《Summoned to Another World with My Truck》Who's creeping in my loft
Sarge’s growl pulls me from my sleep, chasing away my dreams of home. Blinking my eyes lets me see him crouched by the doorway looking out. I untangle myself from the sleeping elf quickly and shake her awake. Holding a finger to her lips, I shush her gently, keeping her quiet as she wakes. I motion to Sarge making sure she understands something is out there.
Slipping out from under the blanket and grabbing my M1a, I crouch down and creep up to the doorway. I place a hand on Sarge’s shoulder and push him out of the way. He lays down on the floor so I can position the rifle just inside the doorway. Looking through the scope, I see what Sarge was growling at.
There on the edge of the barn’s lot, leaning against the split rail fence is a man. A giant of a man at that, wild hair and beard. He’s staring at the barn while smoking a pipe. The thin gray smoke curling around his head in the morning light. He’s a lot closer than I would like, making me wonder how he got so close with Sarge on guard.
“What is it?” Thea whispers crouching beside me.
“Someone is here.” I say while centering the red dot in the middle of the man’s chest. “Take Sarge and get back in the corner. I don't like this, something doesn't feel right.” I tell her, turning my head to make sure she is listening. Seeing her and Sarge moving quietly to the back of the barn, I focus back on the man.
“Should have pulled my pants on.” I mutter to myself as a cool breeze flows through the cracks in the barn. My boxers were comfortable to sleep in, but they don’t give much insulation on their own. As I race through my options quickly, I realize I’m going to have to do something. The man shows no sign of leaving anytime soon.
Sarge barks at the same time Thea gasps, causing me to spin around on the floor. Hole in the back wall! My inner voice screams at me as I see the woman less than five feet from me. She’s dressed in a green shirt and pants, a mass of bright red hair the color of fresh blood on her head. Cat ears are sticking out the top of her head like some kind of cosplay. The most troubling aspect, besides how she got so close, is the slim dagger gripped in her right hand.
I start to bring my rifle around, knowing already that I’m going to be to slow. As I start to move, she pounces on me and unleashes a loud hiss. It sounded similar to a pissed off barncat that was just spooked. The catgirl knocks my rifle away with her left hand and starts to drive the dagger down into me. I curse and bring up my arm, feeling the blade bite down into the meat of my forearm. She lands on my waist pinning me to the ground.
I feel the impact and the heat from my blood soaking my arm and chest. As I swing my left hand wildly, the dagger goes flying from her grip. Bucking my hips, I reach for her throat which causes her to push backwards off me. She lands on her ass in a heap at my feet. Kicking out, I feel my foot connect with her chest. What should have knocked her down sends her flying back over ten feet.
What the fuck! No time to think about it because I have to move and move fast. Scrambling half to my feet, I charge the stranger, intending to pin her down before she can recover her bearings. She flips back onto her feet before I reach her, taking a low stance arms wide. Against a smaller opponent it may have worked, but I hit her hard in a bum rush. This drives us both into the hard floorboards of the loft.
I try to pin her to the ground, but I end up catching an elbow to the face, causing me to blink rapidly to clear my eyes. We are struggling now, both of us trying to get the upper hand. It's a mess of tangled limbs and flying blows. A knee to my crotch stuns me for a second, making me groan in pain. Cup, I need a damn cup.
Next thing I know I’m on my back with the woman sitting on my chest and swinging a right at my face. Feeling four lines of fire dragging across my face diagonally, I realize she’s more of a cat than I thought. Cursing, I swing wildly, feeling it connect and knocking her off me. I struggle to my feet and feel her claws rake across my chest, making me curse again. Wanting to lash out, I blink the blood away from my eyes and barely notice her backing away.
Not giving her a chance to rest, I charge her again. Sarge comes in silently to hit her in the back of the knees as I tackle her again. For a brief moment, the three of us are rolling around together across the loft. I feel my head slap against my plate carrier as we roll, the blankets from last night wrapping around our legs. I drive my elbow into her face and try to kick free of her. My hands scramble for my pistol as Sarge latches onto her leg with his teeth.
