《The White Dragon (Inactive)》Chapter 11: On our way and visiting friends
Chapter 11: On our way and visiting friends
Authors notes:
Thank all of you who replied to my survey I replied to the comments but I’m also putting it in here now.
Spoiler :
12/10/2015 20:51:03Pyro1515 Wrote: [ -> ]Your story is excellent. Some of the areas that are very well written are explanations on the expansions to the karak, technology advancement, and environmental changes within the karak/ bordering areas. One thing that could be improved upon is having the story told from a different perspective for a while. This would give us readers a more in depth gauge on what is going on outside of the MC's circle without overly long monologue.
Thanks for writing this and keep it up :P
Hmm thank you for your idea, I was thinking about it myself but I have not found a good point in the story to implement it yet. (or it can be that I wasted some chances in that case sorry). one way or the other thank you for you tip
12/10/2015 22:17:19Kristofferno Wrote: [ -> ]great chapter, I really this story so far..
However, there's something that has been bothering me for a while now. The dialogue of the story really needs a lot of work, the grammar is pretty decent in the story, but for some reason, whenever a character speaks, is sound incredibly bad, and the grammar is horrible.. O.o
Anyways, that is the only thing about the story I dont like, so keep up the good work.. :)
Cheers ~
Thanks for your comment but I don't really know how to fix the dialogue. I have been thinking about some things but I do not have anything definitive yet. anyway thanks for your comment it helps a lot.
12/10/2015 23:38:08Nantoka Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for the chapter
Your story and The New Journey of an Old Soul are the two stories I most look forward to read.
I am a sucker for details (especially about economy, kingdom/city/business management, social interactions. It really adds a lot of depth) and slow well planned stories^^
I don't have any complaints, i'm thoroughly enjoying what i'm reading, so keep at it just like you have been doing I wonder why you only have around 150 follows, your story certainly deserves many more.
Firstly, THANK YOU AS ALWAYS, your list of grammar mistakes I made really helps a lot. honestly speaking I have a proof reader and we always try to filter out the mistakes but many still slip through (my proofread normally finds about a hundred or more mistakes in the raw version). As for why "The New Journey of an Old Soul" a fiction I LOVE has many, many more followers it is probably because I do not release so many chapter's or because people are turned away by the fact that my story plays out in Warhammer, I don’t really know?
13/10/2015 01:15:26SaraAlexiel Wrote: [ -> ]When Michiko goes hunting you make the wrong character run outside and get on her back. Thanks for the story so far, I like it so far, though it is interesting that you ignored the master Runesmith in Karak Azul that already likes Michiko
Umm, do you mean I made a mistake in the chapter or do you think that another dwarf should have gone with Michiko?
as for the master runesmith in Karak Azul, he is still busy getting his master rank and does not have the time to teach her.
Anyway thank you for your comment!
I’m sorry for the long-time of no chapters I just could not put it om “paper”. but now I’m back and I hope to be able to continue to turn out chapters weekly.
Lastly many thanks to my proof reader Traluxbot101 he has, is and will be a great help.
Year: 13-02-1722 (Imperial Calendar) (± 15 years and 4 months after hatching)
Location: planet Warhammer, surroundings of Karak Azul
Michiko POV.
After about a month of traveling we have almost reached Karak Azul, our first stop on our way to Karaz-a-Karak. For over a month of traveling we have not had any real problem, which was logical since we were up in the sky for most of the time only landing for the night and then moving on the next day. It was kind of boring, but then again it is better than being chased by Greenskin hordes while running for our lives.
A normal day of travel went more or less like this. After cleaning up our camp site from the last night we took off. Flying high up in the sky felt great, well for me at least it was kind of cold for Vanyra but she was clothed for it so it was not that bad. While in the air we talked a lot but most of the time was spent in silence and we both did our own thing. For me that mostly meant looking at the scenery, thinking about things and enjoying the flow of air and magical energy around me. As for Vanyra she had a bit more choice, besides looking around, she read books, made maps, just relaxed or sometimes when she was tired she tied herself to the saddle and went to sleep.
In the evening when it would become time to land most of the time I put down Vanyra, take off the saddle and go hunting/foraging for food while she sets up the camp. After a simple meal of whatever I could find in the area and some of the food we took with us we had some spare time before sleeping. Since we did not want to set up a tent every night we usualy slept directly under the night sky. But on some of the rainy or cold nights Vanyra slept under my wings for warmth and shelter. The rain and the cold do not bother me so much since I can warm myself using magic and because in my dragon form I am covered in scales the water just rolls off instead of soaking into any clothes.
