《The White Dragon (Inactive)》Chapter 13: Arrival and The Guild Exam
Chapter 13: Arrival and The Guild Exam
Authors notes:
Merry Christmas everyone here is another chapter and I hope you will enjoy :)
Lastly many thanks to my proof reader Traluxbot101 he has, is and will be a great help.
Year: 19-04-1722 (Imperial Calendar) (± 15 years and 6,5 months after hatching)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Surroundings of Karaz-a-Karak
Michiko POV.
Having flown for about a month and walked for five days we have finally reached the foothills of Karaz-a-Karak. The time we spent traveling from the human border village was mostly uneventful, we saw a few Greenskins but most of them where far below on the ground while we were flying high up in the sky. In the end we only killed ten goblins who were lucky or unlucky enough to stumble upon our campsite.
With exception of that nothing really happen, I would complain about being bored but in this kind of world and situation you are better off bored as anything that would break the boredom would probably also be out to break your spine and a whole lot more.
When we landed and started travelling on land we were about five days of walking from the Karak. We landed so far from it because this area of the mountains is heavily guarded, and being seen here would most likely not end well for me. After we started to travel on foot we started to meet a few traders here and there and also some dwarven farmers that have hidden farms inside the mountains.
Normally it is rare for a dwarf to become a farmer but around Karaz-a-Karak there are a lot more because the lands around it are some of the best guarded and safest areas in the known world. Still most of the food for the Karaks is obtained through trade with humans and most of the dwarven produce goes to the making of beer and ale. Of course the Karaks hold massive amounts of storage for in the case that they will be sieged or could not buy enough food in the case of a bad harvest. Fimbur also told me that in a long siege of a Karak where he lived they ran out of food and survived on the drinking of ale, which says a lot about both Fimbur and the nutritional value of dwarven ale.
Speaking about dwarven ale as we met some dwarven traders that came from the Karak and in the evening we camped together. It was a very fun evening and they shared some ale with us and we shared some meat. Dwarves can be a bit cold to outsiders but are very hospitable to other dwarves and those they see as friends.
When we told them it was my first visit to Karaz-a-Karak and that Vanyra does not remember very much as she was very young when she came through here last they smiled broadly. We asked them a few things but they refused to tell about the Karak, telling us that we had to see it for ourselves.
After a very enjoyable evening and a good night’s sleep we said goodbye and we continued our journey. As we walked we saw quite a lot of dwarven traders and sometimes also some farmers. Since we landed we started to travel on foot, until now we have not seen any Greenskins or animals that are too dangerous. It is impressive how they created this safe place in a world like this with danger around every corner.
Back to the present as we are walking we are coming up on the valley that leads to the entrance of Karaz-a-Karak’s main gate. At the start of the valley there is a big wall with a large open gate in the middle. At both sides of the gate there are dwarven guards and more dwarves are patrolling the wall.
The wall is around ten meters high and seems to be around four meters thick at the top and wider at the bottom. Every twenty meters or so there is a tower with a large cannon on top. The walls itself look very strong and are made out of huge blocks of tightly fit together stone which looks like not even a razor could fit between. Lastly I can see dwarven sculpting engraved into the wall giving it a very impressive look while at the same time not sacrificing strength.
After having gazed at the wall, we walk up to the gate and are greeted by the guards. They do a quick check on us before letting us through with a smile. They are not here to check on small amounts of travellers and the real checkpoint is probably at the main gate. It seems like they are here as the first line of defence against any intruders and protecting the valley beyond. If the attack is to big that they will probably retreat as this is just the “weak” wall and the real defences are at the main gate of the Karak.
I smile when I think about it, a wall like this that would put most human city walls to shame is just the disposable first line. It’s one of the reasons I love the dwarves; they are great builders, craftsmen and are as steadfast as the stone they were born from in mythology.
Walking through the valley is easy going, as the roads are well kept and no dangers are in the area. Walking here in this valley with mountains on both sides of the road is kind of an imposing feeling. Walking through a valley is nothing new but this time I can see many defences build and largely hidden into the mountainsides, here and there. I can even see the front of large cannons and other weapons. Furthermore I also see a few dwarves, but my instinct tells me there are many more out there. Some of them are watching us as we walk but they do not seem hostile and probably just lookouts.
