《Nexus》Ch2 - Hill with no name.
Sleeping on the hard ground, Spike woke up with a stiff neck. And from the smell, breakfast will be the similar soup type from yesterday. The Reserve Ration simply didn’t have enough variety and the men were using local wild plant life to supplement the taste.
Damn, so I really died. Spike thought to himself as he walked to the edge of the clearing to relieve himself.
Walking back after a quick morning relief, “Morning Men!” as more men stirred to wake up.
“Morning Sir!” men waking up by the fire greeted back.
“How are you feeling Sir?” ask Sergeant Rector.
“I feel fine Sergeant. Thanks. Little bit of sleep seemed to have helped. I just find it a bit strange from my lack of emotional attachment to my former life. If anything I feel relieved and frustrated that I don’t feel anything from the former life.” Spike replied. “In any case, how much do you know what’s going on?”
“Actually Sir, we know quite a lot for things that affects us. We all understand that we need to live in this place, if you can call it that. And grow strong to gain enough energy for our souls to move on. But once we gain enough spiritual strength anything extra will help us into our next life. As I briefly mentioned yesterday. So it’s not only an opportunity to finally move on, but a chance to live a better life in the next world.” Sergeant Rector explained.
“But you know sir, this Nexus place is like living another life before the next. Something like an appetizer. But we all also innately know that if we are unable to ever move on from the nexus, or after certain recycles if we are given any, when our spiritual energy has been completely drained, we will simply seize to exist. Unfortunately, no one knows the said number of recycle if we keep failing.”
Ok! Right. These men need me.
“I see. So we have a symbiont relationship. We need each other’s help to gain this spiritual energy while we are in the Nexus and get the hell out.” Spike commented. “I’ve heard this ‘better life’ term multiple times now. And I kind of remember you mentioning it yesterday. Can you explain this term?”
“I think it is something along the line of being born a genius or rich parent, being talented, or some sort of higher status. Basically a stronger start up in the next life and more. At least this is what we all feel. And it seems to be linked to you. Do you not feel it Sir?”
“No. is it strange that I don’t?” Spike asked.
“Hmm, well perhaps you are different. Considering that you have unique powers to summon us and you don’t have our problem. We have been drifting in some unknown void for god know how long. And we all have a sense of this world like some sort of instinctual knowledge. Not specific knowledge, but something more along the general knowledge, but unable to find the right words to say.” Looking at the other soldiers eating breakfast. “Any of you men sense something different?” Sergeant Rector asked the men.
Everyone replied no, minus the 4 pulling security who are not present.
“By the way Sir, your eyes are red, I mean they are not exactly, but kind of blood red. It’s a strong indication something is different about you.”
“What?” raising his life eyebrow.
“You should take a look at yourself when you get a chance later, but your eyes stand out.”
“I see. Well there is nothing we can do about how pretty my eye color is. Thank you for share your knowledge.” Said Spike. “Then let’s discuss our next move. We need information. and the closest place for information is that town, at least it looks like a town, about 7 klicks away.” Pointing upward. “And the 3 suns in the sky tells us nothing of how to navigate. So we need to get into that town and make contact. If I decide to go I’m fairly sure you men would stop me from doing it. So who wants to volunteer? Or maybe I should go but take everyone as security?”
“Well Sir.” Corporal Winston pitched in. “I think we’d all like to keep you lock up some place nice and safe, but I don’t think this is how it works. Because, we all feel a bit of instinct to keep you alive as if you die, we would truly be fucked. Not only that, but there is that instinctual need to obey your command, not as some sort of mental slave, but more of survival need.”
“Yeah, I feel that too.” Few of the other men chimed in. and others nodding in agreement.
“So, insulating you from the world is not the best option, especially when you are making command decision.” Corporal Winton followed up.
“Aright then. We’ll stay another day at least,” glancing at the large pile of munition, “and bury the ammo crates. Then in the morning we’ll think about moving out to the town. I think it’s a bad idea to separate our small group. By the way. Has anyone seen any wild life yet?”
