《Nexus》Ch4 - First contact.
Everyone woke up groggy from the nights disturbing noises. There were too much animalistic sounds over the night as the carnivorous creatures fought over the carcasses of the green creatures.
“So, will you confirm for me if those creatures we fought are hostile goblins?” Spike ask the silhouette.
“Yes, since you’ve fought them now. I can confirm for you that they are goblins as you suspected. But it should be very obvious to you from their hostility level to you.”
“So you will only confirm things after the fact?”
“Only sometimes.”
“From the lack of reaction from the men, I assume only I can see you!”
“You assume correct Spike Phoenix.”
“Perhaps we should have made camp farther away from the corpses. We may have slept better.”
“No use crying over spilt milk now LT.” Said Sergeant Rector.
“Alright, quick breakfast and we move out. We’re only hours away from the town and the information we badly need.” Said LT.
“You heard the Lieutenant. Let’s move it men. And everyone be sure to grab 1 drum of machine gun ammo. That includes you Mr. Bodyguards.” Sergeant pointed out.
Within the hour, the unit marched downstream toward the town. Alpha team in the lead, follow by machine gun team 1, command team in the center, machine gun team 2, then Bravo team covering the rear.
“As you can see from these marching order sir, we generally keep the command in the center for better control the movement. And the machine gun support for Alpha and bravo team for quick fire support. This way we cover our front and rear. And if we get flanked the spotters and loaders can easily support the machine gunner giving him time to set up. And the rifle team can quickly shift to cover them. If we had 2 more rifle team I’d have them marching on both side of our formation to cover flanking.” LT quickly instructed Spike as they departed.
Little by little LT shared and taught Spike basic tactics.
Then they silently marched so as not to let their voice alert any hostiles.
“We got goblins and something else in the forest. So we won’t be veering too far from the road and open fields. So I don’t want you to be chasing wounded games if you can’t put it down quickly.” Hunt Master Malikai instructed. “I’ve no desire to face your women or man folks just to inform them that your carcasses are laying inside of some critters.”
Blond grizzly looking giant of a man. A veteran of 20 years of hunting. If he and the 4 demi-humans he led didn’t’ have family in the Daldia town, they would have fled many years ago, but their wives and children wouldn’t be able to make it out in the frontier. The wild animals weren’t the problems, but the monsters and humanoids who prey upon all humans and demi-humans. There simply is no safe heaven deeper into the Frontier.
The hunting party approached the town’s gate on a large 4 wheeled wagon pulled by 2 horses as gate guard greeted them.
“Planning for a long hunt, Master Malikai?”
“No, it will only be a day hunt. We’ll be back by evening. Order from Lord Daldia.” Malikai answered back.
“Ah, then good hunting to you Hunt Master.”
As the hunting party was crossing the bridge, which was built 200 meter from the main gate Hunt Master noticed something out of place by the steam. “Hold!” he commanded the driver and quickly jump off the wagon briskly walking down to the stream.
Quickly reaching near the object that caught his eyes. He reached in to the water to pull out a goblin arm. Some part of the arm had animal fang marks as if was chewed on. Kneeling and gathering a hand full of water he slowly tasted the water before spitting out the water.
“Damn!” he cursed out loud as he looking upstream where the visibility is good for a kilometer as the stream cuts through the farm land. "Quickly, turn the horses around and back to the town.” Hunt Master could taste the scent in the water. Even with the constant stream flowing downward the scent was just too strong. This can only mean a lot of dead goblins up stream. Meaning a large fight must have happened upstream.
Something must have happened upstream or the goblins fought amongst themselves for dominance. Or it could be from any unknown scenarios. He needs to quickly report this to Lord Daldia
“Whelp, that’s some eagle eye he has.” LT report as he observed through the bino. He watched as a man on the wagon jump down off the wagon to inspect something in the water. Then pulls up an arm of a goblin, taste the water, shout something at the drive, and head back to the town. “This man is good. I’d love have him come work for us.” Then he quickly reports what he just saw to both Spike and Sergeant Rector.
“Well there goes our plan.”
“They may send out a scout party soon. And if they do send out trackers. That man will definitely find our tracks for sure.” Said LT.
“So to recap. What we know so far is that they look to be around the Dark Ages level technology. And judging from the crop make formation, they are not too efficient on farming technology either. I think the only thing we have to worry about is if they have magic in the town. And if so, what?” LT gave his assessment.
“So, what do you recommend we do LT?” ask Spike with uncertainty.
“Sir, you gave me command of this short platoon. But ultimately I follow my chain of command. That means you command me sir. So which ever order you give me, it’s my job to make it happen.” Looking Spike in the eyes as he says this. “Now having said that as a reminder to you sir. We have 2 choices. Considering the fact that the town trackers finding us is eminent. 1, we can leave this town and live off the resources you can summon while we look for other settlements. Which is very doable. But it will delay our goal of getting information. Or 2, we can initiate contact with the town first to build trust if that’s achievable. If we make contact after they find our tracks, we can potentially create future trust issues. So what are you orders sir?”
I see. I had thought I could sort of pass the responsibility to the LT for a while for me to figure things out, but his not going to let me. So far he has been very good at keep the unit running smoothly with Sergeant Rector. But as he said, that’s his job. Either way, we have to know where we stand in this world and we need local information. I have no real choice then.