Like that our days went by and now after a bit more than a month we are just a few days away from Karak Azul. In the morning as the sunlight begins to shine on my head, I slowly begin to wake up. Sometime later I slowly stand up and stretch myself before turning around and tapping Vanyra’s head with my paw.
Michiko: “Wake up Vanyra its morning”
I hear some sound coming from her as she slowly begins to wake up. I transform to my half dragon form and begin rummaging through our packs for some food. I took out some crackers, some meat I hunted and dried and lastly some editable plants I found. This can’t really be called luxury but that’s how traveling is. In this world there is no canned food or something like that, still it is quite good if you know where to look and with only the two of us it is easy to find all we need. As for the crackers we took those with us from home they are comparable to Sea biscuits, not very tasty but they can last for a very long time.
After I got everything I need I put it down on a blanket and begin to prepare some food for myself. While I am doing this Vanyra has gotten out of her sleeping bag and has finished packing it before coming my way.
Vanyra: “Morning Michiko”
I smile and she sits down and starts to prepare something to eat.
Michiko: “Only a few days and we are at our first stop”
Vanyra: “Yes I’m looking forward to some rest because while traveling on your back is a lot easier than on foot I’m still tired and looking forward to sleeping in a normal bed, at least for a while”
Michiko: “Yes that would be nice”
I say smiling, we spend some more time talking and eating before we pack up. I transform to my dwarven form, put the dagger on my side, strap my rifle to my back and do the same with my pack. When I am done Vanyra is already waiting and then we set off walking through the valleys in the direction of Karak Azul.
Around noon we have made good progress and at the speed we are going I expect we will arrive in about three days or so. But some time later I begin to hear sounds of battle.
Michiko: “Vanyra I can hear sounds of fighting between Dwarves and most likely Goblins. If we hurry we can probably help out!”
She nods trusting my hearing and then we begin to run. After a minute we reach a small slope and we slow down before silently climbing up to assess the situation. When we look over the edge and see the battle I calm down.
Michiko: “It seems like we were worried for nothing”
Vanyra: “Yes it seems like this is just some field training against some stupid goblins that dared to come close to the Karak”
I nod and look around again, there are about thirty goblins that are fighting against about twenty dwarves. Behind the fighting dwarves there are about five more dwarves who are just watching the battle. The fighting dwarves are doing well but I can see that they are a bit young and inexperienced but they are about even with the goblins. The goblin leader who is riding a wolf is grinning and is shouting orders from the back.
It looks like he thinks they are winning and I think he is an idiot. It may look like they are winning but even if it looks like they are pushing the dwarves back a bit I can see that the goblins are getting tired, the dwarves in comparison look like they can keep going for a long time.
Vanyra: “Shall we go down to greet them?”
I nod and we both stand up, when we do that we are seen by one of the dwarves standing back. He first puts his hand on his axe but when he sees we are dwarves (well I at least look like one) he greets us and Vanyra does the same. It seems like while they are observing the battle they also keep an eye on their surroundings, smart. After we have descended the slope we walk towards them.
Vanyra: “Hello, good morning”
???1: “The same to you, but if I may be so rude could you tell me what you two are doing here, did you not hear about the group of goblins that where expected to be in the area?”
Vanyra: “Oh we did not come from the karak we are travellers”
???1: “What are you doing here then? It’s very unlikely but I think you may have missed the Karak”
Vanyra: “Why is that, Karak Azul is north from here right?”
The dwarf looks puzzled but then another dwarf walks towards us, it is Burlok, the guard captain that oversees the guards at the gate. Over the past few years we have come to know him and Endar, Dern and him have become friends.
Burlok: “Yes Elmador they came from the south, I told you about the new Karak right. The older girl is Vanyra if my memory does not fail me and the small girl with white hair is Michiko the daughter of Endar. On that note where is the caravan and Endar, Michiko?”
He asks while lowering himself to my eye level. I unconsciously tilt my head a bit sideways and with a questioning expression I say.
Michiko: “Dad? We are traveling by ourselves this time mister Burlok”
He then seems a bit lost before looking at Vanyra.
Vanyra: “It’s true, we are on our way to Karaz-a-Karak to find a master runesmith to teach us”
Burlok: “With just the two of you?”
