《Nexus》Ch8 - Everyone has issues.
“When things settle down later. I’m going to have to recommend we start a training course for our own force to learn tracking from our friend Hunt Master Malikai.” Captain Wraeth said. “Their service and knowledge is invaluable to our future in the frontier. I’d have few of my men attached to them now, but they would be too distracted with the rookies in toll.”
Within half an hour of the entry to the cave, all the assault squad cameback out. Without proper ventilation, all the little fires had built up too much smoke. It had been a slow progress as they took their time with caution. So they were not able to clear out the cave when they exited.
There was some coughing from minor smoke inhalation. Without exception everyone came out covered in ash and sweat.
After coughing out their lungs. “There were just too many materials catching fire Captain. We’re going to have to wait until the smoke clears out. It’s probably killing off the goblins as we speak.” Lieutenant Moore reported.
Just to check. Spike focused on this EXP number and sure enough his EXP was slowly increasing.
“That is some cheap ass way to get points you know. But looks like they are dying inside. Wow, somehow, this just feels really cheap and dirty.” Spike said amazed.
“There is no such thing as a fair fight in wars sir. It’s not a sport. If we can win without fighting it’s just that much sweeter.” The Captain informed.
“Is that what they teach you at West Point Captain?” Spike asked.
“Actually sir, I came out of Citadel. And no sir. It’s just common sense. War is business sir. Less resource you lose, to achieve your goal, is a very good investment, sir.”
“Right.” Spike said. So much to learn. I really am just a kid compare to these men. Physically we look about the same age, but they have that cheat knowledge and shit. I suppose I am lucky and should be grateful.
“Hey, is it really Ok for these men to be so knowledgeable. Isn’t it a major cheat for me?” Spike asked the silhouette.
“For someone who seemed smart sure asks stupid questions. I will simply accept this as you are still going through adjustment. Didn’t the Captain just say there is no such thing as a fair fight in wars?” The silhouette said in the same monotone, but in a condescending way, if it was possible.
Oh right. I’ve been kind of emo lately. I need to get my shit together. But I think I’m beginning to understand. We all have our roles to play.
Spike mulled as he watched the officers and men interact as they each perform their designated duties. Did I just jump from a cadet to Commander in Chief? He said I don’t’ fall in the normal chain of command. Spike thought as he watched the men receiving their order and following a chain of command from the Captain to the Private.
What’s my role in all this? There must be more to this then just surviving and getting strong.
“Scout coming in.” One of the looked out alerted.
“I hope they got some opportunity for me.” Spike said as he looked to the scouts with expectation.
“I have received replies from both Farengo and Birsk, Marquess Daldia. Both towns are open to the idea of joining forces with you if we can prove what our messenger say as a fact.” Steward Havington informed.
“Then it’s just matter of time before we are able to. I will have to discuss this with Lord Phoenix upon his return from the hunt. But before that, I think it would be prudent to invite representatives from both Faengo and Birsk to witness the changes in Daldia.” Marquess Daldia mulled. Being address as Marquess so sudden felt very alien to him. But still, having witnessed the military power of the Phoenixians, he has no doubt nor hesitation on the roll he will play in the future.
During the leader’s conference 2 days ago, Major Jung was very clear. All military actions will be handle by the Phoenixians military officers, and all civilian and diplomatic functionary will be in Marquess authorities until the military gets involved. Once military gets involved, military officer’s authority will supersede his.
I have received your message loud and clear Major. Don’t bother your people unless there are killings involved. On one hand, they act as a savior, but on the other hand, their behavior appears to be the devil. They are a frightful people. I am lucky to have been their first contact. If they keep gaining successes, which I’m sure of, as the first to acknowledge their power, Daldia will surely prosper.
“Also, Master Malikai reports he roughly counted over 450 Phoenixian soldiers. But has found no tracks of how they arrived. Except for a small squad of tracks leading up the hill. Should I have him follow up the trail my lord? Master Malikai said it will take at least a day even for him to reach the top.”
“No. They must be in possession of some sort of powerful artifact to summon so much men and resources. We shouldn’t delve into their workings, least we lose their trust in us. Besides, we were essentially given a second chance by the Phoenixians. We shouldn’t look in the gift horse’s mouth. I will tell master Malikai myself when next we meet. To cease anymore of his spying activities before he gets caught and damages our relationship with our savior. But I’m sure they will tell us when we have the need to know.” Marquess Daldia warned.
“Yes my lord. Then moving on. Though the food shortage has been mitigated by our new master, thereby freeing up extra labors. Even with the labors reallocated for this sanitary project they want us to build, it will not be completed in time. We simply do not have enough men for the hard labor it requires and women make poor substitute, especially when they are under such poor health.”
