《Nexus》Ch1 - Not Hell Nor Heaven
Woot! I'm excited. First Chapter. If any see some problem please let me know. It will be a while before I figure out what works for me as I find my style of writing.
PS. I really hate info dumps. So it will effect how I write.
“Greetings Chris Garcia!”
“What?” “What the Hell” as Chris stumbles to get his bearing and feeling for injuries on his body from the gun shots. Chris found himself floating in darkness surrounded by endless stars. The pains, where… So I must have died and gone to hell.
“No. Not Hell. This is in-between life.” states a monotone feminine voice.
As Chris looks to the direction of the voice, he sees a feminine silhouette of soft light. If he didn’t know any better, he would judge it to be some sort of an energy being.
“Are you some sort of a Goddess?” asked Chris. “Or an Angel to judge my soul?”
“What I am, is irrelevant. And no. I am not here to judge you. What I offer you is a chance to start with a winning lottery in your next life Chris Garcia.” The voice replied.
“What do you mean by Lottery?” asked Chris while squinting his eyes at the silhouette.
“I’m just borrowing your word as you seem to like to use the word Lottery so much. I suppose in a sense you can consider yourself to have won the lottery to be picked for this opportunity.” The voice replied amusingly in its own monotone voice. Chris though he could almost see the silhouette smile with that.
Without sensing any hostility from the silhouette, “Can you please explain more in detail. I’m finding it hard to take this all in, considering I just died.” Chris asked slowly.
“For whatever reason, the Multiverse has chosen you to participate in the Nexus. It is a place where the universes intersect one another. Those who are chosen will live as they would without natural death. Only way to die is to be killed. Your objective is to grow strong in any way you can. You are one of uncountable multitude throughout time who has, who are, and who will participate in the Nexus. Some will befriend you, some will ignore you, and others will seek your death for power.” The being continued to inform in a monotone voice.
“Like all the other participant, you will be given abilities to help you survive and thrive if you are strong enough. Or die trying. And the reward is the accumulation of all your strengths and successes that will be carried onto your next life. Which would equal to being born with extraordinary talent, higher family status, etc.… Hence, starting with a winner lottery.” She pauses for few second.
“May I ask why?”
“You may ask, but there is no need to explain to you what you cannot understand. The Multiverse is supernatural by its nature. Even a higher level beings such as myself can only imagine and speculate my understanding and play our roles in it. But, by participating, perhaps you can glimpse into its nature to understand a little. So, will you participate Chris Garcia?”
“Do I have a choice?” asked Chris.
“Of course you have a choice. Unlike the birth to your mother, whom you had no choice to make, you can choose. You can choose to go as you are and take your chances on the wheel of fate to whom you will be born to in your next life, or you can choose to gather your strength here, in the Nexus, and take with you to your next life to get a better head start.”
Fate huh! Thinking of that selfish women brought a scowl to Chris’s face. “Fine, I’ll do it, but can you tell me about the world?” He quickly answered. If there is a chance he won’t be born into similar situation in his next life, there is no point in hesitating.
“No, I will not. Your Journey is your own, and I will not deny you of your discovery of yourself in the Nexus, which is also a form of growing strong. However, Nexus is a forever changing world. So be mindful of it.”
“What of my ability?”
“Your powers and ability will be made known to you when you enter the Nexus. If not, you will have to learn them as you go. If you so choose to, you may think of me and I will commune with you to answer questions you may have that I am allowed to answer.” The silhouette continues to talk in monotone.
Chris wonder if the silhouette is some sort of a supernatural automation. There is a part of him that doesn’t want to believe this is happening. At the same time. He felt as if he were simply reacting and going with the flow.
“If you are ready, I will transport you to a relatively safe location to start your journey.”
Quickly reflecting on himself. Strange, why do I not feel any feeling for my poor siblings. Does being dead effects my emotion? It feels really uncanny not feeling any lingering feelings for his family or friends. Or perhaps, I really hated that world and I’m just glad to have left. Well, either way I’ve made up my mind. “I’m ready. Please send me to the Nexus!”
“I guarantee that you will be safe for a short while, so take your time looking into your ability. But don’t take too long. Nexus can be very volatile at times.”
And in a blink of an eye he was in a glade overlooking a large valley. In the center of the of the valley ran a contour line going all the way down and beyond. Following the contour line in the distance, Chris could make out some sort of artificial structure that appear to be a town.
