《Primal Beast》Chapter 1: Wolf and Hare


The whole forest thronged with feral noise, the rustle of the trees, the exotic clamor of wild beasts, and small beasts which flee at the snap of a twig. It was full of endless possibilities. He concluded this at once, the stream was perfect for fishery and the trees were excellent for sheltering his pelt from the harsh spills of sunlight.

A lone juvenile boar could be seen, trotting along intermittently it would pause and with a grunt, it would press its snout into the ground. As the boar receded into the trees he began to track it by smell. Its scent blended with innumerable others he lost it amongst the tang of pine needles or was it the piquancy of oak. No, he undeniably lost the trail surrounded by the potent putrefaction of mushrooms. He wrinkled his muzzle slightly repulsed by the unpleasant odor.

「 There it is! 」

He muttered to himself stalking his prey. He charged the boar, alarmed the boar dashed backward. It disappeared into the shrubbery.

「 Almost had it... 」

As he was lost in his dissolute reflection the boar returned. His heart slightly accelerated in thrill.

「 Ready for round two? 」

But, contrary to his expectation a second boar emerged. The larger one grunted and dug it hoof into the ground. It charged towards him. As he retreated he pleaded with his attacker.

「 S-Stop...I-I’m sorry! 」

The boar stopped and defended the smaller boar before replying.

「 Get lost before I change my mind, pup. 」

「 R-Right away, sir! 」

He launched himself forward with his hind paws withdrawing as fast as he could. As soon as he was far away from the enraged boar his mood turned sour. But that emotion soon left him as he found an outlet for his indignation. A white hare sat silently chewing as his paw hit the ground the hare froze other than the twitching of its nose.


Its feathered ears were green and turquoise on the tips, this particular breed of rabbit was known as Luln. They were exalted as the protectors of this forest, Yol Forest. It was said that those who harmed or killed Luln were met with unfortunate tragedy. Thus, his race the elemental wolves and many others avoided them, apart from himself.

「 An Ling! It’s me. 」

「 Go away, you brutish wolf. 」

This disdainful tone was a part of their regular conversation. He hardly blamed the hare for every time they met he would harass and bully her. His mother's warning repeated in his ear.

「 Leave that poor Luln alone!」

He displayed his teeth trying to intimidate the leveret hare.

「 Leave me be or...or else.」

「 Or else what? 」

The hare shrunk backward bumping into a trio of hedge foxes. The black foxes grew greenery on their backs and had tails that resembled the wooden branches of a tree.

「 Look it's a puny Luln.」

「Let’s eat it. 」

They teased the silent hare. What they said were mere bickering as they wouldn’t kill the hare. He couldn’t stand the fox's crude harassment. No one but himself was allowed to bully An Ling. It wasn’t anything like familiarly that was causing him to protect the hare, he thought of her as a mere toy.

「 Only I can bully An Ling.」

He puffed out his fore chest as if proud of his cruel deeds.

「 What are you going to do about it? 」

The smallest hedge fox taunted.

「 T-This!?!」

He lurched forward striking at the foxes with his forepaw. Yet, he missed slamming his head against the trunk of a tree. He shook his head trying to reorient himself. The ground shook and vines breached the soil, they wrapped around him restraining him.


《 Magic!?! 》

There was nothing he could do against the oppressive spell. He took a beating from each fox.

「 Haha...What a wimp. 」

Surrounding the foxes was a blue hue. The foxes were right, against them he was powerless. They were cultivators albeit beginners at the early-stage of the spirit initiate realm while he, he was just in the mortal realm. The fox’s left laughing amongst themselves.

「 You...You stupid wolf! Why would you protect me, Ah Zhong? 」

An Ling looked at him with watery eyes. He gave her a grin at her question he himself didn’t have a clue. Maybe...Just maybe he thought of her as a friend. No that's not right he did think of her as a friend.

「W-We’re friends... from now on I’ll protect you. 」

「 Don’t bother! You bore. 」

She stalked off irked. He felt conflicted as he watched her retreating figure.

Today he made a friend.

「 Ah Zhong, where are you? 」

His ears twitched at the mellow sound of his mother's voice.

「 Coming! 」

He yelled dragging his battered body toward her voice.

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