’s name it was a cheat that increased all my stats, power, speed, defend even magic but somehow it didn’t raised my luck, but this was just my speculation since it didn’t showed in my status screen but like they said “ action speaks louder than words “ with the fact that i could lifted that piglike man with my hand should showed that was the work of my cheats.

Shortly after entering the forest i met with three type of monster it were Goblins, Steel wolfs and Earth slime, the first one i met was the goblins, who attacked me in groups of five but i quickly dispatched them to the after live with my scythe. Globins was a monster with low INT although in groups they were attacking me from the front side by side, with them lined up i only have to swing once to killed the first three and then one more slash for the last two behind them.

The second one i met was the steel wolfs, there were only two of them but their teamwork were far better than the goblins, and their hide was as hard as steel and with them attacking from the front and behind me, even i was started to panic but with plan in my mind i focused on the wolf infront of me and dashed towards it and slashed it in two with my scythe, not missing the chance to attacked the wolf behind me jumped at me and aiming at my back but it was killed in the air when one of my tentacle came out of my back and caught it by it’s neck finishing the wolf off by breaking it’s neck.

The last one to came out was an alone brown colored slime, the earth slime, it attacks were simple it only uses earth magic to threw stone at me and charging at me like a boar. The slime was easy to handle but hard to killed, with their resistance to physical attack i was unable to kill it with scythe or tentacle but i was able to render the slime unconcious with striking the core with my tentacle. oh yeah, just for your information, although i called them beasts this were not twisted beasts, all the monsters i read at the library and met were just like subtitute for animals. twisted beasts were not something this lukewarm.

Now, with all the materials for the experiment was collected and gathered in one place, i started to thinking how to activated the [Absorption] skill, i’m sure it used my tentacle to activated but how ?. after thinking for a while, i arrived to an idea, engulfed the materials with my tentacle. With no other idea came to surface, i started to enlarged my tentacle as big as i could and by the time i hit my limit my arms sized tentacle already grew to as big as the piglike man. And then i engulfed all the materials with my tentacle, as soon as the materials came inside my tentacle my [Absorption] skill activated by itself and started to dissolve the materials slowly, looked likes the [Absorption] skill was a always-on passive skill.

I watched as the materials started to dissolve and erased from existence slowly by the time all the materials finished being absorbed, it was already in the evening. The time to absorbed the materials was roughly three hours, it was too long if i didn’t find way to shorten it, it would be a burden for me. As i was thinking that a classic game sound of when you acquired something ringed out from my status screen, when i looked at my status screen i was surprised.

[Eater Tentacle] unlocked

[Steel Tentacle] unlocked

[Steel Generation] acquired

[Tentacle’s Eyes] acquired

[Strong Bite] acquired

[Physical Resistance] acquired

[Earth Magic] acquired

..........the amount of things i got were far exceed my assumption.

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