《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》The Town and it's People
Chapter 11
[Asher] “Whoa!!?”
As soon as Asher steps inside the market place, he was almost stomped by a big creature. An old man, who is mounted on top of the creature, quickly apologized.
The huge creature that almost crushed Asher’s feet was like a 10 to 13 feet tortoise with a long neck, but what makes it different from appearance from a normal tortoise is that is has a long white beard and big thick eyebrows and finally, two long, curved tusks poping out of the thick beard.
[Bartila] “Sir Ash, are you alright!?”
The three maids quickly ran towards Asher and looks at him. But to their surprise, Asher had a big smile as he looks at the big creature.
[Asher] “H—hey Bartila…wh—what do you call that animal?”
Without a single bit of fear can be seen on Asher’s face, he continued his smile while facing the three maids and asked.
The three were dumbfounded, normally something like that could scare someone stiff, but Asher has the eyes of an excited child.
[Alicia] “Um…it called a Tortusk.”
[Asher] “I see…a Tortusk…so cool.”
The old man that was riding the creature called Tortusk apologized again and Asher simply said it was OK and forgave him. The old man then waved his hand goodbye and left and while doing so, Asher kept his eyes on the creature.
Finally moving its large body, the sunlight hits Asher’s eyes and he quickly blocks them with his right arm. As his eyes slowly got used to the light, the town’s market pare can now be seen.
[Asher] “This…this is just…”
Asher couldn’t finish his words, what he’s seeing right now is something straight out of a fantasy book, it was too amazing.
Though the market looks close to what Asher imagined, seeing stalls made out of wood with fruits, skewered meat, accessories and even small animals being sold made him feel happy, but what really got his eyes wide open was the people roaming around the market place.
To his right, a stall that sells skewered meat is being managed by a young slender woman with a snake body from the waist down. She was a mythical creature called a Lamia.
Next to the Lamia’s shop was a stall that sells vegetables and it was being managed by a large man with blackish skin and has one fang popping pout of his lower chin, his nose is place higher than humans and has two small horns on his forehead. He was one of the most well known mythical creatures in Asher’s world, an Orc.
But not only to his right, wherever he look, he could see different races, form Dwarfs that sells tools, Elves that seems to be working as a Adventurer, Harpies that delivers boxes from one place to another and even races he has never heard of.
Without a doubt, this is what a fantasy world supposed to look like.
[Alicia] “Is there anything you want to see first Sir?”
[Asher] “What do I want to see first……………Where should I start?”
Seeing all of these at the same time made Asher slightly taken back, never in his wildest dreams would he have a chance like this, so couldn’t really think of anything.
Luckily, Bartila made a suggestion.
[Bartila] “Why don’t we try the food stalls first?”
[Asher] “Now that you mentioned it, whenever one would visit another country, food always comes first.”
Agreeing to Bartila’s suggestion, Asher was lead towards the stall where he noticed that Lamia.
[Lamia Stall Keeper] “Welcome, so how many would you be get—Whoa, a Djinn!?”
[Asher] “Hmm?”
[Lamia Stall Keeper] “Um…i—it’s nothing Sir Djinn…umm…is there something you need from me, Sir?”
Seeing one of the most powerful races in Terrafis made the Lamia tremble, thus she stuttering her words.
Though Asher is dense when it comes to romantic feelings, he could still notice if the person in front of him is troubled, that is why he quickly changed the atmosphere by introducing himself energetically.
[Asher] “Hey, the names Asher, I thought I smelled something great so I just followed the scent. Guess I did the right thing, huh?”
[Lamia Stall Keeper] “Um…ye—yes, I made sure these are softened properly, so these skewered Bufalcow’s meat will be very tasty…um…would…would you like to buy some…Sir?”
[Asher] “Thanks, I think I’ll have 6 please—oh and can you give me a freshly cooked batch?”
[Lamia Stall Keeper] “R—right away sir, please wait for a few minutes.”
Seeing Asher being gentle made the Lamia feel slightly relaxed and started to cook Asher’s order.
When Asher was transported to the world of Terrafis, he wasn’t carrying a single penny; luckily Alfern gave him a bag of coins that weighted in about 1 Kilogram before left the castle.
[Asher] (This might be a good chance for me to learn about their money.)
Putting one hand inside the cloth made pouch, Asher took out 1 piece of gold coin.
[Asher] “Hmm!?”
Someone who used to work just so he could pay his family’s rent properly was overwhelmed from seeing a gold coin, pinched between his fingers.
As he continues to stare at the gold coin, his hands started to tremble while muttering.
