《Nexus》Ch6 - It's better then Kumbaya.
I went and proofed read Ch5. I realized because I'm a speed reader it effects my grammar as I write. I tend to skip words and often type in incomplete words. or throw in a different word then i was thinking. Can you believe it took me 4 hours to proofread Ch6.
Maybe this will turn into a weekly update.
I welcome any grammar Nazi's to come execute my chapters.
The food prepared by the mayor’s cooking staff was ready and the men leisurely took their share inside the warehouse. Resting and bumming off cigarette from the newly summoned soldiers.
“Ah, thank you for coming by Lord Havington.” Captain Jung greeted him as he walked through the large warehouse door. “Please come have a seat.” Waving him over. “Please grab a bowl. The cooks cooked extra.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” As one of the cook gave him a hot bowl of meat stew. “So what can I do for you Captain.” Has he sat on the small crate serving a chair.
“The Hunt Master informed me that you have the most combat experience in the town. So I’d like to ask you a few question about goblin magic.”
“Ah yes. Lord Malikai did mention your lack of general knowledge of goblins. Please, ask me anything.”
“Earlier today, wo lost a man to a goblin shaman. From my men’s description it was some sort of fire explosion. Can you tell us what you know about it?”
“I’m sorry to hear of your loses Captain. The shamans are very dangerous. Their specialty is fire magic. They are known to cast Fireballs, Fire walls and sometime Fire arrows. It is a general knowledge that Fireball has a range of about 50 meters. While fire arrows are less deadly, it has a range of 100 meters. The Fire wall’s flame is about half of arm’s length deep, but once cast it becomes stationary until it burns out. And that depends on how much mana the shaman has used for the fire wall. On average, a single goblin shaman is known to be able to cast a 10-meter-long, 2-meter-high fire wall. But older and much more powerful shamans are known to have little more output in range and damage for all their fire magic.”
“Are the shamans the only magic user in the goblin kingdom?”
“Hmm, though it’s rare, sometimes Hobgoblin can show up. They can generally double the magic power of the shamans. But it’s rare as they are the product of captive human women giving birth from goblin rape. The reason it’s so rare is that hobgoblins babies are often still born. And men or women are often slaughtered for food sources for the goblins before any raping happens.”
“Do you think there will be any Hobgoblins in the goblin invasion force?”
“Hmm, normally I might think so considering the size of the goblin force, but there hasn’t been to many human presences beyond our township for many years. Many men have given up on the frontier from the lack of support and have moved on. And generally speaking, in the vanguard of all human Frontiers, there are very few women. Until the men stabilize the said frontier area enough to support a family, the women normally stay in more civilized settlements. Having said that. It’s not impossible, but highly unlikely that there is a Hobgoblin in this invasion force.”
“Is that the only reason?.” Spike farther inquired.
“Well Lord Phoenix. The humans have been losing ground in the frontier in the last decades. That has given the goblins much territory for breeding and hunting. I believe they are simply retaking the territories back. I suspect if your forces should leave this area of the frontier, with the continual raids from the Stovkow, all the human settlements would eventually disappear. Then the Stovkow will have to directly deal with the inhumanoids and monsters from the frontiers.”
“This is crazy. Doesn’t Stovkow realize this?” Spike asked.
“I’m sure they do. But I also think that they didn’t think the war for the ruins, in the east, would last this long. Before the merchants stopped coming from the east, I heard even the Theolemor wasn’t doing so well either. The prolong war has forced them to borrow much gold from the various free cities in the east. The very money they borrow are being used to higher mercenaries from the same free cities. How ironic.” As he laughs wryly.
“Thank you for sharing these information Lord Havington.”
“Not at all Captain Jung. You are risking your life behind our walls and about to face a goblin horde well over 2 thousand in numbers. I think this much is nothing.” As he showed his appreciation.
“These strangers seem very confident in themselves.” The guard on the wall spoke as he patrolled with his partner.
“Well did you see them practice with their stave weapons earlier?”
“Yes. It was terrifyingly loud. But I didn’t see any real result.”
“Well I was nearby when one of them leader spoke to Lord Daldia and I overheard them speak. It’s some sort of a magic weapons that shoots out a metal pellet.”
“But it must be difficult to aim?”
“I don’t know, but I heard they already fought the goblins twice, and this morning they killed over 200 and I only saw 3 lightly wounded men walking in pass the gate earlier.”
“No. You don’t say.”
“You taking me for a woman who gossips all day long?”
“Ah, no. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sor….” He froze as he looked out to the wheat field. “Oh my gods. They are here. Raise the alarm!” He shouted as the goblin forces slowly came out of the wood line all around the stream.
“Alright men! It’s almost time. Remember all riflemen prioritize the shamans, and any strange looking goblins, then the archers. The goblin bows have terrible accuracy, but they make it up by volley firing and using poison. So be sure to work with the shield bearer as we rehearsed earlier. Don’t use the grenade closer than 5 meters from the walls. It could damage the wooden wall. Use your pistol if they are that close. Leave the spear phalanx charge to the machine guns. Think trench warfare in the French front.”
