《Sage Fall》Chapter Seven
Amrin came to a stop in front of the gate, the Knight that escorted him dismounted her horse and came to stand next to him. He tried not to make eye contact with Adalyn, he wasn’t prepared to get an earful quite yet.
“Your Grace. I trust this is the gentleman you requested be returned immediately?” The Knight bowed in deference.
“Indeed. Although I’m surprised at how quickly you were able to return, you had only just left.”
“About that, my lady…I found him wandering the road between the Academy and the city, at first I believed him to be someone of suspicion, but with your description of him, I brought him here.”
“I see.” She looked at Amrin, who had a look of indifference on his face and one that wasn’t glad, or upset at having to meet Elynara. “Why was he wandering the road…and in such a condition?”
“That I’m unsure of, milady. I did not believe it a prudent time to question him, as your request to locate and return with him seemed of utmost urgency.” She was still bowing.
“Very good. You are dismissed. And thank you for a job well done.”
“Your words honor me, Your Grace!” she bowed lower and immediately stood at attention then proceeded to walk the horse towards the side of the Academy, most likely where the stables were located.
The three stood in silence for a long while, none of them knowing what to say or do in this situation. Amrin didn’t want to hear Adalyn yell at him about the clothes, Adalyn didn’t want to get between the discussion that would no doubt cause sparks, and Elynara didn’t want to speak because she felt that she had no right to speak in his presence.
“It’s a bit warm out here…any chance we can head inside?” Amrin finally said, while pretending to scratch an itch on his cheek with one finger.
“Ah, of course, master. Please, this way.” Elynara spoke up and sounded completely different than when she was conversing with Adalyn.
Adalyn was taken by surprise in how she addressed and sounded while speaking with Amrin. Two things of note was that she sounded like a child afraid to make their parent upset and her addressing him as master so timidly. Not wanting to ask questions just yet, she followed Amrin, who was following Elynara into the building.
The three ascended the steps to her office in silence, since the morning classes were still in session the only sound in the stairwell was the clicks and thuds of their footsteps. Once they finally reached her office, there were no longer any guards, the first had escorted Sebastian while the second had left to retrieve Amrin. Elynara opened the door and stood to the side, gesturing with her arms for Amrin to enter, with her head bowed low. Adalyn followed closely behind.
Once Amrin and Adalyn entered, Elynara followed and closed the door behind them. Then she immediately went to what looked like a wet bar, since atop it was various decanters filled with liquids and empty glasses and goblets.
She picked up a pitcher with clear liquid and poured it into a crystal clear glass, then walking gently to Amrin who took a seat on one couch while Adalyn sat on the one she used not too long ago, and offered it to him, again with her head bowed. He didn’t offer any thanks or say anything at all. He took the glass and took a drink of the contents quietly.
The three of them sat quietly in the office. Adalyn was fidgeting, the tension in the room was dense and she felt that she had no right to be present for what they were about to discuss. Amrin had been still since sitting down, waiting for Elynara and Adalyn to take a seat themselves.
The two sat next to each other, each having a level of tension but for different reasons than the other. Amrin leaned back in the couch and looked at Elynara.
“M-master…” Elynara gained enough courage to break the stillness that befell the room.
“Silence.” She immediately shut her mouth and flinched, casting her gaze to the floor. “I still haven’t decided whether or not to end your life before, or after I have received the information I need. And only because I would be no closer to finding the others if I kill you now, is the reason you’re still breathing!”
His rage was palpable. Adalyn was positive she could feel the air in the room heat up, then cool in quick succession. The glints in Amrin’s eyes shown hints of red and blue as the temperature changes happened.
“A-Amrin? Why are you so...?” Adalyn tried to come to her defense but was shot down the second she saw him cast her a gaze that could silence anyone.
“Quiet. I want…quiet.” He growled slowly.
Amrin closed his eyes in contemplation while the two women sat completely still and silent on the couch opposite him. Elynara was content with her treatment, she was lucky she was still breathing, just as Amrin had mentioned. But she only hoped she could be of some help before that time came.