[Asher] “G—go—gold…c—coin…Wait a minute, could it be that…”
Regaining his thoughts, Asher opens the small sack and peeks inside.
[Asher] “………………….”
What he found inside wasn’t only gold, but silver and even some crystal like coins. While still stunned, the here maids came closer to him, confused to see why Asher isn’t moving.
But before they even ask him what was wrong, the Lamia had already finished cooking and packed them into a big leaf.
[Lamia Stall Keeper] “Um…here you go Sir…uh…Sir?”
[Asher] “Oh, sorry about that…so, how much will it be?”
[Lamia Stall Keeper] “Well…since you ordered 6…that will be…12 copper coins please.”
[Asher] “Eh...Copper coins?”
[Lamia Stall Keeper] “Could it be that…you don’t have any?”
Of course it’s not because he has no coins to use, it’s just that he has no copper coins in the bag that Alfern gave him, making him slightly panicked.
[Alicia] “We can treat you if you want Sir Ash.”
[Asher] “No, it’s alright. I have money with me.” (Not the copper ones though)
Putting back the gold coins inside the bag, Asher took out a silver coin and placed it on the Lamia’s hand.
[Asher] (Gold is obviously has a higher price range that copper and same goes for the silver coin, as for the one that looks like made out of glass, it might be the high or lower than gold.)
While having those though in his mind, the Lamia gives Asher his change back and then bowed respectfully.
[Asher] (My change is…58 copper coins, so that makes the price of one silver coin is 70 copper coins.)
Though he only learn about the difference of price between a silver coin to a copper coin, Asher was still happy the find out something new.
[Asher] “Here you go girls, freshly cooked…um…meat…”
[Alicia] “Thank you very much Sir Ash.”
[Bartila] “Thank you Sir Ash.”
[Touwa] “Th—thank you very much Sir Asher.”
Handing out 1 stick per person, Asher and the maids started to munch on their skewered meat while walking through the busy streets of the market.
30 minutes has passed and they are now making their way out of the market area. Asher literally checked every stall he passed by and even learned about the different price of the coins.
The Copper coins are the lowest and from there…
70 Copper Coins = 1 Silver Coin
50 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Coin
30 Gold Coins = 1 Ruby Coin
But since he learned about the coins’ price rate, Asher decided to not use any Gold or Ruby coins and only use some Silver coins and Copper coins.
[Asher] “So where are we headed now?”
[Bartila] “Were headed to the Shopping District.”
[Alicia] “You’ll love it there Sir Ash, they’ve got everything from clothes to magical items.”
[Asher] “M—magical items?”
Another word that made Asher feels excited. He already knew the existence of Mana Crystals, so he was already suspecting to hear about Magical Items. But even so, he is still happy to hear about them.
With a quick paced walk, Asher makes his way through another small tunnel.
As the light once again shine on his face, Asher’ eyes slowly got used to the light and slowly opens his eyelids.
Just like the Market District, the streets are bustling with energy, but unlike the Market District, the streets aren’t crowded enough to have difficulty walking through and unlike the Market, they have a few stalls and what a lot of tow storied buildings made out of wood and stone.
Asher looks to his left and right and thought what Alicia said was true. The shops in the Shopping District sell things like ordinary clothes, Armor, Magical Potions and Weapons.
He even noticed places that are called ‘Dwarves’ Smithy’ or ‘Alchemy Potions’ signs, placed beside the shop’s door frame.
Though Asher is curious about the so called ‘Magical Items’, he suddenly remember that the girls originally had reasons to go to town. He then turns towards the 3 Maids behind him and apologized while he scratch the back of his head.
[Asher] “Sorry about that, I got too excited and just thought about myself.”
[Alicia] “It’s alright Sir, we only planed to look at some clothes and the shop is close by, so we’re not really in a rush.”
[Asher] “Even if you say that, I can’t really take everyone’s time off.”
Still feeling guilty, Asher thought that maybe he could go on his own and just meet up again at the carriage parking place.
When he was about to say his idea to the maids, Touwa slowly raised her right hand and spoke in a low voice.
[Touwa] “Um…wh—why don’t we split up? Two people would go to the clothing shops while one of use stay together with Sir Asher…um…that is if is alright with you Sir.”
[Asher] (I guess they’re worried about leaving me alone…guess I don’t have a choice.) “That’s OK with me.”
Though Asher didn’t want to take their time, it would seem that not only the Dark Elf Touwa would be worried, but Alicia and Bartila would feel the same. So Asher had no choice but to let them do as they please.
[Alicia] “Then how about letting Bartila stay with you Sir Ash? After all, Bartila didn’t plan on buying anything today and just came along with us.”