“Goblins. Goblins are here!” one of the guard shouted frantically through the main door of the warehouse.
“Looks like they are early.” Looking at the guardsman. “Calm yourself guardsman. Now which side are they gathering?”
“On the wall facing the giant hill milord.”
“Lieutenant Moore. I want you to position 1 rifle team and 1 Lewis Gun on each side for security. I’ll take 1st platoon to face the goblin horde.”
“Yes sir.”
“Gentlemen! The goblins have delivered themselves to us for this evening’s feast. Let’s not be ungrateful and be shy about it. I command you all to splurge to your hearts content.” Captain Jung declared.
“Huzzah!” the men eagerly shouted while laughing.
“Everyone! Move out!”
In high spirit the men of the Phoenix force charged out of the warehouse shouting their war cries frightening the children and women still in line for the rations.
As 73 men shouting, “Goblins! Goblins! Goblins!” were chanted they ran up to their positions on the 3 meters high walls.
Upon reaching the walls the rifles and Lewis Guns barrels stuck out over the walls as the men readied themselves for combat.
The goblins formations hugged the wood line to keep out of range from the bow from reaching them. From the set up the goblins concentrated their force on the north side. With their overwhelming numbers the goblin warlord knew that all they had to do was concentrate on one side and the walls would collapse.
The defender could hear the goblin commanders shouting out order as they screamed in their racial tongue. Once set, they waited.
“Oh. Looking like they plan to wait until sunset to gain visibility advantage us.” Captain Jung said.
“It’s their normal tactic when assaulting fortifications Captain.” Steward Havington replied. “However, even they will have difficulty in pitch darkness. So they plan to breach the wall before dark. Then their shamans will light the building on fire to increase their visibility during the battle while we will be at a disadvantage. Then they will slaughter us all for their victory feast.”
Amused. “How funny. When we plan to feast on their lives.” Captain Jung replied.
Then everyone on the Phoenix force broke out into laughter at the humor.
Settling down from the laughter. “Listen up.” As he walked back and forth on the wall will giving commands. “Do not fire until they reach the first barricade. Let the archers and the shamans get a little closer to increase the hit ratio for the snipers. That should give little more time for you to identify the shamans. However, if you see anything that looks like they are casting magic snipe them at will.
As the captain finished his instructions rest of the Lewis Gun ammo drums were brought over to each positions. 20 reloads plus the 1 drum loaded. 6 machine guns to receive the goblin assult. Supplemented by over 16 rifle with the squad leaders and the bodyguards. Plus, multiple grenades. The Phoenix force was ready to receive the goblin horde.
While everyone waited Spike took the opportunity and used the x4 optic on the M249 SPW to scope out the goblins for shamans and any other strange looking goblins. He started to call out the shaman for the riflemen when the Captain came up to him and joined him with his binocular.
“I counted 12 voodoo witch doctor looking Goblins. Captain. How about you?” ask Spike.
“I counted 11. They are moving in and out of the wood line. There’s more, I’m sure of it.” He added. “I’ll keep firing up the flare to help with the visibility but the machine guns will place a bigger roll. I’m just glad I’m on the giving side of it than on the receiving end. 6 Lewis Gun which can fire up 500-600 round per minute with 97 rounds per pan magazine. It’s going to be a slaughter sir. I say this from experience. If we had some artilleries or mortars it would be nastier. But I wasn’t expecting to be defending a position so soon.”
“After this fight we’ll have more options.” Spike replied.
Once the goblins break through the wheat fields they will lose the visibility coverage. Starting with the barricade they will lose all coverage and will be shooting ducks in the pond. The barricade were simple thick wooden spears half buried to detour cavalry charges. Should they jump over it, there were smaller size spears designed to stab the invaders feet and legs to impair their movements. 3 layers of barricade were set up within the 50 meters of the wooded walls.
When only the tip of the sun was visible the goblins marched. The advance formations carried ladders and rope ladders to clime the 3-meter wall. They moved with discipline which was unexpected for Spike. They trampled on the wheat field as they moved in mass. In the twilight, the goblin movement looked the like the wave was coming in on the field.
“Hold your fire!”
The massive movements generated loud sound of stamping and many rattles from the weapons carried by the goblins. The guardsmen were very nervous. They would have been terrified if it wasn’t for the Phoenix soldier singing a strange song.
It started with a simple whistling of a catch toon. Then like a virus, the other Phoenix men joined in.
As the men sang Spike thought they were insane. If anything, the fact that they were singing made him more nervous for their sanity.
When Johnny comes marching home again,
“FEAST!” Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then
“FEAST!” Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer and the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
The old church bell will peal with joy
“FEAST!” Hurrah! Hurrah!
To welcome home our darling boy,
“FEAST!” Hurrah! Hurrah!