Adalyn wanted so much to figure out what was going on. She knew he was betrayed by Elynara, and that they took his very life from him so they could live almost eternally, but she didn’t know why they needed to or how they did it. Amrin let out a deep sigh and opened his eyes, looking directly at Elynara. The pressure Adalyn felt was almost unbearable, she couldn’t imagine how Elynara felt.
“I’ve decided to let you speak. But know this…” he paused momentarily, so that Elynara could ruminate on the words that left his mouth. “If you say anything that I am dissatisfied with or have not heard what I want…that will be all I need. Do I make myself clear?” his voice was calm. And if not for the overwhelming pressure emanating from his body, it would have been almost comforting, so instead it elicited nothing but terror from Elynara.
“Yes…mas…master…” the voice that come from her was barely audible and had no traces of one that held the title of Headmistress, or Master Chanter. She was reduced to nothing but a quivering child in the presence of the one she must obey.
Adalyn was stunned at the display, she wanted to say something about whether she should be here, but she dare not speak. Amrin seemed like a bomb ready to trigger at a moment’s notice.
“Very good. Now…tell me everything you know.”
Elynara began to remember the events that led to his disappearance, it was something that she vowed never to forget so it was a simple matter to recount them.
“W-when Little Gin…Gindel and I went into the house to get ready for the party, we both headed to the wash room. Gindel spoke happily about how he had gotten you a gift and seemed quite pleased, I remember it fondly because I was jealous that I did not get you a gift as well.” She looked up and noticed Amrin’s brow was furrowed. She immediately decided to stick to the details after this.
“And when we turned the corner to enter the wash room there was…someone. I…I couldn’t see who it was since I was talking with Gindel at the time and ran into this person. All I could make out was that he wore a black robe, his face covered by a hood. Before I could do anything he spoke. It was an incantation, one I have never heard before but I remember the words exactly…” she paused.
“And? What were these words?” he asked.
“I, I rather not say, Master. I tried them many times, but was only able to successfully chant them once and it seems they serve only one purpose.”
“Oh? Elaborate…please.” He was getting impatient.
“Y-yes! I, I was able to invoke the spell once after I had gained sufficient magical power, so it is a relatively high level spell. Its purpose is…to render those with a magical affinity or power below your own, unconscious.”
Amrin’s eyes quickly flinched at hearing this. Gindel and Elynara weren’t the strongest of his companions, but they certainly were more powerful than any others he had seen…or at least knew of at the time.
“Gindel appeared to have fallen first. I tried…I tried to scream. To get anyone’s attention, but I could hardly keep my eyes open. All I remember is what happened after I awoke.” Her voice was filled with regret and anger “I awoke in my bed, my body wouldn’t move. I felt paralyzed, but at the same time I could feel power coursing through me.”
“It took all of my power to turn my head and see Justinian sitting next to me, he was sleeping. I managed to call his name, but barely, and he seemed to have been crying. Since his eyes were bloodshot and they started to tear up when he saw me awake.”
Elynara began to tear up after recalling the story, but she choked back the tears and forced herself to continue.
“I asked what had happened, but he told me to rest, and once I’m able to walk he would let me know what I needed to. He then hushed me to sleep once more. When I woke the next time, while still feeling sluggish, I was able to move. It took all I had to leave the bed, and found Justinian in the kitchen, he was sitting at a table mumbling something to himself…but…I don’t know what it was.”
She then heard Amrin sigh deeply. She didn’t know whether he was getting even more impatient or what, so she hurried her pace.
“I asked if he could explain what had happened, and where the others were. He beckoned me to the table and to sit. He looked awful…as if he had been awake for days. It was then he told me about…him. The one that Meladris had found to help us…help you. Justinian told me about Aeon’s Slumber…”
Amrin’s expression went flat. He was neither angry, impatient, shocked or otherwise effected by what he heard. But that was only on the surface.
