《Ace of all Trades》Chapter 15: “Meet the In-laws”
Chapter 15: “Meet the In-laws”
“More Coffee?” I ask Jonathan as I put down my empty coffee cup.
“No thanks, this is enough for me.”
“Are you sure?” I ask as I rise to my feet. I collect the two empty coffee cups and place his into the sink and rinse my own.
“I am sure. How long do you think it will take you to finish getting ready, so we can leave?”
“That depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“Are you ready to go out?”
“Then start getting ready, because Father-in-Law is going to be giving us a ride in his car.”
I shake my peculator and hear about two more cups of coffee slosh inside it.
“I would like to finish these last two cups of coffee before we go, and I also need to check my e-mail, grab my briefcase, my wallet and my smartphone, so about 15 to 25 minutes give or take? Where did you park?”
“In your parking lot of course.”
“Right. Forget I asked.” I get down my extra-large coffee cup that I use on occasion and pour the remaining coffee inside. I then pour in 7 sugars into it and top it off with milk, and as I am stirring the coffee Jonathan get his feet.
“Then I’ll wait for you in my car.”
“Before you leave, I have a question.”
“What is it?”
“My “brother” told me that you offered him the right to date your granddaughter. Were you talking about Alice-san or did Jessica-sempai had another child I wasn’t aware of?”
“No, no, nothing like that. First off, what makes you think I only had one daughter?”
“I see, please excuse my lack of understanding.”
“It’s fine. I can’t expect you to know everything about my family after only one day.”
“Thank you for your benevolence.”
“If that is all? I will wait for you outside.”
“Right-o” I hear the door open and then close shortly after. I sip my coffee to confirm its taste, satisfied I walk slowly to my laptop. I place my coffee to the right of it and go upstairs to my bedroom.
I grab my brief case that is between my bed and nightstand, dust it off and place it on my bed. Entering the correct sequence of numbers for both locks and pop it open. The contents was a sole USB flash drive which I pocket. I close the now empty briefcase and bring it with me back downstairs. I reenter the kitchen instead of going into the living room where my laptop and coffee are.
Placing my briefcase on the kitchen table, I re-open it and place the lease documents I printed earlier inside. Leaving it open because I’m going to be putting more things inside it, I put the box of sugar back inside the cabinet and return the remaining milk to the refrigerator. Once that was done, I exited the kitchen and entered the living room and sat down in front of my laptop.
I remove the USB flash drive from my pocket and insert it into one of the slots in the side of my laptop. As I wait for my laptop to recognize it, I take a sip of coffee. I double click “My computer” and then the flash drive to open it up. I drag the lease documents into it and minimize the transfer dialog box.
While waiting for it to complete the transfer, I open my web browser and go check my e-mail. Most of it was spam or unimportant e-mails but there was one from Unicorn titled .
‘Oh?’ I click on it to bring up the message.
‘Hmm. So if today is Friday, then I should be getting the capsule on Monday or Tuesday? That gives me 19 to 20 days to build my avatar before the beta test starts on June 1st. Maybe I can get the A.I. to allow me to play the tutorial before the actual beta test begins? But if I use my boon on that, then I wouldn’t be able to try and get them to allow Zash to play with alongside me…’
I look at the screen and notice that the transfer is complete. I open up the document inside the flash drive to make sure it transferred correctly and seeing that it did, I print another copy. As it prints, I close all the windows and eject the flash drive from my computer. I then remove it from the port and pocket it again.
I pick up my coffee cup and take another sip.
“Hai?” Zash says as he runs back into the living room fully ready to go out.
“You ready to leave?”
With my free hand I close my laptop before carefully getting to my feet. Fetching the fresh copy from the printer, I return to the kitchen with lease in one hand, and coffee in the other. I place the fresh copy inside my open briefcase when I remember something I forgot.
“Can you grab my wallet and smartphone from my bedroom?”
“Hai~” he says as I heard him dash upstairs.
‘Maybe I should have called him Dash instead of Zash.’ I thought wryly.
I take the flash drive out of my pocket and toss it inside before closing and locking it. I was finishing my coffee when Zash runs into the kitchen and kitchen and jumps on my briefcase. In his hands was my wallet, smartphone, and pens that I usually carry around with me.
“Thanks Zash.” I say rubbing his head with my free hand. I take my wallet and phone and put them in my back pocket and side pocket respectively, and put the pens in the left inside pocket of my jacket. Finishing my coffee I put the now empty cup into the sink and fill it with water. Returning to the table I allow Zash to jump on my shoulder and I pick up my briefcase.
“All right Zash, let’s go.”
I walk to the entrance way and grab my keys hanging at the door. As I exit I lock the door behind me. I don’t want any Hentai(s) getting in, although the main Hentai is probably occupied at this moment in time. Still never hurts to be cautious.
As I walk into the apartment complex’s parking lot I see Jonathan sitting in a silver sports car, the brand name eludes me but then again I was never good with cars to begin with, waving at us.
“I guess that is our ride, flashy but somehow it suits him.” I say aloud to nobody in particular.
