《Nexus》Ch16 - ..............
Frontier border, Phoenix outpost.
As a precaution, 50 knights had escorted Tisco to the frontier border. Now leaving behind his escort with his single wagon drawn by 2 horses, with his aid Kallen and 2 guardsman in leather armor slowly made their way.
Not even a kilometer from the border, Tisco observed men dressing in strange uniform behind strange defensive position on both side of the road, built from stacks of logs. As he slowly approached their position, he saw 2 strange metal building on both side of the road that were mostly hidden within the woodline. He could easily see that there were strange barrels sticking out of the metal structure. There were even strange style of large tents set up 10 meters down the road.
As he cautiously approached, Tisco didn’t see any obvious weapons except for their strange looking stave which he was sure of it being some sort of weapon.
Then one of the men walked up to him to the side. He raised he hand signaling him to stop. “Halt! What business do you have with the frontier stranger?” The soldier asked.
Slowly pulling out an official sealed letter from now promoted Lord Caldrun, with a pleasant smile, Tisco spoke loud and clear. “Good sir. My name is Tisco. I’m the merchant representive sent by Castle Grannor of Myojhuk to negotiate the terms of release for the prisoners.”
Looking at the scroll, then looking back up. “About time someone from Myojhuk showed up.” Lieutenant Allen said.
Frontier wilderness.
After 3 days of hunting, the freelance platoon were on the road marching past Trimmor. The platoon on both side of the road leisurely marched on. Odd number squad on the right side and even number squad on the left side.
This morning, their ambush had been much more successful than they had initially expected. A large hunting party of Kobalds identified by the scouts had come to investigate the scattered corpse of the goblins and worgs, leaving themselves wide open for 19 SAW’s to pour 200 round each.
Needless to say, it was not a pretty sight. With a day old corpses, the Kobalds had believed the assailant were long gone lowering their guards. The Kobolds never had a chance. They never saw it coming. They were simply torn to pieces. The Kobalds, in similar size as the goblins with their dog faced head, were all shredded.
Spike was given the opening shots to maximize his kill rate before the others joined in few moments after to prevent the targets from fleeing. Spike sort of felt sorry for the critters, but points were points. And he and his men needed them. As he thought about what other captains are always teaching him. In wars, there are only survivors and dead bodies.
Currently as the platoon march, looking at his men so happy from their After Battle High, Spike was reminded that these creatures are natural enemies of humanity. And that some how, lessened his sense of guilt of murdering the shit out of the Kobalds.
This morning’s ambush netted him another 1060 EXP and 10.6 RP. Pushing Spike up to next level. This brought his total personnel slot up to 704. Then he quickly added the 1 point from his leveling up to Spirit. This adjusted his new total personnel slot to 736. He made a record of the changes. He figured one of the men with a mathematical mind will eventually figure out the pattern to this. Once he gets back to the base, he will have to call up an meeting with the captains to hear out there request for reinforcements.
Getting out of the way of the oncoming wagons loaded with supplies heading toward Trimmor, Spike shouted over to Lieutenant Moore. “Hey LT. If the engineers are going to take over Trimmor as a staging point, from now on, let's leave our horse there. It’s a long ass walk back to Whitestone!”
“I agree sir. After 3 days of humping around the hilly forest, my paws are sore too.” LT shouted back over the noise of the moving wagons. With his big euphoric smile from the After Battle High, no one would guess he had any discomfort or fatigued from the 3 day combat activity.
Seeing that face, Spike had mix feelings of being left out and disgust with himself with his jealousy. He quickly turned his head straight forward as he marched. Damn! I overheard the men claim that ABH is better than sex. Fuck! Feeling raw and denied, he cursed inwardly out of mad jealousy.
Frontier, Daldia.
