《Ace of all Trades》Chapter 16: Family Dynamics
Chapter 16: Family Dynamics
Author’s note: When there is more than 2 people participating in a conversation, I will put their name in front of their dialog regardless if it has descriptive text stating their name or not.
The food Jess and Erica-san brought quickly vanished because it was shared among six people instead of just four. I was lucky enough to have Jess share hers with me, and it seems that Jane shared hers with her grandfather.
Being able to share another meal with Jess is a pleasurable experience in its own right, and even with Jane’s death glares every few minutes, it was a pleasant experience and I enjoyed it.
Once everyone had finished eating and idle chatter was pervasive, I cleared my throat to get everyone’s attention.
Robert: *Ahem* “Before we get to the business at hand, I want to like to say a few things, and Jane before you can say anything snarky about me, please remember where you are.”
Jane closed her mouth that she opened in order to say something offensive towards me before I purposely interrupted her.
Robert: “First I would like to thank my prospective Father-in-law for driving me here. Second, I would like to thank Jessica-sempai for sharing her lunch with me. Finally, I would like to thank my perspective in-laws, save one, for tolerating my presence long enough to allow me to dine with you.” I say bowing slightly in my seat.
Jane: “Tolerate, my ass. If it was up to me, you would be long dead and buried for merely existing. This world would even be a brighter place without you in it.” Jane says darkly under her breath.
Erica: “Nonsense, you are always welcome here.” Erica-san says looking at me.
James: “That’s right, you are like family.” James adds in.
Jonathan: “If he marries Jessica, he will no longer be “like” family, but he will “be” family.” Jonathan says with a smile.
Jane: “I object! I don’t want scum in my family tree!” Jane says loudly.
James: “That is true.” James says and his eyes cloud over as if he is in deep thought.
Erica: “So Robert, when is the wedding?” Erica-san asks. She had a knowing look in her eyes.
‘Did she realize that we were holding hands all throughout the meal? I thought I was discreet enough to hide it… Or is she making an assumption based on what she saw when Jess was escorting me here?’
Robert: “Surely you jest. No date has been set because Jessica-sempai has yet to accept me.”
Erica: “Oh? From the way Jess was glowing this morning, I think it is safe to say she accepted you just fine.” Erica-san’s gaze shifts from me to Jess as she said this.
Jess: “Eri! What are you saying in front of your daughter?” Jess gives her sister a stern look even though her cheeks were slightly flushed.
Erica: “Finally you call me by my nickname again. Welcome back Jess.” Erica-san says with a warm smile on her lips.
Jane: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE ALREADY ACCEPTED HIM?! I KNEW YOU WERE TRASH, BUT THIS IS A NEW LOW EVEN FOR YOU. IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO DIE FOR DEFILING MY AUNT!” Jane yells out, her unbridled fury directed solely at me. She was trying to climb onto the table to get to me faster but Jonathan stopped her.
‘She must really hate me.’
O: ‘You know what they say, “love and hate are two sides of the same coin.” Love can hurt into hate and vice versa. If all her hate turns into love, you need to watch your back for yanderes.’
‘Duly noted.’
Jonathan: “Jane, calm down. Jessica is old enough to decide on her own who she spends her time with, and what they spend that time doing.”
Jane: “B-but…” All the rage that previously infused her seemed to dissipate at her grandfather’s words.
Jess: “Father is right. I am able to decide what I do with my time and who I spend it with. Thank you for worrying about me but I’m okay now and don’t worry, even if I do marry Robert I will always be your Aunt Jessica.”
Jane: “Promise?” Jane asks, hope suffusing her voice.
Jess: “If you promise to stop trying to kill Robert, I promise.”
Jane: “Okay!” Jane says happily. “After all there are far worse fates than death.” She adds under her breath.
Erica: “Why is it that your daughter listens to us and not you, but our daughter listens to you and Father, but not us?”
James: “They are probably just “rebelling” against their parents but still want an adult role model they can aspire to, and with such good ones nearby who can blame them?” James uses “air quotes” as he says rebelling.
Robert: “While all this is very interesting and I would love to learn more about my prospective in-law’s family dynamics, but there are things that I must get done by today, and that includes getting the lease checked and signed once the deal is done.”
