《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》The 3 Maids and Ash's Magic
Chapter 9
[Asher] “Are you sure you know how to use these clothes…more like, are these even clothes?”
[Diana] “Hmm…actually, I’m not sure. I think they’re Alf and my room’s curtain.”
[Asher] “You mean you’re making me wear something that’s not even meant to wear?”
In a room meant for guests to wait before they meet the king with non-personal or personal issues, the voices of Asher and Diana could be heard.
[Diana] “Don’t worry; I still have the things I bought for you in my bag.”
After saying so, Diana opens her traveling bag and takes out a black sleeveless vest, a pair of black arm warmers that reaches until the biceps and a pair of long black combat boots.
[Asher] “Where did you buy these?”
[Diana] “I bought them when I had free time to roam on my own back at the trip. Anyway, let’s forget all of that and get you dressed. No boy of mine will wear something boring out in town.”
[Asher] “Actually, I rather have something normal; I don’t want to stand out.”
Though Asher tried to say something to his mother, Diana was already imaging the clothes she desired.
[Asher] “Umm…mom? What’s up with these pants?”
Asher puts the white colored pants up and showed it to Diana.
With the pants spread while still being held by Asher, he could see that they aren’t normal pants.
From the waist, it was quite normal, other than needing to ties it with a long thin cloth like similar to a dogi pants. But the lower part isn’t normal, the lower it gets the wider it becomes. Thus making the lower pant’s hem spread in about 12 inches in width.
[Asher] (Kind of similar to what a samurai would wear.)
[Diana] “Fufufuf~ isn’t it cool? One of the maids maid it and said that it was a failure, it was about to be thrown out but I asked for it.”
[Asher] “So this was meant to be trash?”
[Diana] “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Now then, let’s get started.”
Finally seeing the style she wants, she slowly walks closer to Asher.
[Diana] “With this, a new style will rise in this kingdom!”
[Asher] “Just don’t make it too flashy.”
Without even putting up a fight, Asher gave in and followed his mother’s instruction.
First, Asher put on the white pants, he then ties a long, thin cloth as a makeshift belt, but as soon as he did, Asher notice on of the problems.
[Asher] “Huh? Isn’t the belt too short?”
[Diana] “And that’s where these old curtains come in.”
While holding on to 3 deferent colored cloths, Diana made a 5 inch belt and tied it on Asher’s left waist. While still having an extra extension, Diana puts the end of the cloth and stuffed it back in Asher’s left side belt, giving it a letter ‘U’ like look.
Asher was then told to put on the black combat boots whit tucking in the end of his pants inside the boots.
After tying the boots, he was then told to wear the black sleeveless boots and the arm warmers.
Closing the zipper of the vest, Diana told Asher to stop, thus revealing his collar bone.
[Diana] “Mmm…looks good. Or actually, it might be too perfect for you.”
Since the waiting room doesn’t have a mirror, Asher could tell if what his mother, Diana is telling the truth. But considering her reaction, it would seem that what he’s wearing is good.
After smiling confidently, Diana then notice the chest that Asher brought along with him. She walks closer to it and found a pair of rusted gauntlets.
[Diana] “What’s up with these, it’s all rusty.”
[Asher] “Actually Alfern gave them to me.”
[Diana] “Hm, Alf did? But it’s…well…you know…”
[Asher] “I kind of know what you mean, but he said there’s something special about it. I don’t know what it is though.”
[Diana] (If that’s what Alf said, then I guess its fine.)
Trusting the word of Asher and Alfern, Diana makes her way to the door and is now about to leave. But before she does…
[Diana] “As soon as you’re done with those gauntlets, hurry up and get back in the office. I want to show Alf and Del.”
Finally left alone, Asher looks at the worn out gauntlets and then made a wary smile.
[Asher] “I won’t get tetanus from this…would I?”
Still making a wary smile, Asher carefully puts on the gauntlets.
[Asher] “Can’t really refuse someone else good will, now can I?”
After a few minutes on figuring how to properly wear them, he manages to put them on surprisingly easy.
[Asher] “Ok, it’s a little big, but…and now wha—Whoaaa!!?”