[Bartila] “Th—that’s fine with me…but are you alright with me Sir Ash?”
[Asher] “I’m alright with it, why don’t we meet back…um…at that fountain over there in about 30 minutes?”
At the center of the Shopping District was a fountain that has a shape of a flower, it was the perfect place to wait since wooden benches could be seen, placed in each corner.
[Alicia] “Alright, see you later Bartila, until then Sir Ash.”
[Touwa] “Um…p—please take care Sir Asher.”
After bowing at the same time, Alicia and Touwa walks towards the opposite direction were Asher plans to go to.
Still a little nervous, Bartila made a deep breath and face Asher.
[Bartila] “W—well then, is there a place you want to see Sir?”
Asher thought hard on what to see first, though he had more time in his hands, his excitement makes him impatient. But thinking carefully, he decided on what he would like to see first.
[Asher] “A Magic item shop, is there a shop close by?”
In the end, the Magical items that was mentioned earlier is still lingering in his mind, not like the thought of potions aren’t interesting, he merely thought that the magical items might help him in his Non-Elemental problem.
[Bartila] “Well, there is a shop that’s close by that us maid usually go to.”
[Asher] “Lead the way.”
With Bartila leading, they both made it to the designated shop without any problems.
Place on top of the door’s frame is a sign that has a symbol of a feather and words that says…
[Asher] “Everyday goods…huh?”
[Bartila] “That’s right Sir, us maids usually go here to buy the things needed for the castle, like the fire crystal we use to start a fire in the kitchen.”
[Asher] ‘Oh, so their sold only here?”
[Bartila] “You can buy them in any daily goods shop, but this is the place us maids usually go to.”
While explaining, Bartila opens the door and leads Asher inside.
[Asher] (Alright Ash, there might be a chance for you to have magic abilities, you just got to find them first…)
With thought and feelings of not giving up on magic abilities, Asher walks in the shop with full determination.
Moments later, at a certain clothing shop, Touwa and Alicia are now picking some dresses and enjoying themselves. But suddenly Alicia asked something that made Touwa drop the dress she was checking out.
[Alicia] “So Touwa, what do you think about his highness, I mean Sir Asher?”
[Touwa] “Eh!?”
With Alicia’s surprise attack, Touwa made a few steps back and bumps onto another customer. She then turns and quickly apologized.
The persona she bumped onto didn’t mind it and just waved her hand and saying it was OK. With the person leaving, Touwa faces Alicia while giving her an angry look.
[Alicia] “Wh—what? It’s not like I asked anything weird.”
[Touwa] “Y—yes you did, you just asked me about his Highness Asher!”
[Alicia] “Well yeah, but it’s not like I’m asking you on how you feel about him.”
[Touwa] “Then what is it about?”
Alicia didn’t respond quickly, she stood silently for a few seconds while holding on to a light pink one piece dress with a white frilled collar.
[Alicia] “Though he isn’t related to his Highness the King by blood, he wasn’t like the other nobles…he—”
[Touwa] “—treated us like normal women…”
Nodding to Touwa’s words, Alicia as well as Touwa felt real warmth towards Asher’s actions and words.
Alicia then put her right palm on the back of his left shoulder, feeling the mark that was forced on to her.
By comparing the difference between her treatments form Asher to the noble that used to own her made her eyes tear up.
Touwa, who is standing next to her, puts her left hand on Alicia’s shoulder and comforted her.
[Touwa] “You don’t have to worry, as long as we’re still working as his Highness the King’s maids, he won’t do anything to us.”
The honest truth on why Alicia and Touwa acted strange when Asher found out about their race was because Touwa and Alicia used to be slaves that used to serve a horrible noble family.
Back when Alfern and his family were invited to dinner by that certain family. Upon seeing two naked girls being treated like animals by accident, Alfern quickly got angry, but instead of him shouting in rage, Alowey, who was only 14 years old, got ahead of him and she bursts out her anger towards the master of the family.
Without even stopping for even a second, Alowey torn the expensive looking curtains and covered the young girls’ bodies and left the house with haste.
Luckily, the one that burst out of anger was Alowey because if the King of their kingdom would act the same way, he might lose an important investor. But even so, Alfern hated the man and his family for treating a Were-beast and a Dark Elf like animals.
As a king, Alfern knew about the Slavery Market, though he wanted to stop that type of merchandising, he couldn’t do anything since it’s also another way for his kingdom’s people to keep their financing.
But even if they are slaves, Alfern knew that the salves still have their rights as a living person, and so being treated like an animal and being abused, is of course isn’t allowed.