“And, what exactly do you know about it then?” he questioned.
“He…he told me that every so often you had to leave us and sleep. So you could help the world regenerate the elemental power that it loses from people using magic. Since you knew of a way to gather that energy and filter it back into the world. He said that that’s where you had went and that the others went with you so they could help and keep watch. He told me it would only be for a little while.” She began to lose herself in her emotions, the tears started to well in her eyes.
“I asked about the man in the house, and why I felt like I could barely move, but felt like I had so much power in me. Justinian just told me that the man was someone they had hired to try and keep you from having to perform Aeon’s Slumber alone. He had told me that if the energy you had could be divided between many, that they could all perform the ritual and be done that much faster, so you didn’t have to leave us. I still don’t know who the man was, but I was confused, something didn’t make sense, something he didn’t mention. And it was…it was only after Justinian left that I realized it.”
“Left? Where?”
“I-I don’t know. The next morning I searched the house…it was empty. No one was there anymore. Justinian had left without saying anything. The others were already gone and I couldn’t find any notes or anything to tell me what had happened. I was alone…I waited though. I waited for so long for you to come back…” she began to cry fully now.
Adalyn reached over and began to gently rub her back as Elynara placed her face into her hands and sobbed. She looked to Amrin who still had a look of indifference and couldn’t help but be upset at him. He had said that they all betrayed him, but when listening to her story, there was nothing she heard that would be seen as an act of betrayal. If anything, it was all of them that had betrayed Elynara, they abandoned her!
“I’m sorry, Ely…” his words caused Elynara to flinch and the convulsing breathing halted briefly as she looked up. “You were deceived.”
“W-what do you mean?” Adalyn chimed in.
“Justinian lied to you. Aeon’s Slumber isn’t that…simple. And there is definitely no way for others to assist in its purpose.” He let out a long sigh and shook his head. “Is there anything else?”
“No. After Justinian had left me…there was no word from anyone. I searched for years…years and years and found nothing.” She lowered her head. “It was only after many centuries that I decided I would try and put to use my new found powers…” she looked around the room, indicating her establishment of the Academy.
Armin placed his hands on his face and slowly ran them up and down. He rubbed his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.
“So you know nothing. And everything you’ve been told about Aeon’s Slumber was a lie.”
“How was it a lie?” Adalyn questioned
“It’s not because people use the magic.” The two women looked at him confused. “My body generates within it, all elemental power little by little over a long period of time. It has nothing to do with whether people use magic or not. After it has gathered too much, I must release it into the world. It is a very, slow, process. And certainly nothing that can be divided among many. As for why Justinian told you what he did, I don’t know.”
“But what happens if you don’t release it back into the world?” Adalyn said curiously.
“What happens to any container that exceeds what it can hold?” Amrin said, making the answer obvious.
“Then, what is this power I feel…I felt since that day?” Elynara pleaded for an answer.
“Whatever this, person, was that put you and Gindel to sleep must be quite capable. Since whatever it is he did, he was able to harness my very life energy and imbue all of you with it. Including himself. Which I believe was his ultimate goal.”
“Your life energy?” she was shocked. “B-but…does that mean…”
“Yes. Whatever the others have done, they literally ripped from me my very existence. Everything that makes me whole and alive…was taken so you could live on!” he raised his voice, he didn’t intend to, but thinking about the pain that he was put through during that time elicited within him a rage and hate that he tried to keep in check. Standing while saying this, his body began to be covered by a faint purple glow, his eyes began to glimmer the same color.
Elynara knowing what that color indicated quickly raised her hands and covered her head and brought it to her knees. She cried out in terror and started to sob.
“I’m so sorry master. Please, please forgive me! I tried to find you, I wanted to find you! I was so alone, I didn’t want any of this, I just wanted to find you…I just wanted to be by your side forever!” her sobs filled the room.
Adalyn felt the same awful presence from when she was in the graveyard with Amrin. She realized he was going to use Void magic. And on a larger scale than the one before.
