《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》More Fun with Mommy and Conclusion
Chapter 7
A huge crowed has gathered at the castle’s training ground, numerous maids and soldiers made their way after hearing the commotion and loud crushing noises.
More and more people watched a scene that they have never seen before, two figures stood at the top of the platform. First was a young woman, who looks like she’s just in her 20s.
The soldiers of the castle already know who this woman is; she is the future wife of their king, the woman that came from an unknown world, Diana stood at the platform with strange clothes that exposes a large portion of her thighs and belly.
As for the other gathering party, few have already met their future queen’s son Asher. But the rumors about his sweet dishes have already spread like wild fire between the maids in the castle.
The maids that was on cooking duty felt a weird and yet warm atmosphere around Asher beck when he was cooking, seeing a man cook was a first for them, but not only was he good at using the knife and other kitchen utensils but he can make his own tools too.
Seeing a man with such talent is rare to find in this world since most of the men becomes adventures or soldiers for the kingdom.
With the soldiers thinking that Diana is a woman that looks fragile and Asher who seems to know only cooking, both parties were surprised to see the current event.
With a world that does nothing but try to improve their magic, the concept of Martial Arts is non-existent. To use one’s own fists is like a fight between children, so fistfights are only meant for drunkards and children’s tantrum.
But what they see before them made the soldiers and the maids gasp and tremble from amazement. Both parties couldn’t move and kept their eyes at the two, or at least they tried to keep their eyes on them.
The mother and son’s movement are so fast that sometimes their own figures started to blur, disappears and the suddenly reappears at another location.
Once they have thought that a punch is something that could do little damage, but now the punch that Asher did was so strong it could most likely crush stones.
The kick that they thought that it is only used out desperation is now something that could break a stone pillar in two.
Every punch they throw, every kick they swing, makes their body tremble.
The soldiers and maids couldn’t believe that punches and kick could be so strong. Even without magic, they already have such destructive power.
But what the mother and son said later made them even more amazed.
[Diana] “It wasn’t enough for a complete warm up, but I guess it’ll do. So what do you think, should we get serious?”
[Asher] “It is about time.”
After hearing that from both from Asher and Diana, the soldiers and the maids thought of the same thing.
With punches and kicks like those, the maids and soldier thought that they we’re going at each other for real, but to think that they we taking it easy didn’t even cross their minds.
Suddenly seeing the young man named Asher do a pose, made the onlookers direct their sights towards him. After saying a few words, he then finishes it with a shouting roar.
[Asher] “—Javelin!”
Once again, the maids and the soldiers thought Asher was about to throw another normal punch.
[Soldier] “What in the…”
[Soldier] “What is this…”
As soon as Asher gave a straight punch, a piercing gust of wind passed through the soldiers.
The soldiers who witnessed this could believe their eyes, even though he is now a Djinn, he was still able to shot out some sort of gust of wind without the help of any form of magic.
As the battle continues, the solder and maids soon found out that even Diana can do those strange skills. With her kick alone, she was able to slice the hard ground.
Watching these seasoned fighters exchange blows made the onlookers hold their breath while having sweat drop from their cheeks. But when the two stop and jumped away to gain distance, both parties managed to exhale the air they held back.
[Solider # 1] “A…are they finished?”
[???] “No they’re not.”
[Soldiers] “Capt. Glace!?”
Since all of the soldiers had their attention towards Asher and Diana, the 2nd General Knight Viscaro Glace had also walked in and started observe the fight.
After saying hello to the soldiers, Viscaro then walks slowly towards Alfern and bows respectfully.
[Viscaro] “Good morning my king, Princess Alowey, Princess Ifca and Deloria, it would seem that we have an amazing event happening.”
[Alfern] “Viss, it good to see you safe from your trip, as for this even…well, to be honest it all happened out of the blue.”
[Viscaro] “I see…but still, I never would have thought Lady Diana would be so powerful.”
Though it isn’t rare to see a woman fight in the world of Terrafis, they always use magic to repel any danger. But Diana on the other hand isn’t using even a single drop of mana and yet she can still move in an amazing speed.
[Viscaro] ( As for the boy…he moves just as fast as Lady Diana, but he is clearly stronger than her highness and yet…)
[Alfern] “So you noticed it too, Viss?”
