《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》Education and The Arms of Regulus
Chapter 8
The sparring between mother and son is now over, but the soldiers and maids who were able to see that spectacle couldn’t forget Asher’s and Diana’s movements.
Rumors spread within the castle walls about a man strong enough to counter magic without the use of magic and his mother creating a powerful and never before seen spell.
As for the two people in those rumors just finish their breakfast. What they had was pancakes again, but the only difference is that Asher wasn’t the one who got them ready.
By the head Chef’s request, Emma asked Asher to write down the recipe and the method on how it’s made on paper.
Surprisingly, Emma and the other maid did quite well, though not as good as Asher’s the pancakes were still delicious.
Right after their breakfast, the royal family had a talk about what their plans for today are and with their conversation; Asher was able to notice something.
[Asher] “I have nothing to do.”
His new father, Alfern the king, will be too busy preparing for not only the wedding day but also the invitations as well as the management of the kingdom. Luckily Diana has already been helping Alfern even before Asher got transported to the kingdom.
With her experience with company management as well as accounting made Alfern’s problem a lot lighter.
As for Ifca, she wanted to spend some more time with Asher but she was quickly stopped by her older sister Alowey.
Apparently, Ifca was allowed to go back home despite having lessons in a magical school, just so she can meet her new mother and brother. But she was only allowed under the condition of keeping her studies and finish her given school work.
Any normal student would most likely avoid the task, but unfortunately for Ifca, her older sister Alowey is one of the instructors in the school she goes to.
[Asher] “I have so much free time…*Sigh*.”
Voicing those lifeless like words out, Deloria who is presently standing beside Asher as he sits on one of the chairs placed on the veranda, heard him.
Seeing as Asher quietly stares at the sky blankly, Deloria could help but worry.
[Deloria] “Um…do you not want to be here, Sir Ash?”
Though it was only a few days, Deloria couldn’t help but feel attracted towards Asher. After seeing what he is makes her think that he is different and wants him to stay.
Unlike the many nobles she has met, his smile is honest yet, she could even see a small bit of an ulterior motive. The other thing that she notice is that even though he was a man, his cooking skills surpasses even the head chef of the castle Emma, who work on her cooking for 6 years.
Bringing in new ideas and ways to cook, gave a new type of food that Deloria, who secretly has a sweet tooth, tremble in excitement.
But what really made Deloria see what makes Asher different from other men is the fact the he can hold up against magic by simply using his own flesh covered fists and feet.
True that Diana’s magic was also amazing, but Deloria kept her eyes only towards Asher. When Diana made a steel wall, Asher quickly reacted with a punch and by her surprise, with pure strength alone, the steel wall bent.
With movements fast as the wind and punches and kick the causes a strong shocking sound, Deloria found herself captivated by Asher’s movements.
[Deloria] (Please stay…)
Though Deloria still haven’t really figured out the true feeling of wanting Asher to stay, she continues to look at Asher.
[Asher] “Of course not, I like it here. Not only is my mom living happily, but I have a father, an older sister and a younger one.”
While saying those words, Asher stood from the chair and walks closer to the stone railings that are place around the veranda.
[Deloria] (That’s good; I thought that Sir Asher was uncomfortable being here.)
Deloria calm down after hearing Asher’s answer, but what Asher will say next made her heart beat faster and completely blowing away her calmness.
Turning his body towards Deloria and showed her his signature grin. He then said the words…
[Asher] “And of course, Deloria is here too.”
Her whole body started to get warmer and warmer. Normally a woman would know what this feeling is, but for Deloria who was distant towards the opposite sex, she could tell her own feelings.
But even so, she slowly lowers her head and looks at the floor while replying with…
[Deloria] “I see…”
While Deloria continues to look down at the floor while fidgeting, Asher turns back around and looks at the castle wall that stood for about 40 feet high.
[Asher] “I do like this place, but the wall is so high up I could only see the mountains from the distance…wait…the wall?”
As if a light bulb lit inside his thoughts, Asher finally found something to do.
[Asher] “The other side of the wall, the town, I can just go check out the town. Why didn’t I think about this sooner!?”
He then turns back around to ask Deloria if he could go outside.
[Deloria] “If meeting me makes you happy…then I’m happy too…hmm…yes, both of us are happy…to meet each other…both of us…”
[Asher] “Deloria?”
[Delroia] Y—yes, I’m happy to have met you too—ah!”