She hisses loudly again as she turns to swipe her claws at Sarge. In a flash, he rolls out of her range at the same time my hand wraps around the Beretta’s grip. I twist my body back around and try to blink the blood out of my eyes again. The woman turns towards me, pulling her arm back again to swing at me. Before she can follow through, I slam the pistol against her head, knocking her to the ground.
I pounce on her as she hits the boards and I wrench her arm behind her with my free hand. I hit her with the barrel of the gun again when she starts to move. I scoot my body up till I am kneeling on her back. She’s strong and struggles against my hold as she is trying to buck me off. Knowing enough is enough, I jam the barrel of the pistol into the base of her skull.
“Quit moving!” I hiss causing her to stiffen. “You move again and I’ll blow the top of your head clean off.” Wiping my face on my sleeve, I continue. “I don't give a damn how tough you are from this close you are dead. Got it!?” Something in my tone must have got through to her as she stops struggling beneath me.
“Are you ok?” Thea ask’s as she walks slowly up to us.
“Fine.” I hiss, blinking away blood again. “Go down to the truck and cut me a section of that black rope we used yesterday to build the rack. About five or six feet of it.” I say while not taking my eyes off the catgirl beneath me.
“Are you sure you are ok?” Thea ask, reaching out to touch my face where I am bleeding.
“I’m fucking fine!” I say louder, causing her to flinch. “Just sore and bleeding.” I say forcing myself to calm down as I talk to her.
“Just get me the cord. I want to get her bound before anyone else shows up.” I say as I’m adjusting my grip on the woman’s hand.
Looking down at the hand gripped in mine, I get another shock. I had assumed she had some kind of knife or blade strapped to her hand. Instead, she has an actual retractable set of claws like a cat. I squeeze the tendons in her wrist which causes the claws to extend out from in between her knuckles. Aside from there being four instead of three, it reminds me of a certain comic book character. The thin claws are curved and barely stick out a half inch past her fingers when it’s closed into a fist.
“I’ll hurry.” Says Thea as she moves quickly, but quietly to the ladder.
“Check and make sure no one else is there before you climb down.” I tell her as she starts to go down. Thea stops and pokes her head into the hole before starting down again.
“Ok, ok.” She says, dropping out of my sight. Sarge walks up to us, stiff legged, with teeth bared as Thea drops through the floor. The woman under me stiffens as Sarge noses closer to her face while she lays pinned to the floor.
“Piss me off again and I’ll let him have you! Nod your head if you understand.” I say pulling her arm up higher. She quickly nods, eyes locked with Sarge’s as he snarls at her.
“Here, I got it.” Says Thea while trying to hand me the paracord. I shake my head and motion toward her gun belt that is hanging on the wall.
“Go get your pistol, then come back here.” Thea quickly runs over and grabs the pistol from the belt before coming back. “Make sure you have a round chambered, then put it where I have mine.” I tell her. She works the slide and checks the chamber before kneeling and pushing her gun into the back of the woman’s head. Setting the Beretta down beside me, I take the paracord from her hand.
“If she moves, pull the trigger.” I tell Thea as I wipe my face again. “Fuck! I’m bleeding good.” I say, realizing how much blood is soaking my shirt and arm.
“I can….” Thea starts to say before I cut her off.
“After I get her tied.” I say while finding the center of the cord in my hand. I twist two loops into the cord and force her hand into one. Grabbing the other and forcing it in the second loop, I go to work. I wind the cord around and up her arms, leaving a finger space between each pass. After I have twenty passes up her arms, I run the cord back down the loops and back to the top. Pulling the cord tight causes it to form a brace. It forces her elbows to nearly touch behind her back. She whimpers at the uncomfortable position of her arms and I’m starting to get pissed again.
“Fucking quiet!” I hiss. “Is that too hard to understand?” I tie the ends off at the top of the bands in a neat bow while leaning back on my heels. I rest my weight on her hips, causing her to squirm beneath me. Looking over, I see Thea looking down at the cord wrapped around the woman’s wrist.