The village lads and lassies say
With roses they will strew the way,
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
Get ready for the Jubilee,
“FEAST!” Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give the hero three times three,
“FEAST!” Hurrah! Hurrah!
The laurel wreath is ready now
To place upon his loyal brow
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
Let love and friendship on that day,
“FEAST!” Hurrah, hurrah!
Their choicest pleasures then display,
“FEAST!” Hurrah, hurrah!
And let each one perform some part,
To fill with joy the warrior's heart,
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
Every time, they put an extra emphasis on the FEAST part.
At the end, all the Phoenix men broke out with a jolly laughter.
These bastards are insane! Spike thought. But they were also in a good mood.
“Lewis Guns, stay hiden behind the wall as cover! Riflemen start sniping the archers. Shoot the shamans when you see them!” Captain Jung commanded as he fired of his flare gun up toward the center of the field.
The snipers shot at the archers. It was impossible to miss as they were massed up for volley fire. That made it even worst for the archers as the sniper’s bullets often also killed the goblins behind it. The guardsmen held a medium side shield over each riflemen and himself for added protection from overhead shots from the archers.
Ignored by the defender for now the goblins phalanx formations pushed up to the second barricade even as their grunts took damages to their feet and legs, and some impaling themselves as they fell forward. Then as planned the Lewis Guns came up behind the walls and opened up on everything until their ammo drum was empty. And all the riflemen held their fire looking for any shaman who would react to the mass killing.
Just as expected the shaman started to cast their magic behind the archer’s formation. They gathered their mana and started to form the fire balls. But they made themselves an easy target by illuminating themselves as the flame gathered in their hands. Under 3 seconds all the shamans casting magic died from the snipers.
“Machines guns now! Shift target and mow down the archer formations!” Captain Jung shouted his command as he kept firing flares over the battlefield.
Spike finally joined and unloaded 200 rounds of 5.62 into the mass groups of goblins. With his night vision and infrared illuminator, he was able to maximize his kill rate. He would reload behind cover, move over left or right of the wall about 5 meters each time with the shield bearers, then fire 200 round each time leaving a pile of dead goblins in the wake.
The barrage was just too much for the goblins. They have never faced anything like it before. Witnessing over a third of their forces get destroyed so quickly was just too much for them. With their moral quickly crushed the goblins broke rank and tried to flee. But with the wheat field flattened from their assault, they no longer had visual coverage to protect them. And the many hundreds that were still stuck within the barricade obstacles could not retreat fast enough.
“Unload everything you got. You got 800-meter maximum effective range on the Lewis guns. Fire into the forest as they run. Turn the whole forest into your killing field! Kill them all!” The Captain shouted in ecstasy.
Once they started to run, it was no longer a battle, it was a massacre. As history has taught them on Earth, most of the deaths in battles happen when the enemy flees. Nexus is no different as the enemy are freely shot in the back as they ran. Even as they ran into the forest many goblins were killed as they were still within the machine gun’s killing range.
“That’s what you get for bringing a sword to a gun fight!” Someone shouted.
“Yeah! Easy victory men.”
The men shouted in victory.
With so many defeated enemies, all the Phoenix’s men were again high on ecstasy that Spike could not feel. He found himself kind of envious of them as he could not join them in their rush of power they were feeling.
Feeling left out Spike focused on personnel to see who he lost. Amazingly he was still at 72 out of 72. The goblins charge never even made it to the walls. Shamans were quickly dispatched as they were casting. So he figured if there were any injury most would be from arrow wounds.
Feeling his weapon lighter then usual, he realized his ammo drum was completely empty and all the reloads were empty as well. Holy shit! I shot 2200 rounds down range. He quickly summoned a reload and tied a spare drum to his hip. Then he started to mentally prepare himself for what’s to come. The damn Captain’s going to make me execute the wounded goblins again.
The smell of gun powder was everywhere on the wall. Spike could feel the heat emanating from his M249. This much should not have damaged my new baby. He hoped.
“So… What do you gentlemen think of our way of battles? “Captain Jung asked the 3 town’s leadership with a very smug look.
All 3 of the town’s leaders were completely speechless from being absolutely shocked with the battle result. They have never seen such power nor have every witnessed such complete absolute victory. But most of all, for Lord Daldia, for the first time in a decade, felt hope. Hope for a future for himself, for his family, for his people. For what’s left of them.
Ten years of pain of losing his children. Watching his people and their family die as each day passes. Witnessing the destruction of all the work of 4 generations of his family. Children’s laughter disappearing to be replaced by their cries of hunger. Complete helplessness as little more of his people die from the hands of Stovkow. Everything, everything… everything dying. His crushed soul finally cried out for help.
Breathing heavily, unable to hold his emotions, he walked up to Spike with meaning in his steps and kneeled before Spike trembling in tears.
