《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 2̸5̸


"What happened?" Temiko asked me with a worried expression.

"It's nothing" I said with a serious tone.

"I'm going to write a report about what happened, I'll be listening to music. Please don't disturb me unless it is really important" I said and Temiko nodded.

I wrote my report in peace, the music was helping me write the words as if I was writing the lyrics of the songs.

I quickly finished and told Temiko that I'll give the report to the Principal and she nodded.

Everyone was in class now, so there'd be no way for me to bump into someone.

I got to the Principal's office and excused myself in after I knocked.

"How are you Kageyama? It's been a while since we heard from you" the Principal told me and I bowed before looking at him.

"I have been good, what about you Mr Principal?" I asked him and he gave me a smile.

"I have never been better, but what's with that dull expression on your face?" he asked me.

"A lot happened today, so I'm here to give you a report" I told him as I gave him the paper and he looked at it.

"Mrs Vice Principal, could you get ahold of this student's parents?" he asked the Vice Principal and she nodded.

"It must have been hard" he said and I nodded.

"How are the projects coming up?" he asked me.

"Same old, we're still preparing for the spring festival" I told him.

"Oh yeah, I have a suggestion for that" he told me and I nodded, listening to what he had to say.

"I was wondering if we could have one of those haunted houses things" he asked me and I nodded.

"Also, would it be possible for it to have less food stalls than the winter one? I want people to enjoy the activities more than spending their money on the food" he asked me and I nodded.

"One last thing, I want each class to come up with a theme, and see it through fill the end of the festival" he asked me and I finished writing his suggestions down.

"Will that be all?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Oh yeah, I received a call from America. They were asking if you'd be interested in joining their two years scheme of volleyball training" he asked me.

"I'll give it a thought" I told him and he nodded.

"I'll give you the number just in case, they said they were the best team in America, and will be willing to take you under their wing" he told me.

"Alright, thanks for everything" I said as I took the paper he gave to me, bowed and left the room.

I walked back to the office and I found Koya and Bunko sitting down, while Temiko looked concerned about something.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"Well you see... someone stole the plan for the spring festival" Koya started speaking.


"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The plans are nowhere to be found" Bunko told me.

"That's because I took them, and there's a copy of it in my laptop" I said and they all gave a sigh of relief.

"Why did you have them though?" Bunko asked me.

"Because I needed to check something about the area that will be free" I told them as I photocopied what the Principal told me and gave a copy to each one of then.

"These are the Principal's suggestions" I said as I sat on my table.

"They all seem like good suggestions" Bunko said as he finished looking at the paper.

"But it means that the school will need to have to lower the budget for each thing, some of the things will have to be brought by the students themselves" Temiko said as Koya nodded.

I sighed.

"Look into which suggestion will be best for the school" I told Koya and he quickly nodded.

"See which suggestion has the least budget, Bunko" I told him and he nodded.

"And Temiko, I'm going to need your help" I said as I opened the laptop to find more information about these things.

"Oh right, there was a thing that I didn't mention" I said.

"He also wants us to come up with a theme for our own thing so we can have fun as well" I said and they all smiled at me.

"We're finally going to have some fun" Bunko said to each other and I smiled at them.

"Much better than going around and asking people if everything is alright" Koya said.

"Agreed" Temiko replied to Koya's statement while giggling.

At this point, I could literally treat them like my own children. Their hard work and cooperation, their smiles and their efforts, they all make me want to move forward with them.

"What are you all doing for University?" I asked them and they took a second to think while working.

"I think I'm going to do finance and more maths" Bunko told me with a big smile on his face.

"My family is full of doctors, so it'd only be right if I become a doctor myself" Koya told me as he kept looking at the papers, a chuckle was heard as he talked about his family.

"I was thinking of being a novelist" Temiko told me. "I have a huge love for languages and I want to apply that into writing my own books" she said while giggling at her dream.

"What about you (Y/N)?" Bunko asked me.

"What are you going to do in University?" they all asked me.

"I'm going to continue with my volleyball career, I'm sure that my friends will do so as well" I said and they all nodded.

Where will volleyball take me? I thought as I imagined myself in a volleyball gymnasium, playing the Olympics.

That sure is a nice dream.


But I'll also have to do some sort of training before that, and will have to join a team to play at nationals as well.

Man... this is all too difficult. But I'll be able to do it.