“Two thousand years Elynara! I was imprisoned for over two. Thousand. Years! Alive and dead at the same time. My consciousness not able to do anything other than feel the agony and helplessness of having my very existence devoured by you and the others day after day, year after year…and for what!?”
Small purple-black sphered began to appear around Amrin, they were small at first, but the more he continued the larger they got. The overwhelming terror, dread and disgust that enveloped Adalyn before in the cemetery was nothing compared to now. She wanted to run away, run as far as her legs could take her and run even further still. Elynara was sobbing uncontrollably in Adalyn’s arms while she herself was trembling.
“I happen to find you here, leading a life of power, praise and luxury while I was locked away in total darkness in the heart of a mountain! And now I learn that you know nothing?! It was all a misunderstanding!? You think I would believe that?!”
Adalyn understood somewhat just how powerful Amrin could be, but seeing him like this terrified her. She knew nothing. He was an existence unlike anything this world could ever hope to understand. A God among men, one that was so foolishly betrayed by the very people that he called family for something as simple as being able to live longer?
She looked at the face of the one that could easily destroy this entire building and noticed his eyes weren’t the same color as the elements he was summoning. Which they tended to be. Instead they appeared to have a black inky cloudiness to them.
“Amrin!!” her scream filled the room, the ringing pierced his ears and brought him to his senses just enough for him to realize what was happening. He saw Adalyn hugging Elynara, who was hunched over sobbing, they both looked terrified and he was the reason why. He knew it was happening, but couldn’t stop himself. All sense of reasoning and logical thinking vanished.
He had heard Elynara’s story, there was nothing to indicate she knew what happened or was involved in his imprisonment. In fact it seemed that she was purposely left out of the plan but for some reason still gained the benefits of his time locked away. She was innocent…another person that was subjected to a life they didn’t want or plan, and left alone for reasons neither of them understood, but she made something of herself in spite of it.
He understood everything she said, but he was still so angry. It wasn’t enough to make him forgive. She could very well be lying, and if that were the case, there is only one way to find out.
He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. The stifling atmosphere that permeated the room began to subside slowly. The purple void orbs that hovered around him also started to disappear. He opened his eyes slowly and was once more, calm. He fell back onto the couch, placed his elbows on his knees and covered his face with his hands. He was no closer to finding out why he was betrayed.
The two women, whose eyes were clenched shut the entire time slowly lifted their heads and looked at him. They were both speechless, and still scared. Anyone that was subjected to such overwhelming power would be.
“It seems that I’m no closer to finding out what really happened that night…”
“M-master…” she said timidly
“Ely, do you swear that everything you have told me is true.” his eyes gazed through cracks in his hand, making them even more pronounced in their viciousness if she answered falsely.
“Yes. I swear to you, every word I have said is true. I never meant to betray you…I…I wanted nothing more than to stay with you. I’m so sorry.”
“That’s enough.” He raised a hand to stop her from continuing. “If you are truly honest, and mean what you say, then there is only one thing that you must do.”
Elynara knew what he meant, and without hesitation she stood up from the couch and came to stand by Amrin’s side between the table and the couch and fell to her knees and bowed.
“My master. I hereby vow to continue to devote all my being to you. I will not stray from your will, your word or your wish. I will forever be by your side until the time I am no longer needed.”
Amrin nodded. Standing up he placed his right hand atop her head and closed his eyes. The room began to have a different sense of pressure to it. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but clearly different. Adalyn began to notice wisps of elemental light fill the room. All of the blue orbs gathered around Elynara as she still knelt bowed on the floor.
The other elements seemed to clear the area between the two. The orbs that congregated around Elynara entered her body, causing it to glow blue, then the glow slowly traversed up Amrin’s arm which was still laid upon her head and dissipated near his shoulder. After a moment, the glow from Elynara’s body slowly disappeared, the same for Amrin’s arm.
“You certainly are loved by the elements, aren’t you?” he said gently, removing his hand from her head. “And they are never wrong.”
