《Questioning the Basic》Chapter 6: Twisting the Canon
I should have known...
Vincent look at the line in front of him, dejectedly. There're least five hundred players queuing for his service. It seems to him there were too many people that having stat-based trouble. Most of them were combat profession; magician, archer, and warrior class took up majority of the crowds, not surprisingly most of them ask to convert their dump stats that already so dumped, to what they deem more useful stats. How many people want to be glass cannon here?!, cursed Vincent silently. Focusing one stat, often bring harm more than good. He didn't particularly mind, though. It's their decision and if I could reap profit from it, why not? But serving five hundred people and counting, were not something you're really really looking forward to. Forcing the smile he greet his second customer.
"Welcome, I assume you already familiar with the rule, miss?" said Vincent tried to be professional.
"Y-yes!! I'll pay with money! The second payment method is just too harsh!!" reply the lady, she wore ground-length, white robe. It seems she was magician or some sort.
"Please show your level to me, don't worry, your level will be a confidential information, and if you were not comfortable showing your level, you could always say show level instead show status window."
"Oh, okay, Show Level to the Mr.Wizard!"
Status WindowNameEdnaLevel152
"That would be 16 gold and 72 silver, please." said Vincent silently calculating in his head.
"Eh? I thought the price is 10 silvers per level? It should be 15 gold and 20 silver!" exclaim Edna.
"No miss Edna, for every customer I served, the price increased by 1 silver per level, regardless payment method."
"You're my second customer, therefore the service's price are 11 silver per level. You could always opt the second method, though."
"Lady of Fortune favor those who try hard in their endeavor. Like queuing in the front line."
"Ah, can't be helped. At least the difference still it's not too expensive. Here Mr. Wizard."
"Thank you."
"I will gamble 50 of my Agility. My target stat are Intelligence, Wisdom, Vitality, and Dexterity."
"Please wait."
You have lost 50 of your Agility. Please wait while the spellcaster pray to the Lady of Fortune.
Release the Seal, whisper Vin to his scroll.
The Gamble were succeed! You received 32 Intelligence, 18 Wisdom, 0 Vitality and 0 Dexterity!
"Waw! Most of the stat going to intelligence, like I wanted!"
"Ah yes, it seems Miss Edna were really lucky, perhaps you have substantial amount of luck, miss?"
"Oh, it's not too much."
"When asking too the Lady of Fortune, it helps if you show respect to her, and high amount of luck is sign of respect."
"Oh, I don't know luck were so useful, thanks Mr. Wizard."said Edna, leaving.
His 127th customer tried to "reduced" his level by one hundred. The 131st cursing him loudly (with lots and lots of saliva as added bonus). The 207th lost throwing 10 minutes tantrum after she lost half of her stat due to second payment method. The 342nd tried to postpone the payment by making the cliche "I swear I'll pay tomorrow" promise that no one would believe. And the last customer grudgingly gave him her last silver while spouting her 'back in my days-kid these days' non sequitur.
But of course Vincent had to smile! That's one of the important rule when you work in service industry! Smile! No matter how ridiculous your customer demand was, you have to smile! Even if the only "solid" argument of your customer were a full-blown ad hominem. You MUST smile. That's how keep the more civilized customer loyal. After all those illegible miscreant would stop their bark after you shove some coupon to them (it's going to expire tomorrow anyway).
Vincent sigh inwardly, finally. Finished. His little endeavor had managed to gather about 11,000 golds. He, perhaps were the richest level 1 in town. Not to mentioned... Show Status Window!
Status WindowNameVincent ValitiusClassScholarFame400Infamy0Level1TitleThe Little ProfessorHealth1180Mana3272Strength47+5Agility52+5Wisdom148+105Intelligence230+155+50Stamina150Vitality73+5Dexterity76+5Luck85+5Magical Resistance15%, with 5% chance of partial reflection
His status increase significantly! Thanks to his brilliant plan by increasing the price gradually, so the customer who couldn't paid, chose the second method of payment and BAM! Instant Stat.
Clang, clang, clang..
Ah, the fifteenth bell. Evening, already. Vincent frowned, his scroll of Lady Luck had disintegrated an hour ago. He couldn't walk to sir Piri's lab, it's simply too far, night will arrived soon and his teleport scroll were given to the Chancellor. After careful consideration, he decided to spend the night in the Magician Tower. The tower were only five blocks away and they provide research room for him in there anyway. So he could rest there free of charge.
