《Nexus》Ch5 - Evil Lord Officer.
Binge upload. I've been writing this story for a month. finally had to courage to upload it. Other chapters need heavy editing. I will upload them as soon as I feel I've edit it to the best of my ability. Cheers!
Please leave a few comment if the story is interesting enough. As I'm still not sure of the stories future, a little comment can go a long way for me. Thanks in advance.
“Good morning men.” Spike greeted as he woke up. Feeling a bit guilty, “Perhaps I should also be pulling a guard shift.”
“That’s a negative sir.” LT stepped in. “That’s too risky and unnecessary. I’m sorry sir, but we just can’t let you do that so you alleviate your guilt. Ain’t that right men?”
“Dang Bisky Sir.”
“Who’s going to give us food if something were to happen to you, sir?”
“Or give us grenades to blow shit up!”
One men looking at his bandages. “And bandages?” Then they burst out laughing. “Sorry sir, Didn’t mean no disrespect.” Little embarrassed.
“Yeah. Yeah. I get it.” Spike said giving in.
“In any case sir, we’ll be meeting the mayor after breakfast and clean up. And we can’t have you looking like a mummy.”
“Well I’m not using up a resource point just so I can look pretty LT. I’d rather use it up to summon another soul.” Spike declared firmly.
“Not a problem sir. Private Brown,” LT commanded, “you’re about Lord Phoenix’s size. Bring out your spare uniform. I think our boss’s dignity has suffered enough.”
“Right away sir.”
Shortly after, Spike was dressed as one of them, but the uniform had no rank. He looked like a buck Private fresh out of basic. No gears except for his pistol belt with holster and 1 pouch to hold 2 magazines.
“Feels weird LT.” Spike spoke feeling bit out of uniform dressed code.
“Nothing to feel weird about sir.” LT declared in confidence. “US Army Military Uniform Code states that all General Officers are authorized to modify their personal uniform. And you, Lord Phoenix, out ranks all General Officer.” Smiling with that irritating knowing smile. “And besides sir. We are not in the US army anymore. We’re in the Phoenix Army now.”
Spike with open mouth, wanting to say something but unable to, his mouth just flapped trying to process what the LT just said.
“You look good sir.” Giving Spike a proper military salute.
This son of a bitch. Is he fucking with me or is he serious? Spike thought.
“In 1 hour, I want everyone feed and cleaned up. Sergeant Rector, I’ll be taking only the Bodyguard detail. Also, let me borrow your pistol just in case.” LT ordered.
“Yes sir. But you sure you don’t need another rifle team with you, sir?” Sergeant Rector ask with concern in his voice.
“Thank you for your concern Sergeant Rector, but it will be fine. These people are desperate for help. And we’re the perfect ones to give it to them. I’m absolutely confident that these people won’t do anything drastic.” Tapping his flare gun. “But in case something happens, keep an eye out for flare signal.”
Escorted by Steward Havington, the negotiation team walked through the town’s main road to the Mayors Mansion. With a quick greeting at the gate very little were spoken. There was nothing pleasant about the walk as Spike saw firsthand the condition of the people living in the town.
Sweet lord. The men weren’t exaggerating about the condition inside the city. The buildings had seen better days, but still functional. However, people were another story. Sweet B’Jesus! They looked no different from documentary footage of the starving masses when North Korea merged with South Korea when their regime finally collapsed internally. Spike thought to himself. He was simply unused to seeing this level of poverty and misery with his own eyes. He could not hide the shock nor pity that showed on his face. And the air reeked with stale urine making things more unpleasent.
As they march up the road Spike was completely surrounded by his bodyguards, and flanked by Corporal Smith. Led by LT and Steward Havington, they quickly walked on dirt road to the mansion. He twinkled his nose as the smell of a town got worst as he near the center. Spike understood what the LT was saying about potential disease outbreak from the lack of proper sewage system. In the distant he saw what looked like a piss bucket being pore into the street, right in front of the door to the house.
The mayor waited for them at the entrance of the mansion. He wore a dignified fine cloths in compare to the rest of the towns people. All the official were lined up in the front to be introduced. The knights and towns guard were present and in formation to honor the guest.
When Spike was introduced as Lord Phoenix, the 3 main leadership looked at Spike and then to each other with a surprise look on their face. I wonder what that was about! Do I not look like a lord or is it the red eyes the men told me about? Spike wondered.
The town's delegation even had various guild masters for the occasion. Everyone was quickly introduced to each other and brought into the large private audience room on the first floor.
On one side sat Spike and LT, with the 2 bodyguard and corpsman standing behind them. Across, facing them the 3 town’s leadership and behind them 2 guild masters sat. Then behind them 3 other knightly armored guards stood.
“I hope you slept well gentlemen.” Lord Daldia opened up.
“Thank you. Everything was fine Lord Daldia. We are used to sleeping outdoor.” LT politely nodded.
“That’s good to hear. If there is anything else, please let us know. If we are able, we will do our best to accommodate.”
Damn, I have no experience in this. I should have talked more about this to LT before I walked in to this meeting. Is he doing this to teach me something Spike thought.
“Thank you Lord Daldia, but please. Let us talk of more important matters at hand.” Lieutenant quickly getting to the business at hand.
“Yes of course. Have you decided on how we can trade for your services?” Ask Lord Daldia.
Lieutenant leaned back on his chair after he had set the stage.
“Lord Daldia. Lieutenant Jung had briefed me on your troubles. I very much want to help with your goblin pest problem, but we would need some assistance in tracking them as we are not familiar with the local terrain.”
“Lord Phoenix. I thank you for the generous offer of help. But we have very little of paying you for this service.” Lord Daldia informed.
“Lord Daldia. If you loan us your trackers we would consider this as a joint effort to build trust and friendship. If your trackers can quickly find the goblin war party, we would completely annihilate them. And I am assuming it’s a war party and not a raid party. Or you wouldn’t be so concerned.” LT taught him to say this.