“No Sir. No of the men reported anything yet. Perhaps we are too high up on this large ass hill. However, Private Kirk heard some noise during his guard rotation last night. He thought it was some sort of small wild life. But without visually seeing it to confirm it’s hard to say.”
“Ok. That reminds me, anyone come with a binocular?”
“That’s a negative Sir. Those are for Platoon leaders and up. Or often picked up from the dead.” Replied Sergeant Rector.
Damn, I don’t want to burn what few points I have for a binocular.
“Ok. Sergeant Rector, do you think I should summon a Louie? I can summon 2 more soul. But I also don’t have much resources to summon replacement if we lose men.
“Every gun counts Sir. And if you could I’d like at least 1 medic for keeping us alive from recoverable injuries.”
“That’s a good point. 1 corpsman and having a Lieutenant early on would be a good. He can help me build up…. And I’d really like to get access to a Bino.” Quickly making his decision. “So be it!”
Spike focused on summoning and burned up the last of his points. 5 points for Lieutenant and 2 points for an experience Medic. Spike figured having an experience Medic now would save lives.
“Lieutenant Jung reporting for duty Sir!”
“Corpsman Corporal Smith reporting for duty Sir”
More than few snickers were heard with an introduction of another Smith.
“At easy.” You kidding me! Another Smith.
“Alright, everybody else back to detail. Let’s go!” Sergeant Rector ordered.
“Grab a spot on the ground LT, we still have some food from breakfast left. Medic Smith you also. While you are eating, I’ll bring you up to speed.” Putting his hand out to Lieutenant Jung for proper handshake. “Spike Phoenix.” Spike introduced himself. Then others, the Sergeant and the Corporals introduced each other to the Lieutenant before getting on with digging and pulling security.
Spike spent the next hour briefing both LT and medic on their situation. But Spike also briefed the Lieutenant on his abilities so he can help in his long term summoning for better tactical planning.
“And as my education is incomplete, I’d like you to help me complete the military aspect of it. And you’ll be helping me build the platoon you will eventually command. But right now, we need information. So tomorrow morning I’m thinking we’ll move to the town down the valley.”
“I understand Sir. I’ll give you my best. But I can only teach what I learned as I’m only a 2nd Lieutenant. I died on my second battle from a germen sniper.” Lieutenant Jung replied humbly.
Spike thought the Lieutenant was just simply down playing his ability. He seems more confident than what he says.
“Very well. Then we'll both learn as we go. 2 heads are better than 1 unripe cherry. You should go talk to sergeant Rector and get to know the men. And come up with some recommendation. We will talk after, but I need to talk to Corporal Smith” Spike said.
“Yes Sir.”
“Corporal Smith.”
“Considering the fact that you are the only medic we have to keep us alive, we don’t need you to be a hero. If anything, you may have to wait for the injured soldiers to be brought to you. At least wait until we get more medics before you charge out to the injured. You understand this?”
“Yes Sir. Loud and clear.”
“Also, I know you came with your medical pack, but you are allowed to use all expendable medical supplies without reservation. Just let me know when you are low on anything and I can summon as much as you need.”
“Yes Sir. That’s good to know sir.”
With the help of Corporal Smith medical knowledge, Spike was able to familiarize all the medical supplies that are used at the corpsmen’s level. Over time, Spike felt confident that he will quickly master the list. In addition, he also learned more than his first aid level from his past training from the combat life saver course.
“We’re still missing 2 shelter half.” Commented Sergeant Rector.
“Smith and Borg are still out on patrol they’ll be rotating in soon Sarge.” Corporal Washington replied.
“Hmmm that’s fine, I think 11 shelter half should be enough. After you pack the dirt hard, be sure to cover up the dirt with dry leaves. I don’t want the local wild life digging up the ammo crates. And don’t forget to booby trap the crate with the grenades.”
“I’ll take care of it Sarge” Corporal Washington stated.
As the men were covering up the crate with the shelter half to prep for burying and cover up. Lieutenant Jung walks up to the ammo detail team.
“Sergeant Rector.”
“How are you doing Sir. Glad you can join us.”