I walk over to the passenger side open the door. Zash slides down my arm and lands on the passenger seat which he uses as a spring board to do a back flip into the back seat. Where he buckles himself in.
‘If he was in Royal Road, I’m sure he would be able to run up people’s weapons like it was the easiest thing in the world.’
Jonathan was slack-jawed and was staring at Zash as I got in the car put my briefcase at my feet, and buckle myself in.
“Jessica had told me that Zash was very agile for his age, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.”
“Is that so?” I say while shrugging.
He was about to continue on that subject when I interrupt him.
“Shouldn’t we be on our way? There is a lot I have to do today.”
“Ah? Oh. Right. Off we go then.”
During the drive Jonathan and I talk about what we should do for the wedding if Jess does agree to marry me. Since it is not related to the story, I will spare you the details.
About 10 minutes later we stop in front of a very familiar office building.
“The lawyer I know works here. Let me park so we can both go in together.”
‘Sound off. A.’
D: ‘E.’
M: ‘I.’
L: ‘O.’
O: ‘U.’
‘We seem to be missing someone… Where did “He” go?’
O: ‘“He” is just doing a little task for me, I’m sure he will be back eventually.’
‘As long as you know what you’re doing.’
O: ‘Of course, Master.’
“Alright-y, let’s go.” Jonathan’s words broke into my thoughts and returned me to the present.
“Okay.” I unbuckle myself and exit his car and as I was grabbing my briefcase, Zash climbs into the passenger seat, jumps onto my outstretched hand and runs up my arm and sits on my shoulder. Because of that Jonathan was staring at us slack-jawed again.
“Father-in-law, your mouth is open.”
“Ah sorry. I can’t get use to Zash’s feats of agility.”
“Give it some time. After you.” I motion for him to proceed before me after closing the car door.
Following directly behind Jonathan, I use him as a shield to prevent others from noticing Zash, which seemed to work as we managed to enter unmolested.
As we enter the building I can briefly hear the sound of typing, but bell that rung must have drawn their attention because it quickly ceased. I give Zash a knowing look, and put a finger to my lips and when Zash copied me I smiled.
“Ah Grandpa! What brings you here today? Mom stepped out of the office to bring some food for us, but she should be back shortly.” I hear a voice, which normally would spew insults at me, say nicely.
‘I knew it, she just has a bad personality towards me.’
“I’m not here to see my daughter today, is your father free?”
“One second, let me see… he does have an appointment with someone soon but that person doesn’t I really matter so yeah he is free.”
Author’s note: Because multiple people are taking part of in this conversation, I will be putting their names in front of their dialog.
Robert: “I’m hurt Jane, really I am. I can’t believe you think I don’t really matter. Father-in-law, what should I do, I’m in despair.” I say in an overly depressed voice as I step out from behind Jonathan. My whole head was tilted downward as if I was downcast but that was only to hide my smile.
Jane: “Gaa! What are YOU doing behind Grandpa! Grandpa, quick get away from him otherwise his creepiness will infect you! You too Zash, come with me and together we will banish this blight from the face of this office! Wait… Why is he calling you “Father-in-law”?”
Jonathan: “You two know each other?” Jonathan asks in surprise.
Robert: “In a manner of speaking.” I say my eyes still downcast.
Jane: “Grandpa! Don’t ignore me! Why did that “filth” call you “Father-in-law”?”
Jonathan: “Because if your Aunt Jessica agrees to marry him, he will become your uncle and my son-in-law.”
Jane: “YOU! How dare you put your grubby mitts on my sweet, kind Aunt! She deserves better I say! BETTER! It’s time you die for your sins!” She cries out and gets to her feet quickly goes around her desk and charges me with intent to kill.
It wasn’t for Jonathan intercepting her mid charge, I probably would be flat on the floor right now. She was still hollering for my blood while struggling to get free from her grandfather’s arms when the bell that signified someone entered rang once more.
Erica: “Oh my? What do we have here?” I heard Erica-san’s voice say with a hint of amusement.
I turn around and look up. Standing before me were two angels that just descended from heaven, Erica-san and Jess. When they stand side by side like this, it is easy to tell they are related.
Jess: “Robert? Is that you? I almost didn’t recognize you.” Jess says in amazement.
Now to intercept the story with an ordinary and maybe important news bulletin: Erica-san, James, and Jane all know how Robert looks when he is “cleaned up” because he goes to them that way whenever he needs to get a new lease done. This is the end of this ordinary news bulletin, we now return you to your regular scheduled story.
Robert: “Yes, I am Robert. Due to certain circumstances outside my control, I was forced to remove my only defining feature.”
Jess walks up to me and starts caressing my face with her free hand, as one of her hands was holding onto to go bags from their family restaurant.
Jess: “It’s quite smooth…” She murmurs as she strokes my cheek.
Robert: “Thank you. When I clean up, I tend to do it well.” I say as I cover her hand with my own to press it closer.
Smiling, Jess leans over and whispers something into my ear, (the one opposite of Zash, in case anyone forgot that he was sitting on my shoulder).