“Where did you learn to tie someone up like that? “Thea ask’s, tilting her head towards me. I chuckled as I pull my left arm up and grip the wound where she cut. I need to slow the bleeding down.
“Let’s just say, there was a woman who loved to teach and leave it at that.” I say while turning my head to look at Sarge. “Sarge, go make sure that asshole outside is still there.” I say as Sarge trots to the doorway. He looks out the doorway and turns back to me, huffing once.
“He still just standing there smoking?” I ask and Sarge huffs. Taking that as a yes, I turn to Thea.
“How about some healing now.” I say as I shift off the woman and sit flat on the ground. Thea moves to my side, setting her pistol down beside mine.
“This shouldn't take long.” She says while taking my arm gently.
“Tell me if he moves Sarge.” I say as Thea starts to mumble over my arm. I can't quite make out what she’s saying till the end.
“Minor heal!” Thea’s hand starts to glow softly. I can feel the skin on my arm closing as she moves her hand. It itches slightly, making me wiggle my arm in her grip.
“Hold still.” She says, continuing to move her hand to my face. The skin on my face closes just as quick. She works her hand over my chest making me want to giggle as the sensation spreads.
“There, done.”Thea wipes her hands on my shirt sleeve.
“OK then.” I stand and take a deep breath. “Time to figure out some answers.”
Looking down at my ruined shirt, I decide answers can wait a minute.
“But first, I’m going to get my pants on.” I say collecting my pistol and walking over to where they are balled up with the blankets.
“No need to rush on my account.” Thea giggles. “The whole torn shirt, printing look is working for me.” Fighting not to blush, I pull my jeans on, nearly tripping as I try to get my second leg in. I strap my gun belt on, slide my gun home and pull on my boots. I walk back over to the bound catgirl.
“So, catgirls are a thing.” I’m honestly stunned at the revelation.
“Yep! There are fox girls, squirrel girls, and even fish girls.” Thea says with a serious look on her face. After a moment, she breaks into a grin. I start to realize she is enjoying the way I seem to be lost. Looking down, I notice the catgirl is trying to reach for something on one of her ankles. She squirms around and slowly lifts her leg up, trying not to be noticed.
“Oh, no you don’t.” I drop down onto her back with my knee. She gasps as my bulk comes down, but doesn't say a word. While grabbing her left ankle and pulling it towards me, she starts to fight me.
“Stop it!” I reach back to cuff the side of her head. Pulling up the leg of her pants, I find a small curved blade in a sheath. I take the blade before tossing it and start on her other leg. Again, I find another blade, a match to the first. They remind me of a karambit heavily curved and shaped like a cat’s claw.
“Huh, cat's claw.”
Might as well keep looking since she had two blades hidden. Patting my hands up her legs, I don’t feel any other blades. When I get to her waist, I feel something hard running along the small of her back. I pull up her shirt and see a wide belt made of some smooth material. There is a literal line of blades tucked into the belt and I whistle. Flipping her over onto her back, she gives me an evil look.
“Keep staring at me like that, and I’ll let Sarge have at you.” I work to undo the knots on the belt. Pulling it free, I toss it next to her other knives with a soft clatter. I wince at the sound, knowing we have been making a lot of noise. Between the fight and yelling, the man outside has to have heard something. I run my hands along her underarms and uncover another pair of small knives. There are two more at the base of her neck. I’m convinced that this woman loves knives. Also, she is wearing what looks like a tan sports bra in my world. Apparently, there are bras in this world.
I run a hand through her mass of red hair and yank back my hand, sucking my index finger. Being more careful I try again, finding a small blade braided into her locks. I take it out which causes her to gasp in pain as several strands of her hair come with it. Feeling her shift under me, I look down to her trying to squirm around. I notice a leather collar that looks a lot like Thea’s hanging around her neck. I don't know how I missed it earlier in the fight.
“Thea, check inside her bra for me. I’m going to check on the asshole outside.” I walk over to collect my rifle from where it was flung. Blowing dust off the action, I notice Thea tossing another blade into the growing pile.