“Then we can only pray for speedy resolution with the Stovkow Raiders so we can pool the resources of the Farongo and Birsk with us to build our frontier nation. Let’s wait patiently Lord Havington. We’ve waited a decade. Another week will not matter. Our new master seems to care for the people’s well being. They are not told to fight. But most of all, I no longer have to hear my grandchildren cry to their mothers because they are hungry.” Marquess said.
“Then what shall we do with the local guards my lord? We no longer have to give them bigger portion of the food. And with the Phoenix soldier mixed in with the lot in guard duties, all they do is spend most of their time standing around.”
“Then temporarily rotate half of them to help with the diggings. We should have done this from the start.”
“Yes my lord. Also, have you asked about arming the local guards or at least the knights with their rifle in joining them in the fight against the Stovkow yet my lord?”
“No. Not yet. After Major Jung’s decree on all military actions I found it difficult to bring up the subject. They remind me of the rumors of the Highlanders up north of the Empire. But more bloodthirsty for battles.”
“I see. Then I take it Major Jung nor Lord Phoenix hasn’t said anything about the guards in town my lord?”
“No. Strangely they haven’t shown any interest in the towns operation outside of the current projects they ordered to be built. However, just this morning, the Major did advise me to speedily bring in the other nearby settlements within 30-kilometers. He said it will only benefit us all.”
“Then I shall send messengers to Farengo and Birsk to offer them an invitation right away.
“Baron Myojhuk. 1200 knights, 2200 guardsmen, and 400 archers have currently arrived to answer your call. I believe this is more than enough to deal with goblin horde. Should we wait another day for the stragglers my lord?” Steward Caldrun asked.
“No, the stragglers will have other duties when we return. Daldia should have already fallen by now. Also, make sure all the men are accounted for each morning and evening. I want to know if someone is missing. I want to find this spy Kyzdon sent. Where ever he is. Have you sent out the scouts yet?”
“Just this morning my lord. We should hear from them when we reach the frontier border. And the messenger to Theolemor also left with the merchants just this afternoon”
“Once the Theolemor receives the message it’s on them from now on. Wither they take this opportunity or not. But they would be fools not too. In any case, it’s too late to move out for today. Pass the word. We move out at first light. Make sure all my captains know their marching order.” Baron Myojhuk declared as he walked back to his command then.
I wanted an excuse to garrison the frontier, to secretly move some of the operations outside for a year. The numbers were getting too high. Just one more year. Because of the incompetent hunters, I had no choice but to move early. 4000 goblins at my border within days. I must quickly destroy the horde, then siege Kyzdon. To deal with this horde 1000 knights would not have been enough. If the 500 knight from Kyzdon saw the horde, the word would have reach the Margrave. Then I would have been finished. 5 years of planning. 10 years of playing the fool. There would have been too many other lords who would have shown up to defeat the goblins. To many outsiders in my territories. An outside army already rallied in my territory. They would surely have found my secret training grounds. To many little things out of placed. And this damn spy lurking somewhere in my territory. He must be very close. Or else, how could that greedy bastard knew something was brewing in the Frontier.
Every year 500 of his knights and 500 of Kyzdon knights with small guard force and support would raid the Frontier as need it. But this time, he welcomed them all like brothers who were about to raid the whore house. In Falkor he poisoned their wines to weaken them. In a quick surprise attack, they were all assassinated. Not a single Kyzdon man escaped. No words of the goblin horde must reach the Margrave. Having forced to deal with the goblin by himself, he had to call up all his near by retainers.
If the Margrave found out about the Baron’s secret army he had scattered all over his and neighboring territories, he would be hung for treason. But now Baron Myojhuk had been forced to move up his time table.
Years ago, the Baron had secretly contacted Theolemors and made an offer they couldn’t refuse.
I will make them all pay. The usurper family for waging a war that took my father’s life. Kyzdon for taking father’s life in their greed. That he never had time for his family. Forcing father to abandon mother for that harlot. Just because father was a mage. I’m glad your daughter died during child birth Margrave. Because of you, mother died alone in sickness while I was force to play as one of your puppet soldier in the eastern front. Fighting your war. And now with this title that enslaves me. For a half bastard brother, your grandchild, do you think you can sway me. Taking me for a fool. I know I’m just a place holder until your grandchild is old enough. This title! What privilege damn you, bastards! It’s just another collar of a slave. I will watch you all burn for your greed and lust for power. For what you all did to me and my family.
At first, Baron schemed alone, but it took too long. So 3 years ago he made contact with Theolemor. Made them an offer. He asked nothing in return besides a chance for revenge. They took it. Using the merchant of Kindarth, Theolemor coins were filtered through his and adjacent territories to find anyone who were discontents. With the prolong war, it was easy. Many had lost loved ones. The tax to support the war was ruinous for many families. Their lords were oppressive to collect more tax. Causing parents to sell off their children to pay for taxes they couldn't afford. And sometimes giving them directly to their Feudal Lords in lieu of coinage or tradable goods. With the help of the merchant, and his servants, they found many discontents, sweet talking to them, offering help with coins, and promises were made. They were recruited and trained in secret.
