《The White Dragon (Inactive)》Chapter 12: Storm and Humans
Chapter 12: Storm and Humans
Authors notes:
First of all I would like to apologise for an inconsistency in the lore. I have found out that dwarven muskets would not be introduced in the military for at least a hundred years. It is likely that they have already been invented but they are probably still in the testing phase. I do not really know what to do story wise with this but it is unlikely I will go back and change it so I would like to ask you my readers to please ignore this inconstancy. Once again I am sorry for my mistake
Lastly many thanks to my proof reader Traluxbot101 he has, is and will be a great help.
Year: 06-03-1722 (Imperial Calendar) (± 15 years and 5 months after hatching)
Location: Planet Warhammer, World edge mountains
Michiko POV.
A few weeks after leaving Karak Azul we have been heading north towards Karaz-a-Karak. The first few days we flew above nothing but mountains until we found a spring that we started to follow. As we flew above we could see that while it ran through the mountains that more and more streams combined. With us both being a bit bored with only seeing mountains we decided to follow the river as it did not deviate so much from our route.
While flying above the river we had the mountains on the right and the Badlands on the left. During that time we saw many things like an old road that seemed to have been an ancient trade route that once had been travelled frequently but had long since then fallen into disuse and disrepair. The only reason why it is still there is because of the arid climate making the land dry and dead making sure nothing can grow.
I have heard of the ancient civilizations and cultures of the now dead lands. In an age long past these lands where called Nehekhara a place where despite the climate great cities were build and trade was plentiful. But that all changed as the lands were torn apart by a necromancer named Nagash. In the books I read of enormous battles of the human civilizations of Nehekhara against the undead hordes of Nagash and the humans held and defeated the hordes of the undead multiple times.
In the last hundred or so years of the history of Nehekhara, The book told of an ancient and fair king that once again against all odds beat of Nagash and his undead hordes. After this it becomes more or less speculation but after the victory there was a short time of peace but it did not last as the most important river in lands was poisoned. The poison was so strong that nobody could do something about it, and with their main source of water lost the great armies of Nehekhara were destroyed by famine. As this happened once again the undead hordes flooded the lands taking over and destroying this ancient civilization seemingly once and for all.
This is the last dwarven scholars have heard as something truly horrible and horrifying happened. This event gave the lands once known as Nehekhara its current name, The Land of the Dead. In one night every living human and animal died and all those dead and many more already dead where resurrected as undead. This is still speculated until this day by many dwarven scholars but most think it was a spell by the necromancer Nagash. The reason why it is still speculated is mostly because of disbelief and fear. Many hope as I do that kind of magic could not exist but from what I have heard it seems like that is denying it.
After what is now known as the Ritual of Awakening, many dwarven and other races prepared for the undead hoard that was sure to come. But it never happened, no undead hordes came to destroy the living. They just stayed there killing anything that intrudes on their lands. No one knows why but it is rumoured that Nagash was killed releasing the undead from his control. But that is just speculation and we do not know if it is true or not we can only hope it is.
Anyway the situation now is that right now The Land of the Dead had been claimed by the undead and the more northern part of the lands that once were Nehekhara has more or less been overrun by Greenskins. The situation has been like this for at least 2500 years and it does not seem like it will change anytime soon, we can only hope the undead will never march into the world of the living.
Now getting back on track I have to say that the road and the ancient ruins were not the only thing we had seen. Near the river was also seemingly an abundance of life, with the river bringing fresh clean water into the desert while on its way to the sea it carries rich sediment with it and with its yearly flooding during the melting season it spreads that sediment along its banks creating fertile soil. This combination makes it so that it seems like there is a green line running through the desert while looking from the air.
As we kept on flying north the influence of the winter became more obvious, and while it was not directly cold on the plains it was visible in the mountains with increased snow on mountain tops and colder temperatures.
While I was remembering the journey till now the day has been coming to an end and I am lowering altitude to land on one of the mountains to stop for the night. When I have landed we do what we do every night and set up our camp before eating and then going to bed. It seems like this will be a peaceful night I think before closing my eyes and going to sleep.
But around midnight I wake up because I smell something strange in the air. I stand up and point my nose in the air. While sniffing the air I try to find the cause of the strange smell, it is not Greenskin nor wild animals, insects or poisonous plants. It is something different I know this smell but now it smells like it is coming from far away but also coming closer. This is Ozone! I begin to flap my wings and rise up into the air. Looking in the distance while focusing my eyes I see flashes far in the distance.
Vanyra: “Michiko! What is going on?!”