As Viscaro continue to analyze the fight, he was able to notice something. But before he even realizes, Alfern spoke while having a sew sweat drop from his cheek.
[Alfern] “Diana is planning something.”
Viscaro was right, while their fighting, not only Visacro but Alfern also noticed that Diana had something under her sleeve, or to be more precise, she was waiting for a chance.
As the Mother and Son stare each other down, the Royal family along with Deloria, Viscaro, the maids and the soldiers stood quietly.
All party were watching in anticipation, some were gulping, some were shaking, some were clenching their hands and kept their eyes glued.
Even Ifca, who usually ignores things, kept her full attention at Asher and Diana.
As the silence continues, Diana broke the silence.
[Diana] “It’d be boring if we do the usual spar, which is why when you where having your nice little nap, I learned how to use…’IT’.”
[Asher] “Do you mean…you learned how to use ‘IT’!”
[Diana] “Yes, I finally learned how to use ‘IT’!”
Not only did she break the silence, she also broke their tension.
When they were fighting, the aura they had around them was like their ready to give it their all, but now they look like two children, one child is boasting about a new toy while the other is jealous and thinks it cool.
[Alfern] “S…she is so adorable…”
Though Alfern said those words in a low tone, Alowey clearly heard her father utter those words while making a blushing smile and what makes it even more embarrassing is that she wasn’t the only one who heard Alfern, his other daughter Ifca, Deloria and Viscaro heard him as well.
When the atmosphere around the training area slowly getting calmer, they started to tense up again because Diana started to chant.
By calling for Effrit’s power, Diana produced a wall of metal from the stone floor of the platform. This spell was common amongst soldiers since it is mostly use for a shield, but what Asher did made them think otherwise.
[Soldier # 1] “Did you see that? The metal wall…”
[Maid # 1] “The 5 inch metal wall…bent.”
[Alowey] “To make such a big damage to that spell with his fist alone, incredible.”
All of the Soldier, Maids and even the royal family couldn’t believe what they just saw; a shield that they once thought that could protect them from strong attack spell was almost destroyed by flesh covered fist.
As they stare at the bended steel wall, they fail to notice that Diana was no longer behind it until Diana herself spoke.
“Let me tell you one more thing Honey, the reason why they have those words in the end of their spell is because they need it as an image, so that their spells can create forms, like a shield or a spear. That is why…”
After chanting the unfinished spell, another steel wall appeared from underground, but all the people who are watching quickly noticed that the distance between Diana and the steel wall are too far apart.
Asher then runs forward and to everyone’s surprise, Diana did the same and ran quickly towards the wall.
With the Mother and Son’s quick movements, all they saw a two blurs moving towards each other and…
*Swoosh!* *Boom!*
From the platform, right after the loud noise echoed throughout the training ground, a big cloud of dust spreads. As they cough and wave their hand to get the dust away, the dust cloud started to lighten and finally found the person who caused the big noise as well as the dust cloud.
*Klang* *Klang* *Klang* *Klang*
[Diana] “So Honey, surprised?”
Everyone gasp on what they saw, the soon-to-be Queen that has a normal color skin is now covered in shinning silver.
[Maid # 1] “What happen to Lady Diana?”
[Solder # 1] “I’ve never seen such magic before.”
With words full of amazement and wonder, the soldiers and the maids started to murmur to one another. Though not all of the soldiers are knowledgeable about magic they were still taught different kinds of defense magic for military purposes.
[Viscaro] (What in the world!? I never heard or seen magic like that before!)
General Knight Viscaro is now 42 and he has served the royal family for 30 years now, but not even once has he seen the spell that Diana casted onto herself.
As Viscaro continues to search his memories, Alowey was asked by her Father on what Diana did when she was studying magic and from Alowey’s answer, Viscaro also found the answer to his question.
[Alowey] “She also created her own.”
Asher, who was able to dodge Diana’s attack without a single scratch is now looking at her mother’s new found ability and she then asks if he was surprise.
[Asher] “Forget being surprised, I’m more amazed seeing you like that.”
