《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》Asher's body and his first step
Chapter 10
With no Identification papers, Asher and the rest won’t be able to go in town, so Alicia stood up energetically and offered to go back to the castle and get the ticket herself.
[Bartila] “Even if you make yourself look good, it won’t change the fact that you forgot the papers.”
The first attack came.
[Alicia] “Uuu~ I said I was sorry.”
Then comes another attack from Bartila.
[Bartila] “You even shamelessly made a “I’m Cute!” pose…”
[Alicia] “Uwaaa! I’m so sorry!”
Continuing her cold look, Bartila relentlessly made Alicia feel even worse, to the point where Alicia is now crying baby.
[Bartila] “His Highness, Sir Asher is even with us…yet you…”
[Alicia] “Uwaaaaa! I *Sniff* I’m Soweeee!”
With Alicia’s loud crying, the Merchants in front and the back, and even the Adventures who are walking to town, looks at the carriage where Asher was with eyes full of suspicion.
Notice the surrounding’s stares, Asher and Touwa quickly made their move.
Touwa hugs Alicia from behind and started to caress her head gently, while Asher stops the merciless Bartila.
[Asher] “Its fine Bartila, I mean she’s even willing to go back and get it herself.”
[Bartila] “If that’s what you wish Sir, then I guess its fine…but…”
Seeing as she pushed Alicia a little too far, Bartila said her apology. But then she faces Asher while still carrying her apologetic look.
[Bartila] “But Sir, this will be your first time. We on the other hand have been in town countless of times and since this is your first, we thought that we can give you a fun tour.”
[Asher] (Ah…I see, so she…no, they want to show me a good time.)
Alicia, who is sniffling and trying to wipe away her tears, spoke next.
[Alicia] “When—*Sniff* When we were about to head to town, we found you looking very *Sniffle*depressed, so we thought that we can make you feel better…but I messed up.”
Alicia once again had tears in her eyes.
[Asher] (So they saw me earlier, huh? Damn, and they event went their way to make me happy. I feel like an idiot.)
Seeing Alicia about to cry once more, Asher quickly stops her by doing a habit he got from his mother.
Asher puts his left arm around Alicia’s neck gently while placing his left palm on her head. While caressing her red haired head gently, Asher then put his left cheeks on her head and made his family’s signature grin.
[Asher] “Its fine, don’t worry about it. I’m really happy that you guys made plans for me, in only a short amount of time too.”
Seeing such a warm scene, Touwa and Bartila watches at them with small smiles while Alicia started to calm down.
Still continuing his caressing, Asher accidentally removed Alicia’s Maid Hair band. When the hair band fall to the carriage’s floor, something popped up right in front of Asher’s eyes.
[Asher] (Huh, what are these?)
With something popping out in front of them, anyone would be curious and look. While still patting Alicia’s head, Asher lift his cheeks away from Alicia and looks.
[Asher] (N—no way, these…these are…)
What Asher saw were ears, but not ordinary ears of course. Normally, ears are place on both sides of the head; even Asher who became a Djinn still has his ears on both sides of his head.
But Alicia’s were placed differently, instead of both sides; her ears are placed on top of her head and the shape is that of a rectangle.
Asher’s cheeks were just pressed on to them just a while ago and he could feel the warms, so clearly that it has skin. But it was still covered in small cuts of red hair, or to be more precise, it was covered in red fur and in the center was white fur.
[Asher] (There’s no mistaking it, these are…!)
Cat ears, Alicia the red haired maid has Cat ears.
Though Asher knew he is now in a different world, but the fact that he is now face to face with another race other than Djinns and Humans made him excited again.
Due to being surprised, Asher stops his patting and since Alicia honestly like his caressing, she looks up to Asher.
Following Asher’s eyes, Alicia traced them with her hand.
Due to being in a trance, Alicia only noticed now that her hair band came undone. In a panic, Alicia quickly move away from Asher’s left arm and hid her ears.
Bartila and Touwa also panicked and look at Asher full of fear.
[Alicia] “I—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hid it from you Sir. But you don’t have to worry; I wash myself every day, so I don’t think I have any fleas!”
[Bartila] “It true, we wash ourselves every day, so…!”
[Touwa] “We—we won’t infect you with si—sickness or anything. We swear…”
With a different reason of being surprised, Asher was taken back with the tree girl’s sudden change of attitude. Though Asher wanted to ask why they’re acting like this, he decided to clear the misunderstanding first.
[Asher] “Can I ask you something Alicia?”
[Alicia] “Y—yes?”
Asher then raised his right hand. Seeing this made Alicia flinched and waited for a slap or a punch that she thought she will receive.
[Alicia] (Just when we thought we could have a good relationship with him…I should have hidden my ears better!)