Vanyra: “Yes”
Burlok: “I’m impressed”
Elmador who has been listening to the conversation looks shocked before loudly speaking.
Elmador: “But that is far too dangerous, Burlok you should not just tell them good job like that it is far too dangerous for two young dwarves to travel through the mountains like that. You should not be encouraging them”
Burlok: “Why not Elmador? I trust Endar to make the right divisions, I know him and he is certainly not the kind of person to send his own daughter without having full confidence in her. On top of that the folk of Karak Drakk are nothing to mess with, remember these dwarves have done what many did not even dare. They went to the south to create a new Karak and they succeeded! You know what that means?! I have seen them train every one of them, even this small girl here has been trained. Even the fact that they have come here alone stands testament to that. So like I taught you all those years ago you must not judge a book by its cover”
While Burlok said that he put his big hand on my head while looking at Elmador with a strict gaze. Elmador just stood there with his mouth open before closing it and looking down.
Elmador: “I’m sorry teacher”
Burlok slaps him on the back before laughing
Burlok: “Don’t worry about it Elmador, you're only fifty years old its natural you still have a lot to learn”
He then looks at the battle between the trainee dwarves and the goblins. It looks like it has came to a standstill, with neither side making any progress. He then looks a bit disappointed but then warmly smiles.
Burlok: “This is probably going to take a while if it keeps going like this. Vanyra would you please go and help them for a bit, to reassure Elmador a bit and show him I was right”
Vanyra: “Ah why not after all those days of avoiding those green bastards I was really looking to let loose for a while anyway”
She puts down her pack and grabs the large hammer on her back before loosening her shoulders and also smiling a bit darkly. Burlok smiles before turning to the group of fighting goblins and dwarves and shouting.
Burlok: “Listen up rookies, this lady here is going to show you how it’s done! Man up and show these stupid goblins what the guards of Karak Azul are made of, and maybe try to impress the lady while you’re at it!”
The fighting dwarves give a shout and they begin fighting fiercer, at that moment Vanyra also jumps in and smashes down on one of the goblins. After that I almost began feeling sorry for the goblins.
Vanyra had been training really hard especially since the massive goblin attack of a few years back and the same can be said about many of the other formally non-combat dwarves. During that attack many of them felt powerless and they never wanted to experience that ever again and so they started training.
Many of the dwarves that began training since then have become a lot stronger. But they are still not as strong as the real fighters of our Karak and that is where the warriors, hunters, Endar, Duregar, Vanyra and I belong. We have also been training very hard and that is to be expected, every warrior, hunter, runesmith and leader is supposed to be strong. With everyone else becoming stronger we could not fall behind and the result is evident.
Since the moment Vanyra jumped in she has been forcing the goblins back and with her as a point the other dwarves have begun taking down the goblins. As the fight goes on goblins begin to fall one by one. I look at Burlok and can see him smiling, I then look back at the battle before looking at the goblin commander.
I can easily see that he seems to be getting nervous, looking around some more I also see that the goblin warriors are getting nervous too. Some look pleading to their commander, others look for a way out but it seems like they are being stopped from running away by the commander. While I cannot completely understand their shouts I can make up that the commander is telling them that if they stop fighting that he will make his wolf eat them.
But when only fifteen goblins remain standing the commander retreats leaving the rest of the goblins behind. Seeing the commander and more importantly the wolf run away the other goblins also begin to run. But as they do many get killed while they have their backs turned towards the dwarves.
Burlok: “Now when they are retreating take out your muskets and take them out. Letting them run away now only means that they will return later with more of them”
The dwarves take out their guns, aim and using some impressive fast coordination they make sure that at least one bullet is fired at every goblin. After the shots have been fired all goblins but one are killed. The commander that is riding the wolf is too fast and far away, making it so that the three bullets fired at him unfortunately miss.
Michiko: “Mister Burlok can I try?”
He looks at me before answering.
Burlok: “If you think you can hit him be my guest”
I take out my rifle, look through the primitive scope and aim. Three deadly silent seconds later I fire and the bullet heads straight for the commander hitting him in the back of his head. He falls of the back off the wolf who now without a rider runs of out of sight.
Burlok: “Good job, that was a hard shot”
Michiko: “Not really, my rifle made it a lot more easy”
Burlok: “Yes I saw that, I can see that it is not a standard musket, can I take a look at it?”
I look at my rifle for a bit and then at Burlok.
