《Summoned to Another World with My Truck》On the road again.
I’m steering the truck down the dark road, gritting my teeth in frustration. I should have figured this was going to happen, I think as Thea and Shiva continue to argue in the seat next to me. Shiva woke me up a couple hours before dark and we had all then loaded up the gear into the truck. After the truck was loaded, we lock the barn behind us and made our way down the road. Unfortunately, the two women had immediately started arguing and showed no signs of stopping.
Sarge is laying down on the floorboard at Shiva’s feet and huffing every time the two start in on each other. We have been driving a couple hours now, the road has thankfully been empty. We have passed several campsites along the road, all deserted. I asked about them once when we were passing them. Shiva informed me since it was spring, most caravans stuck to the main roads. They would travel to the major cities and avoid the smaller ones to gain quick profits. I grip the wheel as I feel Thea being shoved into my side again as Shiva pokes her in the side.
“Will you cut that out! You overgrown barncat!” Thea causes me to wince at the loud yell inside the cramped cab. Shiva responds by grabbing Thea’s ear and twisting it. The elf moans in pain and cusses at her.
“Don’t call me a barncat you stupid twig!” Shiva yells. Thea slaps at the catgirl, causing another half wrestling/slap match to start. I know people back on earth who would kill to watch the scene unfolding in my truck. However, I am just getting annoyed at the constant bickering between the two.
“Will you two please cut it out!” I growl which makes the two pause. I look over and see Thea wrapped up in Shiva’s arms as she pins the smaller framed woman down. Yup this was a bad idea, I think turning back to the road ahead of me before they realize I can see up Thea’s robe.
“It's not my fault.” Thea wiggles out of Shiva’s grip. “She keeps picking on me.”
“Oh and you aren't doing anything to her.” I reply sarcastically. Yes, Shiva is instigating most of the arguments, but Thea is starting her fair share.
“At the next fork, stay on the left.” Shiva points at the road ahead. “Stonetown is to the right and we need to avoid that.”
“Why do we need to avoid it?” I turn to the left. “Shouldn't everyone be asleep by now?”
“Stonetown is a bigger town than Rivertown. They have a granite quarry that runs three shifts. So there is always someone awake and out. Plus, the road runs through the center of town and there's no way to avoid being seen.” Shiva says before jabbing Thea in her side with her fingers. Thea squeals before reaching out and trying to grab the catgirl’s ear. She ends up missing and slapping her instead.
“Enough!” I roar as Sarge barks in agreement. “The two of you need to cut it out. If not, one of you is riding in the bed. Got it!” This statement makes the two to fall silent. For a moment, I think my yell worked as both women are quiet for once. Shiva then hisses like a cat as Thea kicks her shin.
“What did I just say?!” I slam the brakes and both women lurch forward. I jump out of the truck and walk to the front. I’m so frustrated that I bang my head on the hood. Why did I ever think this would be easy?
“Jim are you ok?” Thea asks as she sticks her head out the door.
“I can't handle this constant fighting.” I say as my head rest on the hood. “You two can fight all you want when we are stopped.” I look up at the two as they stare at me. “Inside the truck though, no fighting! Do you understand?”
“Yes.” Thea and Shiva both respond. Kicking the tire and rolling my neck, I climb back into the truck. As I start to drive again, I see Shiva reaching for Thea’s ear again.
“I just said no fighting!” My anger makes her to jump.
“Sorry.” Shiva mumbles, face flushing.
“So what is the plan anyway?” I continue to drive. “I know we are supposed to be in Shevel in a week, but I don't think it will take us that long to get there.”
“We are going to take the long way around and take our time getting there. Staying away from people will be a challenge. However, it should be alright as long as we don't have any problems.” Shiva unrolls the map on her lap. I flick on the dome light, causing her to jump.
“I figured you could use some light. Reading in low light is bad for your eyes.” I say as she looks at me.
“Thank you.” Shiva turns back to the map. “There is a set of caves up ahead just past the woods. We can make camp there and hide the vehicle in one of the caves. If anyone sees us, you are just another adventurer with a couple slaves.” She says while rolling the map back up.
“What would an adventurer be doing at a set of caves when a town is so close?” Thea shoots Shiva a look as I turn off the light.
“There has been sightings of goblins in the woods nearby.” Shiva pulls a piece of parchment from a pocket. “If anyone asks, we are hunting their nest.”