Before he even finishes his words, the gauntlets on his arms started to glow blue. Though he was surprised at the sudden burst of light and made him close his eyes, he slowly opens them and notice changes from the gauntlets.
The crack started to mend, the scratches started to disappear, the rust started to fade and the fur on the back became very smooth and silky while glowing blue, but what surprised Asher the most was the size shrunk and made it perfectly fit Asher’s arms.
[Asher] “Was that supposed to do that?”
While looking at the gauntlets in every corner and admiring it’s faddish-silver color, he also noticed the small figure head of the lion on his right shoulder has its eyes glowing blue.
[Asher] “Man, I sure wish I could see what I look like. Well, might as well go back to the office.” (I want to ask more about these gauntlets to Alfern too.)
Deciding to go back to the office, he slowly opens the door of the waiting room, only to surprise 3 maids carrying laundry.
[Maid # 1] “Kyaa!”
But before one of the maids fall down to the floor, Asher quickly caught her by her back and carried her like a princess.
[Asher] “Sorry about that, I carelessly opened the door without checking if anyone was on the other side. I didn’t hit you did I?”
[Maid # 1] “………….”
[Asher] “Um…are you alright?”
[Maid # 1] “…Huh? oh, um…y—yes, yes I’m fine.”
Sighing in relief, Asher picks up the blanket that was dropped by the maids and folds them perfectly.
Thinking that he got on their way, Asher gave the folded blanket to the maid and said his goodbye by waving at them.
Though Asher was already a few steps away from them, the 3 maids that he ran over still kept their eyes on his back.
Reaming silent for a few seconds, one of the maids named Alicia, has finally open her mouth and said something.
[Alicia] “Wh—who was that!?”
Along with her red ponytailed hair, her face was also beat red. She has short and thick eyebrows and yellowish colored irises. Though the face she is making is now is panicked, she usually has the face of an energetic and strong woman.
Alicia turns her head to one of her companions Bartila, asks in a panic.
[Bartila] “I…I’m not sure, a new soldier maybe?”
Bartila, the shortest amongst the 3 friendly maids, has a blond hair that is cut all the way down to her shoulder and light green eyes. With her small stature, anyone in the world where Asher and Diana once was, would mistake her as a middle schooler, but in reality she is actually 18, just like the other two.
[Alicia] “That can’t be, his clothes are too unique.”
[Bartila] “Y—you’re right and the armor he’s wearing isn’t something a normal soldier would wear.”
While the other 2 maid continue to pounder on Asher’s identity, the maid who was helped and carried by Asher, still gazing on the empty hallway where Asher was walking a few seconds ago, recalled the event that happened in the training ground.
Noticing their tallest companion who stood in about 5.8 feet was still in a daze, Bartila, who was the shortest amongst the three, asks.
[Bartila] “Touwa, what’s wrong…Touwa?”
Touwa, who was the tallest amongst them, had brown skin and lavender colored straight hair that reaches down to her waist. Though her straight cut bang cover both of her eyes, she has lavender colored eyes. Though her personality is really shy, with her height as well as her hour glass like figure, makes her famous amongst the soldiers.
[Touwa] “Th—that man, he…he was at the training ground this morning.”
[Alicia] “One of the spectators maybe?”
Without saying a word, Touwa shakes her head and said…
[Touwa] “He…he was the one fighting against L—Lady Diana this morning.”
This morning when the sparring between mother and son in the training ground happened, Touwa along with Alicia and Bartila happened to be walking by and like the others, stayed and watch.
Hearing Touwa’s words Alicia and Bartila spoke out in unison.
[Alicia & Bartila] “”No way!””
With their sudden change of expression and shouting, Touwa slightly back off, due to being surprised.
[Alicia] “So that means that we just meet the prince up close.”
[Bartila] “That would make him Lady Diana’s son right?”
Finally knowing who Asher was, the maids screamed in excitement, since their position is somewhere that they could only meet if their called or by chance, meeting a young royalty made them happy.
But one maid felt something even more than the other two.
After telling her colleague who Asher was, she once again look at the empty hallway where he was just a few minutes ago. Alicia and Bartila found her appearance, which is still gazing on the hallway, amusing.