James: “That’s right, I received an e-mail from you saying that you finishing drafting it and would be here later today, but I didn’t expect you to arrive until … a while later.” James pauses to look at his watch before he completes his sentence.
Robert: “True, I didn’t expect to be here until later, but who could have guess that Father-in-law would come fetch me?” I say with a slight shrug.
James: “Indeed Father-in-law’s mind is unfathomable to me.”
Erica: “Robert, do you happen to have a copy of the lease documents on you? I am sure James, and maybe Jess as well would like to read it.” Erica-san asks politely.
Robert: “I do indeed. In fact, I have two copies, one for James and one for Jessica-sempai.” I reach down and grab my briefcase which was resting next to my leg with my free hand, my other was still entwined with Jess’s hand and place it on the table.
Using my free hand I quickly enter in the combinations and unlock it taking out the fresh copy of the lease and presenting it to Jess.
Jess: “Thank you.” She says as she takes the stack of papers with her own free hand. Reaching back in, I remove the copy that Jonathan had read this morning.
Robert: “Zash?” I call out.
Zash: “Hai?” Zash asks as he jumps down onto the table from the chandelier hanging above. Zash didn’t eat because he was still full from this morning and when we go shopping he will be offered a lot of “free samples” so he is probably saving room for that.
Robert: “Can you please take this to James?” I ask him holding up the stack of papers.
Zash: “Hai~” He grasps the stack with both hands and carefully walks over the table and hands them to James.
James: “Thank you Zash.”
Nodding, Zash walks over to where Jane is and stops before her.
Zash: “It is okay, Anger, Anger, fly away. Do not come back some other day, Zash and friends are here to stay. Anger, Anger, go away.” Zash says as he taps Jane’s head three times.
Jane: “Ah Zash-kun, how can I stay mad when you’re here…” She says smiling, and gives Zash a big hug.
Zash lets himself get hugged and with an outstretched hand gives me a thumbs up.
‘Don’t worry Zash, I won’t let your sacrifice be in vain.’
Robert: “James, if you would be so kind as to look through the lease that is in your hands, can you make sure that it is air tight legally?”
James: “What about the payment for services rendered?” James asks me as he beings reading through the proposed lease.
Robert: “Consider it as a favor for your Father-in-law.” I say shifting my gaze from James to Jonathan.
James: “Having Father-in-law owing me a favor can only be a good thing, so I’ll accept that as payment.” A smile starts forming on James’s face.
Jonathan: “Hey! Why do I have to foot the bill and owe him a favor?” Jonathan asks in surprise.
Robert: “Father-in-law, did you already forget whose idea it was to kick Jessica-sempai and her daughter out of your home?” I say giving Jonathan a pinning glare.
Jonathan: “It was mine, but…” He tried to continue, but I cut him off.
Robert: “Then whose apartment complex are you trying to lease an apartment from?” I ask my glare remained unabated.
Jonathan: “Yours…” He says sheepishly. I gently squeeze Jess’s hand to get her to say her piece.
Jess: “I also recall you saying that since this was your plan that you would pay for it.” Jess says as if she just remembered it.
Jonathan: “Right. I did say that…” Jonathan says in a defeated voice.
Robert: “So now that the issue called payment is taken care of, how long do you think it will take for you to finish?” I ask James. I finally let Jonathan off the hook and shift my attention back to James.
James: “Hmm… I’m not sure but probably no more than three hours at most?” James says after giving it some thought.
Robert: “That long huh? Just as well, it gives me time to go grocery shopping, as my larder is practically empty. James?”
James: “Yes?” James asks as he looks up from reading the lease.
Robert: “You have my phone number correct?”
James: “I do indeed, do you want me to call you when I’m done?” He asks me before looking back at the lease.
‘As expected of James, even when he is playing the fool he is as insightful as ever.’
Robert: “That would be a great help. Also after shopping, I was planning on heading back to the apartment complex so I can show Jessica-sempai and Alice-san the available rooms. Once they have chosen the room they wanted, I was going to call you so you can add the room number and rent amount to the lease. Oh, and here.” I take out the USB flash drive and toss it to James.
James: “I’m assuming the original lease text document is in here then?” James asks as he catches and pockets the USB without looking up from the lease.