“Better check her pants too.” I lean against the wall next to Sarge.
The man is still standing where he was earlier, smoke still curling from his pipe. Now, he is staring at the mostly closed doorway. I have to remind myself that from his angle, there is no way he can see in right now. Taking note of a worried look on his face, I give him a better look over than I managed earlier.
He’s dressed in well worn, but well maintained leather armor. Through the magnification on my optic, I can see small rings of some metal glinting in the light underneath it. With his wild hair, beard, and rounded face, he reminds me of a bear that had just woken up. There is some kind of canvas bag hanging on his hip and a small pack on his back. On his left hip is a large hatchet, that looks like an axe, and his left is a sword tip dragging the ground.
“I think that's all of them.” Thea stands and grabs her pistol.
“Now what?” She asks as she puts on her belt and holsters her pistol.
“I find out just what the hell is going on.” I say with a growl while setting the rifle against the wall. I pick up the dagger the woman used to slice up my arm. Walking over to her, I see a glint of fear briefly flicker in her eyes. She then pulls herself together, trying to hide behind her angry face again. I roughly grab her by the collar and drag her over to one of the beams near the center of the room. She tries to lash out at me with a kick, making me slam her into the beam.
“Listen and listen good. I don't like hurting people, not like this at least. I really don't like hurting women because my parents raised me not too. You, however, tried to kill me. So all bets are off. Just nod if you understand me.” I wait for her to nod before I continue.
“Now, I’m going to ask you a few questions and you are going to answer.” I see her face set and realize she is planning on keeping quiet. I trace the tip of her blade over her cheek.
“Before you think about being quiet, remember there is a healer right there.” I say pointing to Thea with the dagger. “So whatever I do to you, she can heal and we can start all over again.” There it is, the fear is back and now she can't hide it. I hate doing this. I hate scaring her this way, but she hasn't left me with another choice. As long as the man is out there, I need to know what's going on. She just happens to be the best source of information on hand and I need a plan.
“Now why did you attack me?” I say in a calm voice. As she starts to open her mouth, I bring the dagger to my lips. She looks at the blade as I lick the trace of my blood.
“Dont lie, or it will be your blood on here next.”
“I thought I could overtake you quickly, then handle the elf. When you were out of commision, I could call him inside.” She says. Her voice is surprisingly sexy, low and throaty almost a bedroom growl. I have to remind myself to focus as I already have an elf driving me crazy. Last thing I need is a catgirl who tried to kill me turning me on.
“So you planned on killing me then.” I stare into her unblinking eyes. When a stray beam of sunlight hits her face through a crack, I notice how different they look. The iris is a golden, yellow color with a slit shaped pupil like a cat. Focus damn it, I remind myself.
“That wasn't what was supposed to happen. I was just supposed to find out how many where in here and report back. When I saw you with your back turned and your companions in the back of the loft, I made a decision to try to knock you out. After that, I was going to go get him” She says with her eyes flickering towards the doorway.
“What is he doing here?” I ask, starting to relax a little against my better judgement. Something in me is saying to trust her, even after she damn near killed me.
“He was sent here by someone else. Wants to talk to you before he decided if he was going to help you or not. Now how about you untie me, and I’ll go get him.” She works her shoulder like she's trying to get comfortable.
“He’s still just standing there?” I ask over my shoulder to Thea.
“Yes, but he's starting to fidget.” She replies.
“Well then, let's get this show on the road.” The catgirl starts to smile as I toss the dagger onto the pile of hers. That smile starts to fade when I drag her to her feet by the collar around her neck. I spin her around and run my hands under her bound arms, gripping the base of her neck with my left hand. Walking her over to the doorway, I barely pause to kick it wide open. I pull my pistol and aim it down at the man below.
“Enough games!” I yell as he jumps back. His eyes go wide as he sees the bound woman in my grip and my bloody shirt.
“I am having a really bad morning.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” He calls back. His voice is calm, but I can see the worry in his eyes.
