《Cheating Monster》Chapter 29 - The hardship of beauty


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL


As soon as the sun rose, Irene and I made our way up to the city for some shopping. Since I had burnt Irene's clothes back when I did my arcane experiments, I felt obligated to buy her a new set. Okay I must admit it was also because I had business with the tailor.

Since I had been wanted in this city with a huge bounty only a few hours ago I didn't take any chances and wore my trusty bandana to hide my forehead. Annoyingly enough, even with my bandana I seemed to be attracting a lot of unwanted attention as I walked down the road with Irene.

Women were slowly gathering around us with stars in their eyes which seemed to amuse Irene. Normally one would expect men to throw hateful looks at me out of jealousy but strangely enough, even men seemed to find me beautiful.

Walking faster, Irene and I made our way to the tailor shop and quickly entered before causing a riot.

“What the hell?!” (Kneeko)

“Hehehe bro doesn't realize how handsome you've become.” (Irene)

“What do you mean?” (Kneeko)

“Since the dungeon, you've changed. You look a lot more calm and mature...” (Irene)

“I do?” (Kneeko)

“Sure do... Even I have changed a little bit...” (Irene) She said while blushing and looking embarrassed.

“Ho! So I wasn't imagining it? I thought your boobs had grown quite a bi- Gurggg” (Kneeko)

She quickly punched me in the stomach preventing me from finishing my sentence. When I looked at her she was glaring with her face now as red as a tomato. Luckily, an old tailor lady saw and came to greet us just in time to halt her anger.

“Ho my... What a handsome young man. Makes my old heart flutter fuhuhu*” (Old Tailor Lady)

“Ho! Sorry for my lack of manners, my name is Gertrude, the best tailor in this city. How may I help you?” (Gertrude)

“I would like a new set of clothes for my little sister. Something nice... What I mean by that is make it comfortable, high quality and very expensive. I only want the best.” (Kneeko)

“Hohoho of course dear customer. Anything else?” (Gertrude) She then added, her eyes sparkling with greed.

“Yes, I have this... Can you make something high quality enough to be worthy of this material?” (Kneeko) I said showing her the sphinx pelt I had received after defeating it.

Boeotian Sphinx's Golden ManeType:Crafting ItemDurability:900/900Rank:ARarity:UniqueWho knows what can be crafted with this.

After showing her the item, Gertrude's eyes got big and she didn't seem able to close her mouth anymore..

“T-t-this is..... It must have cost you a fortune to buy such a precious thing!...” (Gertrude)

“Do you have the required qualification to work on it?” (Kneeko)

“Of course, I think... What do you want me to make out of it?” (Gertrude)

“I want a cape or cloak. For when it's cold outside. I want the golden fur only on the edges around the neck area. Make the rest of it black like my outfit.” (Kneeko)

“Of course I will begin immediately! Mhh I suppose money won't be an issue?!” (Gertrude)


“Of course not. How long before it's done?” (Kneeko)

“Such a high quality product, give me at least 48 hours.” (Gertrude)

Nodding, I then threw a gold piece toward her as Irene and I left her establishment. Well I say leave her establishment but seeing a horde of hungry women waiting for me outside I turned around and asked Gertrude permission to use her back entrance.

This beautiful face of mine may become really annoying really fast. As we made our way to the tavern, the hungry pack of hyenas had caught on and more of them seemed to be gathering, increasing the size of the horde.

“Who is he? Looks like a super rich noble. And so incredibly handsome! Kyaaaa!” (Random girl)

“But who's that girl with him?” (Random girl #2)

“I asked the tailor and she said it was his sister!” (Random girl)

“Luckyyy! I need to go get my new dress!” (Random girl #3)

“AAAhh! Me too ! Quick quick!” (Random girl #4)

Some of them frantically left to put on their most beautiful dresses, make-up and have their hair done. The situation was getting out of hand as we walked in the tavern to get some drinks.

New title: Don Juan

Condition: Having 20 women simultaneously falling in love with you.

If activated, this title grants (+25 Luck) (+150 Charm)

Erff. Dammit. Just what I needed, more charm... Unsure if I should activate this title at first, I then came to the conclusion that not using skill points available to me would be a dumb thing to do, so I activated it hoping these hyenas would behave themselves.