Fools, so insolated with their wealth, titles, and power. They don’t even realize what’s going on in their own territories. They will all pay for their arrogance. If I am not allowed to have a future, then neither shall you all. It’s started.
Instead of making it to his tent, Baron Myojhuk found himself at the mass grave. Kyzdon’s men were stripped of all their gears and valuables and mass buried as he looked on.
This is the start.
Grigor watched the Borders of Stovkow. One main road the merchants had used during better days. The slavers would always come through here. With their military power, no one could stop them. It’s always the same. They would come with arrogance knowing they were free to do what ever wanted. They would come marching in and split off into different groups at each fork to raid other towns.
But this time, it will be different. The Phonixians were here. And 3 days ago, he became a Phoenixian. For the first time since the oppression, the Wolf demi in him stirred with excitement. This time there was no fear of reprisal against the town if he hunt the Stovkow slavers. The Stovkow scouts that were sent ahead to find frontier workers desperately harvesting. This time, this time, he will hunt them.
Hunt Master Malikai, Tam, and himself will hunt as a pack. They were given order by their new master to hunt the Stovkow scouts with extreme prejudice. Extract information from them in any methods, then terminate them. Grigor liked the Major. The Major was his type of human. In a way similar to his Hunt Master.
The Hunting pack waited and observed. The captain gave a hand signal pointing out the enemy scout as they stealthily moved about into their visibility. Taking the signal, Grigor and Tam lowered into their cover and concealed position. Without any resistance, the Stovkow scouts had become over confident over the years.
Why are they so cautious now? Do they know something? Did they see us? Malikai thought as he stealthily observed.
The 5 enemy scouts moved cautiously as they looked for signs of danger.
Even for a human, Hunt Master Malikai had the best eyes. He hid behind thick trunk of a tree. His face covered in mud to conceal his skin, he slowly peaked with one eye to observe them without out making sudden movement.
Malikai had positioned himself up the small slope. And he waited until closest scout was within 25 meter from his position as they were about to move pass him. With his well used bow, he silently pulled the bowstring and quickly fired at the nearest enemy scout striking him in the chest puncturing his lung.
The falling scouts cry of pain alerted the other 4 scouts as they looked up toward the slope. Malikai intentionally showed a small part of his bow as he nocked another arrow.
Quickly noticing there was only 1 opponent the leader of the scout party ordered the closest two men to charge up the small slop while he and rear scout quickly shot arrows at Malikai to keep him from firing. The 2 rear scouts gave cover fire for the 2 other scouts to get into melee range and flush out Malikai. Going up the slope on the loose topsoil slowed down the 2 scouts with their sword unsheathed.
Laughing at the Stovkow Scout, mocking them to focus on him, Malikai taunted the Stovkow scouts. “Your man cry like a swine as he drowns in his blood.” Laughing “Your not so tough when you’re the hunted you Stovkow pigs!”
With that signal from Malikai, the 2 demi human hunters slowly rose out of their cover aiming for the 2 Stovkow scouts in the back.
“You must have gone mad with hunger you frontier slave. I will skin you alive like an animal.” Enemy leader sneered
Impossible to miss at 20-meters the veteran hunters hit their mark killing the leader and heavily injuring the other.
The screams from the dying and injured scouts cause the other 2 scouts to turn their head giving Malikai just enough time put an arrow in the head of closer scout.
Quickly nocking another arrow, “You can surrender or I put arrows in your legs and arms then skin you alive. Your choice.” Malikai offer.
“You would do that anyways you slave.” The last standing scout shouted back at Malikai accusingly.
Hunt Master Malikai would have loved nothing more than to kill the scout, but he realized that a live prisoner will make a better gift to the Major instead of killing him here. “I’d rather take you as a prisoner to my new master. But if you want, I can take one of the wounded then just break all your limbs and leave you to the wild life. As a scout, I’m sure you must know that the wolves will eat you alive.”
“You would, wouldn’t you, you frontier savages.”
Raising his arm to signal. “Grigor! Tam!”
“Alright you savages!” Dropping his weapons.
“Gag and tie him up.” Malikai order.
Then they slit the throat of the injured and dump the bodies in their former concealed spots.
“These scouts are weak Pack Leader.” Grigor commented. “It’s been so long we were allowed to actively fight them. I never realize how weak they were. They aren’t much of a scout.”
“Humans are habitual creature Grigor. Hunting games that don’t fight back has weakened these slavers. Tam, you have the faster legs. Run up to the Major and tell him we have a prisoner for him. Tell him, if anyone of us were to extract information from this scout, we are more liable to kill him before he talks.”
“Yes Pack Leader.” Tam replied and quickly made his way.
How quickly they surrender. They are much weaker than I thought. Or maybe their hatred isn’t as severe as ours. Hunt Master thought.
