《Summoned to Another World with My Truck》New friends new challenges
“The king summond a fucking hero. A fucking hero. Fucker runs away and half the Goddess damned country chasing him. Fucker hides in a fucking barn. Of fucking course, just a cosmic fucking joke. I’m going to wake up back in my bed soon, this is all a fucking dream I’m sure.” Grizz mutters to himself as he sits against the wall. After he had climbed back into the loft, he asked Thea to repeat what she had said. When she did, he sat down a short distance away. He’s been muttering to himself in a constant stream ever since.
Shiva, on the other hand, has managed to pull herself together. She is still avoiding Sarge and me like we are some kind of monster. However, she opened Grizz’s pack and gave us a loaf of soft brown bread and a hunk of sharp yellowish cheese. With it being split between Thea, Sarge, and myself, it left us with a smaller meal than I would have liked. The bread was quite filling and the cheese had a pleasant sharness to it. I was happily surprised when we finished eating to find myself full.
Shiva explained they were travel rations used by adventurers. The loaf was made with some kind of wild oat and wheat which made it dense and filling. The cheese was hard on the outside, but smooth and creamy under the rind. Whatever the case, they were both nice and it helped that we had a change from jerky and bananas. Looking over at Grizz, I realize he isn't going to stop anytime soon. The sun is already sitting on the edge of the barn’s roof, so I figure it's sometime around midmorning or later.
“Well, enough of this.” I say while pushing myself to my feet. I pull my plate carrier back on before I walk over to the bear of a man. The plate carrier feels rough against my bare skin, but the weight is a comfort to me.
“What are you going to do?” Thea asks me as I brush my hands clean.
“Try and snap him out of his loop, if I can.” I walk over to Grizz. The bigger man doesn't even acknowledge my approach, not even when I squatted down in front of him.
“Hey man, we need you to pull yourself together.” I gently laying a hand on his shoulder. Grizz continues to mutter, not paying attention to me.
“Welp, I tried the easy way.” I look over to where Shiva is watching me closely. “I’m going to say sorry in advance.” I say to her before turning back to Grizz.
Taking the big mans shoulders in my hands, I turn him to look at me. Even as I’m moving him, he never stops his muttering. That is really starting to get on my nerves, hopefully this snapps him out of it. Mumbling a quick “sorry” to Grizz, I draw back my right arm. Shiva seems to realize what I’m about to do moments before I swing. With a loud crack, Grizz’s head snapped back, slamming into the wall.
The change in the man is instantaneous, from docile mutterer to cornered rat. As his head starts to come forward, he pushes his body out to tackle me. Expecting his burst of movement, I twist to the side. I grab his arm as he passes and force him to the floor. As we hit the boards, Grizz begins to curse and yell.
“Who the hell do you think you are hitting me!? You want to die you dumb shit!? I’ll rip your Goddess damned arms off and shove them up your ass! Do you understand me, you little shit!” Grizz yells as he tries to break free. I pull up on the arm gripped in my hand and twist, causing Grizz to wince in pain. Kicking his legs out, I force my thighs between them, cutting down on his leverage. His free arm swings wildly, unable to reach me where I’m perched on his back.
“Calm the fuck down, Grizz! Don’t make me break your fucking arm!” I yelled in his ear, causing him to pause.
“Jim?” He asks seeming confused for a second.
“Yeah, that’s me.” I ease up on his arm as he seems to have calmed down. Climbing to our feet, Grizz stares at me with his eyes seeming to take me in under a new light.
“Where the hell did you get the bright idea to take a swing at me like that?” He asks as his hand comes up to rub his jaw where I hit him.
“I have a cousin back home. He gets like you did, only quieter. His mind is sick and he gets lost in his past. You can yell at him and he won't hear you, even when you are right in his ear.” I walk back to Thea and offer her a hand to pull her to her feet.
