《Cheating Monster》Chapter 30 - I will miss you


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


Hmmm? What's this smell? It's coming from the horde of hyenas outside...


There's no way I'm wrong, I can smell her from miles away. My little princess was there, outside, wishing to bid me farewell before my long journey. I knew we wouldn't be able to see each other for a while but I was surprised that she was so forward with it.

I quickly made sure that I looked my best with my new cloak then once satisfied I walked out the front door instead of sneaking from the backdoor. Upon exiting the shop, the pack of hyenas immediately assaulted me with their “Kyas” and questions.

Kyaaaa!* So handsome!!* Want to see me play the flute?* Wanna taste my buns?*

Out of the way you bitch!* Kyaaaaa!* Stop pushing!* What's your favourite meal?*

Ignoring all the annoying noises, my eyes went straight to one of the 3 cloaked figures at the back of the horde. Her face immediately began to show a battle between shock, fear and surprise. I gave her a warm smile and delicately removed my bandana while maintaining eye contact with her.

“Hello my love.” (Kneeko)

“K-k-k...Kneeko??!” (An'dalia)

Uhhh* My love?* Who's this bitch?* No wayyyy !* Who is she???*

The crowd was getting agitated as An'dalia was still battling with the sudden turn of event. Seeing the hyenas beginning to act in a threatening manner toward my dear princess, I began walking toward her while maintaining my charming smile.

“S-s-stay away! Guards! Kill this man!!!!!” (An'dalia)

“As you command milady!” (Bodyguard #1)

The bodyguards unsheathed their weapons while closing the distance between us. Having identified them the night I had paid a visit to An'dalia, I knew they were around level 150. I knew I could take them on my own so I readied myself to send the first one flying then play a little longer with the second one.

What happened next wasn't outside of my expectation, but it was even better. A loud earth trembling sound made the two men stop dead in their track. It was a very low pitch voice that could belong to the Devil himself, a demon or even... A dragon.

“If you worms dare lay a finger on my son, I can guarantee you that I will turn this kingdom into ashes.” (Anastaria)

The two men began shaking in their armour while slowly backing away toward An'dalia. As for mother, she was elegantly making her way to my side with her eyes no longer their usual pink but now a fiery red with orange and yellow glowing patterns. Her eyes looked as if they were made out of fire.

“M-m-milady... This person is-” (Bodyguard #2)

“I-i know who she is... Did she call Kneeko her son?” (An'dalia)

“K-k-k-Kneeko was a dragon??? And a pure blooded one at that?... Gulp* And I went as far as placing a bounty on his head?! He definitely can destroy our kingdom if he wishes to... I'm so stupid!

I've never been fooled that badly ever in my life, that ass-hole was a dragon capable of changing his body into anything since the beginning! So when I thought he was a salamander, he was actually a dragon all along?

No wait, when I identified him back then it clearly said “Obscuro Salamander”... Can he even change what the identify command sees? That would explain why he was so abnormally smart! Urggg and he's a Rokugan at that.. The worst !!! Did they send him to bring me back to their leader?” (An'dalia)


With terror suddenly filling her eyes, An'dalia began backing away from us. I had to admit, she had herself come up with a very convenient story as to what had happened thus far.

“Let me guess, you lied to me about which princess you loved because our clan leader has a thing for her as well didn't you?” (Anastaria)

“It's her? I don't see what brother likes about her...” (Irene)

“Guhuhu* It doesn't matter anymore. An'dalia is mine and if our clan leader want to steal her from me I might have to remove him from his position.” (Kneeko)

“That's risky talk, my son.” (Anastaria)

Isn't she princess An'dalia?* Gasp!!!* I even glared at her earlier!!* We're so dead!* Sorry your highness!* Excuse us!*

Ho.. Apparently An'dalia had built quite the reputation around the city. Good, my future wife needs to instill fear and respect to those around her. That's how it needs to be.

“You all, hyenas! I wish to talk in private with my future wife, mind... getting the fuck away from us now?” (Kneeko)

Hiiiiiii!* Sounds of people running away*

Now with only the 6 of us, Irene, mother and I on one side, An'dalia and her two guards on the other side, we could finally have a serious conversation. Walking toward her under the nervous eyes of her guards, I stopped one arm length away from her.

“Were you missing me already? Such a needy future wife... huhuhu*” (Kneeko)

“Y-y-you tricked me!” (An'dalia) She said with puffy cheeks.

“And a Rokugan at that... You're the worst!” (An'dalia)

“Huhuhu* Sorry, I simply wished to spend some time with you. But don't you worry, I'll never let our clan leader lay hands on you my sweet princess.” (Kneeko)

Then mother placed her hands on my shoulders before giving me a subtle wink that seemed to ask to play along with her.

“So this is the girl you spoke to me about... Ummff... Nothing much to see, I wonder what you see in this human. I won't allow it! You, my peerless son can have any princess in the world, I won't accept anything less than the best for you! She is only the 2nd princess, and her brother will become king after her father... I won't let you marry a princess with so little importance that her own father sold her away. Now let's go! We are going back home.” (Anastaria)

“The fuck did that bitch just say???” (An'dalia) Her face began to turn red with anger.

Seizing the opportunity, I stepped forward and gently held the necklace she had around her neck before whispering into her ear.

“I'm glad you like my present. And about what mother just said, don't worry about it. In my heart you are the most beautiful, the most intelligent and the most desirable princess in the world. Don't worry, I'll definitely convince her of your worth and get her permission to marry you.