Coldly looking at the scout with contempt. When Major Jung gave him the order to extract information from any captured Stovkow slavers, he didn’t think much of it when he recieve the order. But after hearing their screams in pain. It brought much pleasure to his heart. That sweet sound of their hated enemy’s scream as they die. He decided not to trust himself nor his hunters for this job. They may all lose themselves to revenge and forget their duty.
We are hunters. Not tortures. Malikai thought in silence.
“The terrain in this location gives us a good cover and the slight uphill gives us a good advantage as the foot soldiers have to run up the slop.” Captain Pearson explained as he pointed on the hand drawn map. “We’ll let the foot soldier march pass here and wait for their knights. If we neutralize their most mobile unit, we can hunt them down much easier considering our limited number of Cavalry troopers.”
“That’s not bad. We’ll need to preposition our men to close off their escape. I want a platoon behind them when the first gun is fired. I’m thinking a platoon is enough to close off their retreat on the road. Alpha returned last night. They should be moving up to our location as we speak. So you should start moving a platoon into position after this meeting. Move them out early so they don’t accidently meet up with the Stovkow movement.
“Yes sir.”
“From their historical pattern, Hunt Master said their marching line is about 500-meters long. Including their supply trains. Here and here, we’ll close off their retreat and advance. Then here in the middle we’ll divide them in the center of their marching line and cut them to shred. Hmm. On second thought. We better send 2 platoons to close off their retreat. Unlike the goblins they have 1000 knight on warhorse. 2 platoon to cut the center. And 2 platoon to close off their advance. That will leave 1 platoon each in Daldia and Whitestone.”
“You sure you don’t want to leaving the Whitestone to the engineers, sir?”
“If they were just defending it would be fine. But I want the engineers to work none stop until our base is built. We also have civilians working with the engineers that needs protecting. No. This is enough. And we still have the Chief’s ability if shit hits the fan. So, if there is nothing else for now, pick your platoons Captain Pearson and send them out. We’ll have another meeting when Alpha arrives.”
This battle is straight forward. From what the Hunt Master tells us, the Stovkow slavers have gotten complacent with confidence and laziness from the lack of resistance in the Frontier. But we’ll fight as if they are better. I won’t allow my men to depend on enemies over confidence nor laziness. Now it’s just a matter of moving the men in place and wait.
Opening the flap to the command tent. “Sir. Tracker Grigor is here to see you.” Private informed.
“Let him in.”
“Good to see you Grigor. You have some good news for me?” Major Jung ask with a smile.
“Ah well. I came with a message from the Pack Leader, Major. We ambushed a scout team from Stovkow and captured a prisoner. But the Pack Leader wasn’t confident in interrogating the prisoner. He said that he is more likely to kill him before having the prisoner talk.”
“So the main Stovkow force could be hours to few days away from the location. Then we need to move fast. How far out is the prisoner Grigor?”
“No more than half hours Major.”
“Private Nelson, go find Captain Pearson and tell him I need him in 30 minutes. And tell him to hold his platoons until I’m done with the prisoner.”
“Yes Major.” As he ran out.
The goblin hunt turned out to be a major let down with little action. Burn and smoke them out. That was the motto for the 3-day excursion. From this, Spike sensed that the goblins were one of the lowest on the food chain when it came to inhumanoids and monsters. From hunter Rikko’s talk, the most frighten thing about the goblins were their numbers and incredibly fast breeding cycle. And the fact that they have much more shamans compare to very rare human mages.
The end result was Spike gained 2 levels. Barely pushing him up to next level by 50 points. 185 total RP gained. Spike put 1 point to STR to help me deal with the recoil on the M249 and 1 point to DEX so help him aim better for higher hit rate.
There were no fatalities, but lots of them got scuffed up pretty bad in the cave. Scraps, cuts and bruises. Strangely, these healed within a day.
The men were happy for the 3 days. Their banter talk sounded more like a R&R hunting trip to Alaska.
But Spike was worried about their future in the frontier. If he used an analogy of raccoons raiding human settlement’s garbage cans for food to goblins. And bears, wolves, and mountain lions to whatever is out farther and deeper into the Frontier. They haven’t even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. He worried for the days when they will no longer be fighting the lowest in the food chain in the frontier. Because he refused to believe these fight will be this easy as they move deeper into the frontier.
This is something Spike realize as inevitable. His men desired for the hunt. The frontier towns needs it for their security, prosperity, and eventual expansion. And he also had to become stronger to survive the unknown future.
As Spike thought of his future, the voice of Lieutenant Ward, Alpha Company’s executive officer (XO) brought his attention back to the construction report.
“Before the Bravo Company XO, Lieutenant Turner left to the front, we ironed out our location for the future barracks placement. Major Jung plans for Whitestone to be split into 4 quadrants for 4 company and 1 other company as permanent security garrison. For now, we will get the quadrant 1, and Bravo will receive the quadrant 3. Quad 2 and 4 are reserved for future line company. And the other support unit will be stationed in between the line companies.”
