《Nexus》Ch7 - But I thought I was in charge.
Hope my grammer is better today.
With the goblin horde massing up in recent days there were very little wild life in the area. The silver lining is that it also kept the other monsters away from the area as well. Many Phoenixian men were sad that there were no games for them to hunt during their maneuver training. As a consolation, a make shift firing range was built for them to practice and just have fun shooting up targets. Which, eventually become a permanent firing range.
Logistics squad team were busy receiving and organizing all future requisition documents and supplies.
Personnel squad were busy creating database of all soldiers and organizing that information and laying down ground works for future expansion of the Phoenix force. That included employing extra hand from the town.
Medical squad spent more time in the town then the outpost. The town simply had too many sickly people from the prolong malnutrition and living under unsanitary conditions.
All in all, Spike listened, observed, and asked questioned when need it. But he stayed out of the way of the officers in their duties. Which left him with too much time for the next few days. And going to the town now would be a bad idea for him as he knew they were busy with preparing the inauguration ceremony.
That was unfortunate for Spike as he really wanted to look at the books in Daldia’s possession. He was itching to find information on magic, but with so much happening. The opportunity just wasn’t there for him to ask. Hopefully after the ceremony he thought.
So he went patrolling with the original platoon with Lieutenant Moore commanding. He figured he could maybe find more stragglers and get some points. Tracker Grigor was assigned to the platoon while the other 3 trackers were out tracking the goblin dwellings.
They were ordered to not go too far out. If there is a large goblin retribution force, danger of being overwhelmed and wipeout is very real.
For Spike, it was a very uneventful day. Nothing of interest happened. He almost regretted going on patrol with zero sum gained. He finally washed himself down with a buck of cold water and crashed. Today felt surreal to him.
Next day morning Spike came to a realization that he really wasn’t needed in the daily operation. Except to infuse his mana to the requisition forms to summon supplies.
“So there really is nothing for me to do?” Spike asked.
“I’m afraid not. You’re at the top of the food chain and you don’t really fall anywhere in the chain of command sir. Unless you fire me and take over my job.” Major Jung said.
“Sigh! Don’t even think about that Major. If you’re not in charge, I would feel unsettled.”
“Why don’t you go to the town sir? I know they are busy but there must be something?” Major suggested.
“It’s only been a few day Major. And the smell kills me.” Spike complained. “I can’t believe I’ve only been in the world for a week and I’m practically begging to do something more proactive.”
“Sir, why don’t you take a break, eat some ration, relax, summon up some ration booze, and think about what you want to do in this world.” Major offered.
“Do you know, just now. You sounded like a man giving an advice to an old friend who’s about to retire from the work force.”
“Relax sir. Tomorrow, we have the ceremony, celebrate on ration booze and sweets. Then on the following day you will go west with Alpha company to hunt goblins for 3 days then return to deal with Stovkow. By then Bravo company should have the area well mapped out for ambushing Stovkow slavers.” Leaning back a little to observe Spike.
“What?” Said Spike. As he raises an eye brow reacting to Major Jung body language.
“You know sir. For some who was complaining about things moving too fast only few days ago, sure complains a lot when things slow down.” The Major said bemusingly.
Like a kid busted doing something silly. “Well…” looking away.
“Sir. Why don’t you go find something decent to wear for tomorrows ceremony! I know you’re avoiding the town because of the smell, but you should look more dignified then just wearing Doughboy Private uniform or that battle dress uniform.”
“Ah, well now that you mention it, you just gave me several ideas. Thanks Major. Didn’t mean to bother you.”
“Not at all sir.” Watching as Spike left the field tent. Sometimes you just have to manage your boss. He laughed inwardly.
“So, what do you have for me Captain Pearson?” Major ask as turn to Captain Pearson standing by.
“It’s as you believed Major. The tracker Sodie just returned from Farengo, next town up north. He said they haven’t encountered any notable goblin presence. It seems the goblins had mainly focused on Daldia territory. But what does that mean? Farengo is only 15 kilometers north and Birsk port town is only 10 kilometer south. And neither has had any goblin contact.” Captain Pearson stated.
“I’m not sure either, Captain Pearson. But I sense intelligence behind their movements.”