Being surprised by Spikes declaration. “What you say is a great possibility. But if it is a war party are you sure you can destroy the goblins? including yourself, you only have 28 men vs. hundreds. Probably numbering into 500 hundred or more.” Will he admit he has more men somewhere? Lord Daldia wondered as he looked for Spikes reaction.
“I can assure you Lord Daldia, I do not gamble with the lives of my men. We have more than enough for the job. As we are doing this in gesture of our desire for friendship with the people of your town. I don’t see how this isn’t a good offer to your township and the surrounding hamlet.” Spike said, pointing out the obvious. I really want to help these people. There is just too much injustice in this situation. I don’t want to look the other way. I just wished I had much more fighting force. “To be very honest, my men are itching to test out these Stovkow who prey upon much weaker forces. After the goblin pests are taken care of, we might be motivated to do something about it. And that’s where the payment of knowledge is required.”
At the same time, he couldn’t just simply look down on the town leadership and take away their dignity. So the payment is demanded. This has been their struggle. I should not disrespect their 10 years of sacrifices. Spike thought as he silently reflected on his own struggles in his former life.
“Lord Phoenix? Stovkow is a well established kingdom. You would declare war on them?” Hunt Master ask in surprise.
Without expression Spike looked at the Hunt Master with his best poker face not sure of how to answer him from the slip of his tongue. It’s true, he really didn’t want to fight a war against existing establishment. But the last statement just slipped out of his mouth because he really wanted to help these people. He could sympathize with their powerlessness from his own life as a child.
“Hunt Master.” Lieutenant quickly jumped in to save Spike. “What my lord is saying is that, at current situation, we are nothing more than a mercenary. Having said that, we would not mind clashing with Stovkow veterans. Honestly, we are curious just how good a fighter these Stovkow’s are, and we are always looking for a good challenge.” He smiled with eyes of a predator. Lieutenant had absolute confident that as long as they keep killing adversaries without taking unnecessary loses, they can face this medivel dark age army. Even if his force faced magic, as long as it’s not something out of this world he believed Spike will grow stronger one way or another to balance out the difference in war forces under his command. From their prior talks there were indication of mages in the Stovkow raiders. Which is encouraging in gaining magical knowledge for Spike.
“Gentlemen. Let us hold farther talk of Stovkow for now and let’s focus on the goblin war party please.” Spike spoke trying to recover from his blunder. “If we are in agreement about your hunters assisting us in tracking these goblins, I very much like to move out right way after this meeting.”
The town’s leadership were astounded on the confidence level these strangers projected. It was almost audacious of them with such small number. With this, they simply had to except the fact that these people were not showing all their cards.
Lord Daldia simply stood up taking 1 step forward offering his hand to Spike. “I accept your term Lord Phoenix.” With stern and serious expression. “If you can save my people from the goblins, I welcome your help.”
Spike quickly stood up to reach for Lord Daldai’s hand to seal the deal. “You can rest assure.” Spike replied in earnest.
“As long as you are honest and honorable with us, you can expect great thing to come from our relationship Lord Daldia.” Lieutenant Jung told from the side.
Spike nodded to Lord Daldia in support of LT’s declaration. Why the hell is he so damn confident? Spike questioned to himself while smiling to the Mayor.
“Very good. Then can your trackers meet us in 1 hour by the bridge?” LT ask while looking at the Hunt Master.
“Yes. I will make it so.” Hunt Master replied vehemently.
The Hunt Master and 4 other hunters showed up much earlier than an hour. They appeared very enthusiastic about the hunt. All the hunters were equipped with a bow, spear, and skinning knife. Every hunter wore similar brown leather armor. The 4 demi-humans brought some interest to the men causing them to stare. 2 where of canine family, 1 from a feline family, and the last one was a large individual of some other type. The men were very fascinated with the individual’s tail coming out of their lower back and their anima ears.
“Everyone, these are my trackers. All veteran tracker and hunter. The black tip ear is Grigor a wolf demi-human. The other one is a canine demi-human Tam. Red hair feline demi-human is Rikko, her ability to see at night is invaluable to us. And the big one is Sodie, he is a bear demi-human. As long as he doesn’t intoxicate himself on wild honey he is very reliable.”
“Very good Hunt Master Malikai. So let’s keep this simple. You only have to find them for us and tell us where they are and we’ll do the extermination. I know that you all are very competent, but I must insist that none of your tracker partake in the actual fight. You’ll just get in the way and may get hurt.” LT told the hunters.
“Understood. Find them then lead you to them.” Hunt Master replied. I have no problem with that. No need to risk my men if I don’t have too.
“Also, do we need to hurry to any particular hamlet to save the farmers?” Spike asked.
“No Lord Phoenix. They all moved into the town few days ago upon discovery of the many goblin tracks. Earliest time we can harvest is in 1 weeks. And the goblins are meat eaters so they don’t care much for the crops. So there is no point in endangering the farmers by leaving them out side of the walls. Normally, the goblins will ransack the homes of the farmers for trinkets and such, but that’s about it. It’s during the actual harvest time that we will have much difficulty.”
“That’s good to know. We don’t have to worry about protecting noncombatants.” LT said.
Looking over his men. “Let’s move out.” It was same marching order as before, except the Calvary troops were right behind the command team. “So tell us what you know of the goblins Hunt Master?”
With a surprise look. “You don’t know?” ask the Hunt Master.
“Nope. We don’t have them where we come from. When we fought them few days ago, we killed them so fast we didn’t learn much about them.”
The Hunt Master wasn’t sure how to accept LT’s admission of having no knowledge of the goblins or the fact that these strangers killed the goblins so fast. “Well they are very clever and vicious creatures. We normally would need 3 farmers to kill one of them to minimize our lose. Even though they are smaller than humans, they simple have much more fighting experience from hunting and they often fight amongst themselves for territory and breeding space. Now against a properly armored and armed fighter with real training, they can take on 2 goblins. More if the individual is backed up by experience. The Goblins are always led by a leader and they never hunt alone. And some time their shaman can join them in raids if they number more than a hundred or so. I suspect we will run into 1 or 2 during our hunt.” He concluded.