Suddenly his eyes caught a movement.Suspicious Movement. Thief?! Wait it's not that. He could count at least five people already observing him. They seems desperately trying to look inconspicuous, but seriously? Wearing tattered cloak and leaning their back at the wall was definitely pathetic. It's like screaming "I'M SO SUSPICIOUS PEOPLE, LOOK AT ME AND MY MYSTERIOUS CLOAK!" At least they still have common sense to stay put. It's a market after all, no one want to attract attention of the crowd.
"What to do, what to do.... Ah let's try this."
"Blessed by the Hand of Frigg herself, Thy lavished the world with consolation. With protection."
"Thy mother, blessing from thee were the utmost. Upon the shield-bearer Paladin as my witness. I exerting my Arcane to reach your Divine. Grant this mortal mercy upon the fate that he destined to be."
"Under your purview, I prayed. Ward!"
The luminous light of setting sun slowly ripening apart to rainbow light. The light encircle themselves one by one, creating full circle rainbow; a halo that encompass the whole market area. After while the halo declined in size and placed conveniently around my head.
You have created Ward!
Ward were the advance from barrier, it could repel most of the thing it specified to. Granting the caster near complete protection
Please specify the ward.
"Deepest gratitude for answering my prayer Lady Hlin, I humbly asked thee for Ward against bad intention."
Like poem, magic were play of words. Beside the mana, word play important role in magic spell. The more eloquent your incantation were. Chance the spell will grant better result. Especially when you invoke the power of God or Demon. Words were indeed the key.
[p=center]Ward against Bad Intention![/p]
[p=left]The ward would repel bad intention that harbored toward you. Any individual that try to harm you will found the fate were against them. Constant misfortune and failure were guaranteed to happen to those who not know their place. Due to the blessing of Hlin, the Ward possess divine property.
Effect: -250 Luck to people who wanted to harm you
Restriction: Atrocities may not be committed when using the ward, less the effect will disappear and the user would face serious repercussion.[/p]
The crowd were aghast. The rainbow halo indeed were very flashy. Some of them tried to approach Vincent due to curiosity, but the latter already ran away. Slipping himself to the alley. Relieved Vincent began to walk again. The tower only four blocks away.
The "Thiefs" from before had already encircled Vincent. Two of them were barbarian with high-school delinquent wannabe attire. The other were all-brown thief, assassin, and a mage.
One of the barbarian lunged his sword at him. However, instead of slashing Vincent, he tripped by a small pebble and fall flat to the ground. And even more unfortunate to him, his sword somehow flied to the air and precisely hit him on the chest.
He dead.
Vincent tried his best to stifle his laugh. Using all his concentration, he casually walked over the barbarian dead body and continue to walk to tower as if nothing happened. The rest of the group look surprised, but after a second they got back to his sense and ran after Vincent. The assassin tried to pierced the katar to him,and... he hit the thief instead. The second barbarian using his sword-skill to Vincent, .....he hit the assassin instead.
They dead.
The mage fell to his knee. And the second barbarian tripped on the same pebbles again.
They both dead.
That evening a cackled Laugh could be heard across the whole Serabough
Using his Vincent-Fouvilious External Mana Harnessing Formulae, Vincent created lots and lots of scroll. Being Scholar, he able to reconstitute many ancient magic. The last one were Lady Luck Charm that he use to gamble the player stats. However, scroll were impractical, he literally had to hid the scroll under his robe or risk to be found out. Luckily, his customer seems to be more focused on whether they'd gained good stats or not.
How about enchanting? If he could apply the same concept to ring or bracelet, then the problem would be solved. However enchanting were rather expensive. Gem cost a leg. And certainly he could only put one spell per magical item. Then again, there's nothing to lose if he tried. But there are world difference between scribing scrolls and cutting accessory. The latter required meticulous workmanship of precision. Since his formula need the magic spell transcribed into the item. Engraving couldn't be avoided.
Firstly, he thought of asking Jeweler for service. However the fee that they charge were exorbitant. 100 golds per item? It's simply too much. And they could only carve crude symbol at the bracelet. He need finesse. Perfection. There were no room for mistake in magic. Therefore, Vincent decided to only purchase rings and bracelets that have no status granting power. He purchase fifty of them for 12,000 golds. So much for hard work...