“Thank you LT. I understand what you mean. Then let’s initiate first contact. So how do you want to do this. I really don’t want to risk losing anyone to ‘what if’ scenarios because we didn’t prepare.”
“Very good sir. Now that we are out of the forest. We should call in 3 Calvary troopers. 1 Corporal to take charge and 2 troopers. I’ll take them as my back up and we can retreat faster on horse. In the future, I’d like more troopers as they make good scouts and messengers.”
“You sure it has to be you going LT?” Spike asked with much concern.
“Yes sir, an officer and a gentleman would make better Diplomate then an enlisted soldier.” LT replied sternly to covey intent on going. “There really isn’t much to discuss. Either we can open up a dialogue or they tell us to piss off, sir.”
To make this happen, LT decided to set up a parameter 100 meter from the bridge at the wood line. Both machine guns were set up facing the town in case they were chased out. 2 rifle team were strung out on each side of the machine guns to support them. And the command group in the center for easier control for Sergeant Rector to give out commands. And the spotter from each machine gun team were sent 50 meters behind their position as security.
The troopers were summoned with almost identical gears with Springfield and pistol. But more pistol ammos strapped on the horse. 2 points each for Calvary Trooper and 3 points for the Corporal for the total of 7 points, leaving him with 2.4 with 10% cost reduction.
Corporal Garcia, PFC Jackson, and Private Brown were briefed on their mission to escort the LT.
Before leaving, LT and Spike swapped their weapons and Spike had the bino to keep an eye on the contact team.
On the road, LT on foot leading, and 3 Cav. troopers slowly followed. LT’s intent was to show the sentry none hostility intention by walking and giving whoever is in charge ample time to be warned of their approach.
It was a slow 10 minutes’ walk to the gate.
Hunt Master had just completed his report to Lord Daldia when there was ruckus down stair coming up the stair. Then a quick powerful knock on the door disrupting the town leaders from farther discussion.
“Urgent news…gasp… my lord!” panting shout from the door.
“Come in!” Loudly commanded Lord Daldia. He wondered when the bad news would stop knocking on his door.
Panting from sprinting from the main gate. “My lord…pant… sorry… pant…4 strangers… pant… on horse coming…pant… up the road… pant… to main… gate…pant.” Finally sucking in large amount of air.
“Sigh...! We better go find out what these people want and who they are.” Lord Daldia said with depressing tone. Wondering what more trouble is coming to knock at his gate. As he was coming down the stairs. “Someone go tell the Steward Havington to come meet us at the main gate!” he shouted.
As the Hunt Master Malikai and Lord Daldia walked together to the main gate.
“Do you think this has something to do with the Goblin raids?” Lord Daldia asked.
“I don’t know my lord. It’s too soon for Myojhuk forces to raid us. There is a possibility that these men are free hunters. But free hunters are not wealthy enough to own horses and we haven’t seen any in the last few years.”
They finally got to the ramp at the main gate looking downward to the visitors. Single man stood wearing a very fine threaded brown cloths with many belts and straps on his body. 5 meter behind him were 3 horsemen dressed in similar outfits. He could not recognize any armor, nor any known weapons on their bodies or on the horse.
So they want to talk, Lord Daldia thought. Their cloths definitely are nothing from the Stavkow Kingdom. Is this some sort of trickery by them? Even though their cloths are strange, they are definitely not your typical commoners. Perhaps some foreign nobles?
“Who are you strangers and what do you want?” Lord Daldia ask loudly so they can hear each other clearly.
“Greetings! We are lost foreigners seeking information on where we are. We are not here to cause any trouble. We are willing to trade for informations if it’s no trouble to you.” LT loudly declare.
“Are there more of you?” Hunt Master stepped in.
I suppose there is no point in hiding it. If their trackers come out it will be obvious they are more than the 4 of us. Lying would just cause distrust in the long run. “There is, but for safety reason they are waiting inside the forest.” LT declared.
“Do you know anything about the goblin raids?” Hunt Master inquired.
“I don’t know anything about this goblin raids. However, we did engage in combat with these creatures upstream yesterday. Is that what you’re asking about?” So, he wants to know about the goblin arm by the river. He sure gets right to the point.
“Then what Kingdom do you hail from stranger?” Daldia asked.
That’s a good question. Can’t tell him that we are all dead men. Hmm I know! “We hail from Phoenix Kingdom.” LT quickly and proudly declared.
Just then Steward Havington joins the town leadership on the ramp. “I’ve never heard of Phoenix Kingdom.” Speaking quietly so not to be heard by the strangers. Looking over the ramp to get a better look at the strangers. “I can tell from their body movement that they are soldiers. And the uniformity of the cloths indicates some sort of a militant order.” Looking at the clean shaving of the strangers. “I say they are some sort of militant merchant order.”
“Yes my lord.”
“They say they are lost, but it could be a front to gain our sympathy. Then what do you think their intents are Lord Havington?” Hunt Master asked.
“I’m not sure until we give them a little trust. We really have nothing to lose. Stavkow is slowing killing us off. Goblin raiders, or Goblin war parties are at our border. And now we have some strangers knocking on our gate wanting to open a dialogue of some type. And they want to trade.” Steward Havington gave his assessment. “Oh, and they were strong enough to kill of a goblin raid party mind you.” He added. “Even if they are some forward scout to a foreign invasion, it may be better than being enslaved by Stavkow.” Quickly finishing off.