“Goblins huh?” I reach down to pet Sarge. He has been behaving extremely well considering the fighting going on in the truck.
“So how far to the caves?” I ask as I straighten up in the seat.
“They're not far now.” Shiva replies. “We should see them soon.” Noticing the woods seem to be growing thinner, I let the truck coast to a stop.
“Why are we stopping?” Thea looks down the road. “Is that a fire?”
“That's why I stopped.” I kill the lights. Quickly, I pull the truck into the trees as the branches scraping the side.
“No one should be out here.” Shiva says as she is hopping out of the truck. “If they are, they shouldn't have a fire like that going.”
“I figured as much.” I grab my rifle as I stepped out of the truck. I hand Thea the Browning as she climbs out behind me.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” The elf questions as she grips the rifle to her chest.
“We are going to take a closer look. I want you to use the scope and tell me what you see.” I tell her as Sarge climbs out of the truck stretching.
“We shouldn't get too close, not till we know who they are.” Shiva walks around the truck.
“That's why I gave her the rifle.” I say as I give her a quick rundown on the scope and how it works. Shiva seems deep in thought as I explain what it does.
“With that, we should be able to easily tell who they are.” She says after a moment.
“That was the general idea.” I tell her as my mouth forms a smile. We make our way through the thin trees as quiet as we can. After a couple of minutes, we reach the edge of the treeline. We pick out a raised spot behind a large boulder and start to survey the fire.
“The hell is that?” I catch a glimpse of a grotesque figure dancing around the fire. It’s surrounded by a swarm of equally ugly little beings. All of them are wearing dirty loincloths and carrying rusted blades without sheaths. They had dark green skin with thin greasy black hair in patches along their heads.
The one dancing stands head and shoulders above the rest of them. He was wearing a dirty brown robe with strange symbols painted on it in red. He had a hat on his head that was made of some kind of animal hide, stuffed with feathers. A short wooden staff clutched in his hands spinning in the air.
“Goblins.” Thea looks through the rifle scope. “This isn't a nest though. This is the start of a horde.”
“I’m guessing that is bad?” I use the scope on my own rifle.
“A nest usually has between five and twenty goblins.” Shiva explains quietly as we walk back towards the truck. “A horde is what happens when a goblin of power starts to rile them up. Hordes have been known to wipe out small towns before. If we don't do something, this can be a real problem. A lot of people could die.” Grabbing my arm, she spins me around to look at her.
“Do you understand what I’m saying to you!?”
“Goblins bad. If we don't do something, people die. Do I have the gist of it?” I pull my arm free. “I’m switching gear, then we can come up with a plan.” I continue my walk.
“Then why didn't you say anything?” She runs to catch up to me.
“You didn't ask. You just started yelling at me.” I say as I climb into the bed of the truck.
“The cave, do you think there is more in there?” I ask as I start sorting gear and load one of the Surefire mags from the ammo box. Taking the M1a’s mags out of my vest, I replace them with AR mags. The goblins were not wearing armor so the .308 ammo would be overkill.
“Probably. If the horde is starting out, they will have supplies in there with guards watching over them and any prisoners they have.” Shiva responds when I look at her. I nod and go back to the task at hand. Pulling out a bag from the toolbox, I hand Shiva a flashlight.
“What’s this?” She turns the flashlight over in her hands.
“Push the button on the back side of it. It creates light.” I grab another with a mount for my rifle on it. I hop out of the truck and open my door. As I’m reaching behind the seat for my AR, I hear Shiva grunt as Thea yells out.
“Look out!” Her scream causes me to spin around. Shiva is grappling with a goblin quietly as another is stalking closer to Thea. Sarge has positioned himself between the goblin and Thea, giving the goblin a growl. As I take in the scene, I reach for my pistol and something slams into my hood, then me. I curse as I’m driven to the ground and start to roll.
My hands are full of an angry Goblin. He’s all teeth and claws, scratching and biting me as we roll. Driving an elbow into its face buys me half a second. It recovers quickly and tries to latch back onto me as I draw my knife. Unlucky for him, I wasn't taking a break during my brief respite. As it tries to grab onto me again, I drive the blade of my knife into it. Again and again, I stab the goblin under me.
Scrambling to my feet, I look around the small clearing. I see Sarge has the goblin down on the ground. Its lifeless body is being shaken in Sarge’s strong mouth where he is latched onto its throat. Moving to help Shiva, I see her slice the goblin’s throat who she had been fighting with. Its blood is flying through the air in a high arc under the dim moonlight. Seeing that everything seems to be under control, I lean over back against the truck.