“I didn't start this. I need you to be aware of that. If you don't believe me, you can ask her.” I say, forcing her to lean back. She winces as her arms are pulled out hard, but doesn't complain.
“That true Shiva? Did you start it?” He asks the catgirl. So, her name is Shiva. I should have asked her that before I kicked open the door. Shiva looks embarrassed for a moment before she answers the man below.
“Yes, it's true. I thought I had an opening, but I was wrong.”
“I’m sorry about that.” The man says as he moves a step closer to the barn. “I’m here to talk, Marcus sent me.”
Again, another step. It’s starting to bother me that he’s inching closer.
“If Marcus sent you, then why did you send her in first?” I ask. Moving the pistol to where it's centered on his body as he takes another step, I yell out.
“That's far enough, till I decide no closer or she pays the price.”
“Ok. ok. There doesn't need to be any problems.” He raises his hands and backs up a step.
“I sent her in to make sure you were alone. That there was you, an elf, and a dog. We already checked the surrounding land, and we didn't want to walk blindly into an ambush.” Lowering his hands, he continues.
“I’m taking on more risk than you know. You could be an agent for the king for all I know.” I understand where he is coming from, but I’m still pretty pissed at the way my morning has gone.
“Fuck that fat cocksucker with a goddamnd horse cock! I heard from a wandering pixi that he sneaks into town at night to fuck the local dogs in the street. His momma conceived him by shoving a broke off bottle up her ass and filling it with goat cum. Fucker got shit out nine month later and landed on his face in a pile of horse shit. That's why he looks the way he does. Hell, it took his mom four hours to realize she had a kid and didn't just take a shit on the lawn. If I get the chance, I’ll put him in the ground! That convince you I hate the king or should I go on?” I see the man relax as I yell down curses after curse about the king.
“Well, I doubt one of the king’s agents would go that far.” The man smiles. “Since that's technically treason, you could be executed on the spot for that.”
“So, you half trust me and I still don't trust you. You say Marcus sent you which means you have the code. Yes?” I lower my gun slightly.
“Yes, I have it. It’s how…”
“Nope, not out here.” I cut him off. “Inside, there is an opening at the rear of the barn. I'm sure you knew that already. Drop your weapons inside the stall, then come up into the loft. You can bring anything else up with you, but weapons stay below. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I got it.” He says nodding his head. “I’ll be up in just a minute.” He walks around to the rear of the barn and out of my sight.
“Stick your head down the far hole. Make sure he drops his weapons, then tell him to come up the other ladder.” I tell Thea who nods and runs over to the far ladder. She looks down in the hole for a minute before calling out.
“Other ladder. No tricks.”
“Silly, rabbit.” I say to myself which causes me to chuckle.
“What are you talking about? There are no rabbits anywhere around here.” Shiva says twisting in my grip. “How about letting me go, he’s coming up.”
“Nope. If this is a trick, you die first.” I shove the pistol into her side.
“Oh my Goddess! It’s not a fucking trick.” She exclaims, letting out a huff as I continue to hold the gun on her. The man’s head starts to poke up from the ladder.
“Can I come on up?” He asks, turning his head to check the loft. He eyes Thea for a second longer than I like before glancing at Sarge. Sarge has positioned himself beside the ladder, staring into the eyes of the man.
“Yeah. Sarge back off.” I say to Sarge which gives the man some room to climb up.
“Against the wall when you get up here.” I nod to the wall between the two ladders. He climbs up, dropping his pack and bag as he leans against the wall.
“You can relax you know.” He says in a soothing tone.
“Not till I know if Marcus actually sent you.” I move till I’m directly in front of him. Standing about ten feet apart, we size each other up. For the first time in my life, I’m not sure if I would win in a fight or not. I’m really hoping I don't have to find out right now.
“How many roads must a man walk down?” He asks calmly. In that moment, I’m sure he decided, if it came down to it he can take me.
“Forty-two.” I say as I let go of Shiva and push her towards the man.
“My name ….. Well most folks call me Grizz.” The man turns Shiva around to examine her bindings.
“Jim.” I say while holstering my pistol. When I say my name, Shiva snorts.
