《Nexus》Ch3 - LT is a meany
Next morning’s departure went much smoother then Spike had expected. Amazingly, everyone zeroed their Springfield with 6 rounds. Or to be exact, the rifle seemed to have been zeroed to each summoned soldier when they were summoned. And they simply confirmed their zero. This bit of knowledge made it very convenient for all future summoned which made LT and Spike very pleased.
Everyone was ordered to pre hydrate before leaving. LT had no idea when they would find water before we reach the stream. This would get them through to lunch and the 1 quart will hopefully last until they reach their destination.
“Sergeant Rector, be sure to gather up the used brass. Even if it’s not much, they may come useful.” Order the LT.
To top it off, they were able to bury and relatively camouflage the munitions last night, speeding up their departure. Spike just hoped that no wild life decides to dig up the crate of munitions, and trigger the booby trap. If something like that happened, they’d blow themselves up with the 15 crates of granades and 16 crates of 30-03 ammos. 15 Crates of grenades going off would make the area very messy.
Before leaving, Washington’s team was designated as Alpha, and Winston’s team as Bravo for call signs.
As the they marched without a machete, the oversize squad had hell making their way down. The bayonets they had were for stabbing, not cutting or slashing. Even their WWI entrenching tools were useless. There were many cursing from sliding, tripping, smacking in the branch, insect bites and such. To top it off, for Spike with his sneaker and T-shirt, in the first hour, he was already filthy from all the tripping and sliding. But most of all the little irritating scratches all over his face, arms and the rest of his upper body where his T-shirts had tears made him look like he just took 50 lashes. And finally continuously getting dirt into his sneakers sucked.
He had too much pride to ask for any spare trench shoes. So he sucked it up and took it. Every scratch, fall, insect bites, sliding, etc. There were whole lot of sucking for Spike as he took each step.
Needless to say, Spike was not having a good day.
Except for dealing with the terrain and vegetation, the day was uneventful. Everyone ran out of water shortly after lunch but were able to reach the stream they were aiming for few hours before sunset. Most of the men were on the verge of suffering from heat exhaustion. So everyone just simply stood in the 6 feet wide foot deep stream to cool off and drink.
As for Spike, he laid in the stream facing the sky. What was left of his T-shirt looked like a rag with scratches all over his torso and arms. The cold water did wonders to cool his body down and lessen the pain from all the cumulated scratches. About a dozen were more than just scratches that should be look at before getting infected.
“Sergeant Rector! I want 2 man upstream and 2 man downstream 25 meter from here for security. Take 15-minute break. Then we’ll move downstream to find a place to camp for the night.” Ordered LT.
This sucks! This really suck hard balls! Spike thought to himself as he was in his own miserable world. This is worst then Gwadamn AIT (advance Infantry Training). I wonder if Ranger school would be just as bad. Fuaaaack! I’m wet with no spare cloths, not even a spare underwear. When the men offered one of their spare uniform, I should have taken it. But I didn’t want to take something from the men for only convenience. I wanted to show them I’m no cheesy city slicker.
“Sir, let’s get you out of the water and have the medic look at your cuts. Some them seem little more than a scratches.” Advised LT.
“Roger that LT.” as Spike dragged himself up and out of the water.
“Come on sir. You look terrible!” commented Corporal Smith as he started to open up his medical packs. “And you mind as well as take off your rag sir.”
“Yeah, I got it” Spike replied a bit embarrassed, as he just realized he didn’t’ even humped any gears nor a rollup during the march but allowed himself to dip in the foot-deep stream. So much for leading by example. Spike thought to himself as he looked at himself in soaked cloths.
Man, what I wouldn’t do for a VTOL or even a helicopter. I wonder when I’ll able to summon them? Spike thought to himself.
“Hehe, the commander is obviously a city slicker” Private Novak commented as he smiled with an amused look on his face.
“That, he sure is.” Agreed Private Borg as they both walked down stream to pull security.
Damn bastards I heard that. I know they didn’t mean no disrespect, but damn!
After drying Spike off and disinfecting his deeper cuts, “I’m going to wrap you up with lots of bandages sir. Considering you have no spare shirt, the extra bandages will serve to keep you warm over the night.” Corporal Smith stated.
“Thanks Corporal.” Spike replied dryly.