Slowly making their way to Touwa, Alicia, who stands on her left and Bartila who is on her right, carried smirks on their faces.
[Bartila] “Hey, hey Ms. Touwa, what’s it like to be carried like a princess, hmm?”
[Alicia] “You even got a real prince to do it for you…so, how does it feel?”
Being teased by both her friends, Touwa quickly picks up the cloths on the ground and walks ahead of them.
[Touwa] “P—please stop making fun of me, b—besides, if we idle any longer we might spend all of our free day in town.”
[Alicia] “Ah, wait for us!”
[Bartila] “We’re sorry Touwa, so just wait.”
Stopping their teasing, the two maids walked alongside Touwa and slowly made their way to the laundry room.
Finally making it to the door of the king’s office, Asher felt warily as he stands in front of the office with his hands on the hand.
[Asher] “Something doesn’t feel right.”
Even though Asher is already at the door, he was still reluctant to open it since on his way here…
[Asher] “Every person I happen to walk by kept their eyes on me.”
Even when he already passed by, the people he meet continue to watch his back silently.
[Asher] “Could it be that what I’m wearing is something embarrassing in this world…damn it, now I’m starting to feel worried…maybe I should go back and wear something else.”
Just when he was about to leave, the door opens.
[Diana] “What taking him so lo—oh, hey you’re here.”
[Asher] “M—mom.”
Diana, who was on her way to fetch the late Asher, opens the door and instantly found the person she was waiting for.
[Diana] “What are you standing around there for? Hurry up and get in.”
Getting pulled inside, I was already too late for Asher to back down and as soon as he made a few steps in, Diana closes the door.
[Diana] “Tah-dah! So, what do guys thinks.”
With her voice full of confidence, she showed off her son’s new clothes and to Asher’s surprise, Alowey and Ifca can also be found inside the office.
While Asher stood in front of them, Alowey, Alfern and Ifca stare at him from head to toe.
Due to being strongly looked at, Asher froze on the spot without moving an inch, but even so, Asher’s thoughts of wanting to run away grew stronger.
Ifca walks closer to Asher while still having her eyes on him and then tug on his new white pants. As she looks up to Asher, he readied himself for her upcoming words.
[Ifca] “………Brother Person………”
[Asher] “…………*Gulp*”
[Ifca] “……………Looks great………*Nod*…”
With a slightly blushed face and a single nod, Asher’s doubts quickly disappeared.
[Asher] “R—really, you really think so?”
Nodding two more times, Ifca honestly showed how much she likes Asher’s new clothes. But she wasn’t the only one who had the same feeling.
[Alowey] “We all think so; those clothes really make you look very dashing.”
[Alfern] “At first I was worried about the gauntlets might ruin your new get up, but I guess I was worried for nothing.”
[Diana] “See? I told you they look great, but the gauntlets make you look even more amazing.”
Being praised from left to right, Asher couldn’t help himself but blush while awkwardly scratching his head.
[Deloria] “Done, look Sir Asher, I have done…it?”
Finally finishing the questions that Asher gave, Deloria happily raise the paper and looks for Asher. But as soon as she did, what she found was not only Asher, but Asher in clothing that makes him look like a hero in a story book.
[Asher] “Really, can I see?”
Asher then held out his hands towards the Deloria. But instead of giving it instantly, Deloria made one step back, bows deeply with a straight back and then puts up her arms at the same height as her back while having the letter held with both hands.
[Deloria] “P—please receive this!”
[Asher & Diana] ““……………….””
Alfern, Alowey and especially Ifca has no idea on why Deloria’s action is full of energy, but for Asher and Diana, they both thought of the same thing while looking at the bowing Deloria.
[Asher & Diana] ((It’s like she’s giving out a love letter.))
Unknown to Alowey and the others, Asher and Diana had cheeks slightly red.
Though Asher was still a bit wary, he took the paper from Deloria’s hands and takes a look at the problems.
[Asher] (Their all wrong…)
[Deloria] “So—so, how are they?”
With eyes full of energy and confidence, Asher couldn’t find it in his heart to tell the truth and just said…
[Asher] “You answered all of them… I’m impressed.” (Not the right ones though.)