“Do you know where they generally live?” ask Spike.
“We would have to track them to their caves. Goblins enjoy the darker cave environment over brightly open space. Before the Stovkow raids 10 years ago. Little by little over the many years we had chased them farther into the frontier lands with the bounty hunters and hunters working together. But the towns ran short of coins from disappearance of the merchants and continuous raids from Stovkow. To our knowledge all the hamlets farther out have been abandoned over the years. And the goblins have been slowly pushing back the human settlements. And now they have become our competitors in the nearby hunting grounds. And the Daldia is down to 3 hamlets from 8.”
“So why haven’t you people relocated to another place… if you don’t mind me asking?” LT inquired.
“We have no place to go. Up north is a large inland sea. East lay Stovkow. They would enslave us as soon as we enter their territory. To the south is the open ocean. It's the only port town south of us, whos situation is no better than ours. Then we have the frontier in the west.” Hunt Master informed indifferently.
“That’s a pity.” Spike commented.
By noon, the unit reached Whitestone hamlet following the dirt road from the town. And just as Hunt Master said, the hamlet was ransacked for valuables. There were 4 shacks in a square formation. Each shacks were big enough to house a full farming family of 10. Shacks had its doors facing the center and one window facing north and south each, and one more opposite side of the door. In the very center was a community water well.
The shacks were surrounded by the 50 meters’ deep wheat fields. The wheat had grown to hip level soon to be ripe for harvesting.
The plan was for the soldiers to set up a defensive position in Whitestone for now. The trackers would go off on their own to find the goblins then guide the soldiers to fight the goblins. The cavalry troops would patrol the roads for quick messenger service between the trackers the main force.
“Hunt Master. We’ll sit up temporary base here. I think if the goblins are clever as you say, they’ll definitely have scouts eyeing this place even as we speak. Which means Whitestone will soon be a battle site. I’d like to take the opportunity and reduce their numbers here if we can before we heading farther in the forest. So while we lay out a trap for them, please find them critters for us. Also, if you can, try to lead them to here if you need to run.”
“Very well Lieutenant.” Signaling his hunters to move out.
“Sergeant Rector. I want as many men on top of each shack the roof can support. See how many men each roof top can hold. Those short critters can easily low craw right up on top of us with the crops so high. I want 1 machine guns in shack diagonal of each other for better coverage. And I want everyone else inside the shack. Build a make shift firing position at each windows. I don’t want nobody getting hit by an arrow or be in the open for their spear charge.” LT shout out his orders.
“He must be a foreign royalty. Even if they didn’t declare any title…he must be what, a 4th or 5th son. Most likely a bastard son without a real title but wealthy enough to support his ventures. And those red eyes of his. It must mean something.” Lord Daldia ponder loudly tapping his fingers on his desk.
“They are a puzzle asking to be solved.” Steward Havington said as he looked on his masters worried face.
“As long as they keep their promise I don’t care. I just hope I didn’t make a deal with a devil for another devil. They even gave us the irons off the goblin weapons to be melted for our use without even asking for anything. This is just too good to be true.” Showing a touch of frustration. “I could understand them if they were more mercenary like. I just don’t understand.”
“My lord, you’ve had you back against the wall for the last 10 years without any reprieve. You may simply be unused to a little bit of kindness and charity.” Steward Havington observed. “Let us wait and see how this develops my lord.”
Nodding in agreement. “I suppose that’s all we can do for now. Perhaps you are right Lord Havington. I may be just jittery from receiving assistance for a change. But this isn’t a ‘little bit of kindness and charity’. It’s a lifesaving for us.” Is this hope I’m feeling? Is this why I’m feeling jittery now?
It wasn’t even an hour after the trackers had left before the Whitestone defenders had goblin contact. The unit barely had enough time to set up proper defense when out of nowhere, over a 100 short goblins charged with their spears with archers in the rear.
The rooftops could only support one person’s weight with Springfield and ammo. And the rest of the riflemen who were assigned evenly throughout the shacks. Everyone ran inside to their positions when the lookout on the rooftop shouted warning.
“Many goblins coming from the Southwest!”
Shit! That’s the corner without a machine gun. “Corporal Johnson! Move your gun to southwest shack. Everyone fire at will! Corporal Miller! Move your team to Northeast shack. Keep your eyes open for sneak attack from our rear. Roof top, Snipe the archers as your priority!” Lieutenant shouted orders from the window from northeast shack. Then after, it was difficult to give out orders over the sounds of guns firing off.
Except for the Northeast shack. The riflemen opened fire from the windows. Snipers on the roof quickly shot the archers in the rear formation one by one. The rifles with a loud thunder sound could be considered a magic weapons in the minds of the goblins, which did not deter the goblins movement enough to make a different.
Thinking quickly, Sergeant Rector ran into the southeast shack from the southwest shack to take command as he heard, “ Use Grenades!” When the goblins reached 20 meters from the corner building the grenades were thrown from the 2 window killing half of dozen and injuring another half a dozen goblins.
The grenade explosion surprised and stunned the goblins. Causing the goblins to hesitate long enough for Corporal Johnson’s machine gun team to run into the southeast shack.
“Shoot through the corner of the building. Make a firing hole.” Sergeant Rector shouted out his order to Corporal Johnson.
Corporal Johnson order his 2 teammates to move the small dining table to the corner to set up his machine gun with a bipod. He immediately fired his machine gun through the walls making a large hole. With each bullet fired, the hole got bigger, as did his visibility of the firing field.
Private Williams quickly helped reloading a new drum. And another 97 round of 30-06 shot in the enemy mass.