“The fuck was that!?” I suck in lungfuls of air.
“It must have been a scout patrol.” Shiva picks up the flashlight from where she dropped it.
“They must have came across our trail on our way back. We need to hurry!” Shiva moves quickly to toss the goblins into the trees.
“Why, they are dead?” I ask, finally catching my breath.
“If they attacked us, they will have sent one back to warn the horde.” She grabs my plate carrier. “We are running out of time. If we fight them in the woods, they can surround us.”
I cuss and grab my AR from behind the seat, pulling the sling over my head. Looking at Thea, I see a look of determination on her face as she grips the rifle. I hand her three of the mags for the browning and click my tongue at Sarge.
“Well then, we do this quick and loud.” I load the sixty round mag in my rifle and attach the light. “Thea, take Sarge with you and set up where we were before. I know you haven't shot that gun before, but it's almost idiot proof. Just remember, wherever the crosshairs sit is where the bullet hits. OK?” Thea nods to me.
“Shiva, on me.” I start heading through the woods at a trot. Thea and Sarge take the lead, outpacing me through the run. Yeah like to see her do that with my full kit, I think to make myself. I feel better about them pulling ahead. I see Thea get in position as Shiva and I break from the trees.
“Take out the chieftain first!” Shiva yells at my back. “Without him, they will be less organized.”
Raising my rifle, I drop into a crouch and move forward, firing off. My first shot catches the chieftain in the chest, spinning him around. For a second, the goblins freeze which gives me a field of free targets. A scream rises from the back as the fourth drops in seconds . In one big wave, they descend on Shiva and me, covering the ground between us at a run. The first wave falls to my rifle, but the rest keep pushing forward. They are driven by the yells and shoving from the ones behind them.
For a moment, it seems like I’ll be able to hold them off from where I stand. That moment passes when they get within ten feet of me as there is no way I can just hold. Everyone that has ever been in combat has always told me the same thing. Movement is life, staying is death. Staying low, I start to back up. I’m still in my crouch, firing as I move back and away from Thea’s position.
Just as one of the goblins gets within arms reach, Shiva lashes out. She buries a blade in the goblin’s neck which causes it to drop. In the next moment, my magazine runs dry. I curse and drop my rifle with its sling catching it. Thea’s rifle shot booms in the air, causing the nearest goblin to drop. As I pull my pistol from its holster, a wave of goblins crash into me. It's a mess of limbs teeth and blades hitting me at once, dragging me to the ground.
I yell out a wordless scream as I swing wildly. Pulling my pistol in close, I pull the trigger and fire into the mass of goblins. Their teeth bite into my arms and I’m swallowed by the pile of bodies. A line of fire runs across my leg and I kick, knocking one goblin off. I can barely breathe, lashing out wildly firing into the pile on me. A blade bites into my left hand. I grit my teeth and grab it, ripping it free from the one holding it. I drive the tip into the mass of bodies and it gives me a second to breath.
Pulling my own blade free, I start to slash and stab wildly. My pistol has run dry at some point. I use it as a club and try to bash it into the goblins that surround me. Sarge is barking somewhere close by. For some reason, in all the chaos, my mind goes to Thea and Shiva. Are they ok, where are they?
I feel something welling up inside me. It builds up in my chest like a fire being force fed gasoline. As this feeling builds, I feel the fatigue slipping away, my strikes coming faster and harder. Rolling with the feeling, I force myself up screaming a wordless battle cry. This feeling, this power, it wants to be let loose. I can feel it like a voice in my head, some unstoppable beast fighting against its cage. Going with the feeling, I push out with my arm, feeling the strange power flowing down my arm. When I feel it reach my hand, I drop my pistol and spread my hand.
“Motherfuckersss!” I scream. What happens next catches me as much by surprise as it does the goblins. Along the length of my arm, everything in front of me explodes outward. It's like a bomb has gone off with me at the epicenter. The goblins turn into blood and body parts as they lie on the ground. Just as quick as the fight started, it’s over, with only the sounds of Shiva’s and my heavy breathing.
“The fuck was that?” I fall back to the ground. Whatever that power was, I can tell it’s leaving now. My hands are shaking wildly, my legs not able to hold me up. I’m dimly aware that I’m bleeding from dozens of shallow cuts across my body.