“I beg of you Lord Phoenix.” As his voice cracked with intense emotion. “Please save my people. From the goblins. From starvations. From the Stovkow. As I am kneeling before you now, I will pledge myself and this town for all time to your authority.” Kneeling before Spike, Lord Daldia broke down and wept with his head bowed low. Letting it all go. Desperately hoping for a salvation.
Steward Havington and Hunt Master Malikai understanding their lord’s intent, without hesitation, quickly kneeled next to their master, Lord Daldia in support of his decision.
The sudden action from Lord Daldia left Spike completely stunned, including all the guardsman and conscripts tasked out for labor duty during the battle.
Unsure of what to do Spike looked at Captain Jung for help.
Yes, this is perfect. Internally extatic with the situation. Captain Jung smoothly walked up to stand next to Spike. “My Lord Daldia. If you remember from our early talk. We did say many good things will come out of our friendship. If you are absolutely sure of your decisions, then my Lord Phoenix welcomes you as his loyal subject.”
Spike was about to say something out of shock before Captain Jung grabbed his arm and slightly shook his head. Signaling to Spike to let him handle this situation.
This dude. What the fuck is he doing. Damn. Shit’s moving just too fast. This scheming son of a bitch. Spike looked at Captain Jung in surpise.
Kneeling to face Lord Daldia. “Lord Daldia. I can see that it’s been incredibly difficult time for you. Why don’t you return to the mansion for tonight and leave Steward Havington and the Hunt Master to finish up the cleanup. We’ll talk in the morning after you are well rested.”
Taking the que. Steward Havington ordered couple of knightly armored warriors to help Lord Daldia up and escort him back to the mansion.
Rest of the guards were tasked out to gather torches. Then in a team of guardsman and simple laborers with Phoenix force, moved out of the gate. Taking caution, they started gathering the wounded goblins into one location for Spike to do his dirty duty.
Sigh! They are green. Their blood is green. So therefore, they must be grass and I am the lawnmower. I’m just doing lawn work damn it! Is what Spike wanted to believe as he cried for his soul.
After few hours of going through the battlefield for live goblins and relocating them all in one location, Spike quickly mowed them down and did his duty. Group of towns labor and guardsmen that witnessed such violence looked away from Spike to avoid eye contact.
With the killing of all the goblins it was decided the real cleanup will start in the morning, after everyone rest up. Phoenix forces decided to stay in the warehouse and the regular guardsmen were tasked with sentry duty for the night.
Overall there were 9 flesh wounds on the Phoenix side. All the wounds were on the arms and shoulder area from arrow wounds. They also learned that even 2nd platoon who didn’t participate in the fight felt very enervated.
“What does this mean? Is it because of their range to the battle site?” Spike thought.
“No, it is because of your leadership level and the Captains command abilities.” Silhouette jumped in.
“What? I see. My leadership is only at level 1. These skills have some sort of range effect.”
“That is correct.”
“Can you tell me the range?”
“No. Does it really matter. You and your men just need to keep doing what you are doing. Simply consider it a bonus. If you lose yourself in technicality, you will die.”
“Then how do I increase my skill?”
“It’s simple. Use it.”
“I see… by the way. How come the men feel so alive after the battles but I feel nothing? I feel kind of cheated you know.”
“You are not a lost soul. You are not like them.”
“I see. I understand. Also, I hope the rest of the world isn’t like what I’m seeing so far. Is the rest of the Nexus so sad?”
“You have the power to be a tyrant or benevolent. You need to discover the would on your own.”
“Yes, You’ve said that before. I’m still not sure to what extent you speak of.”
“Discovery it yourself.”
“Corporal Robinson. I’m going to the warehouse now. Can you send a message to the Captain to come see me when his done with whatever his doing?” Spike ordered.
“Yes Sir!” Pointing at Private Davis. “Go find the Captain and pass the message and come right back.”
“Roger Corporal.” And Private Davis briskly ran off.
Resting his back against the wall Spike looked at his stats. He had gained a crazy about of experience. 76,712 pushed him up to Level 12 with 86,428 total EXP.
This is frightening amount of experience. Even without increasing his Spirit anymore, the personnel max increased to 432. The increase in his military resource was terrifying to Spike. And it would only increase. As long as he stays alive and his men achieve victory.
Is that why the Spirit repeat her warning of tyranny and benevolence. I just wanted to help. I wasn’t thinking of being a conqueror. It hasn’t even been a week. I’m still trying to learn and get used to this world damn it. Everything is just moving too damn fast. Sink or swim. huh.
Losing himself to his thoughts, Spike didn’t even noticed the had Captain walked up to him.
“You called me sir?” Captain ask as he settled down in front of Spike.
Slowly turning his head toward Captain Jung. “It’s too easy.”
“The battles. It’s too easy. And the level growth rate is frightening too fast. Don’t you think so Captain? We started with 15 men. Now we are about summon over 500 men.”
“Hmm I see what you mean sir. But it’s to be expected when you are on the side that has overwhelming fire power.”