‘One day, I will have him teach me how he does that.’
Robert: “Correct. It is the only one that is not password protected." I say as I close my briefcase.
James: “Alright, thank you. Honey, once this lease is complete would you mind taking your Father with you when you drive to Robert’s apartment complex? That way everyone who needs to sign can do so all at once and there will be no need for re-notarization later.” James says without even looking up.
Erica: “Dear, what makes you so certain I will be heading over to Robert’s?” I could practically see the vein popping out on her forehead.
James: “You’re not? I guess you don’t want to see your sister’s new home away from home after all. No matter, I’ll just call the other Notary that I know will travel and get them to do it. Oh and Father-in-law when you go to Robert’s to sign the lease can you make sure you bring the USB and a copy of the finished lease with you alright? Thanks.” James says calmly ignoring his wife’s irritation.
Erica: “I didn’t say I wasn’t going…” Erica-san says softly.
James: “Splendid, absolutely splendid. Now that those two things are resolved I best get to work. Come Honey, you sound like you need a pick me up, so if you would just follow me, that’s a good girl. We will get you one.” James claps his hands as he looks up from the lease. Getting to his feet he coaxes his wife to her feet as well.
Erica: “But Dear… It’s not even night time and were still at the office…” Erica-san says shyly as her voice trails off. She was completely disregarding those watching.
James: “Never fear, I always come to work prepared for all sorts of situations. So if you would just follow me, we will get it all sorted out. With that I bid you farewell and Erica will see you later at your apartment complex.” James strokes his wife’s check and bids us farewell before leading his wife out of the conference room.
Nobody was stunned by the complete reversal that just happened because either they were oblivious, in the case of Jane who was still hugging Zash, were used to it, as in the case of Jonathan and Jess, or they were expecting that was the case, as it was for myself.
Jess: “They really have a good relationship…” Jess says and I can hear a tint of longing in her voice.
Robert: “We can have that kind of relationship as well, you just need to say the word.” I squeeze Jess’s hand slightly as I look at her.
Jonathan: *Ahem* “I’d hate to ruin the moment, but don’t you need to go shopping?” Jonathan cleared his throat to draw our attention.
Robert: “Ah that’s right. Jessica-sempai would you like to accompany Zash and myself on our shopping trip?”
Jess: “I would love to come, but my break is almost over and I need to be getting back to the restaurant to finish my shift.” Jess says is a depressed voice and lowers her eyes sulking. I glance over at Jonathan and give him the signal. Jonathan nodding in understanding began to speak.
Jonathan: “Jessica, go enjoy your time with Robert, and don’t worry about your remaining shift. I’ll take over it so there will be no problems.”
Jess: “But aren’t Friday nights the busiest?” Jess tried to protest.
Jonathan: “Nonsense, what is a little lost business when compared to my daughter’s happiness?”
Jess: “Robert, what exactly did you do to Dad to make him change this much?” Jess lifts up her eyes and stares at me.
Robert: “I don’t see much of a difference, hasn’t he always been a doting parent?” I ask with slight confusion coloring my voice.
Jess: “He was, but never to the extent of letting me skip work to go out on a d-da-date before…” Jess’s cheeks flush scarlet as she stammers the word date.
‘An embarrassed Jess is good too, and I’m glad she thinks this shopping trip is a date, because it means that I am still considered a love interest. But soon I will have to clear up what exactly my relationship with Jess is.’
Robert: “I see.”
‘Was this a slight miscalculation on my part? Or is it just an inclination on my inability to read people? Perhaps it is a testament to my ability to change people? Who knows….’ As I was musing, Jonathan said something that wasn’t in our “script” we prepared beforehand.
Jonathan: “Jessica, normally I would say to finish shift then go out and play, but it has been a long time since you have been, well, yourself, and I feel you deserve some “you” time. Away from the family and people you feel obligated to help and with people you can truly have fun with. If that is with Robert, that is fine, and even if it isn’t with Robert that is fine too. I just want my daughter to be happy, is that too much to ask?” Even I could tell his words were straight from his heart.
Jess: “Dad…” I let go of Jess’s hand as she gets up and she walks to and hugs her father. It was a very heart-warming moment, and if Zash hadn’t sacrificed himself to distract Jane, it might never had happened. Speaking of Jane, I haven’t heard a peep out of her since Zash’s sacrifice so I look over towards her. She had fallen asleep while hugging Zash.