Michiko: “Please be careful it was really hard to make”
He nods and I hand him the rifle. He first looks around it and then aims in the distance before looking at the bolt and carefully moving the handle.
Burlok: “Hmm this is an interesting weapon, you made this Michiko?”
I smile and nod.
Burlok: “I don’t really understand it but good job. I’m maybe a bit rude in asking this but can I buy some of these, I would like to try testing them out for the Karak and in the case it works well I would probably try to get you a contract from the king for a thousand or so of these new weapons”
I am a bit stunned by his words and stay silent while thinking for a bit before shaking my head which causes him to raise an eyebrow.
Michiko: “Sorry mister Burlok I would like to give you some but this weapon is still in an experimental phase. Plus producing these guns takes far too long so until new machines are developed for large scale production it is impossible and then there is still the matter of the Engineers guild, so I don’t think I can deliver anytime soon”
Burlok: “If that’s the case than it can’t be helped, just know that my offer will keep standing for when you are ready okay”
Michiko: “Thanks”
I say smiling and he smiles back before turning toward the other dwarves
Burlok: “Everyone clean up and pack your stuff we are leaving in fifteen minutes I want to reach the first watch post before nightfall
Now do the two of you want to come with us, on our way home we are going to the same place anyways”
Vanyra: “Sure if Michiko is okay with it then I have no problem with it, it will probably be fun. what do you think Michiko?”
I nod and she smiles.
Burlok: “Then its settled, please put on your bags and we will go”
We soon left the small valley and went for one of the watch posts that surround the lands of Karak Azul. When we arrived in the evening we were welcomed warmly, they were already expecting the training expedition to return this evening and had prepared a lot of food and beds for the night. They did not mind the two of us joining in and honestly with the amount of food they prepared it did not really matter.
After dinner we had a very fun evening, telling each other stories around the hearth with a mug of ale. The trainees celebrated the successful completion of their first mission and invited Vanyra to a drinking game with them. They probably thought they could easily win from her but she drank them all under the table. To the great amusement of the teachers and me who were watching. I also drank a bit but I did not compete, seeing that I am a dragon and quite resistant to poison I don’t think that I can even get tipsy from the amount of alcohol here. I suppose a barrel of pure alcohol could do the trick but I don’t think it would taste very good.
Around midnight the party was more or less over and most of the dwarves were already sleeping due to the hard day and ale. I said goodnight to Burlok before picking up Vanyra and carrying her to bed.
Year: 14-02-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, surroundings of Karak Azul
Michiko POV.
As I wake up in the morning I see an unfamiliar ceiling above me. I get up out of my bed, put on my cloak before moving to Vanyra to wake her up.
Michiko: “Vanyra wake up its morning”
As I shake her to wake her up she begins to move and moans, she then comes up and sits in her bed. She moans again and puts her hand on her forehead.
Vanyra: “Ugh my head feels like it is going to crack open”
Michiko: “It’s your own fault Vanyra you should not have drunk so much”
Vanyra: “But they challenged me, they underestimated me and I showed them they were wrong”
Michiko: “Okay, Okay but then why did you not stop drinking when you had already won. I swear that you drunk at least another four tankards of ale after that”
Vanyra: “I did? I don’t remember anymore, Ah this headache is torture. Michiko please make something for me I know you have something against hangovers”
I give a bit of a mischievous smile and she looks at me with pleading eyes, feeling a bit of pity I turn around rummage a bit through my bag. I take out some herbs and a mortar and pestle, I grind up the herbs and when it is done I give it to Vanyra. She takes it out of my hands and swallows it in and then her face grimaced a bit.
Vanyra: “Gross”
I look at her with big eyes while being shocked at what just happened.
Michiko: “You were not supposed to take it like that, it was meant for mixing with your food”
Vanyra: “Ah what does it matter, my headache is already receding so I don’t really care for the taste. Come on let’s go and eat I’m starving”
Michiko: “(sigh)…. Okay”
We go out of the room and walk in the direction of the hall where yesterday’s party was held. As we walk into the hall we are greeted by the sight of a lot of sleeping, half sleeping and awake dwarves. The dwarven trainees who challenged Vanyra yesterday seem to be in the same state a Vanyra was. As for the teachers they are mostly packing their stuff or eating their breakfast at the table but some of them are also looking at the trainees while smiling. I go stand next to Burlok who is looking at the trainees.