I hear Vanyra shouting and I begin to land
Michiko: “A massive lightning storm is approaching fast. We need to get out of here it is far too dangerous to stay in the mountains with this kind of weather”
Vanyra understanding the situation nodded and we began taking down our camp as fast as possible. A few minutes later we are ready. Vanyra jumps on my back and we take off in the direction of the plains. normally we would just try and find a cave to hide in but I have a bad feeling about this storm so I decided to take the second option and that is heading for lower ground and have the mountains and trees act like lightning rods.
As I am rising in the air I speed up and the air begins to rush past me as I fly. With Vanyra holding on tight and with the storm chasing us I make sure to go as fast as I can with Vanyra on my back and the packs on my sides. As we speed forward I sometimes look backwards to keep an eye on the storm, it is still slowly gaining on us but the distance between us is now only slowly decreasing.
After about a half an hour we are out of the mountains and the first rain begins to reach us. I start to slowly dive while looking around for shelter from the rain. A few minutes later I see dim light in the distance but before we can come close the lightning strikes become too close to remain flying so I land on what seems to be a small road that is leading in the direction of the lights. When I touch down Vanyra jumps from my back onto the road that begins to get muddy from the rain.
Vanyra: “So what now?”
Vanyra asks while looking at me, she mostly follows my lead in these kinds of situations. I think a bit before sniffing the road to check if anything had passed over here recently. As the scents enter my nose I try to find out from who or what they came and how long ago they were left here.
Michiko: “Hmm..? I think I smell some horses, a few donkeys but also some Greenskins but there scent is very vague and knowing how strongly they normally smell I think they passed a long time ago. But I also smell something I have not really smelled before…. I think it is humans?”
Vanyra: “Humans? That would probably explain the lights we saw, well there is only one way to find out right and I would really not like to stay out here in this storm any longer”
I nod as I transform to my dwarven form, I put om my cloak and after picking up our packs we go into the direction of the village. While walking I listen to the rain smell the air and feel the mud road under my bare feet. I would have found this a very enjoyable walk if it were not for the lightning, but as long as I keep an eye on the surroundings and make sure to have enough trees around to act as lightning deflectors we should be fine. Still I did make sure to put the large metal objects in my back so even if the lightning strikes at us only I will be hit. I have made sure long ago that I would not sustain any permanent damage from shocks or lightning. It is kind of a necessity for me since well, while flying in the air sometimes you do not see the lightning coming, I have some bad memories about that.
As we come closer to the presumed human settlement we begin to see dim lights and a gate. Closer to the settlement even with the rain erasing them for a large part the scent of humans becomes stronger. So if the scent I smelled from the object in Karak Azul was not from some sort of other being this should be a human settlement.
When we are about 30 meters form the gate as we hear some shouting in a language I don’t understand. But sounds like one of the human languages I came across in the library of Karak Azul it is called Breton and is mostly used in Bretonnia. I can’t make up everything being said but it seems they are alarming some other guards.
Knowing that the relations between humans and dwarves in this area is quite good we advance up to the gate until we are about 10 meter from it before we are stopped by some more scouting but this time directed at us.
Guard1: “cadac who savd are dfaa declair ysdvs businejs”
Vanyra than quietly asks me
Vanyra: “Do you know what they are saying Michiko? I have no idea”
Michiko: “I don’t really understand it but it seems like they want to know who we are and what we are doing here”
I then turn to the gate before trying my best to speak some Breton I memorized in the case something like this would happen.
Michiko: “Please speak Reikspiel, my Breton is bad”
We hear some murmuring on the wall before another guard comes forward and then speaks in Reikspiel but still with a accent I have not heard before.
Guard2: “Hello well I will be repeating what my colleague said, who are you and what kind of business do you have here?”
Vanyra: “We are dwarven travellers, we were caught in the storm and are looking for shelter”
The guard turns and speaks with his colleague before turning towards us again.
Guard2: “Okay we will be opening the small gate so please come forward”
we walk forward to a smaller door to the side of the gate and wait in front of it. We hear some noises from the door and then it open revealing the other side of the wall and about five guards. We walk inside and are greeted by the same guard that spoke to us from the top of the wall.
Guard2: “Sorry for the inconvenience master dwarf. But we have to be careful especially during this kind of weather, a band of beast men or Greenskins could easily sneak up under this kind of weather”
Vanyra: “Don’t worry about it we understand, we did arrive at a strange hour so it is to be expected. Still could you tell us where we can find an inn so we can spend the night there?”
Guard2: “Sure I will lead you there if you want to ”
Vanyra: “Oh thank you mister”
Guard2: “Don’t mind it”
He then speaks to the other guards and then after a bit he turns back to us.
Guard2: “Okay come on I got permission to lead you to the inn so follow me”
As we begin to walk Vanyra talks with the guard who’s now said his name is Loran but I am only half listening and mostly look around observing the buildings. They are in a very strange style, most of the buildings here are made out of rammed earth but still show some influences from what I have seen from images of The Empire and Bretonnia but have clearly gone their own way as they look far more focused on keeping the inside cool in this warmer climate.
