《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 2̸3̸



"It all started when my father said that his secretary had a daughter who was really good at volleyball and would take the first rank soon" he said, the music around us playing slower than when it started.

"He decided that the two of us should have an arranged marriage and I didn't even know who it was until he showed me a picture of you" he told me and then glanced at his father for a seconds before turning back to me.

"At first I couldn't really believe it, my father making me marry someone that I didn't like? But a few weeks later... you confessed to me, that's when I started noticing that the marriage... I didn't want it to happen. I didn't want you to marry me as I liked Yuriko at the time... This is because I didn't want to give you a hard marriage, your feelings being so real but mine being towards a different person. I didn't have a choice but to avoid you." I gave a nod and heard him sigh.

"But ever since you got to be first ranked setter, he's been trying to get me to marry you again" he told me and my eyes widened.

"But-" I said before getting interrupted.

"I'm not saying I want to be friends for the marriage. It's just that when you suddenly left the school, it made me realise that I was in the wrong all along. Besides, I've already moved on from Yuriko... and she told me that I caused you to have trauma when confessing to someone" he said and looked at me in the eye.

"So let me ask right here and right now. Do you want to be friends Miss Kageyama (Y/N)?" he asked me.

I gave it a deep thought.

He gave me the real side of the story... so maybe it wouldn't hurt to be his friend again.

"I need to give this a bit more thought. Be we can be acquaintances for now" I said.

"Understandable, it's hard to move on from things. I want you to take as long as you need, but I hope we can be the friends we once were." He told me, looking at me with serious eyes.

"Then, we can be normal friends. Not too close but not too much of strangers. That way, as your trauma begins to fade away, we can start becoming closer friends" he said as the dance finished and we moved elsewhere.

"That is true, then let's start with a formal greeting as new friends." I said as we moved to a balcony since I needed fresh air.

Akaashi turned to me before opening his mouth to speak.


"Hello, my name is Akaashi Keiji. It's a pleasure to meet you on such a lovely night" he said as he stretched out his hand to me.

"Hello Akaashi, my name is Kageyama (Y/N). It is a pleasure to meet you too" I said as I sanitised his hand and then shook hands with him.

"Please call me Keiji" he told me.

"Then please call me (Y/N)" it will only be fair.

We both turned to the night sky and I felt my lips curl.

"Say Keiji" I started speaking.


"Which University are you going to?" I asked him.

"Tokyo University, what about you?" he asked.

"I was thinking of Tokyo University too, but now I'm not really sure" I told him.

"Whatever choice you make, it is the right one because you're the one that chose that one decision" he said and gave me a small smile.

"Then maybe I'll go too" I said before he gave out his hand to me and I sanitised it before accepting it and walking back inside.

"It'd be nice to have you there as well" he told me and I nodded while giving him a smile.

I noticed that (Y/N) wasn't anywhere to be seen, but soon noticed that she walked back inside. Her arm linked with Akaashi's.

Maybe... it is good that she looks happier with someone else. I thought to myself as I put a palm on my chest.

"Let's go home, Kiyoomi" Yuriko told me and I soon agreed, it'd be rude of me to neglect the person I invited here.

I talked Seiko and Komori a bit more before they soon left the place and ended up talking with Keiji.

"Pretty sure you've met my brother before" I said as I walked towards Tobio who was still in the drinking table.

"I've met him before, our schools have training camps from time to time" he told me.

"That's good to hear" I told him.

"He never changes though, he's still debating if he should have normal milk or flavoured milk" I said while sighing.

"Sounds just like him" he said while chuckling.

"Tobio!" I said and he turned to look at me again.

"Say nee-san, should I get flavoured milk or normal milk?" he asked me and I facepalmed myself.

"How about you get both? You drink one first, and then the other" I suggested and he put a finger on his chin.

"That's really smart nee-san! Thanks for the suggestion!" he said and took a cup of both.

"Hello Tobio" Keiji said and it made Tobio spit the milk he was drinking.