“Of course father.” Anoda Daldia answered. A daughter in law to Karan Daldia, and wife to his deceased son Janquo Daldia replied. Tall, atleast tall for the current frontier, brunette hair with blue eyes. Once a beautiful women in her youth, but with the hard living the the frontier. Even as she is recovering in recent days, she still looked 15 years beyond her 29 years. The long term stress and difficult life had taken it’s toll on her.“Once we’ve receive the paper needed for the lessons, I and sister Katren can start to teach the people how to reading and writing.” Looking at her father in law with a pause. “I just can’t believe Lord Phoenix is willing to waste such expensive papers on commoners and slaves alike.” She commented in amazement.
“They are strange indeed Anoda, but benevolent.” Marquess Daldia followed up on her comment when they were interrupted by a knock on the office door. “Come in!” He ordered.
“Marquess Daldia.” Steward greeted as he walked in with a distraught looking wolf demi-human hunter he recognized from Birsk.
“From the looks of your face Hunter Grieves, I take it there is problem in Birsk?”
Without further words, the scout immediately got on his knees and in desperation begged. “Please Marquess. You must help us. Mayor Tolvanes has gone mad and has killed assistant Haviras. He locked down the gates to prevent anyone from leaving. I and 2 other hunters were the only ones to escape.”
The Marquess froze at the startling information. Then suddenly feeling exhausted and overwhelmed he lean back into his large chair and looked at hunter Grieves. “Leave us Anoda.”
“Yes father.” she solemnly left the room.
“Now. Tell me just what in the world happened in Birsk.” Marquess Daldia ordered.
“I don’t fully know everything Marquess, but there had been arguments between the Mayor and Haviras for several days about the migration. Then this morning most of the people had lined up by the main gate to migrate to your city. This group was led by Haviras. But the Mayor came out and accused him a traitor and ordered one of the guards to kill him on the spot which caused the town wide panic. Then he order all the gates shut.”
“And where was Captain Pasiio during all this?” Marquess Daldia asked.
“I don’t know. He wasn’t there at all during the entire time. And the other 2 hunters who escaped with me also said they didn’t see him either.”
“Do you have any idea why Mayor Talvanes would do such thing? And where are the other 2 hunters who escaped with you?”
Lowering his head. “To my shame, I do not know Marquess. I’m a hunter and hunting for games to feed the people of Birsk is what I dedicate all my time to. I don’t care for politics.” The wolf demi-human said.
“And I had the 2 injured hunters sent to the Phoenixian healers my lord.” Steward Havington answered.
Nodding to the Steward, then looking at the demi-human hunter as he ponder. “No. I suppose not.” Marquess agreed with him. He understood that most demi-humans simply didn’t enjoy tinkering with politics. Their joy of the hunt was just too strong.
Taking a deep breath, Marquess Daldia spoke.“Steward Havington. Looks like we’ll be making a short journey to Whitestone. Please have the horses ready.”
Frontier, Whitestone.
With his form fitting head gear removed, just as Spike was about to take his other his boots off to get cleaned up, a young teenage boy announced his presence from outside the tent opening.
“Lord Phoenix. Major Jung and Marquess Daldia request your immediate presence at the command tent.” The young teen nervously delivered the message from the tents opening.
Look at the nervous and skinny teen. “What’s your name messenger?” Spike asked in a relaxed tone.
“It’s Chander milord.” Chander quickly replied in surprise to be asked his name. One of many young teenage boys and girls running errands for the partially built fort. It’s uncommon for high rank people to ask for their names and being asked his name by the man himself lifted the teen’s spirit.
Nodding at Chander. “Alright Chander. I have received your message. Tell them I’ll be right there.” Spike said as he got his boots back on. Sigh. I suppose there's no rest for the weary.
“Yes milord!” In high spirit. Chander burst off. Being called by his name by the highest ranked lord gave him a sense of recognition to his normally non-existence status.
Understanding that both Major and Marquess would not call him unless it’s important, and the fact Marquess is in Whitestone after sunset somehow didn’t sound too good to him. Hence, Spike wasted no time in leaving his tent while 2 of his bodyguards, Corporal Robinson and Private Gonzalez followed him.