As we walk through the valley we come closer and closer to the Gate. In the distance I already begin to vaguely see the main gate. It looks massive, it must be at least a hundred meters tall most likely more!
While we come closer to the gate we are astonished by what we see. On both sides of the road there are massive dwarven statues that stand there as seemingly eternal guardians. In the mountainsides all around us , besides and above the gate I can see countless cannons, ballista’s, stone throwers and many other deadly weapons. The gate itself also looks unbreakable, I cannot see even a single seam, it is as if the entire gate has been made out of one single great block. The giant gate has a very smooth granite surface but I can also see the image of Valaya carved in it, as she is seen as the protector of Karaz-a-Karak and many more Dwarven Holds.
When we reach the gate there is a single dwarf waiting for us, the gatekeeper I guess.
Gatekeeper: “Good day young ladies, is this your first time to Karaz-a-Karak?”
Vanyra: “Ah yes, how did you know?”
Gatekeeper: “Well your gaping mouth while looking around was a good indication”
He says with a smile, causing Vanyra to lightly blush in shame. The Gate keeper then laughs and continues.
Gatekeeper: “Don’t worry it is one of the reasons why I like this job so much. But now a bit serious, I would like to let the two of you in, but first you will have to state your business, it is just a matter of procedure”
He says a bit more serious and Vanyra recovers.
Michiko: “We came to train in runesmithing, we know the basics but to learn more we came here”
I say with a smile, the gatekeeper looks at me and answers.
Gatekeeper: “Oh, so the two of you are aspiring runesmiths? very good.
Well, I’ve held you up for long enough. I’ll open the gate for you, please stand back...”
We step back and he takes out a hammer, seeing the hammer I can feel that a special rune is engraved in it. The Gatekeeper rhythmically taps the gate five times with the runic hammer and then a silvery shining lines appear in the gate. At those lines a door appears that is around one and a half meters tall and a meter wide. The Gatekeeper motions us to walk inside.
Gatekeeper: “Good luck and I hope to see you again in the future”
Vanyra: “Thank you”
Michiko: “The same, mister”
We then walk inside what seems to be a short tunnel but when I think about it further I realize it is actually the gate itself, the gate is very thick and solid granite. It must weigh more than a million tonnes, THAT IS CRAZY. I mean it is nothing compared to the mountain itself but WOW.
I wonder how they open and close it? Do they use giant pulleys in combination of counterweights. That would theoretically be feasible but not very practical. Maybe they use very powerful connected runes or even one giant rune spanning the whole gate. It can also be that they use a combination of both mechanical systems and runes at the same time. but…
My thought pattern is broken up by Vanyra who taps my shoulder.
Vanyra: “Come on Michiko, I know you want to analyse it but we will be staying here for a long time so you will have many more chances to do so in the future. For now I want to find a place to stay for the night”
I nod and pull my gaze from the gate, I give a small smile to Vanyra before we both start to walk, deeper into the Karak.
Walking through the Karak I see many dwarves, but here away from the main roads it becomes a lot more empty and there are only a few dwarves. But I still get a feeling of greatness, of an ancient time, a golden age with no equal. But that time has ended and the fire of that time has waned, flickering and almost going out as it is battered by wars and time. But while the fire has now been brought low, the embers of the once great fire still glow.
The dwarven Empire has now been stabilized and while much has been lost and it is still under attack by many, it has started very slowly to rebuild. New Karaks have been made and old ones are being reclaimed. This gives me hope for the future, while I may not be a dwarf I feel a kinship with them and will help them to find their greatness once again.
Vanyra: “What are you so happy about Michiko?”
Michiko: “I’m just thinking”
Vanyra: “hmm… sure, well come on let’s go find a place to spent the night”
Michiko: “Sure”
I say with a bright smile and we walk into the direction of the central area.
Year: 29-04-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak
Michiko POV.