“However, if you need to get his attention, you can swing at him. Unlike you, he won't let it connect with him. Of course, for a minute after you swing on him, he is fighting like a cornered raccoon amongst a pack of dogs.” I say with a shrug. “So, I figured I’d give it a shot. Worse case scenario, you get a sore chin and I have to try something else.”
“We probably should have let him come out of it on his own.” Thea says, wrapping her arms around my waist. She lays her head on my back and her fingers slips under my plate carrier. For a moment, I wonder what she is doing, but it's not bothering me so I let her continue. Seemingly emboldened by my lack of response, her hand starts to wonder higher up my stomach.
“No, he was right. There is too much to get done and nowhere near enough time.” Grizz shakes his head.
“I’m assuming you have a plan.” I nod my head to his two bags. “Otherwise, you wouldn't need all that.”
“Yeah, I had two plans. Neither will work now.” Grizz says while letting out a long breath.
“Why won’t they work now?” Thea pokes her head out from behind my back.
“Cause your lover boy is a Goddess damned hero!” Shiva yells out, causing Thea to jump.
“Why does that matter?” I turn back to look at Grizz. Letting out another long breath, he starts to explain.
“The original plans were simple. If you were a decent man and not a bastard like the king said, I was going to register you in the adventurer’s guild. I was going to give you supplies and a quest that takes you into Rathenk. From there, I have a contact who could get the collar off them.” He says, motioning to Thea and Shiva.
“Plan two was bloodier, but a necessary precaution. If you ended up being too dangerous, Shiva and I would kill you. After you were dead, I would take Thea and Shiva across the border myself and set them free.” At the mention of killing me, Sarge bristles, moving between Shiva and me.
I swear he is understanding everything we say, I think to myself as Sarge bares his teeth. Realizing I need to defuse the situation, I clear my throat before speaking.
“Well that’s not going to work for me. So what’s option three?” I drop my hand to my pistol.
“There was no third plan.” Grizz runs his hand through his unkempt hair.
“Best we can do is try and salvage the first plan.” He sits down and grabs the bag that was tied at his waist. Reaching inside, he pulls out a long rolled up piece of parchment.
“Here’s as detailed of a map as I could get on short notice.” He hands it to me.
Unrolling the map, I notice it shows less than I was hoping for. Apparently, maps in this world were not as advanced as I was used to. The map itself seemed to be just a vagueish drawing of Dolus. I use the river and crossroad as a guide to get a rough idea of where we were. When I did, I felt my heart beat faster in my chest, assuming the crossroads we passed yesterday was where I thought it was. We are a lot closer to the capitol than the border.
“Is this where we are now?” I point to roughly where I thought the barn was. Grizz starts to move closer to look at where I was pointing. Shiva pushes him away with an evil grin.
“Don’t bother Grizz. We both know you’re useless with maps and directions.” Looking at where I’m pointing on the map, she nods. “Yes, roughly anyway.”
“I’m not useless.” Grizz says, sulking as he starts to rummage through the bag again.
“Oh, please. You got lost between Rivertown and the quarry just last year.” Shiva smiles at him. “You are great in a fight, but you have no sense of direction.”
“My sense of direction doesn’t have anything to do with that!” He grumbles as he shoots Shiva an angry look. “Besides, that's where you are supposed to come in, remember.”
“Oh, how can I possibly forget. I’m supposed to do all the heavy lifting.” She says with another grin toward the giant man. Grumbling under his breath, Grizz starts to pull more equipment from the bag. Food flows from the bag, several loaves of bread, a pair of canteens, cheese, dried fruit, and several slabs of dried meat. By this point, I’m staring in awe at the growing pile of goods.
“How the fuck is that bag holding all of that?” I ask, pointing my finger at the bag Grizz is still pulling supplies out of.
“It's a void bag.” Thea pokes her head back out from behind me. “It holds a portal to an empty space inside it. Inside the bag, time does not move. You can carry perishable goods farther without worrying about spoilage. There is also more room inside than the size of the bag which allows you to carry more goods. They are expensive, but a common staple of adventurers everywhere.” She says as her hands start to play over my stomach again.