“No I mean this land. It’s too easy. At the rate I’m able to summon military resources. We will be more powerful than the local nations. There must be something else. It can’t be this easy.”
“Sir, if I remember right from what you’ve said before, the silhouette did say that there are and will be others like you who will come to the Nexus. Maybe there something to that. But I think we should not worry about it too much for now as we can’t do nothing about it. Let us first focus on building our power base here sir. Once we have some stability, then we can start figuring out what and how we should go about it.”
“So, is that what you’ve been scheming all this time Captain?”
Giving that sly look. “Well, I wouldn’t go so far as saying scheming sir. But if the opportunity presents it’s self then I’m sure as hell going to take it without hesitation.” Pausing to give Spike to process his word then he continued. “Sir, as we grow, we’ll become too large a force to be a vagabond. However you look at it, we are a military force and we will absolutely need a base.”
“I suppose you are correct in that. But why so soon and why here?”
“It’s never too soon to start planning sir. And I think this location is a good place. From the limited knowledge we currently possess, we are near a free port town giving us access to having a navy in the future. The Frontier has monsters we have yet to see and these inhumanoids who are natural enemies to human types. I get the impression you’re not too keen on killing human so the Frontier offers the men potential to grow in strength. The kingdoms in the east appear weak. From their long term war, it has caused them to become a militant despot. I believe the people are ripe for some liberty in the eastern kingdoms. And best of all. All the settlements in the frontier are in need of strong military to protect them. Even if we don’t need it right now, but if the shoe fits perfectly and you have the money, it’s not a bad thing to purchase early and break it in.”
“You… you were really thinking of all this or did you just shit this out of your ass?”
“You give me too much credit Sir. A good commander knows when to grab opportunity when they come. It’s our job to keep our eyes open. And Sir.” Putting his hand on Spikes shoulder. “You are not alone in this. All the summoned soldiers are with you. There will be other officers in the future as well. Failure is not an option for us. There isn’t a single summoned soul who wants to go back to the void and fade away into oblivion. You give the men hope sir. As long as you live, even in death we all know that you will eventually summon us back again. And if truth be told Sir. Do you remember when you were briefly in the void?”
“Yeah. I remember. It was like being out in space with nothing but endless stars.”
“All these stars… are us before being summoned. I hope you will live long sir.” Captain said looking hopeful.
The final information left an awful feeling in Spikes stomach as he suddenly felt very pressured by that implication.
“That’s a lot of pressure you know.”
“Then you now understand the pressure I face as a senior commanding officer.” Captain Jung added knowingly.
And that shut up Spike from saying anything farther.
“So, you see sir. We’re all in it together.”
Then Spike was hit with an understanding. “Then I suppose I should be sharing the wealth a little more Major Jung.” Spike smiled as the collar on the Captain glowed and reshaped in to a golden 7-point leaf. That gave Spike a little satisfaction getting back at the Major.
“Triple promotion under a week. To my knowledge, this hasn’t happened since our Civil War. Thanks for putting me on the fast track sir. But you sure you don’t want to summon some other field grade officer?”
“I’m sure unless you feel you can’t handle the job. At this point I find your presence comforting. Even if I find you annoying when I think you might be scheming.”
The Major seemed very happy with the last comment as he chuckled. “I believe I can handle it sir. But don’t promote me to take charge of a regiment or a brigade for a while sir.”
“Understood. And thanks Major Jung. I needed that talk just now.”
“That’s why I’m here sir. To assist you and follow your orders.” As he said with that villainous look again. “So what do I have to work with sir?”
“Our personal slot jumped up to 432, resource points are at 932.4. and logistic is up to 696. But that’s before I use up the 8 stat points. I was thinking of putting 4 points to spirit so we’ll get a base summon of 2 complete squad. But we had a large increase this time around and I really don’t understand this stat mechanism. Then put the rest into my physical stats to keep me alive in case shit hits the fan. I think I need to balance out my stat for long term survivability.”
“I agree sir.”
“Ok. After putting 4 points to Spirit. The personnel max went up to 528, logistic 696.”
“Very good sir. I’ll have some numbers for you in the morning. And now please get some rest.”
“By the way Major.”
“I noticed something about everyone that I summoned. Every one of you men are very composed and cool. Even under fire. You men never panic and appear always under control. Why is that? Because you know…watching you men sometimes… I feel insufficient. It makes me feel insecure.” Spike admitted.
“Well sir. In the void, we stop living. There is no gain. We have no body to feel hunger, pain, pleasure and such. In the void, our soul slowly loses spiritual energy. Only way to experience something new is to share memories to gain something new. These memory becomes our currency. We trade memories. In this way we gain something new and different. And because of all these shared memories we know more, felt more, experienced more… in a sense, even if they are artificial. Even experience dying many times over in different ways. I suppose this makes us all feel old. You understand sir?
“Yeah I think I sort of get it. I’m like a kid compare to you all.”