Taking a note of his body guards as he walked, Spike thought to himself. If I’m tired, then I know these men are tired too, with or without ABH. In the future, when I have more personnel slots, I should increase the bodyguard number and split their duty.
As Spike entered the command tent. One of the guard shouted “Attention!” To announce Spikes presence.
Follow by “As you were.” From Spike.
Spike immediately noticed the demi-human he has never seen. He also heard as he walked in, Major, Marquess, and the Steward were in heated discussion while Captain Allen listened to take notes. Then right behind him Lieutenant Moore walked through the tent.
“Sir. Lieutenant. Join us.” Major offered him a seat. “It seems we have an incident at Birsk. And it requires our immediate action.” And they quickly brought Spike up to speed on what they knew.
“Yeah.” Spike spoke solemnly as he looked as the Birsk hunter nervously sitting in silence. “In a way, we instigated this by offering the Birsk people to migrate to us. So, I suppose we should clean up our own mess.” Then he made eye contact with Major Jung and held it.
Breaking out into that knowing smug smile. “I’d figured you would say something like that sir.” Major Jung said. “So I already sent several of our cavalry troops to the border to recall one of our Mark VIII. They should be here in less than 2 hours…. However, I’m a bit weary of conducting a night movement.”
“I don’t think night movement will be to much of a problem Major. With Mark VIII in the lead, Lieutenant Moore has my old night vision device and my old gears, in addition to my new body armor’s utility functions. Between the 2 of us and the men using torches. I think we should have no problem in using the old road to Birsk.” Spike said. “But honestly. My real concern comes from our rescue mission. Our men are not trained for this.” Spike said as he thought having a SWAT team or Spec Ops for this job would be perfect. But the immense cost made it a wishful thought.
Giving Spike a hard look. “We simply have to accept the fact that there will be some civilian casualty.” Then seeing the wavering look on Spike’s face. “Sir! Don’t you dare start thinking it’s completely your fault.You’re not the one holding hostages. In any case, I get the feeling there is more to this then meet the eye and that we simply happen to trigger a reaction from it.” Major Jung spoke raising his voice.
That woke up Spike. “Right! I get it Major. Thanks.” Spike replied with resoluteness.
“Very good sir..” Major Jung said with satisfaction. “Now, I know your Freelance platoon are a bit fatigued, but I also know that they are all going through ABH from the look on Lieutenant Moore's face, which more than makes up for it. So I’m sending your platoon up ahead to scout out Birsk and the Mark VIII can catch up. It’s unfortunate Rikko is still down at the medical. Her natural night vision and her skill set would have made your job easier, so I’m sending all 4 hunter plus hunter Grieves here.” Glancing at Captain Allen. “Captain Allen.”
“I’m putting you in charge of the the Birsk mission.”
“Understood sir.”
“I want you to move out with the Freelance Platoon.” Looking back at Spike. “By the way sir. How is our personnel slot looking?” Major Jung asked.
“Ahh. I meant to tell you before I got distracted with this emergency. But we can bring in 76 additional men now.”
“Hmm. Let's bring in another infantry platoon. And they’ll be escort for a team of nurses and one of the doctor, plus 4 dozen wagons with minor supplies. I’m fairly sure, there will be many unhealthy civilians who will have difficulty making the journey to Daldia in a single day. And while I’m on this topic.” Major Jung added as he looked at the Marquess.. “Marquess Daldia, please send someone to Farengo and ask them what assistance they need from us for their migration. This will also give us some information if Farengo is going through similar incident.”
“I’ll send someone to Farengo at first light in the morning Major.” Marquess replied.
Major Jung continued on. “We’ll put together some care package for the Birsk people, plus anything else that pops in our mind. Then the support group will move out with Mark VIII when it arrives.” Then looking back at Spike. “Sir. It’s a 10K distant to Birsk. So, take the horses sir, and save your strength. It’s going to be busy for few days.”
“Roger that Major. Also, do you think we should change out the reinforcement's weapon for the escort? I’m a bit concerned as they wont be trained in the new weapons.” Spike asked.