Why does she keep doing that? I wonder as she hides behind me again, resting her head on my back. Pushing that thought out of my mind again, I return my focus on the gear Grizz has pulled out. While Thea was explaining the bag to me, the pile of gear has grown in size. I can see three bedrolls tied up neatly laying to one side. Along with a coil of sturdy rope, two heavy looking woolen cloaks dyed a muted gray color, and what I am assuming is a rolled up tent.
“There is enough supplies here to last a week or two.” Grizz motions to the pile. “I’ll have to change the plan now, but we might still be able to pull this off.”
“So, what's the plan?” I feel myself starting to get impatient. I don't know if he is doing it on purpose, but he seems to be dragging this out.
“Now, I do something that can get me executed if it’s ever found out.” He pulls out a piece of metal and a cylindrical item that is made of some black stone. He hands the piece of metal to me and starts to explain what it is.
“This is an adventurer's status plate. We use them as identification within the guild.” He shows me how to put it on before he continues. The metal is placed on my right forearm. When it’s placed there, it wraps itself around my arm. Giving it a firm tug, I start to panic momentarily when I realize it won't come off.
“Calm down! That's what always happens. They can only be removed with a specialized piece of equipment.” Grizz grabs my arm and turns it so the plate is facing up.
“Now, we use a little bit of mana to activate it.” He mumbles, focusing on the band. For a brief second, the metal gets warm, vibrates, then goes silent.
“We can see what we are dealing with.” He points at my arm. Looking down, I’m shocked to see what had previously been a blank sheet of metal is now covered in writing. More shocking is that I can read it, the words being in english.
Name: James Marsterson
Tittle: Hero
Age: 23
1- Alltounges - Able to understand and speak in any language spoken. (condition met when summoned.)
2- Skill locked (condition not met)
3- Skill locked (condition not met)
4- Skill locked (condition not met)
5- Skill locked (condition not met)
6- Skill locked (condition not met)
After the first skill, the remainder of the “Skills” show the same locked message. Grizz runs his fingers over the plate, causing it to scroll like a tablet. The skill numbers keep scrolling, all of them showing locked till it reaches the end of the list.
“Oh, that's just great!” Grizz yells out and causes Thea and I to both jump.
“What?” I look down at my arm and try to figure out what set the bigger man off now.
“Most people have between five and ten skills they can learn. They have to do two things. They train under someone who can teach the skill, which requires a skill called teacher, or they use a skill scroll to learn them. Somehow, you not only have skills already, and you have more available than anyone I have ever heard of.” He exhales loudly.
“So? What does that mean?” I ask.
“It means I have to work twice as hard to hide what you are.” He says with a huff. “Then there is your stats themselves.” He points to a set of lines under the skills list. A neat column of words say, strength, agility, stamina, and manna. Beside each of the words is a row of ten small squares.
“This is just a basic status plate, so it only reads so high on the scale. With an advanced reader, we could get your actual totals, but this tells us you are overpowered.” Pulling up his own right sleeve, he shows me a similar plate to mine on his arm. He scrolls down until he reaches his stats.
“My strength shows at ten here.” He points to the rows of boxes. “My agility is only five. That’s about average for a silver or low gold ranked adventurer. Most have a field they are better at than others. Stronger, but slower or more agile, but less stamina. As you can see, my mana is nearly nonexistent. I dont have the capacity for combat magic.” Taking a breath, he continues. “You are off the scales in every stat. I’ve never heard of anyone with a set of stats like that. We need to hide it and fast.”
“How do we hide it? You strapped this damned thing on my arm.” I feel my anger starting to rise as I speak.
“That's what this is for.” He waves the stone cylinder at the plate. “This is a caster stone. I can use it to obscure the plate so anyone who looks at it, will see what I want them to. It won't fool an advanced reader or a mage with a dispel charm. However, it will fool most guards and average citizens.” He says as he places one end on the plate strapped to my arm. Once again, there is a warm feeling and a slight vibration. Grizz seems to be concentrating hard for a few minutes, sweat dripping off his brow. Finally, he removes the cylinder from the plate and wipes his brow.