Next, he tried to engrave the magic himself. But the result were scratches and reduction of durability. Then, he asked Fou to tried. The result were worse mishap, it seems imp didn't possess any artistic ability.
The next day, when he just wanted to open his stall, he observed rather weird peculiarity. The market were devoid of people. Only the vendor stayed, and even that they seems a bit restless.
"Uncle, where is everyone?" ask Vincent to the Grocery vendor beside him.
"Don't you know, Vin? People were crowding the Freya Church. The Benefactor of Church were returning from the battle against horde of undead monsters. I don't really get it. He beat lich or some sort."
"His name were... We- I don't really know. Something about plant."
"Ah yes, that's right."
"Oh. It's weed. I think I've heard him. He's called God of War, I think."
"Yes, that's true. I heard he fought bone dragon, and he has Ice Dragon under his command."
"Houu, but I'm looking for engraver though, or reasonable jeweler."
"But Weed is sculptor."
"I thought he's God of War?"
"And he's also sculptor, the best of the continent, he made the King tomb, and that Sphinx-thing that the freedman love to visit."
"Hard to believe right? But that's true! Class is not everything, Vin. Hardwork would open the path. Any path."
"Oh, my.. In that case.. Sorry Uncle, talk to you Later!"
"Eh, wha--"
"Oh my, teleport to sacred area really difficult. If not for the ward, I could ended up inside a wall... or worse." complaint Vincent.
Due to Weed extreme popularity, Users and NPC were flocking in front of the Freya's Church gate. The guard try their best to fend them off. One hundred trained guards of Freya could easily block the push from the crowds. However, if magic were used, the balance would tipped quickly. Fortunately, using evocation magic to Church Guard were frowned, the one who did it would gain high notoriety and no one want that.
"Rain of Feather!"
"Tickling Dust!"
"Pepper spray!"
Prank-Magic! The magician use loopholes and using harmless magic. So the guard wouldn't be harmed, but distracted enough (aka sneezing and tickled) to lose their foothold.
This is dangerous Thought Vin, he already teleport inside the gate, but it'd be a problem if crowds start flocking in.
"Let me help you, sir Guard."
"Uh, who are you? HAHAHAHAHA, it's TICKLED! !!"
Vincent smiled.
"Someone who want to help."
"Alrigh-ACHOOI! Alright, please help us. ACHOO!!"
"First there is Mana, and from it's lifeblood the Magic were born."
"Magic create Presence, and Presence alter reality."
"I'm here standing on the scale of construction and deconstruction."
"Retrieved what had been lost, Return what had been changed, and Reclaim what had been done..."
"The one that had changes! Return to your to form! And relieve us from your presence! Dispel!!!"
In instant, all the magicians spell in area were vanished. Thanks to Magic Manipulation Vincent could expand the Dispel area at cost of more mana. The guard look surprised, but they quickly snapped out of it and resume their duty. Grumbling could be heard from the crowd who previously thought they had managed to shake off the guard.
"What's happened?" asked a blue-haired warrior as he pushing the guard along with crowd.
"That elf kid over there remove the spell!" answered one of the magician.
"Then just cast it, again!" replied the warrior.
"Spell have cooldown, you twit! It's Five minutes.."
"No matter. My spell will be ready in moment.." answered Chie. Even though she said that, she actually very surprised. Dispel were high level magic, it required five circle to cast it. For the elf could cast dispel, it means he must be some high level wizard, she thought. She raised her staves and began chanting spell. Pepper Spray were one of her old favorite, any monster that possess even the tiniest nostril would sneeze uncontrollably when subjected to pepper spray. Moreover, the pepper spray would reduce their vision too. Thanks to it, she able to solo goblin and kobold by herself.
"...and protect us from the low hanging-fruit of troubling day. Air Dissonance!" shout the elf again.
You're under effect of Air dissonance. Mana requirement increase by twenty three fold. Skill Failure chance baseline set at 72%
"-er spray!"
"Aaah!! " Chie were taken aback. Mana reflux . The worst enemy of every magician, taking all but 50 of her health and leave her mana completely drained. That elf really amazing, she thought, gulping her emergency minor health potion. Looking around she observed the other magician suffer the same fate, Evio even got himself killed from the reflux.
