《The GTA VRMMO》Chapter 5... (I AM BACK BABY!!!)


Alright, here we go again...

Finally back from the deep dark depths of Siberia (I wasn't actually there, just was absorbed in playing video games and had a lack of inspiration to write things... Anyway, here is a long ass chapter to make up for it (I guess its long?)


After a few moments Sara stopped crying, and hugged him even tighter. At that moment the door opened, and two other people walked in.

Tsuki : "Now that your little touchy feely moment is over, how about we leave this area, we arn't exactly the safest here..."

Zu nodded quietly from behind Tsuki in affirmation. After all, they had just caused a massive ruckus at the police station, and almost all of their forces who had been there were cleared out by now. Leaving them with only the people outside to defend themselves should some other gang decide to make a move on them.

Sara frowned at the words, then leaned in towards Vargo to whisper something in his ear, quiet enough so that the two girls couldn't hear it.

Sara : "You like the ones I chose for you? They are rather thoughtful... I created their personalities myself..."

Vargo gave a light laugh and nodded at this before lightly pushing Sara off of him. She reluctantly let go, but decided to take his hand in hers as he started walking towards the door, which was being held open by a few men outside.

Zu : "Master, may we know who this girl is?"

Vargo gave a wry smile and gave an evasive answer as he lead the group out the door towards his car.

Vargo : "She is someone extremely important to me. Someone who has always been there..."

Tsuki seemed bewildered at this, wondering how a thirteen year old girl could always "be there" for the greatest crime boss on the planet.

Sara : "I am Sara. It is nice to finally meet you two, Tsuki, Xiuhcoatl... And may I remind you that looks can be deceiving? I am more then I appear to be..."

Sara gave a preemptive answer as if reading Tsuki's mind, in fact that's exactly what she did but she would never tell them that.

Vargo : "I have decided that I have somewhere to go, tell the column to go on without us, I wanna take my car for a spin..."

Tsuki nodded hesitantly before ordering someone from the column to distribute the orders. The bodyguards seemed a bit hesitant as well, but were glad to see that he was acting like himself again. Normally, no matter how many cars they put in the column, he would always just ditch them a few seconds in. (Like a normal player lol) This also happened no matter how much they stressed his importance to them, he just gave it no thought and continued on with whatever he had decided to do on a whim.

Tsuki pulled back a bit as Vargo walked towards his car, dragging Zu along with her towards the crowd of men in black suits, enough so that they might be out of earshot from Vargo.

Zu : "Looks like he is back to normal..."

Tsuki : "Although I am glad, I still feel weary of that girl's presence. Something about her doesn't feel right..."

Zu : "I agree, but as long as she does not do anything to endanger the Master I don't care who she is. In fact I think we should learn from her as she was able to heal something we were not."


Tsuki nodded at Zu's comment, slightly distraught that it was true, and then they proceeded to the awaiting super car, which was now deafening the surrounding area with its startup sounds.

They got in, Zu in the front passenger seat, while Tsuki was in the back with the new addition, Sara.

With a slightly overwhelming roar the car pulled away from the curb into an empty street, due to the early time of day.

Tsuki : "So where are we going Master?"

She leaned forward as she asked this, resting her head upon his shoulder from the back seat.

Vargo : "Well, for one, I wanted to stop by my house here, then to the Airport so that we can take my jet over to the main house. If I remember correctly, the Triad has been more aggressive towards us, and I can't let something like that go unpunished..."

At this particular moment, Vargo floored the gas pedal, squishing everyone into their seats and getting a surprised gasp from the backseat.

Vargo glanced back, still keeping his eyes on the road and gas pedal, as the car rapidly accelerated. He slowed the acceleration slightly once the car hit 90 miles an hour, but still giving it more gas then it took to maintain the speed.

Vargo : "First time in a super car Sara?"

The person in question leaned forward, looping her arms around Vargo's neck from directly behind his seat. She let out a light giggle at the question, then leaned forward to nibble on Vargo's ear.

Sara : "First time feeling it yes, it certainly is exhilarating isn't it?"

Vargo laughed at that, knowing what she meant by the wording, whereas the two others in the car looked at her slightly baffled. (Sara was a computer, not a npc. She would run the game, not take part in it, so this is the first time she is feeling the world firsthand, instead of just looking on from above and controlling it.)

Vargo : "Indeed it is... Pure awesomeness at the touch of a foot."

Vargo shifted lanes and swerved around one of the other drivers on the road at an astronomical speed, receiving a few honks here and there from close calls. Of course, the fact of the matter was that none of them were "close" as Vargo had had countless hours driving around at this speed in these conditions. After a minute or so the engine quieted a bit, shifting to a higher gear, and they set into a high speed cruise at around one hundred and thirty miles per hour.

When they hit the freeway, Vargo spoke towards Tsuki, who was in the back, and started asking questions.

Vargo : "So, Tsuki, how is the business going?"

Tsuki : "Well, seeing as how you leave me to control the entire thing, not as well as when you were running it, but still very strong. The Sicilians have been resistant to our expanding, and have decided to send a few sleeper agents into our territory, we have found a hundred and three so far, but as to how many are left, we can only guess that it is around four hundred in total. China has, as you mentioned, been more aggressive and has started to openly fight us in certain places, mainly our shipment centers in their lands. All deaths are hired hands, not from our group, but given more time we will start to be effected as well. On the African front, a few local warlords have gotten cocky and have tried extorting us. I have done my best at shutting them down, but I am afraid some of them require more then my personal squad as they are simply far too numerous for my small group."