“Got any Cigarettes left?” Asked Private Borg after taking a few mouthful of water from the newly filled canteen.
“No, I smoked my supply on the first day. Been so long I couldn’t help myself.” As Private Novak laughed at himself.
“Yeah, I think most of us did. Except for Smith. I think his saving his for trade later.”
“What! Damn. I better go suck up to him when I get a chance. Hehe.”
“Good luck. I tried that already.” Borg informed.
“Huh? Did you see that?”
“What?” Private Borg inquired.
“There!” As Private Novak pointes on the left bank of the calm stream.
“What the hell is…”
A small green humanoid about 100cm tall stood up from a low bush once it was seen by Private Novak. It yelled with a bloodcurdling screech alerting other of its kind. Coming out of the wood line, a dozen more came out to join the screeching one.
“Shit! We got something!” cried out both lookouts as they ran back to the squad.
The screeching sound also alerted the squad.
Behind the 2 lookout as they ran back to the squad, the rest of the group saw more of the green critter showing up armed with spears and short bows.
“Sir get behind Martin and Gonzalez.” Spike quickly complied while pulling out his pistol and got into prone position behind his 2 bodyguards. LT quickly identifying the bows being knocked on by several creatures. “Alpha team take out those creatures with bows, now! Bravo, get ready to throw grenades!” he commanded as he watch the creatures mass up for spear charge. Lieutenant Jung decided to shot first and ask question later considering the fact that their body language showed obvious hostility.
Without anyplace to take cover, Alpha team quickly took kneeling position and snipe the half dozen bowman as they quickly identified them 60 meter down range. With the first firing for the Springfield rifle the green creatures charged with their spear. Half of the creatures were forced to charge through the calm stream.
As soon as they got to about 35-meter, Bravo team stood up on count of 1 to throw their grenades. “3, 2, 1, Grenades!” Corporal Winston shouted in warning. Then everyone went prone position. 5 grenades plus 2 more added from Sergeant Rector and LT created a massive explosive carnage around the spear chargers. The clear calm stream colored with green blood with creature’s inners splattered everywhere and the body parts scattered in and out of the stream. With the devastating effect of the grenades and the explosive sound the few surviving creature’s morals broke and they quickly disappeared into the forest before the sniper could recover from hugging the ground from the grenade explosion.
Looking up from the prone position, “Holy Shit! That was a quick ass battle.” Commented Spike with stunned expression.
“Secure the area. Don’t kill the injured creatures if they don’t resist. And be sure to disarmed them. And don’t forget to police up your brass.” Lieutenant quickly issued orders. Walking up the Spike “You OK sir? No shrapnel wound or anything?” quickly doing a visual check on Spike’s physical status.
Giving thumbs up. “I’m good LT.”
“Very good sir. Now I need to know sir. Did you get any resource points or experience from this?
“Checking.” After a short pause from Spike concentrating. “Yeah. 125 experience and 3.6 resource points.”
“That’s not bad. Let’s do some experimenting. Follow me sir and keep your pistol out.” Walking up to prisoners. “What do you have Sergeant? Are they able to communicate with us?"
“No sir. They simply snarl and sneer at us in anger, for the ones that are able too. I get the impression these creatures don’t like us.” Sergeant Stated. “But considering we just killed the whole lot of them I shouldn’t be surprised. But you know what sir, when I look at them I feel as they are enemy to us in general.”
With that LT. stared back at the eyes of these creatures in silence. “….. yeah I feel like I need to kill them. How about you, sir?” LT asked Spike.
A long pause after staring at the creatures that returned his gaze with hatred, “No, I don’t feel anything from them. If anything, I feel impartial. They look like some sort of a goblin from a fantasy 4D cinema. I don’t feel anything instinctual like you men. Well, except for the obvious hate from their looks”
“Hmm.” Pointing his M1 and killing one of the injured creature without hesitation. “Check your point now sir.”
Surprised and horrified, “Damn LT. that’s some cold blooded shit. Didn’t they teach you about Geneva Convention and shit?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Sir. This Geneva Convention must be something after my time. And sir, might I remind you that this isn’t Earth.” Looking back at Spike with business as normal look. “Besides, they were about to stick us with arrows and spears. I’m not taking any chances of losing any of our valuable men.” He stated strongly.