“Now, look at it and see what it says.” He nods to my arm. Looking down, I can see the words have changed.
Name: Silas Strongarm
Title: Adventurer Silver rank
Age: 23
1) Undercut- A vicious upwards strike with a bladed weapon
2) Heavy strike- An overhand sword blow capable of piercing armor
3) Brawler- A close range fighting style used with bare hands or clubs
4) Stun strike- A vicious blow that may stun your opponent
5) Ranging- Ability to move quietly in the wilderness
Underneath the skills, my stats now mirrored Grizz’s with the exception of mana which was set at five squares.
“I couldn't show you having as low of an amount of mana as I do, especially if you manage to unlock your actual skills and they are magical. It would be suspicious if you had no mana of your own.” Grizz says when he sees me eyeing the difference in his stats and mine.
“The rest of the skills are on par with what an adventurer would acquire in the course of his life.”
“What about my actual stats, though?” I ask, looking at the plate.
“If you focus on your plate for a moment, you will be able to see them. No one else will be able to see through them, unless they have an advanced reader or a dispel charm like I said before.” Grizz stows the caster stone back in his bag. Staring at the plate for a moment, I see the words shifting. After a few seconds, I can just make out my actual stats and skills list. It's like I am looking at them underwater, the words are blurry around the edges.
“So what's the plan from here?” I ask as Grizz seems to be packing up to leave.
“Shiva.” Grizz says as he walks back up to me. The catgirl huffs then walks over to stand beside Grizz and me.
“I’m assuming you have Thea’s keystone?” Grizz asks, looking at me.
“Yes.” I cautiously eye the man.
“Then take it out. We are going to transfer Shiva to you. She will be your guide for the next leg of your journey.” Grizz pulls a keystone from a pocket in his pants.
“Do we have to transfer her to me?” I ask cautiously. I don't want another slave, especially one who attacked me hours earlier.
“I don't like this anymore than you do.” Shiva says with a huff. “But, it's the only option we have if we are going to get out of Dolus.”
“It is the only way.” Thea says in a quiet voice behind me. “I know you don't like it Jim, but it's the only option.”
“Fine.” I say with a huff of my own. Pulling Thea’s keystone from my pocket, I show it to Grizz. “Now what?”
“Place your stone on the right side of Shiva’s collerstone.” Grizz puts his on the left side. As I place Thea’s stone on the right, I feel the stone vibrate in my hand again. It feels the same as when Thea linked it to me.
“There, done.” Says Grizz as he pockets his stone.
“I’m not calling you master.” Shiva glares at me.
“I won't tell you to. Jim is fine by me.” I look down at the keystone in my hand. Now, the stone is two different shades of gray in a swirling pattern on the surface.
“From now on, you are Silas, not Jim.” Grizz says. “Or at least until you get out of Dolus.”
“Not sure how I feel about that.” I grumble. It’s just a name I know, but it's mine. Going under someone else's name feels wrong somehow to me.
“Tough, your real name stands out too much.” Shiva punches me in the shoulder.
“Hey, don't hit Jim!” Thea yells as she lets go of my waist to get in Shiva’s face. “If you do that again you are going to be sorry!”
“Really?” Shiva asks with an evil grin. “What are you going to do if I do?” Thea stares at the slightly taller woman for a moment then smiles.
“Me nothing. Sarge!” At Thea’s words, Sarge starts to growl. Sometime during the exchange, he had crept up behind Shiva. At the sound of Sarge’s growl, Shiva stiffens, the color draining from her face.
“Ok, Ok I get it!” Shiva says as she quickly side steps away from Sarge. Thea smiles wider, seeming happier that she managed to make Shiva back down. Admittedly, she used Sarge to do it, but I think it still counts.
“Anyway!” Grizz says, drawing my attention back to him. “We need to go over the rest of the plan.” Taking the map, he spreads it out on the floor and kneels down beside it.