Vargo nodded at the progress report, and zoomed past another car, before turning towards Sara.

Vargo : "So Sara, now that you are free, where dost thou desireth to go?"

Sara : "I am fine wherever you are Master..."

Vargo gave a slight laugh and a wry smile at this, before turning to the other two in the car.

Vargo : "Tsuki, Zu, how about you girls? Its a new day, a new life, and the world at our finger tips..."

Zu, who was in the passenger seat, leaned towards him, resting her head on his arm. Tsuki, who was in the back of the rather cramped car, leaned forward so that her head was next to Zu's.

Zu : "I agree with Sara, I am fine as long as you take me with you..."

Tsuki : "I as well think this way, although perhaps after hunting down your enemies we could take a vacation off the coast in your cruiser, or skydive out of your jet."

After a few minutes of idle chatter and driving Vargo slowed down a bit, as he neared his destination He turned off of the freeway onto a freshly paved road. The road had originally been dirt and nowhere near the freeway, but a little money fixes everything.

Vargo's mega mansion was build in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by three layers of super tight security, thirty foot high brick walls with a massive compound in the center of the system. Every guard was loyal to a fault, and specially trained for the defense of the compound. The inside was riddled with more stuff then a military base, to such an extent that it would be hard for this mansion be included in the classification of "a house". If someone where to be stupid enough to attack it, they would meet several opposing factors, the least of which being the several thousand spec ops level soldiers in the compound, because in addition to these, the compound has other unexpected surprises, such as air to ground missile systems, armored vehicles, tanks, attack helicopters, and a private jet strip with several up to date jet fighters... You know, the usual for protecting the most important man on the planet from unruly players. In addition to these defensive systems there were full on fallout shelters beneath, and several dozen miles of underground tunnels leading to other safe houses in the event that the "Fort Knox" of all bases were to be cracked.

Vargo drove through the front gate with no problem what so ever, except for a minor lecture about ditching the column of elite guards.

After passing two more gates and several dozen more guard towers they passed through the compound to get to a massive Parthenon in the center of it all. Quite literally a pantheon, with stone pillars and stone floors.

Standing in front of the wide entrance was an aged Asian man in golden ceremonial clothing, with several young apprentices behind him. He bowed deeply as the car drove up, his apprentices following his example.

Vargo shut off the car, and walked out, the three girls mirroring his actions. He gave a light nod to the man who was bowing, then greeted him.

Vargo : "I see, once again, that your timing is implicit as always Lord Chen..."

Chen straightened his back, put his arms behind him and spoke with a heavy accent towards Vargo.

Chen : "When one sits upon a mountain one learns not to count time, but instead how to always make sure where you need to be at the correct time..."

Vargo nodded at the philosophy before inviting the man inside.

Grand-master Chen was one of the few people who could simply come and go whenever he pleased at any one of Vargo's houses. He was always a peculiar character, who never said anything straightforward, instead preferring to revert back to his musings or things he learned from meditation. He was one of those peculiar NPC's that every video game has, one which was never exactly explained to the player, but always fun to have around.

The mansion was massive and luxurious, with an ancient Greek feel to it. The front was a large Parthenon with several domed buildings attached to it through long brick hallways. The appearance was deceptive, as the building was heavily armored and fortified.

Though there were no doors on the Parthenon, and no guards to be seen, it was without a doubt the most secure building in existence.

After walking up the dozen or so steps to the floor of the building, and passing through two massive granite collumns, the familiar sight greeted Vargo, two massive white tigers, too large to be natural, lay at the foot of a large golden throne, purring loudly at his entrance before lifting their hulking masses off of the floor and trotting over towards him.

He reached over with his arms, hooking one around each of his wives hips, pulling them towards him, much to their surprise, and then started walking towards a side hall.

Tsuki : "Well, this behavior is new..."

She blushed a bit before hooking her arms around Vargo's body and pulling herself tighter. She nuzzled her head into his neck and planted a light kiss on his cheek with a giggle.

Vargo : "Is it making you uncomfortable?"

Tsuki smiled brightly, before resting her head on his shoulder. Her eyes shot a glance at Zu who had been mirroring her actions.

Tsuki : "Never.. In fact, I have been dreaming about this moment for a long time..."

Zu smirked as she leaned in farther and started nibbling on Vargo's ear. On the opposite side, mirroring Zu's "good idea" Tsuki followed her example.

He paused for a moment, before speaking in a quiet voice.

"Where are my under bosses?"

Tsuki stopped nibbling for a second, giving his earlobe one last lick, before answering.

Tsuki : "King is somewhere in China, dealing with the Triad, Marissa is in Siciliy trying to torture some information out of the sleeper cells.

A slight yip was heard behind them, as Vargo turned around just in time to see Sara being pushed over by a curious white tiger.

Vargo paused for a moment, before pulling his hands back from the two. He gave a wry smile and then spoke calmly.

Vargo : "Go on ahead girls, I will meet up with you later, I wish to catch up with Sara and my kittens right now."

They stopped walking, slightly irritated at his actions, but nodded anyway, before hugging each other and walking off sexily while giggling.

He turned towards Sara, who was being investigated by the massive white tigers.

He whistled, and the tigers backed off from the little girl, coming over to Vargo, while purring loudly.

He gave a soft laugh at them before kneeling down in front of the fallen 'child'.

Vargo : "So Sara... Where is my daughter?"

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