“Damn good to be here.” LT acknowledge. “Finally, out of that shit hole of a void.” Extending his hand to Sergeant Rector, properly greeting each other. “The commander just brought me up to speed and I’m making a quick change. Seems the commander isn’t taking his personal security serious enough. Considering his situation, I suppose it’s to be expected for a while.”
“Yes Sir.” Agreeing with the lieutenant.
“Let’s pull 1 man from each team, put them as permanent bodyguard. He’s our life line and we also have duties to keep him alive so the commander is given opportunity to call up other souls. So who do you recommend for the job.”
“That’s a good call Sir. Hmmm. I was initially thinking of putting an entire team as his bodyguard. Hmm. Let’s pull PFC Martin and Private Gonzalez. Martin! Go find Corporal Winston and tell him Gonzalez has been reassigned. Tell him I’ll explain the change when he comes in for rotation. Then both you and Gonzales report to the commander for permanent body guard duty.”
“Roger that Sarge.” Happily, Private Gonzalez replied as he quickly gathered up his gears and moved out with a purpose.
“Lucky bastard!” Private Jones shaking his head cursing as he kept digging a large hole in the ground.
“By the way Sergeant, have the men zeroed their rifle yet?”
“Not yet LT. When we were summoned yesterday and the commander seemed more interested in not bluntly revealing our location. And considering we are high up on the hill I was concerned how much the sound would travel. So I had planned to do so right before we left this hill.”
“I see. Then we’ll do as you planned and zero the rifle on the morning we move out of here. I also noticed the commander isn’t armed.”
“Ah. Well Sir. When were summoned, it was apparent the commander was going through some shock as he had just died and dropped in to Nexus. And will sir, I was a bit concerned he may hurt himself. And ultimately I believe he could summon any resources he needs, but from the earlier statement from the commander I overheard, he seems to indicate there are some restrictions I don’t fully understand yet. In any case, at the time, my main concern was security while the commander was give some time to figured himself out”
“Ok, I understand. I’ll take care of it.”
“Thank you Sir.”
“Before we bury the munitions,” as the LT looked over the item names on the crates, “what’s our current load out on the ammo?”
“Everyone is loaded with the standard 11 5 round clip, including the clip in the Springfield, 9 additional clip stuffed in their pockets, 40 additional round in their rollup. 4 grenades each. With the standard M1911 pistol load out. Should I increase anything sir?”
“No, the commander can summon them at will whenever he wants to.”
“That’s good to know sir. Ah, for your information sir. There are no city slickers here sir. All of our boys can shoot. Which is a blessing amongst the first of us to be summoned.”
“That’s really great Sergeant. I suppose only thing I can think of are the ammos… have some extra for the zeroing so we don’t use up our load out”
“Yes Sir!”
We are too light. We need couple of machine guns, at least one, but there is nothing we can do about it now. The commander needs more resource points and somehow his personnel limitation needs to change to higher value. Pondering the information Spike shared. This world is just too weird. It feels like some sort of strange game. After the commander explained everything to me, there is no other way a grown ass man would think.
Fine! Then let us play this game. I will do my damnest to protect my King so my pawns get promoted. And we will rule the board. But most of all, I don’t want to drift back to that void ever again. I won’t miss out on this chance to move on and to better myself and my next life. I am ready. Let’s do this. Bring it!
After making his round of the parameters, he pulled out his binocular to get a closer look at the town, but it was simply too far. Only thing they could make out was the fact it was some sort of a town with clearing around the town. Most likely farm fields.
I wonder if I should just take a team and go recon the town. The town may be hostile, and are they even humans living there? What if they were some different sentient beings instead? Something tells me not everything in this world are humans.
Lieutenant thought to himself as he walked toward the commander. First Mission. Survive!
As Spike was deep in thought staring in to the flame LT walked up and announced himself.
“Sir, I just talked to Sergeant Rector. We’ll be assigning PFC Martin and PVT Gonzalez as your body guard.”
“I see. I suppose it’s an obvious decision.” Nodding to acknowledge bodyguards’ assignment.
“And I believe instead of going directly to the town,” as he grabs a spot in front of the fire. “let’s spend some time reconing the town’s surroundings. Once we get close enough my bino will actually be useful. Also sir, a quick question. Can you explain your logistic option of your ability?”