But before he could observe his surrounding any further Chris started to feel a gradual feeling of his blood pulsing in his body and pressure building up in his brain. Feeling light headed from whatever is happening to his body he laid down on the long grasses letting whatever is happening to him take its course.
This must be the ability the silhouette was talking about now taking place. And why am I so easily accepting of my situation? I can’t seem to think too clearly either.
Then strange numbers and status started to form in his mind.
Name: Choose new name. (Names have power over your soul, for some, old names cause negative causation from your former life)
Level: 1
Current Race: Human
INT: 19
STR: 10
CON: 10
DEX: 10
MANA: 24
UNIQUE: Summoning: 1 .0000%
Resources: 24.0000
Personnel: 0/15
Logistic support: 0/26.00
You receive 1% experiences from some of your summoned minions. Their souls are linked to you in this world.
AIR: 0 .000%
WATER: 0 .000%
FIRE: 0 .000%
EARTH: 0 .000%
Relevant Skills:
Rifle: 2 .000%
Pistol: 1 .000
Leadership: 1 .000%
What the hell is this? Some sort of a game? And why do I only have 3 Skill? Well, I suppose the silhouette did say I will have to learn as I go. But this lack of skill is ridiculous.
When Chris started to focus on the skill in his minds eyes. After many hours of difficulty of trying to understand it’s meaning he innately understood what the ability represented. But why? So he focused on thinking about the silhouette as per instruction.
“Hello Silhouette person. I have some questions. Are you there?
“No, I am here, and you may ask.” In that same monotone voice. She became visible in front of him.
Man, I can’t tell if she’s being a smart ass or simply just have no ego. “Well I have my unique skills. I can understand that resources points are need to summon soldiers and equipment. And to gain points, I need to defeat adversaries. And the personnel are numbers I can summon, but where are these people coming from? And aren’t I destroying lives by pulling them out of their world. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”
“You do not need to worry about their lives. They are already dead”. Replied the Silhouette. “These souls were unable to let go of their past lives to move on. Their lingering attachment to their former lives has weakened them to the point they no longer have the spiritual energy to complete their journey to their next life. Hence, you would actually be helping them by summoning them to aid you. In doing so, they will gain new experiences to lessen their old life’s attachment. Perhaps living here will fill the needs they could not fill or the regrets that held them. You will be helping them so they can eventually move on”.
“I see, but what is the reason for the discrepancy in the resource cost?” he asked looking at the cost modifier.
WWI x1
“Time lessens their attachment, but it also weakens their resistance to the summon. Therefore, cheaper to summon. The additional cost for Foreign is simply because you lack the sympathetic attachment to foreign culture to understand them. The price is paid to compensate for the discrepancy so your interactions are not hampered by the difference once summoned.”
“Also, why do I have only 3 skills?
“You do have other skills. Your common skills are not relevant in importance. Unless the skill advances to the point where they become relevant. Henceforth there is no reason to measure them. Your true skill manifest when you are tested. One never knows one’s limit if they are not challenged. However Relevant Skill effects are more specific in nature. These skills effect your soul when you move on from the Nexus.”
“Ahh, yes I forgot. I’m doing this for the bigger starting pot in my next life”.
“Now that I know of your abilities, be advised formerly known as Chris Garcia, only the participants know of this. For the masses who are born in the nexus this is the world they live in. and they cannot see the measurement, only the participants have the ability to see their own measurement.”
“The nexus is vast, no one has ever been able to map it in its entirety,” as she continued, “for it is forever expanding, shrinking and her face forever changing. Good luck!”
“Thank you for your helpful information”. Said Chris. Wondering if she would only tell him this information after this ability became known. It’s there a relationship? He questioned.
As the connection ended first thing first, he decided to give himself a new name. Something cool. A name not given by that selfish bitch who’s only reason to give birth to him was to use him and his siblings for her own selfishness.
Chris thought to himself it would be an honor to name himself after Major Profit, but he decided not to. It may create unnecessary attachment. “Alright, henceforth I will be known as Spike Phoenix. Yeah. That sounds cool”. Talking to himself with an amused smile.
For the next few hours Spike went over his powers and abilities. But he repeatedly had to go over the options as he struggled to process and remember the information available to him.
What the hell. It’s like my short term memory went to shit.