“Hey, hey no!” Shiva grabs me as I start to fall. “No, no, no, no! Stay with us!” She holds me around my shoulders.
“Thea!” She screams. Looking up, I note she seems to not have any cuts along her. She’s covered in blood, but none of it appears to be hers.
“How come you're not all cut up?” I ask, my voice slurring like I’m drunk.
“I’m not dumb enough to meet their charge head on.” Shiva presses down on my leg. Looking down, I see I’m bleeding hard from a gash along my thigh.
“Huh, bleeding out.” I struggle to reach the tourniquet on my vest.
“It's going to be fine.” Shiva tells me. “Thea where the fuck are you!?” She screams.
“Vest. Vest.” I struggle to pull the tournicut free. Shiva sees me reaching and rips it free.
“What do I do with this?” She asks as she is trying to figure it out.
“Unroll.” Every word is a struggle now. I realize that I’m about to pass out from blood loss.
“Loop over my leg, up onto my thigh as high as you can.” I mumble, barely holding onto consciousness. I feel Shiva slide the tourniquet on my leg and pull it up as high as she can. Grabbing the end, I try to pull. Shiva’s hands slapping mine away yanking hard to pull it uncomfortably tight.
“Twist, twist.” I grab at the polymer handle on the tourniciut. As Shiva starts to twist, I feel myself black out, unable to stay awake any longer as I slowly bleed out.
Thea’s point of view.
Less than a week ago, I was a slave to an evil mage named Magnus. Most nights, I fell asleep huddled on a cold stone floor. My one hope was one day I would make him mad enough to kill me. Not that I could escape, I had given up on that a long time ago. I never could have guessed at the turn my life was going to take.
Now here I am, laying on top of a boulder with a weapon from another world in my hand. My savior’s dog is on the ground beneath me, watching over me as I try to help. Jim and Shiva had attacked the group by the caves quickly. The goblins had swarmed over them, despite my efforts to help. My hands fumble with the magazine on the rifle. I think I dropped it three times before getting it set properly.
Jim had told me about this. He said I needed to develop something called muscle memory. So every time I loaded it, my hands would do it automatically and I wouldn't fumble around. The main body of the goblin horde is barreling down on Jim, threatening to overwhelm him. A smaller group split off, heading for Shiva. The magazine is finally set right, working the bolt as I aim at the crowd.
The goblins are almost on top of them now and more are streaming out of the cave. Shiva darts forward as Jim drops his rifle, burying a blade in a goblin’s neck. She spins away and a trail of goblins follow after the redhead. Pulling the trigger, a goblin drops fingers still reaching for Jim. Before I can work the bolt again, Jim is swarmed by the goblins. My heart seizes in my chest as he is pulled to the ground.
I’m frozen for a moment, but it seems to last an eternity. Working the bolt, I fire over and over. When the rifle runs empty, I reach for another magazine and find them all empty. How did I go through all those already? I wonder, trying to figure out when it happened. Sarge begins barking and draws my attention to the ground below me.
While I was paying attention to the fight in front of me, a group of goblins managed to sneak up on us. Sarge is snapping and darting away, keeping the five goblins back from the rock I’m on. I reach for the dagger on my waist as I slide down off the rock. Coming down into a crouch beside Sarge, I grab the braided rope on his harness. Sarge instantly shifts from snapping at the goblins to waiting.
As they draw closer, I swing the blade out narrowly missing the goblin. I’m not very skilled with a blade. I was always a healer not a fighter. As the goblins are getting closer, I hear Jim yelling out. One of the goblins gets a little to close and Sarge latches onto his leg. Before it can try to get free, I dart forward and stab my blade into its chest. The goblin falls back with its hands trying to pull the blade free. Unfortunately, my dagger stays with it, stuck inside it’s chest as it collapses.
I curse and scramble to pull the pistol from its holster. While I’m struggling with the gun, two of the goblins dart in. Sarge tackles one of them, pins it to the ground, and rips its throat out. I kick out and catch the other in the chest, driving it back. As it hits the ground, Sarge darts in and bites down on its unprotected throat. The final two goblins circle us which forces me back against the rock. The pistol is heavy in my hand as it's the first time I have raised it while it's loaded. From behind the rock, I hear Jim yell again.