“By the way. You sure you don’t want to brief the Boss on this?” He asked.
“No. He needs a few days of rest the catch himself. And it’s not like we can do anything with this information. Not until we know more. No need to give him a reason to go run off because he was bored. That’s just not productive.” Major Jung replied. “We have keep him alive, no matter what!
Back in the warehouse, Spike unpacked the duffel bag again and laid out the Dress Blue. When he had summoned his full infantry gear of 1st Corporate War era, it really was tailored for him. As he found the infantry cord, cross rifle insignia and even a jump wing. Even if he only had the 5 qualifying airborne jumps, sometimes known as 5 jump chump, he didn’t feel so bad about wearing the maroon beret. And the airborne wings on his chest felt good. He laid out the outfit he would wear tomorrow. Then asked the injured men on standby to keep an eye on it.
For some reason or another, none of the men broke out with a fever. The doctors had been monitoring them to find some clues as to why, but nothing, except for their unusual healing speed. If nothing develops by tomorrow, the men were slotted to be back on light duties until the arrow wound completely heals up.
“Doctor Lavideka, I have a question.”
“You know. I was wondering. If I were to pore some gasoline on the ground where these people have been dumping their nightly urine, do you think it will kill the smell? I’ve seen some old war movies where they would burn human waste for sanitary reason.”
“I’m not sure. But wouldn’t it be fire hazardous in this wooden town sir?”
“Ahh. You know what! You’re right. These people are uneducated. Introducing too many things at once will cause problem. Never mind.” Spike said in defeat.
There really was nothing for him until tomorrow. So he eventually decided to go up stream and wash himself and veg as he watch time go by. He wondered what that puppet master was scheming.
Next morning, Spike and all the Phoenix officers were present for the ceremony. The market was cleared out for the occasion. A clear path from the Mansion to the water fountain was marked. Being a poor town, only the basic were used for decorations. Which equaled to people lining up looking pretty. However, the town Knights were cleaner than usual standing on ceremonial ground. And the Phoenix force had a 40 men detail for the honor guard making a pathway from the mansion to the fountain.
The center was crowded with more or less the entire town, hoping and expecting for a better life. Alpha Company mixed in with the crowd to show support to the people and to mingle and celebrate after the ceremony.
To start off Lord Daldia walked from the mansion to the water fountain flanked by 2 knights. Once in front of the fountain, he created a circular fire wall rising up to the sky right over the water fountain causing steam to rise.
This was an unexpected discovery for Spike and the officers.
As the flame settled down Lord Daldia turned to face the mansion and kneeled.
On que, in Dress Blue, Spike walked to Lord Daldia as his officers followed him. Spike stopped at a meter distance from Lord Daldia.
Raising his head high even as he kneeled, Lord Daldia declared his vow of allegiance. “I Karan Daldia, 4th in his generation, declare to my new liege and master, Lord Phoenix, that I and my bloodline is his to command until the end of time.”
Unsheathing the borrowed Cavalry Trooper’s ceremonial saber Spike rested the tip on Lord Daldia’s shoulder while he made his declaration. Slowly, loudly, and deliberately. A declaration that was prepared by Major Jung. “I, Spike Phoenix, first of his name in these new land, I accepts Karan Daldia as my first subject to the Phoenix Kingdom. All that is his, is mine, and all that is mine, I protect. So I declare. As the first to swear your allegiance to me, henceforth, you shall be Marquess Karan Daldia. May you and your decendants serve with honor.” Taping the other shoulder. “Now rise Marquess,”
Sheathing the saber, Major Jung handed Spike PFC Korhonen’s Springfield. Spike then handed the rifle to Marquess Daldia. “This rifle is called Springfield, a weapon of the Phoenix Army. Now you are one of us Marquess Karan Daldia. Hold it with pride.”
“I will treasure it with my life my lord.” Marquess Daldia spoke as he received the Springfield with trebling hands.
Spike took 2 step back. Then one by one, Phoenix officer approached Marquess Daldia and saluted him with honor welcoming him to the rank as their first civilian officer.
With the final Officer’s salute, a 21-gun salute was given as a closing ceremony. Followed by Marquess Daldia announcing a day of celebration the town had not seen in over 10 years.