Damn, this hard ass SOB. But I guess I can’t really fault him for trying his best to keep the men alive. “I got it LT. I see your point.”
“Sir. Points?”
“Ahh right. Give me a second.” After concentrating, “it went from 125 experience to 135 and 3.6 resource to 3.7. No other changes.”
“Sir, when I say this, please understand that I have our best interest at heart sir. And so I’m going to have to ask you to kill one of these critters, sir.” LT asked. I’m sorry sir, but I’m going to have to give you some pain. I will do everything in my power to survive and thrive in this world. I’m not going back to the void because I hesitated in anyways in taking even a smallest advantage for use to survive.
Damn, this cold blooded somabitch. Logically he makes sense and I know why his doing it. So I can’t really fault him, but damn this dude. Taking one step toward the closest goblin looking thing and looking back at LT. “LT, I’ve never killed anything besides insect in my former life.” Spike confessed.
“Well sir, then why did you pull out your pistol when the fight started? It looks like you were ready to kill.”
“I…well… I was just trying to protect myself.” Looking back at LT. “I get what you’re saying LT. sigh,” taking a deep breath Spike walked up to the nearest injured goblin coughing up green blood. Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m not ready for this shit!
As Spike looked into creatures eyes that looked back at Spike with such hatred, he pointed his pistol to the head hesitating a bit.
Calmly speaking. “Every seconds you hesitate sir, this creature suffers in pain. It knows it’s body is already destroyed. Be merciful and give it a clean death sir.” LT almost whispered.
Then Spike pulled the trigger almost closing his eyes. Taking a deep breath gathering his wits he checked his state to distract his mind of the killing. “235 experience and 4.7 resources LT.” Spike reported solemnly and wondered why he didn’t feel so bad after killing this unknown creature. Is it because they are not human? Or is it simply the killing I don't truely dislike?
“Is this what you were verifying LT?” Still staring at the dead corpse missing both legs and guts hanging out.
“Yes sir. And now I’m going have to ask you to personally give the rest of these creatures a merciful death so they no longer suffer, Sir.” LT requested without showing any expression.
Spike slowly turned his head to LT and simply looked at him in the eyes expressionlessly without saying anything.
“Sir we won’t get too many opportunities like this. We should grab them wherever and whenever we can. It’s not like we are killing innocence. And we are still too few in numbers. So we must do whatever we can to survive. If it makes you feel any better, think of it as butchering pig for food. Because that’s essentially what you are doing sir. They are food for us, for use to get stronger. Also sir, I say this as an officer. But, you should never order your men to do something you yourself won’t do.”
Spike looked away and took a deep breath. “No, you are correct Lieutenant.” Much as Spike found this distasteful, if he doesn’t lead by example from the start, he realized that he would be a hypocrite. In the future if he ever orders his men to do something similar because he was emotionally compromised to do it himself, he would truly lose the men’s respect.
Mentally, this bothered him. But emotionally he felt nothing. Perhaps, Spike thought. That’s why he was so bothered.
Spike slowly took several deep breath and hardened his heart and then put the rest of the other 15 injured enemy out of their misery to gained 1500 additional experience and 15 additional resource points. This pushed him up to Level 2 with 1735/3000 experience and 19.6 total resources points. 1 stat point. Mana jump from 24 to 48. Health went from 20 to 40. Personnel from 15 to 30. And Logistic Support from 26 to 52.
When he thought about the extra state point he noticed there was an unused point making it 2 stat points.
Looking at Spike, “I’m sorry that I had to make you do it sir. But being an officer isn’t easy. Sometimes you must judiciously execute even your men for desertion or even in extreme case insubordination during combat. It’s part of being a military leader sir. Doing things, you don’t like, to serve the greater need.” LT gently patted Spike on the shoulder as he walked away to start giving commands. “Sergeant Rector. Let’s get these bodies out of the water. We’ll be going down stream and I don’t want to taste their blood. And don’t forget to loot. We may need some tradeable currency once we get to the town.
After taking a few minutes of giving out orders and inspecting few of the creature’s weapons, LT quickly returned to Spike sitting on the left side of the river bank. Both men actually having thought of this before quickly decided to put the 1 attribute point in too Spirit and bringing it up to 16 there by increasing the personal to 32.
Spike informed LT on the extra unused point. But it was decided to hold on to it for now to have adaptability when they have more information.