Which reminds me... the Spring Tournament.

"We need to finish the planning before march" I said out loud.

"Why?" they asked me.

"Because, I won't have as much time as now before Nationals" I said and they all nodded.

"So you're already certain that you're going to nationals?" Bunko asked me and I nodded.

"What type of Vice Captain would I be if I didn't believe in my team?" I asked and they all laughed.

"You're right, you're right" Bunko said.

And just like how expected, when march was around the corner. I started to get busy with the Inter High.

Match after match, day after day.

Until the day where the Nationals started once again, in early March.

We were all gathered in the gymnasium and I noticed a familiar black head and orange head.

I walked towards them and I put my hands on Shouyou's eyes.

"Guess who it is" I said.

"Mmmm..." he hummed as he started thinking.

I waited for a few seconds before noticing that he was snoring.

"Shouyou" I said and he quickly woke up.

"Oh! I know, I know!" he said as I felt a smile on his face.

"(Y/N) nee-san!" he said and I took my hands off of the top of his eyes.

"Correct!" I told him and he disinfected himself before hugging me.

"I missed you!" I said while rubbing my cheeks on Shouyou's cheeks.

"Hey... where are my hugs...?" Tobio asked me as he pouted, jealousy written all over his face.

"Don't be a baby and come here" I said as I hugged Tobio.

"You've both grown taller, specially you Shouyou!" I said as I patted both of their heads.

"Hey nee-san, what are the chances that we win the nationals this time?" Shouyou asked me and I put a hand on my cheek.

"Honestly, I haven't seen how your team with the new first years play. So I can't give a fair judgement on that since you basically only use two of them in the court" I said.

"What about Itachiyama?" he asked me.

"They have gotten better than last year if I'm honest" I said.

"Did Sakusa get better than last year?" Shouyou asked me and Tobio started fake coughing.

"It's okay Tobio." I told Tobio as he stopped his fake coughing and I gave it a quick thought.

"I guess that he did" I told Shouyou and he started being energetic, jumping around the place.

He must be really excited to the time where he plays against them I thought to myself while giggling.

"Hi Tobio" Komori said as he walked over with Seiko.

"Hi Hinata" Seiko told Shouyou and he quickly stopped jumping before making his way towards them.

"It's been a while!" Shouyou said and they both nodded.

"Oh yeah, where's Yachi-san?" I asked him and he pointed towards the girl I was looking for.

"Yachi-san!" I called out to her and she looked at me before I started jogging to her.

"(Y/N)!" she said and I quickly disinfected her before starting to hug her.

"Have you grown?" I asked as I looked at the girl.

"Yes" she said.

"How much?" I asked.

"1cm!" she told me with a smile on her face.

"You're taller now!" I said as I started hugging her again.

"Oi oi, we have to get going" I heard Nishinoya's voice as I turned to face him with Yachi still in my arms.

"(Y/N)!" Nishinoya said as Tanaka walked towards him.

"Hello (Y/N)!" Tanaka told me with a big smile on his face.

"Hello Nishinoya and Tanaka" I said as the two of them walked towards me.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your reunion (Y/N), but we have to go" Seiko said as she started dragging me.

"Bye everyone" I said as I waved at them and then started walking.

We arrived at the place where our teammates were lining up and Seiko started fake coughing.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"You're meant to say something to them" she told me and I remembered.

"Right" I said and took a deep breath in.

"We may be the best team in the whole of Japan for two tournaments in a row" I said as I looked at each one of them.

"But we're not going to let that end today, nor tomorrow, nor the day that we play the finals" I said with encouraging words and they all nodded.

"Tomorrow, we're going to show them who's the predator and the prey!" I said and I got a small cheer from them.

"Now let's go, we have to line up inside of the gymnasium" Seiko said and we all walked towards there.

After everyone was gone, I followed after them to ensure that the first years didn't get lost. After all, we had one who got lost during the winter tournament.

I walked around and I saw Sakusa walking with Yuriko by his side.

The sight of it made me want to vomit but I just walked away since I can't get lost.

"Hey Sakusa" Yuriko said and I turned to look at her.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"After everything is over, would you like to start dating me?" she asked me and I took some time to think about it.

Should I or should I not? I asked myself as Komori was telling me to hurry up.

"I..." I started saying and she looked at me, her eyes filled with curiosity at my answer.


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