It has now been ten days since we arrived in Karaz-a-Karak, after bringing the letters from home to the post office we went looking for a place to stay. After a while we found a house for rent, it has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a small kitchen, a medium central room and a small basic smithy. The small house is located deep in the Karak, in the domain of the ancient Runelord Kragg the Grim. He can rule this domain more or less how he sees fit as the current high king Alrik of the dwarven empire like his predecessors has a high respect for the powerful Runelord. Because of this he has been able to claim the lower areas of Karaz-a-Karak as his domain.
I have like almost every dwarf a high respect for Kragg the Grim, and that is not very strange as he is a truly ancient dwarf who probably the only living dwarf that has seen and experienced the wonders of the Golden age. Many runesmith therefore come to his domain for his wisdom.
Today we are going to register at the runesmith guild, to become official runesmiths and hopefully find a master runesmith willing to teach us. Apart from the possibility of finding a master we would probably have some trouble in the future as it more or less is the law that you can’t use runesmithing without being a member of the guild.
This kind of worry’s me as while the guild is not in direct control of the runesmiths it is very, very influential in the dwarven empire. On top of that they are very conservative, making the invention of new runes very difficult. You would most likely have to be a Rune Lord before even attempting to invent a new rune, otherwise you would probably be seen as crazy at best honorless at the worst and losing your honor is for a dwarf the worst thing that can happen to him or her.
This has made it so that almost no runesmiths try or even think of trying to invent a new rune. This has made innovation in the area of runesmithing almost stagnant. Of course there are reasons for this stance it can be very dangerous to try and invent a new rune. On top of that the time and resources spent inventing with only the very small chance of success are just better spent making runes that are known to actually work. And with the constant danger the dwarven empire is in I can see where they are coming from but still….
Anyways I have thought on it long enough for now we have arrived at the Guild building.
The building is quite large and beautifully decorated on top of that I can feel multiple runes that have been engraved into the building. It has very few windows as no sunlight could come through them underground. Every now and then dwarves walk in and out of the building but it does not really seem that busy.
Arriving at the large wooden door we push it open and enter a large reception hall. The hall has a clean stone floor, strong looking stone walls with some decorations. It is lighted by glowing crystals and in there are two desks with dwarves behind them.
Because there are already some dwarves being helped we have to wait a bit before being helped. After about five minutes one of the desks is freed up and we go speak with the receptionist, an older looking dwarven man.
Receptionist: “Hello what can I do for you young ones?”
Vanyra: “Well my sister and I would like to register at the guild”
Receptionist: “Hmm sure but where is your master? Without your master we can’t really register you unless you’re a runesmith yourself”
Vanyra: “We came here looking for a master to further our runesmithing, we had a master but he could not teach us anymore because he is a Journeyman Runesmith and so he could only teach us the basics”
Receptionist: “That is quite impressive especially for the young one here, well I more or less understand the situation now but we will still need to work out some things, please wait a bit”
He walks back to a door open it and says.
Receptionist: “Cranneg I have to help some people so please take over for a bit”
Cranneg: “Sure I will be right there”
He then turns around and come back to us.
Receptionist: “Well please follow me to a room where we can talk”
We nod and we follow him and arrive in a room with some seats around a table he motions us to sit, asks us what we want to drink before and tells us he will be right back with a higher guild member.
We sit down and wait for about five minutes before he returns with the drinks and another dwarf. The dwarf look older and also richer than the receptionist and the aura he projects gives a powerful feeling. He looks at us for a while, as he tries to gauge us before walking up to us and greeting us.
Dwarf???: “Hello I am Furgil, the head of this guild hall”
I’m a bit shocked when he introduces himself as he seems to be a high member of the guild, I look at Vanyra and see she is the same.
Vanyra: “….. I’m Vanyra nice to meet you”
Michiko: “I’m Michiko”
Furgil(Dwarf???): “Very well, now please sit so we can talk”
He says and we all sit down at the table he motions the receptionist to put down the drinks. When the drinks are on the table he says.
Furgil: “Thank you Noran I will take care of the rest”
Noran nods and then leaves, Furgil then turns to look at us.
Furgil: “Now we can begin, but first, ms.Vanyra do you have a question?”
Vanyra: “Um yes, not to be rude but why is it that a high ranking guild member like you is here for our registration at the guild?”
