《Nexus》Ch17 - It's a $hitty world.
Frontier border, Phoenix outpost.
Mister Tisco sat in silence as Major Jung declared ransoming only the men themselves. He sat in surprise staring at the Major as he struggle to think. Ransoming the warhorse and knights equipments are integral part of the ransoming process and this foreign officer out right rejected the normal decorum.
Politely speaking. “Major Jung. Sir. Are you aware that ransoming a knight's equipment are an integral part of our local ransoming process?”
Leaning forward with his fingers interlaced and elbows resting on the table, with slightly squinted eyes. “To be frank Mister Tisco. My master cares nothing of the local decorum nor its ransoming process. At your leisure, you people have profited off the frontier for the last decade. Now it’s time for you to pay up. One way or another.” Major Jung replied with poker face.
Tisco went numb with almost threatening tone from Major Jung, and disappointed and unsure how to respond to the last statement. And not being able to recover the equipment will be a great burden to Myojhuk. Without their warhorses, armor and weapons, the men will be degraded to nothing more than light infantry. Pending how successful the other assault forces were in their neighboring territories to offset this lose this could set them back heavily. Myojhuk blacksmith will have tremendous pressure on them to quickly make up for the losses… but, we may still be battle ready to fight the Stovkow’s retribution force. “I understand you words Major. But, as I don’t have the final power to make this decision as your demand is out of the local norm, I will need to confirm with my authorities.”
Nodding in understanding, Major Jung asked. “Then do you have any other questions before you return?”
“Actually Major, I have 2 things. Will you hear out my request?”
“I will at least hear them out.”
“Thank you Major. My lord would be grateful if his nephew’s, Baron Myohjuk’s body would be allowed to be brought back home.” Remember the key names on the list. “And would it be possible for me to meet with Sir Kilowvk.”
“I see no reason to deny your request. I’ll have someone take you to the Baron’s grave near by. However, Sir Kilovsk will be brought to the outpost. At the present time, no outsiders are allowed to pass beyond this outpost.”
Frontier, Birsk.
“Well you look at that. Looks like we have visitors.” Remarked Sergeant Kelly as his squad pulled sentry at the dock. Him and Private Halsey had replaced SGT White and Private Smith. “Novak! Go run up to the mayor's mansion and inform the officers.”
“Roger that Sarg!” Private Novak replied smartly as he ran up the small hilly town.
Looking out the small bay 3 large ships with a large center mast came into visibility as the ships slowly moved into the bay.
In the center of Birsk, leaning against the building, Spike observed the Birsk population being fed by the support group. The conditions here was no different then when they first made contact back then with the Daldia township. The human misery condition was sickening to his old world sensibility.
After summoning some chocolates and other luxury food, he looked on with an expressionless face, but his mind was reeling with disgust and horror at this world. He saw a young mother trying to feed her child, maybe 3 or 4 years old with a spoon full of porridge looking thing. The child was so incredibly malnutritioned that there were absolutely no fat on the child. And the skin was dry and wrinkled. What made it worst was that young mother wasn't in any better conditioned herself. And yet, she focused on gently feeding her child without even touching her own food by her side.
Feeling his heart break, Spike looked away as he felt tears rolling down his cheek, only to discover Captain Allen staring at his face. Spike, quickly wiping away his tear and recovering himself. “What’s up Captain?” Unintentional sniffling.
Captain Allen silently observed Spike in concern for a moment before replying. “We have 3 slaver ships incoming sir. I sent 1st and 3rd squad to reinforce Sergeant Kelly’s 2nd squad. And Lieutenant Moore is organizing the welcoming party. Lieutenant Wright’s Mark VIII’s current location is already in position to cover the entire bay with his main gun. So we have everything under control.” Pausing. “Are you ok? Sir?”
“Yeah. I’m ok. It’s just, this frontier is really fucked up. I just hope the rest of the world isn’t as bad.” Spike commented as he recovered.
“I wouldn’t put too much expectation on that hope sir. I get the general feeling that this world’s general human dignity is bit lacking.” Captain Allen said as he lit a cigarette and took a puff.
“You really think so?” Spike asked quietly.
Taking another drag and exhaling. “You know sir. All of us, in our last life, none of us were born a soldier. But we died as one. Soldiers do things that they don’t like. But we understand the need to take action even if we don’t like it. We follow orders because we follow the chain of command. At the end of the day, we bet our lives hoping that our leaders are putting our lives to good use. The WWI that made no sense to any of us common men. So many good men died for some shit ideology on who gets to rule. But in this world, you summoned us as soldier. And you are our leader so we follow you. I know that you don’t want us fighting the humans of this world sir. But you know what sir. If you order us to. We would fight anyone you tell us to fight. Because all of us summoned souls are betting on that you wouldn’t sell our lives cheaply.”