Jess: “If you stay that way, I might be tempted to stay over more often.”
Robert: “I’ll think about it.” I say hesitantly.
Jane: “Aunt Jess! Get away from that Creep this instant! If you stay within 30 feet of him you will catch his disease and become…”
Jess: “That’s enough Jane.” Jess interrupts her, and shifts her attention to Jane.
Jane: “But…” Jane tried to say something else but was cut off again.
Jess: “You are just irritated because you are hungry. Father? Can you help escort my niece to the conference room? Sister, please go fetch your husband so he can eat with us. I will personally escort Robert to the conference room so please go ahead of us, and after we finish eating and everyone is full then we will discuss business. Is that alright with everyone?”
Erica: “Heh. I’m glad you’re back to your old self Jess. Will you tell your older sister what exactly happened to make you return to us?”
Jess: “I’ll tell you later, in private.”
Erica: “I’ll hold you to that.”
Jess: “If that is it? What are you all waiting for? Shoo.”
Jonathan left half carrying, half dragging Jane away, all while she was struggling to break free, Erica-san went to her husband’s office to fetch him, and I was left alone with Jess.
‘I guess it runs in the family.’
By the way, all was happening while Jess still had her hand on my face and leaning close to me.
Robert: “Jess?” I whisper tentatively.
Jess: “Yes Robert?” She says turning her attention back to me. When she noticed what she was doing, she quickly retracted her hand (I let it go as soon as I felt it trying to retreat) and pulled away from me. Her face had gone a deep scarlet from embarrassment.
‘Ah she looks so adorable, I just want to hug her.’
Robert: “It seems that almost everyone forgot about Zash in that commotion.” I say pointing to Zash on my shoulder.
Zash: “Hello Jessica-nee-chan.” Zash said slightly bowing.
Jess: “Ah hello Zash. I’m sorry for not noticing you earlier.”
Zash: “It’s fine, I had fun watching.”
Jess: “Well at least you had fun right?” Jess says while rubbing his head.
Zash: “Hai~”
Robert: “I would like to help you carry the food but, as one of my hands is already occupied if I were to hold the food as well, I wouldn’t be able to hold your hand.” I say offering my free hand to Jess.
Jess: “But holding hands in public…” Jess says shyly looking away from me.
Robert: “I already held more than your hand in private but if you don’t want to, I understand.” I say as I slowly lower my offered hand.
Jess: “Jezz. Fine, but just this once, okay?” She says as she takes my hand. I wrap my fingers between hers and smile.
Robert: “Shall we go, because I feel the others are beginning to stare.” James and Erica-san were peeking at us from James’s office.
Jess: “What are you doing? Trying to made the woman lead?” Jess asks playfully.
Robert: “I thought you enjoyed taking the lead sometimes? If that isn’t the case, then maybe I should try to take the lead more often in various other situations? Also I am unsure where this “conference room” you sent the others to, so if you would please guide me I would be grateful, otherwise I’m sure James or Erica-san can show us the way?”
As I said the last part, I noticed that both Erica-san and James flinch in surprise.
‘Yes I know you’re there.’
Jess: “Ha… No choice then. I’ll lead you. Come along.” Jess tugged at my hand as she starts walking and I followed close behind her.
Continue Reading?No
Authors Note: Hello dear readers, It is I Author-san. I know most are enjoying the story, and other are complaining that the progress is so slow and I should get to the game portion. As to that, I can only say please wait patiently, because the more you ask the more unmotivated I become and the longer it takes to crank out subsequent chapters that will get us closer to the actual game.
The reason the progress is slow is because I am dropping a lot of foreshadowing and hints at what is to come and what Robert will be doing once he gets into the game. Imagine if you didn’t have this background information and I just dumped you into the game with no clue what is going on and why there is 5-6 “people” thinking when there should only be the Main character?
Also by taking it slow I am attempting to create characters (and personalities) that aren’t as thin as the paper I write this on. But then again I can but dream. Moving on. As stated in this chapter in 3-4 in-story days, the capsule will arrive and the “game” will start soon after. As for the 19-20 days before the actual beta test begins, I have thought of 3 ways to handle it.
1. I can just skip it and do a time warp and skip into the actual beta test.
2. I can use that time as a “tutorial” that Robert plays through to “create” his character instead of the normal character creation process because of the uniqueness of his avatar. Which of course would count as In-game time which would effectively grant him 76-80 more days of in-game time if he 24/7 it throughout the remaining time before the beta test.
3. I can use it for other IRL things that happen to Robert and his merry set of personalities to develop them further, but from the comments I can feel this is the least desirable option.
I have read all your comments in the poll that O and * are holding. Yes I even know about them despite their attempts to hide it. Though if less than 40 of you responded it probably would have gone unnoticed by me for a while longer so thank you for your responses and your ideas.
You can vote on this chapter how you want me to handle the last 19-20 days before the tutorial, but it is safe to say that my default option will NOT be 3. Because despite popular belief I also want to get into the game. Well I’ll let you guys go now, and happy reading.
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