At first glance it mostly looks like a mix-match of different styles but after looking some more it has a special kind of theme. Most buildings are only one or two storey tall with wooden beams but they do not protrude out of the sides of the building. Some of the richer looking buildings seem to have a small courtyard in the middle of their houses that can be seen through a gate in the front of the house.
While I was absorbed in looking at these strange but quite nice looking buildings we have reached a plaza in what seems to be the middle of the town. Looking over the plaza I see an obelisk in the middle and I freeze as I focus all my senses on it trying to process the strange feeling I’m getting from it.
Looking at the obelisk I can see streams of magical (chaos) energy flow toward it and then intersecting at the obelisk flowing through it and then directed as a larger stream in another direction. Looking at the obelisk itself I see strange runes which are regulating the flow of energy. The ruins seem ancient but very powerful some seem dwarven in nature but others are alien in nature.
While I have been standing there Vanyra and Loran have also stopped walking when they saw I was not following. Vanyra comes towards me and asks me in dwarven tongue.
Vanyra: “What is it Michiko?”
Michiko: “That obelisk feels strange, there is magical energy flowing through it”
I say while pointing at the obelisk and Vanyra then looks in the direction I’m pointing.
Vanyra: “Hmm, yes I can’t feel it like you but now you mention it there are strange runes I have never seen before”
While we have been speaking Loran is looking at us with a questioning expression as he cannot understand want we are saying. But after a while he interjects while speaking in Reikspiel.
Loran: “Um sorry to interrupt but are you two speaking about the Ogham?”
Michiko: “Ogham?”
Loran: “Yes that is what they are called, well at least by us humans you Dwarves and the Elven name them Waystones. They have been placed on the lands by the gods and spirits in ancient times and since then we have erected many more but some Wiseman have said that this Ogham was not made by human hands, so it carries a special significance.
These Ogham are now used as places of worship, gathering and sometimes sacrifice, a lot of villages are also built around them as they are believed to bring good luck and prosperity”
Vanyra: “That’s interesting, but I think now is not the time to stay out here in the rain Michiko, we can take a look tomorrow again when the storm is over”
Michiko: “Okay”
I say and we start to walk again in the direction of the inn. While we are walking I think about what Loran has said, it seems like humans think these stones where made by the gods but this Waystone clearly has been made at least patchily by Dwarves. Well for now I don’t think I can find out any more than this without studying the Waystone further and when we arrive in Karaz-a-Karak I can try to find if there is some information in their library.
When we finally arrive at the inn we stand in front a two story building with a sign hanging outside which shows it is an inn. Loran knocks at the door and then says.
Loran: “Anna you have some customers please open up”
We wait a bit before I can hear someone moving from behind the door before it is opened by a young woman who seems to be around 18 years old a bit younger than Loran.
Anna: “Loran please do not knock so loudly you will wake up the other guests”
She says while looking a bit angry.
Loran: “Sorry, sorry Anna it is just that these dwarves would like to stay for the night. They where caught in the storm and are looking for a place to spend the rest of the night”
She then smiles slightly and then she goes with her hand through her hair before looking at us.
Anna: “Well anyway please come inside”
Vanyra: “Sorry for the inconvenience”
Michiko: “Thank you miss”
We say while we pass her, we take off our hoods and walk inside. On the inside of the inn we see a wooden floor, a polished rammed earth bar, a set of stair and a door leading to the back. There are also a few tables with chairs around them, while looking at the walls I can see they have been plastered with a light brown colour lastly I can see a few windows that have their outside shutters closed because of the storm.
Anna: “Hey Loran did you not say these two were dwarves?”
Loran: “Yes why?”
Anna: “But they do not have beards and I heard that all dwarves have beards”
Vanyra: “Only the male dwarves have beards, the women do not just like any other species. How did you come to the conclusion that all dwarves have beards?”
Anna: “Really?”
Loran: “Apology’s miss, Anna has never seen a female dwarf before, you probably know how few female dwarves come out of the Karak’s especially here in this season”
Michiko: “Don’t worry about it”
I say smiling
Anna: “Wow I did not know that, anyway would you like something to eat first or would the two of you rather go to bed immediately?”
Vanyra: “That would be nice, we have been walking almost the entire night so something to eat would be much appreciated”
Anna: “Okay would chicken soup and bread be okay? I don’t really have anything else that can be prepared quickly”
Vanyra: “That would be much appreciated”
We sit down at one of the tables and Anna goes behind the bar to start heating up the soup. Vanyra closes her eyes for a bit and I look around some more while we are waiting for our food.