Magic seems to deal in Elements and compound elements when casting. Mana’s are used for casting magic or summoning expendable supplies, such as ammo’s, rations, and medical supplies, etc.
Looking at who and what he can summon:
Rank and resource cost:
Private 1
Corporal 2
Sergeant 3
Platoon Sergeant and up 4
Lieutenant 5
Captain 6
Major 7
Lieutenant Colonel 8
Colonel 9
General and up 10
As for the equipment. The countless variant simply over whelmed Spike. And he had difficulty in processing and remembering what he saw. This caused him much frustration and anxiety. The eerie feeling, he was getting being alone in a very dense forest only made it worst.
So he decided to stick with well tested common equipment from his military history for now. Fortunately for him, every soldier he summons will come equipped for their roll.
Wow! No way he can afford a Landship anytime for 50 resource points. Chris quickly dismissed any idea of summoning something armored.
Ok, I decided. Let’s keep it simple so I don’t wreck my brain cell. This is just too much for me and I can’t process all this information.
10 Riflemen with basic gears in olive drab uniform. M1 Spring Field with 10 5round clip belts and another clip in the rifle, in addition to the 45 round stuffed all over their pockets and 40 additional round in their rollups. It wasn’t even a real back pack but a blanket rolled up with their gears. And a bayonet tied to the rolled up they can’t even reach. Plus 1 MK2 Grenade. And 3 days’ worth of rations. Let’s not forget the stylish M1917 helmet. Finally, M1911 pistol with holster and 2 additional 7 round magazines in a magazine pouch.
2 corporals with same gears to serve as team leaders. Chris knew this wasn’t normal WWI organization, but felt satisfied. But most of all he wanted some other human presence to help in easing his anxiety.
And 1 sergeant to help him lead the squad.
Feeling his anxiety build up he stood up and Said “Summon!” repeatedly to no effect.
“Hey, how do I summon?”
“Simply think of what you want and will it.”
“I see. Words along isn’t enough.” Spike thought of what he wanted and thought of the resource available then willed his emotion.
“Sergeant Rector reporting for duty Sir!” snapping to attention.
Holy shit that was sudden. Chris thought has he jumped a little, rapidly blinking his eyes.
With little a hesitation. “Ohm, at easy Sergeant. Actually Sergeant, I haven’t received my commission yet. So you shouldn’t address me as Sir. I was just about to enter my 3rd year in the Reserve Officer Training Course before I bought the farm.”
“That’s not an issue Sir. You summoned us, you command us. In addition, we are thankful for the opportunity to move on to our next life. Besides, we’d like to rack up as much goodies even after we are able to move on.” Sergeant Rector declared.
“I... I see. I will also need your help Sergeant Rector. My military training is incomplete and I will be relying on you to help me fill the gaps and to become a better commander.”
“It will be an honor Sir!” looking at the other 12 summon soldier, “I think it’s time for us to be introduced.”
Spike nodded to acknowledge.
“Men, before we introduce ourselves, a quick reminder. Let’s not mention too much of our past personal lives. We need to move forward and not live in the past.”
“Roger that Sergeant!” They acknowledged.
“Corporal Winston, Sir.”
“Corporal Washington, Sir.”
Hmm Washington is black. I remember from my history lesson about discrimination during WWI era. Hopes it won’t be a problem.
“PFC Korhonen, Sir.”
“PFC Muller, Sir.”
“PFC Martin, Sir.”
“Private Kirk, Sir.”
“Private Novak, Sir.”
“Private Jones, Sir.”
“Private Smith, Sir.”
“Private Smith, Sir.”
2 Smiths! I will have to separate them so I don’t get them confused.
“Private Jones, Sir.”
“Private Gonzalez, Sir.”
Hm. Another minority during much racial civil unrest era. Hope this won’t be a problem. I’ll just see how Sergeant Rector handles this. I’m really feeling like a fish out of water.
In the military, your last name essentially becomes your first name. They didn’t volunteer any more information, and I think I shouldn’t ask. I will know who they are through their actions as time progress. But they are all so young, I thought the WWI drafted all age group. But I suppose all military like them young and malleable.
In any case, Spike just realized his organization was a sausage feast. Much different from his time line. With advancement of technology, women were able to serve in robot assisted body armor which equalized the playing field in many of the combat field. Eventually, 35 years ago, laws were passed for their requirement to registering for selective services.