To Asher’s words, Diana starts to turn around slowly. Though her body turned into metal she still has her long white hair that is tied up into a ponytail and her hourglass like figure is shown even more.
[Diana] “Fufufu~ you like it? I was a little worried it might be a little over the top, but as long as you like it, I guess its fine.”
After doing another turn, she gave her son a smile. Alfern noticed her childlike behavior and once again smiled while having his face blush. But it would seem like Alfern wasn’t the only one who was affected, the surrounding soldiers also had the same expression and a warm atmosphere surrounded the training ground.
[Diana] “Now then…”
Before Diana finishes her words, her childlike smile quickly turn into the smile of someone who could face a dragon with confidence, thus making the warm atmosphere from a second ago disappear and changing it with full out battle atmosphere.
Diana then makes her stance as she watches Asher a few steps away from her and as the remaining dust cloud behind her started to clear, the people who are watching saw what was the cause of the loud nose as well as the cloud noise came from.
From behind, a crater that is about 7 feet wide can now be found in the training ground’s solid stone platform and at the middle is a small fist mark.
[Diana] “Shall we continue?”
Hearing her utter those words made everyone tremble, especially Alowey.
3 days ago when she was asked by her mother Diana to help her with magic, seeing as she is also a teacher in a certain magic academy, she happily said yes. But 2 days later, Alowey was amazed to see that her mother was able to learn the basic and is now capable to cast 1 to 3 tier spells.
But what amazed Alowey most was that her mother was able to create and original spell. After learning about that key words that are used after casting a spell, Diana quickly found out how to make her own.
Using the spell as a basis, she makes the supposedly harden steel in to liquid, after running towards the wall made out of silver steel water, her body will then be covered and since the liquid steel is till connected to her mana she is able to maintain the structure and when she needs it, she can harden her fist and feet for an attack and it can also be used for defending herself by hardening her whole body.
[Alowey] “Mother still plans to continue!? But Asher doesn’t even know how to cast a spell he doesn’t even know what his attribute is!”
Alowey was about to run towards Asher and Diana but her arm was suddenly grabbed from behind, she then turns her head and found her own father stopping her.
[Alowey] “ Father, why are you stopping me!? If this goes on, Asher will get severely hurt!”
[Alfern] “Do not get in their way my dear.”
[Alowey] “But Asher might get—“
[Alfern] “Its fine dear, Diana mentioned something about this; they have done these kinds of things, ever since Asher was 8 years old…and besides…”
Without finishing his words Alfern pointed at Asher and without a single second, Alowey was surprised on what she saw.
[Alowey] “Asher is…smiling, but why?”
[Viscaro] “Though I haven’t met him personally, I think that he is enjoying this bout between Lady Diana.”
After being stopped by both her father and Viscaro, she reluctantly stays put and continue to watch Asher and Diana full of anxiety.
[Asher] “Do you really have to ask mom?”
[Diana] “That’s my boy…”
Without even making a single metallic sound, Diana is now right in front of Asher ready to give a punch to the chest.
[Diana] “Moon Destruction Method: Art # 34—“
Just like Asher’s first attack, Diana did the same pose and let go of her fist.
[Diana] “Javelin!”
[Asher] “Shi—“
Within only seconds, Asher was able to dodge by jumping to the side. But due to Diana’s piercing like punch, Asher’s shirt that he got in his closet tore vertically.
[Asher] “Whoa—that was dangerous…that almost got me.”
With a single drop of sweat falling from his cheeks, he pats his body to see if there is any physical damage beside his shirt.
[Diana] “Good dodge Honey, but I guess that what I would expect from the kid I personally trained since he was 8 years old.”
[Asher] “Yeah well you know…”
Seeing as his shirt is already torn, he grabs the left sleeve with his right arm ripped the shirt off of his body.
[Asher] “I didn’t want to disappoint.”
Exposing his well trained body that was honed by not only with his Martial Arts training but also from various hard laboring jobs. Cracking his neck, rotating his shoulders and doing stretches, everyone was stunned to see Asher’s body.
Mages that resides in the world of Terrafis tend to ignore spend most of their time improving their magic aptitude, since magic is very important to their livelihood exercise isn’t done daily or even ignored.