“Did you really steal that magic vehicle from the royal workshop?” He looks up to me.
“Just another lie spread by the king. I bought that back in my world. My father and I restored it together. It's mine and mine alone.” I start to get angry again. I know it’s not Grizz’s fault, but suggesting that the truck was the king’s pisses me off.
“Most magic vehicles use mana stones as a power source to move. From the stories of summoned hero’s I have heard, they all come from a world without magic. How do you power your vehicle and how long can it keep going?” Grizz asks, causing me to pause. I almost launched into a description of the inner workings of the motor. Thankfully, I managed to stop myself, knowing my explanation would just go over his head.
“Long and short of it is, it runs on a liquid fuel. My guess is, I have around three hundred fifty to four hundred fifty miles. Less if I idle very often, less still if I drive fast.” I say thinking about how much fuel I have.
“How fast can you travel?”
“On the roads here, maybe sixty miles an hour. Closer to forty or fifty, driving reasonably.” I say while scratching my chin. Definitely need a shave. If I wait much longer, it's gonna be a pain. While I was having my own inner dialogue, Grizz was pouring over the map.
“Can you make more fuel?” Shiva kneels down beside Grizz.
“No, once I’m out, that's it.” I say, feeling sad. I started to come to terms with losing my truck eventually. With no spare parts except a few odds and ends in the tool box, it would break down to the point I couldn't repair it. Running out of gas would be a death sentence for my trusty chevy.
“What about ….” Shiva starts to say, but stops and turns to Grizz. “Shevel. That's the best option.” Grizz nods to Shiva while looking over the map.
“It’s further, but there are pathways that would let you get there unseen.” He starts to scratch his beard.
“What is in Shevel?” I ask, not following the two adventurers’ train of thought. In response, Grizz pulls a flask out of his pocket. He opens it and turns it upside down away from the map.
“This is an enchanted flask.” He says as it continues to pour. In my mind, I know it should be empty, but it shows no sign of slowing. “When it’s enchanted, it makes an infinite supply of whatever liquid it’s filled with. As long as you have magical energy to feed it, it will keep refilling automatically.”
“We can get one in Shevel?” I stare at the flask in the man's hand. With that, I wouldn't run out of gas. Hell, I could fill one with motor oil as well and maintain my truck longer.
“The enchanter’s Guild is stationed in Shevel. We have a contact there who can make a flask for you. They aren't cheap, but that vehicle of yours could be useful to the underground in the future.” Grizz pauses and looks into my eyes. “If I set up the meet, I will expect help in return.”
“What kind of help are you wanting?” I ask cautiously.
“How many people can you carry in your truck?” Thinking about his question for a moment, I answer.
“In the cab, two plus me. If we drop the jobsite box, I figure ten to fifteen, depending on how close they sit together.” I glance at the ladder.
“I get you a source of fuel, you make one trip a year back into Dolus and take slaves out.” Grizz’s face hardens as he stares into my eyes. I feel the weight of his conviction in his words. Part of me knows this is a deal breaker and if I don't agree, he won’t help me get my fuel.
“This is not negotiable. One trip a year for as long as your vehicle last or till Dolus repeals the laws about demi human slavery.”
Mulling over his words takes longer than I want to admit. On one hand, I get free gas, that's almost an american dream. On the other hand, I would basically be agreeing to risk my life every year. Looking over to Thea, I see her looking at me with a curious expression. Sarge is sitting beside her, seeming to be trying to tell me something with his eyes. I swear that dog is understanding all of this. I know I really don't have a choice, even if it wasn't about the gas or the help. I can't just turn my back on people like Thea who need my help.
“Well Sarge, what do you think?” This causes him to bark once. Turning back to Grizz, I hold out a hand to him.
“It’s a deal. You secure me fuel, and I'll make a trip a year back into Dolus to smuggle people out.” Taking my hand, Grizz stands and shakes firmly.