Everyone understood that goblin raid party normally range from 50 to 80 goblins. For untrained peasant conscripts they would need 2 to 1 odds to win while suffering casualty. Farmers vs. goblins who constantly fight for food and breeding territory. It’s obvious what Steward Havington is implying.
“If you put it like that Lord Havington we’d be stupid to not talk to them.” Said Master Hunter.
“So be it then.” Looking over the ramp wall. “Visitors, I Karan Daldia, Lord and Mayor of Daldia township invite you for talks of trade.” He proclaimed loudly to be heard. “Open the gate for our visitors.” He believed that if there were trouble he could handle these strangers with his fire magic and felt confident about inviting a small group inside his wall. Besides, they would be surrounded and out numbers inside the town.
LT raised him arm high to indicate he understood and for Spike to see his hand signal. It was agreed after 2 hours of no contact the delegation has ran into problem. But Spike would instantly know if something was wrong from his ability. Which meant that there is a major fallout.
Walking through the wooden gate. “Greeting, I am Lieutenant Jung.” Giving a quick salute.
Everyone slightly stiffened with a mention of the rank Lieutenant.
“So you are military.” Steward Havington said as he return with a knight’s salute.
“Yes, but no need to worry. As I have said earlier we are simply lost and we are trying to figure out where we are at. But unfortunately, we lack basic information on where we are even to decide where to go from here.” He tried to reassure the town leadership and be more honest.
“So you say. In any case, as I’ve said earlier. I am Lord Daldia, Steward Havington is my right arm, and this is our trusted Hunt Master Malikai.”
There was no hand shaking offered. Different culture. LT thought.
They were mostly silent as they were lead to the center of the town. A silent consensus from the leadership expressed their desire hold the talk until they have more private setting.
As Lieutenant Jung walked through the main road, the 2 story housings on both side of the road appeared to be stores of some type. All built with wood, giving it a cabin like feel. Him and his men received much stares as his team was personally lead by the town leadership.
The smell of urine from lack of proper sewage system is very obvious. A major worry for dysentery and many potential disease outbreaks. If anything. This town is screaming for a disease outbreak. The Lieutenant quickly made up his mind not to spend too much time inside the town for him or any of his men.
And another thing that was very obvious was the appearance of malnutrition on all the towns people. Lack of normal level of body fat and the people were just too short. Which is a general sign of growing up under long term sever famine. Whether it’s from hunger or something else, as he walked onward, he could see the fear and gloomy expression on the town's people. It was a face of a defeated people.
But what surprised him the most upon closer look was that there were towns people with furry tails and ears that looked like feline and canine side of the animal family.
With a short walk they arrived at the Mayor's mansion which looked more like a very large 2 story cabin. Cavalry troopers stood guarding at the front receiving much stares. The central market essentially froze to observe the strangers. LT decided to take only trooper Jackson with him as a bodyguard.
After settling down in the audience room on the second floor which was lacking in luxury. The 3 leaders and LT were served basic herb tea. 2 town guard and 1 trooper stood behind each respective leaders.
“Lieutenant, let’s be candid and get straight to the business mater. We want to trust you, but we are not sure how we can trust you. We know nothing about you, your Kingdom, and what you really want. We live on this land. You are the visitor. So how do we trust that you are not spies from Stovkow.” Lord Daldia spoke to start off the dialogue.
“Thank you for coming straight to the point your lordship. I can assure you that we are not from this Stovkow. So I’ll also come straight to the point. We are in an unfamiliar territory, most likely scenario is that we are stranded, and we need local information to survive. Such as, which nation are we in so we don’t infringe upon the existing power. What are the local politics? What are the local geographical terrains? are we able to acquire lands to live if we find ourselves stranded here? Do we need to pay tax to the local lord? As you can see, we can’t live in the wilderness forever. What are the local laws and regulations on immigrants? We don’t mind living in the undeveloped land. But are we allowed to cultivate it for our use without heavy tax burden. Is there some cultural aspect we need to be wary of so we don’t anger the locals?” LT informed his thought.
As the 3 leaders listen, they glanced at each other in wonder. Is he for real or is he some foreign spy. If he was spy, there would be better way to acquire information. Such as taking prisoners. They are unable to figure what to make of this man. They just couldn’t believe that he knew nothing of the current local maters. And willing to trade for that very common information.
“Lieutenant, if what you said is true. It’s very hard for us to believe. I’m not saying that you are lying. It’s just that from our point of view, it’s seems just too amazing. And you haven’t really told us how you got here.” Lord Daldia said.
“Perhaps if you gentlemen could take what I say as a truth. We can start from there. We seemed to have been summoned to this land we know nothing of. How this happened I’m unable to answer as it’s beyond me. So for now, our needs are very basic. We need information to survive. To make proper decision. I’ve told you our side of needs. If you can tell me your needs. Perhaps we can start negotiating your price for these information’s.”
And little by little, each side opened up to better understand each other. Before both side could actually start to negotiate they had reached the 2 hours’ time limit. However, Lieutenant Jung was very confident that this township needed his unit more than he needed them. And he felt very confident that as long as he showed no hostility this township would not act against him.
Especially after the town leadership informed him of the yearly raids from the Stavkow kingdom and current goblin incursion.