The kingdom’s soldiers and knights on the other hand do train their bodies, but only to the point where they have enough stamina for their duties. That is why seeing Asher’s body that doesn’t even have a single fat is a first for them.
As for the ladies…
[Deloria] “Wh—why did he?”
[Alowey] “O—oh my…”
[Maid # 1] “Kyaaa~”
[Maid # 2] “What a body…”
Asher wasn’t able to hear them since he has all of his attention at Diana, but the men in the training ground could clearly hear their joyful screams, some even cover their cheeks to cover their blushed cheeks and some cover their eyes while having big opening gaps to peek through.
After tearing off his shirt, Asher took of his shoes and then started to wrap his hand and feet with his torn shirt.
[Diana] “Since I’ve shown you want I wanted to show off, I guess this is a good time to end this sparring. What do you think Honey?”
[Asher] “So this means this will be the conclusion to our sparing? Alright…”
At the same time, Asher and his mother Diana did the same stance. Focused on each other, Asher’s eyes looks straight at Diana’s and Diana’s look straight at Asher’s; both of them didn’t move an inch.
With the tension of the training ground rising, Alfern and the rest stiffen their bodies and watch. Some gulped, some made deep breath, and some even shake from excitement while sweating. All of the people in the training ground as well as the maids that are watching from the castle’s windows couldn’t help but wait for the incoming outcome of the bout.
With the loud sound echoing throughout the training ground, both Asher and Diana dashes forward, but then suddenly stops just 3 or 4 steps away from each other.
[Asher & Diana] “Moon Destruction Method: Art # 27—“
Both Asher and Diana swing their legs, which look like a blur due to the amazing speed, aiming for their neck.
[Asher & Diana] “Scythe!!”
Both kicks collided and a strong gust of wind blew away the surrounding dust and when the people thought they’ll jump away from each other…
[Asher & Diana] “Moon Destruction Method: Art # 16—“
Both opened their palms while having their fingers curled giving their hand a flat surface. They then arm this palms forward.
[Asher & Diana] “Maul!”
Once again, Asher’s and Diana’s Attack collided causing another gust of wind, the only difference is that the wind didn’t blew around them but behind them and it was slightly stronger that the first gust.
Having Asher’s right arm and Diana’s Left arm colliding against each other, both used their free hand and straiten their hands all the way to the tip of their fingers.
[Asher & Diana] “Art # 44—“
Skipping the rest and only saying the number of the art, they simultaneously strike at each other. A fast and straight attack, as if they’re both using a…
[Asher & Diana] “Spear!!”
With one attack stopping another, Asher and Diana wasn’t able to land any hits. But they didn’t stop there, right after the attack; they took back their arms from the first strike and once again use the same move, then pull their other arms once again and did that same attack, then came another, then another and another.
Without moving from the spot where they stood, they continue their attacks without even stopping to catch their breath and by using the same ‘Spear Art’, the longer they keep attacking, the fast their moves get and since their speed keeps increasing, their arms could no longer be seen.
The people who are watching merely stood and stayed quiet as they continue to watch what seems to be sharp attacks that won’t end, but then…
[Asher] (An opening!)
Taking his chance, Asher clenched his right palm and attacks with the same first Art he used.
[Asher] “Javelin!”
Even if Diana defending his attack with her left arm, she won’t be able to stop the force and Asher’s attack will deal damage.
[Asher] “What!?”
He was surprise on what he saw. It wasn’t because Diana was able to defend Asher’s attack, it was because …
[Asher] “A…an empty shell?”
While Asher and Diana kept attacking, Diana deliberately weaken her defense and used her time when Asher did ‘Javelin, she then uses her spell and hardens the liquid metal that is covering her front and then exit her way out from the back by making her steel back liquid, thus making a metal replica.
[Diana] “That’s why I’m telling you to keep your field of view big.”
Due to being surprised, Asher fails to notice that Diana is now under him.
With having Asher’s right arm stretched out, Diana grabs his wrist and pulls it forward. While Asher is being pulled, Diana uses her back to lift him in the air and then readies both her fists.
[Diana] “Moon Destruction Method: Art # 22—“
While Asher is in the air above her, Diana raised both of her fists making the dust cloud surrounding her fly at the same direction as her fists.
