《Divine Dragon》Chapter 6: Mishap


As the humming of the activated Formation grew louder, the energy Curo felt well up in his body also intensified. Soon, it felt as though he would burst from the excess of Energy, but just at that moment, he heard a powerful voice inside his head, “Revolve the [The Dragon Human Unification Art]!”

Hearing this, Curo’s head cleared as he immediately started revolving Qi according to the Art for dear life. When the Qi started circulating according to the Art, he immediately felt the energy calm down. Sighing in relief, he kept circulating the Art as he felt his muscles and bones become more refined. Suddenly, a popping sound rang out as all of the impurities inside his body were being pushed out.

As his body was covered in a layer of black dirt, he suddenly felt the power well up. Just as he lightly smiled at having his body purified, he suddenly felt the Energy inside his blood and bones and muscles grow increasingly berserk.

This sudden change in Curo’s body didn’t escape Jing Fang’s sharp gaze as his face changed. He hurriedly stopped the Formation but to his dismay, just as he tried to recall all the blood, it suddenly charged towards Curo and encased him in a cocoon made of blood. Seeing this, Jing Fang’s face alternated between ugly, thoughtful and surprised. Suddenly, strong ripples of Energy started pulsing out from the cocoon and seeing this, Jing Fang’s face turned serious as he disappeared from the room and appeared above the mountain range.

Just as he appeared there, several figures appeared out side the mountain range. Jing Fang spread his wings as he took a defensive posture and said with a cold tone, “Fellow Daoists, what brings you here?” The several figures enshrouded in shadows exchanged a few glances before one said, “There was a sudden, strong Energy Ripple, it startled us all as we thought a Heavenly Treasure had appeared but it seems like a Junior is training in some peculiar Art that caused those ripples.”

Jing Fang immediately answered, “Yes, my descendant is at the crucial point currently, so I hope that fellow Daoists won’t bully the younger generation and disrupt him.” The several people present narrowed their eyes as they cupped their hands one by one and disappeared.

They all felt the fluctuation of power coming from Jing Fang and could sense that although he was injured, he currently had the power of a Heavenly Saint revolving around him. They had never seen Jing Fang before so they were extremely cautious as not to provoke him. Also, since it was not some sort of a Heavenly Treasure or an Ancient Ruin appearing but only a Junior training in a peculiar Art, it was foolish to offend a Heavenly Saint because of it.

Soon, there was only one person completely wrapped in shadows left. He looked at Jing Fang with a melancholic gaze as he suddenly said, “Long time no see Brother Fang.” Hearing the voice, Jing Fang’s eyes opened wide as he let out a merry laugh and said, “Seems like I am not the only person alive from Times of Antiquity. You seem to be doing well Brother Zhao.” The shadow let out a merry chuckle as he said, “As well as this old bag of bones can do.” The tone of his voice then lowered and turned more serious as he said, “Let’s head inside, I still have some weight to throw around here. The situation doesn’t seem to be as simple as that.”


Jing Fang nodded his head as they both flew inside. When they reached inside and the shadow saw the blood cocoon up close, the shadows around him flickered as he suddenly said, “I will head here with my True Body, this isn’t something I can help with an Avatar.” Jing Fang let out an apologetic smile as he said, “I will have to trouble Brother Zhao.”

The shadow waved his hands dismissing it. In return he asked, “How is this possible? From the Qi Fluctuations, he can only be an Early Stage Foundation Establishment brat….” Jing Fang let out a helpless sigh as well as he shook his head in helplessness, “I have no idea. The Awakening Formation should have helped him awaken the dormant Dragon Blood inside him. However, how it turned from Dragon Blood Awakening to an Ancient Dragon Physique Reform, I have no idea.”

He then said seriously, “His body holds my Heart Blood and also my own flesh. However, it shouldn’t be enough for him to Form his Dragon Physique.” The shadow scratched his chin and suddenly his eyes flickered as he asked, “Hey, did this brat happen to have shattered meridians?”

Jing Fang’s brows furrowed as he nodded his head and said, “Yes, his meridians were shattered when he was young due to some internal Clan conflict. If I am not mistaken, his father founded this Ji Clan after that incident.” The man named Zhao then sighed deeply as he said, “This brat…. Is he a Heaven’s Darling Son or is he Hell’s Prisoner….”

Hearing this, Jing Fang furrowed his brows more as he asked, “What do you mean by that?” The shadow turned to Jing Fang and said, “This boy, he was born with the Heaven Burning Nether Dragon Physique. When he was born, even my Hidden Dragon Academy was extremely interested in having him join our Academy as soon as possible. However, as things developed the way they did, we could also only sigh in regret.” Hearing this, Jing Fang’s face turned complicated.