“Gentlemen! Before we do anything farther,” Spike softly address them, “I… I need some time to reflect on all the changes. I need it. I just died less than 3 hours ago and I’m having difficulty in processing all this.” Looking at Sergeant Rector. “Sergeant Rector, I leave the security of our parameter to your professional judgement. I was told this area is relatively safe for a time, but I wasn’t exactly told for how long. Let’s not take any chances with the local wild life. Let secure this area as our temporary base. So do what you need to do Sergeant.”
Feeling a bit relieved to have some human presence, he then he walked to the edge of the glade to look out to the unknown town in the distance just to realize he was still wearing his blue jeans, green T-shirt, and a running sneakers.
Shit! I’m gonna freeze my ass tonight. Let’s check what I can get.
7 resources points left. Looking at cost, the summoning individual equipments were hella expensive Spike thought. 1 point for each M1911 9mm pistol. It cost 1 point to summon a completely gear soldier. Not very cost effective. However, looking farther down the cost list, for each point more he spends it doubles the amount received.
(RP=resource point)
1RP = 1 pistol,
2RP = 2 pistols,
3RP = 4 pistols,
4RP = 8 pistols.
Doubling each time until 10 resource are spent at one time.
10RP = 512.
It seems all summoning cost can only go up 10 rank from the base cost for equipment and supplies, but not for souls. Spike could summon 1 soul or 1 pistol. What to do. Maybe he should just summon bodyguard instead of wasting a precious resource. His mana can be used to summon ammunitions and such. Having 2 more personnel slot. Well let’s try it he thought. He summons 100 30-03rounds for 1 mana. Let’s see how long it takes to get his mana back.
It was a quick wait. It seems to take slightly less than a minute to regen 1 mana. This may change in the future as I get stronger.
Wasting 1RP is just too wasteful for single item. Spike felt a nice breeze giving him a slight chill. I better tell the Sergeant to make a temporary fire pit so I don’t freeze my nuts tonight.
After playing around with the summoning with his mana, Spike looked into these elements for magic, but there were no spells nor abilities to use them.
Opening his thought. “Why do I have these elemental attributes if there is nothing in them to activate.”
“Discover them in the Nexus, then learn them.” Feminine monotone voice.
Well, shit! Looks like I have work to do.
For the rest of the time, Spike vegged out trying to work out his situation on a mental and emotional level. trying to clear his head, he eventually tried to meditated to no avail.
Why do I not feel anything for my brothers and sister. I know I had no feeling for that bitch once I was old enough to figure out what was happening. Is this a reflection of the feeling that it’s not my responsibility anymore or simply I’m just glad it’s over now! Was I tired of the daily struggle to be a good big brother? Or is this simply an effect from being dead.”
Rest of the time, Spike mulled over his lack of emotion and tried to come to a closure to his former life.
“You think his going to be ok Corporal?” ask Private Smith as he looked at Spike sitting by the edge of the forest overlooking the valley.
“Most likely.” Replied Corporal Washington while digging a foxhole.
“The man just died. His just going to need a bit of time to adjust. Nothing to worry about.” Commented Private Kirk as he dug his own position with his shovel.
“Keep a clear head you all. None of us want to be recycled and god knows if we’ll get another chance if we screw this up. We are the first, so let’s do it right for everyone else.” Said Sergeant Rector
“Roger that Sarge!”
“Corporal Washington! You got Korhonen, Martin, Jones, Kirk, and Smith. Corporal Winston will take everyone else currently pulling security. Looks like we are going to be here for more than a few days. If not longer. So dig deep. Also dig out a temporary ammo depo in the center.” As he looked at the piles of munitions crates Spiked summoned near his sitting area. “I’m going to do a quick personal recon around AO (area of operation)” Sergeant Rector ordered.”
“Yes Sergeant! We’ll start on it right away. Smith! Martin! You 2 get a start on digging a depo until we switch out with Corporal Winston’s team.” Corporal Washington continued with concern as Sergeant Rector started to walk away. “You need an extra security Sarge?”
“No, I’ll be taking someone from Corporal Winston’s team for security. You got the base until I’m back.”
“Roger!” Corporal Washington replied.
Walking up the ridge with high density of woods, Sergeant Rector quickly identified Corporal Winston’s team as they discuss the terrain and how best to secure and patrol the parameter.