[Diana] “Catapult!”
[Asher] “Guhaa!”
Forcingly blowing out the air in his lungs, Asher flew 30 to 40 feet in the air while slowly spinning.
[Diana] “Well, that was fun.”
Asher then hits the ground causing a big sound.
[Asher] “……….Ow.”
Seeing as her son is already on land, Diana walks toward Asher, who is still lying down watching the blue sky. She kneeled down and held Asher’s head and placed it on her lap, she then looks down at him while carrying a smile of a caring mother.
Anyone who would see this smile might mistake Diana for another person.
She then started to caress Asher’s hair that has the unusual white star like pattern.
[Diana] “Oh come on, it wasn’t that painful besides you managed to block the attack and cut the damage in half.”
[Asher] “Whether it was a quarter, half or even full damage, pain is still pain.”
[Diana] “What a baby, anyway…tell me honestly, what do you think? How was my magic?”
[Asher] “To be honest…”
Before Asher finishes, he got up from the ground and her mother’s lap. Patting the dust and small rubbles on his body and pants and then continues.
[Asher] “I was really amazed; you fused both magic and our traditional martial arts perfectly.”
[Diana] “And you verdict?”
Asher then held out his hand to Diana, who is still kneeling down and helps her up. Showing his usual grin, Asher answers.
[Asher] “Badass.”
Hearing his answer, Diana did the same and gave Asher the same grin.
[Diana] “You got that right.”
As they continue to smile at each other, something happened that made both of them jump in shock.
[All Soldiers] “YAHOOO!!!”
[All Maids] “KYAAAAAA~!”
Screams of cheers along with applause roared throughout the training ground, every soldier and every maid that was watching couldn’t help but be amazed on what they just saw.
But with the sudden outburst, Asher and Diana were frozen from the surprise for a few second and quickly snap back. Both mother and son turn their head from left to right and after clarifying their surroundings, as if they communicated by using telepathy , both Asher and Diana thought of the same thing.
[Asher & Diana] (S—since when were they here!?)
From the joyful screams of the ladies, from the roaring shouts of the soldiers, every word they say is full of praise and excitement. Asher, who was a little uncomfortable, slowly walks towards the stairs, but as for Diana, she quickly stops him from leaving and reminded Asher to say something that they always say when ever their spar finishes.
[Diana] “Wait Ash, isn’t there something you need to say out loud first, Hmm?”
[Asher] “Wha—what are you talking about?”
[Diana] “Come on Ash, say it. This is pretty much our tradition after our spar, come on!”
Asher knew this face, it’s the face that she usually shows whenever she doesn’t want to back down on something.
[Asher] (If I didn’t do this, most likely she would throw a tantrum.)
Doing a little sigh, Asher gave in to his mother’s demand and readied himself. He then breathed in and said what his mother wanted to hear.
[Asher] “Diana wins! Number of victories: 97 wins!”
[Diana] “And?”
This is the part he didn’t want to say, though he has no problems in announcing his mother’s number of victories, this is the only part he didn’t want to say out loud.
[Diana] “And?”
But it would seem to be useless to resist, Diana is giving the mischievous smile she usually shows Asher whenever she plans to trick him. Doing another deep breath, he finally said the words out loud.
[Asher] “Asher loses! Number of victories:………”
[Diana] “Number of victories?”
[Asher] “Alright fine, Asher loses! Number of victories: 0!”
[Diana] “Fufufufu~ 3 more wins and I’ll have a perfect 100 again this year! Fufufufu~”
[Asher] “Damn it!!”
While Asher does the ‘OTL’ pose, Diana celebrated by hopping side to side as she happily raises her arms in the air.
After doing a little spin, she looks at her new family and then faces Alfern. She then gave him a smile full of pride while having her arms on her waist and said…
[Diana] “So…have you fallen for me even more?”
Seeing a smile that not only shows beauty but also strength and a figure that glisters at the morning sun, Alfern and surprisingly, even the surrounding soldiers couldn’t voice out his words and simply nods multiple times.
HEY ZYLOS101 here, the my next post will be my other story, The Everyday Life of James Moriarty. see you guys there!!!
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