[Asher] “Those ears, you wouldn’t mind if I touch them more.”
[Alicia] “Eh, my—my ears?”
[Asher] “Yeah, I really think those cat ears of yours are really cute.”
[Alicia] “C—cute!?”
Though her two friends tend to say that her ears are cute, this was the first time that a man said that to her without lust or sarcasm.
[Bartila] “You don’t mind that we’re not human or Djinns?”
[Asher] “Of course not, I really think there adorable…hmm, wait a minute, did you just say ‘We’re’ awhile ago?”
With the slip of the tongue, Bartila tried to change the topic, but since Asher himself said that he didn’t mind, Touwa spoke first.
[Touwa] “Um…well…the truth is, Alicia is a werebeast from the tribe called G—Grimalkin. Bartila here is a Hobbit and…and I’m…well…”
Before finishing her words, Touwa slides her hair that was hiding her ears.
Though not as sharp and long as Asher’s, Touwa’s ears are about 3 inches long and sharp, but still rounded on the bottom.
[Touwa] “I’m a Dark Elf.”
Hearing that Asher had no elements that is blessed to him made him feel depressed, but seeing 3 fantasy races right in front of him gave his enthusiasm back.
With full of curiosity, Asher was about to ask question regarding their races and others. But…
A loud sound was suddenly heard from the front, then whispering and shouting could be heard.
[Bartila] “What was that, an accident?”
[Touwa] “Th—this might be bad, your highness we should leave for n…your higness?”
[Alicia] “Sir Asher already left.”
With a sudden accident, Touwa thought that it might be dangerous for a royal family member to be close so she wanted to leave the area, but without her or Bartila noticing, Asher is presently running towards the scene.
[Bartila] “Eh, why didn’t you stop him?”
[Alicia] “He just got down so fast, I didn’t react in time.”
The three maids then decided to get down themselves and follow Asher.
As Asher gets closer to the scene, he found a crowd of people observing and murmuring. Asher then walks up close to a man who seems to look like an Adventurer and asks.
[Asher] “Hey man, what’s happening, we heard a big crashing sound earlier.”
[Adventure] “Oh, well…one of the wheels of a carriage gave in and startled the Rabtor, making the carriage flip. Good thing the other Rabtors didn’t panic.”
[Asher] (Rabtors? Startled the Rabtors?)
With the word ‘Rabtors’, Asher looks at the other carriages and found creatures similar to the one that was pulling the carriage he rode.
[Asher] (Oh, so that’s what their called.) “Can’t we just move the carriage?”
Thinking that the fallen carriage is what’s more important now, Asher asks the Adventurer.
[Adventurer] “That’s the thing; I heard that there is an old woman pinned down. Not sure if it’s true though…ah hey kid, where ya going!?”
Without a single strand of hesitation, Asher quickly moves towards the carriage while moving swiftly through the crowds.
[Asher] “Excuse me…thanks buddy…”
Finally getting out of the crowd, Asher noticed a small boy kneeling and crying while peeking under the fallen carriage. Asher quickly sprints towards the boy and pats his back.
[Asher] “Hey there kid, what happened here?”
[Boy] “My—*Sniff* my Grandma *Sob* she’s stuck…and…she isn’t moving…*Sob*”
Asher wasn’t actually asking the boy what happened, he just asked because he thought that talking with someone might help the boy calm down.
Without caring about the dirty ground, Asher placed his left cheeks to the ground to see the old lady’s situation.
[Asher] (Looks like she still breathing, that’s good. No blood either, looks like she’s just unconscious.)
Asher was about to feel relieved, but when he heard the sudden snapping sound, the carriage fell lower, he quickly finds where the sound came from.
[Asher] (What in the hell is—the wheel!)
Asher runs to the other side of the carriage. Planning to put a rock or wood to help keep it lifted and enough time to pull the old lady out, the wooden wheel snaps.
Without thinking, Asher puts his hands on the carriage’s corner and tries to lift it.
[Asher] “Hummph!”
Asher wasn’t sure what might happen; will the old lady crushed along with his hands or something even worse?
While having those thoughts run around his head, he continued to close his eyes tightly and waited…
For about 3 seconds, Asher started to wonder on why his hands aren’t crushed yet or why there is no pain, opening his tightly closed eyes slowly, he noticed that he was still carrying the carriage.
[Asher] (Huh, this carriage…even though it has quite the number of luggage inside it…it feels really light for some reason.)
Noticing that the carriage’s weight wasn’t a problem, Asher continues to lift the carriage over his head.
[Asher] (I noticed that my body is a lot stronger when I sparred with mom, but this is just…)
[Soldier] “Alright, let’s hurry up and get the old lady out of…there…”
Asher wasn’t the only one who was astonished on what he is doing right now, because all the spectators had their eyes wide open.