Elynara raised her head and looked at Amrin, her eyes bloodshot and puffy from the sobbing she was doing earlier. It pained him to see her like that, since he was the cause and for no reason, since she knew nothing of why he was betrayed. But was instead another victim in whatever happened all those years ago.
“I’m sorry I doubted you…” he cast his gaze away from Elynara, guilt filling his heart.
She began to tear up again, not from fear, but because for the first time since she could remember, she saw him as she remembered him. Caring, gentle and wonderful. The tears fell once more.
“Um…I’m sorry to interrupt but…is everything ok now?” Adalyn was cautious but still curious if she would have to see Amrin like that again.
“Hmm? Oh, yes. Everything is fine now…I hope.” He looked towards Elynara, who wiped her tears and nodded while smiling big.
“So, what was that all about anyway?”
“When she knelt, and all the elements showed up again.”
“Oh, that was a renewal pact.” He said. “I’m pretty sure I mentioned it before in the cemetery?”
“Right, you mentioned it. But…is she really your slave?”
“Well, slave is a bit of a harsh word. I do not force them to do anything they do not wish to do. And it certainly doesn’t give me absolute control over them. Even though the term master and servant are used, I view them as…family.” He said while looking at Elynara.
“If it helps, think of it like a contract between people, an employer and employee. The elements are the judges and mediators of the pact and if both parties are in agreement with the terms of the pact, the elements tie the two together. The employee, or servant, of the pact then gains a portion of the employer’s, the master’s, power and abilities for their continued loyalty.”
“But again, just because they use the term master and servant or slave doesn’t mean they’re literally my slave. I have no direct influence over their mind or body.” Adalyn nodded her head in understanding.
“Although I’m still not quite certain what happened to cause her to change so much…” he said as he looked over Elynara.
“If I may, master. This happened a few years after…after everyone disappeared. The overflowing energy caused a change within me that allowed me to take on this appearance. I’m sorry.” She lowered her head, as if it was her fault that she looked like she did.
“Oh, no it’s fine. I figured it was something like that anyway. And like I said before, you have become exceedingly beautiful.” He smiled at her, immediately causing her to blush and cast her gaze to the floor.
“But you said this was a renewal pact? What makes that one different?” Adalyn interjected.
“Not much, to be honest. It just re-invokes the original vow, but if there is any deviation from the original pact by either party, the elements will nullify it and the one to have strayed, will be…punished.” The last word hung in the air and made Adalyn only imagine what it really did.
“I see. So since nothing happened to the Headmistress, that means...” she paused.
“That’s correct.” Amrin nodded. “She never strayed from her vow or betrayed me all those years ago.”
“That’s great! So if the others are still around then you just have to renew the pact and everything will be ok right?” Amrin hesitated to answer, but since he was tired of trying to hide things ignored caution.
“It’s not that easy. The servant of the pact needs to be willing to renew and be under the original pact. Like I said, it’s more of a contract than total control of them. If they are not, there is no way to force it upon them.”
“But if they were truly loyal, wouldn’t that mean they wouldn’t hesitate to renew the pact? To prove their innocence?”
Adalyn paused and thought for a moment.
“But, if they did betray you, would that not mean they immediately broke the vow and be punished?”
“That’s true, but…” he didn’t know how to put it. “If the original pact is broken or overridden, there’s nothing that can be done.”
“You can override a pact? How?”
“Well the only way that can happen is if the one that wants to override it is more powerful than the previous owner of it.”
“And the possibility of that happening?” Adalyn asked concerned.
“I don’t know. I was stuck in a mountain. I just know what’s happened with the world itself, not the people. The fact that I was able to renew with Ely, doesn’t mean the others will have kept their pact, or had it overridden by someone.” He shrugged.
“And without knowing whether the pact had been broken since I was imprisoned, if I force a new one onto them without even attempting an annulment ritual, I’ll will be the one to suffer the consequences for not honoring an existing pact.”