Thinking about it for second. “Hmm. Good call on that sir. But, for now, I believe they should be fine with the weapons they come with. From the report, there’s only about 60 men you need to neutralize in Birsk, sir. I think having the Mark VIII blow open the main gate with a HE round and then neutralizing anyone hostile will make a quick work of them. I’m actually more concerned with critters on the road and the damn bows the Birsk guards use. Speaking of bows, I’m just glad I have yet to see any crossbow used against us.”
“Sir. Are you completely abandoning Birsk or do we need to leave a small contingency to secure the port town?” Lieutenant Moore asked.
“In all honesty, our long term plan does involve us taking over Birsk for our future Navy.” Pausing to think. “Once you’ve secured the town, why don’t you and Captain Allen look around and make your reports and recommendations. I’ll issue out some of our Lewis Guns to the escort platoon incase your recommendation requires us to immediately secure Birsk for the long term.”
“Yes Sir.”
The Freelance platoon had already formed up during the leadership’s meeting and had been waiting at the stable. After leaving the command tent Spike met with Captain Gray, he quickly authenticated the requisition documents then hand it back to Personnel Captain. Then Spike and Lieutenant Moore left for the stable while Captain Allen went to grab his combat gears in his tent.
Lieutenant Moore led the march with his NODs. Only half a dozen torches were used to help illuminate with enough light for the slow walking horses to see the ground.
Spike rode in the middle of the platoon and occasionally cycled through his various optics options. They were very useful on the road, but when he looked at the dense forest, it was completely useless.
Frontier, Birsk.
Freelance platoon arrived at their destination without any trouble. The main platoon assemble within the dense wood while Lieutenant Moore, Spike, and Captain Allen took all 4 hunters and Grieves from Birsk to do a leader's recon of the surrounding.
The wall and the outer area resembled Daldia town before Phoenixians arrival. With it’s defensive barricades near the walls and farms just outside of it. Half the town faced the sea, with only 1 shallow dock in place, it’s could barely be consider a port town as the dock was made for small fishing boats. Looking inward from the outer bay area, the town gently sloped downward towards the water in almost a half moon shape.
Having completed their leader's recon, everyone reassemble at the rally point to discuss their options.
Shaking his head, Captain Allen spoke. “Sir. As we talked about this before. We may lose some of the civilians. So let's steel our heart and figure this out.” Looking at Lieutenant Moore. “Any suggestion LT?”
Humbled, Lieutenant Moore replied. “I’m also stumped myself sir. Only thing I can think of is, as the Major said about blowing open the main gate with an HE round and storming in and neutralizing anyone hostile to us. I can’t think of anything. Not being able to identify the enemy, I can see this as a the problem if we don’t end it quickly.”
“If it’s going to be messy, then why don’t we just bust open the gate and steamroll over the defenders as fast as possible before everyone realizes what happened. And quickly storm the Mayor's mansion.” Spike recommended. “I think a lighting strike will cause the absolute minimal casualty.”
Thinking about his option. “Right. Then let's do it they way. I’ll put 2 squad from the new platoon outside the the walls for any one trying to escape. All the hunters except for Grieves will help them keep an eye out for potential escapees. Wait! Hunt Master Malikai, do your scouts also know the layout of Birsk?”
“We know most of the layout, and the important buildings, such as the barrack, stable, and the Mayor’s mansion.” Hunt Master replied.
“Excellent. Then I’ll have 1 hunter assigned to each squad and each squad will have an objective. Your last hunter can keep an eye out for potential escapees. I’ll take 1st quad and capture the Mayor’s mansion. Lieutenant Moore, you take 2nd squad and the barrack, Sergeant Rector will take 3rd squad and the stable, and you sir will take 4th squad with your bodyguard and secure the dock”
“But there’s nothing at the dock Captain.” Spike complained.
“That’s true sir. But we still need to secure it and prevent anyone running off on their small fishing boats.” Captain Allen replied, knowing he was giving Spike the least dangerous job.