“Gentlemen. Let us take a break for today. I need to inform my master of our talk and he will be wanting to talk to you directly. But I can say with honesty, I believe, us helping you with your current problem will actually be helping ourselves. Can we continue our negotiation tomorrow?” asked LT.
“Very well Lieutenant Jung. Will your men require housings or food? We do have ample space in the town.” With the loss of half the town’s population over the last decade has left many empty housing. However, Lord Daldia found himself worried about giving them food support.
“Thank you your lordship for trusting us enough to offer hospitality inside your town. But my men are unused to these type of town structure. They may find it too difficult for them. However, if you could offer an open space outside of your wall with good water source, that would be much appreciated.” LT had no desire to expose his men to potential disease outbreak. He remembers his history lesson in medieval siege warfare. “Ah! And no, we will not be needing any food support from your town. No insult intended, but I think your people need the food more than us.”
That raised the eyebrow from the 3 leaders. Stranded but no food shortage?
“I see.” Lord Daldia said with slight expression of relieve. He was still unsure about inviting unknown foreign military inside his wall. But the gesture was made to show good well. “Then Lord Havington. Please have one of the farmers guide them to the west field. I think the water well there will serve their needs.”
“So, what do you think?” Lord Daldia asked his 2 trusted subordinates. “There is much contradiction that leaves more questions than answers, but he makes no efforts to hide them. Is he a fool? But no leader would send a fool as an emissary unless they are trying to start something. Yet he offers help with Goblin incursion and Stavkow slave raids. I just don’t understand. Is it their way of showing strength?”
“I do not know my lord, but was it wise to give them so much information so soon?” ask Steward Havington.
“They would have known about them soon enough on their own. This just puts them in our debt a little.”
“I say let’s embrace these foreigners my lord. It’s highly likely they are a vanguard to a foreign invasion. If they want to help with Stovkow I welcome a chance for bit of revenge for servitude as payment. It’s better to kneel to a kind invaders then a neighbor who have stolen and killed our children’s future. We may even be able to negotiate a bit of self-governorship or even a title and this land for your lordship.” Steward Havington stated.
“So… an enemy of my enemy is my ally.” Muttered Lord Daldia. “What say you Lord Malikai?”
“I’ve heard no reports of these men raping nor pilliaging from any of the hamlet. Nor from any other hunter from other township in the recent days. It could all be trickery… or not. But I’m leaning toward Lord Havington’s thought my lord.”
“Is this the merical I prayed for?” Lord Daldia spoke quietly.
“My lord?”
“No, it’s nothing.” Quickly recovering. “Then we will go with Lord Havington’s recommendation and work with these foreign invaders.” Staring out the window, looking at the dying town. “We simply have no choice. The Stovkow drove us to this. We have nothing to lose.” Said Lord Daldia.
But truth be told, if these strangers can save us, I would crawl my belly and beg for their help. I no longer have any pride left as a leader. Sigh! All my sons are dead and my grandchildren live in hunger.
The town's leadership and their families are allocated little more food than the rest of the town. But only barly enough to stave off hunger. Even then, it’s not enough for fast growing children.
Only the hunters are well fed as they are able to eat well from their daily hunting party. But they need to be well fed as hunting wild animals are taxing.
A very scrawny man looking no bigger than a teenager guided LT and team out the gate. But at closer look at the man, anyone would think him to be in the late twenties of age. Upon leaving the gate LT gave the rally point hand signal and pointed at the bridge. Then they waited by the bridge for the rest of the unit to meet up with them.
Looking at the nervous farmer. LT shared some of his ration of bread to calm him down. The farmer graciously took the offer.
“Seems things went well LT?” asked Spike.
“It did sir. I’ve made arrangement for a camp site out of the forest sir. Our guide, foreman Vadin, will lead us to our temporary base. I’ll brief you once we get settled in sir.”
Noticing the nervous eyes of the farmer, LT gently patted Vadin’s shoulder. “Relax Vadin, we are friends. We even broke bread just now my friend.” Reassuring the scared farmer. “Now lead the way my good man.”
“Yes milord.” Relaxing a little as he bowed.
Looking at all the open field as they walked. “Farmer Vadin, when will the town start to harvest? It seems it’s almost time?” LT asked.
“Yes milord. We will start next week.”
“I see. When we get to our camping site, would you like to stay for lunch? We have some tasty meat.” LT offered.
Spike casually looked at LT wondering what his trying to do. Is he trying to get intel of the peasant?
“I… I couldn’t milord!” Vadin repied nervously.
“Nonsense, we are friends now. We can’t have you go back on an empty stomach. It would be improper and ill manor of us. Now you aren’t trying to spread the rumor that we are unhospitable and rude, especially after Lord Daldia graciously provide this camp site for us now are you?”
“N.n.no, of course not milord.” Vadin stuttered. “Then I will humble stay for lunch milord.”
“That’s the spirit.” LT said smiling at the frighten farmer to calm him down.
“Sergean Rector. Let’s have Private Kirk cook up something meaty for our good friend Vadin.” He ordered in a relaxed tone.
“Yes sir. You hear that Kirk! You got cooking duty ASAP.” Sergeant Rector spoke loudly at Private Kirk.
“Yes Sergeant!”
Upon arrival everyone except for Private Kirk were assumed 360 defensive position. LT decide to set the base camp 40 meter from the water well. The area had a small clearing big enough for his unit without damaging the crops. They had 200-meter clear visibility of the surrounding as long as the enemies didn’t low crawl or small animals sneaking through the wheat field.
