《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 2̸2̸


After the festival was a huge success, the Principal had given the student council a day off to be able to relax.

"Finally we get a break" Temiko said as we all sat down on the couch.

"Let's celebrate" Bunko said as we were waiting for Koya to come back from his trip to the bathroom.

Hopefully today is a good day, I thought to myself as I remember praying for a happier day today.

There was a knock on the door and all of us in the room told the person to come in.

A boy opened the door and came in.

"C-can I talk with Temiko-san?" he said as he stuttered.

She gave a quick hum before going to the door and left the room with the boy.

"Wonder what they're going to talk about" Bunko said.

"That's none of our business" I said.

"But where the hell is Koya" added and the door soon opened, revealing Koya with a lot of boxes on his hands.

Bunko and I quickly got up to help him and placed all of the boxes on the low table next to the couch.

"Thanks" he said as he gave us a smile.

"What did you bring here?" I asked him.

"Food, it's mainly healthy but I told them to add a few more things like friend chicken and stuff" he said while also placing the drinks on the couch.

"Where's Temiko?" he asked us.

"She left with a guy earlier" Bunko said and Koya started to look depressed.

"Oya oya?" I said.

"Oya oya oya?" Bunko replied as we gave each other a smirk before looking at Koya.

"Could it be that Koya is in L-O-V-E?" we asked Koya quickly started blushing.

"N-no!" he said.

"I'm back!" Temiko said as she opened the door and closed it shut.

"What did you bring here Koya?" she asked as she eyed the different boxes on the table.

"I brought food to celebrate" he said, his cheeks still blushing by the question that me and Bunko said.

Me and Bunko started laughing while Temiko was confused as to why we were laughing and Koya was telling us to stop.

Me and Bunko held in our laughs before a few tears started forming in our eyes from the laughter.

"Let's just sit and eat" Koya said and we all nodded.

We started eating before Koya started saying something.

"Oh yeah, my parents are holding a Christmas party, we don't really celebrate it though... it's more like a ball if I am honest" he said while scratching the nape of his neck.

"Anyways! What I'm meant to say is that they wanted to invite a few third years since there's going to be a few influential people from all over the country" he said and we all took a few moments to take it all in.

"You do realise... that I've never danced before?" I asked him and he nodded.


"We're taking measures for that, the ball will be held in a few weeks so you'll be able to learn how to dance before then" he said.

And so... he invited a few people from both volleyball teams. The ones that had higher rankings in Japan, to be honest.

Meaning that Sakusa will be there... but at least Seiko and Komori will be there too.

Those few weeks had gone by, a lot of blood, swear and tears were shown as I was properly taught on how to dance.

"Ms. Kageyama" one of Koya's butlers said.

"Yes Harold?" I asked.

"Master Koya has prepared a dress for you for the ball" he said as he took me to a room with a (f/c) dress hanging from the closet.

"If you may excuse me, a maid should come here soon to he of assistance" he said before leaving the room.

"The Koya family is a wealthy family full of doctors" I said as I looked around before hearing a knock ok the door.

"Come in" I said and the maid that Harold said that was going to help me with the dress walked into the room.

"My name is Rosaria, it'd be a great pleasure to be of help to you Miss Kageyama" she said as she started helping me with the dress. (If you don't want to wear a dress, then maybe a shirt with a skirt or a suit, it's optional.)

She reminds me of my grandma... I thought to myself whilst the maid started doing my hair.

After twenty minutes, the maid had finished preparing me for the ball and I gave her a bow.

"Thanks a lot" I said and she became embarrassed.

"You shouldn't be bowing to me" she told me.

"I want to say thanks, I was able to get the first ranked female setter dressed" she said with a smile on her face.

"Thanks a lot to you too, your assistance has been helpful. Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to put this on properly" I said.

"Then let me take you to the ball room as a thanks for your appreciation" she told me and I nodded.

We arrived at the door to the ball room and I took a deep breath before Rosaria opened the door.

The place was full, it had adults and teenagers as well as children around the place.

I took quick notice of Seiko and I thanked Rosaria once again before making my way to her.

"(N/N)!" she said and hugged me.

"Hello Seiko" I said and we both smiled at each other.

We looked at the door to see Komori entering the ball room with Sakusa and Yuriko.

He quickly took notice of us and started walking towards us, Sakusa doing the same thing.

"I'll head off, I need to thank Mr. and Mrs Koya for the invitation" I said while heading off to where they were.