Spike stared at Captain Allen in silence as he tried to process what he just heard.
Taking another puff Captain Allen squinted his eyes as if he was looking at something in distant memory. “Powerful men and women controls the faith of other lesser lives. Through military force, economic force, political force, and spiritual force. We were a force without a people to fight for until recently adapting the frontier folks. If you had not quickly adapted these people, we would most likely have fought just for the sake of killing” Then turning his head to clearly make eye contact with Spike. “What direction will you lead your Phoenix people, as our Lord Commander Spike Phoenix? That is something only you can decide on. We can only advice at best. Sir. Not even Major Jung can make these decision for you.”
What Captain Allen just said put a lot of thing on Spike’s mind to think about. Without saying anything. Spike looked at the starving Birsk people eating their fill, completely disregarding that the slaver ships are approaching inside the bay. If anyone simply looked out to the bay, it’s not like they couldn’t see the large sails on the ship. But after the morning battle with the town's guards, knowing and having faith in the power of the Phoenixian soldiers gave them the sense of security without causing panic amongst the population. But most of all, the very fact that the leaderships were standing near them and they showed no outward concern for the approaching ships reassured them.
Spike and Captain Allen observed the scenery with each in deep thoughts.
Then Spike spoke first. “I’m surprised to hear all this from Captain Harem.”
Chuckling at the comment. “I meant every word I said sir. In any case, you have the power to change these people's future, and their fortunes.” Then changing his tone. “We are your men sir. Eventually, if all things go relatively according to the Major’s plan, you will have tens of thousands or more of us at your command. What will you do with such mighty military power?”
Looking thoughtful. “I… I honestly haven't thought that far in advance Captain. Unlike you, I don’t have any free time to mess around.” Almost sounding accusingly.
“Right. I suppose that is true sir.” Chuckling. “Something for you to think about in the future. You just leaving everything to us officers for now. And focus on your current duty sir.”
“By the way, shouldn’t you be at the dock and taking command of the men?”
“Not really sir. Lieutenant Moore and Lieutenant Wright have their orders, and Lieutenant Sheldon has the town security. Believing in your men is also a duty as a commander. You can’t babysit them all the time or they will never grow up. Not that our men really need it.” Noticing Lieutenant Sheldon coming around the corner. “Anything Lieutenant?”
“Nothing sir. I was just completing my round.” Lieutenant Sheldon replied as he join them against the building wall and lit his cigarette. “I just saw the slavers dropping their anchors about 100 meters from the dock and lowering their dinghies. We takin any prisoners back with us sir?”
“While back, the Major said that more the merrier in the mines once we get it operational. That about answer you question Lieutenant.”
“Roger that sir. About what you ask earlier sir. I don’t think we need to keep anyone in this town sir. I’m no engineer as I’m a biologist. But I don’t see anything in Birsk that needs to be saved. Maybe, except for the slaver’s ships if Lieutenant Wright doesn’t sink them. We could use them as a large fishing boats. But I recommend we abandon this town for now and reclaim it in the Spring. By then, one of the engineer platoon should be freed up if I understand correctly from the Major’s briefing.”
“That’s about what I thought as well Lieutenant.” Looking at the sky. “I think it’s about that time LT. Why don’t you walk over to the hungry civilians and give them a heads up so they don’t panic when Lieutenant Wright fires off his big guns.”
“Yes sir.” Lieutenant Sheldon replied. Then took a last drag on his cig before walking towards the civilian group.
Then out of the blue, Spike said. “I don’t get it. I just don’t get it Captain. The human forces are so much weaker compare to the creatures living inside the forest. How the hell were they able to push into the frontier before. Compare to fighting the inhumanoids. Fighting humans are so much easier.”
“I’m not sur…”
The main gun on the Mark VIII fired, destroying the silence of the port town. Then followed by many small arms fire in conjunction with Mark VIII’s QF 6-pounder high explosive rounds, rapidly firing as fast as possible onto the 3 slaver's ships.
Spike looked at Captain Allen to see what he would do while the combat was progressing at the dock. But the Captain casually lit up another cigarette without a care in the world.
“You know, I want to warn you that cigarette causes lung cancer, but I suppose it would be a useless warning to you men.”
Captain Allen simply looked at Spike in confusion as if he was saying ‘lung cancer?’.”
Down at the dock 10 minutes later.
“Lieutenant Moore! Report.” Captain Allen ordered as he casually walked onto the dock.