As we wait I pick up a conversation between Anna and Loran.
Loran: “How is Remme doing Anna?”
Anna: “Not so good, mom is taking care of him now and dad is resting. Remme’s fever has still not shown any signs of breaking”
Loran: “(sigh) how long has it been now a week?”
Anna: “Ten days, the doctor will visit again tomorrow, we can only hope he has found a cure”
Loran: “You must ask for help if you need it Anna, I know you need to keep the inn open to pay for food and medicine but that does not mean you cannot ask for help”
Anna: “Thanks, but you also have your own job and for now we can take care of ourselves so please don’t worry”
She then puts the bowls of soup on a tray with some bread and comes to bring it to us.
Anna: “Well here you are please enjoy, I will go prepare your room for now so I will be back in just a bit”
Se says with a small smile
Michiko: “Thanks”
I say with a nod and Vanyra smiles.
She then leaves and goes upstairs, Loran watches her go upstairs and then turns to us.
Loran: “It’s probably strange to ask of her guests but please take care of her okay?”
I smile and he gives a small bow before putting his coat back on and leaving. Vanyra does not totally understand it but she does not mind and starts to eat and I do the same as we both are hungry. The food, while simple, tastes quite good. the only thing it was missing was some parsley.
While this inn looks simple it has a certain character. while we sit here at this table there is a single candle on it, which is dimly lighting the rest of the room. Looking at the tables, the floor and the bar I can see many people have come here over the years and it all has a warm worn feel to it. This looks to be a place of happiness, gathering and a place to rest for the weary.
A few minutes after we are done Anna returns and puts the bowls back on the tray and brings them to the bar before returning.
Anna: “I hope it tasted well even though it was just leftover soup from tonight’s dinner”
Vanyra: “It was delicious”
Anna: “Thanks, well please follow me to your room”
We walk up the stairs and past some doors before stopping in front one, Anna opens it and walks inside.
Anna: “Well this is a two person room, do the two of you want to have breakfast prepared in the morning?”
Vanyra: “That would be nice, oh and how much does staying here for the night cost actually I did not ask”
Anna: “Ah, Sorry I forgot I had other things on my mind, one night plus breakfast and a small dinner costs 10 shilling”
Vanyra: “Okay, can you also prepare a bath for in the morning?”
Anna: “Sure we have a large tub using it for an hour and the costs of hot water will add five shilling so 15 shilling in total”
Vanyra: “Hmm, here you go”
Vanyra says while taking the amount out of her coin purse and giving it to her.
Anna: “Have a good night. I will have the bathwater prepared around 8 o’clock and you can eat breakfast around from 7 to 10 but I think you would want to sleep in for a bit right?”
Vanyra: “Sure”
Michiko: “Thanks”
I say with a yawn. The door is then closed and we put a bar in front of it to make sure nobody can just walk in. I put down my pack and transform to my dragon form and lay down on one of the beds. Happy that I get to sleep on something like a soft bed for a change I fall asleep almost instantly.
Year: 07-03-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Human village in the Borderlands
Michiko POV.
In the morning I slowly begin to wake up and after a while I get up, transform to my dwarven form and put on a dry cloak. I get a book and begin reading a while before I hear knocking on the door. I step out of bed and go towards the door, remove the bar and open it.
Anna: “Good morning I came to tell you that the bath water has been prepared, the tub is located in the room at the end of the hall”
Michiko: “Okay thank you miss”
Anna than leaves and together with Vanyra, I go to the bathroom. In the bathroom I transform to my half dragon form to bathe.
Vanyra: “Hmm this bathtub is too small for the both of us like this, Michiko could you become a bit smaller so we can enter together”
Michiko: “Sure why not”
I become smaller and stop at the size of about a seven year old, we enter the bathtub and first relax a bit as it has been a long time since we were able to take a bath like this. After a while
We begin to wash ourselves and each other’s hair. Dwarves put great importance on hair as the length and state of it can represent a dwarves age and prestige. By extension losing one’s hair by any means is a great disgrace and if it goes unavenged you stand to lose a lot, if not all your honour.
After some time of cleaning we play a bit in the water before drying and clothing ourselves. when we are done we go downstairs where some bread and cheese is waiting for us. While we eat our simple breakfast we see some other guests do the same.
After breakfast Vanyra and I separate so we can go and both do something for ourselves, I like being together with her but sometimes it is also quite nice to be alone for a while. We will meet again tonight at the inn but today we will just do our own thing.
I walk out of the inn and start to walk around town to look around. As I do that I see that yesterday’s storm has now pulled away and the sun is shining brightly in the sky. I can still smell some ozone in the air and there are still some puddles here but that is more or less it.