Robert: “Zash?” I say softly not to wake Jane or disturb the heart-warming Father-daughter bonding time.
Zash: “Hai?” He also says softly.
‘I’m so glad I taught him how to read the mood.’
Robert: “Are you able to free yourself without waking Jane?”
Zash gives me a thumbs up and disappears into a puff of smoke that miraculously doesn’t wake up Jane, and in his place is a doll that in his likeness that I made for Jane long ago so that should would stop hounding me to leave Zash with her. Without a sound, Zash jumps off the chandelier and lands on my shoulder.
Robert: “What are you a ninja?” I ask inadvertently, for all his shenanigans, I’ve never seen him do that before.
Zash: “Nin-Nin.” Zash says while striking a “ninja pose.”
‘A ninja Zashiki Warashi… now I’ve seen everything.’
L: ‘That would explain a lot about his mysterious agility, and why he seems to be weightless when you carry him.’
‘My life gets stranger by the day.’
L: ‘Says the man with five other personalities and regularly converses with them as if it was normal.’
Jess: “I love you Dad.” Jess releases her father from her embrace.
Jonathan: “I love you too Jessica. Off you go now, don’t let this old man hold you up any longer.” Jonathan says waving for Jess to go.
Jess: “Bye Dad, I’ll see you later.” She says as she walks back to me.
Jonathan: “Robert, I entrust you with my daughter, do not make me regret that decision.” Jonathan says to me, his tone super serious.
Robert: “Leave it to me. Jessica-sempai’s wellbeing and happiness is paramount to my own. If she is happy, then I will be happy.” I reply instantly, giving Jonathan a half bow from my seat.
Jess: “Really now, I don’t think I’m that important.” Jess says sighing.
Robert/Jonathan: ““Nonsense, you are that important to me.”” We say in unison.
Jess: “Great, now you two are harmonizing, come Robert. Let us go before you harmonize any further, after all I only need one dad.” She say sighing once more and helps me to my feet. Before I grab my briefcase, I address Jonathan once more in regards to Jane.
Robert: “Father-in-law, can you please wake up Jane only after we leave and before you go? That way she would cause a scene if she sees us leave together.”
Jonathan: “Sure, leave it to me.” He says thumping his chest.
Robert: “Thank you. Let us be off Jessica-sempai.” I grab my brief case with one hand and offer my free one to Jess, which she takes. Hand in hand, we left the conference room. “Where should we go shopping, I wonder?” I say aloud once we exit the office building.
Jess: “Have you heard about that one store that opened up like five years ago that sells fresh food stuffs to its customers at ridiculously low prices?” Jess asks me in a strangely excited voice.
Robert: “Mmm, if I recall correctly, it was a cross between an open air market and a shopping strip all in one building?” I say after a few seconds as If I was recollecting.
Jess: “That’s right. I believe its name was ZMI or something close to it. Supposedly it uses cutting edge technology that allows it to provide its customers with rock bottom pricing, and they even deliver.”
Robert: “Sound like you know a lot about it, have you been to their only store yet?”
Jess: “No but my father has, and he liked it so much that he starting using them exclusively for all our Restaurant’s food needs.”
Robert: “Ah I see. Then I must thank him for his continued patronage.” I say softly nodding my head.
Jess: “Can you repeat that? I didn’t hear the last part.”
Robert: “Since you haven’t experienced it yet, do you want to go there with me?”
Jess: “Does that mean you’ve been there before?” Jess says clinging to my arm, just like an excited school girl.
Robert: “I’m a manner of speaking, yes.” I tried my best to hide my amusement but Jess’s excitement was infectious, so a smile started to spread on my face.
Jess: “Then you must show me around once we get there”
Robert: “Very well, your wish is my command. Shall we take your vehicle or shall we walk?”
Jess: “Let’s go in my car, because I want to get there even if it’s just a minute faster.” Jess’s excitement was practically overflowing.
‘What exactly is so exciting about it that it makes Jess giddy like a school girl?’
Robert: “Lead the way.”
Continue Reading?NoZMI Background Story?
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