Furgil: “Oh there is no need to be worried miss, I normally do this when new runesmiths comes to register from outside of the Karak. It’s quite rare and because of it being a kind of unknown I like to do this myself as the guild has to keep up its high standards”
He looks at Vanyra to see if she understood before continuing.
Furgil: “Well with that out of the way please tell me your situation so I can make a decision on how to proceed”
Vanyra: “Okay well….”
While she explains Furgil mostly just listens only sometimes asking her about something before letting her continue. I let Vanyra do almost all the talking right now because in their eyes I am still far too young and still a kid. It would be a lot harder for me to get them to listen to me, especially about something like this. As for Vanyra she is now around thirty so just an adult by dwarven standards.
At the end of the explanation Vanyra has told Furgil about Duregar and that his master was killed before he could learn everything from him. She told him that he taught us the basics so we could come and learn at one of the Karak’s.
Furgil: “Okay I think I understand, well first things first joining the guild is possible but you will have to pass a test, but it is nothing to be worried about if you know the basics of runesmithing. I want the both of you to forge a temporary rune of your own choosing under supervision of a guild member I will assign.
Now moving on to the other matter, a rune master that can teach the both of you, this will be quite hard as almost all of them already have apprentices and the ones that don’t do not want any. I will have the guild look into it for you but as of now I cannot promise anything. Will this be satisfactory?”
Vanyra: “Yes thank you very much mister Furgil”
Furgil: “Okay then please come back to the guild the day after tomorrow, a journeyman runesmith will be waiting for you and he will observe your runesmithing during your examination.
That is everything for now, I wish you success with the exam and a good day”
Vanyra: “Thank you”
Michiko: “Thanks”
We shake hands and then he leaves and we do the same. On our way out we say goodbye to Noran(receptionist) and then go home.
Vanyra: “That went quite well I think”
Michiko: “Yes it is nice that they heard us out and helped us”
Vanyra nods before saying
Vanyra: “I did not expect to see the head of the guild hall, I was a bit nervous when we met him but in the end he listened and helped us”
Michiko: “Yes and now we only have to do a test we both know we can already complete with relative ease”
We then go home, I cook some dinner and a few hours later we go to bed.
Year: 01-05-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak
Michiko POV.
As I wake up in the morning I begin my morning ritual with absorbing the chaos energy around me, refining it inside my core and then start to circulate it throughout my body slowly strengthening myself. Like on most regular mornings I keep doing this until my body has reached its strengthening limit for now. This makes the strengthening process slow but also steady making me a lot stronger over time.
Having finished that I stretch myself moving my muscles after the daily strengthening. While the strengthening can hurt a lot if I do not watch out, if I do it correctly I feel renewed at the end and very comfortable.
Leaving my room I wash myself in the bathroom before transforming to my dwarven form and putting on my cloak. I then go downstairs and eat some bread with
cheese and ham, eating meat is of course best for me as I am a dragon but my current form also influences it. Being in my largest dragon form would of course take more energy than in my smallest or in another form, but as long as I stay in my dwarven form I only have to eat as much as a normal dwarf would, I can eat much more but I do not really see the point of literally eating the equivalent of a whole horse or more every day when it is not necessary.
When I am sitting at the table eating my breakfast Vanyra comes downstairs and starts to make some for herself.
Vanyra: “Good morning Michiko, slept well?”
Michiko: “Yes, you too?”
Vanyra: “Okay I had trouble sleeping because of today’s exam”
Michiko: “But it should be easy for both of us right?”
Vanyra: ‘True but it still makes me nervous”
We talk some more before cleaning up and leaving the house going towards the guild. Both Vanyra and I have taken our personal forging hammer with us as we both work best with these. On our way to the guild we talk a bit about what kind of rune each of us is going to make.
I have decided to make a Rune of Fate on a medallion, only temporary runes can be made of this rune and it is made that the first attack you receive is (almost always) negated. Not really that useful in a full blown battle but many dwarves have been saved from Skaven assassins by this rune and is because of that really useful.