"...I can't use my skill!"
"What the hell happened?"
The melee class on the front shouted their frustration. Of course! Chie screamed in her mind. The mana requirement increase by twenty three fold you dimwit! I spent ALL of my mana on ONE pepper spray. How do you expect, class with mana less than five hundred could cast skill? Chie sighed, waving her hand to her friends, she sign them to leave Church of Freya gates.
After a while the crowd start dispersing, some of the magician even hurried themselves to leaves the church. No one likes the effect of Air Dissonance. But still, most of them still flocking the area around church's vicinity. Thankfully no more people tried to break in anymore.
"Thank you child, if not for you, they should have managed to come in." said one of the guard.
"We're really thankful to our benefactor, but it seems the freedman also very ...fond of him, it's not the first time the crowd tried to barge in like that!" chided his friend.
"And it wouldn't be the last..."
"Last time, the paladin were here, so it's kinda okay. But now all of them were in relief duty at North." said the first guard sighing.
"It's my pleasure sir, to help the esteemed guard of Freya's Church is an honor." said Vincent.
"What a nice re--"
"How the situation?" asked a priestess suddenly. The priestess wore a ground-length red robe with golden fur lining. Her yellowish white muffler transcribed symbol of Freya; diagonal-like cross with alternating filled circle at the center. Worried look could be seen at her hurried pace to the guard.
"Everything under control Priestess Lillian. Thanks to the child over here, um.. sorry child what's your name?"
"Vincent, sir guard."
"Oh vin! It's that you?" said the priestess.
"Miss Lillian!" replied Vin
"I told you to not calling miss." she humphed.
"Sorry... but! [but! You're priestess! Priestess should always use honorific! It command respect! Especially in public."
"That's true...well, only in public, right?"
"Why're you here by the way? And look at your new attire, so elegant! You must be a great magician, now!"
"Well, no, not really..."
"Don't sell yourself short, kiddo! I saw what you did back there, he removing all the magic of all magician and disable them from casting anymore spell!" said a bearded tough-looking guard to Vincent. His chiseled stature command respect. Vincent could feel the veteran aura emitted from the man, especially if you're looking to his prevalent scar across his face.
"Uncle Mer! You're back!" said Lillian.
"Ah, Lilli! You're priestess now! I'm so proud!" said Mer booming.
"Yes uncle! When you're back?"
"Just got back here, it seems my training weren't enough eh, Rio?"
"N-no sir, we're j-just overwhelmed" replied the first guard, shuddered with that word implication.
"Hoooo.. overwhelmed.. Well, well. Next week I finally had a free time, your platoon need a retrain, Ri!"
"Y-yes sir..."
"Ah by the way, what're you doing here kid?"
"Umm.... I want to meet sir Weed."
"Typical! But how do you get here, did you managed to slip through the guard?" said Mer, glancing to Rio.
"No, I teleported here, sir."
"But the church were hallowed!!How Vin?" asked Lillian in disbelief.
"Well... the protection on the yard were not as powerful compared in the inside, and there's a bit distortion around the corner where the spell neutralizing each other, it was small, but possible."
"Eeh? That's unbelie--"
"Yes, it is Priestess Lillian." said a voice. It was from a wizened priest, he wear the same cloth as Priestess Lillian, with addition of white streaked ermine cape and towering hat.
"High Priest!" Priestess Lillian gasped, she hurried herself to curt, Mer and the guard follow suit, and bow to the high priest.
"Raise yourself, Priestess, and you're to Captain. No great servant of Freya should ever bow before me."
"Yes High Priest." answered Mer.
"It was a fact that the protection in the church yard were negligible compared to the inside and I somehow still remembered Vienn earful complainhow she couldn't fixed those distortion completely.But, I shrugged it off cause the gap were very small and it would be tremendously difficult to enter. However certain someone just prove me wrong." said the High Priest smiling
"Elp!" said Vincent, fidgeting.
"May I inquire your name, child?" asked the High Priest again.
Vincent sigh again, he didn't want this to happen. He just hoped he could meet Weed while he leaving the gate. But it seems the High Priest had taken interest in him, and considering Church of Freya Position he couldn't simply shrugged him off.
Well, fineeee.