The 3 snipers on the roof made quick works of the goblins archers at such a short range. While they were in prone position on the roof top it made them a very small targets for the goblins archers to accurately hit them.
PFC Muller took an arrow into his shoulder when a goblin shot through the window.
“Reload!” Shouted Corporal Johnson. So many goblins. So close. A single goblin tried to run up and jab a spear though the hole only to be shot by Private William.
Everyone was so focused on the goblins that were charging and almost right up on their faces that they over looked the goblin shaman by the wood line until it was too late. PFC Korhonen on the corner rooftop received a magical fire blast exploding right on his face killing him in the instance. The flying fireball surpised the other 2 snipers on the next roof tops quickly recovered from their stunned expression and both shot the shaman to death before it could cast another spell.
More than half of the goblins were dead from the goblin spear charge when on the northwest side of the hamlet Corporal Miller opened up on his Lewis Gun through the newly opening made on the corner of his shack. Riflemen kept firing though windows then took cover when a grenade were thrown over their head from the same window. Then got in position on the window again until the next grenades were thrown.
Few goblins made it to the doors to charge in only to get killed by the riflemen covering the door.
5 quick shot through the window. Change out with another rifleman. Reload. And change position to fire through the window again. And repeat.
The goblins simply could not break through the grenades, machine gun, and rifle barrage. Eventually overwhelmed by mass causality on both side of the waves, what’s left of the goblin force, that could run, retreated into the forest even as they were being either mowed down by the machine gun or sniped by the riflemen.
“Seize Fire! Seize Fire!” LT shouted his order. He waited for the seize fire before shouting out additional orders. “I want accountability. Wounded to the medic in northeast building. Secure the area in pairs. Some of them could be playing dead just to stick you with their spears so keep your eyes open.”
Forced to sit low in the center of the shack by his bodyguards. “Hey LT. We lost a man.” Spike reported when he noticed a drop in the personal number when he was checking his stats.
“Shit!" LT sneered in anger. "Call out. Who did we lose.”
“Korhonen sir. He took some sort of fire blast to his face from the goblin shaman.” Private Novak reported. “And sir. You have to come up and see this sir. His body isn’t here.” He added with concern.
“What the hell do you mean his body isn’t there.” LT shouted back with bewilderment.
“I don’t know sir. All his gears are here except for his body.” Replied Private Novak with distraught.
When Lieutenant Jung go up on the of the roof he saw all of PFC Korhonens gear's lying flat on the roof. It was as if the body simply disappeared from the inside of the uniform and all the equipment left behind.
“Fuck!” LT cried out in anger. “Hurry and round up those wounded green fuckers.” Looking at Spike as he got up top on the roof. I knew I would eventually lose men. But still…my first lost! Clinching his fist.
Spike stared at the empty uniform with a scowl on his face and looked at LT as LT stared back at Spike's eyes. After a few seconds of silence, “Yeah, I know LT. I know.” Spike jumped down off the roof top to prepare for the mercy killing. I’ve become an executioner. Some fucking lottery! I mean I get it. Hell, I was in training to become a combat officer. But still… is this why history says that ‘All wars are hell’? And for fuck's sack. Why are these fights resolved so fast? Didn’t even last a minute after the first shot was fired! “Hand me PFC Korhonen’s rifle.” Spike ordered.
With the disappearance of the body, it was an unexpected result to see what happens to them at death. Or, can it even be called death!
As the riflemen secured the injured goblins, Spike quietly put them out of their misery. As a symbolic gesture he used PFC Korhonen’s rifle to deal the coup de grace. I’m sure the LT is thinking they are food for our souls. Particularly to mine. But I hope our killing psyche doesn’t carry over and we all live as vicious killers in our next lives.
Almost 200 Goblins. Amazingly, Spike had to put down 69 injured goblins. Is this what they mean by bringing a knife to a gun fight! Spike contemplated.
The soldiers thought the goblin's will to live even after being heavily injured was admirable. Their body may be small, but their will was by no mean weak. As Spike was putting them down one by one, the goblins witnessed Spike's action. They sneered in defiance as their last act. Do they hate me because I’m executing them or is it because they are natural enemies of human kinds?
Again, like before, the soldiers looked very uplifted. Any man could almost imagine these men coming out of the room after getting laid. That look of conquest. Feeling that you are on the top of the mountain. These guys definitely gained something from the fights. Even the sniper that was up top on the roof getting his ass treated with an arrow sticking out of his butt. The rush they must be feeling looked very enviable to Spike, because he wasn’t feeling it.
After all the goblins were dispatched the soldiers again collected all metals for the town's blacksmiths. There wasn’t anything they could do about the damages to the crops on the two sections of the fields. But the biggest question was what to do with all these corpses. Eventually, they ended up leaving the corpses where they laid. Not enough time and not enough man power to dig up a mass grave.
“We got 3 flesh injuries from the arrows sir! The arrow head were poisoned. They look very inebriated.” Corporal Smith reported. “I had to open up the wound to get the arrowhead out. They will most likely have fevers in a day or two if the poison isn’t severe, or from the generally filthy arrow. Soon they won’t be fit for duty for a while sir.”
“That means we need a base for our wounded.” As LT looks at Spike as he walks back to the center from the mercy killing.
“Calvary troopers returning.” The lookout on the rooftop shouted.
“Do what you can for the wounded Corporal Smith.”
“Yes sir.”
“Damn. That’s a lot of dead creatures. Looks like we missed all the action this time around.” Corporal Garcia said as he walked his horse in the center of the hamlet. “We were already on our way back with a message when we heard the gun shots. So we came charging back sir.” He reported to LT.
“So what’s the message Corporal?” LT asked.
“Hunt Master reports a large group of fresh tracks heading to the direction of stream where we had our first fight with the goblin scouts sir. He confirms it’s not a raid party, but a war party sir.”