As for Vanyra she is going to make a Rune of Spellbreaking. This rune can be used to negate almost all magic in the area around the user. It is not an end all be all rune but is still quite powerful against a mage or daemon type enemy because it works by interfering with the warp energy’s. still only temporary runes of this type can be made which is kind of unfortunate.
While talking we arrive at the guild where Noran brings us to a medium forge in the guild building with multiple anvils around it. the forge is well equipped and already heating up. I then see a dwarf who is around fifty years old, Noran tells us he is called Gottri a Journeyman runesmith, he will be observing us during the exam.
Year: 01-05-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak
Gottri POV.
While waiting in the guild forge for the two possible new guild members, I begin to heat up the forge so it is ready when they arrive. while I am doing this I start to think about why I am doing this again.
Yesterday my master asked me to help out at the guild because she had heard that some new runesmiths came from outside of the karak to find a master. Why? I think because she already has me and my brother so it is not for her, but after some thinking I realized why she wanted me to check them out. It was because of that old strange friend of hers.
I should not be thinking like this about an elder, a master runesmith at that but he… Ugh I will be respectful to him because my master tells me to but I do not see why she holds him in such high regard, In my eyes I cannot see what is so respectful about him. He might be a master runesmith but if I go by how he looks he just seems to be a poor man who is living of my master's wealth, if he is a master runesmith he should be able to sustain himself right. But then again I have never seen him work so that could be the cause but that should be his own fault, he should not come to my master's place every now and then to exploit my master's good will and then leave without doing or giving anything in return.
I should not be so harsh on him, he is my master's friend and like she told me I do not know the whole picture so I cannot judge him like this. It is not like he is rude or smells or anything like that, I just don’t get him, one moment he might seem like an old good for nothing, but at other moments he seems like his is filled with wisdom.
It is no use thinking about it I should now be preparing the forge.
Putting aside my conflicting thought for now I throw some more fuel in the forge and then wait for two smiths.
About half an hour later the forge is hot and ready for use, at this time I am just waiting until they arrive. Hearing the door open I look at the opening and see Noran walk in together with two very young dwarves one looking around thirty and looks like an average dwarven women but also quite strong looking.
The second dwarf is a young girl probably not even twenty which surprised me because most runesmith only make their first rune around thirty. On top of that she looks quite strange, she has white hair and blue eyes which are both very rare for dwarves. On top of that she has strange clothes, a sort of loose cloak that is entirely closed around her with her head coming out from the top and sleeves for her arms out of the sides. There is some embroidery depicting dragons carefully sown into the cloak, I have never really seen this type of clothing before, it could be a custom or culture from the place she came from?.
While I have been observing them they have been looking around the room until they see me. Noran says something and I walk towards them.
Gottri: “Good morning, I’m Gottri your examinator for today”
Vanyra: “Hello I’m Vanyra”
Michiko: “I’m Michiko”
They both say with a respectful tone
Gottri: “Welcome, well I have already heated up the forge so you can start almost right away but first I have to repeat the rules for a bit.
One: you can make any type of temporary rune but it has to be of a good quality.
Two: the quality will be determined by me and only me.
Three: you can use any tools you want to.
Four: if your want to keep you work you can either use your own materials or pay for them.
Five: the materials you can use are: Iron, Steel, Bronze, Silver or Gold.
They both nod
Gottri: “Okay then, I wish you the best of luck, and you are free to start.”
I then go a bit to the back and sit down in a chair, looking over their work. They first look around a bit before taking out a crucible and putting in some silver coins from their coin purse. They put the crucible in the foundry part of the forge and with some blasts of air coming from the bellows it starts to melt.
When they are done melting the silver they take out two casting molds, one for a ring and another for a medallion. After lubricating the molds they start to pour the silver very carefully. With both the molds poured they clean up the things they used while waiting for the silver to solidify.
With the silver now being cool enough to handle they take it out of the molds and whishing each other luck they both go to an anvil.
Now the real test is going to begin, taking out hammers they both start to use metalworking chisels to engrave the runes into the metal. Their choice of taking silver as the base material of their runes was a good choice because silver is soft. Silver jewellery can be made by just hammering the metal into shape, you do not have to heat it before beginning to work it.
standing up very silently I go and take a look up close of their smithing. Firstly While looking at Vanyra I see that her work is quite good around the level of a beginning Journeyman runesmith, which I kind of to be expected because the true crafting of a rune is most of the time a sign the young apprentice is ready to advance. Still there is a bit of awkwardness in her techniques but that is normal.