Some Adventurers who saw Asher running towards the broken down carriage was about to come over and help, but seeing Asher lift a carriage filled with luggage like it was as heavy as a carton box full of Styrofoam.
As for the soldiers, who seem to have gone inside the town to call for help, quickly rushing back, but what they saw as soon as they came back made their mouth hang open.
Seeing something they can’t comprehend completely, all the soldiers become wary and started to ready both Defense type and Attack type spells, but one soldier eventually recognized the blue light, gushing from Asher’s back.
[Gate Leader] “Wh—who are you, what are you planning to do with that carriage!?”
[Gate Soldier # 1] “Wait Sir, it’s him!”
[Gate Leader] “Him?”
Without saying a word, soldier simply pointed at Asher’s back and the leader’s eyes followed.
[Gate Leader] “Huh, blue light is coming out from…his…Blue light is coming out from his back!?”
Realizing that he was about to attack one of the royal families, made his face pale and teeth chatter and the other soldiers also noticed, and then they dropped their hands.
[Gate Leader] “It’s an honor to have you here with us, your highness!”
The leader’s words echoed throughout the flat pains of the outer gate of the town.
The soldiers quickly posed the kingdom’s salute and was once again shout something, but Asher stopped them due to something even more important that a royal greeting.
[Asher] “Stop, if you have time to do all that crap, then hurry up and help this old lady!”
[Gate Leader] “Y—yes sir!”
Asher was slightly angry from seeing the soldiers prioritized him first then the injured and unconscious old lady, so he raised his voice making the soldiers jerked backwards, but then quickly snaps back and helps the old lady.
[Bartila] “Excuse me…pardon me…come on, let a Hobbit pass!”
[Touwa] “Um…p…pardon me…um…c—can you please let me through?
[Alicia] “Excuse me, please let me through—Unyaa!?”
Finally moving the old lady out of the pass, Asher slowly puts down the carriage, but when he heard the voices of the three maids, Asher stops his hands.
Being a cat and all, Alicia got through the crowd of people with ease. So she was the first to see Asher and cried out like a cat.
15 minutes passed and the carriage has been dealt with.
The soldiers that pointed their spells at Asher quickly bows and apologized deeply. Though Asher doesn’t mind that his identity as the prince of their kingdom would be found, having people bow down to him still made it awkward and unsettling.
[Asher] ‘Like I said its fine, something like that happened so I understand that you didn’t recognized me on the spot.” (So stop bowing so much, your making me feel guilty.)
[Gate Leader] “R—really your highness…oh, how about we give you the grand tour of the town?”
As one of the royal family, Asher and the 3 maids were given the right to go inside even without showing any identification papers, so Alicia didn’t have to go back to the castle.
Being offered to be given a tour around the town would make things easier for him, but since the maids are there with him, he politely refused.
[Touwa] “A—are you sure about refusing them? I mean, th—they might know the town more than us.”
Asher actually knew that when given a tour, the soldiers would make the best choice. Most likely the maids only know about the shopping areas and markets, on the other hand the soldiers, who patrols the town regularly, might be knowledgeable.
[Asher] “It’s alright, besides…”
[Alicia] “Unyaa!?”
Sitting on the same position as before, Alicia grabbed the reins and made the Rabtor move forward. But she suddenly twitched and had her red cat ears pop up again, due to Asher suddenly patting her on the head.
[Asher] “You girls are the first to invite me, I don’t want to miss a date with tree beautiful girls, now do it?”
[Touwa, Alicia, Bartila] “………….!?”
Showing another family inherited grin with additional to a flirtatious sentence, the maids face quickly went red.
At that moment is where the maids experienced one of Asher’s flaws. Though he can do many things like cook, smithy and even build things, he is no perfect man.
His mother even noticed that many of his female classmates and co-workers tend to deliver letters full of their passionate feelings for him and even visit their apartment, just to get Diana to accept them.
Though Diana thinks that it’s slightly troubling, deep within her thoughts is the sentence (Just what I expect from my son) popping out, while being secretly gleeful.
Diana kept them a secret thinking that it might bother her son’s work and school activities, so she never told him, thus making Asher remain clueless to the girls around him.
Luckily the girls who grew a crush on him in school depleted due to the help of one of Asher’s childhood friends.
But since that ‘Childhood Friend” isn’t here, the 3 maids started to fall victim to his unknowing playboy tendencies.
With their hearts pumping, they merely nod at Asher’s words silently.
[Alicia] “W—well then, let’s go to the parking lot and let Snow rest.”
[Asher] “Hee~ so there’s a parking lot…hmm? Snow, is that the name of this Rabtor?”
[Bartila] “Yes it is, Snow is actually Princess Alowey’s Rabtor, but she lets us servants use her if we needed.”