He placed one machine gun pointing to the road going into the forest. And the other opposite direction facing east. And spread the rifle team in circular position between the machine guns. And the command and bodyguard team in the center. As Private Kirk finished washing the cooking tools, one by one everyone dropped off their ration to make soup.
As Private Kirk looked at the pile of rations, “Sarge, I’m gonna have to cook 3 times. The pots not big enough for all 28 of us.”
“That’s fine. Just start cooking.” Then he announced. “Rifle team first, then machine team with the troopers. Command and bodyguards will eat last.”
“Damn right. I’m glad I’m not in the bodyguard team. I’m starving!” Private Jones said happily.
“Shut up Jones. Now go find some fire wood for the cooking fire.” Said Corporal Washington.
“That’s a good point.” Sergeant Rector jumped in. “Corporal Washington. Take your team up to the wood line and gather up some fire wood… as much as you can. We may be here for a while. And don’t get separated from each other”
“Yes Sergeant!” he quickly replied annoyed with himself for giving the sergeant the idea. But realized someone had to do it and smartly marched to the wood line with his team.
Sitting on the ground Vadin silently watched the stranger called Kirk cook. He used many different thing his never seen. Each metallic container had some sort of meat in it. And he even used salt. His never had salt before, but he had once seen Master Havington use it when he was a boy. That clear white powder looking thing must be real salt. He even used some other ingredients Vadin had never seen. They must all be serving a rich lord or how else could they afford such luxury. How envious!
When the cook was finished they even offered him the first plate. They told him because he was their guest. Such manner, they must truly be from an elite class, Vadin thought. He was grateful that that these men treated a peasant like him so kindly.
Farmer Vadin quietly ate the stew and the ration bread he was offered. He first watched how the rifle teams were eating to make sure he was eating it correctly. They offered him a metal plate with real silverware of some type. He thought this was some sort of luxury. He has only ever used wooden bowls and wooden utensils. Amazing, the bread tasted so good.
It’s been so long since Vadin had any meat. He mostly ate water downed bone soup with hard biscuit. There was so much meat in the soup he simply could not believe his luck. He could taste pork and what he believes to be beef. His never eaten beef before. And he could see some white chicken meet or maybe it’s some sort of bird these men hunted, he wasn’t to sure. Ah, this meal is a story to brag about when he gets back. It was so good he was almost in tears. No one has ever been this kind to him before.
Vadin ate slowly. He may never get another meal like this. So he wanted to enjoy this experience. When there were only few spoon full left on his plate his eyes naturally wondered towards the cooking pot. He couldn’t help himself as he stared wanting more. Just then the kind man who shared bread with him brought over the cooking pot and filled his plate again without saying a word and only smiled at him.
Vadin didn’t even realize his tears were running as he brought each spoon full to him mouth. Ah, the smoke from the fire must be getting to him he thought as he gulps down the stew.
When he was leaving the kind men even gave him some salted bacon in some strange paper wrapper. As he happily walked back to the gate he thought his wife and children would enjoy this luxury tonight.
“Are you going to stay quit and torture us LT or are you going to tell us what that was all about?” Ask Spike.
“Well sir. Care to make a guess first?” LT said as he smiled.
“I’m sure it’s something along the line of psychological manipulation of the town leadership. It’s a given that they will interrogate Vadin on what he saw of us. But what’s your angle?”
“Correct sir. And my angle is I want them to know that we really don’t need them. They probably assume our current forces isn’t our full force and we have supplies with the main army or such. This works to our advantage sir. Considering your ability to summon supplies. In a way this illusion isn’t so far off from the truth as you will summon more men and equipment increasing our overall forces in the future.”
“I see. Well, I suppose it’s all good, but watching that poor man in tears really pulled my heart string. You are an evil man LT. I just want to tell you that.” Spike commented looking at the LT with wryly expression.
“Why sir, you’re making me blush in front of the men.” LT said with a villainous smile. “For glory and strength.” Doing a roman legion salute.
“Now that the farmer is gone. Let’s get down to business. LT.” Spike quickly changed the topic feeling slightly crossed.
“All Corporals and above, to the center for briefing.” LT ordered.
Everyone quickly formed up. LT waited until all eyes were on him before starting in information briefing.
“From my visual observation, we seemed to be in some sort of a dark age era. Their weaponry is consistent of that era. Their spears, swords, bows, leather armor shield, and metal armor. The only concern I have is how effective our pistol will be against their plate armor. I think the plate armor will affect the pistol’s stopping power so try to aim for the head when in close range with the pistol.”
“Also, in good faith the town's leadership shared some local geopolitics with me.”
As LT continued, he briefed of the yearly raids from the Stovkow Kingdom and its effect on the frontier for the last 10 years. The war in the east with Theolemor Kingdom. North of Stovkow Kingdom lies the large Kindarth Empire, but they are also involved with long term boarder clash with the Highlanders from the Central Steppes. It seemed the Highlanders didn’t take to kindly to the Imperial’s attempt to expand into their territory and took it very personally. And the south of Stovkow and Theolemor Kingdom consists of many powerful city-states. And finally, everything west is the frontier to the local’s knowledge. Anything beyond that is just too far for the locals to know anything. The frontier is completely dominated by monsters and humanoids such as the goblins. LT shared his believe that because of the lack of trades the geopolitical information’s were very limited.