Quickly regaining her thoughts, she realized what she just said to Asher was something very embarrassing. With a stiff smile, she silently looks at Asher while thinking of an excuse.
[Asher] “………………”
[Deloria] “……………….”
Asher was a bit surprised by Deloria’s sudden shout, but Asher once again gave her a grin and said…
[Asher] “Yeah, me too.”
[Deloria] “Hm!?”
Her face quickly went red as soon as Asher replies her back, but for the man that caused her blushed face wasn’t able to notice the change cause he quickly turns and points at the wall in front of them.
[Asher] “Hey Deloria, there’s a town right outside the castle walls right?”
[Deloria] “Huh? Oh well…yes, there is a town outside…um…why do you ask?”
[Asher] “Well, I was kind of thinking that maybe I could go outside and check it out.”
[Asher] “And with that, please allow me to walk around town.”
Finally deciding to head out, Asher asked Deloria to lead him where his mother and his new father will be and they eventually ended up in the king’s personal office.
Seeing his mother work and stare at the paper seriously is a first for him.
Back in their original world, Asher told his mother that why isn’t she doing her paper work even though she brought them home, Diana answers back with a the words…
[Diana] “When I’m home, is family time so no work is allowed—Ah, my mage died…should have leveled her up more…”
Is what she said to Asher while having chips stuffed in her mouth and crumbs on her cheeks.
Since he didn’t want to disturb his mother, he asks Alfern if he could go out of the castle.
[Alfern] “Sure, I don’t mind. But will you need some escorts?”
[Asher] “No need, I don’t really want to stand out and besides, I’ve got Deloria with me.”
[Deloria] “I—I’ll do my best.”
[Alfern] “Well, seeing what you and your mother did this morning, I’m already sure that nothing in town could hurt you. Alright, go right ahead and enjoy yourself.”
Asher said his thanks and was about to leave the room with Deloria. But suddenly, Diana puts down her paper work and stops Asher from leaving.
[Diana] “Wait, you’re not going out wearing something like that, are you?”
With his mother’s sudden interjection, Asher looks at his clothing.
[Asher] (Now that she mentions it, these clothes kind of look like I’m wear pajamas.)
As he continues to look at his clothes, Diana once again said something with a cheerful voice.
[Diana] “That is why; I will give you something nice. Deloria, can you go get my bag in our room please?”
[Deloria] “Yes, at once lady Diana.”
With Deloria the only one leaving the office, Alfern put his right hand on his chin and starts pondering about something.
[Alfern] “Hmm…as I recall there was something in the royal treasury that could…”
Finally found what he was searching inside his memory, Alfern happily walks out of the room in a quick pace.
[Diana] “Oh! It looks like Alf also thought of something. Then if that’s the case, I won’t hold back too! Mommy’s pride is on the line! You wait here Ash, be back in a sec!”
In only a few seconds, Asher is now standing alone inside the king’s office. Still in a daze from what happened, all he could do is think…
[Asher] (But all I wanted to do was ask if I can go out and play.)
Having nothing to do once again, Asher walks closer towards the table where his mother was and picks up 2 papers.
[Asher] (Wow, I was a little worried about not being able to read the letters but…I could read them perfectly, though their letters I’ve never seen before.) “Hmm?”
While looking through the paper, Asher was able to notice something.
[Asher] “This numbers don’t add up.”
The paper that Asher picked up was actually the kingdom’s accounting, or in simpler words, it was the kingdom’s tax payments and the other was the paper for the kingdom’s expenses.
Though Asher isn’t really experienced when it comes to accounting, Diana’s personal charts made it easy to read that even someone like Asher could understand.
[Deloria] “Is there something wrong, Sir Asher?”
[Asher] “Oh, hey Deloria. You’re back.”
[Deloria] “I’ve brought what Lady Diana requested…is there something about those papers, Sir Asher?”
[Asher] “Wel…”
Deloria, who just got back, puts down the 2 traveling bags next to the table where Diana was working and walks closer to Asher. She then takes a peek at the paper on his hand.
[Deloria] “Nggg…”
One could clearly see that Deloria was troubled and with the noise she made, Asher understood that she was without any second thought. But then again, though he knows that she is troubled, he could not tell what the reason was.
[Asher] (Could it be that Mom made a miscalculation?)
Asher was about to ask Deloria for the correction, but Deloria went ahead and honestly spoke her reason.
