《Divine Dragon》Chapter 7: Orb of Light


When the man named Zhao thought of that, his face turned ugly. However, he quickly buried all those thoughts as he focused on the task at hand. He maintained the Qi outflow to help keep the berserk energies in check and also to feed the blood cocoon to reform the body.

As Jing Fang tossed one Heavenly Treasure and Ancient Elixir after another towards the blood cocoon, they were all absorbed. Seeing all the rare and precious Elixirs and Treasures being absorbed by the cocoon, the man named Zhao could only let out a deep sigh. The end result form this was truly going to be something extremely astonishing.

If no mishap was to happen, this boy would have the Foundation to become a Realm’s Lord, however, for that to happen, he would first need to become a Heavenly Sovereign. Although the Ancient Clans would do everything they could to bar him from trying to subdue the Realm’s Will, Zhao would spare no effort in pressuring them for trying.

While Jing Fang was trying to raise a descendant, Zhao was thinking of the Realm. The reason him and the other four old monsters founded their academies was purely to find a seedling that could be grown into a Realms Lord. Now, seeing the amount of Heavenly Treasures being absorbed by Curo, Zhao was willing to put everything to the line to nurture him into a being worthy of being a Realms Lord. However, inside the cocoon, Curo had no idea what was happening outside.

He was in a state of deep slumber as his [Dragon Human Unification Art] was madly cultivating on it’s own. With each cycle the Qi completed, his body would shudder as his Qi grew more abundant and the strength of his fleshly body grew alongside it. At one moment, his body had exploded into a mist of blood and slowly reformed again.

Then, after a certain amount of time passed, it happened again. Exploding into a bloody mist, then reforming. This cycle continued on as Curo was in a deep state of cultivation. When Curo slowly awoke form his muddled state, he found himself in a starry space. He subconsciously opened his eyes and looked around.

All of the stars seemed an extremely huge distance away but at the same time, he felt as though if he just stretched out his hand, he would be able to grasp the distant stars. Just as he slowly stretched out his hand, he heard a voice from behind him, “Beautiful isn’t it?”

Startled, Curo slowly turned around and saw a small orb of pure white light floating there. This orb felt familiar while at the same time, it was the first time he had seen it. Curo nodded to the orb, indicating that this sight truly was beautiful. The orb then flew next to Curo and a voice sounded out again, “However, if things don’t change, this place will be destroyed.” Hearing this, Curo was startled before he asked, “Why?”

The orb seemed to dim a bit before the voice sounded out again, “Because this place lacks a Lord. Although, it is too early for you to know and worry about this all, remember this; The Ancient Clans will destroy this Realm if they keep killing everyone that is a threat to their chances of becoming a Realms Lord.” Hearing this Curo was startled as he had no idea what the orb was talking about. The orb then glowed intensely as a voice sounded out again, “Seems like my time here is up, if I stay here any longer, they will discover you.”


Curo was startled and extremely confused but before he could ask what was going on, he saw a little orb separate from the white orb and shoot towards his eyebrows. When it entered his eyebrows, an incantation was engraved into his heart. As Curo’s gaze grew fuzzy and blurry, the voice sounded out the final time, “I entrust all my hopes to you. One day, come and free me from the Prison of the Ancient Clans. If you do, you will become the Heavens of the Realm.”

Curo grew more puzzled as to the identity of the orb, however, before he could ask anything, his mind went blank as his sight went black again. Suddenly, Curo was jerked awake by an intense pain coming from his Dantian. As he hurriedly examined his body, his face paled when he realized that he had condensed 99 Qi Kindling’s and all of those Qi Kindling’s were saturated to the brim, almost exploding.

Hurriedly revolving the Qi according to his [Dragon Human Unification Art] he started directing the Qi Kindling’s towards different directions and when they were all in place, they started to slowly revolve as they excavated the Qi Springs. However, no matter how many of the Qi Springs erupted one after another, he could not exhaust the endless amounts of Qi radiating from his body, threatening to destroy it. His meridians had expanded several times and some cracks started to appear on them. He grit his teeth even harder as he directed more and more Qi into excavating the Springs.

When the last of the Qi Springs had been excavated, the Energy still hadn’t diminished one bit, so as a last resort, Curo started directing his Qi down he 99 Qi Springs in his Dantian and forcing them to overflow. As his Dantian was slowly filled with liquefied Qi, his cultivation rose from the Qi Spring Stage to the Qi Sea Stage. However, the Energy inside his body still showed no signs of calming down, so he could only grit his teeth again as he tried to push himself towards the next step again; The Palace Building Stage.