“I’ll need a week to set it up. During that time, you need to make your way to Shevel. Stay off the main roads and don’t be seen.” Grizz says as he lets go of my hand. Gathering up his pack and bag, he turns to Shiva.
“You know the way, and I’m sure you can get there without being seen.” Shiva nods to Grizz.
“One other thing.” I stop Grizz before he can start to leave. “How will we know who we are meeting?”
“When you get to Shevel, go to the Broken Blade tavern. Ask the bartender if he has seen shank lately.” Griz says, nodding to me. “He will tell you the next step. I know it's not a lot of information, but we have a set way of doing things.”
“I get it. It keeps everyone from being exposed if one person is caught.” I nod my head.
“Yeah, but it slows down work in some situations.” Stepping onto the ladder, Grizz turns back towards me. “By the way, what's your plan for the pile of weapons in your vehicle?”
“Honestly, I don't have one. I figured I’d salvage whatever was useful then sell the rest.”
“How about you let me do that.” Grizz says after a moment. “I can use the funds to help others and maybe cover the cost of the flask if the weapons are high enough quality.”
“That's fine by me.” I walk over to Grizz. “Let me grab a sword first. With the skills this displays, I’ll need one to not arouse suspicion.” I start down the ladder behind Grizz.
Opening the tailgate, Grizz and I start to sort through the various blades in the bed. Almost all of the daggers end up in Grizz’s bag, except the one I chose to keep. When I picked it up, it seemed to fit my hand perfectly. With a slight curve to the edge, it reminded me of a talon on a bird of prey. I pull it from its sheath as it revealed a light bluish metal, gleaming in the light.
“It’s mithril.” Grizz says, nodding to the blade. “You are better off keeping that one as it used to belong to the knight commander. That’s why it stands out to much to try and resale. Just be careful who sees you with it.” Nodding to Grizz, I slide the sheathed blade into my belt as we start sorting swords.
The swords were a mixed lot, mostly double edged broadswords and a few heavy cavalry sabers. One caught my eye and I knew it was the one for me. It’s a long hand and a half sword, with a wavy damascus pattern in the steel. Giving it a few experimental swings, I found it fit my hands like it was made for me. It had a simple crossguard curved up towards the blade. It has a leather wrapped handle and a small ruby set in the pommel.
“You seem like you almost know what you are doing with that.” Grizz remarks as I slide the blade back in its sheath.
“Childhood filled with tobacco stick fights with my cousins.” I wrap the belt around my waist and fix the dagger on the opposite side. “Plus, I had a friend who was really into medieval swordplay. He taught me a few things while he was practicing for tournaments.”
“It’s a solid blade. I know you prefer your weapons, but it won't fail you.” Grizz says as the last of the blades disappear into his bag. I walk with him outside the barn. Looking up at the sky, I see it’s past noon by my best guess.
“I don't know how much ground you can cover today, but you should try and cover some.” Grizz motions toward the road. “Sooner or later, there will be someone who will be trailing you, so you don't want to stay in one place too long.”
“I wasn't planning on it. I can drive after dark if I need to, the truck has lights.” Grizz seems shocked at that statement, but recovers quickly.
“It might pay to just travel at night then as most people sleep when it gets dark. You might attract less attention that way.” Nodding, I think over what he said.
“Might be a good idea. I should probably catch a nap.” I stifle a yawn. Between standing guard last night and the early morning, I’m tired. Waving at Grizz, I walk back into the barn and climb into the loft. As I reach the top of the ladder, an argument between Thea and Shiva reaches my ears.
“Oh, don't give me that shit. It’s obvious from the way you are around him. Always touching him, walking around with no underclothes. You are wanting him bad aren't you.”
“Shut up!” Thea yells back. “So what if I am, not like it's any of your business. Besides, I saw how you reacted when he tied you up. You can say you were angry all you want, but I know what you were really thinking. Or do I need to remind you what I found besides a hidden knife in your pants. You have no room to talk!” Feeling like I am not meant to hear this exchange, I cough loudly before getting to the top of the ladder.