“I think we really need couple of machine guns, sir. If there’s more swarms like this or bigger group. We could get in to trouble if we allow them to get into our melee range because we couldn’t kill them fast enough. Rifles aren’t as effective in melee. And having two machine guns will give us more offensive power to make up for our smaller forces.”
“I see. It seems you’ve been thinking about this ahead of time.” Spike observed.
“Yes sir. That’s my job. In addition, I think now that we have enough resource and personnel slot I’m thinking of taking Sergeant Rectors recommendation of putting a team as your body guard.”
Then a sheet of paper materializes in LT’s hand. It was a requisition document for additional soldiers on the cost and total resource points, including a saving of 10%. 2 Machine gun team cost of 4x2=8 and 2 rifle man and 1 corporal to lead the body guard team costing 4 resource team. 8+4=12. 12 x .9 = 10.8. This would leave Spike with 8.8 resources points. Spike reach out and touch the document and affirmed it.
2 machine gun team, 1 corporal, 2 privates in each team appeared. Gunner, spotter and loader. Then 3 riflemen, 1 corporal and 2 privates were also summoned in to complete the bodyguard team.
The new summoned men quickly introduced themselves and organized in to the unit.
Corporal Robinson, Private Thompson, and Private Davis filled up Spikes bodyguard team. Corporal Robinson was put in charge of the bodyguard team.
Corporal Johnson will lead machine gun team 1, Private Williams as a spotter and Private Brown as a loader.
Corporal Miller will lead machine gun team 2, PFC Harris as a spotter, and Private Tylor as a loader.
This brought the total man power to 25, including Spike.
“For now, I feel comfortable with what we have sir. I think we should save some points and wait till we get out of the thick forest. Something tells me we may need to bring in different type of unit.” Looking at the few man being bandaged. “Corporal Smith. What’s the status on the injured?”
“Nothing major Sir. Just cuts and bruises from the debris.” Corporal Smith reported back.
“I understand. We should leave some points for flexibility.” Replied Spike. “Then if you don’t mind LT. let’s move up stream a bit. I don’t want to be down stream of the all the blood. And I don’t feel like being too close to bunch of strange corpse for the night. And it’s getting to late to move too far.”
“Yes Sir.” Nodding in acknowledgment. Looking toward the detail, “Sergeant Rector. Is the detail finished?”
“Yes sir. The corpses have been moved 25 meter into the forest, and as many body parts we could find sir. And properly looted as per your order. We can move out any time. Just waiting on your command sir.” As the men were on standby and alert for potential danger.
The unit ended up moving 300 meter upstream and to set up base on the left bank for the night. The men quickly dug up 2 temporary machine gun position. 1 pointing upstream and the other one pointing downstream. And the rest of the rifle team evenly spread out leaving the command group consisting of the bodyguards, Spike, medic, Sergeant, and LT in the center.
Once the camp site was set, the command team looked over the loot. Few rusted sword, rusted spearhead and all poorly made short bows that looked like a child’s toy, also with rusted and filthy arrowhead.
“The accuracy must be terrible with these bows. Luckily nobody got hit by these filthy arrowheads or some of us would be suffering from tetanus.” Sergeant Rector stated.
“That’s a good point Sergeant. Everyone get their tetanus shots?” seriously asked Spike.
“What was that sir?” asked LT.
“You know, vaccine for tetanus.” He stopped himself short. “No, I suppose it’s possible the vaccine wasn’t available during your time.”
The men just looked at him not really understanding Spike’s comment.
From the loot they came to conclusion that these creatures where mostly prehistoric level to bronze age. Beside the miss match well-crafted ornaments and coinage they had, the creatures showed no signs of real commerce. From the looks of the creature, Spike was fairly sure they were some sort of goblin type. The green skin, large pointy ears, large eyes and very large wicked witch of the east nose.
“With your approval sir, I’d like to designate these goblin type of creature as kill on sight. They seem more animalistic if you ask me and I don’t think we would be able to properly communicate with them.” LT. advised. “And just so you know sir. After we killed them I feel pretty good and uplifted. And I observed the men. I can see that they seem to be energetic as well. Right Men?!”
Everyone chimed in agreement.