I smile when I see her work as it makes me think of the past when I was doing my exam. My techniques were also rough at the time but like me she will get plenty of time to work on them in the future.
Well it seems like she is doing fine and will be finished in a few minutes. Turing around I go and take a look at Michiko. Walking toward her very quietly my first thought is that she is quite slow, but taking a closer look I am a surprised at the perfection of her rune. Looking at her hands I can see her move very precisely making sure she makes no mistakes or imperfections. This is very impressive but like Vanyra she also has some awkward techniques which makes it so that a few, very small imperfections are created, making the rune a little bit weaker but still very good for a Journeyman.
Looking up at her face I am shocked by her expression, she has a piercing gaze that seem to be focuses on nothing but her work. It seems like she shuts out everything else. Looking at her entirely I can see that every minute tick of the hammer is carefully calculated and thought out.
Sometime later I see that Vanyra has finished and has been watching us, I walk towards her and whisper.
Gottri: “sorry I was watching Michiko did not notice you were done,”
Vanyra: “Don’t worry about it I get it, I am used to seeing her work so I am used to it but you can get sucked in by it. She might be a bit socially awkward and a scatterbrain sometimes but when it is about the things she loves she can be very special”
She says softly with a warm smile and I nod.
Gottri: “Well while we wait for Michiko to be finished and starting the next part let’s take a look at your rune”
Vanyra: “Okay, here it is”
She says while giving me the engraved ring, I take out a small loupe taking a closer look at the rune. Slowly turning it around I inspect every detail of the rune, there are like predicted during the crafting a few flaws but it is still more but the rune still passes by a wide margin.
Gottri: “You pass for the engraving you can start with the empowering when Michiko is done for now take a small break”
I say while handing over the ring, she gives a smile, thanks me and then goes to sit close to Michiko, watching her work.
About ten minutes later Michiko was finished, she picked up the medallion and inspected it. A bit later she gave a sweet content smile, Vanyra went up to her and they talked a bit before Michiko turned my way, intending to show the medallion to me. But I put up my hand and say
Gottri: “I have already seen it, it passes”
Michiko: “Thank you”
I nod and let them talk a bit more before they return to their anvils and begin with the empowerment of the rune. They start to gather chaos energy in the hammer storing it inside. Then when the energy is strong enough the hammer hits the metal, transferring the energy form the hammer into the rune. While no dwarf can see this the runesmith can feel this when he or she is smithing and because of this know when and how to strike.
Looking at them bother I can see I do not have to worry about them. They both work very well and at this level there are no real problems. While they both still require learning they are doing quite well. The way they work is more or less the same as before with Vanyra being quite normal and Michiko going very focused, slow and steady.
With nothing really to worry about I sit back and make myself comfortable in my chair, now I just have to wait for them to finish.
About twenty minutes later Vanyra has finished and comes to me, I take a quick look at the ring and feel that the energy has been stored inside and for now is quite stable. I tell her it is good and that she can take a break for a bit, it is a good thing to take a break during the runesmithing because you will become inaccurate and your work will suffer because of it. this counts double for any beginning runesmith and seeing the sweat run down Vanyra’s face I can easily see she needs it. Still there is also something strange about Michiko, I can’t see a drop of sweat or any sign of tiredness on her.
While I have been thinking Vanyra has cleaned her face and gotten something to drink before she once again sits down besides Michiko.
It takes about ten more minutes for Michiko to finish the empowerment and after inspecting the rune I can’t find any real flaws in it. like I expected it passed by a wide margin. Now that Michiko is done with the empowerment it is time for Vanyra to start the binding of the chaos energy’s to the rune and completing it.
Placing the ring on the anvil she begins to chant in ancient Khazalid the most pure form of the dwarven language. With the exception of runesmiths there are not many that still speak the true dwarven language which is used for runesmithing. The language has evolved and also devolved over the time since the ancestor gods walked the planet, but it has also adapted to the changing world ever so slowly.