I was well aware that even if I was beautiful, what made them act this way was the total package. Money, beauty and self-confidence was a deadly poison to any woman. I knew this from my previous life as well and I had made good use of that.

But right now all I wanted was to be left alone so we asked the owner of the establishment for a private room on the second floor offering a view of the street. I then spent the entire day teaching many things to Irene. I thought her how to play reversi, majong and other brainy games for her to practice with.

While we were doing that I resumed my old training program which consisted of yoga, plant growing/eating and various dexterity games. Since mother was soon to come back, beginning a new adventure would have been pointless so we were just killing time.

That night we stayed in a luxurious inn similar to the one where Irene and I had first met. We took a warm bath and had a splendid night of sleep. As soon as we got up, it was time for breakfast. That day as well had been spent training and slowly but surely I could tell Irene was benefiting from it and so was I.

That night while we were in the hot spring we finally heard the long awaited familiar laugh.

“Fufufufufu* I see you are taking it easy during my absence.” (Anastaria) She suddenly appeared from the bath entrance in a superb black dress that seemed to be moulded from her body.. Quite revealing I might add.


“Mommm!!” (Irene) Irene suddenly jumped out of the bath and ran toward her mother.

“Dry yourself first! Do you know how expensive this dress is?” (Anastaria)

“Buuhhh!” (Irene)

“Hello mother. Did you get what you wanted?” (Kneeko)

“Sure did, and I made sure not to leave any traces or witnesses behind. I must say, I am quite proud of myself fufufu*” (Anastaria)

“Glad to hear it. Want to join?” (Kneeko) I thought of offering since she had had a long trip and I still wasn't ready to get out.

“Ho well... Why not.” (Anastaria) She proceeded by sensually taking off her dress while subtly throwing glances at me. That felt awkward...

“Looking at you my dear Kneeko... Could you have grown a bit?” (Anastaria)

“Guhuhu* Aren't you feeling the effects? Mother... Irene did as well, look at her boo- urgg” (Kneeko) A punch in the face prevented me from finishing my sentence.

“We both grew stronger by completing a dungeon mom!” (Irene)

“Hooo I am so proud of you my children.” (Anastaria) She added while slowly entering the water under my scrutinizing stare. Heyy! Don't judge me... I'm still a dude... She was all naked and sexy, I lost control over my eyes for a second there.

“Haaaaaaa feels so gooooddd!” (Anastaria) We silently sat there for a few minutes, without talking.


“Are you both ready for our voyage?” (Anastaria) She inquired.

“Yes, tomorrow we will pick up the clothes we ordered and be ready to get on our way. Actually I can't wait to leave this city, it's getting tiring...” (Kneeko)

“What do you mean?” (Anastaria) When she asked I couldn't help but roll my eyes upward in annoyance.

“Hehehehe* Brother is getting really popular with the ladies in this town.. Hehehehe*” (Irene)

“Hooo... Stare* Fufufufufu* I can see why...” (Anastaria)

“Erfff enough please... I only have eyes for my beloved princess.” (Kneeko)

“Hoo? First time I hear about this... Give me the juicy details. Fufufufu*” (Anastaria)

She then seemed extremely curious. The kind of curiosity you would expect from a mother toward her love struck son. This situation was uncomfortable but we kept talking about what had happened and other things until early in the morning.

Obviously I pretended to be in love with the older princess (which I don't even know the name of) since I knew that our clan leader also had a thing for An'dalia. This Damyon, our clan leader would need to learn his place. An'dalia's mine only. I might authorize her to have a few boy toys but I forbid her from loving anyone other than me.

The day after, we woke up late due to our late night talk so we ended up missing breakfast. Instead we immediately made our way to the tailor shop to get our clothes. On the way there, the pack of hyenas quickly spotted us and began harassing me once again.

“Fufufufufu* It's to this degree eh... I'm so proud of my little boy!” (Anastaria)

“That's not funny! Mother...” (Kneeko)

Entering the shop, we were immediately greeted by the old Gertrude.