Sadly now, I need to go back to the dragons' land so we won't be able to see each other for a while. I promise to come back for you as soon as possible. Ho! And don't worry about your father forcing you to marry anyone. If that happens I'll take care of it. They may encounter unfortunate accidents... GUhhuhu*” (Kneeko)

“Let's go Kneeko! Stop wasting time with trash. We have a long journey ahead of us.” (Anastaria)


“Yaa brother! Leave the ugly woman behind and let's go already!” (Irene)

“These bitches!! Me... Unworthy of Kneeko?? I am An'dalia Elmda'ril 1st of her name, 2nd princess of the Niardo kingdom! How dare they!” (An'dalia)

Guhuhuhu* Never expected to have a mother and a sister as wing-men but they are doing an awesome job at it. Nothing like telling a woman that she isn't worthy of something to make her want it even if she didn't before. It's all about wanting to prove them wrong.

“Alright I'm coming. Farewell my sweet love.” (Kneeko)

Taking advantage of her attention being directed somewhere else, I leaned forward and gently kissed her on the cheek. She turned beet red and became as stiff as an iron pipe.

-5HP -5HP -5HP -5HP

“Keep working on that poison resistance will you? I feel bad for poisoning you every-time. [Sad Puppy Eyes]” (Kneeko)

I don't know if it was because of the kiss, or because of my recent boost of charm points but at the sight of my new S.P.E 2.0, An'dalia lost all strength in her legs and fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes... She was panting and heaving like a a runner after a marathon.

Satisfied with her reaction, I then walked away without even looking back once like a total bad-ass.

“Fufufufu* Hooked.” (Anastaria)

“You think?” (Kneeko)

“You need a woman to know the heart of another'. She's totally hooked. Fufufu*” (Anastaria)

“Good! Hooo.. That makes me think. Do you know a creature with the ability to secrete something like an aphrodisiac? Guhuhuhu* Ho wait.. Nhaa that would still count as being coerced into it.. Nevermind that mother.” (Kneeko)

“But you know, I am worried about the fact that she is the princess Damyon enamored himself of. This is sure to become trouble later and don't go thinking Damyon is a push-over. He is the leader of our clan after all. One wrong move with him and you are dead.” (Anastaria)

And just like that we departed for our long journey toward the dragons' land. I was surprised when I saw that mother had bought a 4 horse carriage and hired 20 soldiers since I was expecting to fly there. Mother simply said that is was to preserve our image and that I still needed time to become a dragon before reaching there.

We took off with our escort and slowly made our way out of the Niardo kingdom. Irene was like usual, busy playing her memory games. Anastaria asked her what it was all about and she simply answered that is was a secret training given by me to remove her curse. (She still thinks stupidity is a curse...)

As for me I had already resumed my work on my new arcane circles. It's still far from done so I will keep the secret on what I am doing for now. Arcane circles are surprisingly a lot of work. You may understand the language perfectly, but creating a program will still take you a long time.

I had been waiting to be alone and far away from Niardo before asking what I have had on my mind since mother came back, so now seemed like the perfect time.

“That treasure you went to get... Weren't you supposed to give it to me? I'm just curious.” (Kneeko)

“Yes, I guess now is the perfect time.” (Anastaria)

She then pulled a giant monster core out of her rucksack. It was as big as a human head, red and pulsating a warm red light. Seeing this core I didn't even need to identify it to know what I was looking at. No way... A dragon core?

Monster core (Irya)Species:Aurora DragonLevel:435Monster Rank:HighRarity:Unique

“Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!! LEVEL 435????????” (Kneeko) I couldn't hide my surprise.

“SSShhhhhh* Keep it down will you. Absorb this quickly. If we are found with this, there's no telling the trouble we could get in.” (Anastaria)

“Irya?” (Kneeko)

As soon as I muttered that name Anastaria's face distorted in a display of emotional fight. Anger was battling it out with sadness. What shocked me the most was to see Irene crying as well, trying to do it silently not to be noticed. After regaining her usual cool, mother told me about the owner of this core.

Irya was her first daughter, Irene's sister. From what she told me I understood that she was a rare genius with a unique and rare ability. She had iridescent scales which were harder than anything known to men. Useless to say that she was hated by dragons of other clans. Because of her, the Rokugan clan was slowly rising up in power.

No proof of it had ever been found but Anastaria knew that the ones responsible for her death were dragons from rival clans. Fearing for the life of her youngest, dumbest daughter, Anastaria had left the dragons' land and stayed low, always changing locations.

When she met me she saw an opportunity for a second matchup. This made me think that the same could happen to me if I went there. Maybe I should turn around and disappear as well. But the image of An'dalia being groped by our disgusting clan leader angered me to no end. (Not that I have ever met him)

My only thought at the moment was that I needed to get stronger. The most powerful being in this world if necessary. Since I couldn't eat such a big core in my human appearance, and couldn't turn into my true form because of all these soldiers around, I quickly hid the core in my inventory for later when I am alone. Our trip would be a training camp of some sort. Where will she bring us? A nest of wyverns? Hoo that would be so cool!

“Mother! Do you know the location of a low level wyvern nest somewhere? That would be the best for my training don't you think” (Kneeko)

“Fufufu* I have something better. But it's a secret. Fufufufu*” (Anastaria) She said in a playful manner. She's the most secretive person I've ever met. But this time, it was different.

“I can't wait to see his reaction when I bring him to a fully grown dragon... Fufufuufufu!*” (Anastaria)



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:218GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:5800STAMINA:600MANA:8700STRENGTH:1470 (+50)(M)INTELLIGENCE:755 (+100)SPEED:29DEXTERITY:27(H)VITALITY:415 (+150)CHARM:40 (+265)LUCK:23 (+65)AGILITY:26RESISTANCE:665 (+200)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:-1800 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (E)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Unharmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane FireBall

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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