“Sir.” Walking up to the Captain. “The the slaver’s ships came as close as possible before dropping anchors and their dinghies. And seeing us, but I’m guessing because they didn’t see us armed with swords, spears, or shields, they came with fully loaded dinghies to confront us. As per your order, we offered them quarter, but they refused. So we used flash grenades on them and subdued them with plastic trench gun rounds. Then the men fired their small arms at the ships as it was only about 100 meters from the dock and Lieutenant Wright blasted the 3 ships and ended up sinking one before they raised the white flag. Currently, squad 1 and 2 are on board of the ships to secure them. And I’m having the prisoners rescue the survivors from the sunken ship with the spare dinghy and small fishing boats.”
Looking at Spike. “See sir.” Captain Allen said. “Believe in the professionalism of your officers and NCOs.” Then looking back at Lieutenant Moore. “LT. Have you identified this Guard Captain Pesiio?”
“Yes sir. He was on the first dinghy that came ashore. But uh…” His eyes looking away in embarrassment. “The men got a bit over zealous and he's been out cold after a strong butt stroke to the face from the trench gun. So it maybe a while before he can wake up.”
“Well, no matters.” Captain Allen said unconcerned. “Have the 2 ships stripped of any useful materials for the crafters. I plan for us to be out of Birsk by tomorrow.
“Yes sir! Did you want to scuttle the other 2 ships?”
“Hmm. I’m not sure if it’s even worth keeping them. Seeing them from where I’m standing, the external damage looks pretty bad. Just leave them anchored, and destroy the sails and leave it. If it’s still here when we come back in Spring, we’ll leave it up to the civilians. If not. It’s no lose to us.”
“Roger that sir.”
By next day, the port town of Birsk was cleaned out of anything of value. Which was almost nothing except for the small amount of personal mementos. All the towns people, mostly women and children, were loaded onto the many wagons. Spike later learned that many men risked their lives to fish to feed their family only to be washed away from a strong current or sudden bad weather. Compounded by the decade long slaver attacks, there were almost no men alive to resist Mayor Tolvanes’s complete takeover of the port town.
Then all the prisoners were shackled up with the very chains the slavers had brought with them on the ships. Talk about poetic justice some people would say. They were forced to march on foot as they dragged the chains on their legs. The many injured prisoners for obvious reason, rode on the wagons
Spike had gained 1010 EXP and 10.1RP from the Birsk.
Myojhuk, Castle Grannor.
Looking over the demand list, Lord Caldrun didn’t find the demands too outrageous. Nothing out of the norm that he couldn’t deliver. Especially when there was no demands for gold. The only drawback was that no equipments and warhorses would be ransomed. Which would greatly delay the new trainees from receiving their equipment in time to receive the Stovkow retaliation forces.
Sitting with Mister Tisco in the private audience chamber Lord Caldrun organized his thoughts.
“Before I start Mister Tisco. I want to thank you for bringing back my nephew. It means a lot to me.” Lord Caldrun said in appreciation.
“It was nothing my lord. The Phoenixians were very charitable in dealing with the dead and wounded. Even all of our wounded men were taken care of after the battle. Instead of letting them bleed to death or die of injuries.”
“So you say. And tell me about your discussion with Sir Kilowvk first.”
“He talked of strange magic weapons all the soldier of the Phoenix army uses. They were ambushed with these stave weapons that shot small arrowhead object and penetrated their armor. Essentially making every armor they wore useless. Some of these stave weapons shot continuously. Hundreds if not thousands of objects in short time span. There were many explosive sounds. And they even possessed some sort of magical metal battering ram like object that destroyed the charging knights. He even saw their men shooting streams of flame to burn the dead. When I parted with him, he warned, no he begged me to warn you not to fight these Phoenixians. Or it will be the death of us all.”
Lord Caldrun listened attentively as he focus his thoughts on the documents in his hand. “Under normal circumstance, I would not believe his word. But consider it as a deranged rambling of a defeated man. However, I’ve never seen such papers before. It’s so clean and thin. To produce such level of item. I can not discount Sir Kajiak’s warning. Now tell me about this Minister of Defense Major Jung. What’s your take on the man.”
“I found the man to be a no nonsense type of man. He felt very predatorial. He didn’t bother trying to intimidate me, but I felt it anyways. A very confident in his bearing. He didn’t disrespected me in anyways, but I my senses told me otherwise.”
“Were you able to pick up anything that may give us a clue if they will invade us in the future?”
“No my lord. He had this ‘I don’t give a damn’ attitude the whole time. It was just too hard to read the man. As I was returning to Castle Grannor, I thought about the last word the Major said. That we will pay one way or another. I’m not sure if he's talking about the recompensing the frontier, or revenge for the decade long agression they suffered in our hands.”