“What?” I raise an eyebrow at her.
“There is no fucking way your name is Jim.” She laughs as Grizz works to untie her.
“Really now, and why not?” I ask as Thea comes up behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Jim is what a cock cover is called.” Shiva responds with a sneer. Grizz finally gets her untied, causing Shiva to rub her wrist where the cord had bit.
“A what now?” I ask, giving Shiva a confused look.
“What, you’re saying you don't know what a Jim is? Not using one is asking to catch the clap in most town brothels you know.” Shiva says as she gathers up her blades. She ties the belt back around her waist and slides the rest in their sheaths.
“I wasn't going to say anything.” Thea gives my waist a squeeze. “Even if I did think it was kind of funny.” She starts to giggle.
“What the hell are you talking about?” I whisper in her ear.
“The things in the stall downstairs. Contraceptive measures for a guy.” Thea raises an eyebrow at me. “They are called jims, or skin jims in some towns. I wasn't going to say anything till the collar came off.”
“So, my name means a condom?” I say with a loud sigh and lean my head back.
“Still saying your name is Jim, huh?” Shiva sits down next to the wall. “I dont give a shit one way or the other who you say you are. However, how’s about having your elf girl help me out here.” She raises her leg, showing its still bleeding.
“Your damn dog got me good, and my head is still ringing.”
“You want Thea’s help, ask her yourself. Curse my dog again, I’ll throw you out the loft and let him chase you down.” Meeting her eyes, I growl out.
“Got it!” Shiva gulps, eyeing Sarge, then me, and finally Grizz. To his credit, Grizz just stared back blankly.
“Ok, ok, I get it.” Shiva says before turning towards Thea.
“Can you please help with my leg. Maybe my ribs and head too.” She rubs a hand over her ribs with a wince. While Thea walks over to help Shiva, I turn my attention back to Grizz.
“Sarge, grab a water.” I pull my shirt off. Yep, this thing is torn to shit. I think as Sarge comes up to me, a bottle of water in his mouth.
“Your girl there is a hell of a scrapper.” I say to Grizz as I look over my torn shirt. Finding a semi clean corner, I douse it with the bottle and begin to wipe the drying blood off myself.
“She was a silver ranked adventurer two years ago. Was planning on going for gold when the law passed. I’m surprised you managed to handle her.” Grizz says while pulling out his pipe.
“You really planning on smoking in a barn loft full of old hay?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, yes I am. I smoke when I’m stressed and you have been stressing me out since Marcus told me about you. Add in you taking down Shiva, I’m stressing even more. So yes, I’m going to smoke!” Grizz says with a huff before lighting his pipe. After a few seconds, the cloud of sweet smelling smoke starts to set in on the loft.
“If you are going to smoke, do it by the damn doorway!” I point over to the open doorway as Thea begins to cough. As Grizz picks up his bags and heads to the doorway, I realize both rifles are leaning against the wall. Odds are Grizz wouldn't be able to figure either rifle, but I don't want to take that risk. Quickly crossing the loft, I pick up the Browning, then the M1a. I hand the bolt action to Thea, who has finished with the catgirl and is fiddling with my torn shirt.
“What do you want me to do with this?” She looks up at me from where she's still sitting on the floor.
“Just hold onto it, and keep your distance from these two for now.” I pat her on the head. Why the fuck did I just pat her head, what the fuck is wrong with me. I think to myself, before noticing Thea apparently is enjoying the attention.
“Happy now?” Grizz asks as he starts blowing his smoke out the open doorway.
“Happier, and I guess that's enough for now.” I reply as I leaned against one of the support beams. “I’d be a hell of a lot happier if I didn't feel like half the kingdom is hunting me.”
“If I was guessing, I’d say it's more than half.” Grizz sits down and hangs one leg out of the loft. “ I’d say everyone who isn't a member of the underground is probably looking for you by now.”
“Oh and why is that?” Grizz seems to be surprised by my question. He taps his pipe against his boot and repacking it before he responds.