The free ration booze, sweets, and food prepared enough for all the citizen and to spare for left over brought much reason for celebration for the public. But the greatest reason for the feeling of joy was watching their town Lord being elevated to Marquess. For most, they only knew that it was a high noble, but it was enough reason for them understand the implication. It represented a sense of authority backed by belonging to a powerful foreign Kingdom. Which they now belonged to.
Now that I’ve said it. 'Spike' sounded really stupid. What the hell was I thinking, a name like 'Spike'. It sounded so cool when I thought of it. Feeling his face burn up in silence, Spike thought as he stood in rank as Marquess Daldia gave his after ceremony s speech.
In a private office that looked down on to the center plaza. Spike and Major Jung shared a ration wine.
“Major Jung. I hope we made the right decision.”
“We did sir. Have no doubt. This will be good for all of us who are friends.” Major Jung affirmed.
“By the way. Don’t royalty and such use ‘We’ and not ‘I’ for such speeches?” Spike ask.
“They do sir. But in your case. There is only you. Because only you can command us. There will never be another who can command us who are summoned by you. Should something happens to you, it’s unclear whether if we will disappear with your death.”
“Oh, I see. I really didn’t want to think about that yet.” Spike admitted. “So. Am I supposed to be a King? Now that you made me ennoble the Marquess? What plans are you cooking up for me Major?”
“Honestly sir, in your case, titles are useless. Without a title, everyone will assume you are secretly getting reinforcement from the fatherland. Keep the enemy confused and allies mystified. In addition, if you are not killed as the silhouette has informed you, you will outlive all your nexus subjects. The very name Phoenix will become a title.”
“What?" Spike exclaimed in surprise. "Is this why you had introduced us as ‘we are from the Phoenix Kingdom’ from the beginning? Just how far ahead have you been planning you damn schemer. Come clean now damn it!”
“Sir. I cannot tell you a straight lie. I have not been scheming as you often say. Each time the opportunity presented itself, I took it. And built on top of each opportunity. And that’s all there is to it.” Major Jung confessed.
Just then, there was a knock at the door.
“Lord Phoenix. This is Marquess Daldia.”
“Come in please.”
“I was told you wanted to speak with me my lord.”
“Yes. Yes. Come have a seat.” Spike said as they all grabbed a chair. “As you know, I’m leaving with Alpha company to hunt down the rest of the goblin tribes tomorrow. So I won’t have time to talk with you again until I return. I noticed during the ceremony that you cast fire magic. Can you tell me about how it works? To inform you I have access to mana, but I do not know any magic nor how it works.”
“Oh. I’m delighted to know that you have access to mana my lord. But have no one from the Kingdom instructed you on magic?”
Spike replied. “Our magic developed differently Marquess Daldia. So our knowledge base is different. It’s more related to technology if I must say so. And I am very much interested in learning your type of magic.” Damn, I’m lying through my teeth.
“I see. A different magic development. To begin with, our type of magic is only useable by those who are borne with special organ called manatite. They are very rare and it’s always a cause for celebration for the family that borns a child with manatite. If such child is found, starting at early age, they are taught magic if there is a mentor for them based on their aptitude. Sometime the aptitude is referred to affinity as it can develop as child grow up. But most are not so lucky to have affinity. Now there are 4 elements in magic. Earth, water, air, and fire. And any combination of the 4 elements. Most are only able to use the most basic of these magic. And with the rising difficulty of the magic, the number of mages who can use them decrease ever so drastically. But the lucky ones who have affinity can overcome the limitation to the element they have affinity with. By chance my lord know if he has any affinity?”
“I’m not sure. I only know I have access to all 4 elements. Is there a way to find out?” Spike asked.
“To my knowledge, only by trying to us all 4 elements and by finding which element one has the easiest time with, can one tell. There was rumor of ancient artifacts that can measure one’s potential. But I know of no nation possessing such artifact. Mana is a raw force of nature that dwells in our soul, I am told. And manatite is the manifestation of mana into a physical form. Scholars have been known to say that those who are born with manatite are descendants of gods. But there has been no such proof to support it. As for my family, those who are born with manatite all have affinity to fire. 3 generations have affirmed this. I am not the first born, but I took the helm of our family because unlike my older brothers, I was born with manatite. Our families manatite bloodline was kept a secret to protect ourselves in the beginning from a political fallout with the main family from Stovkow. Or they would have invited my family back few generations ago. But my grandfather who fled could not accept the idea of submitting to the usurper family. But I will save that for another story my lord.”