“Perfect. They decide to make it easier for us and gather themselves.” Looking at Spike as he join the makeshift meeting in the center. “So how many points did you get this time sir and how many personnel slots?”
“Pure business as usual huh LT?” Spike said dryly.
“No such thing sir.” Getting the mean. “PFC Korhonen isn’t dead. And you just have stay alive to eventually summon him back. He had some kills so that will prolong his soul from disappearing. Besides sir, no point worrying about those not here with use. We both have the living to worry about.”
“Sigh! You’re right LT. My apologies. That’s why I have you in charge.” Spike admitted. But your still an evil bastard.
“Thank you, sir.” LT replied smiling.
“We got a good haul this time around. 82.3 total points. 46 open personnel slot for total of 72. I leveled up twice so I put 1 into INT for little more logistic support and 2 to Spirit using up the unused point to increase the men we can summon. My overall goal is to get as many men summoned as possible for a time. We simply have too few men for my comfort. As for filling up the roster and equipment, I leave it to your professional discretion LT. Or should I be calling you Captain soon?”
“Understood sir. Since our first battle with the goblins few days ago I have been thinking that we can’t fight as we did on earth. Even on earth, how we fought was changing during my time. In the face of trench and machine guns, our normal cavalry charges had become obsolete. I think that’s why our fights so far have been so quick. Except for the magic users and bows who can attack us at range the fact we are not being fired upon is making it very easy for us. So what I’d like to do is build each squad with 1 rifle team and 2 Lewis Gun in a single machine gun team. Each machine gun will only have a gunner and loader/spotter lead by the corporal as a team leader. And the squad leader will control both team. Also, with the vegetation being so thick, if we fight in the forest, enemy’s bows will not be as effective compare to when we create a field of fire with our machine guns. Let’s try to keep it simple and flexible sir. We will need to adapt to many changes as we learn to fight in the Nexus. So expect changes.”
“And we should also get another Lieutenant sir.” Lieutenant Jung finally added.
“Then I think you should be a Captain in preparation for future expansion of our units. Captain Jung.” Spike declared.
As soon a Spike spoke the word Captain Jung’s collar with a single gold bar glowed. The rank insignia changed from single gold bar to 2 silver bars.
Unable to hide his surprise, Spike said. “Well that was simple.”
“Thanks for the double promotion sir and the vote of confidence.” Sounding very pleased.
“No need to thank me Captain. Just keep doing good.” After doing some mental calculation. “Then I’ll summon 4 complete squad to your specification plus a Louie. With 1 remaining slot. I’m going to summon another corpsman for the second Platoon. Corporal Washington is going to have to wait for replacement for PFC Korhonen until I get more personnel slots.”
Focusing for a brief seconds Spike summoned 46 men maxing out his personnel slot of 72. Thus leaving him with 26.5 resource points after 10% reduction from Captain Jung ability.
Everyone quickly introduced themselves. After summoning several times, the novelty was slowly wearing off as Spike didn’t feel so strange about it anymore. Handing the spent physical requisition form back to Captain Jung.
“Lieutenant Moore. You’ll be taking orders from Captain Jung. Captain Jung, the unit is all yours.” Spike ordered.
“Sergeant Rector. I need some time to reorganize our unit. Bring the newly summon up to speed. And have the rest pull security.”
Captain Jung ponder while the briefing was going on. Should I evenly create 2 short platoons or make a full platoon and keep second as reserve until its roster is filled? But at the same time we were able to annihilate these goblins with so few of us. And so he pondered as he walked around the hamlet.
I was able to promote LT to Captain and it costed me nothing. This is good considering most of the casualties in all wars are from lower enlisted and junior officers. I wonder if I can promote enlisted to office. “Can I?”
“Yes, you can. You simply have to think and will it to happen. Just as you did with Captain Jung.”
“So much to ask, but I already how you’ll reply. But are you able to tell me if PFC is back in the void and if I will be able to summon him back on the next summon?”
“That he is. His brightness has increased since his summoning. And if you survive long enough I’m sure his time will come again.”
“I see. So I can’t really control whom I can summon. Hmm. Just now, I just realized. That I will eventually be a force in this land when we are a large enough force. Is there any limit or restriction placed on me?”
“No restrictions, as long as you are able within your own power. You can be a tyrant or benevolent as you want. You are but a drop of water in a vast ocean Spike Phoenix. You should not be afraid of your growing power. Nexus is a place of changes not of destruction.”
“Is the killing also part of the changes?”
“Yes. Is it not obvious?”
“No it’s not apparent to me. But I suppose I’m just confused with too much of sudden changes to my life that I cannot clearly see it yet.”
“All those who are chosen sink or swim.”
Go with the flow and learn quickly or I will die. I get it. However, I want to help my men, but apparently, the quickest way is for me to partially participate in the fights. Damn! I would love to summon a MK3 Spartan power armor, but it’s just too expensive at 7000 points with the era penalty. Maybe something from earlier era. Let’s see.
Spike spent the rest of his time going through the various machine guns to find the lightest that had high rounds per minute rate of fire. He finally decided on a M249 SPW from the 1st Corporate war era. Even though he could get it from the Cold War era for a point cheaper. The SPW model was much more optimal with all the added options with lighter weight, shorter length, buttstock clasping, and a hand grip. It even had an overhead hand guard for the barrel and optics and lasers. Total cost 2 time 4 for the era. Total of 8 points.
Now for the complete combat gear. But he needs to manage with the left over points of 18.5. Spike chose from the same era. A complete combat gear with Spartan level 3 body armor cost 4 points time 4 equal to 16. I feel a little guilty for using up these points but I can easily make it up by getting solo kills. I know the Captain won’t like it. But I was already in the mist of combat in the last 2 battles. I don’t want to feel naked anymore. and besides. I don’t think he know the future weapons availability as we didn’t really talk about it considering I didn’t have enough point at the time.
Inside the shack, Spike started to take off his uniform in preparation for his personal combat gears.
