《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 2̸4̸


I took a few moments to process it before starting to make my way to the student council office once again.

I walked past the opened door and Seiko called out to me.

(Y/N)!" she said as she ran towards me and I dodged her just in time.

"When are you going to let me hug you?" she asked me.

"When you start being a clean person" I said and she looked away in embarrassment.

"Oh hello (Y/N)" Komori said as he left Sakusa behind in the classroom.

"Hi Komori" I said with a smile.

"What university are you going to?" he asked me.

"I was thinking of Tokyo University" I told them

I overheard what (Y/N) said and I dropped my pen on the floor.

Hopefully I can confess to her soon... I thought to myself as I picked up the pen and sanitised it before using it again.

"You too?!" Seiko said.

"You two are going as well?" I asked as if I didn't overhear what they said earlier.

"Yeah, Sakusa is going too" Komori replied.

"That's nice, well I'm on a rush, I should start going off" I said as I waved at the two of them.

I got to the office and I saw everyone working already.

"I'm sorry for being late" I told them and they turned to look at me.

"That is okay, you're two minutes earlier than the bell so it's fine" Bunko said as he looked at the clock.

"Oh right, I'll be having a practice match in a few days" I told them.

"We'll do the work that you'll be given then" Temiko said.

"No, no. I'll do it when I get home" I said and they all gave a sigh of defeat.

"Alright, but don't stay up so late" Koya told me.

Temiko excused herself for a few seconds so she could get a report of one of the clubs for the sports festival.

"Guys..." Koya said and me and Bunko turned to him.

"How do you confess to someone...?" he asked and I gave him a smirk.

"You can either go up to them and confess, or you could tell them to meet you somewhere and then confessed" I said.

"Or you could write them a letter saying how much you like them" Bunko said as he gave Koya a wink.

"Do you think she'd accept me though?" Koya asked us with reassurance.

"It seems like she likes you, so I'd go for it" I told him while giving him a thumbs up.

"Thanks... I haven't really done this before so I'm kind of nervous" he told us and Bunko gave him a pat on the back.

"It is okay brother, I have been in your spot before except that she rejected me" he said and the two of them started feeling sympathy for each other.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing about?" Koya asked.


"It just reminds me of someone" I said.

"Now that I think about it, did you ever confess to someone (Y/N)?" Bunko asked me and I nodded.

"It didn't end the way I planned it to be, but that is okay. We're both friends now" I said with a smile on my face.

"Wow, even (Y/N) has been rejected. Does this mean that we'll end up getting rejected for the rest of our lives?" Koya asked and Bunko shook his head.

"Sometimes fate doesn't want you to be with your first crush forever, so it sends people your way until it feels like it's the right one for you" Bunko said.

"You should stop reading romance manga" I said.

"But I don't read manga..." they both said and it made me gasp.

"What do you guys read then?" I asked them.

"I read Romeo and Juliet once, that's probably my favourite play if I'm honest" Koya said.

"I'd say that I usually read novels, but I wonder what a manga looks like" Bunko said and I facepalmed myself.

I showed them a physical manga of my favourite anime and they had their eyes widened.

"This is a manga" I told them as I flicked through the pages with carefulness so that my precious manga doesn't rip itself.

The two looked with curiosity and I put the manga away.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" all of us three said in unison.

A boy walked in and seemed to be looking for someone.

"Is (Y/N) here?" he asked and I put my hand up.

"Yes, that's me. What do you need?" I asked him.

"I was wondering if I could talk with you for a second..." he said and I nodded.

"Take lunch off, I'll be back in a second" I told Bunko and Koya as they nodded and I walked away with the boy.

He took me to the roof and I felt the wind brush against my hair.

I wonder how long it has been since I was last here... I thought to myself as I looked at the spot that me and Seiko would be during our lunch times.

I should invite her to have lunch with me sometime, I certainly do miss her annoyingness.

I thought before turning back to the boy.

"What did you need?" I asked him.

"W-well you see..." he started saying while getting nervous.

I was making my way to the rooftop with Komori and Seiko to have lunch until the two of them suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked them.

"SHHHH!" Seiko said.

"(Y/N)'s having a boy confessing to her" Komori whispered as we turned to look behind the door.

And there she was (Y/N) with her usual serious expression as the boy was stuttering because of his nervousness.