“Motherfuckersss!” At the sound of his yell, the goblin on the right rushes at us. When Sarge tries to tackle the goblin, the second rushes him from the side. I feel a burst of magic behind me, snapping me out of my shock at the goblins attack on Sarge. Sarge gives a yelp as one of the goblins drives a blade into him just below his harness.
Raising the pistol like Jim taught me, the goblin fills my sights. They are kicking Sarge now, forgetting about me in the moment. I hear Shiva yelling my name as I pull the trigger. The gun jumps in my hand, nearly making me drop it. The second goblin reacts instantly, leaving Sarge alone to pounce on me. I feel its blade bite into my arm as it lands on top of me. Shiva is yelling for me again as I struggle to bring the gun around.
Suddenly, the goblin is off me. Looking down, I see Sarge biting down on the goblin’s leg and pulling him off me. Scrambling, I throw myself on top of the goblin and shove the gun into its face. When I pull the trigger, I get covered in the blood and brains of the goblin. I heave, fumble, and shove the pistol back into its holster.
“Sarge. Come here boy.” I see the blade still stuck in him. He comes over to me, limping and whining lowly as I reach for him. Chanting quickly, I cast a midrange healing spell and pull the knife out as I feel him start to heal.
“Thea, Jim is dying! Where are you? You stupid twig headed elf!?” Shiva’s scream hits me like a ton of stone. Scrambling to my feet, I race around the stone. Shiva is kneeling beside Jim, he’s not moving.
“What happened!?” I yell as I get closer. Sarge is running ahead of me, circling the two on the ground.
“He got swarmed! Then he did something and killed everything. I don't know what happened, it was all so fast.” Shiva stumbles over her words.
“He has a gash on his leg. It was bleeding heavily. I used something off his vest to stop it, but he passed out.” Kneeling down beside Jim, I look over his body, seeing multiple cuts seeping blood.
“Goddess Ava give me strength.” I draw on my magic as I pray. “Your humble servant asks you to heal this warrior. Give us your blessing Giga heal!” I finish the incantation as Jim's body is enveloped in a bright light. Feeling my mana levels drop to near zero, I nearly collapsed next to Jim.
“Oh no. You are not passing out too.” Shiva grabbing my shoulders and shaking me to keep me awake.
“I’m not passing out.” I wave her off of me. “I’m just drained. I’ll be alright in a minute.” I say as I start to pant. Giga heal is a top tier healing spell as it’s able to heal any wound short of death. The downside being the major drain of mana needed. I’m basically tapped out. If I hadn't healed Sarge before, I might not have been as drained, but he couldn't wait either.
“How long till he wakes up?” Shiva asks, removing something from Jim’s leg.
“It shouldn't be long.” I tell her. No sooner had I finished speaking, Jim sits upright, gasping for air.
“Fucking monkey balls!” He screams as he sits up. Sarge tackles him to the ground, licking him across the face as he curses and yells. “Off Sarge! Off! I’m all right.” He pushes the dog off himself.
“Thank Goddess you are alright.” Shiva pulls Jim into a hug. Who does she think she is hugging him like that? I think as I stare at the scene. Pushing her off Jim, I wrap him up in a hug of my own.
“Don't ever do that again! You almost died.” I bury my face in his chest. He is covered in goblin blood and his rifle digs into my body, but I don't care. Pulling back, I kiss him as hard as I can. I mash my lips to his and then hear Shiva cough. Fuck her! Jim almost died and I’m going to kiss him as long as I can. Eventually, we break apart, but not before I feel his hand cup my ass.
“Seriously, you two. We still need to check the cave and set up camp.” Shiva says with a huff. I look over as she seems more jealous than anything else.
“I don't think we can stay at this cave anyway.” I lay my head back on Jim's chest. He wraps his arms around me, holding me close.
“We should still get up.” He kisses the top of my head. “Make sure there are no more goblins around. Then we need to have a talk about what happened here.” He waves a hand at the pile of dead goblins all around us.
“Someone used a powerful magic attack.” I tell him as I start to stand. “I felt it while Sarge and I were fighting goblins over there.” I wave my hand in the general direction of the boulder.
“That would be me I guess.” Jim stands and reloads his rifle. Grabbing his pistol from the ground, he reloads and holsters it.
“I can't explain it, but I felt it when it happened.” He says as he puts the thing Shiva had wrapped around his leg back on his vest. He coils the thing up, testing that it’s still secure.
“So the hero pops his magic cherry fighting goblins huh?” Shiva says with a smirk. I’m going to smack her first chance I get. That smirk she is giving Jim is just mean. No one gets to be mean to Jim.