“Is everything OK sir?” Corporal Robinson asked.
“It’s all good Corporal. I’m about to summon some personal gears for me to be more helpful and to protect myself. So you men step back a little.” Then he summoned all the gears onto his body. Full battle rattle from almost 90 years ago from the military history vids he’d watch during downtime. He looked very archaic. Spike reached and touched the various gears on his body to get a feeling for the items. When his hand reached the helmet he noticed the night vision optics. He set down his back pack and to get a better look at himself.
He only had the Doughboy uniform before, but with the all the gears from the 1st Corp War era on, it gave the feeling Spike went back in time. It was an interesting feeling for Spike. But still nothing if compared to MK3. Even if he has never been inside the power armor before.
Then Corporal Smith walked in to be surprise with Spikes new cloths. “Ohm. Captain said we’ll be moving out in 15, sir.”
“Very well. I’ll be out in a minute.” Spike wanted to go through his gears but as long as he could fire his weapons and reload, it should be ok for now he thought.
“Lieutenant Moore. I’ve decide to fill up 1st platoons roster then bring up your platoon’s strength as Lord Phoenix is able to summon additional men. One of your squad leader will have to serve as a Platoon Sergeant as well until we you get more men. So you’ll be getting a 2 full squad. I’ll leave them in your charge now. Also Sergeant Rector, you are now my platoon daddy. Corporal Miller will be promoted to Sergeant Miller and take over 1st squad.”
“Sergeant White will be in charge of 4th squad. Sergeant White, you are going to be short a machine gun team until we get more reinforcement.”
“Understood sir.”
“So you’ll be my reserve for now. Sergeant Martinez will be in charge of 2nd squad. Sergeant Pears will be in charge of 3rd squad. What the…?” Captain Jung said as he saw Spike walking out with his new gears. “Everyone go prepare. We move out in 15.” And smartly walked up to Spike.
“So, what do you think. These are 80 to 90 years in your future. I paid a bit extra but I think they will pay off. I mean, even the night vision goggle along is worth its weight.” Spike said.
“Sir, you should have advised me ahead of time for the usage of points at this stage of the operation.” Captain Jung said unable to hide his annoyance.
“In a normal situation I agree with you Captain. But I’m already maxed out on personnel limit and there’s not much we could have purchased. So I made an executive decision to purchase a personal body armor and some gears to be more efficient.” Spike firmly stated. “Besides captain. I have been literally in the midst of our fights so far and I’m not too happy about my bodyguards throwing their bodies on top of me. But you don’t have to worry. I’m not going to senselessly charge into battle. I simply want to be ready for ‘what if’ scenarios. Because I’m not going down without a fight. But most of all, I intent to live long enough to resummon PFC Korhonen.” Spike stated as a matter of fact attitude.
After staring hard at Spike for a few second and coming to an understanding. “I understand sir. But in the future please let me or any of the commanding officers know of your intents sir. Until our forces are large enough to handle more situations.”
Spike agreed with the captain. In principle, Captain Jung is correct. But Spike also didn’t need a babysitter. If he gets too insolated, it will lead to long term problem. Spike remembered that simply being in the ROTC program for two years was enough to insolated him from the ghetto street life. And he died from single mistake of forgetting that street life.
Shortly after making adjustments to the unit. “Alright! Move out!” Captain Jung shouted his command.
Since the fight is expected near the town, the injured were saddled up on the horses. They simply could not stand straight to march with the main unit. They were instructed to drink lots of water and to find accommodation in the town before the fever over took them. Their situation wasn’t immediate life threatening so both medics stayed with the main unit.
The Sergeant Rector was put in charge of the marching and Sergeant Miller’s squad took the lead element. Unfortunately, the unit wasn’t fully cohesive with the sudden growth in size. They would need some time to adjust working with each other more smoothly, but everyone still understood each of their roll. And something that Spike always felt uncanny and little intimidating is that all the men always seem very composed and under control of themselves even during combat. Their simple lack of real fear was very unnerving.
As they marched Captain Jung shared the knowledge and experience of since being summoned with Lieutenant Moore and the newly summoned squad leaders. They discussed tactics and how quickly the battles have been. And the threat of magic users and ranged weapons.
Near the town where the clearing started awaited Hunt Master and his feline tracker Rikko. As they got close enough to see the trackers face the surprised look on the Hunt Master Malikai eye spoke loud and clear.
Even Spike could read the obvious. “Nothing to worry about Hunt Master.” Spike spoke as he smiled reassuring him. “Just a little reinforcement. There will be more in the future so you should just get used to it.”
“Hunt Master Malikai!” Bringing him out of the stupor.
“Yes Lieutenant.”
“Ahm. It’s Captain now.”
“Oh. Then congratulations are in order.” Hunt Master offered his hand. Unable to hide his look of surprise. Lord Daldia was right. They do have more men, but just how many more? Hunt Master thought to himself.
“Thank you Hunt Master.” Shaking hands. Then directly to the point. “I have 3 men who will need accommodations. Nothing serious, but I want them isolated as they have been poisoned and will be in high fever soon. My medical personnel were not able to complete clean out the filth from the goblin arrowhead and they’ll be needing to fight of the infection. So I’d like them safe inside the wall while we hunt these goblins.”
Nodding. “I see. Rikko. Run up to the gate and have someone arrange for one of the empty warehouse in the merchant district for their use. And be sure to have them set some guards as sentry to prevent any disturbance.”
“And this is Lieutenant Moore. Lieutenant Moore. Hunt Master Malikai.” They quickly made introduction. Neither side wasted any effort in pleasantry while they were in a hostile situation.
The three wounded limped and wobbled after Rikko as the Hunt Master reported the current goblin movement.