“I guess my question now would be, do you have books on magic? Can it be self-taught. And finally can you teach me what you know.”
“It will be an honor to be your mentor in magic my lord. When you return, we can start at any time.”
Before sunset, Alpha Company and the command group slowly marched back to Whiteston. Everyone having their share of the free booze and sweets all provided with the summoning ability had a very satisfied look on their face.
While slowly marching Spike was thinking about the unfinished talk with the Major from before. This SOB really pisses me off. But his so efficient I can’t replace him. And I know he has the best interest of the men and myself so I can’t really go off on him either. It’s like his running circle around me with all that experiences he has. Damn! That’s just not fair. Spike cursed inwardly.
“So, Major.”
“About that talk we were having earlier.”
“Ah right. I still stand by my statement sir.”
“Ok. Then what’s your objective. State it clearly so even a cherry 3rd Lieutenant like me can understand.” Spike demanded.
“As I was saying sir. I took every opportunity to secure our position in this land. I understand that you had much to adjust as you only just bought the farm a week ago. As none of the summoned wants to go back to the void for obvious reason, I had to come up with the most efficient way of doing it. In the future, I envision you being surrounded by at least a company at all time. Having you tide up in garrison and the men going out to hunt by themselves may be safe but the EXP and RP return of investment would be too slow. We need to expand fast. At least our military forces need to, for me to feel any sense of security.”
“I get that. That’s why I’m going out with Alpha in the morning.”
“Hmm. Well that’s fine for now sir. But in the long run, you, yourself must become stronger than the rest of us. I suspect there will be things out there that none of the summoned soldiers will be able to handle. And you will have to use magic to deal with whatever that adversary may be.”
“I do agree that there are much more then what we’ve seen so far. But how long do you think we have until something big comes along?”
“To be honest sir. I do not know. But I’m a military officer. It’s my job to be prepare and not sit around with my pants down to my ankle. That’s what politician are good at. Right now, except for the locals, nobody knows about us. It’s a good opportunity to quickly grow while everyone is looking elsewhere. Eventually there will be many eyes looking our way. So to strengthen our position for our future geopolitical standing, preparing is what I’m doing everyday sir. Even if I don’t tell you everything running through my mind.”
“Ok I get it. I shouldn’t micro manage you. Perhaps I’m just being insecure with you being so all knowing and all.”
“Haha. Really sir you shouldn’t mind it. We have other officers now. They won’t stand still if they believed I was fucking up. Their souls are on the line based on my decisions. I believe you should focus more on increasing your personal strength for when we are not able to stand with you. And let the officers worry about running the military. Hmm. Yes, even though you are a male, you are kind of like a queen ant or bee. If you die, we die with you.”
“That analogy sounds very disturbing Major.” Spike complained.
“Haha. Well, I don’t believe it’s an exaggeration. In any case sir. The officers and the men are figuring out your personality and wants. Such as, you don’t like to see suffering and misery. So you want to save these frontier people. We get that now. So we are moving in the direction that support your desire. Sir, to remind you. You command us. Tell the officers what you want and it’s our job to make it happen. Your job is to get strong to stay alive for us and for yourself. Figure out what you want and let the officer support you. It’s our job.”
“What I want… I’m still not too sure yet.” Speaking quietly.
“You just got here Sir. Why don’t you just try enjoying the adventure, the exploration of this world.”
“You sound just like Major Profit I knew from the other world.”
“Sounds like a smart man.” Major Jung added.
“Yeah, and you’re reminding me of him just now.” Looking at the Major in admiration. “When you died in the shitty trench warfare, I think the earth became a lesser place.”
“By why lord Myojhuk.” The hunter said as he coughed up blood.