Having a formal education in military strategies, Lieutenant Jung felt he needed it quickly understand the Logistic Support.
“Hmm, let me focus.” After a short pause. “Interesting, I thought it was simply how many heavy equipment I can summon. In addition, if I designate any piece of equipment, they do not suffer from normal wear and tear from everyday usage. Only from actual combat damage during enemy engagement. So If I designate your rifle LT. you no longer have to do any daily maintenance.”
“That’s excellent sir. Can you designate all of our M1 then? I’d hate for them to take damage from the environment for simply carrying them. Especially when replacement parts are not available.”
Quickly willing it his logistic slot gets filled to 14/26. Corpsman did not come with M1.
“I think I will us up the other 12 left over slot on the pistol. Any request on who LT?”
Unfastening his pistol belt and handing it over the Spike. “This one is for you, sir. We can’t have you unarmed even with your body guards and I still have my M1. For the other 11 slots, I recommend we designate it for the Sergeant, 2 team leader and Corpsman Smith. And everyone but the 3 privates in Corporal Winston’s team. And that will use up all the Logistic slots.”
“Done. Also, I was planning to stay here for few more days. But now that I have you LT. let’s move out tomorrow morning. I feel if I delay our departure, I may never leave this hill.”
“Very good sir. And thanks for your vote of confidence sir.”
“By the way LT. let me borrow your Bino. I want to check out the valley from the glade entrance.”
Handing over the binocular case. “Roger sir. Also Sir. Next time, before you use your resource points let me know. I seem to have an ability to activate a requisition skill. It seems to indicate that it can reduce your resource cost. But I have no idea by how much until we try.”
“That’s outstanding LT. Shit! If I had known this from the beginning I would have summoned you first! Damn!”
“We learn as we go sir.”
“Roger that LT.”
“Man! Those lucky bastards. They got a sweet job of standing around looking puurtty!” complained Private Jones as he was literary up to his neck in dirt digging.
“Quit your yapping and keep digging Private” Corporal Winston warned.
“Corporal Winston. Where’s Sergeant Rector?”
“He took Corporal Washington down the slope to scout out a path off this hill sir.”
“I see. I want you to start burying the munitions Corporal.” As the LT look down into the pit. “We will be leaving the AO tomorrow morning. So be sure everyone gets a good night rest. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”
“Going down will be a bitch sir. I’m not even sure if we can make it down by tomorrow.” Reported Sergeant Rector.
“It’s that bad?”
“We’ll have to make a lot of detour as we go down. Between the impassible vegetation’s and natural terrain, it will be time consuming as we look for a safe path. Better safe than breaking bones sir.”
“Alright then. We can expect 2 days to travel down. No problem. It’s not like we’ll have shortage of food. Perhaps on water.” Spike stated reflecting on his land navigation courses. “Actually that’s not a bad idea. There’s usually a stream or a small river in the center of the valley coming down from the large hill like this. Judging from the contour line I saw earlier there should be a decent size stream. Let’s head straight to the center of the valley and use the stream. Then we won’t have to worry about water and causing heat casualty from lack of drinking water. 1 quart of canteen just isn’t going to cut it. In my time we carried 6 quarts of water as standard.”
“That’s a good idea sir. Let’s do that.” Supported LT. “In addition, Corporal Washington, since you did the recon, you take lead on the first half the day then switch out with Corporal Winston’s team on the latter half. This may be a last night for a decent rest for a while, so everyone be sure to get some good rest.” LT finished off as he looked at each ones face for conformation.
Dressed in a Simple brown common robe Lord Karen Daldia sat at his office overlooking the center of the city. A large water fountain that was once a simple water well now serves as water reserve. And surrounding it in circular formations are various merchant stall trading what little goods have to sell. In the past, there were less bartering and more coins exchanged. But those were better days.
A middle aged man who now looks 20 years older than his actual age from a decade long stress and depression from being powerless. What was once a healthy dark brown hair have turned completely gray, addition to many stress wrinkles effecting his once handsome face. His clear blue eyes now affected from constant sleepless night showed his desperation.