Making my way towards the plaza I pass many different kinds of people from merchants and “adventurers” to simple farmers. Arriving on the plaza I see a small market and open shops around the edge. As I walk towards the middle of the plaza I walk past a farmer who is selling fruits and I buy an apple. Walking further I reach the Waystone, looking at it from this side I can see a small shrine dedicated to multiple human gods with small detailed statues of them.
I put my hands together and make a small prayer for everyone at home. When I am done I step back a bit and begin to observe the Waystone some more. I pick up a sketchbook and start to draw an image of all sides of the Waystone and all the runes on it. while this might not be so necessary to do with my (almost) perfect memory I find it helps me think if I have something to look in combination of my memory.
Looking at it more closely this time I again see what I already saw yesterday, these runes are really strange to me. They look alien but at the same time also dwarven, I do by far not know all dwarven runes probably not even a hundredth of all the runes there are but from what I have seen before they just feel like something no dwarven runesmith would create on his own.
After sometime my sketches are done, putting away my sketchbook I take out the apple I bought and start to eat while walking away from the Waystone and looking at the stalls that are standing as part of the market. Seeing a spice trader I walk up to him and looking through his wares I find many kinds of spices and buy a lot of them for some testing and some because they are very similar to the ones I used in my past life.
Listening to the some of the things people are talking about I hear that many people are happy about last night’s storm. Because while the town is quite close to a river it is still a good thing for the farms as they do not always get the amount of water they need. This area is not completely dry but from what I have seen rain is not so common in this area. The farmers of course farm other crops than those used in The Empire and Bretonnia as those would need far too much water to grow.
But that also makes for special regional foods so it is also something fun for a traveller as you can get something different in every region. Getting back on track I have now walked around the market and found many interesting stalls and have bought something with sweet honey, pastry and fruit which tasted quite good. I also visited the blacksmith but was not really that impressed but then again a dwarf has hundreds of years to perfect his craft and a human only a few decades so I could not really complain.
A few hours after leaving the inn I go back to spend the rest of the day reading and relaxing. Well at least that was the plan but when I arrived at the inn I was met with a crying Anna behind the bar. As I am a small length she does not see me come towards the counter.
Michiko: “What is wrong miss Anna?”
I say while climbing on top of a chair bringing me to her eyelevel, she wipes her eyes quickly before looking at me.
Anna: “Ah miss Michiko I did not see you come in, it is just that my little brother Remme is sick and when the doctor visited again today and how it is looking right now he has no idea what to do. He told us that if his fever keeps up like this he will not make it”
I think for a bit before answering but then say
Michiko: “Umm would you like me to take a look? I can’t promise anything but maybe a different kind of insight could help”
Anna: “Are you a doctor miss?”
She says with a hopeful glint in her eyes.
Michiko: “No sorry not really but I have some knowledge about herbs and there properties so maybe that would help”
She sinks in again for a bit but then says
Anna: “I suppose it can’t hurt, please follow me I will show you where he is”
She then walks towards the door in the back of the room and I follow her, behind the door there is a modest living area and a few more doors. Going through one of the doors I see a young boy of about twelve years old lay on a bed with a bit older woman sitting by the side of his bed.
Woman: “Ah Anna who is that?”
Anna: “Hello mom, This is one of the two dwarven guests I told you about yesterday, she saw me crying and when she asked why I told her about Remme, she offered to help. She is not a doctor but she told me she has some knowledge about herbs so I thought it could not hurt to try”
Mother: “True, well one way or the other I thank you for wanting to take a look”
Michiko: “Don’t worry about it, I can’t promise anything so you do not have to say anything”
Getting closer to the bed I take a look at Remme, at first glance I cannot see any outside sings of a disease. No coughing, no irregular heartbeat, no strange smell after asking a few questions I learn that his, well excrements are normal. Before the fever came he was eating drinking and living normally and nobody else has become sick too. This is very strange, it is nothing like I have seen before in this life and the one before. There is nothing wrong with his body except for the fever but I can’t find any cause for it.
The only thing they can tell me that he sometimes seems in pain or screams mostly during the night. The only thing I now know is what my instinct is telling me and that is that whatever it is that is causing him harm he is fighting it. not knowing what to do I give up for now.
Michiko: “I truly apologise I have no idea what to do or even what is causing it, the only thing I know is that he is fighting it.It is probably not my place to say this, but as his family I think he would not want you to despair over him, he has not given up and neither should you”
They both smile a bit before the mother speaks.
Mother: “Thanks for trying nonetheless”
Anna: “Come on I will take you back to the front, so you can continue your day”
We walk to the main area and there Anna speaks again.