“Have the Engineers produced a blueprint to the barracks yet? I’d like to see what we are getting if it’s available.” ask Captain Wraeth.
“Not yet sir. There were some issues about if the officers and NCO will get a separate housing or be housed in the barracks for better command and control efficiency. And that has delayed the actual blueprint. Major did mention he eventually wants all officers and NCOs to have private housings. NCO’s rank is equivalent to a knight. He said it will cause the Phoenixian NCOs to lose prestige and credibility with the outsiders if they are not given better quarters. So it’s a matter of short term vs. long term needs”
“Always thinking of the future.” Spike commented.
“The Major must be enjoying playing Nation Builder.” Lieutenant Lee said as he chuckled.
Just then, “Sir!” Company 1st Sergeant Cox opened the flap and entered the command tent. “1st through 3rd platoon has formed up.”
“Well then. Let’s go meet these slavers and rapist and properly discipline them.” Captain Wreath said.
While 4th platoon was already on the half completed walls pulling security. Rest of the company was formed up and in formation. The command past from the 1st Sergeant to the Captain.
“Lieutenant Lee when we march through Daldia, as per order, you and you platoon will stay to reinforce the towns guard. XO, you are in command of both 3rd and 4th platoon. Lieutenant Stein, your squad of flamethrowers will march with us. I’m sure the Major will have some idea on how to use your squad.”
“Understood sir.”
After Hunt Master personally explained why he didn’t interrogate the prisoner and took the time to bring him over. “When they come up to our hidden position, they behaved differently than usual. It was like they were expecting trouble or something.”
“I understand Hunt Master. I actually understand your situation.” Major Jung Nodded to the Hunt Master. “But you say they behaved a differently?” as he looked at the prisoner who was tied up and kneeling. It was very obvious the scout was terrified of his situation. Not only because he was a prisoner, but because he had no idea who these stranger were. They are someone who should not be in this area. Everything about them made no sense to him. Their cloths, attatude, and commanding presence.
“Yes. They are normally more laxed.”
“Private Nelson. Go bring me a roll of that slow burning dynamite fuse.”
“Right away sir.” Private Nelson said as he quickly ran off to retrieve the roll of fuse.
“Greeting Stovkow scout.” Said the Major as he looked at the fearful scout and walked up to him. “No need to speak for now. Just listen. I’m going to demonstrate something to you in few minute, then I’m going make an offer you can’t refuse. Well,” as the Major smiled at the prisoner, “I suppose you could refuse. But you won’t.” He said in confidence.
“Sir. The fuse.” As Private Nelson set the roll of fuse down.
“Well that was quick." Looking at the roll of fuse on the ground. Then looking at Private Nelson. "Give yourself a cookie Nelson.”
“Yes sir.” Private Nelson snaply replied acknowledging the complement.
“Now I want you to cut off a piece long enough to wrap around his forearm from his fingers to elbow. Then I want you to do the same with that thick branch but connect it with a grenade primer. Then wait for my instruction when complete with the task.”
The prisoners right arm was released and stripped of garment. Then the fuse was wrapped around like a snake as was instructed. Then the same was done to the branch, but with a grenade primer attached to it on the bottom part of the branch.
Going to 1 knee to get to the prisoner’s level. “Now hold the prisoner.” He ordered the officers. Then as he looked in the prisoner’s eyes. “It’s ok to scream. There is no shame in doing so.” Major said as he stepped on the prisoners fingers to anchor them in place. Then he brought out his lighter and slowly brought it closer to the fuse as he locked eyes with the prisoner.
As the fuse lit up from the lighter the slow fused sparked to life as it ate its life away leaving behind it’s trail of blister and pain. With no exception, the prisoner screamed in pain as he tried in panic to yank his arm away. But being held in place by several officers, only thing he could do was scream in pain as he looked between his burning arm and Major Jung’s cold eyes.
Not understanding what or how it was done to him. Surround by these strange enemies. And looking into the eyes of a killer, almost made him faint. The prisoner urinated on himself as he wept in tears of terror.
“Nelson, lean that branch again the tree. And stand by.”
Without saying a word, Private Nelson quickly complied. And set the branch against the tree.
“Turn him around and have him face the branch.” Waiting until the crying prisoner was repositioned. Major Jung grabbed his hair and force him to look at the branch. “Now Nelson. Light the fuse.”
The prisoner was force to watch the fuse burn as the pain on his forearm reminded him what it was doing. Then eventually the grenade exploded as it destroyed the thick branch.
“Now strip him and tie him against that tree. And wrap the fuse around his naked body. Then attach the grenade primer to his crotch.”
As the Phoenix men obeyed the majors command in silence the prisoner started to wailed in terror. "W wait wait wait! I'll speak!" The prisoner broke. Begging for mercy. Offering to tell them anything. That he would do anything if they spared him.