“Welcome back young masters! Ho? Greetings young madam.” (Gertrude)

“Hello, I am Anastaria, these children's mother. Thank you for taking good care of them” (Anastaria)

“Hohoho it was my pleasure madam. Wait for me I will get what your order immediately.” (Gertrude)

The old lady disappeared into the back of the store and came back with a beautiful deep purple and black frilly dress. Irene's eyes had sparks flying out of them as she laid eyes on it.

“Woaaaaaaaa.....” (Irene)

“Did you buy this for her?” (Anastaria) She whispered in my ear.

“Of course, nothing too expensive for my beautiful sister... Pardon me madam Gertrude but did you make sure to leave enough space in the chest area? Because my sister's boobs are growing like craz- Gurgg*!” (Kneeko) One would have thought I had learned by now not to speak about them but I couldn't help myself.

“Fufufufu* Seem like you've grown closer since I left.” (Anastaria)

“You could say that I guess...” (Kneeko)

While Irene was in the changing booth, Gertrude presented me with the cape I had asked for.

“There you go young master. This piece gave me quite a hard time. This material is extremely hard to work with. I had to infuse mana into my needles to pierce through it.” (Gertrude)


Golden Sphinx CloakMinimum level:150Durability:800/800Rank:ARarity:UniqueThis cloak has been crafted by a highly qualified artisan and is worthy of a king. Those who see this cloak will immediately be filled with admiration and respect for the wearer.

+150 Resistance

+75 Charm

Higher chances of deflecting magic and various projectiles.

“Hhmmm.. Perfect, you did a very good job. How much?” (Kneeko)

“Errr... Well this was quite difficult and I had to do overtime and-” (Gertrude)

“How much?” (Kneeko)

“Well, for the dress “which is of very high quality” and this custom work, how about 7 gold?” (Gertrude)

“There, 10 gold.” (Kneeko)

“Hooo but this is too much I can't accept...” (Gertrude)

“Of course you can... Take it as a bonus for good customer service.” (Kneeko)

“Thank you young master!!!” (Gertrude)

“Got quite a bit of money from that dungeon I see...” (Anastaria)

“Yea, kinda...” (Kneeko) I then lied.

After a few minutes Irene finally got out with a radiant smile on her lips. She was beautiful in this new dress and finally looked worthy to be called my sister. Mother was beautiful as well, no one could deny that our “family” had looks, money, and power. Now I simply had to extend this to our entire clan.

“Now that you have finished shopping, how about we get on our way?” (Anastaria)

“I was going to suggest the same thing. This city is getting suffocating.” (Kneeko)

*Rowdy hyena horde noises coming from outside *

“I see what you mean... Fufufufu*” (Anastaria)

Hmmm? What's this smell? It's coming from the horde of hyenas outside...



PROFILENAME:KneekoLEVEL:218GENDER:MaleMONEY:433G 31S 30CRACE:(Chimeric) Bolt Basilisk (Rare Variant)MONSTER RANK:Medium highHEALTH:5800STAMINA:600MANA:8700STRENGTH:1470 (+50)(M)INTELLIGENCE:755 (+100)SPEED:29DEXTERITY:27(H)VITALITY:415 (+150)CHARM:40 (+265)LUCK:23 (+65)AGILITY:26RESISTANCE:665 (+200)(S)ENDURANCE:45SKILL POINTS:0FAME/INFAMY:-1800 (Mostly Evil)CLASS:-------------------TITLES:Spoiler : ☑ Don Juan

☑ Dungeon conqueror

☑ Elemental Master

☑ King of the pond

☑ Sphinx Slayer

☑ Toxic Powerhouse

☑ TycoonPASSIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Amphibious (E)

Blunt Weapon Mastery (E)

Obscuro Poison (B)

Poison Resistance (A)

Unharmed Mastery (E)

Viper Neurotoxin (A)ACTIVE SKILLS:Spoiler : Basilisk Cry (D)

Deadly Breath ©

Death Stare (S)

Gardener touch (B)

Lightning Strike (E)

Lightning Discharge (E)

Luminar (E)

Poison Spit (D)

Sad puppy eyes (B)

Tail Whip (B)

TerrorEyes (B)

Vines Hell (D)

Viper Bite ©ARCANE LIBRARY:Spoiler : Arcane FireBall

Immovable MountainCHIMERA FORGE

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