Chuckling. “Well, I suppose if you put it like that, it’s not too far from the truth.”
“Ok. Thanks for the talk Major Jung. Suddenly, I feel very tired. I don’t have the privilege of feeling that enervating rush after each battle like you men. So I better get some rest.”
“Very good Sir. See you in the morning.”
After allocating his other 4 points; 2 to CON, 1 to DEX, and 1 to STR which brought him to:
Level 12
INT 20
Spirit 22
STR 11
CON 12
DEX 11
Mana 384
Health 276
Spike quickly fell asleep from a very long and exhausting day. Last thing on his mind as he drifted into the sleep land was. At least I’m not hungry.
When Spike finally woke up, he found the warehouse empty of everyone except for his bodyguards. Right way he felt the difference in his physic. He didn’t feel the stat increase last night, but after a good night’s sleep, the difference was very obvious as his body woke up.
“Good morning sir. It’s a beautiful day sir!” Greeted Corporal Robinson cheerfully.
Slowly getting up. “You men still high from last night’s battle rush.” Spike asked as he focused his eyes on the men.
“It was a lot of body count sir and so few of us. It was a tasty feast.” Corporal Robinson replied with that satisfaction look on his face.
“I hope this doesn’t lead you men to killing without restraint.” Spike asked with concern.
“No need to worry sir. We don’t know how we know but killing enemies are infinitely better tasting then just senseless killing. Fulfilling that instinctual hunger is incredibly satisfying. Besides sir. We are men of honor. Not murders. I believe we are supposed to find adversity and being a senseless butcher doesn’t meet that requirement.”
What the hell. Then what do you call Major Jung making me kill of all the wounded goblins. Spike cried to himself.
“Because you are different.” Silhouette replied
“I wasn’t asking you Silhouette! Wait! Are you reading my mind?”
“Well, yes. How else do you think we can commune as we do?”
“Wait. You mean you can read all my dirty thoughts too?”
I need to become a monk.
“Still doesn’t help.”
Somehow, Spike felt very naked. What made it worse was that the energy being appeared as an opposite gender. But with his will power he took a deep breath and focused on what’s in front of him.
“That’s a relief to know.” Spike said as he received a bowl of porridge with slice of bacon in it. And trying very hard to not think about the Silhouette. “I am actually a little jealous of you men. All perky and bright in the morning after a hard day. Sure must be nice sucking up all that energy.” Taking a spoon full.
“Oh.” Surprised and stump for words and showing a look of pity.
“Don’t mind it Corporal. My condition is different from you men. That’s all.” Feeling slightly dejected.
“Whenever you’re ready sir. The Major said to meet him at the mayor’s mansion. He said there’s no rush.” Corporal Robinson informed.
Looking to his right as Spike noticed a duffel bag. “Is that my duffel I left at the Whitestone hamlet?”
“Yes sir. The Cav troopers dropped it off when they returned from their morning patrol.”
Putting the empty bowl away. “I see.” Spike as he reached for the duffel bag. When he summoned his complete battle gears yesterday there was very little time for him to see what was packed in the duffel bag. He was satisfied enough with the weapon and the body armor that he had lost interest. Now that he had some time and the curiosity got the best of him he opened up the duffel bag.
He was delighted to find brand new multiple underwear packed nicely for him. Then realized, he had not taken a bath in 5 days and he stunk. Looking at his bodyguards, at least he wasn’t the only one.
When he laid everything out. The loots were bit disappointing. Except for the extra underwear, socks and combat boots, he thought most were unless as they were all garrison cloths. What the hell was he supposed to do with Class “A” Dress Blue uniform. He laughed as he pulled out a black umbrella.
Quickly stuffing everything back in the duffel bag Spike put on his combat gears and left the warehouse. 2 of his bodyguard saluted as Spike walked out the door and took their positioned as they surround Spike.
Inhaling the morning fresh air as he walked out, he very much regretted it. He forgot it smelled in the town. But most of all, he noticed that his gears didn’t feel so heavy and he walked with an uplift. But still…
Damn this town stinks. It stinks more than my 5 days unwashed ass for fucks sake!
As Spike walked through the dirt street, everyone kept staring at him but kept a respectable distance from him.
Yeah. I’m sorry. 6 stinky bodies walking in the middle of the road must really reek. To them, perhaps our body odor is worst then the town’s smell.
“We must really reek for them to keep their distance like this. And the stares. Hey Corporal Robinson, ask around where we can wash up will you. This is embarrassing.”
“Yes sir. I’ll be sure to do that.” Corporal Robinson relied nonchalantly.
When Spike's little posse reached the mansion, the guardsmen opened the door for them and announced his arrival. One of the maid quickly escorted him to the meeting room.
Upon Spike’s entry everyone stood up.
Major Jung, Corporal Smith, Lord Daldia, Steward Havington, and few of the master craftsmen he recognized sat in circle drinking tea and snacking on toasted ration bread with jams. Many of them were taking notes from Corporal Smith.