“The king himself sent out a job looking for you. Information on you, actually bringing in you, dead or alive. Pays enough for most small time adventurers to retire.”
“That explains why you feel like we needed to move!” Exclaims Thea.
“I told you, humans seem to have a sixth sense about when they are being followed.”
“Yay for us, I could figure out we were being followed. Not like the escape from the capitol could have anything to do with that.” I say sarcastically. Instantly, I feel like shit as Thea’s face drops. Great job asshole, make her feel like shit why don't you. I want to apologize, but Thea waves me off when I start moving towards her.
“Anyway!” Grizz clears his throat. “For now, we need to come up with a plan for getting you out of the country. Did you have any ideas, or was break a contract and run like hell as far as you thought?”
“I haven't broken any contract, and I haven't exactly had time to stop and plan. Been to busy just trying to survive.” I turn back my attention to Grizz. My response causes Grizz to snort in laughter, joined quickly by Shiva.
“Nice try asshole, we already know.” Shiva says, cutting off her laughter and stifling a giggle that threatened to escape her mouth.
“Know what exactly?” I glare at the woman.
“We know you’re a mercenary hired by the king. We also know you broke your contract and killed the mage Magnus before fleeing. The king included all the details in the quest he sent to all the guilds.” Grizz pulls a piece of parchment from a pocket inside his armor.
Holding the parchment out to me, he seems to be waiting on me to take it. Nodding to Sarge, he walks over taking the paper gently in his mouth. Handing it to me, I unfold it carefully eyes looking over the page. On it is a lot of weird symbols I don't recognize, but they seem to be in neat rows along the page. Down near the bottom is characters I recognize. The same as the sticker on the back of my truck.
“The fuck is this supposed to say?” I wave the page at Grizz and Shiva.
“Let me see.” Thea pulls it out of my hands. She scans the page quickly, mumbling under her breath as she reads it.
“What, too dumb to read?” Shiva asks with a sneer. I’m really starting to get fed up with her attitude. I don't care if she is supposed to be helping us. She keeps this up and we will have problems.
“Can't read a language you have never seen before?” I say, trying to remain calm. “I mean, what kind of fucked up letters were those?” I motion towards the page in Thea’s hand.
“It's written in basic Jim. Obviously, your skill just translates verbal words not written.” Thea mumbles as she continues to scan the page.
“The fuck!” She exclaims, apparently reaching a part she didn't like.
She spins around to me and starts waving the page in front of my face. “Do you know what this says?” She asks still waving it around.
“You just established he can't read, how would he know what it says?” Grizz watches the encounter with a small grin on his face.
“According to the king, you not only broke a contract with him, you also stole a magic vehicle from the royal workshop! As well as used necromancy to kill members of the knights brethren!” Thea says with her voice rising as she continues to talk. By the time she finishes, she is practically yelling.
“This puts us as public enemy number one! Everyone will be looking for us. Not just the guards either, I mean everyone. Adventurers, farmers, merchants, hell even the bandits and common criminals will be looking for us! Not to mention because the king claims you used necromancy. Now, the church will be sending out members of its Holy Order out to hunt us. We are fucked!” She drops in a heap at the end of her rant.
“You done yet?” I ask her after she catches her breath.
“How are you so calm?” She asks, looking up at me.
“It helps that I only understood about half of that. Add in so far I’ve managed to handle everything that's been thrown at me. Top it off with an unrealistic sense of immortality. Then figure I have the technological superiority against most of the people here. As well as the ability to kill at ranges unheard of to everyone here. You add all that up and honestly, you end up with my give a fuck being break.” I rub my hand over her head again. The fuck am I rubbing her head for, damn it Jim this is why you keep fucking shit up. I think as I turn back to Grizz.
“So, I’m assuming you have a plan of some kind. Or are we just going to wing it and see what happens?”
“The church doesn't have borders like countries do.” Thea says with a groan. “Getting out of Dolus isn't going to solve anything with them chasing us.”
“What fucking church?” I look down at the elf as she folds the page back up.