Understanding the Captains intent, Spike simple nodded and didn’t complained anymore.
Looking at everyone. “I know this feels like a cluster fuck mission and it feels like a chore, but let's not buy the farm from carelessness. Stay alert of your surrounding and focus. Everyone rest until the reinforcement gets here. I’ll brief them myself once they arrive.” Captain Allen ordered.
Damn! That’s true. Spike thought. Strange how everyone feels like this mission is just shit. Are they worried about screwing up their ABH. Selfish bastards… Then a thought came to Spike. “Hold on everyone.” Getting everyone's attentions. “Hunter Grieves. Are you sure that all the town guards are wearing mostly leather armor?”
“Yes, your lordship. We are mostly fishing port town so we don’t possess enough iron to forge metal armors.”
“Then, that’s great new. Captain Allen, I just had an idea to use flash grenades and 12 gauge rubber buckshot for the trench gunner. It’s a non lethal round to subdue opponents. I was thinking using the Flash grenades to clear rooms and around the corners, Then we can have the Trench gunners follow up by shooting the shit of the guards legs then kick their face in. Then we can reduce lot of unnecessary human casualty.”
“This Flash grenades Sir. Are you sure it will work?” Captain Allen asked for confirmation.
“Yeah. Just make sure the men close their eyes before the flash grenades explode, and try to cover your ears. The flash will blind anyone for about 5 seconds and the loud sound can make you unbalance. And the rubber buckshots are deadly enough to kill someone if you shoot them in the face. That’s why I want our men to aim for their legs instead. This will make it easier in subduing of our enemy. Then we can turn their ass over to the Marquess to be properly judge under human court… well if they have a court.” Spike explained.
Understanding Spikes meaning of getting the criminals out of their hands. “Hmm. I like it sir.” With a satisfied look on his face. “Then for this mission, the trench gunners will lead.”
For the mission, the trench gunners loaded all their shotgun shells and loaded up with 60 rubber buckshots each and everyone was given 4 flash grenades each. Captain Allen believed 240 rubber buckshot rounds for each squad was enough for the job for close range fight.
Understanding that tomorrow will be a long day, while waiting for the Mark VIII, everyone slept as best as they could, wrapped around a single blanket during a cold autumn night without a fire. And during the middle of the night the reinforcement arrived. Mark VIII was held 2 kilometers from the town until the mission. Captain Allen didn’t wanted to alert the towns sentry with the engine noise. Then the reinforcement was briefed by him before they were also ordered to rest up until the final briefing.
Spread out on the ground without a blanket, Spike thanked his lucky star for having the new body armor. With it’s internally sealed environment, he was kept warm and cozy. As he reflected on this mission, he came to term with that there will be civilian casualty, and that if he did nothing, then god only know what will happen to them. Sometime, you just can’t save them all.
For the final briefing, the leaders were under the cover of several half-shelter clipped together to prevent the light to be exposed. Hunter Grieves had drawn a rough outline of the key location on the ground and Spike used the light source on his head gear to light up the drawing.
“Lieutenant Sheldon, leave 2 squad outside the wall here and here.” Captain Allen pointed on the drawn map. “And bring your other squad in with us. I want you to secure any prisoners we take. I don’t way any of the freelance platoon getting held up because they have to manage prisoners.”
“Yes sir. I’ll have Sergeant Milton lead the 2 squads outside and I’ll follow behind the Freelance platoon with the other 2 squad.” Lieutenant Milton replied.
“Alright then. We have about 30 minutes left before sunrise. Lieutenant Wright, move up your Landship in and start your mission. Once you are close enough, I should already be in place to shot up a flare toward the gate as a marker for you. Also, as a reminder, it will be highly unlikely to happen, but if you see anyone about to cast magic, if you can’t subdue them with a rubber buckshot, then shot to kill.”
“ “ Yes sir! “ “
“Good. Then everyone to their position and wait for the signal.”