“It’s very possible that they are simply weakening us and Stovkow by letting us fight each other. Then come from the west when both our forces are too weak to resist.” Lord Caldrun conjuncted.
“That’s very possible my lord. But couldn’t they have done that anyways, while our forces were scattered to the other territories? And most of the Stovkow forces are engaged in the ruin war.” Tisco offered.
“Depends. Do they know about the situation in the east, but I suppose if Karan Daldia is with them it’s an obvious assumption. And also, they themselves may not be ready to invade yet. Or they could simply be saving their war resources.”
“I would lean more towards saving their resources considering the tradesmen and their family on the prisoner exchange list. From the list, I conjecture that they are short on skilled labors. And as I reported earlier my lord, Major Jung did say that once the ransoming has been completed, he demand for the merchants to be allowed to travel back and forth to trade.”
“Sigh! So are they saying that they have no interest in our land because they are taking all the frontier lands or they are expecting us to bleed the Stovkow for them? Damn it!”
The room became silent with uncomfortable pressure.
Break the silence. “What of their soldiers and numbers? You said you didn’t see any visible armor or weapons except for their strang staves.”
“Yes my lord. They all had same clothes, as in uniforms. I can see from the sawing that every uniform are of high quality. They appear to be a very wealthy army. But as you say, they seem to be lacking in production manpower. But this could be an indication that they didn’t bring enough war supply and they are lacking in logistic. So they need crafters to secure resources for the future. As for the number of soldier, I have no idea my lord. I wasn’t allow beyond the border outpost and all the prisoners are isolated and locked up in their fenced up prison. Also, I would like to remind you my lord that Karan Daldia is the Minister of State and a Marquess.”
With a thoughtful look Lord Caldrun spoke. “I understand. Do you think he sold out for the title and revenge?”
“No my lord. What I'm saying is that as the Minister of State, he must have a tremendous power and influence within the Phoenixian Kingdom. To me, that implies that we can negotiate with this kingdom. If Karan Daldia can rise from a outback frontier peasant mayor to a Marquess Karan Daldia of the Phoenix Kingdom, perhaps there is something for us as well?” Mister Tisco offered his thoughts.
Thinking about Tisco’s words. Caldrun understood his meaning. Sometimes it’s better to willingly submit and gain something then be conquered and lose all privileges.
“Enough!” Caldrun raised his voice in displeasure. “We’ll have no more talk of bending our knees. I’ll leave the ransom requirement to you Mister Tisco. Sooner the better. Sir Junapt and Sir Bailin have been sending wagons load of goods and resources from Count Morrogain’s territory. Plus, Sir Kajiak has achieved complete success in Baron Antonok’s territory, and we have been receiving flood of people as well as supplies from him. Take what you need. We need more fighting men then mouth to feed. Let these Phoenixians deal with the extra mouths.
Frontier, Daldia city.
When the small expeditionary force returned with all the new citizens, Daldia people were waiting for them with support in place with food, blankets, and temporary housings. The new citizens were ordered to rest and be fed by Marquess Daldia for the next week or two. They were to gain strength and regain their health before anything was expected from them.
Mayor Tolvanes, Guard Captain Pesiio and guards were imprisoned for later sentencing.
For Farongo, from the Cav Troopers report, it turned out they were concerned about making the 15 kilometer journey to Daldia without sufficient protection. And they were simply insecured about asking for escort. Spike thought, unbelievable. The same identical force was tasked out with escort duty.
With the 3 towns population finally in Daldia. It actually got crowded, but no one complained.
Frontier, Daldia.
At the Daldia mansion, group of leaders gather for the introduction meeting.
In the audience room, kneeling before Spike and Marquess Daldia, former mayor of Farongo spoke. “Forgive me for my impudence. In my weakness, I was tempted by Mayor Tolvanes to follow his lead. I had no idea that he was Count Morrogain’s lackey.”
“This is the second time I’ve heard this Count mentioned. What’s the deal with him?” Spike asked.
Captain Allen stepped forward to answer. “Sir. We are still going over all the documents, but from the interrogation, it seem this Count had long term plans for Birsk. Currently, Count Morrogain controls the only port city with access to Stovkow Kingdom’s northern territories from the Aiginous Sea. And the Mirk River adjacent to his port city is navigable, going through Margrave Kyzdon’s territory. I suspect, that he wanted to control the inland trade route as the frontier gets civilized. At least that was before the war with the Theolamor. And in order to do that, he needed to maintain control of all the port towns in the frontier. But with the change of the wind in political development with our presence, it seems they have decided to cash out Birsk and enslave the whole town for quick profit instead.”