Listening to Vanyra’s chanting I hear it is going quite fluidly and is spoken without much difficulty. It seems like her knowledge of ancient Khazalid is quite good. Taking a look at the rune also reveals that the binding is going well and will be finished soon.
A while later the chanting stops and the rune is completed. Vanyra picks up the ring and brings it to me, I take a quick look at it and confirmed what I already know, that this level of testing is far too low to be a challenge for them.
Gottri: “That went quite well and I have to say that this rune passes without a doubt so congratulations”
Vanyra smiles widely and says
Vanyra: “Thanks mr.Gottri, hey Michiko if I passed you will pass as well, so while it’s a bit early to plan a party but let’s go eat at a good restaurant tonight, okay?”
Michiko: “Yes! That will be fun”
She says with a big smile and I smile too because I know what she said is true. Even if she screws up at this stage she will still pass on how good she did on the Inscription and Empowerment.
Gottri: “Well Michiko it’s your turn now please complete the rune with the binding and then you both can go out and have dinner okay?”
Michiko nods and goes back to her anvil and places down the medallion. She takes a deep breath and starts to….. sing?!, no this chanting?, she is singing the chant with a soft, quite voice. I have not heard her speak that much but now her voice makes the chant flow with a special aura within the song, the sound gives me a strange comforting feeling making me feel calm and peaceful.
Looking at Vanyra with a questioning gaze she smiles softly at me and puts her finger before her lips asking me to be quiet before closing her eyes. Not knowing what to do I just follow her example and close my eyes and take in the song. While listening with my eyes closed the time flows by quickly and before I know it about half an hour had passed and the rune was completed.
When the singing stopped I opened my eyes slowly and I feel very refreshed. I look at Michiko and find her staring at me with a shy expression as if asking if she did something wrong. I smile and that puts her at ease she picks up the medallion and gives it to me. Inspecting it very closely I see that the rune is very good, but after staring for a bit longer I think I feel something strange about the rune but I can’t discover anything special so it could just have been my imagination?.
Gottri: “Well the both of you pass, I can say this without any reservations”
I say smiling and they cheer, smiling at their happiness I say.
Gottri: “Well now you two passed I will do the rest, I will make sure to tell Furgil of your success. As for now you are done so you can go out and have a well-deserved celebration. I expect that you will in a few days get a letter that officially accepts you into the guild. But as of now I, Gottri, as a member, while unofficiall welcome you into the guild as fellow runesmiths”
They smile and thank me before I wave them away and they leave merrily. Thinking about today a day I thought would have wasted I smile, because today was a very interesting fun day. I could not have spent it in a better way….
Well now I have to do my job lets go talk to Furgil, i walk towards the door turn off the lights and leave the room closing the door behind me.
Character list:
Spoiler :
Karak Drakk residents:
Michiko: the main character
Endar: adoptive father of Michiko and King of Karak Drakk
Freda: wife of Endar, adoptive mother of Michiko and queen of Karak Drakk
Fimbur: old and wise dwarf and Loremaster
Norgrim: Endar’s assistant
Bronn: warrior leader
Largs: hunter/ scout leader
Dern: hunter/ scout
Duregar: leader of workers, Journeyman runesmithe
Olka: wife of Duregar
Thyk: son of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Vanyra: adopted daughter of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Grond: mining shift commanders
Alrika: Priestess of Valaya
Grim: Priest of Gazul
Heganbor: friend of Logazor and Gomrund
Logazor: friend of Gomrund and Heganbor
Gomrund: warrior, friend of Logazor and Heganbor
Karak Azul residents:
Dimzad: bookstore owner
Thorek Ironbrow: Journeyman Runesmith
Burlok: Guard captain of the gate, friend of Endar and Dern
Elmador: warrior/guard
Karaz-a-Karak residents:
Gottri: Journeyman Runesmith
Furgil: Runesmith guild hall leader
Noran: Runesmith guild hall receptionist
Kragg the Grim: Ancient Runelord
Gorbad Ironclaw: mighty orc warboss, presumed dead but also rumoured to be alive
Chaos Gods:
Tzeentch: the Chaos God of Change, Evolution, Intrigue and Sorcery
Khorne: the Chaos God of hate, rage and bloodshed
Tyrennus: Evil/chaotic, location unknown (please put the answer in the comments if you know because I do not know and I want to know because it could influence Michiko journey)