“I said to stir up a hornet’s nest. Not create a goblin invasion you fool. Do you even know how much it costed to bring up that hobgoblin? You imbecile! And the time invested. If you hadn’t killed the damn beast we might have been able to salvage this mess. Now I’ll have to go clean up this mess.” Baron Myojhuk sneer in contempt.
“But it had grown too powerful. It had overcome its’ conditioning. We had to put it down. Or we all would have died by its hand. My lord.”
“Excuses will not save you. Kill them all. I don’t know where Kyzdon’s spies are lurking. No word of this must reach him.” He ordered his guards.
The hunters throats were quickly slit.
“How many soldiers should we call forth my lord.” Asked Steward Caldrun.
“Daldai wouldn’t make a dent on the goblin horde. Almost 4000 goblins. what were these idiots thinking?” Pausing as he thought. “Send messengers to all my retainers. It’s time to test the strengths of my retainers that we have been saving from the eastern front. Quicker we put down the goblin horde, less it will cost in men and resources.”
Looking at the dead hunters. “We are all slaves Caldrun. The royal families are slave to their lust for power. Kyzdons are slave to their greed. And I am a slave to my father’s legacy. And these fools,” kicking the corpse, “are slaves to incompetence. All slaves, one way or another.” He muttered.
“I will have our fastest rider send out the words my lords.” Steward Caldrun said with his head bowed.
“Have them assemble at Falkor in 2 days. It will save movement time. Tell them to make haste.”
“Yes my lord.”
Next morning 194 Phoenixian men, including Spike, formed up for the hunt. A team of medics were included in the number. Captain Wraeth served as Company Commander. LT Moore, LT Cornwell, LT Lee, and LT Clark to command 1st to 4th platoon respectively in that order.
The demi human trackers had already located 4 cave dwelling of the goblins. It was very easy to track from their statement. The goblin horde had left a track even a blind man could follow. Tracker Rikko and Sodie were attached to Alpha Company for the hunt. Hunt Master gave strict order for Sodie to stay away from all beehives. Captain Wraeth was ask to keep an eye on Sodie. Warning him of his weakness to wild honey.
With an obvious trail left behind by the goblins the nearest cave was easily traversed. 1st platoon easily cleared out the area to the entrance of the cave. The goblin sentries were very limited in number during day light. With the trackers help in pointing out the goblins for quick sniping, the rest had ran back inside the cave in fear from the gun fire noise.
The battle was expected to take place in the cave from low light with the torch to no light. The close in range fight took away the rifles and machine guns’ advantage. And they had no idea how many and what was inside the cave. There was a danger of collapsing tunnels if grenades were used.
“Sir, how about summoning a team of flamethrowers and shotguns.” Lieutenant Cornwell advised. “Flamethrowers will light up the tunnels and burn the critters while the shotguns will prevent ricochets.”
“That’s fine idea Lieutenant.” Captain Wraeth praised. Then looked at Spike nodding to show his approval.
“Ok. I support anything that can keep our men alive. So how many of each do you recommend Captain?”
“Hmm. We’ll leave a platoon out here for security. Send in 3 platoon. Let’s have a flamethrower for every 2 squads and all rifle team will change out for shotguns. Rest of the machine gun team can carry the extra fuel tank and they have the pistol for self-protection.” Said Captain Wraeth.
“7RP will get 64 Winchester model 12 trench guns, but for 3RP more we can make it 512. It somehow feels like a waste. Captain.”
“I see your point sir. We can just have the men carry the extra shotguns in their roll up when not in enclosed environments and bury the rest for later retrieval. We really need some sort of pack mule. I can see our equipment increasing in the immediate future.”
“Very well. But I don’t see any Flamethrower in the US arsenal for WW1. I’ll have to go foreign. Any recommendation gentlemen?”
“Go with German sir. They were the first to use it. Flammenwerfer M.16, sir. I know. My platoon faced one in the trench. I lost a squad very quickly.” Lieutenant Clark informed.
“Understood. I’ll summon a German officer first.” Then Spike focused and will his soul.
{Note: I decided to use US rank names only. Changing spelling for every rank for each nations is just a pain}
“Lieutenant Stein reporting for duty, sir!” Saluting to Spike.
“At ease Lieutenant.” Spike order. Then quickly gave him the sitrep(situation report).