Michiko: “Shall I make something for them?”
Burlok: “For their hangover you mean? No this is just another thing they have to learn. My teachers did the same to me and their teachers to them, marching like that today will be hell for them but it will teach them”
Michiko: “Okay, well I’m going to eat something now do you want to come too?”
Burlok: “I would like to but I have to get these idiots to wake up and make sure they are ready to march at noon”
Michiko: “Okay good luck then”
I say as I walk in the direction of the breakfast tables to go eat together with Vanyra. At noon it seem that all the dwarves are ready and that their hangover has receded a bit. As we begin to march I am once again taken in by the beauty of the landscape. The lands and skies of this world are still unpolluted and I will make sure the people of this world will not make the same mistakes as humanity did on earth. This of course will take a lot of work and will by no means be easy but I can at least help them by pointing them in the right direction.
Year: 15-02-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, surroundings of Karak Azul
Michiko POV.
It’s the evening of the second day after we left the watch post and we have now reached the gates of the Karak. Many of the Dwarven trainees seem very happy to have returned home and are probably eager to tell their family and friends of their “battle”. As for the teachers most of them are more or less the same and are happy to return with the students after a successful training period in the mountains.
As we are coming closer to the gates we see more and more dwarves, most of them are residents of the Karak and are out to do work in the close surroundings of the karak. But we also meet a small amount of dwarves that came from the north for trade or relaying messages.
When we reach the gate we say goodbye to Burlok and the other dwarves before separating as we go and search for an inn where we can spend the next few nights. It is not long before we find one after asking around a bit, we reserve a room and eat a hearty meal before going to our room, washing up and then to bed.
Year: 16-02-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, surroundings of Karak Azul
Michiko POV.
As we get up in the morning we do our usual morning ritual before going out for the day. We decided to spend this day just relaxing and visiting some friends of mine. First we go in the direction of the market district to try and see if Dimzad is at his bookstore today. As I open the door a small bell rings and we walk inside.
Michiko: “Hello Dimzad are you here?”
We hear a few noises coming from behind one of the book shelves and a few seconds later Dimzad appears from behind the shelves. Seeing us he smiles and walks towards us.
Dimzad: “Michiko, Vanyra how are you doing I did not think you would come again so soon”
Michiko: “Hi Dimzad, this time it is just the two of us together and it will probably still be a while before my father will come by with the others”
Dimzad: “Only the two of you? Wow, anyway please come in I will prepare something to drink and then we can talk”
Michiko: “Thanks Dimzad”
Vanyra: “We will take you up on that offer than”
We then walk inside and to a table in the back of the shop, when Dimzad comes back with some refreshments we begin to talk and catch up for a bit.
In the end we talked for about an hour and I bought a map of Karaz-a-Karak and the best traveling routes to take. We then leave Dimzad’s store with the promise to come visit the next time we are in Karak Azul. As we walk the streets we go in the direction of the giant stairs that go down to the smiting/manufacturing area.
When we are at the bottom we make our way towards Thorek’s smithy. I am happy I get to visit him again, over the past few years he has really become a good friend. so much so that I even showed him my dragon form and to my happiness he was surprised at first but he did not treat me differently because of it, the only thing that happened was that he was thankful to me because of the trust I put in him.
As we enter his shop I can hear the characteristic hammering coming from the back. following the noise I enter his smithy and sit down quietly to not disturb him while he is smithing. After a while he is finished with his hammering and after quenching the sword he turns towards us.
Thorek: “Thanks for waiting you two, how are you doing”
He says while wiping his hands on his clothes before coming to shake our hands. While we shake hands I say.
Michiko: “good we just arrived yesterday so I thought to come visit you”
Vanyra: “Firm handshake as ever Thorek”
Vanyra says smiling.
Thorek: “I’m happy you came, anyway please follow me, the smithy is not really a comfortable place to speak”
Thorek then washes his hands and hangs up his blacksmiths Apron before leading us through a door into his home. He brings us to a table gets something to drink and then sits down with us.