[Deloria] “I’m…I’m bad with numbers…and calculations…”
With slightly blushed cheeks, Deloria looks down, avoiding Asher’s gaze.
[Asher] (Bad with numbers and calculations? Wait…looking around, this place kind of gives off the feeling of medieval…could it be that…)
As he finishes pondering, he grabs a blank paper that is scattered all over the floor, grabs the feather pen that was being used by his mother a few minutes ago and wrote some math problems.
[Asher] “Hey Deloria, can you come over here for a sec?”
[Deloria] “Hmm? um…yes?”
[Asher] “Can you solve this for me?”
With a confused look, Deloria looks at the paper that Asher was pointing to.
[Deloria] “Nggg…”
[Asher] (She made the same noise…)
But not only did she do the same awkward noise, she also made a few steps backwards and even drew the hand that was about to grab the paper to her chest.
[Asher] (Just how bad is she?)
Asher wasn’t teasing her, he only wanted to know how far the education of this world is, that is why Asher looks at Deloria and asks her if she can do it.
[Deloria] “I’ll—I’ll do it, even if I have to give my own life to do it!!”
[Asher] “R—right, do your best…” (You don’t have to give your life for it though…)
With all of her concentration focused on the problem, Deloria stares down the paper on the table.
[Deloria] “Umm…I need to add this one to this…? No, no that’s not right…umm…if I have this many…then…umm…”
With only first question, Deloria is clearly struggling. Using her fingers to count, she quickly noticed that both of her hand won’t be enough so she sits down, took of her shoes and started counting once more.
Seeing this act surprised Asher, he never would have thought that Deloria’s mathematics would be so low.
[Deloria] “5…6…7…8…9…10…”
But other that the feeling of being surprised, Asher couldn’t help himself but think, that Deloria who is looking down on her feet, counting her own toes, looks cute.
[Alfern] “I’m back—hmm? Where did Diana go?”
[Asher] “Mom went somewhere to get something…hmm? That chest looks heavy, wants some help?”
[Alfern] Thank you Ash, but can you just clear up the pile on my desk? You can just put the paper on the floor.”
Doing what Alfern said, Asher quickly clears the table and Alfern put the gold decorated chest on top.
[Asher] “What is it, is it something you need for work?”
[Alfern] “No, it’s not for me but for you, something that you might need from now on.”
[Asher] “Huh?”
With Alfern giving him the gesture to open the chest, Asher gave in to his curiosity and opens it.
[Asher] “Hmm, Gauntlets?”
[Alfern] “That’s right, or to be more accurate, these Gauntlets are actually called by the name of ‘The Arms of Regulus’. They belong to the first king, my great grandfather Richter.”
[Asher] “Whoa, you mean these belong to the first ruler of this kingdom!?”
[Alfern] “That’s right and not only was he the ruler; he was also the kingdom’s Supreme Commander of the knights.”
[Asher] “No way, not only a king but also the top Commander!? That is so cool.”
Asher was honestly impressed; Alfern could see sparkles in Asher’s eyes as he listens to his words full of vigor, thus resulting to Alfern continuing his praise towards his great grandfather.
[Alfern] “And to top it all off, my great grandfather was similar to Ifca.”
[Asher] “Similar, how so?”
[Alfern] “The first king can also use spells without chanting and he was also blessed with 3 Rulers of the elements and he has almost unlimited Mana inside him.”
Just from Alfern’s words, Asher could tell that the first king Richter was a very powerful Djinn and is also being greatly admired by the present king.
As he continues to think about the great king Richter, Asher looks at the Gauntlets that are inside the golden chest.
Inside the chest is 1 pair of gauntlets. Unlike the gauntlets that Asher saw before in a history book and a museum, the gauntlets’ hands aren’t made like mittens but each finger has its own protectors, as if it was made piece by piece and at the tip of the finger has sharp small curves like small claws.
The right arm has protectors all the way to the shoulder, as well as the back part of the neck, and at the shoulder is a realistic, crafted roaring lion’s head. If it wasn’t small size, one would think that the lion’s head is actually real.
As for the protector that is connected to the right arm’s shoulder, fur covers the protector at the back of the neck, making it look like the wearer has a lion’s mane.
The left arm is similar to the right with its separated plates on the fingers, it small sharp curved claws on the tip of its fingers, but the similarity only reaches until its forearm.
Asher was thrilled to have this, especially since it came from someone amazing…but…
[Asher] (It’s all rusty and the fur isn’t soft at all, it’s all stiff.)