For 4 generations, Daldia family had worked hard to build up this town 30 kilometers outside of the Stavkow Kingdom. It was the hope of Daldia family that one day they would be invited to join Stavkow Kingdom as minor nobility and find support to tame the frontier farther west. But for the last decade, instead of invitation, Baron Myojhuk with the support of his liege Margrave Kyzdon have raided his township territories and other township nearby.
Whenever Margrave’s territory experiences any economic short falls the frontier territories are raided for supplies and slave labor. When that happens, the only thing Karen could do is barricade the town and try to minimize the damage and the loss of his precious citizens. Between the loss of resource and manpower from Stovkow raids and the frequent plagues, Daldia township is one of many towns and villages in the west of Stavkow Kingdom that is slowly dying.
Each year like many other townships they each lose an average of 20 farmers, mostly men who will eventually be force to fight as slave soldier in the east. And occasionally youngers girls to work as prostitutes. What was once a thriving population of 2000 is now a population of little over 1000. Daldia is one of many towns that are quickly being down grade to a village.
The raids took more men in the earlier days, but now there are less men for the slave raiders. This has left many widows and fatherless children and the lack of men has created overpopulation of women who are not as suited for the long strenuous labors on the farms.
Lord Daldia has made many adjustments to the towns internal infrastructure, but in their current situation, they could only survive. If the township experiences another plague like 2 years ago, they may not be able to survive in the future.
One of the of the reason Kyzdon hasn’t completely sieged Daldia township is that they would lose too much of their war potential and having to feed and maintain too many slaves would be a loss to them. Hence it’s more beneficial for Kyzdon Margrave to raid each year for easy profits.
Slamming his fist on his work table. “Damn! Bastards!” Lord Daldia cried out in frustrations. All the painstaking work of 4 generations. At least my poor father didn’t have to witness this. He lamented.
While Karan Daldia looked out the yellow color glass window purchased decades ago in better times, a knock at the door brought his attention. “Come in.” he ordered.
Covered in brown leather armor, fully shaved head, loyal Havington, Steward of Daldia family walks in with troubled look on his face. Once a powerful warrior who settled down in Daldia town to raise his family.
“Forgive me my lord, but I bring troubling news from the hunters. They’ve found multitude of goblin tracks at the Whitestone hamlet. There have been no attacks yet, but the Hunt Master Malikai assists it’s only a matter of time. I also agree with his assessments. The Whitestone has yet to start harvesting.” Lord Daldia simply listened with deep expression. “We can send out some of our guards while they harvest, but they would be easily dispatch by any Margrave Kyzdon’s raid party outside of the town fortification or simply get overwhelmed if the goblins numbers turn out to be more the expected.”
Looking extremely fatigued. “Gods must be damning us Havington.” He muttered. If he brings in the Whitestone folks behind the town fortification without the harvest, the town will face starvation over the winter. If he keeps them out to harvest he may loss them all to the Stovkow raid party or the goblin raid. “Now we know why there hasn't been any traders from farther west for so long. The goblin must have either gotten to them. Are we the last human settlement this far out!” He commented.
In the pass, independent hunters would turn up with games and skins to trade for food and tools, but over the years the numbers of hunters left were but a handful. Now, it’s apparent they are no more.
“Does the Hunt Master have any idea how big the goblin raid party is?” Lord Daldia asked?
“The Hunt Master assessment is that there are multiple goblin raid group. If they were to merge into one group, he believes them to be in the range of 400 goblins plus. He believes that if something isn’t done soon, we may loss all the hamlets in our control my lord. So not only Whitestone, but all of our crops are in danger besides the ones outside of our immediate town. Master Malikai also reports that there were multiple sounds of unusual thunder sound in the distance. He believes it came from the top of the valley hilltop. His not sure if it has any relation to the goblins. There has been no record of goblin shaman every using any lightening base magic. Unless there is a mastermind behind their movement. And that is a possibility my load.”