Thorek: “Thanks for coming by, but sorry I don’t have anything special prepared I did not think you would be coming again so soon. Most of the time you come every two a three years or so and last time was just a year back”
Vanyra: “Don’t mind it, we are traveling with just the two of us this time”
Michiko: “We’re going to Karaz-a-Karak to find a runesmith to teach us”
Thorek: “Ah that’s a good idea and with just the two of you flying is also an option and finding a runesmith willing to teach you there will probably be easier but still very hard”
Vanyra: “Yes that’s what we have heard, anyway we were wondering if you know some more recent information about Karaz-a-Karak. We don’t really get much news of anything that happens outside of our karak. so we have no idea of anything that has happened in the past few years”
Thorek: “I understand now let’s see…. Well you have probably heard of the Waaagh! of Gorbad Ironclaw since that begun before you came here. But as for the impact it had on Karaz-a-Karak well firstly the orcs broke through Black fire pass, the mountain pass that is guarded by Karaz-a-Karak. Their first breakthrough did not meet a lot of resistance for some reason, letting them move on towards the empire. But while the forces of Karaz-a-Karak did not have a direct confrontation with the Greenskin horde and did not lose many dwarves but, that despicable orc desecrated many sacred burial tombs.
Some years later the Waaagh! Of Gorbad was stopped after cutting a path of destruction through the human empire it was finally stopped at the gates of their capital Altdorf. His Waaagh broken Gorbad decided to return to the Darklands but on his way through Black fire pass he was ambushed by forces of Karaz-a-Karak who had not forgotten the desecration of the orc’s and here is where it more or less ends. With Gorbad Ironclaw presumed dead and his Waaagh! destroyed.
From what I have heard right now there are still remnants of the broken Waaagh! roaming the lands and many dwarves are working hard to repair the sacred burial tombs. But other than that everything has returned to normal. so as long as you watch out for the increased orc activity you will be fine and seeing you will be flying I don’t think it will be a problem.”
Michiko: “Thanks for the information but now let's talk about you, how are you doing? Are you making progress with getting the rune recognised by the runesmiths-guild?”
Thorek: “Ah that well since the last time you visited me I have managed to convince one of the rune lords to let me use his Anvil of doom. With that I am another step closer to becoming a master runesmith. its moving slowly but I am getting there and now I hope you kids will also get there someday”
Vanyra: “Ha still calling us kids, I’m 27 you know calling Michiko a kid is okay but I am almost a full adult you know”
Thorek: “why not I’m more than a hundred years old, so I get to do that, let me play a doting uncle for once”
He says smiling, before petting my head with one of his hands and saying.
Thorek: “And on that note please come with me this evening I know a good restaurant, it will be my treat”
He says smiling and we thank him. That evening we had a very good time, talking about countless subjects while enjoying our meals. At about midnight we returned to our room and went to sleep.
Character list:
Spoiler :
Karak Drakk residents:
Michiko: the main character
Endar: adoptive father of Michiko and King of Karak Drakk
Freda: wife of Endar, adoptive mother of Michiko and queen of Karak Drakk
Fimbur: old and wise dwarf and Loremaster
Norgrim: Endar’s assistant
Bronn: warrior leader
Largs: hunter/ scout leader
Dern: hunter/ scout
Duregar: leader of workers, Journeymen runesmithe
Olka: wife of Duregar
Thyk: son of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Vanyra: adopted daughter of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Grond: mining shift commanders
Alrika: Priestess of Valaya
Grim: Priest of Gazul
Heganbor: friend of Logazor and Gomrund
Logazor: friend of Gomrund and Heganbor
Gomrund: warrior, friend of Logazor and Heganbor
Karak Azul residents:
Dimzad: bookstore owner
Thorek Ironbrow: Runesmith
Burlok: Guard captain of the gate, friend of Endar and Dern
Elmador: warrior/guard
Gorbad Ironclaw: mighty orc warboss, presumed dead but also rumoured to be alive
Chaos Gods:
Tzeentch: the Chaos God of Change, Evolution, Intrigue and Sorcery
Khorne: the Chaos God of hate, rage and bloodshed
Tyrennus: Evil/chaotic, location unknown (please put the answer in the comments if you know because I do not know and I want to know because it could influence Michiko journey)
Dwarven Gods:
Grungni: god of mining and smiths, husband of Valaya
Valaya: goddess of healing and protection
Grimnir the Fearless: warrior god, brother of Grungni
Gazul: Lord of the Underearth and protector of the Dwarf dead
Smednir: Shaper of Ore, son of Grungni
Thungni: Ancestor God of Runesmiths, younger brother of Smednir
Morgrim: Ancestor God of Engineers, son of Grimnir
- In Serial7 Chapters
For Glory
Kara Winters is a Veteran who has lost the taste for life. Every day feels less like it did before and her visits to the Veterans Affairs Psych Ward are almost done, but today she has a new doctor who wants her to participate in a new Virtual Reality program made possible by a large donation by a big VR technology company called Titan. Needless to say she accepted. What will Virtual Life hold for her that real life no longer does? Will Kara find purpose once again as she pushes forward for glory? *This is a Female MC who doesn't fall over in love over every male or female she sees so if you were on the fence worried about that it is all good. No kinky shenanigans here either. **This is my first fiction that others get to see. I've made the attempt several times before, but never really got far. Please excuse my grammar-I know I'm bad at it and will work to correct issues you may see. I also will work to keep each chapter 1500+ words as I hate reading shorter chapters. ***Currently in rewrite to fix grammar and fill plot better.