Due to have rust covering its whole structure, Asher couldn’t tell what the gauntlets’ real color is and the fur has gotten hard due it being too old.
[Asher] (Though he said that this belongs to someone very important, they clearly didn’t take care of it.)
[Alfern] “Your thinking that it wasn’t taken cared properly, weren’t you?”
Since Asher heard a tale about such amazing man a few seconds ago and when he looks inside the chest, anyone could clearly see the disappointment on his face.
[Alfern] “Your smile quickly stiffens when you saw the gauntlets.”
Asher wanted to make an excuse, but after being seen so easily by Alfern, he honestly spoke his thoughts.
[Asher] “Sorry, I just thought that the gauntlets would be more…um…”
[Alfern] “Impressive?”
[Asher] “Y—yeah, just looking at it makes it seem like it’ll brake by simply touching it.”
[Alfern] “Hahaha, I know what you mean, this gauntlets has been kept inside the royal vault for many years. But…”
[Diana] “Oh, I was the last one?”
Before finishing his words, Diana came back and is now holding on to different colored variety of long pieces cloth, one red, one blue and finally one white.
He happily rushes towards Asher and Alfern but then noticed someone.
[Diana] “Huh, what’s up with Del? She’s staring angrily at her own toes like she’s about to break them.”
[Asher] “I gave her some math problems and well…”
While still holding on to the long pieces of cloth, she peeks at the paper that is now on the ground, right in front of Deloria’s feet.
[Diana] “She only solved one problem…and the answer is even wrong.”
Normally, Asher would have been surprised, giving her only 5 easy to solve problems and yet she is taking a lot of time is a shocker, however he already knows the reason why Deloria is taking her time and he actually wants her to stop.
[Asher] (But seeing her so determined, I don’t have the heart to do it.)
With a dry laugh, Alfern smiled warily and spoke honestly.
[Alfern] “Hahaha, to be honest, even I could hardly do any addition and subtraction, so having Diana help me with the accounting helps me greatly.”
Alfern’s cheeks grew red when he honestly revealing his flaw. But Diana looks at him with a loving smile.
[Diana] “Come on Al, I already told you that I’m willing to help you with whatever. Besides…”
Before finishing, Diana walks closer to Alfern without leaving her eyes to his and then finishes her sentence.
[Diana] “This is my home now too.”
[Alfern] “Diana…”
[Diana] “Al…”
[Asher] “…………………….”
Starting to create their own world, Diana and Alfern released a mushy and sweet atmosphere and in Asher’s eye, he could see a pink background around them.
With such an awkward atmosphere, Asher looks at Deloria in hoping that she too would find this disturbing and stop them.
[Deloria] “So if I add this numbers on my hand to the numbers on my feet then—Ah, I accidentally clenched my hand…auu~ now I need to count all over again.”
Seeing Deloria having small tears on the corner oh eyes, Asher quickly understood that she won’t be able to stop this awkward moment.
[Asher] (Guess I have no choice…)
Though Asher doesn’t really want to walk the pinkish-diabetic path, he had no choice but to walk closer and stop them.
[Asher] (I have a feeling that if I don’t, I might not be able to go outside and just watch them get all mushy, and that is something I wouldn’t want to do.)
He then placed his hand on both Diana’s and Alfern’s shoulder.
[Asher] “Um…are you guys done with the ‘imaginary make out’?”
[Diana] “Wha!?”
[Alfern] “Huh!?”
[Asher] “Cause well…you know I would really like to go see the town now.”
Being forcefully put back to reality, Diana’s and Alfern’s face grew amazingly red, they both step back and quickly turn their heads away to avoid eye contact.
[Asher] (Are you two Middle-Schoolers?)
Though the atmosphere is still awkward, Diana opens her mouth to make the awkwardness disappear.
[Diana] “A—alright, since the bag and the cloth I needed are all here. It’s time for me to show my other skill.”
[Alfern] “Other skill?”
Alfern wasn’t the only one that was surprised, even Asher didn’t know about his mother’s ‘other skill’ so he kept his sight toward Diana.
Quickly regaining her composure, Diana revealed her other hidden skill with confidence.
[Diana] “Fufufu~ my other skill is…”
Keeping the tension high, Diana stops for a second and finally spoke with gusto.
[Diana] “Dressing up my son with love and style!!!”
[Asher] “………………….”
