《Cheating Monster》Chapter 31 - Chronicle of the iridescent dragoness


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


[Chronicle of the iridescent dragoness]

A few years back in the dragons' land, a young woman was walking down a large cobblestone road leading to a large cave entrance. All around, giant snow capped mountains could be seen with many twisting and turning cobblestone roads going in all directions.

The landscape was barren if not for the occasional bush here and there in area protected from the cold wind. In the distance a large lake could been seen, so big it could be mistaken for an ocean. The lake was entirely covered with a permanent toxic sulphuric fog which was caused by volcanic activity in the area.

Only highly resistant monsters could live in this lake since the water was more like sulphuric acid than pure glacier water. A river of lava was flowing through the landscape down to said lake, creating a big cloud of vapour and a constant rumbling of the earth.

The young lady had beautiful dark chocolate brown hair, pink reddish eyes and wore a simple brown and yellow dress going down to her ankles. The woman appeared to be in her early 20's betraying her 30 years of age but for a dragon like herself, 30 years old was still quite young.

Her mother was almost a 1000 years old and still looked to be in her 30's after all. The young lady was walking, clearly knowing where she was heading judging by the confidence in her walking speed. After climbing the 500 stairs leading to the giant cave, the young lady called out to someone.

“Mom! I'm back!” (Irya)

Out of the darkness of the deep cave came a dark silhouette elegantly walking toward the young lady. Upon reaching the sunlight, a young strikingly beautiful woman appeared wearing a black t-top with a pair of short shorts that seemed too tight for common decency.

“Welcome back honey. How was school today?” (Anastaria)

“Boring... Why do we have to learn this continent's history at school? They could simply give us history books to study on our own instead of wasting our time at school... Time I spend there is time I can't do my own research here at home.” (Irya)

“Fufufu* Not all dragons are as smart as my baby girl.” (Anastaria)

“Mom... I'm not the baby anymore you know that!” (Irya)

“Riiiyaaa big shisss! (Irya big sis.)” (Irene)

Out of the depth of the cave came running a young toddler named Irene. She was barely 1 and a half years old and had just recently undergone the clan's ceremony so she was still clumsily learning to use her humanoid body. The young Irene jumped in her big sister's arms, eyes filled with excitement.

“Hello baby sisss! Woaaa you are growing so incredibly fast. Soon, I won't be able to lift you up if you keep this up” (Irya)

“Buhhh! Irnn ish not eevee!! (Buhh Irene is not heavy!!)” (Irene)

“Not Irnn.. Irene!.. You need to at least pronounce your name properly if you don't want other dragons to keep mocking you.” (Irya)

“BUUHhhhhhhhhhhhh! Other shildren arrh meeennn! (Other children are mean.)” (Irene)

“Fufufu* She's still young, she will grow out of it soon enough.” (Anastaria)

Anastaria, not only divinely beautiful was also among the more powerful dragons in her clan and was therefore well respected among her other clansmen. Things being as they are, she was equally hated by the other clans because of her self-confidence and pride in her clan.


She had been blessed with a genius daughter the like is seen only once every millennium. She was already highly qualified in magic and had became well known for her runic creations. She had kept most of her research secret since she was currently working on runic scripts capable of boosting the strength of her other clan members.

It was obvious to everyone that the Rokugans were slowly rising in power and would potentially become one of the top 3 dragon clans. Sadly for Irene, she hadn't been blessed with incredible intelligence and was only living in her sister's shadow.

She was still young and still had time to improve but all seemed to indicate that she wasn't promised a brilliant future. Nonetheless, her parents loved her unconditionally and didn't care about such things as long as she was happy and healthy.

“Hoho! What do we have here? Aren't these the 3 most beautiful females on the face of the earth?” (Zevron)

“DADDY!” (Irene)

Irene immediately jumped down from her big sister's arms and ran toward the tall man who had just entered the cave. At 6”9, this man was a giant compared to most humans. With long black hair flowing down his back and fiery red eyes, this intimidating man emanated power and nobility.

This man was Anastaria partner. They weren't husband and wife since there was no such thing as marriage among dragons. Instead of having multiple partners like most powerful females, Anastaria had always stayed faithfully monogamous, consenting to copulate exclusively with this one male.

This male's name was Zevron, a member of the Nizukti clan which was among the tree most powerful dragon clans. Their relationship was considered strange by other dragons point of view as dragons are usually polygamous and quite promiscuous by nature.

Zevron wasn't as powerful as Anastaria but made up for it with his fatherly skills. He was the type of father to indulge each of his children whims and dedicated all of his free time to his daughters. As the most responsible parental figure, Anastaria was the one in charge of disciplining them and she did her job with an iron fist.

They had stopped sending Irene to school and began home schooling her since she was constantly coming back with horrible injuries. Having tried everything to make the bullying stop, they had simply decided to raise her at home instead of creating more conflicts between clans.

Word had gone around that Irya had beaten up half to death some of the bullies who were constantly bullying her little sister making tension between clans flare up in an explosive manner. Irya was by all definitions a scholar but with her terrifying fighting ability was no push over either.

Some even saw her as being qualified enough to become the next clan leader in the future. Irya was born with a rare ability. Her white scales were shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow giving the same effect as an oil spill on top of a lake.

Boasting an incredible defence ability that only dragons twice her level could breach, she was often sent to dangerous locations where having the hardest scales allowed her to successfully accomplish her missions. Irya had piled up the accomplishments and the Rokugan began to grow more confident during clan meetings.