“I don't know for sure, but I think so. Yeah.” Jim steps away from the mass of dead goblins. I notice his hands are shaking as he gripped his rifle.
“I think I need, I think …” He trails off, stepping into a patch of grass clear of bodies.
“You alright there?” Shiva steps towards him. Moving between her and Jim, I rub my hands over his back. He looks at me for a second then doubles over. Retching, I see the contents of his stomach splatter across the ground. I’m thankful it's been so long since we ate, still the sour smell burns my nose.
“Fuck!” Jim cusses between retches. Stumbling away, he digs into one of the pouches on his vest pulling out a small rectangle of silver metal. Pulling the metal off like its paper, he tosses a small square stick of something in his mouth as he falls to the ground again.
“The hell was that all about?” Shiva pulls me away as Sarge goes to comfort his master.
“I think it's him coming down off his adrenaline. Maybe a little bit of shock too?” I rip free of the catgirl’s grip. “He wasn't a hero in his world. He wasn't a warrior or soldier either, he’s not used to all this.” I say, walking over to Jim.
“I’m alright.” He waves a hand at me. “Just need a minute.”
“Take a breath.” I tell him, kneeling down to rub his neck. “Take all the time you need.”
“Don't take too long though.” Shiva walks up. “We still need to check the cave and make sure there aren't any more in there.”
“Just let me catch my breath.” He nods. Looking down at his vest, he frowns.
“Maybe get some of this blood off me.” Crinkling his nose at the blood, he heaves again and manages to keep from puking again.
“Tell you what,” Shiva looks to the cave. “Take Sarge and go back to the truck. Get some water, and we can all clean up before we tackle the cave.”
“Yeah, I can do that.” He pulls himself to his feet.
“I’ll go get the rifle I left.” I say while standing up. “It was empty so I left it on the rock.” Jim nods before turning back towards the trees.
“I’ll be back soon.” He says. He tosses his hand up at us as he walks off. Sarge’s a few steps ahead of him. As he disappears into the trees, Shiva walks up beside me.
“Maybe we should leave him out here when we check the cave. You know what we are liable to find in there.” She watches the woods where he disappeared.
“He won’t let us leave him out here.” I walk towards where I left the rifle. “He may not have been a warrior in his world, but he's trying here.” I say as I climb up on the boulder. I quickly gather up the rifle and empty magazines, then slide down.
“He unlocked his magic.” Shiva leans against the rock as she stares at the cave. “Someone will have to teach him how to use it properly now.”
“I can teach him how to channel it.” I say as we walk over towards the fire. “Actual spells, not so much. None of my magic is offensive.” Kneeling down, I start to examine the chieftain's body. A mass of blonde hair is tucked into his belt. I toss it into the fire so Jim doesn't see it and shiver.
“They had prisoners.” Shiva deadpans as the hair burns. “I hope they are all dead now. Goddess knows if they aren't, they may need more help than we can offer.” I nod at her words, knowing she’s right. Goblins are brutal creatures as they have no need for ransoms or treasures. If they have prisoners, it’s a safe bet they were using them as breeders. Odds are they would have been tortured and disfigured while they used them.
“Goddess Ava hear my prayers.” I say as I kneel by the fire. “Please protect us in this dark time. Let us be held safe in your warm embrace as we search this infested hell hole.” I pray as Shiva watches the cave.
“You really think that is going to help?”
“Do you think it can hurt?” I ask her back. The two of us continue waiting, neither of us wanting to speak again.
- In Serial13 Chapters
Saviour of the World
Volume 1 - Fighting Demons - Complete (11,600 words)Seven years ago, Davidor defeated the Demon God and saved the world. But what he truly desires is still kept from him.The bridge to the Elven world only materialises when the two moons appear together. Davidor intends to make this his last crossing into The Vale. This time they'll give him what he wants, or he'll kill every last one of them.Volume 2 - The Demon's EggIgail knows only she can stop the Demon God 's return, and the death and destruction that will follow. She just has to convince her parents to let her.[Author's Note: I'e changed the names of the two oldest boys. The eldest is now called Gart and the second one is Fen]
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Femalekind Book One: Created by Prometheus, exiled by Zeus to placate Aphrodite her new soul is scarred as an apology to Prometheus' tormentor Aetos the Caucasian Eagle, spawn of Echidna. She must discover what it means to be human, and then what it means to be female in a new world far from her creator. Will she hold on to her humanity, embrace existence as a monster as does Aetos or be a slave to the first powerful presence she meets in this new world. Book Two: Aphrodite is betrayed by Zeus and seeks revenge. Book Three: Aim to hit a fortnightly release schedule. This book concentrates on further developing several threads from Book Two in the form of multiple POVs, with Aphrodite more as a significant influence instead of the MC. P.S. the Covers are made from free resources and originals which aren't mine, they are works re-imagined by me, so if the original artist contacts me they will be withdrawn.