With grim look on his face. “Tracker Grigor just reported that he found a massive goblin tracks leading toward the area where you had your first fight the other day. There is an area with lighter vegetation density and that’s probably where the raid party traveled when your group first ran into them.” Hunt Master drew a quick map to indicate goblin movement heading perpendicular to the stream. “The goblins have a very good visual in a low light environment. So they will hit us tonight right when the sun goes down. In addition, they will use the crop to hide their numbers and movements until they are almost right up to the first barricade. I believe they will set up camps near the stream to rest up during the day and move down when they are ready.”
Looking at the Phoenix leaderships nervously. Hesitating before saying anymore, “Lord Phoenix. This is a goblins invasion force not a war party. They intend to kill everyone one in this town and stay. So far, my trackers have identified 3 different goblin tribes. Grigor said they numbered into several thousands. At least. That’s why they haven’t assaulted the hamlets earlier. They were gathering information’s. and the ones you ran into several days ago were scout force. They haven’t been out this far in decades. So they are being either pushed out or their population have over grown.” Looking back at the Phoenix leadership with the implication of these new developments.
Looking back at the Hunt Master. The Captain suddenly broke out into gleeful laughter almost bordering madness. “At least several thousand you say! That’s beautiful.” Looking at Spike in his new gears as he continued to laugh. “You are so right Lord Phoenix. I’m so glad you prepared for that ‘what if’ scenario. Since they are coming to us tonight let’s prepare a welcoming party for them.” As he continued his uncanny laughter.
Everyone simply looked at Captain Jung with concern and a slight touch of fear for his sanity as he laught away in glee.
It was a quick decision by Captain Jung. There was no point in hunting goblins when they will be upon the town in half a day. He quickly decided to spread out the 10 Lewis gun evenly around the wooden wall to cover the 360 degree. Each machine guns were placed 50 meters from each other. Then shift them as need it. The Riflemen were scatter between the machine gun placement to support the Lewis Gun by sniping goblin archers and shamans and throw grenades when the goblins got too close to the walls.
The shamans were put on priority target. Everyone were double loaded with 8 grenades. And each Lewis Gun position had 20 additional drum with 97 rounds in each drums.
The local garrison also participated on the rehearsal which served as a training to move the ammo drums with Lewis guns they were assigned to. They also served as a shield bearer against the goblin archers.
Additional rounds were summoned for the flare guns the 2 officers carried.
The prior placement of the barricade would slow down the goblin charge. Giving more time for the machine guns to do their job. If they could throw in some barbwire this would almost looked like the trench warfare these men were used to on the French front.
Hunt Master explained the situation to the town's leadership causing an uproar. The only saving grace was that they now had allies who were willing to defend their town and its people. And as they started shooting off their Lewis gun to set up a firing range for each position, it gave the people hope. Witnessing strange weapons and more protectors helped them easy their fears.
The panic and despair that should have ensued was reduced with the knowledge that there were soldiers armed with magical weapons inside their wall.
After setting up defensive position for the Phoenix forces, all they could do was rest and wait. With the preexisting walls and obstacles in place there were very little to do.
As for Spike, after summoning all the requested munitions he spent the next hour familiarizing himself with the M249 SPW and its functions plus the night vision goggle on his helmet. He practiced reloading and clearing his weapons. And firing position against the wall. But he was most excited about the infrared laser pointer using his NVG(Night Vision Goggle). Then he thought to himself that the Nexus was slowly making him into a killer.
“What the hell are you men doing here?” asked the captain to the 3 wounded men.
“Well sir, we reckon since we got no place to march you could use 3 more rifles on the wall. Besides sir. We all feel fine now. The poison must have run it’s course already.” Replied one of the private.
Thinking for a quick second after the looking over the men. “Fine, until you men can’t hold your rifle straight, go report to your squad leaders.”
"Thank you Sir." All 3 replied happily.
Watching them walk to their squad leaders. “Everyone's itching to get some kills. General Patton would be proud.” Spike commented.
“Who? Sir.” Captain asked looking at Spike as if his trying to remember something.
“Sigh. Never you mind captain. Just someone after your time.” Spike said in defeat.
“By the way sir. I was just thinking since this may be a big ass battle. You think you could whip up some double ration for the local women folk to cook for us? It would be good for the moral and I’m sure the town's people could really use it. Having a decent meal for a change could easy off lot of stress.”
“That’s not a bad idea. It’s easy enough to do.” Looking at his Mana. “I'm about half full from summoning all the ammos and regening. We still have about 4 hours before the sunset. I’ll go summon them now at the warehouse. Send the 2 medics to help organize the distribution.” Spike said as he walked down the wooden ramp in his battle gears. Even though the extra gears were heavy Spike felt comfort in the knowledge he is able to mow down some enemy now.
The words were spread very fast that the strange men were giving out food at the warehouse. The mayor’s staff were quickly put to work by helping distribute the food and the cooks from the mansion got busy cooking for Phoenix men.
To prevent a minor food riot. A squad of town’s guard were brought over to maintain order.
After Spike burned off the last of his mana he looked at the pile of food stuff he just summoned and realized he summoned to much. He ended up with enough food to feed little over 3000 people for 3 days. Scratching his head as he looked at the big ass pile. “Maybe I summoned to much?”
“Ah… maybe sir.” Corporal Smith replied.
Out of curiosity Spike took a look at his summon ability skills and he noticed something he didn’t see before. His summoning points went up by .001 compare to before. He wasn’t tracking it before because he had been experiencing information overload. Compounded with stress and confusion. But just now he noticed it that .001 change in number from before. Spike thought this is something the captain needs to know when shit settles down. They both thought the summoning skill only went up with usage of resource points. But this changes things a little.
Was it because I depleted all my mana?
Leaving behind the medics and the support people from the mayor’s mansion he quickly returned to the wall. Flanked by the bodyguards Spikes wondered if they will be a permanent fixture to his life as he looked at his new M249 SPW on a sling resting against his stomach.
Upon arrival to the wall he found the 3 town's leadership in discussion with Captain Jung and Lieutenant Moore.