Looking around the loft, I see Thea and Shiva glaring at each other. Catfight. I think to myself with an internal laugh. Sarge is laying down by the doorway, seeming to be watching the argument with amusement. Walking to the doorway and pulling it closed, I start to peel off my armor.
“We are leaving a couple hours before dark.” I sit down and pull off my boots. “I don't care what you two do, but I’m going to catch a nap.” I pull off my plate carrier and lay it beside my boots.
“Just make sure one of you wakes me up in time to load the truck up and get out of here before full dark.” I lay back and rest my head on Sarge.
“Shiva, you are the guide, so you should probably catch some rest too. It's going to be a late night.” I say, closing my eyes.
There is a flurry of angry whispers too low for me to make out. Soon, the argument peters out and the loft gets quiet. The loft is warm and I feel myself starting to drift off. Right as I’m about to fall asleep, I feel someone lay down beside me. My nose is filled with the smell of cinnamon and vanilla. Wrapping my arms around Thea, I pull her closer to me. I bury my face in her hair and mumble a quiet ‘night’, then I’m asleep.
Shiva’s point of view
Who does that elf think she is, acting like a lovestruck teenager. Then having the audacity to try and say I’m the pervert. I’ll get her for that, she won't even see it coming. I think as I pick out a comfortable spot to rest. The damn dog is still staring at me. It’s fucking creepy the way it reacts around its master. He has amazing control of it though, almost magical. He doesn't even seem to need to speak and it knows what he wants.
Settling into a spot next to a beam, I try to relax and fall asleep. I’m too wound up for sleep. That damn elf might be annoying, but she was right. Slipping out of the loft and into one of the stalls, my hand works down into my pants. Feeling the wetness there from my excitement, nearly makes me moan out loud. That damn rope he used. All helpless and he could have done anything to me. I think as my fingers work over my wet lips. I hate how excited I get when I’m helpless.
Part of me is ashamed at my reaction, but the other part loves the way it feels. He just threw me around, with those strong arms of his. Fuck, why couldn’t he have just lost. Then, I wouldn't be down here playing with myself like some horny teenager. I think as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. I bite down on my free hand to stiffel my groans as I cum. I nearly collapsed in the stall.
Collecting myself, I straighten my clothes and brush away some dust off my shirt. Walking out of the stall, I notice some strange bottles in the bed of the truck. They seem to be filled with water and made of some strange glass. Picking one up, I’m surprised to feel the bottle give under my hand. I examine the bottle and notice it has some kind of lid on the top. Trying to pull it does no good, so I try twisting.
With a small cracking sound, it pops off. I smell the bottle as there seems to be a strange scent. Underneath the weird smell is water. Figuring it must be something from his world, I take a sip. It’s warm, but not unpleasantly so. Taking another drink, I use the rest of the bottle to clean my hands. Tossing the empty bottle into the bed, I climb back up the ladder. I lay back down where I was before and feel myself nodding off.
A huff from near the doorway draws my attention. The damn dog is looking at me and huffing. Is that thing laughing at me? I wonder for a moment. Figuring it is just a coincidence, I lay back and soon I’m falling asleep.
- In Serial53 Chapters
The Core: The Hive Daughter (Book 2 of 3)
Hi! Welcome back! This story continues from book 1. Here is the link to that if you haven't read it yet: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/43381/the-core-the-first-guest-book-1-of-3 After witnessing the destruction of Magus the 2nd's Core, Kevin and his AI are on the way to pick up Meditati. Magus the 1st dreams of battle and enemies rising up against him. He will stop at nothing to relive the glory of war. The object his clone dug up from the star before it was devoured might hold the key to his dreams.The AI of the Tela plan in secret, trying to trap their first Guest into letting them go. An egg is found, a drunk driver puts a child in a coma, and the Arbiter observes Earth.