“How interesting. Even with magic in the world. It’s still about money and control for the elites.” Spike commented. Then looking over at the Marquess. “Have you decide on what to do with the Tolvanes and his cronies?”
“Even though the land now belongs to you my lord. It is still the frontier. And so, they will be receiving the frontier justice. As they had conspired to enslave the free people of the frontier, they will be hanged at minimum. My lord.” Marquess Daldia replied with a matter of fact tone.
Damn! Frontier justice! Spike thought. “Well, at this point, I think it’s mostly a civilian matter until we need to cross sword with Count Morrogain.” Looking over at Major Jung. “Unless you have something different Major?”
“Not at all sir. I just need the good Marquess to hold off on the hanging until I’m done with the interrogation.” Major Jung replied with that scheming look in his eyes. “But just a polite reminder Marquess Daldia. Once the Myojhuk prisoners are ransomed off, we may fall short of miners.”
“Duelly noted Major.” Marquess replied with a seriousness tone.
“Then we leave all the civilian matters in your hands Marquess.” Major Jung said as he stood up to leave.
“Hold on. Wait Major.” Spike ordered.
“Sir?” Major Jung looked back in curiousity. Deep inside, he was delighted and hoped Spike would surprise him.
Spike looked at Marquess Daldia, making eye contact. “Gentlemen. After seeing the condition in both Birsk and Farango, as a human being, I can’t sit by and do nothing. Especially when I have the power to make a difference. Therefore, I am ordering you, Marquess Daldia, to make contact with all the frontier settlements and offer them safe haven here in this city.” Then looking at Major Jung. “And I am ordering our military to make plans to secure and escort the people of other settlements safely to Daldia City.”
“As you will my lord.” Marquess acknowledge.
“Yes sir!” Major replied enthusiastically with a very satisfied look on his face. You are growing up sir. Making hard decisions.
Spike continued. “I understand that the slave raids from the other Stovkow has probably ended by now. But still, if possible, I’d like to empty out the other frontier settlement now than later while we are building up. That way, they can all feel being part of the city as they built it together.”
“Do you know how many towns are up north of us Marquess?” Major Jung asked.
“Over the years, we’ve lost contact with most of the towns up north from the lack of merchant traffic. So I can not guarantee the accuracy of my information Major. I can only tell you of obsolete information.”
From the forgotten former Farongo Mayor Khriven still in a kneeling position. “If I may. I periodically maintained contact with Tri and Banorg.”
“Stand up and speak Khriven.” Marquess Daldia ordered.
“Thank you Marquess.” Khriven stood up with show of pain from kneeling for so long. “As I was saying. Both towns are still there, but no better then us before recieving Lord Phoenix's generosity.”
“How are the roads leading to the town Mister Khriven?” Captain Allen asked.
“It’s mostly reclaimed by the wild growth. But the hunters have reported that horses can travel freely and if the wagons move very slowly and pulled by strong work horses, it shouldn’t be any problem.” Khriven replied enthusiastically wanting to be useful to redeem himself. “But unfortunately, the hunter's knowledge doesn’t go beyond Banorg. But once you send your men their, I’m sure they will have information on other towns farther up north.”
Nodding in acknowledgment. “I need to think over the resources needed for this mission sir. I’ll have something for you by tomorrow morning.” Major Jung informed Spike. “Also, I need you at Whitestone after this meeting sir.”
Frontier, Fort Whitestone.
“Seriously!” Spike complained as he faced several lightly wounded goblins tide up to the post. Looking at the Major. “You kept them alive just for me to put a bullet in their head.”
Nonchalantly. “Well, yes sir. I did. But before that, can you check the number and see if you’ve gained any points in the last few days. Captain Allen reported no contact with forest critters so this is a good opportunity to verify some numbers.”
Looking a bit cross at the Major, Spike quickly checked. “No. Nothing. Numbers are same as 3 days go.”
“Hmm… interesting. Than only thing left is for you to do some pest control sir.” Pointing at the goblins.
Looking really irritated. “Yeah. I get why you’re making me do this Major, but sometimes you really piss me off.” Spike complained.
“Well sir. We all have our duties.” Major Jung said empty of any empathy.
To quickly end his own frustration, Spike pull the trigger twice then checked his numbers. “Nada. Nothing.” Spike reported. In truth, he also was more than curious about the result.
“Hmm. It seem there is something to the effect of the your range or perhaps your participation is required in combat. It’s apparent we can’t cheat the system on this matter.” Major Jung observed.
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