Because he wanted to, Captain Allen himself stealthily low crawled up toward the main gate and stopped when he was about 150 meters from it. When he heard the distinct sound of the Landship’s engine and he judged from the sound that the Mark VIII was close enough, as per plan, he shot the signal flare toward to gate as a marker. Then hell broke apart as the main gun loaded with HE round blasted part of the wall barely missing the gate. With such loud boom, the entire port town was awaken, The Mark VIII quickly reloaded and shot again. Seeing the fire from the 1st shot, it made it easier for the second HE round to destroy the gate. Then, Mark VIII continued to slowly move up.
Then the Freelance platoon riding their horse charged up towards the gate passing the Mark VIII. Picking up Captain Allen as he jumped onto his horse they brought, the platoon quickly bursting past the stunned guards that were not dead from the HE blast. And as a good measure, the last to 2 riders threw a flash grenade on both side the of the entrance for good measure. Then on foot. Platoon Sergeant Milton took command and moved 2 squad from the new platoon to cover escapees, and Lieutenant Sheldon started to secure prisoners where ever he come across as they moved up.
Then the sky slowly started to light up as the sun started to rise as each squad on horse rode to their respected objected guided by the hunters.
A small town meant shorter distance to cover for the riders.
For the locals, everything was chaos for them as they have no knowledge of industrialized weapons.
Each squad arrived at their objectives and steamrolled over the confused defenders. The men start to lob the flash grenades in every hallway and every room and shot the hell out of anyone still struggling with the rubber buckshots, then beat them to unconsciousness. This was absolutely bullying the weak. There was no question about it. As the guards were stunned and blinded, Phoenixian men shot the hell out of their legs for good measure before kicking their face to knock their ass out. A real let down for anyone who was expecting real fighting.
As for Spike, 4th squad and his bodyguards, they stood in wonder as they listen to the flash grenade and Trench gun sounds going off around Birsk. Then just as quickly as everything started, within in few minutes, all the explosive and buckshot sounds disappeared, except for the few occasional explosive sounds
“Well shit!” Spike said with a dumbfound face. “I guess, it’s over already.”
“Yes sir” Sergeant Young said. “Looks like it sir. That’s why you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. Except, we’re the ones who brought the guns to a knife fight.” Then he laughs at his own joke.
Raising one of his eyebrow at the silly Sergeant. Spike said in wonderment. “Yeah. A lot different than fighting with a shitty visibility in the forest. But I suppose the flash grenades must have been much more effective then I thought. I’ll have to ask them about it during the after action briefing.”
Within Half an hour, the support group brought up the wagons with food supplies and immediately started cooking for the Birsk population. Lieutenant Sheldon’s platoon kept security on the support group. Freelance platoon rounded up all the town guards and had them all tied up and kneeling in front of the mayor’s mansion.
With everything completely under control, Spike walked inside the mayor’s office where Captain Allen was looking over the documents.
Making a quick eye contact as Spike grabbing one of the wooden chair. “Anything interesting Captain?” He asked.
Laying down the documents. “Sir. Looks like Mayor Tolvanes had been in communication with this Count Morrogain for a while now. We'll have to ask our Marquess if he know anything about this Count sir. But it’s apparent that Mayor Tolvanes was playing his own game in the frontier.”
“What do you mean?” Spike asked.
“Hmm. From the limited time I’ve had the chance to read over some of the documents we found, I’d say he was looking to deal with this Count for long term… maybe even running a secrete slave deals in the frontier sir.” Captain Allen answered.
Spike was silent as his face broke in disappointment. “For fucks sake. What the hells wrong with this world. We haven’t even see the tip of the iceberg in this world. But yet, all we’ve seen ;are killing, slaving, raping, and thieving.” Spike spoke in disgust.
Reading Spikes body language. “Our old world history isn’t any different sir.” Perhaps our Lord Commander comes from a better time! Captain Allen mused. “Once we go through all the documents and properly interrogate the prisoners, I’m sure we’ll get a better picture sir.” He decided not to mention about the young women looked up under the mansion for now. At least until he gets all the facts.