8 223 - In Serial63 Chapters
The Terran Traveller
A dark, science fantasy tale of a man, Subject 513, sent to another world as an experimental test subject. WARNING: This is not your typical isekai, wish-fulfillment story. You have been warned. In the year 2022, a mass-transit of test subjects occurred inside the confines of a vast, underground research facility. The 500 or-so individuals taking part in this secret experiment -- labelled: The 1st Beta Phase -- were force-transferred to another world under the direction of Project Prometheus. These test subjects had one, singular role: to act as "baseline tests" for future, planned experiments. Among the individuals taking part in the experiment, was Subject 513… ...sirens blared throughout the 4th Research Facility as an anomalous event transpired within one of the many transfer pods... “Subject 513: missing. Force-transfer procedure has been cancelled. Foreign matter detected.” Those were the last words uttered by the life-support system monitoring Subject 513’s vitals, as it shut down indefinitely. As 513’s consciousness faded into the void, his physical presence left on Earth crumbled to dust, blanketing the floor of the transfer pod he was stored within, in grey ash... ...when he awoke, the last few years of his life had seemingly been plucked-away from his memories. And to make matters worse, he found himself trapped under the gaze of a ravenous beast, ready to tear him apart... Join Subject 513 on his grueling journey of struggle, misery, and search for purpose, as he navigates through an unfamiliar world alone. What to expect: -Gore-Horror-Humor-Multiple character focus-Psychological elements-Survival-Tragedy-Under-powered MC-Atypical Isekai / Transmigration story My goals are to: -Become a better writer-Release on a set schedule: 2-week cycle (currently)-Create exciting scenarios-Deliver an immersive experience-Provide a rich, expansive fictional world How the chapters are divided: -Normal chapters provide the Micro aspects of the story-Interlude chapters provide the Macro aspects of the story-Supplementary chapters provide side stories and miscellaneous information such as maps and journal entries Author's Notes: Feel free to join my Discord server where I update my content status and schedule releases: https://discord.gg/KKmk4Bc
8 462 - In Serial14 Chapters
Dragon Ascension
Petty Officer First Class Justin Snow was on a mission to escort a high ranking civilian back to his home in Afghanistan. It was a simple mission, there wasn't even supposed to be any combat, but this mission would take away his life and give birth to a new one. God was deeply satisfied with the actions Justin took throughout his life, especially with the final bit of jumping on a grenade to save his squad. The phrase ""God loves the Troops!"" really wasn't exaggerated, actually it was an understatement! Having supreme power comes loneliness, and when one is lonely they look for a companion, God has chosen to watch over Justin in the new life he gave him in a new world filled with magic and adventure! Want to be like God? Then just watch as Justin explores his new world and ascends into Godhood as a dragon! In this world he will experience love, joy, anger, hatred and much much more!(This story has been dropped, you are welcome to read the first few chapters I have up, but there will not be any continuation.)
8 268 - In Serial24 Chapters
“Rinstle, Rinstle Bale” is the only name which is on my mind, a beautiful and gentle name just that girl whom I loved so dearly, the only treasure of my life, whom this world stole from me. That’s why I burned it all, burned this entire world with my flames. I took my revenge from this world, but what good it did to me, I’m still lonely, this hole in my heart won’t disappear. “I will have her back, I will find it, I will find Airbound and change everything.” NOTE- Chapter length between 2000 to 3500 Proofreading and Editing in progress
8 229 - In Serial21 Chapters
Not really a slave - Sesshomaru love story
What would you do if you crash landed in an Airbus A 380 in the feudal era? That's what happened to Natsu! Read on to find out her adventures and her special love with the great Lord of the West!!! ;)~~~~~~~~~~Inuyasha and all its franchise (C) Rumiko TakahashiOC and creative plot (C) Midnight_Lilac
8 151