[Alfern] “………………….”
Asher and Alfern thought that the skill she confidently spoke off was a skill that has power of speed, but unexpectedly it was not.
While still maintaining her energy, she quickly grabs Asher’s wrist.
[Diana] “Now go grab this—huh, why are two of my bags here? Oh well, go grab this bag and lets go at the other room Ash.”
[Asher] “Alright, but what exactly are you—Whoa!”
[Diana] “You guys wait here.”
With Diana’s sudden change of thought, Alfern stared at the door in a daze.
[Deloria] “Alright, just to more to go…I can do this…”
As for the Deloria, she was still on the floor trying to solve the given math problems, though finished her 2nd problem, the answer is still wrong, ignoring that wrong answers she moves on to the 3rd problem.
A few minutes has passed right after Asher was forcefully dragged by his mother out of the king’s office.
Ifca, who was being helped by her older sister Alowey, is now finished with her magic history homework and is presently resting her head on the table.
[Alowey] “See? I knew you could do it if you tried Ifca?”
Giving her lovely younger sister a warm smile, Alowey pats her head gently.
Being praised honestly, made Ifca blush and quickly hid her face with her hands.
Without removing her hand on her face, looks at her sister and requested.
[Ifca] “Sister Person…………um……”
Even without saying anything else, Alowey understood her plea and gave her a small nod.
[Alowey] “Alright, let’s go to your brother.”
Alowey truly felt happy seeing her younger sister getting along with her new younger brother, but other than the feeling happiness, she was also shocked to see Ifca’s attitude towards Asher.
[Alowey] (I’m surprised to see Ifca quickly get along with anyone, the maids even took a month just to get her to talk to them. But Asher…he quickly got Ifca’s attention.)
Other than their own father Alfern, Ifca doesn’t really talk no even get close to men.
[Alowey] (So why Asher?)
Her curiosity grew bigger and bigger, not being able to hold her curiosity inside, she turns to Ifca who was already getting ready to open the door of her room to look for her older brother.
[Alowey] “Let’s go find him together Ifca.”
[Ifca] “……………*Nod*…”
As they left Ifca’s room, Alowey then asks her the reason while they continue to walk the long castle hallway.
[Alowey] “Ifca, you’ve been scared of men as long as I can remember, so why do you like Asher?”
At first Ifca didn’t answer, she just walked the hallway with her usual blank look not saying a single word. But suddenly, she quicken her pace is now in front of Alowey.
With a small voice, she answers Alowey’s curiosity.
[Ifca] “Brother Person…different………*Nod*…different…”
[Alowey] “Different…”
In a single word that Ifca just said, Alowey couldn’t help herself but have the same opinion.
[Alowey] (True, Asher is different when I compare him to other men. He can fight magnificently, but don’t even think that our own General Knight can keep up against him, and what’s make it even more amazing is the fact he might not even need to use magic against them.)
Seeing Asher this morning, truly gave an impact not only to her, but all the people in the castle.
[Alowey] (But he is not only a good fighter, he is really knowledgeable. He could come up with amazing cuisines we never seen before and he can even make tools like a blacksmith.)
Though Alowey still isn’t sure, most likely that Asher still has more hidden talent that he didn’t show yet. Alowey didn’t have proof for it, but her seeing Asher, she believes that Asher is more than meets the eyes.
[Alowey] “Fufufu~ you’re right Ifca, he is different.”
[Ifca] “……………….*Nod*…….but most of………all……”
It was quite rare to hear more words from Ifca, so Alowey listen to her to the end.
[Ifca] “Brother Person………is family……”
When Alowey was thinking about Asher’s other hidden talents, she wanted to ask him right away, but after hearing Ifca say that he is now family, Alowey quickly backed off from the idea of asking him in a forced manner.
[Alowey] (That’s right, we are family now. I don’t need to be hasty; I could just take my time and learn more about him slowly. Maybe we could travel to the academy while telling stories, or maybe we can have some tea tonight and I could ask him about his world and how he lived there.)
As the two royal princesses walk the castle’s hallways, the two happily look for her older brother and her younger brother.
Hey Zylos here, sorry for being really late, since Christmas is coming, as a baker, the orders just keep piling up. anyway, i wont stop this story or my other one, so rest assured and i hope you guys keep giving me comments, i really love reading your comments. not the "thanks for the chapter" though, i got board with that comment. see you guys next chapter!!!
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