“In addition, I’m ordering all of you to stay away from the town unless it’s for official reason. The town’s human waste disposal and general hygiene level is barbaric. We don’t need to be getting sick or be part of a plague outbreak these types of towns are known for.”
“Have you identified anything worthy of trade?” ask Spike.
“To my limited observation at the central market that’s a negative sir. These people are living in malnourishment with limited resource for living. Ah, how could I forget. I saw my first non-human folks in the town. They appear to have some anima traits such as furry tail and ears. Besides those physical trademarks they appear very human. I’m assuming they are free as I did see some people in collars, which I am assuming it’s an indication of slave status.” LT reported. “So the towns immediate problems are goblin incursion, expected raids from Stovkow in the next few weeks, and being able to harvest for the coming winter. Now the question is what are your order sir?”
Shit! I forgot I was in charge. Spike cursed as he surprised himself at how laid back he is. LT thinks nothing of the goblins except as food for power. So that’s a given.
“What are your thoughts on the Human raiders from Stovkow Kingdom LT?”
“I suppose the question rest on whether we are ok with declaring war against an existing Kingdom sir. Any action we take against them would be taken as so. Unless we become a mercenary. And frankly speaking sir. We are killers. Not murders, rapist, or slavers. And because of... thanks to your summoning ability, we do not have to face becoming thieves or brigands for food. Which I feel very grateful for. So I have no qualm about killing a bunch of slavers, brigands, and rapist who are above the law.”
“I see. Then what are your thought’s from a tactical point of view?”
“In our discussion, the Hunt Master informed us that Baron Myojhuk normally sends around 1000 battle harden veterans plus support for the raids. They always break off in the 4 groups to cover more towns and hamlets. Once they meet their unknown quotas they return. These veterans consider these raids as recreation as I was informed. The peasants are too weak to defend and the women are always raped for pleasure. Taking that into account. We will have the advantage of surprised. In defense and ambush, I have confidence on our over whelming success. My concern is their bows and crossbows but if we use proper cover and concealment we should be able to minimize our loss. We also still have no idea about magic in this world. And that could be a tactical game changer. However, we also have no idea about the reprisal force if they should come seeking revenge. But that also depends on your ability of growth sir?” Showing an evil smile. “I would love nothing more than to put you behind our Lewis Gun and let you go to town on them sir.” He declared. As they discovered from yesterday Spike received full experience if he personally deals the coup da grace. Which has put them on a fast track in summoning more men and equipment.
“Then we should ask the town's leadership about magic in this world for tomorrow’s talk. But since you agreed to help them with the goblin pest problem… well I think we were going to do it anyways. It should build up some good will. And I was thinking we can help out with their food shortages with Iron and Reserve Rations but let’s use that as a leverage if we need to. Also, where you able to get some idea on how many towns and hamlets in the area LT?”
“No sir. Our talks hadn’t reached that far before the 2 hour limit you set came to an end.”
“I suppose the more specific information will take some time to uncover. But on the subject of magic LT. Don’t you think our guns will appear to be magic to them?”
“That’s a good point sir.” LT nodded in agreement.
“Ok. Then let’s help them with their goblin pest control. Their Hunt Master seems like the man to help us track them. So we’ll have him help with the local tracking and guiding. Let’s not go through yesterday’s nightmare of trail blazing. If we help them with the Stovkow raids, for our payment, we’ll be insisting they share their knowledge of magic and access to any books they have in the town. Also, I know I’m just a cadet, but even my common sense is telling me declaring war on an opponent you have very little information is just risky has hell.” Spike said with much concern in his voice. “You sure about this LT.”
“Yes sir I am. These 2 countries have been at each other’s neck for nearly 2 decades. If we destroy the Stovkow raiders. They would think twice about opening up a second front. If Stovkow Kingdom opens up a second front in the Frontier they will lose the east if not then slowly loss their ground in the east. Too much bad blood between these kingdoms will serve our purposes. 1000 soldiers are not small numbers sir. Knight and soldiers cost resources, time and money. They won’t be able to recoup their loses quickly and by then I believe you will be able to summon more of us. Hell sir. If we can get enough resources, I’d love to have you summon us a landship and go to town on these Stovkow brigands.” LT said with that crazy looking eyes.
“Sir, I’m just curious. If you’re going to meet the leaders tomorrow and others in the future, shouldn’t you have a title or something sir?” Corporal Johnson inquired.
“Hm, that’s a good point corporal.” Spike replied not sure of himself to properly answer.
“How about Captain? Then Commander out ranks the lieutenant that way.”
“How about just Commander? Then he will always be the boss.”
“No way, that’s too Navy.”
“What about Presidintie Phoenix?”
“What?” as everyone burst out in laugher.
Bastards! What about some respect for your boss? Spike thought to himself.
“How about simply Lord Phoenix without any additional title.” Sergeant Rector inputted. “This will indicate his higher status and authority without giving out any additional information. And they can assume whatever to their imagination.”
“That’s a damn good idea Sarge. I like it.” Spike jumped in wanting to quickly end this topic.
Perfect. I can use this. As LT smugly smiled to himself.
“Hey LT. Why do you have that villainous look on your face?” ask Spike.
“It’s nothing sir. The situation just seems humorous to me that’s all.” As he continued to show that look while chuckling.
