《Sage Fall》Chapter Six
The carriage rolled into the main courtyard of the Academy and came about to the entry steps of the main building. With the door of the carriage facing the steps heading in, Adalyn stepped out and waited for the carriage to leave. After hers had exited the gate she took a step towards the entry gate and looked to see if there was any signs of another carriage, which would possibly carry Amrin. The worry that filled her heart was greater than she thought possible for someone she had only met a few days ago.
There were other students that were wandering around the courtyard and going about their normal routine, and no one paid much attention to the young girl that was filled with concern and despair. It was then that she turned around and noticed a stout student, broad shoulders and short cut hair, she took a chance and ran to him and tapped on his shoulder.
As the student turned around, her hunch was right, it was the person that was partnered with Amrin during the Mock Battle.
“It is you!”
“Excuse me? I’m sorry you must have me confused with someone else.” He attempted to turn away.
“No, you’re the one that was fighting along with Amrin, aren’t you?”
He came to a standstill and furrowed his brow while looking at her.
“And you are?”
“I’m his…friend. He’s staying at my family’s tavern. My name is Adalyn Sindell.” She bowed her head slightly.
“Oh, no, it’s a pleasure. My name is Sebastian Beck.” He bowed in return. “So where is he? I would have thought he would have wasted no time in completing the enrollment process after winning the bout yesterday.” He looked around in an attempt to locate him.
“Well I was hoping you knew something.”
“About what?”
“He was arrested.”
“Arrested?!” he was taken aback, his surprise made Adalyn lose hope in finding out more information.
“So I take it you don’t know anything then…” she slouched and lowered her head.
“W-what for? What were the charges?”
“I don’t know, they just said he was under arrest.”
“That’s…pretty random.”
“He only wanted to enter the Academy to speak with Elyn…Elena.” She was quick to correct herself.
“Elena?” he paused for a second and realized where he heard it “The Headmistress? Why does he need to speak with her? I mean…how does he expect to talk to her?”
“He has his reasons…” she shied away from the questions.
“How long have you known him exactly?”
“Not…not very long, actually.”
“I see.” He placed his hand across his mouth and began to think. “Well, I only spoke with him very briefly yesterday, but he did seem like a pretty decent guy. Did he mention anything that was suspicious at all?”
The two of them spent a decent amount of time talking and trying to pick apart conversation they had had with him. Although Adalyn made a point to omit the parts about Amrin being able to freely control all the elements, as well as elements that people didn’t even know existed.
Various people passed here and there, some ignoring them and others watching in the corner of their eyes. Adalyn noticed but didn’t think anything of it.
“You two are getting awfully friendly aren’t you?” the remark was snide. “What, lose another man and have to come hunting for a different one?”
Adalyn looked behind Sebastian as they both rest their eyes on the person making the rather rude comment.
“Sandra…” Adalyn said under her breath.
“Friend of yours?”
“Ugh, she wishes. But what about you handsome, you thinking of getting friendly with little Miss Adalyn here? I would pass if I were you. In less than a month’s time she’s had two men leave her, you’ll be unlucky number three.”
Sebastian turned to look at Adalyn with raised eyebrows.
“Actually she was just telling me a bit about the Academy. I’m a new student, today is my first day.” He smiled and bowed gently.
“Oh, is that so? So which noble house are you from? Or were you referred by one?”
“Oh, neither, actually. I was able to enroll thanks to the Mock Battle from yesterday.”
“Oh, so you are neither nobility or affiliated with them?” she looked him up and down with a mild frown. The two girls who were practically connected to Sandra by the hip were just behind her giving Sebastian a tired and bored expression.
“No, I’m afraid not my lady. Just the son of a former Capital Knight now farmer. And lucky winner of the Special Candidate exam against Commander Braddock.”
One of the girls perked up and remembered something. She began to whisper in Sandra’s ear, whose facial expression changed from annoyed to curiously interested.
“Is that right?” she whispered back. “So, you are quite the swordsman it seems. You were able to disarm the Commander Braddock. I’ll admit, I am impressed. You may tell me your name.”
Sebastian gave Adalyn a sidelong glance and smirked as if he was saying ‘is this girl crazy or something?’ Adalyn could only purse her lips to keep from laughing. After waiting a brief moment, Sebastian realized that she was indeed serious. He cleared his throat.