Touwa was 11 and Alicia was 9 when they were saved and started to serve the castle as maids and they eventually met a friend named Bartial a few years later. Though they are happy with their lives now, Touwa and Alicia are still slightly scared when it comes to other nobles.
But since Asher was different, Alicia slowly calmed down with Touwa’s comforting words.
[Alicia] “You right, Sir Ash is different and those people aren’t here. Sorry to make you worry Touwa.”
With both of their feelings calmed down, Touwa and Alicia continue their shopping and hopes that they might find something great.
After 40 minutes of shopping, the two maids that left to buy clothes are now headed to the designated meeting place.
In Touwa’s arms are 2 boxes while Alicia had 5. Since Touwa had a tall figure, she wasn’t able to find a lot that could fit her.
[Touwa] “I—it’s really hard to find clothes for my height.”
[Alicia] “Maybe next time they’d have new clothes when we come back.”
[Touwa] “I sure hope so.”
Though Touwa only bought different 2 dresses, she was still happy that she got to buy some, despite how rare it is to find clothes that could fit here, finding clothes that could made her really happy.
[Touwa] “But still, I s—sure hope that Sir A—Asher didn’t wait long.”
[Alicia] “Don’t worry, though he isn’t blood related to his Highness the king and Princess Alowey and Princess Ifca, I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind.”
Happily walking backwards, Alicia shows Touwa a carefree smile while heading towards the fountain. But since she’s walking backwards, she accidentally bumped onto someone.
Touwa, who was watching her happily, noticed that Alicia was about to hit someone. She was about to call for her, but seeing the identity of the person that Alicia is about to hit, made Touwa speechless.
Dropping the boxes to the ground, Alicia kneels down and picks up them up and was about to apologize. But her words were cut by a rude and insulting speech.
[???] “Watch where you’re going you filthy animal! Damn it, you better not have put fleas on me, or I swear I’ll have your head for—huh?”
Alicia didn’t want to turn around, due to fear, the voice of a noble that has left scars in her heart made her tremble and countless of tears and sweat started to drop to the ground.
Her lower jaw started to shake, making her mouth produce a chattering sound. She looks to her left and right in a panicked manner as if she wanted to runaway as far as she could.
Touwa walks closer to Alicia, who is still kneeled down on the ground, then held her close to her chest.
[???] “So it really was you, I guess that king is still keeping you filthy animals around, Gyohohohoho!”
The disgusting laugh came from the very same noble that used to abuse them when they were younger. He was wearing very expensive clothes that didn’t even suit him and with his obese body made his looks even worse.
He had 5 large bodied human men around him wearing metal armor and they carried staffs that have a crystal ball on the tip while having a blade around it.
The two maids stayed on a single spot, not moving and wished that this man is nothing but an illusion. But unfortunately for them, the obese man walks closer to them and spoke.
[???] “But still, I guess I can’t call you pest ‘filthy’ anymore, you’ve been cleaning yourselves properly I guess.”
The obese noble named Ougustus Oginns was well known not only for his status as a noble but also for his abusive acts towards non-humans. He believes that only humans and other higher beings like Djinns and Elves are allowed to have the right to live in pleasure.
For being known for his cruelty, the people around the Shopping District couldn’t do anything to help the two girls due to the fear of getting the noble Ougustus angry.
Apparently, he was in town to buy some slaves to make them his own sexual playthings and accidently bumped into one of his past slaves.
At the beginning, when Alowey took the two by force, he didn’t really mind them being taken since they only saw them as dirty and ugly pests and since he only seen Touwa and Alicia from a distance whenever he visits the castle, he couldn’t really tell how much they have grown.
[Ougustus] “But I never would have thought that you two would grow up so beautifully, maybe I should ask the king if I can buy you from him. Gyohohohohoho~”
Ougustus then drew his face closer to Alicia face from behind. Slowly hearing the hated man’s voice getting closer and closer, Alicia closes her eyes tightly, wishing to not see the man’s face.
But then, the heavy breathing suddenly stops and Alicia heard Ougustus making a strange sound.
[Ougustus] “Gyupoo!?”
Out of curiosity, Alicia slowly opens her eyelids and peeks at her left side, instead of seeing the full face of the man she hates, what she see right before her is a big black hard looking shoe stepping on Ougustus’ face.
She then looks up to see who owns the shoe.
[Alicia] “S…Sir Ash…”
Asher stood before her, carrying a bag over his left shoulder.
He was making am angry look, but of course that look wasn’t for Alicia or for Touwa, it was for the man next to her, who was making her and Touwa feel uncomfortable.
[Asher] “Hey old man, I’m not really sure on what you’re trying to do, but you making Alicia and Touwa fell bad, so back off.”