Showing an even brighter smile, Deloria made a triumphant pose and made small voices saying ‘Yes’ or ‘I did it’.
[Asher] (Don’t worry Ash; you’re not lying to her, your just keeping the truth a secret.)
Thinking that things might get even more awkward, Asher decides to tell everyone that he will be going to town, but only to be stopped by Alfern.
[Alfern] “Wait, before you go. I thought that you might want to see something first.”
[Asher] “Huh, what is it?”
Before answering Asher’s question, Alfern took out a glass orb from inside his work desk and brought it closer to him.
[Alfern] “Do you want to know what element resides within you?”
[Asher] “Yes please!”
Without a single second being wasted, Asher quickly answers back full of excitement and curiosity. Even the azure blue light mana particles that are coming out of his nape, which usually looks like a long sky blue scarf, bursts open like wings.
[Alfern] A—alright…um here, just hold on to this crystal and when the color shows, that’s when we find out what your Djinn blessed you.”
A little taken back by Asher’s excitement, Alfern gives the crystal orb to Asher.
In all honesty, Alfern actually wanted to see what Djinn blessed him with ever since the altar incident, so he thought that this was the perfect chance to see.
Diana and the rest of the girls were also curious, so all of them walks closer to Asher and peek from behind.
1 second
4 seconds
7 secodns
And finally 10 seconds has passed.
Normally every people in the kingdom, even the peasants, have the right to be evaluated by the crystal orbs, similar to what Asher is presently holding.
By only holding on to the orb for a few seconds, a color will indicate what Djinn you’re blessed with.
Red represents Effrit, Ruler of Flame and Metal.
Green represents Gahul, Ruler of Earth and Nature.
Yellow represents Sila, Ruler of light and Electricity.
Blue represents Marid, Ruler of Wind and Water.
And finally Violet represents Vetala, Ruler of Darkness and ice.
Once these one of these colors show, would only mean that he or she was blessed by that Djinn.
But for Asher…
[Asher] “Hmm, why isn’t there anything coming out?”
The orb on his hands shows nothing but crystal clear, no change can be found.
[Alfern] “Th—that can’t be, why isn’t there any Djinn showing!?”
Asher almost dropped the crystal orb to the ground due to Alfern’s sudden shout.
While still being confused, Alowey walks closer to Asher and observes the orb closer. Asher quickly noticed Alowey’s face full of worry.
After a few seconds, Alowey looks at Asher and spoke.
[Alowey] “A…Asher, I’m sorry to tell you this…but you weren’t blessed with any Djinn.”
[Asher] “……………Eh?”
After the big revelation, Asher is now walking toward the front gate alone.
Not only did he hear the words but to also see for himself that he wasn’t blessed by the 5 great Djinns made Asher feel down hearted.
Originally, Deloria would be walking along side him right now, but Alfern thought that he might need to be alone for the time being, so Deloria was stopped from coming.
[Asher] “*Sigh* Here I am getting excited from getting magic, but in the end the great Djinns granted me zilch. No, more importantly…”
Stopping just a few steps away from the castle’s main gate, he recalled something that made him happy before, but then after hearing that he wasn’t given any element…
[Asher] “What’s the point of giving me a body that can create endless mana then!? Give me back my boyhood dreams, you damn floating pebbles!.............*Sigh* What the hell am I doing, I’m just making myself look like an idiot throwing a tantrum.”
Still depressed, Asher starts walking once again to the main gate. But then, he suddenly felt something fury on his back.
[Asher] “Huh, what’s tha—AAAHHH!?”
To his surprise, a creature that he has never seen before just snuggled its face on his back.
Standing in about 7 feet tall when it’s using all of its 4 legs, but when it stands it reaches in about 9 feet. Though it has a body of a raptor its arms are long and its whole body is covered in white fur. But what stands out more is its head is just like a white rabbit with red eyes and what make it more shocking is it has the same rabbit ears but only its has 2 ears on both sides making it 4 in total.
[???] “*Prrrr…*”
And for some reason, it purrs like a kitten.
[Asher] “Wha—hey, what are you…”
While the weird creature continues to snuggle it’s head on Asher’s body, doing its kitten like purr, a voice came called out to Asher from the creature’s back.