“Well, ok. I’ll leave it to the professionals and keep out of way then. Anything you need from me Captain?”
“No sir. I understand that with the help of hunter Grieves, the locals were very quick to point out the ones who supported Mayer Tolvanes, making it easy to round them up. Perhaps you can summon up some luxury food for the locals to reassure them.”
Thinking about all the starving locals. “Ahh. Alright.” Spike quickly agreed as he empathized with them.
Frontier border outpost.
Inside the tent with all the canvas walls rolled up, Major Jung faced Tisco to negotiate for the POWs. From a sitting position, Major Jung slide a stack of paper on the field table with the total number of POWs and a list of their names with additional writings. Having decided to not put undue emotional stress and pressure on the Marquess. Major Jung believed he alone was enough.
“The slaves will not be ransomed and that is not negotiable Mister Tisco.” Major Jung said as he face the Stovkow rebel with a cold face.
“Of course Major Jung.” Tisco replied politely. As he knew Lord Caldrun never had any intention to negotiate for them anyways. His main goal was to get as many of their fighting men back as possible. “Then can you tell me what ransome you want for the release of our men?”
Loud and clearly. “We want our kidnapped citizens back, live stocks, and any skilled craftsmen with their intact family. There is nothing else we want. It’s all or nothing Mister Tisco. Either you take them all back or we’ll sell them off to the free cities and trade for what we want. It’s up to you.” After prior discussion with the Marquess and his staffs, it was decided that these 3 things are what is most desired by the people in that order. There was no question about wanting back their family members, if possible. The livestock are non existence in town from being slaughtered for food over the years. And the crafters are needed to speed up Daldia’s long term economic development.
“Major. I’m sure you must have talked to our men under you care. There by, you must know that we are in a civil war. We’ll scour all of Myojhuk territory for you people, but for the rest of the Stovkow, I fear it’s impossible.” Tisco replied calmly. Hoping the Major did not expect the impossible.
“Then I hope your people scour vigorously Mister Tisco. Also, I’ll have you know now, you’ll only be getting back the men themselves. There gears are our spoils of war. As for the men, next to their name, you’ll see our demands. With each of our people returned to us, the cost of the Knight will be reduced. Same with crafters with their intact family.”
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8 57 - In Serial36 Chapters
From Ninja to Pirate
Life can be difficult, hard and painful. Who am I kidding? Most of you probably have already experienced first-hand, all the difficulties, hardships and pains in life that I talk of, so rather than listen to me teach the lessons on how you should stay strong and look forward to the good things, I think you'd much rather prefer me to just get on with my story, and that's exactly what I'll do.My name was Uzumaki Naruto. I was a genin of the hidden village of the leaves, and the team-mate of Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura. My parents were the Fourth Hokage and the Jinchuuriki of the nine-tailed fox before me, and I was what people called, a failure.But now, the story has reversed. No more failure. No more Naruto. No more ninja.I am Akagami D. Natsuki, a girl who challenges the world, in the era of pirates!All credits go to Oda Eiichiro and Kishimoto Masashi for writing One Piece and Naruto. This is a fanfiction I wrote for my own pleasure. Please don't judge it too harshly... I have checked for spelling and grammar mistakes, but just in case there is the occasional mistake, please comment on it, rather than insult me. From personal experience, I have seen people insulting my grammar, with a comment akin to:"Cant u even spell 'mom' correctly? It's 'mom' not 'mum' you idiot!!!" So, please, don't insult me like that... It really ruins my day, which might have already been awful... Also, I apologise if they get really overpowered, or sound really arrogant... I don't mean it that way, but that's how it is read, so I'm sorry before hand. Well done for making it this far, and thank you for reading. noelicoan.
8 95 - In Serial11 Chapters
Hacker || L.H
When a Gang that needs help to ruin someone they turn to a 16 year old hacker.Does a gang member and a hacker mix?
8 204