“My apologies, lady. My name is Sebastian Beck, son of retired Knight Captain Arneau Beck.” He bows and introduces himself quite extravagantly.
“Hmm, quite. Well, if you decide to increase the quality of the company you keep, you’re free to accompany me around the Academy.” She gave Adalyn a glare of disdain as she turned to walk into the main building of the Academy.
“Wow…that was…wow.” Sebastian was taken aback. He’s met quite a few people, but all were either of the same hierarchy, or friends of his father and even then, the nobles were nowhere near that pretentious.
“Welcome to my world…” Adalyn muttered.
“Anyway, we should probably head in ourselves, morning class should be starting pretty soon.” He looked back at her and saw the concern. “Don’t worry, if he’s really innocent then he’ll be here sooner or later right? And even if he’s in trouble, from what I saw yesterday…he can more than handle himself.” He tilted his head slightly “Which reminds me…I need to ask him just how he does that.”
For no reason in particular Adalyn sighed and looked up into the sky. The sun’s glow radiated off the white stone of the Academy making it somewhat hard to see, and as if she was told to do so, looked into a window near the top. It was then that she saw someone she didn’t think would be seen again after yesterday.
“Headmistress! Headmistress!” she shouted at the top of her lungs. It came out of nowhere that Sebastian jumped and quickly turned. Seeing her shout in a specific direction he followed it, and saw what she did. She was wearing a blue dress, but since she was so high up and somewhat obstructed by the window frame and the brightness of the sun reflecting off the stone walls he couldn’t tell if it really was her.
Elynara cast her gaze down at the two students and thought nothing of it. It was most likely two students just hoping to get a quick look at the illusive leader of the Academy. She turned and began to disappear from sight.
“Elynara! Elynara Aquinas!” Adalyn used her true name, the one Amrin told her.
In the blink of an eye, Elynara was at the window once more and leaned out of the window to see just who knew to call her that. Adalyn locked her eyes onto Elynara and didn’t blink. Her eyes and brow were determined to let Elynara know that she knew exactly who she was and just what Amrin was as well.
Sebastian saw this exchange and looked between the two women and thought it best to keep his mouth shut. He learned from his father that it’s never a good idea to get involved in a serious discussion between women, something he’s seen firsthand the merits of. Elynara closed her eyes slowly and nodded her head. Then raising her right hand, beckoned them in, and again disappeared from the window.
“C’mon, let’s go get some answers.” She said and ran passed Sebastian.
“W-what? You serious?!” he ran to try and catch up to her.
They ran up the multitude of stairs to get to the top floor where the Headmistress’ office was located. At the entrance to the office was two female guards, they didn’t seem to be Knights but they were still in extravagant heavy plate armor with a sword fastened to their hips. When they saw Adalyn and Sebastian, they clicked their heels and stood at attention.
“She is waiting for you inside. You would do well to behave yourself with the utmost respect.” One of the knights said and glared at the two, who instinctively swallowed hard. After the guard made sure her message was received, she opened the door and let the two of them in.
The office was moderately decorated, nothing too elaborate indicating excess desire for material things, but it wasn’t so barren that it reflected lack of interest or care in its appearance. There was a beautifully ornate rug in the middle of the room.
Atop the rug was a solid wood oval table with identical couches on either side that didn’t appear to be very comfortable, but they were most likely prided on aesthetics than function. At the farthest end of the office was a large wooden desk, and in the chair at the desk sat Elynara Aquinas.
“Please, have a seat. Would you care for some refreshments?”
Sebastian and Adalyn were paralyzed with nervousness and awkwardly headed towards the two couches.
“N-no, thank you…Your Highness…” Sebastian was too nervous and slipped when addressing her.
“Highness? Well, I don’t know what the rumors say about me, but I assure you I am of no royal blood.” She smiled gently.
“M-my apologies, Headmistress?” he corrected himself, and she nodded in approval.
“Um, thank…thank you for visiting with me. I’m sorry if I addressed you too informally, before, I mean.” She bowed and her voice cracked a bit in apology.
“Well I have to admit I have not heard that name in a very long…no, actually it was only just yesterday. But…” she narrowed her eyes slightly and her tone changed from the carefree and inviting Headmistress. “Just how were you able to come by that name?”
The pressure the two felt was immense, but luckily Adalyn was, not used to, but was subjected to a far more intimidating one not too long ago.