Earlier, the men did report general feeling of hostility toward the creatures. Maybe I should trust their instinct. Their instinct has been more or less correct so far. “Alright, I will trust your instinct on this LT. It seems things that pertain to your survival is very instinctual so far. So I will trust in your judgement.”
From Spikes era, goblins in 4D cinemas were often portrayed as evil minions of stronger master. So after thinking about it, he didn’t feel so guilty anymore. Or is he still being effected from his death he wondered.
“A question LT.” Now that there were some extra points Spike wanted to know if LT could requisition future weapons to save points. “I was wondering if you are able to requisition any equipment from your future?”
“No sir.” Pausing for a few seconds. “I only see listings from my era.”
“That’s a pity.” Spike went back to his own thought. No gunship then.
They had no other incident during the night. However, they hear many wild critters of some type fighting for the carcasses downstream all night.
“Looks like the local wild lives are having a feast tonight.” Corporal Johnson commented during his guard shift.
“Better down there then where we’re at Corporal.” Private Williams replied as he looked downstream.
“Hey put that shit away Private. You trying to get us killed?” Corporal order as Private Brown was about to light his cigarette.
“Sorry Corporal. I couldn’t help it. After all these years, I came back with this shitty habit.” Private Brown replied apologetically pocketing the cigarette packet.
“Lord Daldia. This time, the thundering sounds were much closer. Many of the towns people outside heard it was well.” Havington reported with concern in his voice. “Should I ask Hunt Master to look into this matter?”
“No. This may be more then he can handle. We can’t afford to lose him. He needs to keep hunting to increase our meat supply before the impending raids.” Look at a sheet of report. “It’s almost harvest time. Those brigands will soon be upon our land to steal our hard earned labor.” Lord Daldia lamented. As he knows his people will starve again this winter.
Each year is the same. Damn, what I wouldn’t do for some strong wine! With yearly shortage of food from the raids Daldia township lacked the vital resources to produce any sort of alcohol. Food is just too critical for their survival.
“Have all the villagers from the hamlet reported in?” Lord Daldia asked.
“Yes my lord. Hunt Master had already given out warning to the hamlet and the villagers were already packed to move out before the messengers even arrived.”
“Malikai is a good man. We are fortunate to have him.”
“Baron Myojhuk! My loyal retainers have informed me that you’ve step beyond your boundaries. I am very disappointed with you.” Margrave Kyzdon chastised. Sitting on his audience room looking very imposing surrounded by his battle hardened elite veteran bodyguards. Every personal guard tested in the eastern war.
An elderly man in the twilight of his life. Margrave’s blue eyes showed a penetrating look. Wearing a fine red silk robe. Many gem encrusted rings on his fingers, each with intricate designs to show a master craftsmanship. And long gray hair flowing loosely held in place by a golden circlet.
With a surprised expression. “What do you mean my Lord Kyzdon? I don’t understand.” Asked Baron Myojhuk standing before his liege.
“Don’t play the fool with me Baron.” Margrave shouted as he slammed his fist on the throne armrest. “You stirred up the goblins in the west to give you an excuse enslave all the Daldia township. Did you think I wouldn’t know? The very fact you are standing before me to ask permission to send in an invasion force instead of a raid proves your guilt.”
“I ...I..” the young Baron stammered. At the age of 28, his good looks have given him much confidence with women everywhere. A strong facial structure with dark hair and emerald green eyes, tempered with sturdy body from many years of knight’s training, people would say it’s only natural for him to pull many women of all ages.
“I had plan for the west after this god forsaken war in the east was concluded. An empty frontier is completely useless to me you short sighted greedy fool. Who will work the land once I take control of it. You? You, incompetence!” Margrave declared.
While the Stavkow Kingdom was waging decades long war against the Theolemor Kingdom over territory dispute after a group of adventurer discovered a lost city with unknown wealth and knowledge, the Frontier territories were stabilizing and expanding. This created a long term threat to the Stavkow Kingdom. There were many fears that while the 2 kingdoms were embroiled in the decades long war the frontier would form a Kingdom of their own and be a threat to Stavkow from the west. It did not help that more commoners were fleeing to the frontiers to avoid being drafted into the war.