Dwarven Gods:
Grungni: god of mining and smiths, husband of Valaya
Valaya: goddess of healing and protection
Grimnir the Fearless: warrior god, brother of Grungni
Gazul: Lord of the Underearth and protector of the Dwarf dead
Smednir: Shaper of Ore, son of Grungni
Thungni: Ancestor God of Runesmiths, younger brother of Smednir
Morgrim: Ancestor God of Engineers, son of Grimnir
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I Evolved Into a Super Tyrannosaurus Before Future Humans Arrived
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Heller: New World
Two friends killed on Earth before their time, Alex and Mark are given another chance to survive on a new and dangerous world where the residents wage unending war against the terrifying monsters surrounding them. This is a story of Reincarnation, Martial Arts, Magic, and the opportunity to ascend through the heavens and become an Immortal. Our tale is told through the point of view of Alex, the main character, as he journeys through life and death, struggling to surpass boundaries set by the very Gods themselves! (Heller is an Original fiction, influenced by works such as: Coiling Dragon, Stellar Transformations, Desolate Era, Tower of God, Forgotten Realms, and many others.) Contains: Reincarnation, Gods, Immortals, mild RPG/Game style elements, and more. August 2020 Edit: Hello all, Mike here! My goal as of 2020 is to write full time, but I am still a fairly new author (and this is my first real work), so please be patient with me as I learn and grow. I know I am far from perfect, but I hope to be able to improve with experience! Warning: May contain very occasional swearing or gore (not heavy enough for warning), and I try to avoid profanity when possible.
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ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons.
Eric's hands dug in a Black Wolf's chest for the sake of self defense, a Fireball howled from his palms after out of pure fear, splitting the Wolf in half! That's where his Destiny began! Fire? Ice? What's one magic when Eric as the Electus can use all 8? At the end of the day, what is magic? Is it really magic? Do Demons have anything to do with this? Continent of Ignis! Going through racial cleansing, land wars, an economical collapse too! But it's still nothing compared to the "Peaceful" Demons who want Ignis and the rest of the 13 Continents gone, tearing their way through everything to achieve their goal! Eric, is the only being powerful enough to put an end to this madness! Note: What you're reading here on RoyalRoad are just samples of the series, specifically 2 books. Everything else is available on Webnovel.com just search the title there and enjoy the rest of the series. I'm currently at book 9 and plan to write 100 so if you are pleased with the samples, go give it a view there.
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Rose white a anime/manga stan is taken hostage by a psycho who jumps down a building with her but her only regret is that she was not hit truck.chan. So now she had no chance of being a heroin .B ut she is reincarnated. Where she charms every on with her modern knowledge , and her dorky witty self
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The Bartender at the End of the Universe
(daily updates) (cover by Weavervale) Ted is nothing special. In fact, despite his good grades in high school ten years ago, many people would consider Ted a loser. One day, Ted accidentally gets sucked into an isekai portal, but without having died he can't be reincarnated properly! Instead of figuring out a solution the eldritch beings who unwittingly kidnapped him just throw him onto an abandoned space in-between worlds. This upheaval of his mundane life leads Ted to pursue alcohol to cope only to find out he has a passion for handcrafting fermented drinks others enjoy. Trapped in-between universes, who knows who will drop in next? With his basic formula of water, sugar, and yeast, and his time machine he can craft any alcohol his heart desires. So long as the evil monsters who keep appearing bring ingredients with them. What will happen as this tiny mistake grows and grows as the space in-between feeds on the defeated villains of multiple universes? When will the smiling man's mistresses' plan reveal itself? Who knows, because this is a lighthearted adventure examining life, friendship, what it means to be good, and, of course, what the best drink in the multiverse is. Primarily a slice-of-life above all else, with a heavy dose of mystery. Feel free to skip the prologue to ignore some darker setup and just get to the fun, slice-of-life, villains meeting at a bar schtick.
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