[Touwa] “I—I’m thankful to the Princess for letting us use Snow.”
Hearing that the Rabtor’s name is Snow made Asher look at the strange creature once more and true to its name; the fur that covers it really is like white snow.
[Asher] “Snow huh, Alowey has a good naming sense, her fur is really beautiful so it suite her…she is a girl right?”
[Bartila] “Don’t worry Sir Ash, she’s a girl.”
Worrying that the Robtor Asher might be a boy, he thought that he would definitely feel bad to be given such a girly name. But in the end, his worry was for nothing.
Snow, who’s continuing pulling the carriage, made small glances at Asher and then lifts her long white tail then rubs it on Asher’s face.
[Asher] “Wh—why is she doing this?”
Though Asher enjoys how soft and smooth the fur is, he still wanted to see what’s in font.
[Touwa] “Sh—she must like you, qu—quite a lot a lot, Sir Asher.”
[Alicia] “Well, you did compliment her.”
[Asher] “So wait, she can understand me?”
[Alicia] “Not completely, but she does know that you called her beautiful.”
[Asher] (Is that the reason for all the touchy-feely?)
Noticing Snow won’t be stopping anytime soon; Asher gave in and let its tail rub on his face, and since its tail is in the way, Asher wasn’t able to see what the town looked like.
From his side, Asher could hear slightly weak giggles coming from the 3 maids.
[Asher] (Well, as long as their happy I guess.)
Though Asher’s sight is being block by fluff, he could tell that they made a right turn and after moving forward for a few more minutes, they finally stop.
[???] “For how long ladies?”
[Bartila] “Um…can you please time for how long, we’ll just pay you then Trip.”
[???] “Got it…hmm, and who’s this?”
Asher still couldn’t see since the tail of the Rabtor clenched to his face, but could till tell that it came from a man since it was right next to him and it had a rough, but still young tone.
Wanting to greet the man, Asher pulled of the tail from his face and look towards the voice.
[Asher] (Wha!?)
Asher was surprised to see where the manly voice came from.
Standing to his side was a man that stood in about 4 feet, he had green skin and big pointy ears that’s as big as his head and pointed down nose, yellow colored eyes and spiky orange-red hair.
What stood to Asher’s side and where the manly voice belongs to is from a monster called Goblin.
[???] “Hmm, what is it? Is there something on my face?”
[Alicia] “Actually, this is Sir—“
[Asher] “Asher, the names Asher, but you can just call me Ash. It’s nice to meet you…umm?”
Thinking that it must have been rude to stare, Asher quickly regains his composure and held out his hand.
The Goblin saw Asher’s gesture for hand shaking; he then tried to wipe his right hand on his shirt, but it was suddenly grabbed by Asher and started to move them up and down.
For a few seconds, the goblin was speechless. Since he noticed that he was not just somebody, but a powerful Djinn, he wanted to pay his respect properly.
But Asher didn’t mind his dirty hands and even gave him a friendly smile.
The Goblin then smiles back.
[Trip] “The names Trip, nice to meet ya too Ash.”
Seeing Asher and Trip share a manly hand shake, for some reason made Touwa blush.
[Trip] “So Ash, you’ll be going out with three dames at the same time, what a stud.”
[Asher] “Nah, just call it my lucky day.”
While Asher and Trip continue with their friendly conversation, Asher and the rest got off the carriage.
[Trip] “You guys will be for a while right?”
[Bartila] “You wouldn’t mind, would you Trip?”
[Trip] “Don’t worry Tila, I’ll take good care of Snow for ya.”
Asher believed that Snow will be in good hands, since Snow is rubbing its cheeks on to Trip’s and purring like a kitten.
[Asher] “Thanks again Trip.”
Saying their thanks again, Asher and the maids left the parking lot and are now making their way towards the Market district.
[Asher] “Oh man, I’m starting to get nervous.”
[Touwa] “Um…are you…feeling alright, Sir Asher?”
Touwa leans over and worryingly peeks at Asher who has his right hand clenched to his chest.
[Asher] “It’s nothing Touwa, it’s just that I’m getting a little too excited here, hehehe…”
After answering, Asher gave Touwa and the others a wary smile. The three maids then look at each other silently and gave a nod, as if they’ve decided to something.
Alicia suddenly grabs on to Asher’s right arm while Bartila grabs his left and as for Touwa, she gently placed her hands on his back.
[Asher] “Huh—wha!?”
At first Asher was confused, but when he heard the loud voices of crowds and a big curtain, he then knew why.
[Asher] (So the Market district is there…*Gulp* alright, here we go!)
With a big flash of light, Asher still has his eyes open and made an excited smile and with the help of the three new friends he made, he is now about to make his first step to a new town in a new world.
Facebook Name: Zylos Jvakia Siegfried.
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