As Spike looked at him with worry. “Well I suppose it is sort of funny.” As he kind of agreed.
“My lord. This was given to farmer Vadin.” As Steward Havington place the bacon wrapped in strange paper. After extensive questioning he had trade the salted bacon for choice meat from the storage. It would be bad form to take something that was a gift. Especially if these strangers were to find out, they could lose face for theft.
“It’s salted bacon my lord.” Hunt Master informed. “I personally verified it.”
“From the description I was able to extrapolate, they do not appear to be heavily armed. Vadin was able to identify some daggers or knives, but that isn’t to say that aren’t properly armed. They may have different types of weapons that we are not familiar with.” Steward Havington explained. “In addition, foreman Vadin said that most of them seem to carry some sort of staves. Perhaps it’s some sort of magic weapon or many of them could be magicians. Given that they all seem very strangely confident.”
“Do you really think they have that many magicians Lord Havington?” asked Lord Daldia.
“I can’t say my lord. It’s unlikely considering how rarely gifted are born. But that’s not in the realm of impossibility. But it’s very obvious these strangers are not from this parts of the world. Most likely from one of the other continents.”
“Then its more imperative we enlist their help and not anger them in any ways.”
“Strangely, Forman also said one of them seemed injured as he was all wrapped in high quality bandages. But that he didn’t move around as if were badly injured. That could simply be from the fight with the goblins from yesterday and they have some sort of healing ability. Which still doesn’t make sense why they would use so much bandages for such minor injury. He also described their food and use of many different spices. From his description, they all seemed very well fed and healthy. I just can’t understand these strangers.” Steward Havington admitted.
“What of you Hunt Master?”
“I don’t think that they are enemy to us my lord. But potential ally.” Staring at the salted beacon. “They have done no harm yet. They could have simply taken prisoners and hostages, then used violence to get what they want. But instead, they came to trade. I had my wolf demi human scout out upstream at the battle site. He reports damage to the terrain that he can’t explain. Which is a high indication of magic usage. And he found this copper based trinket all over the battle site." Showing the spent brass casing. "I nor the other hunters have no idea what it's used for... I say we cater to their wants and milk their strength for our survival. And if things go badly with Stovkow raiders, where the strangers are force to abandon us, then we can say we were coerced by these mages.”
Steward Havington shook his head to Lord Daldia to indicate he has no idea what the brass is for.
“Then we must do what we can to win them over. Pass the word that these strangers are to be treated as honored guest or there will be severe punishment.” Lord Daldia commanded.
“Another thing my lord. Forman Vadin said that the leadership ate last. They made sure the rest of their soldiers ate first. They seem to care for their men.” Steward Havington added.
“Interesting! They seem very benevolent. Or very wise.” Steward Havington commented.
“Lord Phoenix, can you summon up some feed for the horses, sir? It would be bad form for us to let the horses graze on the crops when the towns people are starving.” Asked Corporal Garcia.
“No problem Corporal, where do you want it placed.”
“Anywhere by the trooper team area will do sir.”
Spike burned up 5 mana for 16 serving worth for the horses. Considering it took less than a minute to regen 1 mana point, it’s never a problem to summon anything while not in combat. Even if he was fighting it would not make any difference considering he has no magic knowledge to use the mana.
Soon after Spike settle down for the night to think about his current situation again. He understood and came to term with his relationship with the summon soldiers. It’s a nice feeling to be needed. It’s also very comforting that he isn’t alone out here by himself. But at the same time he felt the Lieutenant was scheming. He didn’t think it was anything malicious to him or the unit. But still, something in his guts is telling that LT isn’t always telling him everything. Which annoyed him.
It’s only been a few days. So for now, Spike decide to go with the flow. Little bit of insecurity, whole lot of confusion, plus not fully understanding military culture, he felt no different from a cherry private right out of training. Basic and Advanced Infantry Training during first summer break, Airborne school and Mechanized School during second summer break just didn’t’ teach him enough leadership skill. His entire time was spent in training environment. And the lack of practical experience made him a bit uneasy when it came to dealing the LT.
Granted, during Basic and AIT, the Cadres had him as Squad Leader and Platoon Guide. But that was it. Simply holding that position during Basic and AIT just wasn’t enough. The leadership course would have been during his third year summer break. Then Advanced Tactical School plus Ranger School to finish off his Infantry Branch schools after graduating from the university. Thus commissioning Spike as 2nd Lieutenant.
But now, but now, Spike repeated to himself. I’m stuck with that evil lord Lieutenant Jung. Then his mind slowly drifted towards the soldier's chit chatting amongst themselves.
“Hey Corporal. So you were in the town. How were the Janes in the town?” one of the private from the rifle team ask expectantly.
Taking a pause to find the right words. In a serious tone Corporal Garcia spoke. “Well Borg. I reckon you wouldn’t find them too attractive. They are all just too skinny from long term malnutrition. Many of them are too short from the effects of growing up without enough food. They smell from lack of proper hygiene. I really don’t think you’d find them attractive. Unless you’re desperate enough.” He concluded with pitied voice with his eyes reflecting it.
“You serious?”
“Yeah. It looks really bad.” PFC Jackson added his opinion. “I couldn’t tell whether they were teenagers or adults. They were so small and scrawny. I could see the fear and desperation in many of their eyes."