Finally, thought Major Jung. Walking up to the prisoner that was completely tied up as instructed.
“You haven’t even heard of my offer. And yet, you offer yourself cheaply.” The major brought a cigarette to his mouth. Then light it causing the prisoner to whimper. “But I’m a generous man. So I will still make that offer.” Taking a pause to inhale then exhale on to the face of the prisoner.
The Phoenix men acted as business as normal. The hunters on the other hand where shocked and almost as terrified as the prisoner, almost reaching for their family jewel on instinct. But at the same time in their heart, they were satisfied of the prisoners suffering.
“You have 2 choices. Answer my questions truthfully and you survive in one piece to be my messenger back to your people. Or! Lie to me or I sense you are lying and not cooperate, then you slowly burn while losing your family jewel. You die bleeding from where your manhood used to be and we leave you tied up for the wild animals.” Major Jung calmly and slowly said as if he was enjoying this. Yet business like.
“I… I will cooperate. Please mercy my lord.” The prisoner begged.
“Didn’t I tell you it was a good offer.” Pausing to look at the prisoner. “So, how far out are your main forces.”
“A day. 2 at max my lord.” Prisoner quickly answered without hesitation.
“How big is the slave raiding force this time?”
“It’s not raiding force my lord. It’s a goblin subjugation force.”
At that, the major was surprise. But he kept his poker face.
“Oh. You still didn’t answer how big of a force.”
“I do not know my lord. I’m just a scout. They don’t tell me these things and I left before rest of Lord Myojhuk’s retainers arrived. Everything was confusing with so much unusual activities. I saw the usual Stovkow raiders before the scouts were given orders to move out. Only when we reached the border the scout captain told the rest of us that we should be expecting a goblin army.”
“Did you hear that Hunt Master?” looking at the Hunt Master. “What do you make of this new development?”
“I really don’t know what to make of this. It only points out that Stovkow, somehow, knew about the goblins. But how would they. The timing doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know what’s going on Major. Honestly, I’m just as at lost as you.” Hunt Master said.
“Is there anything else I should know scout? If I should find that you spoke lies at a later time. I will offer your testicle to the wolves.”
“No! My lord. We left early in preparation for the goblin subjugation army. Only the leader would know more. But his dead.” He sobbed for his life.
Staring hard at the prisoner for what felt like eternity to the prisoner. “Take the prisoner away, but keep him tied up and watched. And keep the fuse on him in case he gets funny ideas.” Major order.
After the prisoner was taken away.
“Good show Major. That was rather entertaining to see you make a grown man cry like that.” Captain Pearson said.
“Sometimes…Terror can be more effective then death itself. Especially with uneducated people.”
“But this changes things Major Jung.” Hunt Master Malikai said.
“That it does. But not as much as you think Hunt Master.” Major replied. “For now we can only wait until Lord Phoenix arrives with Alpha’s 1st and 2nd platoon. Why don’t you take you hunters and see if there are other Stovkow scouts. And try to keep more of them alive if possible, Hunt Master.”
“Yes. Of course Major.” Hunt Master replied as he gave hand signal for his hunters to follow him out.
“Now we wait how good the harvesting went with Alpha. Then we can better formulate a plan.” As the Major said.
“Speaking of the devil.” Lieutenant Turner said he pointed toward Alpha company as they march in toward their security check point.
After the 2 captains briefed each other on the current sitrep. And introducing the German units, everyone quickly focused on the task of defeating the Stovkow force.
“I currently have 505.2RP and 103 additional personnel slot opened.” Spike reported. “When I got to this world, I was looking to summon a landship. What do you think Major? I have the RP for it now.”
“Having a landship to our arsenal would be a good idea sir. But I think we should summon a British combat officer for that sir. US were extremely behind on tank development and had to borrow from the Brits and the French. I would requisition Mark VIII’s but having a British or French officer would give us more option, but I recommend British. Their development was even ahead of the French.”
“Very well.” Then Spike willed a summon.
“Lieutenant Edwards reporting sir.” Shouted out all snappy and proper.
“Relax Lieutenant. Come join us.” Major Jung ordered. “We can brief Lieutenant Edwards after this. Let’s focus on the current battle.” As they quickly gave Lieutenant Edwards on the synapsis of the coming battle.
“Then how many Mark VIII do you need Major Jung?” asked, Lieutenant Edward.
“I think 4 will be in order. We’ll have 2 here, and I’m thinking Lord Phoenix will move with Captain Pearson and drop 2 Mark VIII in the rear to close off their retreat. We want total destruction of Stovkow force. I don’t want any Stovkow forces running back home to so we can fight them again. And then I’d like for you to summon another line platoon when you arrive on site sir. For your protection and then to help with herding Stovkows up to us.
“Very good sir.” Lieutenant Edward said. Then produced a requisition document for 2 Mark VIII (landship) with full crew of 12 for each tank.
“Wow. It looks so amazing.” Spike commented as he looked at one of the iconic human engineering feet for all future warfare.