Anan: “Thanks, even if you could not do anything that really helped”
I give a slight but a bit sad smile before leaving and going upstairs. Arriving in my room I sit down on my bed and enter a meditative like state and slowly begin to review my medical knowledge to try and find anything that can help.
Like this a few hours pass but I can’t find anything that can help, it seems like the disease is something that is special to this world and with most of my medical knowledge of my past life I can’t find what is wrong. That does not mean that all my knowledge of my past life is useless it is just that there are things in this world of which I do not know. It is highly possible the disease is magical in nature but for now I do not have the knowledge and skill to correctly find out.
In the evening Vanyra enters the room and walks towards me and I begin to speak.
Michiko: “Ah Vanyra um could….”
But before I finish she puts up her hand interrupting me.
Vanyra: “I heard from Anna, let me guess you want to stay a few days and try to help?”
I nod and she embraces me and continues.
Vanyra: “You are far too nice Michiko, there is probably a boy or girl that is in exactly the same condition one or two villages away and you cannot help them all, you must know that”
I nod and with a bit of a sad expression I say.
Michiko: “I know… but… I don’t know I just have a feeling, my instinct is telling me that I can help, that I should help”
Vanyra steps back and looks at me.
Vanyra: “You have got three days to try and help, after that we have to go on to Karaz-a-Karak”
Michiko: “Thanks”
Year: 10-03-1722 (Imperial Calendar) (around but a bit before midnight)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Human village in the Borderlands
Michiko POV.
The last two days I have been looking through all my medical knowledge from my past and current life. But I have found nothing that could help and it frustrated and saddens me, I have tried to find something with the doctor but that also came to nothing. The only thing he could tell me out of his experience was what Vanyra also told me. He has seen countless people die over the course of his years as a doctor. Some people he tries to treat he just can’t save so he tries to focus his efforts on those he can save.
This new world I live in now can be very beautiful but also very harsh. This is not the advanced kind of society where we beat almost all disease and even death was overcome. I have to change my mind-set to this new kind of world. Still I promise myself I will help those who I can and in the future maybe my knowledge will be great enough to save people from things I cannot save them from now.
But now I will keep trying to save this boy as I feel I can but I have promised I will leave when the time limit is up. With this situation right now I am having an uneasy sleep we will leave tomorrow so it is almost certain I have already failed as his fever still shows no signs of lowering.
As I lay in bed around twelve in the night I feel something and my eyes shot open, something is happening! I jump out of bed open the door and run downstairs through the door leading to the back. While I am doing this I transform from my dragon to my half dragon form. Storming into the room where Remme lays I find something I have never seen before. A small imp like creature is hanging above Remme and looks like he I trying to take over but Remme is fighting him mentally. As I am stunned the creature sees me and shifts his attention from Remme to me. He mentally begins to attack me so he can return his attention back to his soon to be victim.
But not everything goes like he plans and I resist him strongly with sheer force of willpower. While I am having a mental battle with the small daemon Anna comes running in and freezes when she sees me in my half dragon form and the small daemon. She then feels that attack of the daemon and puts her hands on her head out of pain. I move myself in the path between her and the daemon stopping most of the daemons assault from reaching her.
When I have done that I focus my full attention on the daemon and after a few seconds what seemed like ages I make one large punch and the daemons attack is broken. In that fraction of a second when the daemon is stunned I let my instincts take over my body. I jump forward closing the small distance between us and then I clad my claw in refined chaos energy before slashing at the daemon with it.
When my attack hits the daemon my claw cuts cleanly through it, killing the small daemon and dispersing it's energy’s. When the battle is over i clear up my mind and after a few seconds I’m back to normal.
Anna: “Michiko?”
Having forgotten about my surroundings I only now look around when I am woken by Anna’s voice. When I look around I see that Anna I looking at me with a questioning expression, when I look at myself I see I am standing here in my half dragon form almost naked with my important parts only covered in a layer of thin scales. My lower arms and legs have also both turned into claws. We next both remain frozen for a while until Vanyra bursts into the room with my cloak under her arm.
She slows down a bit when she sees both me and Anna staring at each other but then moves behind me and puts my cloak on my back. Getting out of my frozen state I become a bit red and quickly put on my cloak. Anna looks like she wants to ask a question but then we hear a groan coming from Remme as he begins to wake up. She quickly passes by me and reaches Remme.
As he first opens his eyes his gaze still looks cloudy but as it starts to clear up I quickly transform back to my dwarven form. Looking around the room again I see the mother of Remme and Anna sitting in the corner, she was probably knocked out by the daemon but now she begins to wake up.
We then leave when we hear some noises come from the main inn area and as we do so the father also passes us, at first he looks like he wants to say something but when he sees Remme he forgets all about us and runs into the room as fast as he can.