“If you’re a real man, you wouldn’t be thinking with lust once you see them with your own eyes. That just isn’t living I tell you.” Corporal Garcia sneered with scorn.
And that nipped the conversation about the local women. As everyone else settled down for guard rotation and rest.
I suppose I can’t blame them for wanting to talk about the local girls. Hell we were all like that after basic. Not having seen any girls for 6 weeks, our first weekend pass was a paradise. Spike remembered with a smile. Hell! Looking back now, even the ugly girls looked good after 6 weeks of sausage party. Shit! Shit! Survive and get strong. Then think about chasing tails you fool. Spike chastised himself.
“Maybe we could teach them better farming techniques?” PFC Korhonen offered.
“What do you mean PFC?” ask Spiked as it pecked at his interest.
“Well sir. Just looking at the light density of the wheat field I can tell that they are scattering the seeds instead of sowing it. That alone would vastly increase their crops. But I suppose the Stovkow raiders showing up during harvest time does not help at all either.”
And the farm boys started to talk how ineffective the current farming technology was as Spike drifted into sleep.
- In Serial68 Chapters
The Isekai Police (aka "Earth's Advocates")
When evil kings summon kids from Earth to be used and abused as fast-leveling soldiers in their petty wars, the Isekai Police will be there to stop them. A group of ex-isekai protagonists in their own right, they utilize their collective skills to fight for the end of summoning abuse. Artyom Choi, cynical ex-hero and founding member of the organization, is sent to investigate the presence of an Earther on an innocently idyllic World where no summoning has supposedly taken place. His mission: rescue the Earther and figure out how he got there. Dark secrets lie beneath the surface of paradise, however. Will he be able to find this new hero and get out before whatever malicious forces brought them there doom them both? Book 1 has been finished! You can read Book 2 here in parallel or even before Book 1 if you want more TOAL than Artyom! https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/47708/the-isekai-police-hero-summonings-are-overrated This story is meant to be a deconstruction of the isekai genre that references and sometimes pokes fun at various tropes. Artyom isn’t some kid whose goal is to amass Levels or a harem. In fact, all he cares about is protecting other Earthers, and won’t let anything like that get in the way! So expect to see: -A mature main character who still has some flaws. -Character development over the course of the story. -No harems! (see last point) -A vibrant world full of interesting people, deep culture, and mysterious lore that gets uncovered as the story goes on. -Plenty of funny moments along the way! -The presence of a few cliched tropes and stereotypes only for the sake of poking fun at them. So step in, take the first leap, and uncover the next hot take on this expansive genre! My discord here: https://discord.gg/Zc8CHSrxVr
8 239 - In Serial8 Chapters
Blood Cursed: Demon of Time
James, the only normal human from super-heroes family, found he was blood cursed by the Demon of Time. The Demon world is about to invade Earth, leading to post appocolypse. The system, the gonverment are corrupted and are the manager of the heroes, some are involved. The bad guys are on top in name of good guys, no one's there to stop them. Joining with someone with the right view, James moves against the system, and dicovers his abilities.
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This is a world where our greatest minds decided to fix the energy problem. It was called Project Zenith: a machine designed to draw energy from the stars and bring immeasurable power. However, on its opening day on new years, it was called by a very different name. Genesis as the machine malfunctioned and the energies were released across the planet. 1.5 billion people died that day but the remaining 45% of the population became...different. Some could shoot energy from their hands, lift buildings and others could turn water into wine. The creator of this cataclysmic event survived and decided that she would turn her greatest tragedy into triumph. She recruited 7 extraordinary individuals to become champions of the planet and bring humanity back from the brink. The world we know is over. All there's left is a world gone mad.
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Shieldmaiden of Gondor - Aragorn Romance
In which a lady of Gondor and the meant-to-be king begin a friendship that will pull them into much more.(Completed)
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Memoirs of an old traveler:First Rebirth
If life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Life sometimes gives you handouts and sometimes not, how would you take control of your life or would you let yourself be adrift on the sea. This is my story of rebirth, the start of a journey between the worlds. Will you take heart from the lessons I have learned or will you take without giving and continue the cycle? ___________________________________ A story with my take on reincarnation, expect somewhat of a more serious writing style but still a bit casual. I like to story build, to craft a universe, so don't expect quick action. Can be a bit of a heavy info read at times so if you don't like that best steer away. Chapters are expected to be at least 1 a week perhaps 2 a week depending on response and how much of an inspiration I get. Credits to multiple authors(too many to count/remember) of both web/light novels and the authors here on RRL for inspiration.
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Complete // Stiles Stilinski [3]
Brianna Hollis is finally returning to Beacon Hills after a long summer away, learning about herself and making new allies. Many thoughts running through her head as to what this year will bring.She hopes this year will finally be normal. That her and her friends will finally get a break. But what she doesn't know is what is yet to come.Creatures of the night. Scientists who worshiped the supernatural. The Dread Doctors.Hell hound. His eyes glow orange and he is impervious to flame.La Bête du Gévaudan. The Beast of Gevaudan.Oh, and there's a new guy in town. Well, new to Brianna Hollis. Not so new to Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski.The Wild Hunt.~~~~~Third book to the "New Girl" Stiles Stilinski series.Based on season 5 & 6Disclaimer: I do not own any content/characters of Teen Wolf. All credits to the writers and creators of MTV's Teen Wolf.
8 136