“Captain Pearson. Who are you planning to have command of the center group?” The major asked.
“I was planning to put the XO in charge of Bravo 3rd and 4th platoon, Sir. His been cooped up with admin work and I felt he needs some fun time.”
“I see. That’s good. Then well designate the group staying here as Road Block. Lieutenant Turner’s center group as Lumberjack. And the rear group as Cowboy. Also, the flamethrowers will be with Road Block.” Major Jung said.
“Do you need anything else before I leave Major?” Spike asked.
“That, I do sir. If you could. Can you leave a double load out for the Road Block sir? And the same for Lumberjack when you split from them. As for the Cowboys, since you will be there with them, I’ll leave it up to Captain Pearson’s call.” Major requested.
“Major Jung. How far should I stretch out the position. Our original was half a mile long Stovkow force's marching line.” Captain Pearson asked.
“To be honest Captain. I don’t really know. This is a fight we have to fight. Since we don’t know how long their marching line is. Nor how much fighting force they are bringing. I leave it to your professional judgement. I won’t fault you for wherever you place your men, but expect minimum of 1-mile long marching line. Maybe longer. If for some reason it’s a much more longer line and you can’t completely close off their retreat line. Then try to deny as many of their fighting resources from returning to Stovkow.”
“Yes sir. I understand.”
“Hmm. Maybe I should send the Cavalry Troopers with you as well. 22 men on horse can still cause some damage.”
“I’d be happy to receive them for the mission sir.” Captain Pearson said happily.
“Very well. Their yours.” Looking at the units getting into marching formation. “Alright now. Let’s go kill these home invaders.”
“Steward Caldrun. You are to stay here and form up the stragglers then march onto Kyzdon territory to lay waste to everything he has. Once I’m done with the goblin horde, I will return to reinforce the siege of Shator Keep.”
“You sure you don’t want to wait a few more days my lord? With such short notice, only the nearby retainers have been able to hastily answer you call.”
“It’s around 4000 goblins. we have more than enough for the job. Be sure everyone not involved in the fights are safely in my territory as planned. Then send a contingency of men to kill and pillage their former landlords. The discontent the population has for their lords should bring many of the sideliners to our side.”
“Yes my lord.”
“With this. You should no longer call me ‘my lord’ uncle. When this is over, you’ll have your own peerage.” Smiling affectionately at his uncle.
“Yes. Of course Justine. With this, I think my sister will be avenged.” Steward Caldrun smiled back at his nephew. “And what should we do with your half-brother? He still carries your fathers blood in him.”
“I have been thinking about it for a while now. I won’t spill fathers blood he carries but I also don’t want his blood to be a slave either. Send him to Kindarth Empires Monastery. He should live in exile without a name. If he has any problem, he should be hating his grandfather for manipulating our family bloodline.”
“Very well Justine. I will make the arrangement.” Steward Caldrun replied without expression.
Getting on his warhorse the servant just brought over. “I should be back in 1-week uncle. I only need to break up the goblin horde enough so they don’t march into my territory. We’ll have the initiative from the surprise attack. With his forces spread thin from sending his men to support other frontier raids and eastern front, I suspect he won’t know what’s happening until our forces are sieging his castle. You may even be able to take Shator Keep.” Then Baron Myojhuk bolted to the front of the goblin subjugation army to take command.
Watching his nephew go. “Sir Kajiak. Quickly move up to borders of Baron Antenok.” As he hands him the authorization order. “Take 500 knight, 900 footmen, and 100 archers as they come through the area. Ambush the baron as he returns from the frontier raid. Then, only after its done are you to settle scores with the Hasbrig family. In 2-weeks, leave only enough for the people to survive the winter, but leave nothing extra. And allow anyone wishing to move to Myojhuk Baronage to take all the extra. That should incentivize them to move to our territory.”
“With pleasure Lord Caldrun.” Sir Kajiak smiled happily snarling.
“Same goes with you Sir Junapt. But you’ll be going toward Count Morrogain’s territory. But leave the port town Calteermon alone. But, do burn their crops if they have yet to harvest.” Also handing Authorization documents.”
Sir Junapt simply nodded in understanding as he received his scroll.
“And I’ll take the rest of the men as they arrive then lay waste to the Margraves territory.” Steward Caldrun declared. “These are the orders left by Baron Myojhuk. So take your immediate men under your control and move out Gentlemen. It’s time we stop paying for a war we want nothing of, and stop living under their tyranny.”
Nodding in acknowledgment, each knights took their own forces brought with them, then marched out to their respected direction.
- In Serial38 Chapters
Samantha logs into Incrementum out of pure frustration. Frustration with her job, her boyfriend, her mom and every other aspect of her unraveling life. As her first heroic act, she can’t figure out how to log out. The Brighthollow forest feels real, too real, and it has bugs. Luckily for Francine, a wealthy widower with dreams of creating the largest empire in the history of mankind, Samantha gives the game a chance. But Samantha won’t play the game Francine’s way, or the way Incrementum’s Gods wish. Samantha plays the game as she pleases and damn the consequences.