“Greetings Lord Daldia. Are you feeling much better now?” Spike polite asked. He understood that the Mayor has been under long term duress and finally broke down last night. He truly sympathized with the poor man.
Everyone settled back down again as Spike motioned them too.
“Yes Lord Phoenix. I seemed to have been badly in need of that rest, but I’m perfectly fine now. Thank you. But please come join us.” As he makes a gesture for the servant to bring over a chair for Spike. “The Major and the Corporal here was just explaining about how to improve the health of our citizens and avoid a potential plague break out. They possess advance medical knowledges we had no idea of.”
“Ah, yes, well. They are both highly educated in their studies.” Spike played along. Eyeing the Major wondering what his scheming now.
“Now that you are here Lord Phoenix we can discuss some other important topics.” Major Jung jump in to quickly talk business. “Lord Daldia has made it very clear his decision to swear his allegiance to you Lord Phoenix. Everyone would benefit from this relationship. This would also make it very easy for our transition. Therefore, I give my full support.”
“I see.” Spike said as he recalls their talk last night. “I have no reason to refuse since this is what everyone wants. Very well. Is there some ceremony we must perform? Or is our public announcement good enough?”
“Given the current situation I believe a public ceremony is in order. The town’s people need to see this to give them hope. They need to know that there will be reliable protectors for them.” Major Jung said.
“I understand. I’m sure the ceremony will take more than a few days to set up. I will leave it up to the specialists to handle it. So what are the other topics.” Spike said to quickly change the direction of the talk.
“I have informed Lord Daldia our desire to take over Whitestone. Currently it’s the farthest territory controlled by the town. I plan to use it as a staging point to clear out the Frontier for future human expansion. It’s 3 kilometers directly east of Daldia township. It’s close enough to mobilize our forces to the towns defense and far enough to not interfere with the town’s general activity. Once the craftsmen have built sanitary infrastructure per our guidance and educate the public on proper hygiene and sanitation etiquette, I plan to rotate our soldiers to reinforce the towns garrison.”
“I approve Major Jung. This is why I promoted you instead of my other option. Have you thought of the reinforcements?” Spike worded this way to farther boost Major Jung’s image to the town leader. Even if he didn’t need it.
“Yes my lord. As soon as we go to Whitestone I’ll show you what I have in mind.”
“Then I’d like to get moving asap. While the goblins are running scare I think it’s a good time to quickly finish them off before they reorganized. Lord Daldia, then we are in agreement that Whitestone will belong to me?”
Bowing his head. “Yes my lord. All of Daldia township is yours to do as you will. There is no longer a need to ask my lord.”
Holy shit! This is so medieval. Strongest rule. He truly submitted to me. I need so show some results. Spike rapidly thought to himself.
“Very well. I want to reduce the local goblin population as much as possible before Stovkow slavers arrive.” Spike stood up to walk out, but right as he reaches the door, he looked back at Lord Daldia. “Lord Daldia. Be it known that while I’m here your people will not know hunger again. Because your people are now my people. Harvest what you can with safety as priority. I will make up for any shortages of food.”
Standing up, Lord Daldia stood and deeply bowed. “I humbly think you for your generosity Lord Phoenix.”
Very good sir. Keep winning the hearts and minds of the people and I’ll be the bad guy if need be. Major Jung keenly observed the mood.
12 wounded men were instructed to rest in the warehouse for the next 2 days to observe their fever. Lieutenant Moore was put in charge of 3 full squads with the all the trackers assisting him. They were sent into the forest to kill any stragglers and wounded goblins left behind. Then to track the goblins to their habitat.
2 squads, bodyguards and Cav troops made it to Whitestone under 30 minutes. Spike walked directly to the water well to refill his canteens. Now that he stopped to think about it the water in the Nexus tasted so damn good. There really is no substitution to all natural clean water without modern pollutions. The water source must have been the deciding factor for building a hamlet here Spike thought.
“You ready for the list sir?”
“Yeah. Hand it to me.” As Spike put away the refilled canteen.
“Wow. It’s a big list?”
“Yes sir. You have the resource and the personnel slot. So it’s time to put some of our options to use.”
“Alright. Give me a minute Major.”
Spike focused. Then 441 souls were summoned. With the prior 72, the total souls were 499. Essentially, Phoenix force amounted to a light battalion. 2 full infantry company strength. A full company consist of 187 men. With 4 platoon. Each platoon with 4 squad of 11 men. Each squad would have a rifle team and a machine gun team. Single company lead by a Captain, an Executive officer, and a Company Sergeant.
Additional support consists of 2 platoon of Engineers. 1 Engineer platoon for the city development and 1 for the military fort. A squad of clerks. A squad of logistic specialist. And finally 2 doctors would be supported by a squad of medics.
19 more Cav Troopers summoned to bring up the Cav strength to 2 full squad.