“I understand sir.” Lieutenant Stein said as he handed Spike a requisition form that was in both English and German language.
The flamethrower costed 3RP before any adjustment. 6 German flamethrower and their equipment plus 512 shotguns were summoned.
4th platoon set up a defensive parameter around the cave entrances. 1st squad directly inside the mouth of the cave to guard the exit. And the other 3 squads to guard the entrance area, all the machine guns, rifle, and spare shotguns. All members of the machine gun team going inside the cave were to carry the extra fuel for the flame throwers.
“Captain Wraeth. Which squad should I go with?” Spike asked in anticipation.
Giving Spike a hard stare. “You don’t sir. The Major has given very specific order regarding you entering the caves.”
“What! What orders?” Spike asked unhappily.
“He said to kill myself before I let you enter the cave, sir. He was very clear when he expressed to the officers of Alpha Company about having the wisdom to understanding the different between senseless risk and calculated risk. And having you entering the cave is considered a senseless risk for someone who is essential to our survival.”
“Damn it! Then what the hell did I come out here for Captain?” Spike ask outrageously.
“To quote the Major sir ‘go find some opportunity for our illustrated boss to score some points, but without putting him in senseless danger’. Sir.”
“FUCK!!!!! That damn Major.” Spike cursed.
“Don’t take it personally sir. As the Company commander, I need to stay at the cave entrance also. The Lieutenants gets to go have fun on this one. I suppose when we get the all clear signal, we can go in and inspect the men’s work sir.” Captain Wraeth said calmly.
Damn it. I just can’t win against their knowledge, experience and wisdom. That man is stressing me. I was so looking forward to this, but I can’t argue because I know his right. Spike cried inwardly. With his head down in defeat he slumped down on the ground. He summoned a ration hard liquor, took a swig, recapped it, then tossed the bottle to the Captain.
The Captain took a swig and passed on to the next man. It kept getting passed on until the bottle was empty.
“You know; he is the first officer I summoned and I’m really beginning to hate him. He is so stupidly smart. I’m not sure if I got lucky or cursed.” Spike said in almost monotone voice.
“From my perspective sir. I’d say we all got lucky.” Captain offered. “We started with 15 and only lost 1 man, and look at how many of us are here now.”
Looking at the Captain. “Sigh! Yeah. I suppose you’re right.” And looked away disgusted with himself. I feel so emo. I need to get my shit together.
“That’s a lot of fuel. It’s going to be a sauna inside.” Private Jones complained.
“Keep moving Jones.” Corporal Washington said.
“But man, did you see good old Spiky’s face when the Capt told him he couldn’t go. Hehe.” Private Jones laughed.
“Shut you trap Jones!”
“OK! OK! I’ll shut up, but come on Corporal. You gotta admit. It was funny as shit.”
Then the Lieutenant Moore came around and smacked the back side of Private Jones helmet. “Show some respect Private.” Giving a disapproving look then kept moving up to the flamethrower.
“Yes sir.” Looking all solemnly.
“That’s why I told you to shut up Jones.” Waiting until the Lieutenant had gone farther up. “But yeah. It did look funny.” He spoke quietly chuckling.
Each platoon was broken up in 2 team with either the lieutenant or platoon sergeant leading.
As this was an assault they took no consideration for stealth. With the Beacon Army Light pointing forward it was just enough light to visually detect the goblins. The flamethrower simply fired for 1 second and it was enough to light up the tunnel, burn, and herd the goblins. 6 team of Phoenix force marched in to clear out the tunnel.
Witnessing the tunnel fill up with flame the goblins panicked and simply ran deeper into the tunnels. It was simply a massacre with goblins burning or running away from the flamethrower or quickly blown away by the shotguns.
Under a normal conditions the goblins would have fought to the death to protect their home. But in the face of burning death as stream of flame spud toward them, the goblins simply could not overcome their fear.
The teams found many berthing chambers with female goblins working as a caretaker, but no exceptions were given. To the Phoenix men, they were all a hateful enemy to be exterminated.
It was bound to happen eventually. The men did find few human and demi-human women with their belly bulging. Sadly, their body may still be alive, but their mind and soul were already destroyed. Only thing anyone one could do for them was to give them a quick and painless death. Which only reinforced the belief to the men that these creatures are enemy of human kind. And that there can be no peace with them, ever.