“Amrin, my lady. I’m sure you know of him?” Adalyn and Sebastian finally took a seat, one on each couch, and began to try and ease themselves, if only a little.
“Oh? And just how much has this, Amrin, told you exactly?” her voice was monotone but still had an edge that made Adalyn cautious.
“H-he…umm…” she looked at Sebastian and wasn’t sure if she should continue.
“Excuse me, young man? You are?”
“Yes! M-my name is Sebastian! Headmistress!” he shot straight up and yelled out the introduction. His face went beet red after realizing what he had just done.
“I-I see. Please, relax. I will not harm you, or do whatever nonsense the rumors hovering around the Academy or the city may say.” She sighed and lost her strict tone. Sebastian quickly sat down and cast a glance at Adalyn, whose lips were pursed and cheeks slightly puffed trying to keep back a laugh.
“Shut up…” he whispered and looked away.
“Now, Sebastian, are you also acquainted with this, Amrin?”
“Yes, Headmistress. Although only very briefly. I only just met him yesterday at the Mock Battle.”
“Ah, yes. The young man that would be Blade Champion. I remember you. You participated in the duel between Commander Braddock with Amrin, yes?”
“Yes, ma’am, that is correct!” he blushed at her remembering him.
“And, your thoughts on him?”
“H-he is…not normal, ma’am. Well, it’s hard to explain, really. I have never seen movements such as that and the way he carried himself in battle, even though for a very short time, he was…untouchable. I feel that even if all the Knights in the Hold were to attack in unison, he would still be victorious.”
“The whole city, actually.” Elynara said softly.
“Ma’am?” Adalyn questioned.
“No, it was nothing. Please, continue.”
“He also had a presence to him that I cannot explain. He didn’t seem bad or anything, but I could feel that he was indeed…powerful.”
“I see. I see.” She nodded and leaned back in her chair.
“And you, young lady? You are?”
“Ah, yes, my lady. My name is Adalyn Sindell. I have only known Amrin for 3 days now.” She paused and thought about how to say her next thought. “My father welcomed him into our tavern and we fed, bathed and provided him room and clothing. We believed him to be a homeless old man, but after he had cleaned himself up and I tended to his hair did I notice that he was in fact…something entirely different?”
She kept looking at Sebastian and wondering just how much information she should be saying. She was wracked with worry that if she says something that was not to be known, they would never see the light of day, assuming they would be alive to see at all.
“Different you say?” she tilted her heard.
“Yes, ma’am. It’s, hard to explain.” Her eyes darted from Sebastian to Elynara but she pressed forward. “He knew things…was able to do things that I never knew were possible.”
“Yes, I see. I wish to hear in more detail what you have learned in the three days you have known him, if that is acceptable with you?” She stood from her seat and began to head towards the door.
“But I believe Mr. Beck is a new student, and it would not do to have his first day be marred with tardiness.” She opened the door and gave a whispered command to one of the female guards, who turned to face the open doorway and stood at attention.
“If you would follow me, Master Beck.” She bowed and waited.
“Uh, y-yes. Of course.” He stood and left the room, following the female guard. After they had disappeared from view, Elynara closed the door and took the seat where Sebastian sat, and looked directly at Adalyn.
“Now. I believe there is more to your understanding of Amrin than you were willing to divulge in front of the young man.” She crossed her legs and rested one hand on her knee and the other on the cushion beside her and leaned back against the cushion of the couch, her eyebrow raised slightly.
“Y-yes. He, umm, he told me about himself. I’ve seen, what he can do. What he is capable of…” she didn’t want to be too specific, since she was now totally alone, the worry of speaking out of turn or divulging any information that may lead to her untimely demise.
“Rest easy, young one. You are safe here. If you are indeed one that he deemed worthy to tell his secrets, I am not one to being you any harm. I give you my word.” Her features softened and allowed Adalyn to relax just slightly.
“As you say. He is ancient, capable of controlling elements at will and elements the likes of which have never been discovered. He also told me that he was…” she fidgeted in the seat. “Betrayed.”
At hearing the word, Elynara closed her eyes and looked dejected. She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, clutching the dress atop her knees and lowered her head so Adalyn couldn’t see her face.
“He said that?” her voice was low and broken.
“Y-yes, my lady.”
“I see. Is that the reason he did not accompany you today? He must despise me.” Adalyn noticed small gleams of water falling onto the carpet below Elynara’s face.