"My name is Vincent Valitius, the Scholar of First Magician Tower of Serabough, your Eminence. I am very sorry at the trouble that I had caused, but I hope to meet the Church of Freya's benefactor. His esteemed expertise with the art of engraving were spread far and beyond, and I required his expertise in my studies. I were informed that due to his fame, crowd would follow him around all day. Therefore I decide to wait him in front of the church, once again, I'm very sorry your Eminence."
You have mentioned your profession, Familiarity with Church of Freya increased by 50
You have made impression with your expertise in defending Church of Freya from the crowd, Familiarity increased by 10
You have mentioned your aligned Tower, Familiarity with Serabough branch's of Church of Freya increased by 10
"I see, we're very honored to welcome the Scholar of Serabough. Such accomplishment in the young age must be proof of hardwork and excellence. We're very thankful to your help to our guard, we're peace loving church and we know the crowds mean no harm, but sometimes order must be held."
Thankful to your help, High Priest of Freya, Grant you 12 contribution point. Contribution point could be redeemed in Church of Freya for item or service.
"I pray the benefactor would accept your request, he just visiting the King and returning the Royal Guard to their post. I believe he will arrive shortly, ah! there he is." exclaim the High Priest.
"Sir Weed, come here a moment please."
"Yes High Priest, how could I help you?"
"This gentleman over here inquire your help with his studies, he was the Scholar of First Magician Tower of Serabough."
Weed frowned, from his attire, he could see that the child were player. He already got the quest from the High Priest to restore the honor of Nifleheim Empire. Originally, he planned to sell his service again in the market before dropping his japtem to Mapan. But, he couldn't afford to look bad in front of the high priest. Troublesome Indeed.
"Oh, how could I help you, sir..."
"Vincent, sir Weed. I require your expertise in engraving, could you help me?"
Well, if it's just couple of statue, he wouldn't really mind. But he should check, just be sure.
"I'm flattered sir Vincent, what should I sculpt?"
"Here, sir Weed." said Vincent handing a gold bracelet to Weed.
Weed examined it, he couldn't identify it in front of High Priest. But he could see that bracelet were very expensive. Three hundred gold, minimum, Weed thought.
"Could you engrave this symbol to the bracelet sir Weed? Originally I want to ask the town jeweler, but her carving were rather... imprecise.. " said Vincent handing a scroll.
"Just give me a second." said Weed, pulling his zahab knife and began copying the scroll.
"Amazing sir Weed, it's perfect! Now please do the same with the rest of the accessory. Ah and please use only one kind of scroll for each accessory." said Vincent handing one hundred accessories like necklace, bracelet, ring, wristband, and so on.
It is so much. Weed frowned.
"That were magnificent sir Weed, you're an amazing engraver, Church of Freya were honored to be your benefactor." said High Priest.
"Thank you, High Priest."
"Ah yes. yes. This talk tire me, come in Captain I'd love to hear about your stories. Excuse us, sir Weed, sir Vincent."
"Yes your Eminence, thank you for your help."
"Thank you High Priest, hope you rest well."
"Now sir Vincent, are you... freedman?" said Weed while we walk toward my stall.
"Ah yes of course! I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."
"Well it's okay, but 100 accessories seems a bit too much for little help, don't you think?"
"Ah!! How could I forgot! Sorry!! Here sir Weed, I don't have many gold left. But I'm very certain this is enough for compensation." said Vincent handing a scroll.
"Thank you.. Vincent, please drop the sir, it's uncomfortable. Do you mind if I identify this?"
"No Weed, be my guest, that's the best scroll I've ever created."
Identification Succeed
[p=center]Scroll of (Altered) Lesser Touch of Midas[/p]
[p=left]Taken from the Legend Lore, Midas were the King that cursed to turned everything he touch to gold. Recently, the renowned Scholar had modified those Ancient magic to only function if the caster were willing. Also, the modified spell not limited to only gold, but any kind of metal in it's pure form.
Enable the caster to turn any metal to another metal in it's true form. The conversion required no mana as this spell applied Vincent-Fouvilious External Mana Harnessing Formulae, but Rule of Energy preservation must still be followed. For example it'd take three times amount of copper to create one amount of gold. Conversion table would be available once the spell activated.[/p][p=center]Remained Spell: 17 times
Maximum Weight per Conversion: 50 Kilogram[/p]
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