A few weeks later, Damyon the Rokugan's clan leader assigned Irya another mission. The objective was to deal with a pack of wild Mangamyrs which were wrecking amok near their western border, attracting unwanted attention in the process.


Mangamyr were a race of giant wolves inspired from Norse mythology having great intelligence, powerful canines and claws capable of piercing through metal and the ability to wield wind magic. No need to say, Irya's scales were a big asset against such opponents and explained why she had received the job in the first place.

The next day when Irya left for her mission, her father suddenly decided to join her since he wasn't busy with anything. This was an occasion for him to spend some precious time with his adored daughter and see her in action. Seeing Irya fight was always an interesting event.

The both of them then left in a good mood ready for an entertaining day of hunting near the border. It would take them around 4 days to finish their task and come back so they took the time to bid farewell to Anastaria who had to stay behind to take care of Irene.

“Be careful on your way and take good care of our daughter big man.” (Anastaria)

“Hoho* You know I would lay my life down for my family. And you Irene be nice to your mother. If you do your homework properly I may have a gift for you when I return.” (Zevron)

“Geeefff Yayyy! Luv you daddy! (A gift, yay! I love you daddy.)” (Irene)

“Fufufufu* You spoil her way too much. Come on, go and have fun. Irya, make sure to be careful out there alright?” (Anastaria)

“Hehehe You know me mother. A group of mangamyr can't even put a scratch on me hehehe*. I will do this quickly and come back, my research is finally bearing fruit. I even theorized that monster rank up may be influenced by the creatures we kill during our wyvern stage. That would explain why all the wyverns hunting around the lake seem to become aquatic dragons.” (Irya)

“Fufufu* That sounds interesting indeed but it's probably just coincidences. What I see true potential in is your runic experiments. I am convinced that you will one day succeed in creating a rune capable of making our clan stronger. I believe in you my dear little genius daughter.” (Anastaria) She said showing a smile filled with pride.

“You know I don't like being called a genius... Do you know how hard I need to work to understand these cryptic writings?!” (Irya)

“Alright! Let's go now otherwise we will never make it there before dark.” (Zevron)

“Yes father. Goodbye mother, little sis.” (Irya)

“Bai bai big shish!! (Bye bye big sis.)” (Irene)

“Bye bye.” (Anastaria)

Anastaria stood at the entrance of the cave with Irene in her arms, watching her man and daughter fly away westward to accomplish their duties to the clan. Anastaria wasn't worried, this was a familiar situation for her. At least this time her daughter was accompanied by someone she fully trusted.

3 days later the unimaginable happened. Cirya, a friend of hers ran inside the family cave with a panicked expression on her face.


“What happened? What's the commotion?” (Anastaria)

“I-i-it's your daughter... Something bad happened!” (Cirya)

With panic in her hearth, Anastaria followed her childhood friend with Irene in her arms. After flying 300 meters from her cave entrance, Anastaria saw a long trail of blood tens of kilometres long. Someone heavily injured had visibly tried to reach the cave but failed, dying only 300 meters away from their destination. At the end of the blood trail laid a glowing, pulsating core.

“N-.... no.. C-c-Can't be...” (Anastaria) The usually strong and stoic Anastaria suddenly flailed around seemingly unable to remain in a standing position. She fell on the ground with her arms hanging lifelessly beside her body.

Tears began to fill her eyes and eventually trickled down her face like a powerful torrent of emotional distress. Her friend Cirya held her in her arms as the no longer solid Anastaria broke down, her spirit shattered.

“Mommy? Where ish shis? (Mommy? Where is sis?)” (Irene)

“ NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo IIRRRYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cry* Cry* Cry*” (Anastaria)


The Rokugans sent people to investigate and try to locate Zevron but all seemed to indicate that he had stayed behind to fight whatever they encountered, trying to save his daughter's life by having her run away but had also ended up dying in the process.

Anastaria remained isolated in her cave for a long time after these events and even neglected Irene who luckily ended up having Cirya look after her. Being as strong as she is, Anastaria ended up snapping out of it and came to the conclusion that the only way to protect her only remaining family (Irene) was to leave the dragons' land and never come back.

So one night under the full moon, Anastaria flew away with Irene in her arms never looking back to the lands that had taken away everything she ever loved.

It is only 2 years later that she came to seek revenge and think of ways to get back everything that had been taken away from her. It is then that she made the faithful encounter with Kneeko. The similarities between him and Irya were simply too much to ignore. Her maternal instincts immediately took over her stern and unwavering outward appearance.

Anastaria had been given a second chance at revenge and at creating an happy family life.


"--om. m-m... Mom wake up!" (Irene)

Slowly opening her eyes Anastaria wiped out a tear as she sat up. They were soon to reach a small town where she would be able to rest, hopefully dreaming about happier memories.

"Are you alright mother?" (Kneeko) I inquired.

"Yes my son, just a weird dream. Don't let it bother you." (Anastaria)


PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:218GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:5800STAMINA:600MANA:8700STRENGTH:1470 (+50)(M)INTELLIGENCE:755 (+100)SPEED:29DEXTERITY:27(H)VITALITY:415 (+150)CHARM:40 (+265)LUCK:23 (+65)AGILITY:26RESISTANCE:665 (+200)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:-1800 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (E)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Unharmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane FireBall

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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