“I don’t believe that is true, my lady. Actually…”
Elynara looked up, her eyes filled with tears, but she was able to hold them back for now.
“While he didn’t talk at length about you, he did not say anything negative either. He just seemed…hurt.”
“I would not blame him if he hates me. If he would rather me die than continue living this farce…”
Adalyn had no idea what to say to what she just heard.
“That’s actually what I came to speak with you about, my lady. He was…he was arrested.”
Elynara stood abruptly after hearing these words and looked horrified and furious.
“Arrested? You’re certain?” She demanded an answer.
“Y-yes, I was present when the Knights at the gate raised their weapons against him. They…declared that he was under arrest, but not the reason.”
Elynara walked briskly to the door and opened it harshly, the guard outside immediately stood at attention while she had orders whispered to her, without waiting she quickly began to run down the stairs and the echoes of her boots clicking against the stone steps quickly faded.
“That fool!” Elynara walked back to the couch and sat down, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose in thought.
“Do you know why?”
“Hm? Oh, I have an idea, but for his sake it better not be the case.” she waved the notion away in frustration. If Braddock had ordered the arrest, she would deal with him personally.
“I am quite confident I know what occurred. That foolish Commander failed to heed my orders.”
“Commander? Braddock?!” Adalyn exclaimed. “So…those rumors are true then?”
“Unfortunately. Although I have zero intention of being courted by any man. I am vowed to one, and one alone.” She looked directly at Adalyn, who knew exactly who she was speaking of.
Amrin trudged through tall grass and fields that were untilled for the season to prevent over usage of the soil’s nutrients. Luckily it hasn’t rained in a few days so the dirt was dry. The Knight didn’t lie to him, thankfully, and Amrin could see the pristine white stone walls of the Academy in the distance. At his pace he should be able to make it within the next twenty minutes. He decided to ignore the trails and paths and go in a straight line, this probably saved him an hour of walking.
Even though the fields weren’t muddy, it did cause his boots to become covered in brown dust and dirt, as well as his black pants, which looked like they had a nice coating of powder all over them. During the long walk he had time to reflect on his actions and came to the conclusion that he had acted too much in anger and the Knights suffered the consequences. Even though they clearly overstepped their bounds as Knights and ignored all manner of proper questioning and procedure, it wasn’t any excuse to almost kill them. They couldn’t have caused any measure of harm to him even if he allowed them to.
He was hoping that Adalyn made it to the Academy and was going about her normal routine and didn’t get into trouble with any of the Knights. He finally made it to the main road leading into the Academy and let out a loud sigh in relief. The uneven ground of the field and grass caused the walk to be harder than normal.
He tried brushing the dust from his clothing, but it was useless. Frowning slightly he knew it was a lost cause and continued to walk. Further in the distance he saw a cloud of dust heading towards him at quite the rapid pace. In no time he saw a fully armored Knight on horseback racing towards the city.
He rolled his eyes and hoped that he wouldn’t have to deal with another ordeal the likes of which he just escaped. He kept his eyes forward and made no sudden movements and ignored the rider. Luckily for him the rider quickly passed him and he sighed in relief…until he heard the horse neigh loudly and the stomp of hooves on the dirt come to a stop.
“You there! Halt!” the hooves started stomping again, but much slower, and coming closer this time.
Amrin slouched and again rolled his eyes as he lowered his head. He turned around and faced the Knight.
“State thy name and purpose!” the voice was gravely but clearly belonged to a woman. And he couldn’t figure out why she sounded so angry.
“Umm, I’m just a traveler. I’m not looking for any trouble.” He raised his hands in innocence.
“A traveler…with clothing fit for nobility, covered in dust and dirt, and too dark to be walking leisurely in this hot weather, and with no attendants or entourage…” she looked around the area quickly. “And no sign of a horse, pack or carriage?”
“I uhh…my carriage wheel broke?” he said shakily. The knight drew her sword and pointed it towards him, causing Amrin to raise his hands in surrender, again. She looked quite intimidating at the moment, her full plate armor was a shade of dark gray with hints of gold inlay and filigree.
Her helmet did well to hide her face, it was pulled down and only a slit where her eyes could be seen and all the way down the middle making a T-shaped opening. Along the sides of the helmet were a pair of gold and black wings, which matched the wings on her left shoulder and complemented the eagle head on her right shoulder.