To remedy the situation, the royal family, in secret, promised Margrave Kyzdon future rights to expend their territory into the Frontier for keeping the frontier weak. In addition to sending slave soldier to fight in the east with food supplies from the raids. Once the war was over, the Royal family promised not to create a new territorial charter with new nobility, but would give Carta Blanc to the Margrave family. Which would in time raise his family peerage to Dukedom.
“I still need you to secure slaves for our conscript quota, but do so after the frontier deals with the goblin problem you created. Also, there will be no harvesting of their food. You will provide them yourself as your disciplinary action. And don’t you even think I wouldn’t know if you step over your boundary again.” Margrave order with scorn. “Do not disappoint me again Baron! Now get out my sight! Just looking at you makes me seethe with anger!”
Waiting after the door closed behind the Baron. A man wearing a hooded clock, covering most of his face, silently walks up to the side of the throne and bows waiting patiently.
“Good job Sir Alexi!” With a wave of his hand a servant boy walks up to the Knight with a tray with a coin pouch on it.
“As it pleases you your Grace.” The knight bows again then takes the pouch as it jingled. “Should I have my men keep him farther under observations you grace?”
“Yes, do so.” Answering without hesitation. “He lacks his father’s wisdom. Maybe his younger brother will serve better?” Margrave mused coldly.
Too often has the Margrave Kyzdon heard of the debauchery of the young baron. Living off his father’s glory the young baron grew up weak. If he reduced his debauchery life style he wouldn’t always be short on coins, Margrave thought to himself.
7 years ago, the Margrave had personally asked the crown to elevate Sir Myojhuk post-humanly to a baron. When Margrave personally participated in the eastern war, Sir Myojhuk had save the Margraves life at the expense of his own. To reward him for his life time of service and personal sacrifice, the Margrave petitioned for a new Baron peerage to be created to be inherited by Sir Myojhuk’s heir. But disappointingly the apple fell too far from the tree with the first born.
If it were not for the discovery of the ruins he would have used his resources to annex Daldia and many other towns in the frontier and kept expanding. But whoever controls the ruins will reign dominance in the area. Just as it happened to the Kindarth Empire directly north of them. So he was forced by the crown to support the war effort at all cost.
The discovery of ancient ruins always signal a change. Lost knowledge and wealth always brings about change to those who control it.
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Dungeon Man Sam is a character-focused slow burn dungeon-building litRPG with elements of crafting Real Time Strategy. It updates 6 days a week, with a break on Saturdays. Dungeon Man Sam Vol. 1, Dungeon Man Sam and the Orphaned Core is now available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! Official Dungeon man Sam Discord! Drop by and say hello! We're still tiny, but if you wave to me I'm always happy to wave back and chat! --------------- In a world where dungeons function as the backbone of national economies, dungeon construction is big business. Wealthy nations spend millions to have the best dungeon builders construct labyrinthine edifices full of the most dangerous traps and planted with the strongest dungeon cores in the hope of luring powerful adventurers in to retrieve the treasures generated deep within. Samuel Tolliver works for his father, who runs the finest construction crew on the continent. It is a good life, one that keeps him close to family and that earns him enough money to pursue his inventions when he has a free moment. He even has something of a talent for fixing things and keeping the various bits of equipment running. It should have been the best job in the world. There's just one problem. Sam hates dungeons and wants to destroy them all some day. And he's got the plan to do it, too. But life has a way of throwing curveballs at you. When a series of disastrous events that he himself set in motion culminates in Sam winding up dead, he thought that was the end of it. Until a voice came to him and offered him a deal, one he simply couldn't refuse. Now Dungeon Man Sam has returned to life as the guardian for a strange new dungeon core, one that will turn everything he knows about the world upside down and force him to set aside his hatred of dungeons. For the sake of himself, his friends, and his family, Sam must construct a dungeon like the world has never seen before and defend it against all comers, be they monstrous or adventurous. If he succeeds, he'll get to see his family again. If he fails, everyone he knows will fall into the grave. And somewhere beyond the range of his knowledge, something ancient and terrible stirs and takes notice. Dungeon Man Sam: When all you have is a hammer, you build. --------------- This Is A Work In Progress: This isn't the final form of Dungeon Man Sam, there's gonna be some typos, and things may change between chapters as I realize "crap, I didn't set that up nearly as well as I thought I did". I'll let you know if anything like that happens, and if you notice anything that you think is worth pointing out, feel free to let me know! Hope you enjoy the story!
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