“Corporal! What do you have for me?” ask Sergeant Rector.
“Ah well, this area is a virgin forest Sarge. The vegetation is so thick it’s impossible to patrol the area without cutting down the vegetation. Muller just came back from down the slope.” Looking at PFC Muller. “Give the Sarge your report.”
“Right. Looking down from the slope the over growth of the vegetation is very thick for 3 to 4 klick at least, it’s impossible for anyone to sneak up on us unless they are smaller than a house dog. When we leave this hill it’s going to be hell cutting trail. It will probably take all day just to get down to the bottom of the valley.”
“I suppose that’s good and bad. They really put the commander in a safe location.” Sergeant Rector mussed. “Alright, I still want 4 guards up and patrolling at all time, and collecting fire woods. we know nothing of the area we are in. So consider ourselves in hostile environment. However,” looking upward to the heavy vegetation where the sky is impossible to see from the tall trees, “against my normal judgment, I think we can make a small cooking fire. It should be enough to keep the small critters away when not cooking anything. Also, lock and load all weapon, and be mindful of accidental weapons fire.”
Rest of the afternoon Spike looked out from the glade and reflected about his past life and his current situation.
Having given his best to be the big brother, and every decision based off that, he couldn’t really feel regret. I suppose the only regret I feel is that I will never know how my younger sibling will grow up to be. I just hope I was good enough role model to leave a good example for them to live their own life.
Damn! Spike cursed at himself. He found himself more frustrated by the fact that he didn't feel anything of his past life after dying.
What the hell am I thinking. I’m dead now. With all his hopes and dreams gone Spike found himself very lost. But in this world, with the ability of summoning these souls from his world's history, these souls needed Spike. And that gave him a sense of meaning. A sense of purpose. I suppose it helps when you are needed and wanted.
“Food’s ready!”
Realizing that he was actually hungry Spike got up and casually approached to the cooking fire. “Oh, can you secure the extra ordinance I summoned Sergeant. I got a bit over zealous with experimenting.” Pointing to the stacks of several dozen crates while looking apologetically. “I don’t think we can carry all that. Maybe we can bury them or seriously make this area in to our base?”
“I saw that pile of crates Sir. So I already ordered the men to dig a temporary depot.”
“That’s great. Thank you. By the way Sergeant, I notice we are having soup. Do we even have enough water for general consumption?”
“It’s not a problem Sir. The patrol found a natural water spring.”
“Oh, That’s good.”
For meals, the men got creative and made soup with the Reserve Rations and edible wild plants. Strangely, Private Kirk had a talent in identifying edible plants. He said he came from a poor family from the south and knowing what to eat is a matter of not starving to death. PFC Korhonen and Private jones also reported they were able to ID some of the plants. Everyone seemed to be pleased to know that not everything is completely unknown to them in this world.
As for Spike, he was simply amazed that someone actually had been summoned with a cooking pot. With this he simply ate and laid down to try to sleep. Mentally and emotionally he was drained and very confused about what to do. The men loaned him a blanket to use since someone was always on guard and not using theirs.
As the men were eating, they kept snickering with a big ass stupid smile as they chowed downed on the soup made with rations.
“Hot damn this taste good!” Then everyone burst out in happy laughter.
“Anything tastes good after almost 2 centuries of nothing.” Everyone agreed.
“I can’t wait to try some local food. I hope they have something good.”
“Here! Here!”
For now, Spike decided to simply listen to the men banter and enjoy the mood and take advantage of the safe area while it lasted.
Then Spike remembered and sat up. “I don’t mean to bring up what may be a sensitive topic, but are you privates going to be OK with following Corporal Washington orders? I remember from my history lessons there were lots of racial problems during your historic time?” Spike inquired.
“That’s nothing to be concerned about sir. We’ve all spent more time as small glowie lightbulb floating in darkness then having a physical body with skin color. Nobody cares for such superficial thing like race sir. Besides. We don’t even know what our next life will be. Hell! We may not even be humans. It’s a big ass cosmos, sir. We’ve all had plenty of time to reflect. A man’s soul is more important than the body that holds it.” Corporal Winston Said.
Everyone by the cooking fire nodded in agreement.
“That’s good to hear. I’m really glad.” Spike said with a pleased face. I like these guys. They are good people. Spike thought to himself as he laid back down to sleep.
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