The more Havington spoke, the more Karan Daldia dreaded. With only 10 knights, 50 guards, and conscripts during towns defense, 3 layers of trench and wooden fortifications. There is no way he could effectively protect the township without taking sever damage to the population. Even if all the able men fought that would only give me about 200 mostly fodders soldier. Then come midwinter, it will be a slow death from starvation.
Daldia’s family is well known for fire magic which has kept any raiders from actually assaulting the town defense. But he is also kept locked up in the town during this time for town defense.
The raid force is simply too large. Every year Stovkow sends about 1000 battle harden soldiers from the eastern war. Then they always break off in the smaller groups in plunder the harvest and rape of the local girls they capture. Already, many young girls have had given birth too many bastard children nobody wants.
If Lord Daldia started to hunt the raid groups, then they’ll simply regroups and assault the town in his absent. The only saving grace from these raid is that the raiders never burn nor kill unnecessarily. They plan to keep harvesting slaves and crops yearly. It would not benefit them in the long term.
“Do you think Baron Myojhuk will accept our plea?” Lord Daldia asked, thinking about the goblin raid party.
“Judging from the last 10 years of interaction, I’m afraid not my lord.” Havington regretfully replied. “He cares not for anything except for the growth of his personal power. The goblins in our mist will benefit him during his raid. Therefore, if he is given a chance, most likely the entire town and the surrounding hamlet will be enslaved and sold off for profit then anything of value looted.” Giving a hard look into Lord Daldia’s eye, “My Lord! To be frank, I would rather fight to the death and take from him then live as a slave and let them profit from my enslavement. After 10 years of resentment from all the suffering we have experienced in their hands. I feel confident in saying that I believe the rest of the men feel the same as I my lord.” Finishing his declaration in defiantly.
“So, slow death it is. Even with my power it will not be enough it seems. We need a miracle.” Lord Daldia regretting even asking Havington his thought. It should have been obvious to him considering the man had lost all his sons to the Margraves raiding forces. If it wasn’t for his wife and daughters still living in the town, I think he would have gone to wage a one-man war in the Margraves territory. “We’ve no choice. Bring everyone in from all the hamlet.” We’ll just have to figure something out after the raid season.” He declared.
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[Featured by @HistoricalFiction, @WattpadHistoricalRomance, @action, @talesofthedeep, @adventure, @WattpadESL, @WattpadSeries, @NARomance @StoriesUndiscovered]Eva did everything but follow the rules. No one seemed to understand her. Suffering domestic violence, she used humor to hide how alone and unwanted she truly felt. However, everything changes when her uncle arrives in Curaçao. After he introduces Eva to the world of piracy, her life sets a new course, but not everything was what it appeared to be. Will Eva finally find true happiness as a pirate? Or the challenges will overwhelm her and bring even more sorrow?Warning: violence, physical abuse, swearing, cursing, alcohol consumption, and mild sexual content.A/A = Action/Adventure Some awards:🥇1st place in The Mysfic Awards 2021 (Action)🥇1st place in The Candy Cane Awards (A/A)🥇1st place in the Library Awards - Fall 2020 (Special Genre and perfect score)🥇1st place in The Fairytale Awards 2020 (A/A and highest/perfect score) 🥇1st place in the Scarlet Awards 2020 (A/A)🥇1st place in The Aureate Awards (A/A)🥇1st place in the Jam Fest Awards 2021 (Best Fight Scene)🥇1st place in the Sweet Treats Awards (Best Main Character and perfect score)🥇1st place in The Spotlight Award (Best Opening Chapter) 🥇1st place in The Leaves Awards 2021 (Historic Fiction)🏆Best Fight Scene & Best Emotional Scene in the Grandiose Mini-Awards🏆Best Main Character in The Golden Flower Awards 🏆Best Female Lead in the Spark Awards 2020🏆The Best Main Character (MC) in The Aureate Awards🏆Best Blurb in the Dream Hearts Awards #1 in pirateadventure, piratecaptain, buccaneer, talesofthedeep, pirateship, and piracy#2 in pirateship and mixedgenre#4 in stealing #6 in piracy#12 in caribbean and actionpacked#112 in historicalfiction This book and its characters are mine, but the pictures and songs are not.
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