“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful Captain, but how likely do you think we will come through this intact enough to deal with the Stovkow raid?” Lord Daldia asked.
“Oh’ I would say pretty damn sure Mayor. My men are damn good with these type of battles. And I can almost guarantee that even after we take care of your goblin problems we will have even more men to help deal with the Stovkow’s slavers.” Captain Jung replied with so much bravado and overwhelming confidence that left the 3 township leaders speechless.
Damn. That man is loving this. It’s like he was born for this shit. Spike thought. His probably thinking we’re about to have a feast tonight.
“H h how can you be so confident Captain. We are surrounded and outnumbered by at least 20 to 1.” Lord Daldia cried out.
In a normal dark age environment, he is correct. Outnumbered 4 to 1, this town would be laid waste by the morning. Even throwing in magic in to the equation for the defender, the odds would not change too much to make a difference when they are outnumbered over 20 to 1.
“Calm yourself Lord Daldia. You don’t want to spread panic now do you?” The Captain quietly warned. “If my people didn’t believe we would have an overwhelming victory none of us would be inside your walls. So please rest assure. We will be victorious.” Steadily looking into their eyes.
The 2 fights with the goblins have left the Phoenix force with much confidence. Having been out numbered 10 to 1 and still leading to a quick victory with minimal casualty has given the men a sense of superiority. Normally, it would be good for the moral but not so good in the long run as it causes careless mistakes. But Spike thought, that didn't apply to these men.
“Now then My Lords. I still have duties to full fill.” Captain Jung spoke. “Sergeant Rector. Let’s take the men off the walls until about an hour till sunset. It'll turn out to be a long night and I want the men rested.” Looking back at the 3 towns leadership. “Lord Havington. Please inform me if something comes up.”
“Yes of course Captain. I’ll have my guards continue with the sentry until you and men are need it.”
The Phoenix force were walking into the warehouse while the mayor’s staffs were still distributing the rations to the towns people. The line was full of mostly women and children. Except for few old men and cripples, no other men were present.
The look they received from the women were very intimidating as their eyes showed no emotions as they measured up the men. The look of hunger, desperation, depression, and dead eyes of a broken people.
But most of all, the physical looks of the people from lack of fat and muscles on their face and body looked horrendous. It’s as if the living could look like skeletons then these people would fit the bill.
Up to now, the captain had the men isolated as much as possible from the civilians. Finally witnessing the conditions of the local children and women folks brought disgust and anger to the pits of their stomach. Its no wonder they haven't seen any children playing. From the looks of their condition they had neither the strength nor will to play as children. With the shock seeing firsthand the inhuman condition of 10 year of starvation left the men speechless. Thus they walked silently into the warehouse as both sides stared back at each other.
As the men settled down in their respected assigned area in the large open warehouse. They watched as one by one mostly widowed women with children came through the door to receive their food rations.
“This shit is wrong.”
“This is fucked up.”
“Someone needs to pay for this.”
“The injustice!”
The men spoke their feelings as if they were the one in indignation.
“So…” Spike walked to the center getting everyone attention. “What do we say we do something about it men. What say you?” Spike challenged the men. “Let’s go kill some goblins then move on to Stovkow. No matter where, those in power have always shit on the powerless. But now we have the power to make a change. What say we burn down the establishment and free these people from tyranny?” Spike felt he should do something about this. Thus he spoke his mind.
Unlike Captain Jung who only thought of killing. Spike felt motivated to make a stand. It was all emotional, but he felt that he had to do something about it. In a certain way, he felt, if he makes a stand here for justice here and now, he would be finishing what he might have done for his siblings, his family.
“Fuck Yeah!”
The men cheered in approval.
“PHOENIX! PHOENIX! PHOENIX!” the men chanted in approval.
That’s right Spike Phoenix. Keep inspire the men to fight and I’ll make the battles victorious for us. The captain looked on with a very satisfied look on his face as the men chanted.
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This is the story of a toaster, who fell off a counter and killed a freshman. He looked so sad just laying there, but the system absolutely loved him, when he evolved.
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BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON
Returning from their teen-world of Perthland... ... the Cursed-trio were trapped in a time-loop, of post-Treeton -- to relive their 'bad luck' lives once again as tweens. Meanwhile, Asmodeus had to 'cage' them into hating one another, to break their free will, so to claim his own rightful entry to walk on Earth-Perth.
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Bright Feather
I'd like to say something like this is a unique story, blah-blah, but it's not. The story itself is your typical fantasy story with magic, fightings, plot armors, good friends, beautiful ladies and whatever there always is in such stories. I pretty much enjoy typical stories. So I've decided to write one myself. The only thing is the story isn't going to be centered about the Main Character. So let's leave all of the above to him, we'll meet him eventually anyway. This is the story of MC's counterpart. While our greatest Main Character conquers the world, cultivates, and whatever else, what does his destined other half do? Sit and stoically wait for him to come out of the closed door cultivation? Really now... Just thought it might be interesting to write such a story. Let's see if I manage. I'm new to this so, dear readers, please, don't be harsh on me. But if you have some words for me, so I can improve, don't keep them to yourselves, all help is deeply appreciated.And I officially promise to be very slow and inconsistent with releases (myriads reasons for this.) But I'll still do my best to finish the story someday. WARNINGS! (I thought a lot, and in the end, I'm putting it here. Better safe than sorry.) First of all, you can probably easily guess, but English is not my native language. And everything that comes with it. I don't think that it excuses me though, so I will improve with time, but warning you nevertheless. Second: No harem, no BL, no Romance And the last but not least: Beware of psychological pressure on characters and characters' deaths. Not much, in my opinion, but still, if you're overly sensitive to violence or mind games, better drop before starting. In any case, you've been warned. With all the above said, welcome, and enjoy.
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An Unbroken Love Story (Sam X Eteled) (Wii Deleted You)
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