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Her Beautiful Fractals
The Fractals took everything from them, Alek and Alena were left orphaned from the tragedy that befell their home village. Horrifyingly beautiful monsters possessing crystals that shine a brilliant amber, with alluring patterns that dance across the skin as though it were alive. It was these same Fractals that Alena swore to protect Alek from, a promise she would keep even should it cost her life. Knowing that they were the only family they have left, she couldn't bear the loss of those close to her following the death of their parents. Yet when Alena falls victim to an unfortunate accident, Alek takes the stand to measure up to his sister's role. After all she has done for him and having raised him on her own, he would be the one to take care of her. No matter the cost, he would find a way to cure her, even if it meant giving up his humanity. Cover Credits: by davepattern is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
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The Adventures of Void Cat and Shadow
Welcome reader! You have just taken a step into the continually expanding world of "The Adventures of Void Cat and Shadow." A story of two genetically engineered cats altered for one purpose: to fight evil wherever it may lurk in the world. Created by the brilliant Professor and trained by the formidable martial arts expert Sifu, the Ferocious Felines are locked in a never-ending quest against the evil Dr. Snowstorm, Chillwave, and the enigmatic Greenhouse. Set in the 1980s and mimicking a 1930s movie serial, "The Adventures of Void Cat and Shadow" offers a weekly action-filled story with twists and turns, ultimately holding the fate of the planet, nay even the solar system, in the balance. All Void Cat and Shadow content is early released on Patreon and then released here on Royal Road two weeks later.All Void Cat and Shadow stories are rated G to PG in the US. Nothing here will be more intense than your average Disney movie.
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Tellus Stirs (Previously Earth AA)
The year is 2030. Earth is dying. War, pandemics, overwhelming pollution, species going extinct, climate change, etc. The so-called human race has brought more harm to their planet due to greed; their increased energy needs were on a path of decadence even with their increased technological advancements. Tactical Nukes were already used in conflicted zones in the fight for resources. The conclusion was a deep and frightening hum unleashed deep within the earth, heard by every living creature, and with it, civilization has ended. Those who survived wished they were slain along with their loved ones as the dead didn't have to endure what came after. Others took the opportunity to gain unimaginable power and prestige as a new age began. Chaos reigned as per the prophecies foretold in the past. Those who did not believe knew the signs were actual; these prophecies were no longer popular folk tales. Such titles, the Breaking, the Rapture, the Malhama, and many others, came at a high cost. After all, every city or densely populated area had been hit with natural disasters that encompassed tsunamis, Earthquakes, Firestorms, Typhoons, and hurricanes. Power, food, infrastructure. All of it was gone and what came after was worse as humans were no longer top of the food chain. Yet the imminent destruction of the 21st century re-opened a veil that had kept the world safe from hidden dangers, or maybe it was the other way around. Time will tell. In our story, the Protagonist rises from the ashes of the apocalypse. A desert child soldier nurtured by tragedy and death looking for an escape to fill the void in his heart. By chance, in his hand, he held a blade with immense possibilities. Notes: (30.06.2021) - I have re-edited and revised the following chapters up to Chapter 24. - Changed the Title from Earth AA to Tellus Stirs. (3.07.2022) - Edited the Synopsis Cover Done by [email protected] (Permission Given).
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Don't Drink The Gene Juice
If you could turn into any creature, that'd be awesome... wouldn't it?Seth had been hoping for a fun rest of his senior year of high school. He was going to go on dates, go to parties, and maybe even actually pass his classes.But when he and his friends decide to have some fun on his friend's birthday, things don't really go how they expected.Now, what seemed like just a one time bit of risky fun, may threaten to ruin Seth's whole life.And it's all the gene juice's fault.Highest ratings#1 Genetics#1 - transformation#1 - tf
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The Accident - an II fanfiction
[WARNING FOR DEATH, BLOOD, SHARP OBJECTS, INJURY, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, AND PARANOIA]Test Tube has always lived for science. Research, experiments and learning have always been her number one priority in life. And after joining Inanimate Insanity, her new friends shared that number one spot with science.But one day, it finally happens.Test Tube emerges from her lab, and her former competition bring her horrible news, along with her friends' remains.And as she holds the shattered pieces of her best friend, an idea takes form in her mind.Maybe, just maybe, with the help of science, unexplainable phenomena and luck, she can bring them back.Is her fear of death stronger than the love of her friends? She'll see.just your typical evil test tube au, except mephone's disappearance is actually explained and is the whole reason the fanfic existsThis fanfic:-Is not humanized-Contains ships such as Testbulb and maybe a little bit of Fanbrush#1 in #Testbulb#1 in #TestTube#13 in #InanimateInsanity
8 106