8 69 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Immortal Cultivator Is An Otaku
The age of cultivation has finally descended unto the world. It was a bloody era, brutal for everyone; one to revere for the weak, one to oppress for the strong.In this new era, the forsaken scrap for food while the talentless put their hopes in the next generation.In this new era, the dauntless awaken through countless tortures while the gifted ascend through sheer enlightenment.In this new era, the rich eat medicinal pills like candy and repress those who possess solid foundations...Bloodlines, classes, skills, perks, and mana pool:Those were the five determinants for assessing the potential of young cultivators.Hibari, who was born in a prominent clan of exorcists, didn't show attunement for any of those.For seven years, he who was recognized as "trash" by his contemporaries, has lived the path of a recluse, spending his days watching anime or playing video games.Like any hot-blooded kid, the young man had dreamed of a golden finger.But a prayer he made on his fifteenth birthday would compromise the majesty of the heavens for eternity.The second: "I must have heard you wrong."Heaven's Dao:"The first Immortal Emperor was an Otaku..."The third: "..."The fourth: "..."
8 272 - In Serial16 Chapters
Honestly I'm A Good Vampire
Year 2021, in a modernized Earth where money stands at the pinnacle of power. Enter a miserable, ugly, teen girl named Hanaka Griego.Her family was the poorest of the poor. Living with heartless, abusive, and selfish parents, she was a most unfortunate child. However, her luck turned when she befriended her new neighbor.Her friends's parents offer to adopt her, but Hanaka's parent's got angry and violent at the suggestion. They made her cut ties with the kindly family.Her parent's abuse worsens. The attacks her very own soul and mental state, which leads her to thinking she has only one way out.Death.After sleeping for eons, she reincarnated in other world as new individual.What awaits to Hanaka in her new life, living in a new world lead by egoistic nobles and strong ones? This is the tale of young girl pursuing happiness, who, with her unique skills will make herself strongest among her peers.
8 89 - In Serial13 Chapters
Reversing Supernova
In a blink of an eye, she found herself waking up as May Ling, a denizen of Planet Er-na, with no idea how she got there.To make things worse, she had absolutely zero clue of who this May Ling supposed to be.Saddled with a defective body and memory as holey as Swiss cheese, the Earth-native resolved to find a way home. If that meant borrowing this May Ling's body like a wraith wearing a corpse's skin, then so be it.However, she would soon realize that May Ling's life was not as mundane as she had initially predicted and her miscalculation might cost her everything.
8 225 - In Serial38 Chapters
Starship Reincarnator
Ryan was walking home from work after a long day of work when he got hit by a truck and killed. Instead of finding himself in the afterlife, he wakes up in the black abyss of space as a spaceship. To make matters worse, his new body barely functions and without the help of others he is doomed to die again. Can he find the right people to bring repair him, or will he doom them to die with him? *Author's note* This is a rewrite of Spaceship Reincarnator, with hopefully more likable characters.
8 203 - In Serial37 Chapters
When Blake and Rose are forced to share a room together Blake is incandescent towards Rose and takes an instant disliking to her. So why is it that when Blake sees Rose being bullied at school he immediately protects her? Even though Blake protects her from her bullies at every instant he still continues to ignore her at home and treat her like his worst enemy. Then Blake starts hanging out with the bad crowd and starts doing reckless things which are endangering his life. Rose makes it her mission to break away his barriers to understand why he is putting himself in these dangerous situations. But as they start to become closer and Rose finds out the reason behind Blake's behaviour she is shocked by the inevitable truth. There is something threatening to destroy Blake and everyone who cares about him. In the end it all comes down to one question: Is love stronger than hate?
8 136