"Thanks for that" I said as I cleaned Tobio's face.

"What're you doing here Akaashi?" he asked.


I forgot he barely has any braincells...

"I'm here with my father, Mr. Akaashi. He should've talked with you a while ago" he said and it made Tobio widened his eyes.

"Oh right! I did talk with him" he said and Keiji nodded.

"That's good" Keiji said.

"Though he didn't have to treat (Y/N) like she was some sort of property" Tobio added.

"Did my father say something that made you uncomfortable (Y/N)?" he asked me and I shook my head.

"It was really nothing, he only said how I was good for you. That's all" I said.

"I'm sorry that my father had treated you like that" Keiji said and I shook it of.

"It's alright" I said.

"I better get going then, I bet my father is looking for me. I'll see you both later" Keiji said and excused himself.

"Tobio, I've been talking about this with dad. And I wanted to hear your thoughts on it before we go on with the procedure" I told him and he looked at me with a curious expression.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Do you want to come and live with us after you graduate? It won't be permanent but it feels lonely at home without you" I told him.

"Alright, but only because I don't know how I'll be able to get a job to pay for rent nor my milk" he said and I laughed.

I felt my phone ring and dad sent me a message that he was waiting for me outside.

"I better get going as well" I told Tobio.

"Goodbye nee-san" he said and I gave him a light punch in the arm.

"I told you not to call me nee-san" I said.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too, I'll see you another time" I said and he nodded.

I started walking to the car where dad was waiting for me, I noticed a woman talking to him and she quickly turned to me.

"Mother" I said with a disgusted tone.

"Don't worry, I'll be leaving now" she said and walked back inside, an angry expression on her face.

"What was that all about?" I asked my father and he shrugged it off.

He drove us home and started walking towards the door.

"Have you thought about the university you want to go to yet?" he asked me and I nodded.

"Tokyo University" I told him.

"That's a good choice, I used to study there after all" said and opened the door.

"Take a shower and go to sleep" he told me and I nodded.

I heard my phone ring a few times and I decided to pick it up.

I got a few messages from Tobio, Akaashi, Seiko, the student council group chat and an unknown number.

I pressed on each one of them, I answered Tobio's and Keiji's messages where they asked me if I got home safely and I replied with a 'Yes' before saying to them both goodnight.

I then looked at Seiko's message and she sent me a picture of Komori asleep on her lap with a 🥺 emoji.

You're both really cute!


Thanks a lot!

Goodnight, and don't do anything dirty.


You know that I won't. Goodnight!

I then looked at the group chat and thanked Koya once again for the invitation.

Bunko sent us a message to ensure that we can have everything ready for the spring festival in March, and the sports festival that will be in February.

I sighed.

There's still so many things to do before the end of the year, and I still have the spring tournament coming up. I thought to myself as I got myself in the shower, temporarily ignoring the unknown message.

I wonder how the Tokyo university is like, maybe I'll be able to make new friends or something. I thought to myself as I finished taking a shower and started drying myself before I got another message on my phone.


I know that you're there so reply.

Who is this?

You don't need to know useless details.

I was tasked to tell you, that Mr. Akaashi

would like to see you to talk about your

marriage with Master Akaashi.

Yeah, no.

I texted before blocking the number.

"Whatever his family and my mother say... I will not let it ruin the friendship that me and Keiji have right now" I mumbled before changing to my pyjamas and going to sleep.

School had started once again, and I was tired as hell as I made my way to the student council office.

Can someone just burn the school already? I asked myself as I heard people's conversations in the corridor.

The dreams I've been having now only appear every now and then, to which I am glad for. I've been able to get better sleep now that it doesn't happen every night even though it is still there, at the back of my head.

I kept walking until I heard three familiar voices talking.

"So which university are you going to?" Komori asked the other two.

"I've been thinking of Tokyo University" Seiko said and it made me smile. "What about you Komori?"

"Tokyo University as well. What have you decided on Sakusa?" he asked and I stood still for a few seconds.

"Tokyo... University" he said while yawning.



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