“How do you not know what church she’s talking about?” Shiva narrows her eyes. “You don't read basic, you don't know what a jim is. Just where the hell did the king hire you from anyway?”
For half a second, I start to lie to them, hell it would have been easy. It's not like anyone from this world knew who I was. Except for Thea and whoever was left alive in the summoning courtyard. Just as I was about to open my mouth though, Thea took my hand. Looking into her eyes, I could see her struggling to find the words to say.
“They deserve to know. Especially if they are going to help us.” She says with her voice barely above a whisper.
“Know what?” Shiva asks. Well, that proves she has better hearing than most. I wonder briefly if it’s because she’s a cat girl, or if that's normal for adventurers.
“I’m not a mercenary hired by the king.” I say with a sigh.
“Then what are you? Cause let me tell you, you fight like some mercenaries I know.” Shiva says, laughing a little. Before I can open my mouth, Thea replies for me.
“He’s a hero summoned from another world!” The words spill out of her mouth in a rush. For a second, there's no reaction from the two in front of us. Then, in slow motion, Grizz falls out the doorway.
“Well, shit.” I curse under my breath. “Didn't expect that reaction.”
“I went toe to toe with a hero.” Shiva says with her chest heaving as it looks like she's starting to hyperventilate.
“Should we help Grizz?” I ask Thea, seeing as Shiva seems to be lost in her own world.
“Let's give them a minute first, seems they aren't taking this very well.” She stands and goes over to the bed. Picking up a bag from the ground, she hands me a bottle of water from it. Nodding my thanks, I open it and take a drink. My stomach growling reminds me that I haven't eaten.
“Banana chip?” Thea asks while holding the open bag of sweets to me. With a grin, I grab a handful, tossing them into my mouth.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN A HERO!!!!!!” Grizz’s voice screams up from the ground beneath the doorway.
“I think he’s back with us.” I say to Thea with a smirk, grabbing another handful of chips from the bag.
- In Serial56 Chapters
The Adventures of a Unique Snowflake [rewrite in progress]
This was my first attempt at writing and I am not very proud of it. You're welcome to check it out, but know that it is only still available because someone requested that it stay up.
8 236 - In Serial15 Chapters
Cycle of the Tides
A young boy caught in the tides of time finds himself pursued by dark beings that seek his unique power for their own ends, and must break the cycle before he joins their ranks.
8 107 - In Serial108 Chapters
Lost souls, will be rewritten soon. (Old version)
In a world where mages stand above the peasants, the nobles, and the law, it is not surprising that everyone wants to learn magic. Five siblings from a village in the middle of nowhere felt the same. Unfortunately, a dragon brought ruin to their home, eventually cornering the five blood brothers. Luz, the eldest brother, ignored the warnings of his ancestors for the sake of their survival. Using an ancient teleportation spell, he and his siblings were sucked into a portal leading to God-knows-where. In a foreign place far from home, Luz carries the burden of disobeying his ancestors and losing his younger brothers. He sets off to reunite his siblings and slay the dragon that destroyed their village while only being equipped with one useless space spell that drains all his mana after one usage. Author's note: English isn't my first language and this is the first novel I tried writing, which is why some of the earlier chapters aren't that good, even though I grew better over time. I'm still in the phase of editing a lot of my earlier chapters. But unfortunately, I haven't yet found any time for it. Daily updates are to be expected till we reach chapter 100. If your comment motivates me, I might upload up to five chapters.^^
8 219 - In Serial19 Chapters
Spartace VS Monday Couple
Just read it and you'll know!!!-Author
8 89 - In Serial26 Chapters
Look at What You Made Me(BNHA x Bullied Ghoul
You were a student at UA, however you were quirkless so you were bullied often. During the attack on the USJ you were captured but everyone thought you were dead. However in reality you were being tortured and experimented on. In the end you succumbed to the pain and became insane and bloodthirsty. Now you are back for revenge
8 177 - In Serial37 Chapters
Whodunnit ?
Based off the ABC show and the book series by Anthony E. ZuickerHighest Ranking: #1 in #whodunnit
8 58