8 179 - In Serial108 Chapters
Knights & Magic
A mecha otaku is reincarnated into another world as Ernesti Echevalier (Eru). In this world there exist huge humanoid weapons known as Silhouette Knight. Dreaming of piloting those robots, Eru, with childhood friends, Archid Walter and Adeltrud Walter: together they will aim to become a Knight Runner, pilot of Silhoutte Knight.
8 277 - In Serial14 Chapters
No, really! After years of hard work and dedication, Shorts Minion is finally getting his very own hit series! Honest-to-God that's what this is! I promise it's not just a short story collection, pfffft! I'd never hire Shorts Minion to introduce my shorts on the sole purpose of him being Shorts Minion! Look how happy he is in the thumbnail. He's positively ecstatic to be the star for once. You think I'd just take that from him?!
8 104 - In Serial41 Chapters
The feared Crimson King
I flinch as his hand reaches to my face, and aggressively pulls down the cloak from my head. He surveys my tear stained face and jewelry all the way down to my dress. Then he speaks, "what's your name?" I open my mouth but no words come out. Fear grips me again. "I believe I asked you a question," his eyes grow darker. "Al-Alice" I whisper.His eyes wander outside to the window. "You will address me as 'your highness' and I do not tolerate mistakes. I will punish you and you will never forget to follow my orders. Do I make myself clear?"--------------------In this world everybody has a soulmate. Two people that are meant to be together for the rest of their lives. Finding them isn't as hard as you'd think, since every two people that belong together have the same tattoo somewhere on their body. It is something you're born with, something that's meant to be. There is no doubt that these two people no matter the status or finances, belong together. Some grow up knowing their future soulmate, some find them later in life, but in the end they always belong together. Marrying someone, who isn't you soulmate is punishable here in my family's kingdom Lyria. My father always believed in the bond. But what if the bond isn't meant to be after all.Or could it be true that my soulmate is no other than darkness himself. That he's the heartless king our country is currently at war with. The one that leaves not even woman and children alive....Ranks✨#2 forced ~02.07.20#2 heartless ~07.07.20#91 fear ~09.07.20#1 castle ~10.07.20#1 obsession ~12.07.20#1 royalty ~ 02.08.20#1 hatelove ~02.08.20#1 cruel ~02.08.20#1 hate ~ 03.08.20#1 princess ~ 10.08.20#1 king ~ 26.11.20#3 midieval ~ 22.12.20#1 evil ~ 20.02.21CAUTION This book contains violence and gore along with cursing. Also if you're triggered by domestic violence DONT READ THIS BOOK. Thanks.
8 158 - In Serial6 Chapters
In this story the current situation of anuseena which is coming on TV will be shown. Read, imagine and enjoy my fan fiction. And vote, share and comment.
8 72 - In Serial50 Chapters
[BHTT] Thôi Miên Trên Đầu Lưỡi - Diệp Sáp !!!
Tên gốc: 舌尖上的催眠 Tác giả: Diệp Sáp - 葉澀.Thể loại: đô thị tình duyên, mưa dầm thấm lâu, tình hữu độc chung, báo thù ngược ngẫuTình trạng bản raw: Hoàn (50 chương: 49 chương + 1 chương ngoại truyện về Hạ Dĩnh)Nhân vật chính: Trầm Thước Hi-Hạ NhânNhân vật phụ: Hạ Dĩnh, Tống Niên Niên, Tiêu Bảo BốiVăn án: Một nhà tâm lý chững chạc có thể đoán hết tâm tư bệnh nhân gặp gỡ một nữ nhân xấu xa, xảo quyệt như hồ ly.Trốn không khỏi vận mệnh.Thứ thôi miên không phải là lòng người, mà chính là tình yêu, là dục vọng cuối cùng, chính là đầu lưỡi.------------**Nguồn: https://wtulip01.wordpress.com/2016/09/10/dau-luoi-thuong-thoi-mien-diep-sap/!! LƯU Ý !!-TRUYỆN NÀY LÀ REUP. -Tôi lưu lại để dễ xem và tiện cho việc tìm kiếm khi bản thân muốn xem lại .
8 198