"I-I like y-you (Y/N)!" he exclaimed and I felt my expression become more curious as to what (Y/N) had to say to this matter.


"Thanks" she said and I felt myself frown.

"But I hope you find someone that likes you back" she added and my frown turned into a small smile.

She soon started making her way over here and we acted like we just got there.

"Hi (Y/N)!" Seiko said as Komori waved at her.

"Hello to you both, I'm in a rush so I have to leave" she said, avoiding eye contact with me.

And she soon left, the boy soon followed after her and Seiko followed after them.

"Eat without me" she said but Komori wasn't having any of it and followed after her, leaving me to follow after him.

I was walking down the corridor until I felt someone grab my wrist and turned me around to face them.

"It's you again" I said at the boy who confessed to me a while ago.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him as he pulled out a rope and tried to tie me up.

I quickly got out of his grip and looked at him in the eye.

"Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him.

I started running to the student council office as I had some maniac following after me.

Thank god that I play volleyball. I thought to myself as I opened the door to the office and closed it behind me.

"What happened?" Bunko asked me as there were now loud bangings on the door.

"Well you see, I have a maniac following me" I said while laughing it off.

The two boys nodded and walked over my way.

"We'll handle it, go hide in the storage room" Koya said as Temiko tried to guide me to the storage room.

But as soon as I got away from the door, it opened.

"Stupid maniac" I mumbled.

Koya and Bunko quickly got taken out of combat.

Oh great.

"Go hide Temiko" I said while turning to her and she nodded.

"Be careful" she told me and I nodded.

"I haven't beaten up someone in a while, so thanks a lot for choosing to be my victim" I said as I got in a fighting position.

"What was your name again?" I asked him.

"Yoshio... Yoshio Kano" he said, lowering his guard so I punched him in the face.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear that properly. Could you repeat it again?" I asked him as he touched his cheek to check if there was any blood.

"Now you've done it, you b*tch" he said as he tried to punch me but I dodged it.

I kicked his face as someone just threw him on the floor.

"Thanks Seiko" I said and she gave me a smile.

"Can I finish the beating up?" she asked me and I nodded.

She punched him a few times until he was unconscious.

"Nice skills" I told her and she did the peace sign while smiling.

I sighed as I had to now write a report about this, it could get him permanently excluded right? I asked myself as I looked at Koya and Bunko on the floor and started laughing.

"You both did your best" I said as I patted their heads.

"Could you help me get these three to the infirmary?" I asked Seiko and she nodded.

"Temiko!" I called out so Temiko could stop hiding.

"Y-yes?" she asked me.

"Please clean this mess while I get these two to the infirmary!" I told her and she nodded.

I dragged Koya and Bunko while Seiko dragged Yoshio? Was that his name? Oh well, not like his name matters anyways.

We found Komori on the way there and he looked at us with a shocked expression.

"What happened?" he asked us.

"Just another day" I said while giggling to Seiko and she started laughing.

"You need to stop attracting the maniacs (Y/N)" she told me while laughing.

"It's not my fault that they're not able to get someone that loves them back and you know that" I said as my stomach was now hurting because of the laughter.

"Want to help Komori?" I asked him.

"I guess?" he said as I told him to grab Koya.

We got a few weirded looks from people as we walked down to the infirmary and I explained everything to the nurse.

"Alright, thanks for bringing them here" he told us and we all nodded.

We left the room and I waved my goodbyes to Seiko and Komori before making my way to the office.

I walked down the corridor and said 'Hello' to everyone that greeted me with a smile on my face.

But that smile soon faded away, when I saw Sakusa outside of the student council office.

"Do you need something?" I asked and he turned to me.

"I'm waiting for Seiko and Komo-" he started speaking.

"They already left" I interrupted him, opening the door to the office.

"I just wanted to stop by but I wasn't sure if I was going to make you uncomfortable once again." He said, making me turn to look at him.

"You don't make me uncomfortable, it's just that I'm not certain how to act around you." I said, still not feeling ready to confess to him just yet.

"That's fine, I'll be on my way then. Make sure to stop by the same stop during lunch when you can." He said as he waved at me. I looked at his disappearing figure a bit more before it became nothing but a dot.

Just a little bit more and I'll be able to confess to him. I told myself as everyday I felt closer and closer to being able to say my feelings to Kiyoomi.


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