He had no idea that he had had that kind of a Special Physique. Had he known that he had been born with a Special Physique like that, he would have not tried to Awaken the Blood like that. Now he understood what his Brother Zhao had meant by what he said. This boy seems to be followed by Disaster after Fortune, time and time again. Looking at the cocoon of blood in the middle of the Formation, he let out a deep sigh as he said, “I truly have to bother Brother Zhao in helping me stabilize his condition. I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well at all if we let him go through this without any assistance….”

The shadow nodded his head and then asked, “What are you planning on doing with his future?” Jing Fang gave he shadow a glance and said with regret, “We should both be extremely clear that I am no Mentor or Teacher. I have given him all of the Core Art’s of the Jing Clan already, how many and how much he can comprehend of them, that is all up to him.” He then fell silent for a moment before he continued, “As for now, we were planning on having him put all of his efforts into cultivating and trying to enter the Hidden Dragon Academy.”


The shadow nodded his head slowly before turning his glance towards the blood cocoon and saying, “If he enters the Academy, I will take him under my protection. However, this is only because of our past relations my old friend. If he grows rampant or tyrant, I won’t hesitate to throw him out.” Jing Fang then revealed a smile as he said, “If he truly becomes like that, then you can do what ever you want. However, I feel like it will be hard for him to become a silk pants.”

The shadow raised an eyebrow as he asked, “How so?” Jing Fang let out a small laugh as he said, “From what I heard, he had never treated anyone bad when he was the Crippled Young Master. He was well loved by everyone, he lacked the silk pants aura and actions regardless of his Father being the strongest person here. The entire Clan would not have bat an eye if he had become a silk pants however, instead, he was well loved by commoners and cultivators alike.”

Hearing this, the Shadow showed surprise before turning his gaze towards the cave mouth and saying, “I will arrive in a few minutes, I will have my Avatar travel back to the Academy.” Jing Fang nodded his head as he escorted the Avatar out and then went back inside. A few minutes went by and a middle aged man with char coal black hair arrived. Judging by his muscular build, you would think that he was a mortal lumberjack or a quarry worker, not a cultivator.

The man wore simple clothes and when he arrived next to Jing Fang, he gave him a slight nod before going to the other side of the Formation. Seeing this, Jing Fang also took a deep breath as he slowly turned into a human. He looked eerily similar to Curo and although he seemed to be in his mid twenties, the sharp and cold red reptilian eyes would make you feel as though you are staring at a million year old devil. Without saying anything any more, the two people stood at the opposite sides of Formation. When the two were both ready, they gave each other a slight nod and the man then put his hands down on the Formation and lifted his head to look at Jing Fang and said, “I am ready when you are old friend.”

Jing Fang then also nodded his head as a splendid dagger appeared in his right hand and he rolled up the sleeve on his left hand. With a swift motion, a deep cut appeared on his hand as the dark golden blood gently flowed out from the wound.

As the blood flowed to the Formation once again, the man named Zhao’s face turned serious as he started slowly pouring Qi into the Formation. As the Formation started to activate once again, the cocoon of blood let out a low growl and seeing this, the two men looked at each other with astonished eyes before suddenly, their faces became serious again and Jing Fang suddenly waved his hand and a myriad of different vials and jade boxes appeared in the room. The man named Zhao’s eyes narrowed for a second before returning to serious.

“Seems like even this old monster is eager to see how far a Junior can go.” As the man thought that to himself, a smile crept onto his lips as he muttered, “The Heaven Burning Nether Dragon Physique, Heart Blood of a Heavenly Sovereign Nether Slaughter Dragon, Flesh of a Heavenly Sovereign Nether Slaughter Dragon…. In addition, all of these Ancient Elixir’s and Treasures…. Once this Rebirth of his Body is done, I am afraid that his future accomplishments will truly be only up to him. However, the more dazzling ones talent, the more enemies he will make….” As the man thought up to here, his face turned a bit cold.

He had seen many geniuses that had been killed by Seniors of a Clan because they out shone their geniuses or because they lacked the means to protect themselves. His friendship with Jing Fang was not something shallow and the battles they had been through in Ancient Times were something that made both of them owe their lives to one another countless times. They knew the true situation the Realm faced and their lack of a Realm Lord was something that made them a constant target for others.

However, the infighting amongst their Realm’s Ancient Clans was something that deterred any one from becoming the Realm’s Lord and unifying the Realm to stand as one man against the invaders. The Five Great Academies were currently at war with the various Ancient Clans because of this same very matter.

Even though there was still a few tens of thousands years left before the next Realm War, this Realm War may be their last if they don’t manage to have someone subdue the Realm’s Will.

However, the Ancient Clan’s that have existed since the Primordial Times are far too prideful with it and refuse to let any genius outside of their families even try it.

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