[Ougustus] “Buhoo!?”
As if his foot dug deep into his face, Asher pushed Ougustus away and made him roll on his back.
Ousustus’ men wasn’t able to act fast because they never would have thought that someone would do anything to him, so the men just stood as they watch their master roll around the ground.
[Ougustus] “Gnuuuu~ H—how dare you!? Do you have any idea who I am?”
[Asher] “No I don’t…”
[Ougustus] “…………………….”
[Asher] “And I don’t give a shit nor do I even want to know.”
[Ougustus] “Hiiii!?”
By hitting both of his fists together, Asher made an echoing sound of steel bashing against each other around the Shopping District.
[Ougustus] “I—I see, you must be a traveler. H—humph, even if you are a Djinn, treating me like that will get you killed! You men, take care of this trash!”
The men walks around Asher and readied their attack type magic surrounding him, then orbs on the tip of their staffs started to glow green.
[Asher] (Green, that means their Earth and Nature users. Good thing Alowey explained to me what those colors represent.)
Without even minding the angered looks of Ougustus’ men, Asher kneels down and placed his hands on both Touwa’s and Alicia’s heads and pats them gently.
[Asher] “Don’t worry; I won’t let them do anything to any of you.”
[Bartila] “Touwa, Alicia, are you guys alright!?”
Bartila, who pushed through the crowds, came rushing in and hugs both Touwa and Alicia.
Maybe because of Asher acted as if they didn’t even matter, the men started to get even angrier and the light on the orbs shined brighter.
[Asher] “Bartila, get Alicia and Touwa out of here, meanwhile I’ll deal with these chumps.”
[Bartila] “But Sir, I can’t just put you in danger, so—“
[Asher] “Don’t worry, this won’t even last 5 minutes.”
[Bartila] “………….A—alright, please stay safe Sir Ash.”
Still reluctant, Bartila helps Alicia stand up, while Touwa does the same. But due to still feeling weak in the knees, Touwa trips on her two own feet.
[Asher] “Whoa, you alright, don’t push yourself if you can’t walk yet.”
Luckily Touwa was caught before she hits the ground, but having her waist around Asher’s arm made Touwa’s face blush red.
She then moves away from Asher and then walks away, but before she reaches where Bartila and Alicia are, she turns around while still feeling shy and said…
[Touwa] “Thank you very much Sir Asher.”
[Asher] (Oh, she didn’t stutter on her words…could it be that she feels alright with me?)
With the feelings of accomplishing something, Asher has his back turned against the angered men.
One of the men saw Touwa and the others walking away and instead of Asher, the man decided to hit the girls first.
[Goon # 1]
The 3 feet stone dart charges towards Touwa and the girls, the crowd who noticed this cruelty closed their eyes and readied themselves to hear a woman’s cry.
But no cry was heard, the crowed opens their eyes and noticed that the girls weren’t hurt and as for the stone dart…
[Goon # 1] “N—no way…”
It was caught by the unknown Djinn with black hair that has a white star in the middle and an abnormally long blue translucent scarf, which seems to be floating in midair.
A Dwarf that goes by the name of Gustav also saw this spectacle. When he was passing by after making a delivery to a restaurant, he just so happens saw a big crowed and out of curiosity, he pushed through and found Asher catching a stone dart with his left hand.
Staying in a daze for a few seconds, Gustav noticed the three girls who are slowly walking towards the crowed.
[Gustav] “Are you girls alright?”
Honestly worried about the girls’ safety, Gustav ran to them while taking small glances towards the men who tried to hurt them with magic.
In his line of sight, he found the man still having his back towards the men while having the stone dart, in his left hand.
Gustav himself is also blessed by the great Djinn Gahul, so he knows just how fast that spell hits and even if he or she was a powerful Djinn, no one would be able to catch something with that kind speed with his or her hand alone.
But the man he sees before him did just that.
[Gustav] “Just who in the world is he?”
Supposedly Gustav would keep those words in his thoughts, but seeing something amazing made him spout those words.
Touwa, who just came, heard Gustav and answered honestly. But at first she was reluctant, she thought that it might give Asher some unwanted attention, but since Asher wasn’t really hiding his identity, she gave him an answer.
[Touwa] “H—he is our young master, King Alfern’s first son, Sir Asher.”
Hey ZYLOS here, sorry i wasn't able to post for a while, my family came over and i didn't really had the time since my little cousins came over and kept me busy. any way i might go post my story and continue it there so i hope you guys are still willing to help me, i'll put more details when i'm ready. anyway until then, i'll still post my stories here. see you guys next chapter.
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