To the men, there was nothing emotional as the goblins screamed in pain as they died from the flame. In their mind, they were simply killing pests that had no redeeming quality to the cycle of life.
“Lieutenant Lee. Take a look at this.” Sergeant Young alerted him.
“What do you have Sergeant?”
“It’s very crude, but they are processing iron sir. Looks like this is where they are getting iron for their spearhead and arrowhead. Let’s take few ore for the engineers to take a look at sir.”
“Alright. Let’s give them a present.” Lieutenant Moore replied in serious tone.
“We have some damn good engineers who are very good with cartography. Even though we haven’t been able to cover as many area as we want, the quality of the map is turning out excellent, sir.” Engineer officer Lieutenant Hall reported.
“So what’s the holdup Lieutenant?” Major Jung asked.
“It’s the Frontier sir. There are just too many areas with heavy growth sir. We just can’t cut through. We sometimes have to detour for kilometers, eating up daylight. Captain Pearson already identified multiple sites for ambushing. I think it would be prudent to wait until hostility has settled down before my cartographers can give you a more detailed map, sir.”
“Alright. We’ll do that. Pull them in by tomorrow evening. The scouts still haven’t reported any movements on the Stovkow borders so I think your men will have at least that much time. Focus on the walls for Whitestone. I might have the commander summon up some barbwire so when you put up barricades, take that into consideration.”
“Yes sir. I’ll make a note of that.”
“We may end up having to split our force and station a full company in both here and the town. But I’m more concerned with the sanitary condition of the town. If they decide to siege it once they find us here the plague outbreak may destroy us. Are you making any progress?”
“We are sir, with the help of the local. And as per the doctor order, we are feeding the populations 6 times a day but in small portion to help them recover faster. They have gained some noticeable strength since the celebration. But they simply lack the strength and stamina to maintain a steady output. So I cannot guarantee we will finish on time before the slavers arrive. If we had another platoon of engineers and real construction supplies it would be different sir.”
“That's a pity.”
“However, we were able to finish building firing position for the machine guns at least sir. I had put a priority on it and since it’s a wooden structure, it only took a few hours for each positions.”
“Then we just have to catch them on a good crossfire ambush. A 1000 knights and support. Steward Havington did say that most of their supports are just guards for the slaves and supply train for the knights. I think we can manage. And depending on how much success our boss finds on this hunt, we will adjust as need be.”
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Refining the Mountains and Rivers
A young man's life changes when he stumbles upon a mysterious item. Qin Yu had never been a lucky person. Weak of body, bullied by his peers, and with only his friend as his family, he struggles day-by-day to live. But everything changes when he stumbles upon a little blue lamp. An immortal and demonic cultivating adventure.
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Mortal Cultivation Biography
A poor and ordinary boy from a village joins a minor sect in Jiang Hu and becomes an Unofficial Disciple by chance. How will Han Li, a commoner by birth, establish a foothold for himself in in his sect? With his mediocre aptitude, he must successfully traverse the treacherous path of cultivation and avoid the notice of those who may do him harm. This is a story of an ordinary mortal who, against all odds, clashes with devilish demons and ancient celestials in order to find his own path towards immortality.
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Dragon Prince Yuan
Destiny stolen at birth, the prince of the once mighty Great Zhou Empire, Zhou Yuan, has been plagued all his life by a fatal poison, forced to suffer powerlessly until one day when fate draws him into a mysterious domain where he meets a beautiful girl in green, a bizarre dog-like creature and an unfathomable old man in black.Join Zhou Yuan as he is thrust into the whirlpool of destiny while he seeks the pinnacle of cultivation.
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Ranker's Return
In the early days of the virtual reality game, Arena, meleegod was the strongest ranked player! He deleted his character and suddenly left. In order to restore his bankrupt family, he returned to Arena!"Do you want to create a character?"
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Monarch of Evernight
Qianye rose from hardship but was felled by betrayal. From then, one man, one gun; he tread the path between Evernight and Daybreak and became a legend. Even if Evernight was destined to be his fate, he still intends to become the ruler who dictates.
8 22861