With the noises of some of the guests coming outside becoming louder we quickly go towards them. When we arrive we find that the other guests have woken up because of my scramble to get to Remme as fast as I could. We tell them some quick lies mixed with some truths and luckily they believe it and go back to their rooms.
We wait for some time and about fifteen minutes later Anna comes out of the door opening and sits down at the table where we have been waiting.
Anna: “Well first of all thank you, from the bottom of my heart, second of all if I may ask What was that?”
Michiko: “What are you referring to, me or the being above your little brother?”
Anna: “Both”
Vanyra: “Sorry to stop you for a bit, but before I’m going to even let Michiko tell you anything further I want you to swear not to tell anyone what you have seen and what you are about to hear”
Anna: “Of course! You saved my little brother, I swear here right now that I will take these secrets to my grave, but…. I would still like to know what happened”
Vanyra nods and I continue.
Michiko: “Well first all that being that was floating above your brother was as far as I know a Daemon”
Anna: “Daemon, so they are real‽, and you, what are you?”
Michiko: “I’m.. a Dragon, a special kind of Dragon”
I say while transforming my arm and putting it on the table, she looks at it with an interested gaze and then strokes with her hand over my arm and speaks.
Anna: “You’re a Dragon… and you?”
She says while looking at Vanyra.
Vanyra: “Me? I'm just a regular boring dwarf, the only thing special to me is that I call a Dragon my little sister”
She says while smiling cheekily.
Michiko: “Continuing with what happened I think that that Daemon was trying to take over the body of your little brother, but because it was not strong enough it could not overpower the willpower of your little brother. If it went on like this your brother would probably have died as his body was exhausted by the mental battel. But tonight was special you may not have looked outside and not have seen it but tonight Morrslieb is shining full in the heavens giving the daemon the power it needed. But as he materialised to enter the final stage I sensed him and came, you know the rest”
Anna: “And the Daemon? What became of it”
Michiko: “It is dead”
Anna then sinks down on her chair out of relief with her hand still on my arm.
Vanyra: “Well with Remme being saved I suppose we are done here so we will be leaving tomorrow”
Anna: “So soon? You could stay longer if you want free of charge of course!”
Vanyra: “No we have to go on, we also have our own goals and while a few days of rest does not really make a difference I would like to move on now”
Michiko: “Sorry Anna”
Anna: “Don’t apologise it is me who is being selfish if I want you to stay here while you have your own goals”
Vanyra: “Well we will be going back to bed now so see you tomorrow morning”
She says while yawning and stretching herself before standing up, I follow her and we both go towards the staircase but when we are about halfway Vanyra stops and turns around for a bit.
Vanyra: “Oh I almost forgot, this is to compensate for the claw marks”
She says while putting some silver coins on the counter and then walking onwards upstairs.
Anna: “Claw marks?”
She asks as I think the same thing but as we pass a wall I remember. In my scramble to reach downstairs I used my claws to speed up, creating visible scars in the walls and floor. I become a bit red while thinking about my mistake and Vanyra visibly smiles.
Year: 17-02-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Human village in the Borderlands
Michiko POV
Next morning we woke up at around 9 o'clock, after clothing ourselves we went downstairs. When we arrived there were already a number of guests eating their breakfast. When the father and mother of Anna and Remme saw us they deeply thanked us but did not ask anything, which was good.
As we eat he heard some of the guests complain about being woken up in the middle of the night but they forgot it quickly when they heard that they would get breakfast for free. After having eaten we packed up our stuff and got ready to leave we were stopped by the peasants who once again wanted to thank us and gave us some food for our journey as it was the least they could do and the most we would accept.
While Vanyra is speaking with the parents I talk with Anna and Remme.
Anna: “Remme this is your chance to tell Michiko something before they leave”
Remme: “Thank you for ending the nightmare sister”
He says with a smile.
Anna: “Yes once again thanks for ending the Nightmare”
Remme: “Sis, will the nightmares return?”
That makes me think a bit as I do not know what caused the daemon to attack Remme, or if they would ever try to do so again. As I am thinking Remme becomes restless and worried because I am not answering. so I end my train of thought and using a very limited amount of transformation I “grow” a single white smooth scale on my arm. Putting my other hand on top of it I pour some refined chaos energy into it and seal it inside.
Grabbing the scale with my hand I pull it out in one quick movement, feeling pain for just a moment one drop of blood leaves the small wound and rolls from my arm onto the floor before the small wound closes.
Remme looks a bit shocked and a bit worried about me when he sees my small jolt of pain. But I then grab his hand and put the scale inside.
Michiko: “I can’t be sure the nightmares won’t return, but this will protect you for if they do, so please keep this with you so it might help. But please keep it a secret okay because I will get in trouble I anyone finds out”
As Remme looks in his hand he smiles happily and nods.
