《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 2̸6̸



"I need some time to think about it" I told Yuriko before jogging to Komori.

"What was taking you so long?" he asked me.

"Yuriko sort of confessed to me" I told him while scratching the nape of my neck in an awkward way.

"Oh, what did you tell her?" he asked me.

"I said that I'll think about it" I said.

"Have you gotten over (Y/N)?" he asked me.

"Not necessarily, just that I don't really know where my thoughts are at right now. I still concerned that she has no time for love" I told him and he nodded.

"Let's go" he said and I followed after him.

I yawned at the speech they were giving out, even the maths lectures are more fun than this. I thought in a sarcastic way making me hold my laugh.

Seiko gave me a death glare and I just looked at her with a serious face. As soon as she looked away, I started trying to hold my laugh again.

Okay calm down (Y/N), calm down. It'd be embarrassing if you started laughing out of nowhere and the camera switched to you. I thought to myself before yawning once again.

I started fidgeting, speeches like this one makes me lose my concentration. But thank god that the first match is tomorrow, that way I'll be able to regain my concentration.

The speech finally ended and I started to walk away until something caught my attention.

It's a keychain...

I thought to myself as I picked it up.

Hold on, isn't this the one I gave to Sakusa when we went to the arcade? I asked myself as I looked at the familiar pattern.

Guess I'll keep it then. Seems like he doesn't need it. I thought to myself as I put it on the keyring of my keys and the other keychains.

I then started to walk away since Seiko and Komori said that they were going to go on a date, making me have the day off to walk with Shouyou and Tobio.

I quickly found them and asked if I could go with them.

"Sure, let me ask the coach first" Tobio said and I nodded.

"(Y/N) nee-san" Shouyou said as he grabbed the end of my sleeve and started tucking it.

"Yes Shouyou?"I asked him.

"You look really happy today" he said before asking "Why are you happy today?"

"Because I have the day off and might be able to hang out with you and Tobio like the old times" I said with a bright smile on my face and he nodded.

"Say nee-san" Shouyou picked my attention again.

"Have you ever met Saeko nee-chan?" he asked me and I shook my head.


"Who's that?" I asked him.

"Tanaka's sister, she's come to a few matches before with her band" I said.

"I see, now I want to meet her" I added with a tint of jealousy in my voice.

"Meet who?" Tanaka asked me.

"Your sister" I told him.

"Ryū!" I heard a female voice say as she came running towards us.

She stopped when she got to Tanaka she basically put him into a headlock position while rubbing her knuckles on his head.

"This is my sister" Tanaka said as he was probably getting hurt by his sister's headlock.

"Did you want to meet me?" she said while turning to us, dropping Tanaka on the floor.

"Which one of you wanted to meet me?" she asked and I put my hand up.

"Me" I said.

"Oh, pleasure to meet you. My name is Tanaka Saeko, but please call me Saeko nee-chan" she told me and I felt my heart tell me that I need to wife her.

"My name is Kageyama (Y/N)" I said.

"Oh! Oh! You're the best female setter in Japan!" she said with excitement and I found it adorable.

"Yeah, that's me" I said and she put a hand on her hip.

"Are you going with them?" she asked me.

"Oh yeah, the coach said you can come with us" Tobio told me.

You airhead... I thought to myself before hitting Tobio's head.

"You need to remember things from now on" I told him and everyone in Karasuno's team started laughing.

"We're staying in an inn nearby, do you want to come with us?" Shouyou asked me and I nodded.

"Only for a bit though, I still have duties to do as the Vice Captain" I told him and he nodded.

"Alright, let's go then" the coach said and we started walking to the inn.

The speech finally ended and I started to walk away until I noticed Yuriko waiting for me.

"Let's go" I said and she nodded, walking next to me as I put my hands in my pockets and I felt my keys.

I have my keys... but I'm missing something. I thought as I took them out and examined them closely.

Where's my volleyball keychain? I asked myself as I looked at the ground and Yuriko turned to me.

"Did you lose something?" Yuriko asked me and I nodded.

"A volleyball keychain that someone gave me last year" I told her.

"Who gave it to you?" she asked me.