Looking behind the creature, Asher found that it was holding on to a carriage with its three fingered hands.
[???] “Your highness, are you going somewhere?”
Riding the carriage are 3 young women that has seems to be seated according from their height, starting from the left is ‘Tall’ then ‘Medium’ and finally ‘Small’.
Asher then noticed the fidgeting girl in the left corner, with her height and skin color, Asher quickly recalled who she was.
[Asher] “Hey, you’re that maid I bumped to earlier.”
The three maids, Touwa, Alicia and Bartila are now headed toward the town for their hard earned ‘Break’ and coincidentally found Asher heading the same way.
[Alicia & Bartila] “Good afternoon, your highness.”
[Touwa] “Go…good afternoon, you…your highness.”
[Asher] “Good afternoon…”
The 3 maids bow respectfully after standing on their sit, though one of them was late and a bit slow in moving, showing such a bow gives them the aura of real pros.
[Asher] “You girls planning on going somewhere?”
[Alicia] “Yes your highness, we’re heading towards town.”
After hearing their destination, Asher looks at the front gate and then looks at the carriage that the three maids are presently onboard.
Thinking that he might feel better once he gets to town fast, he asks the girls if he could tag along with them.
[Bartila] “A—are you sure your highness? Aren’t you going to use a royal carriage?”
[Asher] “Nah, if I did, I’ll just stand out more…ah, no unless you girls would be bothered?”
[Alicia] “N-no of course not, it’s not a bother at all! Isn’t that right Touwa?”
[Touwa] “Um…uh…yes…please, go ahead and ride me…”
[Asher & Alicia & Bartila] “””…………………….Huh!?”””
[Touwa] “Ah…I…I mean, please g—go right ahead and ride the carriage with us! Is what I meant…”
Touwa never would have thought that she would meet the man who saved her from falling and carried her as if it was nothing and to meet so soon, made Touwa twist her words.
Not only are Alicia and Bartila wide eyed from Touwa’s words, Asher too was shocked from her words. Unfortunately for Touwa, even though she corrected herself in the end, the words ‘go ahead and ride me’ is still on everyone’s minds.
Though no could see, under Touwa’s lavender colored bangs are teary eyes and red cheeks. Having all 3 people’s eyes on her, she stood from her seat and get on the back of the carriage; she then sat back down in a corner while hugging her legs.
[Asher] “Um…is it really OK for me to come along?”
[Bartila] “N—no your highness, please don’t hold back.”
[Alicia] “Yes your highness, please don’t hold back and…RIDE HER—oops, I mean ride with us.”
[Touwa] “Uuuuuuu~”
Asher could tell the she was just teasing Touwa, so he just didn’t mind Alicia’s words and sits where Touwa sat at the beginning.
Spending a few minutes on the carriage, Asher got to know the 3 maids’ names and though they were first reluctant, Asher was able to ask them to not call him ‘Your highness’ but by his name.
[Bartila] “Is there any reason why you want to go to town Sir Ash?”
[Asher] (I guess I can’t make them stop calling me ‘Sir’…oh well.) “I just want to…uh…get my mind out of something.”
[Alicia] “What was that, Sir Ash?”
[Asher] “Nothing, it’s just that I’m curious about what the town looks like.”
Thinking that telling them that he has no Magic proficiency might ruin the royal family name, he quickly averted the question by giving another answer.
[Asher] (Well, in a way I’m not lying, I really am curious about the town.)
Though one of his worries is avoided, one new worry came after. Asher looks back at the part where the luggages are meant to be and found Touwa still sulking at the back.
[Asher] “More importantly, is she going to be OK?”
Pointing at Touwa, who is still hugging her legs, Alicia and Bartila follows Asher’s finger and they quickly answered him with a smile.
[Alicia] “Don’t worry Sir; she’ll be back to normal soon.”
[Bartila] “She won’t keep sulking like that forever.”
[Asher] “I see…” (That would also mean that you girls have been teasing her a lot.)
Thought of but never spoken, following those rules Asher was able to spare Touwa from being embarrassed and another sulk session.
5 minutes after, they finally see the town’s gate. Two guards stood in each side of the gate, wearing similar armor as the castle soldiers.