Curo directed all of his attention to picking one lump of liquefied Qi after another from his Qi Sea and compressing them into a solid brick form. As time passed, the energy inside his body started slowly calming itself down. When the base foundation of the Palace was done, the energy had diminished by a quarter. The energy was only expended when he had nearly finished building the Palace. He was only missing a bit. Seeing this, Curo smacked his lips.

When he felt the energies inside his body calm down, he breathed a sigh of relief. He then opened his eyes in the outside world for the first time in months. Although he had no idea how long had truly passed, he could feel that since his hair was now to his waist, it should be a few months at the very least.

When he opened his azure blue reptilian eyes, the blood cocoon burst apart and dissipated into first mist, then nothing. However, the moment he exited the blood cocoon, he felt his body flare up again as extreme pain wrecked his body. “My body can’t support the level of my cultivation!” As this thought entered his head, he suddenly felt a mysterious energy appear between his eyebrows and after this energy spread out along his body, the Qi that was rampaging around his body immediately retreated.


A white glow enveloped him as all of the berserk power was sealed onto his left shoulder in the form a tattoo. Jing Fang and the man named Zhao looked at Curo in complete and utter shock as Zhao asked, “Brother Fang, did you just see what I saw?”

Jing Fang nodded his head and said, “This boy….” Curo didn’t hear them as he slowly remembered the feeling this light gave off. It was the same one that had pierced his eyebrows when he met the white orb of light in that mysterious starry space. “Just what was that light orb?” As he thought back to the feeling form before, he observed the tattoo on his shoulder. It was a tattoo of a dragon coiled around a cross as if it was it’s most precious treasure. When he probed the tattoo with his Qi, he could feel that all of the sealing power was inside the dragon and all of the berserk Qi was sealed inside the cross. Suddenly, information appeared in his head, “Dragon Cross Sealing Art….”

As he mumbled that to himself, he closed his eyes to scan over all of the information. When he opened his eyes again, there was a complex look of doubt and shock inside them. “This Dragon Cross Seal has sealed my cultivation to the level where my body can handle it. However, I can always release the seal in times of need to give me a sudden boost in strength. However, I am afraid my body won’t be able to handle all of that Qi and would explode if I couldn’t wrap it up soon enough.” As Curo thought that to himself, he suddenly looked around and saw two people standing in the room.

Seeing Jing Fang, Curo’s face turned weird as he could recognize the man but he hadn’t seen him before. However, he had seen himself in the mirror and the eerily similar look was something that made Curo’s skin crawl. He looked more like this Ancestor from his mother’s side than he looked liked his Mother or Father.

As though the two could read his thoughts, they let out a soft chuckle before the man named Zhao asked, “Boy, by any chance, did you at some point wake up in a place filled with stars?” Curo was startled by the question and he looked towards Jing Fang. Jing Fang nodded his head and said, “This man is my life long brother. He also helped me look after you when you were inside the blood cocoon.” Curo hesitantly nodded his head and said, “Yes, although I can only remember it hazily, I remember I met with some weird light orb.”

The man named Zhao and Jing Fang both let out a sharp breath as the man named Zhao said, “From today onwards, never mention it to anyone. Not even to your Father or the love of your life. Once the word got out, I am afraid you would die.” Hearing this, Curo was startled as he didn’t understand what was going on. Was that orb something extremely precious? Or was it something else? He had no idea why the two were looking at him with such grave expressions.

Jing Fang then added, “When you reach the Sovereign Realm, I will tell you all about it. Until then, you are forbidden from even mentioning half a word about it to anyone.” Seeing the cold and serious look on Jing Fang’s face, Curo gulped as cold sweat started rolling down his back. This matter seemed to be extremely important and since Jing Fang had said, that he would tell him when he reached the Sovereign Realm, he didn’t doubt that he would. Curo let out a sheepish smile as he asked, “What’s the Sovereign Realm?”

Hearing this, the two were nearly floored before Jing Fang let out a soft chuckle and said, “After the Origin Realm come the Three Saint Realms and after those Three Saint Realms, come the Sovereign Realms. However, as you are currently in the situation you are, it is too far away for you now.” Curo nodded his head as he observed his body.

It was currently at the peak of Qi Kindling Stage with 98 Qi Kindling’s Condensed. The rest of his Cultivation was sealed by the Dragon Cross Sealing Art and until he managed to upgrade his body, the Seal would keep the rest of the strength locked down. Curo then let out a deep breath as he evaluated his own body, it was several dozens of times more durable and tougher then before. Although he hadn’t tested it, he had a feeling that even Low Grade Artefacts could not slice or pierce his skin.

As he slowly felt the aura inside him, he suddenly felt his mind blur as he appeared inside a white blank space. Inside this place, there was a pendant that had the same shape as the Dragon Cross Sealing Art.

However, Curo’s eyes weren’t on that but rather on the gigantic jet black dragon that was hibernating in front of him.

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