Wasn't that (Y/N)? I asked myself but Yuriko soon took notice of my expression.


"What's wrong Kiyoomi?" she asked me.

"It's nothing" I said and she nodded, proceeding to walk around the ball.

I found the two parents and I slightly did a sign of courtesy before looking at the two of them.

"I'm here to thank you both on the invitation. Me and my friends really appreciate being here tonight" I said and they both gave me a smile.

"It's alright, we don't usually hold these type of things but Muramaki had insisted that we did this around two years ago. So it's become a thing now" he said.

"I see the Akaashi's have finally made their way here, we should see ourselves over there to thank them for their attendance" he said before bowing.

"If you may excuse us Miss Kageyama" Mrs. Koya said before walking off with her husband.

Honestly, this is tiring.

I looked around before noticing that Tobio was here.

I made my way to Tobio who was next to the drinks, debating if he should get normal milk or flavoured milk.

"Tobio" I said and he looked at me with shocked eyes.

"How comes you're here?" he asked me.

"The son of the host invited here, but what about you! I never expected you to be at this type of event" I said as I disinfected the place where Tobio was was about to put his hands on.

"Oh well... mum insisted that I should come since her boss is here... I had to skip volleyball because of this" he told me and my jaw dropped.

So she's here... I thought to myself as I heard a familiar female voice making her way to us.

"Hello (Y/N)..." she said and I turned around to face her.

Then I hid behind Tobio who was right in between us.

"Mother..." I said while looking at the floor.

"Is this your daughter?" a man asked and my mother nodded.

"She'd be great for our son" the man said as he eyed me from head to toe.

"I'm sorry, but I can't have you talk about my sister like that in front of me" Tobio said and the man turned to him.

"Oh Tobio, it's been a while since I last saw you!" he said as he patted Tobio's head. "You've grown a lot!" he added.

"Thanks Mr. Akaashi..." he said and my eyes widened.

Mr... Akaashi...? I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to excuse myself" I said I walked back to where Seiko was.

I walked around the ball and them found the two lovers.

"You're back!" Seiko exclaimed as she saw me.

"What happened?" Komori asked me.

"A lot of things" I said and explained everything to them from start to finish.

"Wow... so you're saying that all along... she's being trying to get you married to Akaashi?" Seiko asked me.

"I'm not sure... but I'll need to ask Keiji, if he's even here" I said but then I tensed up when the music started playing, signalising for couples to dance.

Seiko quickly took Komori to the centre and they started dancing.

"Man, I have no one to dance with" I said before I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to it before disinfecting the place where the hand was.

I then looked at the person who tapped it and I saw Sakusa right in front of me.

"Could I have this dance with you?" he asked me.

How can I even avoid you when you're two steps away from me?

"Alright..." I said and he took me to the centre of the room.

There was an awkward silence before he started speaking up.

"How do you feel about me (Y/N)? Am I making you uncomfortable in any way?" He asked. No matter how he asked, it was clear that I liked him, even now despite having to constantly see him with Yuriko.

"You don't make me uncomfortable, it's just that I'm not used to dancing so I want to watch my step." I tried to improvise.

"You used to look at me in the eye, though. It contradicts what you're saying right now" he said as he tried to make me look into his eyes.

"Can we not-" I started my awkward sentence but was soon stopped by someone else.

"I'm sorry, could I dance with her?" a familiar voice said as Sakusa let go of me and nodded.

"Have a nice dance" he said before going back into the crowd.

I gave a sigh of relief as I looked to the person that saved me from the awkward situation.

"Keiji" I said.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but let me answer them while dancing" he told me and I nodded.

"And just so you know, I helped you out because you looked uncomfortable" he whispered in my ear as we started dancing.

"The reason why you started avoiding me, the reason why you did everything... was it because of the arranged marriage?" I asked him.

"So you're going to ask directly, guess I'll have no other choice but to give you a fair explanation about why I did everything" he told me with a smile on his face.

"Let's go" I told Yuriko as I grabbed her by the hand and took her to the centre of the room, soon starting to dance as well.

I turned to Yuriko who was smiling as the two of us danced. She seemed to enjoy it a lot but I couldn't help but feel like as if I was dancing with a (Y/N) that was deeply in love with me.

Darn it, no matter who I am with, (Y/N) is always on the back of my mind. I thought to myself as I looked at (Y/N), dancing with the setter from Fukurōdani.


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