Remme: “Thank you sis”
While he is looking at the scale I whisper something to Anna silently so he can’t hear it.
Michiko: “Anna I don’t know if it will protect him entirely but I am sure it will help, but like this he will not have to worry all the time. I don’t think anything will happen but still…”
Anna looks down and silently whisper back.
Anna: “Don’t worry, you have done enough, it is already great he survived it. like the doctor told you many people get sick and a lot die, but you have given him a second chance and that is enough we could not have asked for more”
We both smile a bit sadly but when I am called by Vanyra I say my last goodbyes to them and to their parents. When we are done we walk out of the door and then we leave in the direction of the northern gate, towards Karaz-a-Karak.
Character list:
Spoiler :
Karak Drakk residents:
Michiko: the main character
Endar: adoptive father of Michiko and King of Karak Drakk
Freda: wife of Endar, adoptive mother of Michiko and queen of Karak Drakk
Fimbur: old and wise dwarf and Loremaster
Norgrim: Endar’s assistant
Bronn: warrior leader
Largs: hunter/ scout leader
Dern: hunter/ scout
Duregar: leader of workers, Journeyman runesmith
Olka: wife of Duregar
Thyk: son of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Vanyra: adopted daughter of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Grond: mining shift commanders
Alrika: Priestess of Valaya
Grim: Priest of Gazul
Heganbor: friend of Logazor and Gomrund
Logazor: friend of Gomrund and Heganbor
Gomrund: warrior, friend of Logazor and Heganbor
Karak Azul residents:
Dimzad: bookstore owner
Thorek Ironbrow: Runesmith
Burlok: Guard captain of the gate, friend of Endar and Dern
Elmador: warrior/guard
Human borderlands town:
Anna: daughter of inn owners and friend of Michiko
Remme: son of inn owners and looks up to Michiko
Loran: town guard friend of Anna (and has a crush on her)
Gorbad Ironclaw: mighty orc warboss, presumed dead but also rumoured to be alive
Chaos Gods:
Tzeentch: the Chaos God of Change, Evolution, Intrigue and Sorcery
Khorne: the Chaos God of hate, rage and bloodshed
Tyrennus: Evil/chaotic, location unknown (please put the answer in the comments if you know because I do not know and I want to know because it could influence Michiko journey)
Dwarven Gods:
Grungni: god of mining and smiths, husband of Valaya
Valaya: goddess of healing and protection
Grimnir the Fearless: warrior god, brother of Grungni
Gazul: Lord of the Underearth and protector of the Dwarf dead
Smednir: Shaper of Ore, son of Grungni
Thungni: Ancestor God of Runesmiths, younger brother of Smednir
Morgrim: Ancestor God of Engineers, son of Grimnir
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Humanity enters the galaxy and makes First Contact, only to begin to realize that not everything is at it seems. It appears that the galactic alien community has forgotten to invent some rather important economic concepts that human civilization has taken for granted. This is a look at a hypothetical galactic scale barter economy, how that would work, or how as one of our main characters Sarah realizes... it doesn't. And as the galaxy falls apart at the seams, it's up to the best and brightest in humanity to put things back together. Story contains a lot about markets, logistics, development, and the best and worst of human history. Not so much Space Marines nuking aliens. If you enjoyed the trade negotiations and Senate politics in the Star Wars prequels, and wished that there was an entire standalone story consisting solely of those parts, this might be for you! Galactic Economics is also posted on reddit here.
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The multiverse is slowly being corrupted. Many universes have already fallen into decay. As their worlds crumble the World Lords, ancient beings of immense power, call out to their long-forgotten creator, asking for aid. Their requests are answered, however the form that aid takes is rather, unexpected. They are not given more power or direct intervention. Instead, they get a few handfuls of weak unsuspecting souls in need of endless training, as soldiers. If that wasn’t bad enough. An entity that was ancient before their universe was born, is assigned to keep an eye on the help. The entity in question isn’t exactly happy about it either. None of the parties involved are happy with the situation, but they will have to learn to work together if they want to survive what is coming.
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Swimming Pools
Ada, a young and very bored woman, decides to break all of the rules set by her guardian, in exchange for one day of freedom and fun with her new found friends. But what starts out as a harmless little road trip quickly takes a turn for the worst when a terrifying incident ends up accidentally uncovering a terrible secret that had been kept from Ada her whole life. What will she do with this new found knowledge? Will she accept the hard truth, even if it comes with great pain? Or will she succumb to blissful ignorance, even if means letting go of new, treasured memories? Woe is the lost soul,drawn to the seayet too afraid to brave its storms. Woe is the lost soul,that finds comfort in these shallow watersand swimming pools.
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The Darkness In Your Mind
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