Total resource cost with cost reduction was 480.3RP. leaving 452.1RP.
Now that Spike had enough resource points it was decide to summon proper officers instead of promoting current soldiers. If not, at this rate the higher ranking officers would never be summoned.
22 slots were left open for contingency and flexibility for now.
In the process of summoning, Spike and Major Jung found out that he could not produce requisition documents for personnel’s not in his branch. An officer was first summoned and they produced the proper document for their respective branch. However, Major Jung’s ability worked fine for Cav Troopers.
“That’s interesting. Do you think it’s because both are combat branch Major?”
“Maybe sir.”
“Is it?”
“The multiverse recognizes it as one type. How you human differentiate and how the multiverse differential isn’t the same.”
After the summoning and proper introductions where made, mostly with the officers. Spike took a back seat and observe how the officers got together and ran the outfit. His objective was simply to watch and learn.
A single infantry platoon and engineer platoon was immediately sent to Daldia town to secure it and to give reassurance to the public that the Phoenix force were committed to them.
A new plot of lands was cleared and dug out to burn the goblin corpse from yesterday’s fight. Spike was able to summon gasoline with his mana to help burn the bodies. He kept learning new things about his summoning ability as requests were made from the officers.
From the engineer Lieutenant, Spike learn how confusing his summoning ability was. He could not summon cements with his mana. They were considered none disposable because they are used for permanent fixtures. Even the nails were considered none disposable.
101RP were used up to summon tools for the Engineers to dig and chop down wood to start building their fort and dig out the sewage system for the town. To make up for damaged replacement tools in the near future, Spike bulk summoned many of the tools needed. This actually worked out as they planned to summon more engineers in the future.
One of the officer had a bright idea to melt down the spent brass and turn them in to nails to save RP points. Unfortunately, Phoenix force did not possess any proper forge. They would have to build everything from scratch. Hence needing more engineers.
Request were sent do Daldia to send farmers to early harvest the wheat in Whitestone. The stems were still green, but it was decided to save what they can then to let the military burn them. That very afternoon 100 men and women were escorted to Whitestone to immediately start harvesting and help with manual labor.
The farmers were amazed at the number of Phoenix’s men at the Whitestone. But also happy in the knowledge that they were well protected. The manual labors finished harvesting by following evening enabling the men to set up 2 men tent on the former wheat field, using their shelter-half.
For the line companies, they were given 2 days to organize and work as a unit by conducting maneuver training. It was a very limited time, but all the men were already trained from the start. It was simply getting to know the ability of the next man standing next to them.
The Cavalry Troopers conducted constant patrol of all roads in force.
The 2 doctors and medics were assigned 2 shacks until a better building were built by the engineers.
Personnel and logistic got the other 2 building to keep the document nice and dry. Everyone else set up tents in the former wheat field, until the engineers got around to building them a barrack, hopefully in the future.
At the end of the first date of taking over Whitestone, Spike received 126 EXP and 12.6RP. The sweep by Lieutenant Moore had been successful.
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Project: You have died
A monologue story about a man who died and was reborn in a new world of mysteries and intrigue. Where monsters and magic are common place and gods are plentiful. The story follows his life as fate conspires to bind him to a path which he will eventually struggle to come to terms with. *** The story is a slow burner inspired by web novels with the main character accounting every action in time. I doubt this style is for everyone ***
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Mom is dead, yet she still roams this Earth.We run, we hide, we corner ourselves without knowing it.We have four hours before the fire consumes us.We need to get to the new neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city.We need to escape down the southern highway.
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It is a reincarnation/transmigration story where the MC can only do magic that is socially condemned, but is protected somewhat by his powerful political station. For as long as he can keep it, anyway. With a little luck and some modern world thinking, perhaps he'll come up with something to change people's minds. Not forcefully though, that would be unethical. ** The MC is not a fighter. He's a gamer. He loves rpgs, movies, modern music, and telling stories. I intend to post at least once a week in the range of 2k words. If work eases up I'll increase the amount again. ((Work has instead intensified to the point where I'm struggling to get a chapter every two weeks. I'll pick it back up properly when I can, but for now it is on temporary hiatus while I still might post every once and awhile. This winter, I plan to go back to regular posts until the story finishes.))
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Nova can't escape the rich town of Riverside, where a tragedy follows her every step, but she can work to uncover who's been lying to her all these years. *****When seventeen-year-old Nova Nightingale returns to her late mother's hometown the last thing she expects is to be public enemy number one, but the rumors surrounding her mother's sudden disappearance fifteen years earlier follow Nova everywhere she goes. And to top it all off, the local rich boy, Isaac Royal, is adamant about making her life hell. Surrounded by rumors, lies, and a secret keeping the town on edge, Nova has to figure out why she's hated and why the boy hell-bent on making her suffer seems to be the only person she can trust.Content/Triggering Warning: this story contains themes of suicide and violence[[word count: 80,000-90,000 words]]
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