“If they did not keep their original promise to you master, they are not deserving of your mercy!” Elynara suddenly yelled. “I…I never lost hope. I knew that you would come back to us…to me. That is why I never forsook my original promise to you. If, if they really did betray you, to the hells with them!”
“I appreciate your loyalty Ely. But I will withhold judgment until I hear from their mouths the reason for what they did. And just as I said to you…if I hear something that dissatisfies me…they will feel the full extent of my wrath.” Once again his voice was flat, uncaring and while not as much as prior, terrifying to hear.
“Now I suppose you don’t know of any of their whereabouts?” his mood changed slightly and sounded hopeful that Elynara had good news.
“Unfortunately not, master. As I said before, I searched for many years, but all I was able to obtain were nothing more than whispers of rumors from questionable sources.” She fidgeted, still knelt on the ground, her face winced from the pain in her legs. Amrin finally noticed.
“Oh, I’m sorry Ely, please. Stand.” He leaned over and helped her up. Grasping her hand in his and lifting her up gently with his other hand across her back. Adalyn noticed the slight reddish tint on Elynara’s cheeks and smiled slightly.
“T-thank you…master. You are too kind.” She reluctantly released his hand. Still able to feel the warmth, she grasped it in her other hand and smiled.
Amrin then turned and fell onto the couch once more, leaning over to the glass he had received earlier took another sip of the water. Elynara took this time to also take a seat next to Adalyn.
“So there’s really nothing to go on huh?” he clicked his tongue in disappointment.
“Well, I wanted to keep as much of this to myself as possible. So I told very few of my interest in searching for the others. My own personal guard and spy as well as Commander Braddock.”
Hearing the name caused him to grimace and groan in annoyance.
“Ugh…that guy again? I’ve had enough of him and his knights to last a lifetime. And that’s rich coming from me.”
“Oh, that’s right! You were arrested!” Adalyn shouted. “What happened to you anyway? How did you get away?!”
He didn’t want to tell them, but he also knew there was no way they’d let him get away with a simple explanation.
“Well, without telling you too many details, they took me to some random part of the forest attempted to teach me a lesson but failed.”
Adalyn was slightly surprised at the quick explanation.
“Did you…umm…”
“No. They’re still alive. Although there might be a few with broken bones.” He shrugged.
“The deserved more for attempting to harm my master…” Elynara mumbled to herself.
“Well, they were young and stupid. Whatever they wanted to prove was ended well enough and they live to reflect on it. If they learn, great. If not…well let’s hope they don’t pull this stunt on someone less tolerable than me.”
“I suppose that’s true. But we don’t really know why they arrested you. Or did you ask them?”
Amrin frowned and turned away from Adalyn and the question.
“Really? You didn’t think to ask them why they were doing something this crazy?”
“Well they said something about humiliating the Headmistress and hurting their Commander.”
Elynara’s eyes widened at hearing she was in some way responsible for this.
“B-but…I explicitly told him not to do anything to cause you any issues.” She said in her defense. Worried that Amrin would become upset.
“Well, whatever. It’s done.” He waved the issue away.
“Oh and by the way Amrin?”
“Didn’t I just give you those clothes?” Adalyn chimed.
He cringed and didn’t dare make eye contact. The clothes were a filthy mess covered in dust and dirt due to his trek from the forest.
- In Serial19 Chapters
Pursuing the Demon Lord
Chet is your average college student. He works at a part time job to help pay for his education and clips coupons on the weekends to help save a few dollars when he goes shopping. However, dreams of a simple life and working at a decent job are quickly tossed aside as he finds himself transported into what he assumes to be a fantasy world! Everything was going exactly as he expected it to go, as he had read a few novels describing situations exactly like the one he found himself in. But those expectations are quickly thrown out the window when the Demon Lord herself shows up for a surprise visit! Perhaps this land of fantasy isn't so fantastical after all. (Updates whenever this funky cat completes a chapter.)
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The Internship (PJO and Avengers crossover fanfic)
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