“Listen, I’ve had a very bad morning, I don’t want any trouble, and I’m just looking for someone so I can get some answers. That’s it.”
The Knight ignored his plea and with her free hand she lifted the inner side of her forearm to the side of her head and began to speak. He furrowed his brow in confusion. After a moment he noticed a glint of red and the knight nodded after it had disappeared.
There was a small red gem embedded into the inner side of the gauntlet and if he had to take a guess, it was some kind of communication stone. He didn’t quite know how it worked, since he’s been ‘sleeping’ for over 2000 years. Technology had no doubt developed impressive and strange things unknown to him.
Amrin wasn’t able to hear anything other than the knight having a one sided conversation though, so chances are it was only a very faint response, or something more was involved in receiving the message. The exchange between the knight and the unknown person on the other end of the gem seemed to have concluded.
“You there. I will have to accompany me to the Academy.” She sheathed her sword and her tone had softened. Much to Amrin’s relief. “Well? Start walking!” she pointed in the direction of the Academy and demanded.
Amrin once again slouched and turned towards the Academy and continued towards the gate. Only this time he had the rhythmic steps of a horse’s hooves behind him. It wasn’t comforting at all, knowing the person on that horse was another Knight that seemed to hold him in suspicion. If he wanted to he could easily escape, but since they were headed in the direction he was going anyway, there was little point. Or desire.
“May I ask if I’m a prisoner?” there was no reply. “Umm…Lady Knight?”
“Silence. Keep walking.”
“Should I take that as a yes then?” again, no reply. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He let a loud and long sigh out.
The two continued on the dirt path towards the academy for another 10 minutes until Amrin could make out two figures waiting atop the steps to the large main building passed the gates. It was still too far to tell who they were though. So ignoring the identities, he continued on.
“Are you going to tell me what I did wrong?”
“Listen, if I’m being accused of a crime I…”
“I never said you were a criminal. You jumped to that conclusion of your own volition.”
“Oh, the beauty does know more than the word silence!” he said sarcastically. She raised an eyebrow which was hidden by the helm. “May I have the pleasure of knowing the name of one as graceful as yourself, Lady Knight?”
“Oh…and we’re back to square one.” He shook his head.
He looked back at the figures on the steps and was close enough to make out who they were.
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Blasphemous Vein - Blasphemous Series
(Book 1 Draft Finished) Alone, in the open, and trapped by her own doing, Waynev realised too late that the world of magic, stats and quests was much harder than she could have ever expected. Or that the voice that dwells within her could be so devious. It all changed with one spiteful event, one knife and one very unfortunate soul. Brought to Temporous will her new abilities and gifts be enough to prevent the inevitable? Or will a grotesque fate fall onto the one she failed to protect, enslaved as a Shadow before she's betrayed by her own? The artist who made the cover → Din. Also this is a part of the Blasphemous Series, which can be read in any order, enjoy.
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They say if your looking to disappear, money, power or even a good time if you look hard enough you'll find yourself at the town of Fairview a cesspool of sin, violence, greed and supernatural beings both physical and metaphysical here in this lovely town you will find what you are looking for but be warned everything has a price and if your not careful the town will eat you alive both figuratively and literally but then again when you're group consist of an apathetic demon possessed smith an entomologists wet dream a Scottish lass that can throw fireballs capable of burning through steel a British enchantress that may love her weapons a little to much and a Chinese alchemist a little too cheap for his own good the question is no longer can this group survive Fairview it becomes can Fairview and its supernatural inhabitants survive this group of destructive inhuman badasses the answer to this question is very simple put twenty on number two also do you guys sell cigarettes. Author note: Good news everybody a friend and I are working on our very first book that we hope you guys will love first I would like to point out that we were inspired to start writing this book after reading prehistoric barbarian our goal chapter wise is at least one chapter a week as were very busy with real-life events. But we do have goals such as maybe opening up a Patreon and even move our stuff to Amazon but that is a long road ahead and we may never even get there but I have my fingers crossed now before ending this author note not only do we welcome criticism we know it's the only way to improve and prosper anyways we hope you guys enjoy and we definitely hope we get far. A very big warning we don't constrict ourselves to a moral compass we will not limit our writing for any reason if we believe it entertaining it gets uploaded. besides it's all in good fun who doesn't like a good joke right. We also will not be pushing any type of political narrative to our story's this is just for entertainment.
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