[Asher] (They must be part of the royal guards.)
Eventually getting closer, Asher and the maids found three more carriages in front them. Both carriages up front and the one in front of us had heavy and large looking luggage, most likely their shop owners that just got back or traveling merchants here to sell their goods. As for the one in the middle, they only have what seem to be everyday needs.
[Bartila] “Good thing it’s only 3 carriages, or will going to have to wait longer.”
[Asher] “You mean there are procedures if you need to go in.”
[Alicia] “Yup, but Merchants and Adventures have more though, all we have to do is show our identification papers. Which is thi—huh? That’s weird; I could have sworn I put it in my pocket.”
After checking her left pocket, she quickly moves on to her right. Taking out her hand, without anything in hand, she started to pat her body.
Doing the same action and double checking her pockets for about 5 minutes, she then stops and looks at the front while having droplets of sweat on her cheeks and forehead.
[Alicia] “I…I think I put it in the pocket of my other dress……………Tehee~”
Though the pose she made was honestly cute, but her forgetting something important made her cute pose look annoying.
Doing her hardest to look cute, Asher, Bartila and even Touwa, looks at her blankly.
[Asher] (Don’t tell me another disappointing event will happen to me!)
Shouting those words inside his head, Asher started to think that being in another world won’t be as much fun as he thought it would.
Hey guys Zylos here!!! i sure hope non of you will get angry at me for not writing the "Asher in Town" part yet and the next chapter i'll post will be the other story, the James Moriarty one. so please wait for my next chapter and give me comments that doesn't only say "Thanks for the chapter". like i said i really love reading everyone's comments. well see you guys next chapter!!!
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8 139 - In Serial147 Chapters
The Dreamside Road
Five years after the world fell into chaos, a treasure of artifacts is up for grabs. The relics of the Dreamside Road offer a power that could help rebuild or annihilate what remains. Orson Gregory is an adventurer for hire, but hunts this treasure for answers, not glory. Enoa Cloud’s late aunt helped hide the Dreamside Road, but following in her aunt’s supernatural tradition offers her as much peril as power. Together, Orson and Enoa battle a magic-obsessed militia, clash with a host of rivals, and face constant adventure on their journey to find the Dreamside Road. *Updates Monday and Friday The Dreamside Road is now on TopWebFiction! Vote so people know this exists. _____________________________________ NOTE: The Progression tag applies specifically to Enoa. Also, fair warning, that element doesn't enter the story until she begins her studies. Content: Main characters range in age from teenagers to people in their thirties and older, but it will not contain gratuitous violence or explicit sexual content. It also won’t shy away from implication, anything to make this story and its world feel more real. Characters will freely allude to potentially triggering topics, including living with a disability, facing terminal illness, coping with trauma, surviving societal destabilization, and the consequences of bigotry. At its most intense, the Dreamside Road is a hard PG-13. Worldbuilding: This is not a story with a lot of early exposition scenes, conveniently explaining ‘magic systems’ and political dynamics. Readers will learn, progressively, as the characters do. This story/world has a ‘magic system’, or rather, a set of systems, but the effort to quantify and understand the truth of the setting plays a role in the backstory, as well as in some character motivations. In that same vein, not every character has a firm grasp on the nature of their world, and not every piece of dialog from every character should be taken as entirely truthful Worldbuilding. Also, this isn't the softest Sci-fi. There are at least some basic explanations given for various elements, but Royal Road does not give me a spectrum to choose from. Given the choice between hard and soft, let's just say The Dreamside Road won't be cited in any college Physics papers. Setting and Theme: The Dreamside Road walks the line between fantasy and science fiction and deals with finding one’s place in a changing world. Many of the characters in this story are United States natives and the story begins in the United States, my homeland. However, knowledge or interest in this country is not necessary to understand the story, especially as it progresses. Also, as this is a novel that deals with societal collapse and while that damage may be widespread, in story, I don’t want to overstep and critique the culture of others’ unless I have particular knowledge in a given area. Ultimately, the Dreamside Road is American in the same way Harry Potter is English, fantasies that do not have a full secondary world, but with enough original elements to fully diverge the setting from our the real world.
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