"An old friend of mine, can you help me look for it?" I asked her and she nodded and we spent the whole afternoon looking for it.

There's no sign of it, goddamn it I thought to myself as I looked at the floor and found a tiny piece of my keychain.


"It could be broken" Yuriko said.

"I'll get you another one" she told me and I shook my head.

"A new one can't replace the old one, nor the person that gave it to me" I told her and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Alright then, but I'll get you a different keychain" she said and we left the place.

I wonder if someone has my keychain...

I looked at the keychain that Sakusa allowed to fall on the floor and I noticed that a tiny piece of it was missing.

I wonder how it even fell from his pocket I thought to myself before Tobio entered the room with Shouyou.

"We're back!" Shouyou said with a smile on his face.

"We bought you (favourite drink) and (favourite snack)" he said as he passed me the drink and the snack.

We played a few video games before Tobio and Shouyou started play fighting.

"Calm down!" I said as the two kept running around.

Well to be precise, Shouyou was running away from Tobio who kept chasing him around the room. And it was until Shouyou decided to hide behind me.

Oh great, now I'm involved in this.

"(Y/N), you're going to have to choose. You'll either let me have Shouyou so I can beat him up. Or you side with Shouyou and make me your enemy as well!" he said.

"Mmm, how about neither?" I asked him.

"Then you're going to have to m-" he said before I hit the two of them on the head.

"Enough play fighting and clean the mess you have left in the room!" I said as the two of them put their hands on the spot that I had hit them on.

"Alright..." they both said as they started cleaning the mess.

I soon started to feel my phone ringing so I picked it up and answered the phone.

It's Koya.

"Hello Koya" I said as he requested for a video call.

"Hi (Y/N)" he replied as I accepted the video call and I saw all of the student council members sitting around in the office.

"We're calling to tell you that we miss you!" Temiko said as the three of them pouted.

"We haven't heard from you in ages and it was making us feel sad, I thought that we are a team" Bunko said with a saddened expression.

"We are a team!" I said as I looked at Shouyou and Tobio looking at me.

"Hey guys" I said and they looked at me.

"Want to meet my brother and his friend?" I asked them and they nodded.

"Shouyou, Tobio. Come here, I want to show you my fellow student council members" I said as the two quickly came over.

"This is Hinata Shouyou, he's the best decoys I've ever seen," I said while I gave a head pats to Shouyou.

"And this is Kageyama Tobio, my brother" I said as I put an arm around his shoulder.

"Hello Hinata and Tobio!" they all said with a smile on their faces.

"Hello! um..." Shouyou and Tobio said before I remembered that I didn't tell them their names.

"The one with glasses on the left is Bunko" I said as Bunko gave a little wave with his hand.

"The one in the middle is Temiko" I told them as Temiko gave the two a smile.

"And the one holding the phone, is Koya" he did a little peace sign as I soon as I said his name.

"It's nice to meet you all!" Shouyou said while Tobio gave a nod.

"It's a pleasure to meet you two as well!" Koya said.

"Oh, we have to go. The school just finished" Bunko said as Koya took notice of this.

"See you everyone!" Tobio, Shouyou and I said in unison as the other three waved at us before hanging up.

"I should start heading back to my inn" I said and they nodded.

"Goodbye" I told the two with a smile.

"See you!" Shouyou said.

"Goodnight" Tobio said while waving at me.

I got to the inn which was a ten minute walk from the inn that Karasuno was staying in and I rolled around my bed.

"It's comfortable..." I thought to myself before falling asleep.

The first match of the finals was already won.

It was soon time to play the finals during mid march. (Sorry, my laziness showed up again. I had planned to write the first match but said nah.)

We all stood outside and it was time for a little speech.

"This is the final match, let's win it together" Seiko said as we all nodded.

"You're not going to do the same thing as the old captain?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I'll do that when we get to the restaurant" she told me and I nodded.

"ITACHIYAMAAA!!!" Seiko shouted as we all put our arms on the other and I disinfected each one of the members before hand.

"FIGHT!!" We all shouted back before looking at the court that was awaiting us.

This is the final step... I thought to myself as Seiko's name was called and she went to the court.

The final step to our third and last victory... I said with a smile on my face.


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